Senate Hearing, 110TH Congress - Roundtable Discussion: Regulatory, Scientific and Ethical Issues Relating To Genetic Testing

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JUNE 12, 2008

Serial No. 11030

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HERB KOHL, Wisconsin, Chairman
EVAN BAYH, Indiana
ELIZABETH DOLE, North Carolina
ROBERT P. CASEY, Jr., Pennsylvania
BOB CORKER, Tennessee
ARLEN SPECTER, Pennsylvania
DEBRA WHITMAN, Majority Staff Director
CATHERINE FINLEY, Ranking Member Staff Director


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Opening Statement of Senator Gordon H. Smith .................................................



Statement of Linda Avey, Co-founder, 23andme ..................................................

Statement of Thomas Hamilton, Director, Survey and Certification Group,
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services .....................................................
Statement of Steven I. Gutman, M.D., Director, Office of in Vitro Diagnostic
Device and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration ....................
Statement of Kathy Hudson, Ph.D., Director, Genetics and Public Policy
Center, Johns Hopkins University .....................................................................
Statement of Judy Yost, Director, Division of Laboratory Services and Clia
Program, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ....................................
Statement of Elaine Lyon, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pathology, University
of Utah School of Medicine, and Medical Doctor, Molecular Genetics, Arup
Laboratories ..........................................................................................................
Statement of Matthew Daynard, Senior Attorney, Division of Advertising
Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission .........
Statement of W. Gregory Feero, M.D., Ph.D., Senior Advisor to the Director
of Genomic Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institute of Medicine .................................................................................


Written Comment Submitted by Elaine Lyon, PhD, Medical Director of Molecular Genetics ARUP Laboratories on Genetic Testing ......................................



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Washington, DC.
The Roundtable was Commenced at 2:16 P.M., in room G-11,
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Gordon H. Smith, Ranking
Member, presiding.
Present: Senator Smith.
Also Present: Christina M. Hinkle, Chief Investigative Counsel.

Senator SMITH. Welcome, everyone. We appreciate so much your

coming to this very important roundtable. We want it to be somewhat informal, but make it helpful for this very important topic.
Its a topic that we had a hearing on in the Aging Committee 2
years ago. It is obviously the issue of genetic testing and direct-toconsumer sales and the impact that that may have on consumers
as they may or may not be exploited or misled or defrauded.
My investigation in this area has revealed to me and to my staff
questionable clinical practices of laboratories performing these
tests, despite the fact that a number of these labs purportedly were
CLIA-certified. While at that hearing we focused on a particular
subset of DTC tests, the concerns raised at the hearing apply
across the board to genetic testing and chiefly to these three areas:
No. 1, do consumers have adequate assurances of the safety and
accuracy and usefulness of genetic testing, be it the DTC or physician-ordered tests?
No. 2, what protections exist for consumers DNA, genetic test results, and other sensitive information provided in the course of genetic testing, particularly in the DTC arena?
No. 3, does CLIA provide adequate oversight standards for genetic testing laboratories?
I have invited you all here as panelists today because from what
I have seen there remains much work for regulators and for the
Congress to do to protect consumers to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of personal genetic information. CMS has abandoned
plans for a CLIA genetic testing specialty. To my knowledge, the
FTC has done little to pursue enforcement actions, despite clear
evidence of fraud in the marketplace. Confusion abounds regarding

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the roles of CMS and FDA in regulating certain aspects of genetic
tests, especially DTC tests.
For 2 years I have been sounding the alarm, calling for more
stringent oversight, a call that is echoed in the recent report from
the Secretarys Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society. In the 2 years since this committees 2006 hearing, genetic
tests have continued to proliferate. According to, there
are now available genetic tests for over 1500 diseases. This proliferation continues to fuel concerns about the oversight of genetic
testing and the protection of consumers health data.
Im hopeful that todays panelists will address these and other
issues relating to genetic testing. Since we have a lot of ground to
cover in a short period of time, youll have to excuse me. I wont
be here for the entire roundtable. My staff will take over. Ill be
here for just as long as I possibly can, because this topic I think
is very, very important and its a subject that is growing.
Our panelists today include. Tom Hamilton and Judy Yost from
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Tom serves as Director of the Survey and Certification Group. Judy serves as Director for the Division of Laboratory Services and the CLIA program.
Steve Gutman and Catherine Cook are here from the Food and
Drug Administration. Steve serves as Director of the Office of In
Vitro Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety in the Center for
Devices and Radiological Health. Kate is the Acting Senior Associate Center Director of the Center for Devices and Radiological
Also we have Greg Feero, who serves as the Senior Advisor to
the Director of Genomic Medicine at the National Human Genome
Research Institute at NIH.
Kathy Hudson is the Director of there Genetics and Public Policy
Center at Johns Hopkins University.
Elaine Lyon is here on behalf of the American Clinical Laboratory Association. She serves as an Associate Professor of Pathology
at the University of Utah School of Medicine and is the Medical Director of Molecular Genetics for ARUP Laboratories.
Finally, we have Linda Avey, Co-founder of direct-to-consumer
testing company 23andMe.
Thank you all for coming. I want you to be at home, relaxed.
This is not an inquisition. This is a serious inquiry by the U.S.
Senate to find out where we are and what this means, what this
means to consumer protection, what this means to peoples privacy,
and what holes there are in our regulatory system, to make sure
that were doing right by the American people with this proliferating product.
So why dont we start. Any particular order here?
Why dont we start withwhen we speak of regulatory gaps
and here we go to CMSwhat seems to me is in some instances
consumers are basically signing away their rights to their own
DNA information, the test results and any scientific discoveries
from research on their DNA. I understand that 23andMe require
consumers to consent to the use of their DNA samples in unspecific

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My question is what aspects of DTC testing are regulated, where
are the holes, and what protections exist for consumers. I throw it
open. Would you like to answer that one?

Ms. AVEY. The whole idea of research is something that were

very interested in at 23andMe. We actually just launched a new extension of our platform that we call 23andWe, because what were
hearing from our customers, who voluntarily sign up to be part of
23andMe, is that theyre very interested in being active participants in research, which really doesnt happen right now. When
someone is presented with the opportunity to be a subject in a research project, theyre not necessarily given the option to have access to their own data that is generated.
23andWe is an extension of that idea of being part of a research
project, again very voluntarily. When people sign up for 23andMe,
yes, we say that were going to do a limited amount of research
with their genetic data. But until they give us additional information about their phenotype, we cant do a study with them anyway.
So its all voluntarily submitted.
From what were hearing people are really eager to be part of research projects where they can actually have a voice. Just like we
see with autism, there are still parents out there who believe that
their child was affected potentially by their vaccines. Those are the
kinds of things we want to open up and give parents and consumers and patients, cancer survivors, anyone whos interested, the
opportunity of being a participant in research.
Senator SMITH. Do they know when they sign this over that it
might go out more broadly as to them specifically?
Ms. AVEY. One of the promises we make to each and every customer is that we will never sell an individuals data. We will never
do that or make it accessible. If they want to download their data
and give it to a researcher, they can do that. Thats within their
rights to do that.
But our intention is to keep the information very secure and private within 23andMe, and then when outside researches approach
us and propose queries of our database, our bioinformatics experts
internally will do that query for them. But the data will never
leave 23andMe, again unless a consumer says, I want my data to
go to my doctor or a researcher I know at UCLA whos doing a
study and I want to be part of it.
So they own that decisionmaking process.
Senator SMITH. You feel like they have sufficient control over it,
Ms. AVEY. Absolutely. Thats the whole design of the platform.
Senator SMITH. Any of our regulators have a different opinion on
that? [No response.]
If you dont thats fine; thats good news.
At the 2006 hearing we heard testimony regarding companies
providing DTC nutrigenetic tests that indicate various risk levels
for developing cancer, Alzheimers disease, kidney disease, macular
degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, and heart
disease. In one instance a company even claimed to repair DNA,
a claim that the company is still making as of this morning, even

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though we heard testimony that this claim is scientifically unfounded.
Tom and Steve, at the hearing you both expressed concerns
about these health-related claims being made by these companies.
Given that these companies, along with many new entrants into
the market, are still in business and still making similar, if not
identical, claims, you have to wonder how concerned the agencies
are about consumer safety. Any response?

Mr. HAMILTON. I think when you look at direct-to-consumer testing it is extremely broad-ranging, and I count seven or eight dimensions. Theres the advertising and-or education, theres the
sales, the test ordering, the analytical validitywas the test accurately administeredclinical validity, and clinical utility, the interpretation of results, and then the communication of those results
to consumers.
With regard to any test that involves the analysis of human
specimens for health care purposes, those would fall under CLIA
and would be examined with regard particularly to the analytical
validity. Whether or not theyve engaged in false advertising on the
front end transcends CLIA and I think that one of the things that
is quite obvious about this all very challenging but very exciting
field of ever-growing genetic testing is that its much larger than
any of us. I think any one agency or entity that tries to address
all the public policy issues here immediately confronts what our
children may have learned as Miss Piggys fifth law. Never try to
eat something that you cannot lift. No one agency has the heft to
bring into solution, a solution to all of these issues.
So thats why I think the right tune here is not a solo, but a
choir, if you will. If we can get all of our agencies and public-private partnerships to be a tune in harmony, a choir in harmony,
then I think that would be ideal, and I think thats why the
groundbreaking hearing that you held, Senator Smith, was so important, and your continued leadership in this arena, because I
think it takes someone such as yourself to bring everybody together
to move this agenda forward.
Senator SMITH. Do you know, Tom, in the last 2 years has there
been any greater coordination between CMS, FDA, the FTC?
Theyre not at the table here, but we may have some FTC folks in
the audience who can participate in the roundtable.
Mr. HAMILTON. I think there definitely has, and weve been holding regular conference calls with CDC and the Food and Drug Administration and have been particularly working with the Centers
for Disease Control. Weve added a staff person at CMS, acting on
one of the GAOs recommendations, and shes sitting behind me
and thats Penny Keller, specifically focusing on genetics, beefing
up our capabilities to work in this area. She is working with the
Centers for Disease Control on a best practices publication that
will be coming out in their morbidity and mortality weekly report.
We are working together with the Centers for Disease Control to
make a recommendation to the Clinical Improvement Advisory

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Committee at their September meeting to form a work group on
proficiency testing to bring advances and more proficiency tests, to
make them more available and put them into greater use.
We are convening a work group, a convocation amongst the accrediting organizations in November to work on ways in which we
can promote the availability and the use of proficiency tests.
Those are a few examples of things coming together. I think Federal agencies are all pretty attentive to this now.
Senator SMITH. The conference call you speak of, is that the
inter-agency task force that we spoke of at the hearing, that theres
going to be an inter-agency task force to tackle this?
Mr. HAMILTON. Well, theres multiple inter-agency groups working on this. The proficiency testing would be not only inter-agency
amongst the Federal agencies, but involving the accrediting organizations, someone from New York State since they are pretty advanced in this arena, and public-private organizations that can all
collaborate to figure out the best ways to move the agenda forward.
Senator SMITH. The best practices the thank you speak of and
that were striving forthis is a legitimate field of medicine. Im
not suggesting that. What I am suggesting, though, with the proliferation of this category of direct sales to consumer, I wonder if
there are best practices out there that are actually being followed.
I wonder maybe, Steve, youve got a comment on that?

Dr. GUTMAN. Well, I think there are. I think that there are best
practices that are general, so I think a lot of whats in CLIA applies directly to the testing of genetics. But I think that the idea
of the best practices is that there are enough nuances in this particular area that there needs to be perhaps some more specific
guidelines or recommendations.
I can speak to the interaction, not on a formal basis, but on an
informal basis, and I can assure you there probably isnt a week
that goes by that theres not some kind of informal or semi-formal
interaction between our group and the CLIA group, either asking
them for help in our premarket compliance program or offering
them help in their inspection or compliance program. So theres actually on an informal level, there is perhaps some outsiders might
view it as a disturbing amount of communication and coordination.
Senator SMITH. Is there a disturbing amount, Linda? [Laughter.]
Ms. AVEY. Were not disturbed.
Senator SMITH. Im curious, Linda. With your company, do you
have a sense that the industry is developing with some best practices and standards that are designed to protect consumers from
what theyre doing?
Ms. AVEY. Yes, certainly were very engaged with all the agencies, I would say, as much as we can be, and open about what were
doing and very open to the idea that we need new regulation. I
think trying to fit this round peg, if you will, into the square hole
of existing regulation is probably not a good fit.

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But that said, were very open, and we applauded the hearings
you had 2 years ago because we recognize, and I think coming from
the scientific community, we saw what some of these other companies were doing and were appalled by that. We feel, very similarly,
that this does need to be regulated in a very strong way. Its just
a matter of how can we do it and still allow the United States to
be a leader in this field, because getting more genetic information
and providing more people access to their genetics will move the
field of personalized medicine forward, and if we block that were
going to be stymied and stuck with the existing health care system
that we have.
Our overriding mission is to gather more data so that we can
make these connections between peoples genetics and their health
outcomes and translate the great research thats going on into the
clinic more readily. The SACGHS writeup really showed that
theres a gaping hole in this translational aspect, that we dont
really have a way to take the results that are now coming out in
a flood from the research community of all these genetic associations and move them into clinical practice. How do we get those
data into the clinics? If we dont have a way to demonstrate clinical
utility and validity, were never going to get there.
That comes from having many, many people involved. We think
the consumer has to be engaged in the process or its just never
going to happen.
Senator SMITH. Is yours a public company? Im curious.
Ms. AVEY. Its a private company now.
Senator SMITH. A private company.
Ms. AVEY. Were small. Were a startup.
Senator SMITH. If I were to own stock in your private company
and I heard what you just said, that you were horrified about some
of the new entrants into this field, how do you distinguish yourself
from somebody selling snake oil versus somebody putting out a legitimate product?
Ms. AVEY. The bottom line, it comes down to what the genetic
associations are reallywhats out there, what do we know and
whats real, and what is not real, whats been proven and what has
not been proven.
The research labs and our science team are working very closely
together to say, look, this is all new, we dont really know what this
means yet. We need to start asking our customers. It looks like
youre at higher risk for type 2 diabetes based on your genes. Do
you have type 2 diabetes or not? So thats where were going to
start putting out surveys to our customers to say, lets start connecting the dots here.
So we just see some of those other companies as putting their
claims out way ahead of the science, where we dont know yet, we
have no idea what foods you should eat based on your genes. We
just dont know that yet. Some day maybe we will, but until we get
there were going to be very true to the science and very responsible about that.
Senator SMITH. So you would be welcoming the agencies efforts
to try and formalize some of this so you can distinguish your company from some of the others that may just be selling a lot of prod-

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ucts to the injury of their customers or of creating false hopes in
their work product?
Ms. AVEY. Any claims about these data we think are really pretty premature. Thats why we put that out there that this is research data. We do feel like its best to engage with consumers
through their own genetics because they get so much more interested and they really want to be educated when youre talking
about their own DNA, what theyre born with, what theyre going
to die with, what does that mean for them.
But we put it out there that we just really dont know a lot yet.
We keep saying, we need to do more research, we need to get more
people involved.
Senator SMITH. Kathy, I see you anxious to say something.

Dr. HUDSON. Senator, you asked a very straightforward question

at the beginning, which is, are consumers protected, are genetic
tests safe? You asked that same question 2 years ago when you had
your hearing and had the GAO investigation. I would argue that
there have been no improvements in the oversight of laboratory
quality, in the oversight of genetic tests themselves, and in the
oversight of the claims made about those tests in the intervening
2 years.
There are conversations and working groups and meetings and
conference calls, but we actually have not seen any actions. Despite
your call for actions and continued attentiveness, which we appreciate, and the recommendations of now four expert secretarial-level
advisory committees that there be changes in CMS, changes in
FDA, changes in FTC, we actually havent seen so much as a notice
of proposed rulemaking.
So its great that the agencies are working together, and talking
is really great, but action is even better.
Senator SMITH. Any proposed rulemaking coming out of the advisory group?
Ms. YOST. Definitely, yes.
Senator SMITH. Go ahead, Judy.

Ms. YOST. On proficiency testing requirements, but weve got to

gather data, weve got to work with the experts in the field, weve
got to determine a negative, and to identify which tests should
have proficiency testing using scientific and technical expertise. So
its going to take a little time, but the plan is definitely to propose
new proficiency testing requirements, not only which tests are covered, but how theyre graded, how theyre monitored, how the PT
providers are approved, and so forth.
So the entire scope of proficiency testing is being reopened and
reevaluated through our advisory committee process.
Senator SMITH. Can you give us a sense of a time line? How
much time do we need to gather all this information, all the data

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that will make the difference to allow some rulemaking to go forward?
Ms. YOST. Well, weve initiated a process starting in March and
we have a plan to meet with the proficiency testing providers by
November of this year. Weve already gathered some preliminary
data on the most frequently performed tests. Were going to also
look at tests that are clinically relevant and where proficiency testing materials might be available. We have a meeting scheduled
with our accrediting organizations and with our advisory committee in September to develop a recommendation and to convene
a committee to begin the deliberations on that process.
So it will take some time on the front end, but the idea is that
hopefully we will have a quality product then to be able to move
forward with.
Senator SMITH. Kathy, do you have a comment, or Steve?
Dr. GUTMAN. Yes. You asked me the question about whether we
thought we had authority over these tests at the hearing. Actually,
there had been some ambiguity, so that was a well placed, well
chosen question. I answered that we did.
We havent made a lot of progress. I wont pretend that we have.
We have, howeverwe havent initiated rulemaking. We have initiated guidance toagain, were a risk-based organization, so we
start with things that are the most worrisome to us. Weve chosen
a particular product line called in vitro diagnostic multi-variate
index assays. Thats a mouthful, but what that is is
Senator SMITH. Dont ask me to repeat it.
Dr. GUTMAN. What it is, you take a bunch of signals, you put
them in a non-transparent black box or black blender, you grind
them together and you come up with a magical score thats somewhat not intuitive to the health care user. We thought that would
be an interesting place to start in terms of changing that pattern
in which we have applied enforcement discretion to these tests and
deferred entirely to CLIA, to perhaps becoming partners in more
active regulation.
Senator SMITH. So would it help you to have Congress give you
more statutory direction in this?
Dr. GUTMAN. Yes.
Senator SMITH. It would, OK.
Yes, Elaine?

Dr. LYON. The issues were discussing here will be directing us

in the laboratory community. We definitely have a stake in this. I
want to discuss CMSs comments on what is being done. I disagree
with Kathys remark that nothing is being done because there is
significant activity.
Weve been working with the CDC on a reporting initiative, how
to communicate genetic information back to physicians. Weve
worked with the CDC in terms of getting reference materials for
the validation of tests and for the proficiency testing. The CDC is

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also going forward with a study looking at the clinical utility of
these tests.
So I believe in the genetics community and the laboratory community that there has been a lot of work moving forward to address some of the issues, to make testing better and safer for the
Senator SMITH. Id love to get the FTC up here too, if theres anybody from the FTC here.
Mr. DAYNARD. Do you mind if I stay here?
Senator SMITH. Thats fine.
One of the questions, along with the clinical practices and best
practices, one of the other issues Im concerned about is obviously
privacy. Lindas company says they only use it in a very limited
way, with their permission. But what happens if somebody is selling the genetic information to somebody?

Mr. DAYNARD. Well, two points. I was going to answer the first
question about our coordination with other agencies and what the
FTC is doing. But were also very involved in privacy and security
issues. That would be a serious problem. If there is a privacy policy
that says, for example, under no circumstances do we sell or rent
or give away your protected health information, and if in fact they
did or in fact they didnt have well-established security measures
the FTC might take a very close look at it.
On the claims issue
Senator SMITH. You can see the damage that would be done to
an individual if their genetic information was sold and its out
there in the insurance market
Mr. DAYNARD. Certainly.
Senator SMITH [continuing]. They have some test, whether valid
or not, that somehow says they have a predisposition to cancer.
Mr. DAYNARD. Yes, absolutely. At the moment we dont have evidence of that happening, but it may be happening.
But what Im looking at, and what we looked at very shortly
after your hearing 2 years ago, was the claims issue. What we did
quickly, in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration and
Steven Gutmans staff and the staff at the CDC, was to issue a consumer alert warning them about issues that they should be aware
of when they consider direct-to-consumer advertising.
That we could do quickly. A law enforcement investigation cant
be done quite as quickly. But I can confirm that we have a couple
of investigations in this area looking at the subject.
Senator SMITH. So youve got all that you need?
Mr. DAYNARD. Yes. I mean, the statute which declares that unfair and deceptive practices in or affecting commerce are illegal is
pretty broad. We have done wonderful things with it, and I think
we have jurisdiction in this area as well.
Senator SMITH. Youre on the case.
Ms. YOST. Id also like to mention, because the impetus for your
hearing last time was the four DTC laboratories that had been

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identified by GAO. Since that time Id like to mention that we have
collected a series of at least eight or nine of them, so we have been
very closely monitoring them, and in addition, as the ACLS statement indicates that those that we identified arent doing testing
that falls under CLIA. Some are just marketing. All of them have
very different various functions and theyre all organized very differently. Sometimes theyre interrelated.
But that said, those that are actually performing testing that fall
under CLIA have been required to obtain a CLIA certificate and
obviously assessed as to their compliance status. So we have made
a tremendous amount of progress, I would think, since then, and
we continue to do so. Now that we have expertise and we are working much more closely with FDA, we have the ability to look at the
types of tests that they are performing and verify their validity.
Senator SMITH. The four labs we identified at the time, youre on
top of that?
Ms. YOST. Yes.
Ms. AVEY. Id like to add to that, Senator Smith. This is something that we interacted with CMS on as well. When we first started, it was unclear whether or not CLIA was the right oversight for
what we were doing, because we dont really claim ourselves to be
a specific clinical test. We look at 600,000 data points in your genome and then tell you what we know based on the research. So
its not a test per se, but nevertheless we were notified by CMS.
We were working with a very high quality laboratory, but it was
not CLIA-certified. But after the interaction with CMS, we did
switch to a CLIA-certified laboratory. Then we did tests back to see
how well the data correlated. We ran the same people in the previous lab and then in the CLIA lab and got over 99.9 percent concordance between the two labs. So we felt very good about our previous lab, but now were working under CLIA oversight, which we
do think is the right thing.
Senator SMITH. Ive got a question for you, Greg. But before I get
to it, Kathy and Elaine, you disagree on a point, whether anything
is being done or not. I wonder if we can explore that just a little
Dr. HUDSON. I applaud the efforts that CMS has undertaken to
identify what laboratories are offering these tests and to bring
them into CLIA compliance. The problem is that CLIA, as it stands
today, just isnt enough.
Its great that theyre moving now toward proficiency testing requirements. The Secretarys advisory committee made a very
straightforward recommendation, which was that if a proficiency
testing program exists, and you perform that test, you must participate in that program. Proficiency testing is like a pop quiz for a
laboratory. You get a sample, you have to do the test for the disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, send the result back, and
if you get it right you pass, and if you dont get it right, authorities
are alerted that youre sub-optimal.
Thats important. Getting the right answer is important, and
knowing the meaning of that test result is important as well.
Im encouraged that CMS is moving in the right direction, but
again, its been 10 years since the first recommendation for proficiency testing requirements.

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In terms of the claims that are made about tests, I agree with
Linda that the platform that she is youre using is incredibly, incredibly reliable. But the information thats made available about
the tests is more uncertain. Let me give you an example.
Robert Green, whos a neurologist at Boston University, spoke at
an event earlier this week. He has had his genome done, and he
showed the results. He had his genome donesort of like you get
your hair done and your nails done, you get your genome done
at both 23andMe and a sister company, Navigenics. For his variations for heart disease one company said, You have a heightened,
greater than population risk for heart disease. The other company
said, You have less-than-population risk. So they gave absolutely
contradictory information. It turns out that he had an incredible
risk for heart disease because in fact he had a major cardiovascular
event and a triple bypass.
So if two companies testing the same variations give you two different answers, weve got a problem on our hands.
The head of the genome office at CDC, Muin Khoury, recently
published a paper in which he said theres insufficient scientific
evidence to conclude that genomic profiles are useful in measuring
genetic risk for common diseases.
Senator SMITH. This is the point of the hearing to begin with.
The information that can come out of this is so explosive and can
be interpreted so differently. My concern with direct-to-consumer
sales, not that they cant be made appropriate, but that they can
be used in a very destructive way, and people will go get the wrong
treatment when they ought to be getting the opposite treatment,
and their information can be disseminated in the insurance market
in a way that would make them uninsurable.
Thats why this is an exciting new field in medicine and we need
to pursue it, but weve got to havetime is of the essence to put
up the kinds of standards and best practices and regulatory barriers so that were not leaving the consumer behind in this.
Dr. LYON. There is room for improvement and I wont deny that.
I think that what we do as a CLIA-certified laboratory, we can
really make improvements under CLIA and under CMS, and I
dont believe that there really needs to be additional regulation.
However, there can be additional improvements.
It is true that for these genome-wide associations, the science is
just coming out with them and it may be not be strong enough
right now for me to be able to interpret what the tests mean. That
doesnt mean we shouldnt go forward with the science to get that
On the other hand, a lot of new genetic testing is being thrown
in with the mix which is really standard medical care. That needs
to be differentiated. We design, perform and validate laboratory-developed tests. I brought some of our validations and can show you
what we do as laboratories to validate these tests.
As new issues come into play, which is really where we are
were on the verge of going from single gene disorderssuch as we
know the gene that causes cystic fibrosis; I know to look for
mutations in this gene and for the most part I know how to interpret itto looking for all of the genes that may cause some type

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of lung disease. We need to go forward with that. There are definitely reasons to do so.
But that shouldnt be confused with what we are doing right now
in the practice of genetic testing.
Senator SMITH. Greg.

Dr. FEERO. Id just like to first make the comment, I think we

all are sort of in a privileged position right now to be dealing with
a wealth of information that we dont exactly know what to do
with. Id say that what we have right now is a lot of data and
somewhat less wisdom as to what we should actually do with that
I think there are a couple of things that really need to be
thought about. One is the science is evolving very, very rapidly,
and I think the systems we have for dealing with that rapid evolution dontcant really keep pace with that evolutionary process.
Over the last few years, weve seen discoveries for literally hundreds of new genetic associations in I believe 40 common disorders.
That pace is accelerating.
Its, I think, a natural outgrowth that various elements in industry would see potential advantage in working with that wealth of
information. In many ways, some of those companies, the responsible ones, may be on the vanguard of figuring out how to exactly
deal with that information at the end.
Theres a really broad spectrum, of groups offering testing some
that are clearly doing things that are very egregious. However, are
folks on the other end of the spectrum that are doing diagnostic
testing thats well established.
Then theres this great grey zone in the middle that we dont
really have a good handle on how to deal with at this point in time.
Simple questions like what defines a medical test are very difficult
to answer when you start talking about these things. Do you draw
the boundary at Anns asking questions about Anns ancestry? Do
you draw the boundary when you start to talk about things like eye
color or your muscle fiber types? Do you draw it at the boundary
of predictive, potentially predictive genetic testing for late onset
disorders? Clearly I think most people would agree that thats
where you start to think that, yes indeed, youre on the medical
end of the spectrum, But answering where that starts is I think a
real challenge.
We really need ways to be as nimble as possible as this area rolls
out to deal with these topics. Which is a great challenge. The larger
issue of measuring the utility of these types of tests is going to be
critical as we move down the line, because well have the opportunity to do many things in our health care system and itll be less
clear as to the added value of each of those items.
Right now I think were just sorting out what the pipeline looks
like for this area as it moves forward for determining that utility.
Senator SMITH. Greg, in February of this year theres a company
that started issuing, selling a genetic test to determine bipolar dis-

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ease. Mental health is an issue that matters a lot to me and Im
trying to push it forward as a coequal part of health care. I understand youre aware of this, that youve lent tacit approval to the
companys test. Thats what Ive been told.
Dr. FEERO. I would disagree. When that article came out, I have
to say I was chagrined. I was even more chagrined when it came
to me last night that that might potentially be on the discussion
Senator SMITH. Can you genetically test for bipolar disorder?
Dr. FEERO. Bipolar is a clinical diagnosis at this point in time.
Senator SMITH. Not a genetically determined
Dr. FEERO. Not a geneticwell now, it has a genetic component
to its causality certainly.
Senator SMITH. OK.
Dr. FEERO. But it is not diagnosed using genetic testingI was
trying to make a fine point with the reporter in that case, that
using a test in a totally predictive manner in an asymptomatic person is different than using a test in an individual who already has
symptoms that make them more likely to have the disorder youre
talking about. So sort of the analogy might be to use a white blood
cell count. In somebody whos perfectly healthy interpret what an
elevated white blood cell count means, is very different than in the
use of somebody who has a fever and a cough which is productive
of sputum. It means a very different thing when you see a high
white cell count in that person.
I think they didnt quite get the distinction I was trying to make.
Senator SMITH. Does it concern anybody that theres a company
out there selling genetic tests to determine bipolar disorder?
Should that be done with a doctor or through the mail?
Dr. FEERO. I would say that if you look at their site theyve
qualified it. But the question is do people understand the qualifications that theyve put into it. Thats really the big question when
I look at this type of thing, is will the consumer and the health
care provider, frankly, be able to understand this area sufficiently
to make a determination as to the value of the proposed application.
Senator SMITH. Yes?
Dr. LYON. When I heard this from Chris, I went to the Internet
site to see if I could find out what was going on and what it was.
In doing that, I needed to go back to the scientific literature and
read to see what the science really was.
There is a modest association, according to the published abstract. That does not mean that its ready for prime time.
The unfortunate fact is that when I went to that web site I
couldnt get to the details of their test in order to make a judgment
on whether it was actually good or not.
Senator SMITH. Yes, Kathy?
Dr. HUDSON. That actually raises a really important point about
the transparency of information. So even if theres not a heavy
hand of regulation for these tests, we need to make sure that consumers and physicians and others have access to information about
the scientific evidence on which you are basing your claims, so that
we can all tell the truth to one another, at least know what the
truth is.

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Right now you cant. Its very difficult in many cases to know
whats the scientific evidence underlying the claims that a company
is making in selling a particular test.
Ms. AVEY. I want to go back to what Kathy said earlier about
the seeming discontinuity between the heart disease predictive
markers between the two companies, Navigenics and 23andMe.
That is something that we are going to address. The good thing is
both companies are very transparent about how we do these risk
calculations. You can do these in very different ways. There are a
lot of assumptions that we have to base it on, whether its average
risk in a population, whether its lifetime risk.
Again, were very clear about that, but that might be partly why
Bob Green ended up with two different end points through these
different services.
So were meeting with Navigenics on the 17th of July to start
working together to develop our own internal standard so that
were not confusing people, and that were at least using some of
the same criteria for how we come up with these risk assessments,
if you can even call them that, because its based on research data.
Senator SMITH. I have tothat buzzer you heard means Ive got
to go vote. Unfortunately, the leadership doesnt check with me on
my schedule when they schedule a vote. But thats life in the Senate.
Im not doing anything today more important than this. This is
really exciting stuff. Its a whole new era that were in. But it can
be dangerous. Thats why Ive asked you to come together and to
keep the focus on this, because were focused on it. If we need more
legislation, if you need more authority to get this right, well help
you with that, because again its exciting, it can be troublesome too.
Weve got to get this right. The sooner we do it, the better off the
American people will be and the better off health care will be.
So with that, if youll excuse me, and with my apology for having
to go answer this vote, Ill turn it over to my staff. I thank you all
for being here. Youve added measurably to moving this forward in
a constructive way and to the record of the U.S. Senate. So I thank
you all for your time.
Ms. HINKLE. Well, so we jumped right into the questioning and
Im wondering if now, an hour into it, we might be well served by
backing out a bit and covering maybe some of the broader aspects
of genetic testing, and then well dive into a few technical and
nitty-gritty bits.
For the audience, there will be an opportunity for you to engage
in some Q and A during the last 15 minutes or so of the roundtable. Weve passed out some cards on your chairs. You can hand
those to our staffer in the back there whos waving her hand if you
have questions. Or you can just feel free to come up to the middle
here, where there was supposed to be a microphone, but isnt unfortunately, and ask the question yourself, whatever you prefer.
Lets back out. Lets take an overview of genetic testing. Anyone
who wants to jump in and set the stage, just very succinctly tell
us, where have we been with genetic testing, what advances have
we seen over the past couple of years? Whos really using genetic
tests and in what capacity?

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We know that patients, doctors, researchers, even law enforcement are using genetic testing. So maybe someone could just give
us a quick overview? Anybody? Greg?
Dr. FEERO. A quick overview of what defines a genetic test. I
think there have been probably week-long arguments over what exactly defines a genetic test. Is a genetic test simply a molecular diagnostic assay that you might use to determine whether or not
there is hepatitis virus present in someones serum? Or is it only
testing for rare genetic disorders in the context of someones germ
There arent clearcut answers for that. I would say that in the
main, the vast majority of genetic testing with a fairly strict definition of what you mean occurs in the realm of relatively uncommon
to rare diseases. For this type of testing there is much less question, I think in general, about the sort of systems that are in place
to deal with the topic.
What weve seen in the last few years is a profusion of sort of
this new type of testing, which looks at variants across the genome
that are merely associated with the disease, rather than necessarily causal, and then an attempt to use those variants in sort
of a predictive prospective manner to inform people about various
things, ranging from, as I mentioned, eye color and ancestry to
whether or not theyre going to develop Alzheimers disease or cardiovascular disorders.
I think the profusion of this sort of predictive testing with associations is really one that has brought this question to the fore.
Weve been waiting a very long time, I think, in the scientific and
medical community to finally crack into the understanding of common chronic diseases that have a component of both genetics and
environment contributing to their causality. We finally made that
crack andthe rush is to try to use that information in a way
thats beneficial.
Ms. HINKLE. I know that clearly one of the frequently cited concerns about genetic testing in the DTC arena is the absence of a
qualified medical provider to help patients interpret the results.
The American Medical Association is going to be voting on a resolution at its meeting again I guess restating and further enhancing,
further expounding upon its opposition to DTC testing.
I guess my question to you particularly as the provider at the
table is, who is qualified to interpret these tests? What is a qualified medical professional?
Dr. FEERO. I think that that is a question which is very dependent on the context and the type of test that youre talking about.
There clearly, even now with the more rare conditions, is a spectrum of whos qualified to interpret what type of test.
So for example, a general internist might be quite capable of interpreting a test for clotting abnormality in the form of Factor V
Leiden. Its a relatively straightforward test. Internists and family
physicians order these quite frequently. However, I would say that
the average internist at this point in time is probably not adequately trained to fully interpret a complex result from a BRCA
1 or BRCA2 testing. In that case, it would be best handled by
someone who has formal genetics training in the form of a medical
geneticist or a genetic counselor or a nurse geneticist.

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Ms. HINKLE. Do most patients have access to that level of care?
Dr. FEERO. There is a great disparity, I think, right now in the
current genetics community between the sort of profusion of new
types of tests that will need to be dealt with and the actual amount
of manpower thats present to deal with the information as it
comes out. Hopefully Im not misquoting this, but this year in the
match in the United States, which is the process by which medical
students select their residency, the statistics for those people
matching in medical genetics, suggested that there was one U.S.
medical graduate that matched for medical genetics.
Ms. HINKLE. One?
Dr. FEERO. Yes. So theres clearly a big manpower issue.
For example, I was in a talk earlier today where a family physician was presenting some data from a survey that they did that
showed that 11 percent of family physicians that they surveyed reported that their patients had to drive over 2 hours to get to the
nearest medical genetics professional. So theres a great disparity.
Dr. LYON. We have realized that what used to be ordered by geneticists is now being ordered by other physicians, and because of
that its very important to communicate well what the results
mean. So a laboratorys role is not just to give a result, but we do
need to give an interpretation of what that result means.
One of the programs that Ive worked with at the CDC is their
reporting initiative to get the information so it is understood by a
general practitioner or a family practice physician.
Ms. HINKLE. So lets say I go on line, as I have here to 23andMe,
and this is just their demo site here, so this isnt any real health
results. But I get a whole profile like this. Lets pick something at
random. I ordered it here on the web page by what 23andMe has
listed as the most established research for. How about restless leg
syndrome. So Im going to learn some genetic information.
As Im logging in, tell me. So I go on line, I get these test results.
To whom do I take them if I want assistance in understanding
what these results mean?
Ms. AVEY. We actually have some information now back from our
customer base, because we launched in November and we have
thousands of people who have signed up and who are now using
our service. We take all of their questions. Most of the questions
are about ancestry, or I forgot how to log in, or I dont know how
to get to my data. Its been more about the use of the web site.
We have to get better and better at how we direct people on how
they go through the service so they get the information theyre
looking for. We have found that people are not really asking questions like What do I do with these data, who do I go to talk to?
But were following this closely.
In the mean time, were aligned with other companies in this
space, and we agree that this information is going to start getting
into the hands of a lot of people, and the medical community, especially the medical genetics community, will not be prepared to really catch this on the other side if a lot of people are having questions.
So were having webcasts with the Genetic Counseling Society.
Were reaching out to physicians. Were working with NCHPEC,
were talking to Muin Khoury at CDC. We think we have to do this

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in a very broad way and a very scalable way, because if we just
have a few people who are educated about this information it wont
be a system capable of handling the load of people who might start
having questions.
We try to pack a lot of information about the fact that most of
the diseases you see are not just genetically determined; theres a
big environmental component. So for type 2 diabetes we put that
out there. Its only about a 25 percent genetic disease. Your environment plays a much bigger role.
So once people read through that information, a lot of times they
say, OK, it is what it is, but they may not have increased risk for
a lot of the diseases, because I think a lot of our customers are,
luckily, very healthy. Then they go and they look at their ancestry
information and thats where they start having the questions, because its something that theyve never seen before and its not
something theyve really thought about before.
Ms. HINKLE. Linda, earlier in speaking with Senator Smith and
actually in our earlier conversation as well, you certainly distinguished what you offer from the nutrigenetic tests that were the
focus of the hearing 2 years ago. While I think certainly maybe the
type of testing or the labeling of the testing is the same, I also find
many things in common with the results that you offer. That is,
though, much like on those web sites, you disclaim making any sort
of diagnostic services and that this is strictly for educational purposes, as a consumer when I read something that is telling me
what type of odds I have of getting a condition, and as we see up
here, an odds calculator, when thats telling me increased risk, decreased risk, that to me sounds like a health diagnosis.
This was exactly the same question that we posed to the FDA
and CMS with respect to the nutrigenetic testing and whether or
not these really were the type of health care claims that would fall
within the ambit of your jurisdiction. So are these types of results
to you really different than the nutrigenetic tests? Is there really
a distinction there? I guess where do we draw the line in genetic
testing, where one type of genetic test falls under a different type
of regulation, or the laboratory would?
Dr. GUTMAN. Well, actually I would probablyI do think Greg is
right, its nuanced when you start moving toward whether you like
particular apples or vegetables or where your grandfather might be
from. I dont think its so nuanced when you say, well, whether its
a definite possibility, a reasonable possibility, a possible possibility.
Are you starting to associatefrom FDAsIm not a lawyer, but
from FDAs perspective, it seems to me the definition is pretty
clear. We have a very broad interpretation of diagnostic. So thats
clearly a health claim. You can put for informational purposes, you
can put not for real use, this is pretend. You cant duck it. Its the
old thing, if you quack and you have a beak and you waddle, youre
probably a duck; youre probably not a horse.
Ms. HINKLE. So these look like diagnostic claims?
Dr. GUTMAN. Yes. But it begs the issue. I think its an incredibly
complex issue. I think the fact that we at FDA havent moved faster or that others havent moved faster or, you know, weve only got
the SACGHS report for 8 weeks. To reinforce, as Kathy pointed

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out, its not exactly a fundamentally new construct that suddenly
popped up.
Actually, what was striking about the SACGHS report from my
perspective is, one, it did reinforce what had been said before at
least a couple of times. Then it opened this incredible door that
somebody finally figured out that the utility was actually important. I feel sorry for whoever gets stuck with that.
From the agencys standpoint, while were from the government
and were here to help, it is a big task, so we would be careful
about what we wish for. I remember saying that at SACGHS as
they struggled over whether to put FDA in or not, is that were not
terribly worried about job security right now, were not sitting
around. But we do thinkI do think; I shouldnt represent the
agency in this commentthat there is some value to independent
review, whether FDA does it, whether CMS does it, whether it
turns over and 23andMe becomes an accrediting agency for ACLA.
There is some value to independent, financially independent, intellectually independent, absolutely agnostic in terms of technology
and claimsthere is some value that somebody might want to step
in here and look at independent review.
I think thats hidden in the 200 pages of the SACGHS report
not that well hidden, its actually kind of obvious. So I personally
think thats a good idea. I dont know who should do it, but thats
a good idea.
I think on the issue of confusionI thought the point was
madecertainly I do think the average doctor is having trouble figuring out what a pro-time means, much less what a new genomic
marker for brain cancer or Alzheimers disease or bipolar disease,
which I think is absolutely a medical claim thats very confusing.
I cant imagine a direct-to-consumer patient actually sorting
through that and starting to self-diagnose bipolar disease. Thats
just absolutely frightening.
I think doctors have problems, maybe even the genetic counselors. When you take the brand-new cutting edge molecular signatures that have no literature, are brand-new, or literature from a
single source, theyre going to have trouble. I think that speaks to
Kathys request for transparency and that the leitmotif both among
people who swear at FDA, or swear by FDA, is that nobody seems
to speak against the idea of more disclosure, of having transparency, of having registries. Nobody says wholl fund it, whether
it will be mandatory or voluntary, who will administer it, how do
you assure financial and intellectual independence, how do you
communicate the results.
So there are some niceties that havent been addressed, but nobody seems to speak against that. The more you can get information out there, then the more likelihood that, whether they be a
Ph.D. from Harvard in genetics or my mother-in-law, that they
might have some chance at least of reading and getting a straight
answer on whether there were three samples or 3,000 in the
credentialing of the test, whether the test was established using
well-established goals, standards, and brilliant literature that map
a course or using an article in the Gutman Journal of Unusual Results.
So I think that

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Ms. HINKLE. Well get a subscription to that.
Dr. GUTMAN [continuing]. Its a timely topic to bring up and we
from the FDA, from the government, we are interested in understanding how we can help and not hurt.
Ms. HINKLE. Weve talked a lot about the genetic tests that we
sort of have a sense are not appropriate for direct-to-consumer
useI guess I would ask you what genetic tests are appropriate for
direct-to-consumer use right now? Or are there any?
Dr. HUDSON. Can I respond?
Ms. HINKLE. Oh, absolutely, Kathy.
Dr. HUDSON. I think ultimately theres going to be a large number of tests that will be appropriate for consumers to access, and
there may be some now. If there was a test that could tell me
which over-the-counter medicine would work best for me, why do
I need to have a doctor order a test to tell which over-the-counter
drug to use?
Ms. HINKLE. Well come back to pharmacogenetics and
pharmacogenomics in a bit.
Dr. HUDSON. So I think that the tests that we need to worry
most about in terms of direct-to-consumer access are those tests
that are high risk. We can talk about what risk really means. I
think high risk means when youre going to make an important
health-related decision based on the result of that test.
So if youre going to go to the gym a few more times, who cares?
If youre going to start buying more Q-tips because you have sticky
earwax and not dry earwax, who cares? But if youre going to make
important health-related decisions based on that test, then I think
that sort of moves it over to a more important category. It would
be impossible, and will become even more impossible, for Judy and
Tom and Steve and Kate to oversee all tests. There were 40 associations last year, or were up to 40 validated? So this is going to
become a tsunami thats going to drown these guys. So they have
to be able to be selective about whats important. I think whats important is whats important to the consumer and the consumers
Ms. HINKLE. Yes?
Dr. FEERO. A quick point. Im a little reluctant, I think, to paint
the types of associations you see up there in the same category as
things that went on in the past with nutrigenomics, because to
some extent the fundamental scientific underpinning of the actual
association is actually very sound now. The science
Ms. Hinkle. In just 2 years its evolved?
Dr. FEERO. Its evolved considerably. So these associations are
quite robust. The difficulty is that they provide relatively meager
predictive capabilities. So any one marker, for example, associated
with, say, type 2 diabetes, may elevate your risk only by 1.2 or 1.4fold.
Ms. Hinkle. Dont you think thats why most people are getting
these tests, though, because they want to know, am I going to get
cancer, am I going to get Alzheimers?
Dr. FEERO. The difficulty is in how do we interpret and utilize
those very small risk increases. There may come a time ultimately
where we have, say, 40 markers identified, we know how to assemble them into a panel, we know how to compare that to the envi-

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ronment the individuals in, and we can give them an accurate risk
prediction based on that.
But were very early on in sorting out what to do with those bits
of information. But that doesnt mean that ultimately there may
not be utility in this. Were just so early on.
Ms. AVEY. Again going back to my earlier comment, what we see
lacking right now is the ability to translate this tsunami into something clinically relevant and clinically useful. Thats really the role
we see ourselves playing. If you go back to the list of all 70 different traits that were showing, we have now the little icon for
surveys that we have along these disease lines. So what were
going to start doing is asking our customers to give us information
back, answering questions such as Do you have type 2 diabetes?
My brother-in-law has type 2 diabetes, but he wouldnt know it
from his risk profile through his genes. It likely means his environment has had the most impact on his getting the disease. So he
looks at this and he feels empowered to say, no, these genes, even
though I have the disease, dont look like they light up in me. So
that means either we dont know enough about the genetics of this
or Ive got the environmental gun loaded and pointed at me and I
have to do as much as I can to change my environment. Its not
a genetic thing for me personally.
So its about gathering up all this other information and empowering our customers to tell us and have them be active participants
in the continuation of these studies, rather than having it go on in
the research community and the Science and the Nature papers
come out and the scientific community reads all of that, the New
York Times picks it up, maybe sometimes the Wall Street Journal
writes about these studies, and people think, Well, what does this
mean for me? I want to know what this means for me personally?
Thats the sentiment that were hoping will help drive additional
studies and get more people involved directly.
Ms. HINKLE. Its interesting you picked type 2 diabetes. If I recall
correctly, maybe just a week or so prior to the 2006 hearing NIH
had issued a press release regarding genetic testing and type 2 diabetes and, although they acknowledged some of the predictive testing computers, they actually discouraged consumers from undergoing routine testing, genetic testing for diabetes.
Has the science evolved on that particular condition enough in
order to make routine genetic testing now more sensible?
Dr. FEERO. You didnt ask me directly the question would I subscribe to one of these services at this point.
Ms. Hinkle. I was going to actually ask everyone if anyone at
this table had undergone genetic testing, if anyone wanted to actually share.
Dr. FEERO. So if a patient came to me right now and asked me
this question in my office, what I would say is that there is great
promise in this area in general, but we are at a time thats too premature to fully utilize this information. Were really in a discovery
phase, and that if you are looking to use this to change your health
care at this point in time, its probably not appropriate.
Ms. Hinkle. Then Ill ask you in public now, so hopefully you
wont feel too put on the spot. The question I asked to you when
we chatted on the phone is. Why should consumers spend $1,000

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on your test if you yourself admit that the scientific claims are a
little premature at this point? It seems like you guys get a good
deal out of it. You get lots of DNA for research purposes, and even
the disclosures on your web site basically say that your DNA sample is ours once you give it over, that you guys claim ownership in
the spit sample that I sent in to you, and I think that thats probably something that most consumers maybe dont realize.
I mean, lets face it. How many people in the room read the fine
boilerplate? Im an attorney and I dont half the time, shame on
me. But I did actually sit down and read all the disclosures on your
web page and I have to tell you, at this point in time I wouldnt
be prepared to submit a DNA sample to you because Id be very
nervous about the research that was being done on it.
So assuage my concerns. Tell me why my DNA is in good hands
when I turn it over to you?
Ms. AVEY. Well, the first thing is that you dont have to participate in extended research.
Ms. Hinkle. Any research?
Ms. AVEY. The research requires us to collect additional information from you. If you never fill out a survey, were not going to be
able to have you be part of the studies that we conduct, because
we need the phenotypic information. We need to know whether or
not youve had breast cancer or if youve been diagnosed with autism.
Thats the information that we will use and that will be voluntarily submitted by customers who are very interested in participating in the research projects.
Similar to how you see people signing up for the Susan G.
Komen walks people who have a family member, co-worker or a
friend who has breast cancer are wanting to do these things. So
when we talk to people that say, yeah, I dont have breast cancer,
but my sister did, and if Im a healthy control for a study that I
could be part of, sign me up.
So its really more when someone has a disease and theyre very
interested in sharing that information. Thats partly who were seeing signing up for our service, because they get the message that
not only do you get this preliminary view of whats going on in the
research community, you will be able to be enrolled in these
projects, in these studies.
But hey, if youre healthy and your lifes going along great, this
probably isnt for you. Its completely voluntary. So we say that
right off the bat, that this isnt for everybody.
Ms. HINKLE. So I spit in the cup, I send the sample off to the
lab, and the samples destroyed?
Ms. AVEY. At this point, yes. All we do is we extract the DNA
out enough to do the genotyping and then we discard the sample.
Ms. HINKLE. The results or the data from that, if I dont want
you to ever use it for anything other than just returning the results
to me, it will never be data banked, youll never use it for any further analysis or research, even if its anonymized and in the aggregate?
Ms. AVEY. If you choose, you can get your initial snapshot. So
you could go in, sign in to 23andMe, print out all of the information
that we have on the web site thats pertinent to your data, and

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then you can download your data. You can take your whole data
set, and then you can come to us and say, delete my file, and well
delete it.
So you have that choice. If you dont want to get the continual
updatesevery month we have more and more information coming
out. So what were finding is our customers are saying, give us
more, we want more information, what about that study that came
out about such and such thats why we added the other category
of preliminary research, because things do end up in the New York
Times and then our customers say, well, why didnt you guys cover
that one?
There was one study that came out about how well you learn
from your errors. It was in a major journal. But we didnt think
that was appropriate because it was a very small sample size and
we thought the study was way, way, way too preliminary; not bad
or good, just not enough information yet. But because of that we
put it in our preliminary research category and we put one star on
it. So we have a way now to categorize whats preliminary. Maybe
a study will prove the test of time. Maybe we will actually find
genes for whether or not you can learn from your mistakes. But we
dont want to be the judge to what our customers are interested in
learning. But we just have to put the right caveats around the
Ms. HINKLE. Let me ask you a question a bit about maybe sort
of the future of genetic testing. I posed this question to many of
you already. Are we looking at a scenario where some day, perhaps
even soon, well be having genetic tests sitting on the shelf next to,
say, pregnancy tests or diabetes testing strips? Where are we headed for genetic testing?
Or maybe Im going to get the perfect genetic match in my love
life, so I should invest quickly and establish a genetic sort of dating
service. Danny and I, actually thats going to be our million dollar
idea, so nobody steal it from us. Well, there you go. Someone already scooped me.
What do you guys think? Thomas, youve been terribly quiet
today. Ill put you on the spot.
Mr. HAMILTON. Well, I dont think you want the government
making predictions about the future.
Ms. HINKLE. Everyones on the edge of their seat waiting for you
to speak, the great oracle. Come on.
Mr. HAMILTON. You were asking if we had ordered tests. I
havent personally, but I probably will order the Alzheimers test
because on one side of my ancestry its not just rampant Alzheimers, but Irish Alzheimers.
Thats when you forget everyone you know except those against
whom you hold a grudge. [Laughter.]
I just havent seen this particular phenotypical variant show up
in the questionnaires. But when it does, let me know.
Ms. HINKLE. Maybe we can get some grant funding for that research for you, Tom.
Maybe well chat a moment about some ownership issues, since
I grilled you so mercilessly on the DNA samples. Who should have
rights to the DNA material when I do actually either provide my
when I provide a blood test or saliva or a cheek swab, be it a physi-

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cian-ordered test or a direct-to-consumer test? Who owns that
DNA? Who should own it? What good use should we be able to
make of it as clinicians, as researchers?
I have a rare health condition and there could be great medical
cures developed from my DNA. Do I have the right to say no? Does
the government have the right to come take it from me? What are
we looking at as far as the future there?
Dr. LYON. I can talk about what we are doing right now. With
the samples that come in, the residual samples that we have are
very important for us as we continue to validate and continue to
work for new tests coming on. There is a way for anybody who
sends their sample in to us to opt out of using their sample for validation and education purposes.
There needs to be a distinction between research and what the
laboratories need to do to keep tests validated. So we make the assumption that we can use that DNA unless we are asked to discard
it. If we are asked to discard it, we do so.
If we want to do research on it, we work with an internal review
board, the IRB. We need to go through the entire IRB process,
which includes the informed consent and the understanding of the
study. So we have this dual process. One is to be able to keep our
tests validated in the clinical laboratorythose are anonymous and
we cannot go back and link any new information or finding to the
patientor research, where we go under a research protocol which
does ensure confidentiality and ensures what the internal review
boards require.
Ms. HINKLE. Yes?
Dr. HUDSON. Elaine raises a really important point and its interesting, because I suspect that your laboratory is governed by the
privacy provisions of HIPPA because you probably bill electronically. So while people can criticize the privacy regs under HIPAA,
they do govern the more traditional genetic tests.
I dont believe that HIPPA covers many of the direct-to-consumer
companies. So theres the issue then of what assurances of privacy
protections do you have, and how do they compare to HIPAA, and
should we expand HIPPA to follow the information and not the entity? So thats one issue.
The second issue is that there are a set of accepted norms of the
ethics governing research in terms of whether a research participant is informed and understands what theyre getting into, whether or not somebody other than the researcher is looking out for the
research participants interests and making sure that the benefits
outweigh the harms, etcetera, etcetera.
But if I read the regulations right, these ethics regulation also
dont apply to pic genetic testing companies, although you could
voluntarily comply with those research regulations.
So we have this interesting situation where we have sets of entities that are subject to ethics standards, and sets of entities that
arent subjected to those standards. In some cases people are opting
to meet the higher standard, but some are opting not to.
Ms. HINKLE. From our regulators perspective?
Mr. HAMILTON. This isnt really a CMS question
Ms. HINKLE. Right.

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Mr. HAMILTON. But we do a great deal of health care purchasing
and we do want managed care entities, health care providers, to
compete in the domains of good quality, efficiency of services, effectiveness of services, not to be competing to get unfair advantage to
do favorable selection, to use genetic information in a way to gain
market share by cherrypicking.
So we think that the protections in this area are quite important.
That means the protections that are put in place amongst the providers of genetic information, because there will always be some
health care provider out there trying to getno matter how strong
the laws are, there will always be some provider trying to access
some indication about potential consumers so that they can get
market share. We want them to get market share if theyre providing good services, but not through the use of genetic information.
Ms. HINKLE. Well, since youre at the mike and talking about finances, maybe you can talk about the converse of that, reimbursement for genetic testing. What is CMSs policy right now, particularly under Medicare, for reimbursement for genetic tests?
Mr. HAMILTON. Ill have to beg off on that question since I represent the quality assurance side of Medicare, but not the payment
Ms. HINKLE. Judy.
Ms. YOST. Im sorry, I dont know.
Ms. HINKLE. Thats all right.
Anybody at the table have some background or expertise on that?
[No response.]
Everybody just looks at you, Kathy, as the default.
Dr. HUDSON. Thats one area we havent spent a lot of time on
yet, although let me make one quick comment. There is an important piece thats been not really talked about here, which is the
translation into clinical practice and the need to collect enough evidence. Theres a weird imbalance right now where we have tests
for 1500 diseases, and then a zillion variations that we can look at,
but a tiny, tiny number of health professional guidelines.
What the health care professionals say is that they need evidence, and they need somebody to look at that evidence, and weigh
that evidence and then give it to them so they can develop guidelines. There is a CDC-funded effort under way to do that, where
they are carefully looking at genetic tests and then doing the evidence reviews, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations.
Hopefully, health care provider organizations will be able to pick
up that evidence base, translate it into guidelines, and get it into
the hands of health care professionals, so theyll know what tests
are good tests and where the evidence base is strong and what
tests are a shrug. At the end of the day its going to be the useful
tests that really benefit.
Dr. FEERO. I would extend that point, that the EGAPP process
is a very valuable process for reviewing evidence, but you actually
have to have evidence to review. Developing the sort of
translational evidence thats needed is going to be a challenging
and costly endeavor, and will be a moving target. Thats what I
was trying to refer to previously. This concept of developing a pipe-

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line in this area to figure out how to develop that evidence in a cost
effective way is a major challenge, I think, moving forward.
Ms. AVEY. Thats something that I cant expect that the government would take on solely. Thats where I think the public-private
partnerships are really going to make a huge difference, and thats
exactly the role we want to be playing with our partners, with the
technology providers, with the labs that have CLIA oversight.
So I think all the pieces are in place and then its just a matter
of us working together and not halting something that could be
very positive for health care.
Then I just wanted to mention, going back to the privacy issue,
we are a for-profit company and we would not have a business
model if we did not protect the privacy of our customers. We know
that. Thats a fundamental thing and an element of this company.
So protecting that privacy is, of penultimate importance to us.
So we do that, but we also give our customers the option of sharing their data. If they want to download it and give it to a researcher at their favorite institution to do studies, they can do that.
But we would say that we are even beyond HIPPA compliance
without the unintended consequences of HIPPA which we hear
about all the time from physicians, who say they cant look at the
same medical record in their office that they can see at the hospital, and it really hinders their ability to take care of their own
So we dont think HIPPA is perfect, but, that said, we totally believe in the privacy of this information. When you see what UCSF
did when they sold the record of 6,000 patients recentlyit was in
the papers everywhere. HIPPA does not prevent those types of
things from happening.
Ms. HINKLE. What resources currently are available to consumer
or perhaps even medical providers who have patients coming in either wanting genetic testing or wanting help in interpreting genetic
tests? Where are the resources? Do the agencies have information
on their web sites thats digestible? A third party, or is there a hole
there right now as far as public education?
Dr. FEERO. A number of years ago NHGRI, in collaboration with
a number of other entities, created or helped to create an organization called the National Coalition for Health Professions Education
in Genetics, to try to begin to create an infrastructure for delivering information on genetics to the health professional community.
That organization has been working diligently with a number of
groups, most recently physicians assistants, prior to that in the
nursing organizations, to try to deliver the information.
There are a wide variety of efforts on various web sites that are
funded by the government at least. A good example is Gene Tests
and Gene Clinics that provide information for the less common disorders.
Ms. HINKLE. I have to say, I dont find that a particularly helpful
web site from a consumers perspective.
Dr. FEERO. Its not designed for consumers. Its designed for the
health professional.
At this point in time, the resources that are available in the public space to help with the interpretation of these association studies
are much more scarce. In fact, the NIH is working on this right

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now. Theres a trans-NIH communications group on the genetics of
common chronic disease, that is working to formulate a response
to that sort of vacuum of publicly available information on this
But its clearly something that I think a number of different
agencies, the CDC included, have their eye on.
Ms. AVEY. Just to mention that were in discussions with them
as well, because if were already aggregating this information and
creating our own tools, were happy to share those and work with
NCHPG directly if that makes sense, if the information were providing is something that theyre also interested in.
Ms. HINKLE. Kathy, you offered your perspective much earlier in
our conversation that there has been a real lack of progress with
respect to genetic testing oversight. Of course, not everyone at the
table shares that opinion. So I guess my question to you is, what
particular progress would you like to have seen the agencies be undertaking at this point? What would you really like to say this
must be your top priority over the next 1, 2 years in order to ensure adequate consumer protections?
Dr. HUDSON. I appreciate you pulling this roundtable together
because I learned a lot from my fellow panelists. I was stunned to
hear Steve say that he welcomes new authority, and thatll be interesting to follow up on, exactly what authority is he welcoming.
Ms. HINKLE. I was going to ask in a moment what authorities
he would like from Congress and were just going to get that written up.
Dr. HUDSON. Im excited about the efforts that CMS is making
in terms of moving forward with proficiency testing, despite their
lengthy rejection of our petition requesting proficiency testing last
year. So I think we need to move quickly on proficiency testing. I
dont think its that difficult. I dont think it should take that long.
My colleague Gail Javitt put together a notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the Secretarys committees recommendation
and it took her about 4 hours in her office alone. Of course, shes
extraordinary, but its not that hard.
The most important thing second to proficiency testing is creating a genetic testing registry and creating that transparency. Nobodys against it. Yes, the details are hard. It absolutely must be
mandatory. It absolutely must be at an agency that has proven
informatics and genetics sophistication. But I think that that could
move forward quickly and help a lot.
Ms. HINKLE. Where should that be housed?
Dr. HUDSON. I personally believe it should be either housed at
FDA or NIH, because both have a track record of success in making information instantly publicly available and easily searchable.
CMS, sadlyand I understand their resource constraints2 years
ago Tom testified that you could find out the CLIA certification status of labs on their web site. I checked yesterday and still cant.
So I think
Ms. YOST. Its coming.
Dr. HUDSON. Its coming. Its coming.
Ms. YOST. Its almost there. I saw it yesterday. Its almost there.
Ms. HINKLE. So its not online?
Ms. YOST. Its almost there.

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Mr. HAMILTON. Its almost there. The wheels of government
grind finely but slowly.
Dr. HUDSON. At different rates in different agencies.
Ms. HINKLE. So were not quite there yet.
Mr. HAMILTON. In contrast to Gails 4 hour piece, we worked for
a year to get permission to get exceptions to our hiring freeze and
a year to fill the position. So governmentthe Federal Government
is purposely designed with the famous checks and balances. But
notwithstanding, were making slow progress. I think we had the
web site ready to go and then
Ms. YOST. For like a day.
Mr. HAMILTON. For that cameo time. Then the directives came
down to make it all 50 compliant, which it should be, of course. But
if youve ever had the pleasure of trying to make a large enterprise
50 compliant so that individuals who are blind can read itI
dont use charts. Thats all I can say. At any rate
Ms. HINKLE. So could we anticipate that this year some time?
Ms. YOST. Im saying weeks.
Mr. HAMILTON. Kathy is right in so many ways. We support the
registry idea and it ought to be within an agency
Ms. HINKLE. So long as somebody else houses it.
Mr. HAMILTON. If we were good at it, wed jump at the chance,
Ms. HINKLE. Well, Steve, Greg, heres your opportunity to take
up the mantle and go to bat at your respective agencies. So who
wants it?
Dr. FEERO. Thats above my pay grade. [Laughter.]
Ms. HINKLE. Show some initiative. Get that promotion youve
been bucking for.
Dr. FEERO. I dont think thats what Id get.
Ms. HINKLE. Is FDA well equipped to handle a registry like that?
Dr. GUTMAN. Well, as I said before, were from the government
and were here to help. So were always anxious to do whats appropriate. I think when I was talking about authority it might be really not so much authority, because I believe we have the authority.
I think Congress could perhaps express some interest in direction.
If you look at the SACGHS report, its a very complex report. It offers more than one path to Rome. So a path to Rome could be more
reliant on CMS, it could be more reliant on FDA, it could be more
reliant on a public-private partnership, or it could be reliant on
other out-of-the-box thinking, all of which might fall within existing authority.
It would be a matter of how you emphasize that authority. So I
think that there might be a role for, after a factfinding by Senator
Smith or by anyone in the Congress, to express advice and interest.
There are no easy answers here. These are very complex problems.
I think what Thomas said at the beginning is that really, in order
to do it right it really does require the involvement of multiple
stakeholders, not just FDA, not just CMS.
I think the idea of a public-private partnership has to be carefully thought out and carefully orchestrated, but it is probably necessary.
Ms. HINKLE. Judy, Ill put you on the spot for a second, since I
know you frequently speak in public about the CLIA genetic testing

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specialty and PT. So I think everyone in the room is very familiar
with the agencys history in abandoning the genetic testing specialty. So can you tell us a bit more about your plans for PT, because even just as recently as this December when my boss met
with Administrator Weems and questioned him as far as the agencys plans for enhancing oversight over genetic testing, I would say
we got what was a less than specific response about the agencys
enthusiasm toward mandating proficiency testing for genetic tests.
Maybe you could just
Ms. YOST. Well, actually theres a very simple answer. You dont
need a specialty in order to change the proficiency testing requirements. So we feel it gives us actually an easier way to proceed to
use the existing infrastructure to develop proficiency testing, because currently it depends on how you define a genetic test and,
as you heard, no one has the same definition, no two people.
But even so, that said, the genetic tests that could be potentially
genetic tests if you define them that way are interspersed among
all the current specialties now. So we just envision that that would
just continue, with the change that we would make. So it makes
that part of the process a lot more simple.
As we progressed through the discussions with the SACGHS
oversight review and thought about what the options were and
what were the things that were most important and what were the
things that we could do and could not do, and what were things
better done through other vehicles, we felt that PT was something
that not only for genetic testing but overall the regulations needed
to be updated, because they hadnt been done since 1992.
So that has become our priority, thats next if we can ever get
the cytology PT out. We are well under way with a plan and players in order to accomplish that.
With regard to some of the other concerns about CLIA, I know
theres discussion about personnel and quality control and some
other areas. We feel that there are probably ways that we can accomplish that through use of professional guidance and incorporating it into our guidance documents and still get there from
Weve found in the past, because we have experience in that, in
doing that, that once you start to put a professional standard, as
long as its within the scope of our authority, into our guidance,
people tend to follow it because its an easy route to compliance,
and then it standardizes the standard of practice as well. It becomes the standard of practice.
We saw it in microbiology with cut points for susceptibilities and
using a consensus standard, and it has worked extremely well.
Ms. HINKLE. So youre confident that if you issue those as sort
of sub-regulatory guidance that youre still going to have adequate
enforcement authority or theres just going to be adequate enough
compliance, that youre not going to have to worry about bringing
down the stick against people?
Ms. YOST. You would always have outliers. There will always be
an aberration. There will either be circumstances or individuals
who either willfully or unknowingly will not be in compliance.
Thats a fact of our lives on a daily basis. So you can never say
never. But we believe that for the most part it does becomebe-

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cause in many of these cases too were talking about competition.
So the idea is that if youre in compliance you can use that as
added value to your services to be able to work in the marketplace
as well.
Ms. HINKLE. Is there anything you can share as far as specifics
about this guidance or when we might look for that to be issued?
Ms. YOST. I think again this is an area where we have tothere
is a lot of material currently available that a number of the professional organizations have already developed. Its a matter of vetting that information, working with the experts in the field to provide us perhaps some additional guidance with their expertise.
Ms. HINKLE. Wouldnt most of that work have already been done,
though, with the 6 years that you spent laboring on the CLIA genetic testing specialty? I mean, how much more up to speed does
CMS really need to get at this point?
Ms. YOST. Well, Im not talking about up to speed. I think we
have to decide what we really want and what are the most important things. I dont think we can do it all yet tomorrow. But clearly
weve agreed that proficiency testing is important. We have the
work thats been done with CDC on the best laboratory practices
document that will be published next year.
In addition, I believe we should work with partners. Rather than
we being the selectors as the Federal Government, I think we need
to have private entities provide additional advice to us to
Ms. HINKLE. Well, Kathy andtheyve been very free with their
Ms. YOST. The invitations been open for 2 years. Weve asked
we dont claim to be the be-all, end-all. So we want to have folks
buy into whatever it is that we select to use, rather than send
picking something and then have people not happy. So its better,
again, to work on the front end rather than the back end.
Mr. HAMILTON. Well, if we can think about this strategically,
weve got 1500 genetic tests.
Ms. HINKLE. The number increasing every day.
Mr. HAMILTON. Expanding every day. How many proficiency
tests do we have? 50, 60, 70? The number of tests is growing faster
than the proficiency tests. So we will always have this enormous
Into that gap come two things. One is alternative quality control,
alternative assessment, that needs to be pretty robust and needs
to be adequately enforced. Thats our piece under CLIA, to make
sure that it is. There are current requirements that apply when a
proficient test is not being used, that the laboratory twice a year
verify. So that needs to continue to be applied and made as robust
as we possibly can.
With regard to the proficiency tests themselves, we need an adequate strategy. These things do not just magically appear. We had
a 17-year history trying to get national proficiency tests for
cytotechnology. Thats a very long saga, but in 2005, 17 years after
CLIA was passed, we finally got national proficiency testing there.
So what we really need for proficiency testing is a real strategy.
Instead of thinking about this as an all or nothing, either proficiency testing exists or it doesnt, if we think about it perhaps as
a ramp, where you start in sequence with the education, then with

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possibly quasi-volunteer, quasi-voluntary participation, and then
ultimately the legally mandated national participation.
Thats why in that sequence we want to work with particularly
the accrediting organizations and the professional societies, both of
which do a great deal of work on the educational side of things. But
on the accrediting organizations, they have the ability to require
their members to do proficiency testing where they make the proficiency tests available. So on the one hand, thats short of a universal government mandate, and its voluntary for an organization
to decide whether or not to be accredited. But having made that
voluntary decision, the accrediting organizations can make the participation in PT mandatory.
So thats a step up from just education. From that ramping up
its a shorter step to us either doing sub-regulatory guidance, which
is just short of a full mandate. We can make it a full mandate by
changing the regulation and adding these various analytes to the
regulation. So Ithink thats the strategy. Thats why Judys got
planned a November meeting with the accrediting organizations, to
really focus on this, and we want that CLIA work group.
Ms. HINKLE. Why wait until then?
Mr. HAMILTON. Excuse me?
Ms. HINKLE. Why wait until then?
Kathy, Im sure you have some thoughts on this. My question to
you is, Steve indicated earlier that some direction from Congress
might be welcome or needed. Do you guys need a little help from
Congress, some direction here steering the ship in this respect?
You know, people are just chomping at the bit. Theyre just waiting
for CMS to do something. Clearly you heard my boss express his
frustrations at the very glacial pace at which CMS seems to be
moving here.
So theres certainly some frustration, I think, about the stakeholder community as well as on the Hill, just kind of waiting for
CMS to do something.
Mr. HAMILTON. Again, look at the nature of the proficiency tests.
We do not have a group of sallow scientists hidden in the basement
concocting proficiency tests. These come from the professional community. So we want to work with the professional community to
develop those.
Now, which comes first, a mandate for proficiency testing or the
proficiency test itself?
Ms. HINKLE. Well, you know if CMS required proficiency testing
thered be plenty of people willing to provide proficiency testing to
capitalize on all the people now who have to undergo that testing.
Its the whole build it and they will come philosophy that we
talked about.
Ms. YOST. That is very marketplace-driven, too. The proficiency
testing providers currently will not develop the PT material if in
fact they dont have a market to sell it in. So that you can see that
by the difference of
Ms. HINKLE. But if they know CMS is going to require it,
Mr. HAMILTON. Well, you asked what Congress could do. If Congress provided up-front funding and said dont worry about any

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marketplace uncertainty, heres reimbursement, the marketplace is
Ms. HINKLE. Ive got 20 dollars in my wallet over here. Well
start with that.
Mr. HAMILTON. Ill match you and
Ms. HINKLE. Yes, right, matching funds.
Yes, Elaine?
Dr. LYON. Can I comment with that? As Mr. Hamilton has said,
what CLIA requires is to demonstrate the accuracy of your tests.
When there are proficiency programs available that we can be a
part of, we are a part of it. Some of the tests we do are not in those
proficiency programs. However, that doesnt eliminate the labs responsibility for doing proficiency testing.
We will then get with other laboratories doing the same test. We
will work together. We will exchange samples. We have these set
up to be able to do.
If that doesnt work, we still have the responsibility to make sure
they are accurate, and we do it by what we call an internal proficiency. So one cannot say that the proficiency testing isnt being
done; it is being done. For some tests, it may not be under a formal
program right now.
Would we be in favor of expanding that program? Yes, because
it makes it easier for us. We dont have to find another laboratory
to work with. But the proficiency testing is being done. The requirements from CLIA to show that your test is analytically accurate is being met for every test that we do in our laboratory.
Ms. YOST. Thats a requirement, thats a regulatory requirement
currently in place that we very closely monitor because, interestingly enough, its one of the most frequent findings we have on surveys. So that obviously means were actually looking at it.
The thing to remember here, though, as folks are losing perspective, is everythings hanging on proficiency testing. CLIA is a package deal. CLIA has quality control. That means every day you do
a test you have to check to see that it has worked before you report
any results, and you have to have qualified people, you have to
have trained people. You have to check their competency on an annual basis. You have to have a quality monitoring program in place
that you monitor every test and every system in place in your laboratory to ensure that your test results are accurate, that theyre
reliable, and they get to the person whos going to use them reliably, and confidentially, by the way.
So those other requirements, as well as having recordkeeping requirements for every step of the testing process, so that if somebody needed to go back and check to see what happened from the
time the specimen was collected through the analysis until the result is reported, you could track that test. All of that is part of
CLIA and, together with proficiency testing or alternative assessment, as this is called, that is what makes an accurate result.
You have to really look at the whole picture and not just focus
on one requirement. Yes, its a lovely measure of outcome, its a
lovely measure of test accuracy. But frankly, you dont get PT results until 3 months after you reported that patients result. What
good does that do you? Youve got to know on a daily basis that
your test is working.

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Ms. HINKLE. I appreciate you making that point. I think thats
a point well made. I think we could probably spend the entire 2
hours together talking about proficiency testing, but it would be incredibly remiss of me not to talk about a couple of the SACGHS
task force report recommendations. I see that Tom has brought his
trusty copy there.
Instead of me sort of picking through various recommendations,
I think people would probably be much more interested to sort of
hear what your perspectives were on the report recommendations.
Was there anything that surprised you by being included or not included? Is there anything from the agencies perspectives you think
particularly feasibleI know youve already talked about PTparticularly feasible to implement or just completely, cant do it, thats
crazy talk?
Anyone jump in. I know you touched on a couple points as well,
so anyone just jump in. [No response.]
All right, well go around the table. Kate, youve been very quiet
today. How about you? Give you a chance to get on record and
some camera time.
Ms. COOK. Im actually here to carry Steves bag.
Dr. GUTMAN. Well, I will reiterate what I said before. Actually,
Ill be more personal than perhaps I should, because it was an incredible report, so Im just in awe that they had 30 people who
worked, beat their time line, argued over every word and paragraph and sentence, and came out with something that was reasonably intelligible. So Im extraordinarily impressed.
Ms. HINKLE. Thats credit where credit is due.
Kathy, you were on that.
Dr. HUDSON. Yes. Steve was there as well.
Dr. GUTMAN. Yes. I wasnt trying to praise myself.
I was actually quite peripheral.
There were a couple of things that amazed me. It amazed me
that after the report was written when you looked at the press it
was as though there was only one paragraph in the report and that
was the paragraph describing FDA. So I found that disheartening,
that we are so fearsome. You could have had that written in one
afternoon. You didnt need the whole report. So you look at the
press and it just completely missed the point.
The report was rich in that it actually wasnt just the FDA issue.
It was the education, the reimbursement. The only thing that
waseverything was reiterating fromyou got a snapshot, but I
think if you want to look at the big problem, the whole field hasnt
quite addressed maybe all of these complex issues, education, reimbursement, analytical validity, clinical validity.
The new one in townI dont remember, but I certainly dont remember it in the SACGHS report; it wasnt in the tax report for
genetic testingwas this notion it is 2008, so were a little bit further along than we were even 8 years ago. People are worried
about evidence base of medicine and they are worried about value
base of tests. How could they not when 16 percent of health care
dollars are being spent on16 percent of GNPs spent on health
care and it looks like in my lifetime it will be 20 percent and my
kids will be paying 25 or 35 percent. Were a very rich country. I
dont think were that rich.

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So I think the epiphany in the report was that its not just FDA,
its not just CLIA. Theres a problem here. AARPs trying to work
on the problem. Blue Cross-Blue Shield technology evaluation center is trying to work on the problem. But youve got to figure out
a problem. Do we actually have money to spend on these tests?
Which tests should we be spending the money on? How should we
be deploying them and how should we be making sure that they
are improving the quality of performance?
So its a rich report. I hope everyone in the community doesnt
shelve it. I hope thatthey can agree with it, they can disagree
with it, but I hope they respond to it and it stimulates. Its worth
not being ignored and not being shelved.
Mr. HAMILTON. I was not in the group, so I can be completely fulsome. It is an awesome, awesome report. Congratulations, Kathy,
Steve, and Chairman Toich, and before him Reed Tucker, and everyone who participated. It created a forum to bring very disparate
points of view together to fashion a very constructive set of recommendations that do make it very clear that this is going to take
all of us working clearly together and for quite some time to make
But its an optimistic report because I think it charts a pathway.
We can all have our particular viewpoints about what the solution
or a technique might be, but I think the report keeps the vision before us of, regardless of the approach, heres the destination. So
thats why I am carrying it around. I think it ought to be required
Ms. HINKLE. They should have that in the pocket size, like the
Constitution that the members carry.
Judy, what was your take-away from the report?
Ms. YOST. It was actually
Ms. HINKLE. By the way, Im assuming that youve all read it
from cover to cover.
Ms. YOST. It was actually a very enlightening experience to work
with such wonderful people. Truly I learned, I learned as much as
I complained. So I did find it highly valuable. Clearly we are doing
our very best to look at those things that we can accomplish within
the scope of our authority and to work through them. Weve begun
in a number of different areas. Theyre already under way.
Well do our best. But again, it is pretty awesome because it
shows you a full picture of whats happening. Its not just isolated
to one aspect of genetic testing because its a continuum, it truly
is. So it was an honor to be able to work on it.
Again, I always learn more than I give. So its always worthwhile
Ms. HINKLE. Kathy.
Dr. HUDSON. I already shared my top priorities. The one area
that didnt get addressedand a lot got addressed by this committee but the one area that I think may have gotten less attention
than it should have was how we need to move nimbly to get information into drug labels about diagnostics. This is already saving
lives. Theres a genetic test that can tell if a person will suffer severe reaction if they take a particular antiviral for HIV and its not
yet, as I understand it, on the drug label. So how can you move

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really fast? How can we move really fast so that we can get the
benefits as fast as possible?
Dr. GUTMAN. Yes, I do want to respond to that, because the agency is cognizant of that and we think that a policy statement we
need to clarify is that when you do have awhen you do have a
diagnostic and a drug linked so tightly that the selection of the
drug or the avoidance of selection of the drug is related to use of
the diagnostic, we at least in my neck of the woods would say that
the drug becomes a slave to the diagnostic, so that the cross-labeling becomes critical, that cross-labeling has to be based on data. In
fact, Dr. Woodcock has been fairly explicit in suggesting that those
tests do require pre-market review if theyre going to make drug
We have a very colorful, inconsistent past history. I suspect the
transitional period will be rocky, but I do think we are going to
move in the direction of having higher expectation when you have
a really tight link. When you have a weaker link, then I think
I still think we ought to be looking at that policy, but I dont think
its as compelling.
Ms. HINKLE. Elaine.
Dr. LYON. What I saw in this report was, first, they still couldnt
define a genetic test. It makes it very hard for us to move forward
if genetic testing is defined so broadly that it goes into every aspect
of medicine.
Then the question that they had brought up is whether there is
an exceptionalism about genetic testing that is different than the
rest of medicine. I dont think that there is a complete agreement
with that, either. I think overall the tone was that there is not an
exceptionalism, that genetic testing does fall into the realm of other
types of clinical laboratory testing.
Those were the two ideas that need to be clarified for us to really
move forward.
Ms. HINKLE. Greg.
Dr. FEERO. So first, going back to my comment about being above
my pay grade, what is not above my pay grade to say in NHGRI
is that we are very supportive of the idea of a registry and think
that there is great potential value in that.
Particularly with regard to this report, I think that the introduction of the concept of utility as part of that registry is something
that is very valuable. Clearly, genomic applications span the health
care system. Theyre coming out at a tremendous pace and, as
much as any technology, they have great promise for improving the
health of the general population. But they also have a cost associated with them and I think we have to be cognizant of that as we
move forward.
I guess my overall comment, and perhaps this is because I
havent been in government quite long enough to understand this,
it is a report, and that ultimately a report is only good as its implementation and how peoples toes are held to the fire over time for
its a product. That would be my comment, that I think it is an excellent report; the proof will be in the pudding.
Ms. AVEY. For us, we broke it up into chunks and everybody got
assigned their reading, and then we came together and had a meeting about it, which was great. Our scientists all reported back what

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they got out of the section they read. I think at the end of it we
all thought this is such a huge opportunity for 23andMe to be involved, to be part of this public/private partnership with all the different agencies, because it was very clear that genetics education
is really lacking for the medical community and for lay people. If
thats a role that we can play, were very excited about that. Thats
really one of the missions of the company, is to just get genetics
out into the mainstream.
But it was very clear that, even on testing that isnt genetic,
theres still a huge disconnect between what comes out of a testing
lab and what a doctor is able to report back to their patient. So
its not just usI dont think weve created this problem by coming
out and creating this new industry. I think it existed before we
came along. But certainly as far as genetics goes, thats where
were going to be focusing and were very excited about the educational opportunities.
Ms. HINKLE. Since I promised everyone in the audience an opportunity for Q and A, is there anyone in the audience who has any
questions for any of the panelists?
Ms. FOMOUS. My name is Cathy Fomous. I thank you for all the
wonderful things that you said about the report. I really appreciate
it and I will bring it back to the staff.
My question is for Linda, because I know the least about what
your company does. You have mentioned a few times during the
conversation today that you are very enthusiastic about doing research with the database that you have and the voluntary nature
of the additional information. My question is, do you think that
youll voluntarily follow guidelines for human subjects research
protection, such as an informed consent process?
Ms. AVEY. Absolutely. This is something thats coming up a lot
in our discussions with researchers and with other organizations
about the stifling stranglehold IRBs have over the research process.
We have a consent form and weve met with a commercial IRB to
have them kind of bless it. Because we break the paradigm, we
dont know what questions were going to ask yet. Frankly, coming
from Perlegen and Affymetrics and Applied Biosystems and working with researchers over the last 25 years, I can tell you that the
current research paradigm requires that you know what questions
youre going to ask in advance most of the time, other than things
like the Framingham study, where its prospective and you learn
information over time that you might not have even thought to ask
in a study.
So were very open-ended in that we dont know what questions
were going to ask and we dont know even what information were
going to find. So the IRB scratched their head like, This doesnt
fit our mold. You have to be able to say what is the end point of
your protocol and what is your protocol.
So for us its frustrating. Theyve been very honest to say, this
just doesnt work the way we review protocols. What was interesting to me, though, is at the end of the meeting one of the people
on the executive team of this IRB came up to us and said, I have
a daughter with a genetic disease and shes going to love what
youre doing.

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So we really need to work together with the IRBs, I think, as
well to see how do we do this, how can we make these non-protocols, if you will, fit into an IRB paradigm.
Ms. HINKLE. Any other questions from the audience?
Mr. DAYNARD. I may be biased, but since I have all the experts
here and were talking about this, Greg, I think you mentioned that
the associations seemed to be robust over the last few years depending upon the polymorphism youre looking at. Linda, you said
that you may not disagree about the associations, but you still cant
tell people what to eat. I think what we may be seeing in terms
of claims with some of these companies is the claim that having a
susceptibility and gaining information about your genotype and
maybe even getting recommendations about lifestyle and diet
changes is going to impact your health outcome.
What kind of evidence supporting the claim would you require if
its not a clinical trial?
Ms. AVEY. Thats where we want to work with the agencies to
make those definitions. What does become information that has
clinical utility? I think as a society we have to come to an agreement of how we get to those end points. I dont think we have all
the answers. I dont think FDA has all the answers or CMS. But
I think together we can come to some kind of conclusions, because
doctors are going to need to know this. Theyre going to have patients coming to them time and again with the reports and say,
here, doc, what do I do? I dont think we know what to say yet.
Thats why we sound like a broken record. We keep going back
to the fact that we need more data, and thats really what the mission of 23andMe is to get many, many, many people, hundreds of
thousands of people hopefully, involved answering the same questions, that we can then make those clinical connections and connect
the dots.
But we dont know the numbers well need for that. It depends
on the condition, it depends on the genetic association. Its really
Mr. DAYNARD. Exactly.
Ms. AVEY. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt do it.
Mr. DAYNARD. What are respondents going to say to me when I
present them with a draft consent agreement to comply with the
Federal Trade Commission Act is, boy, this is complex, and were
not quite there yet. We dont know. Maybe these association studies are good enough. Then someone will say, well, even a strong association is not good enough because you dont know that the recommendations are genotype-specific. But heres the FTC thats
going to tell someone, you need this kind of evidence and you dont
have it; your association studies arent good enough if the claim is
that this is going to impact your health outcome, not just that
theres an association. That may be right, and thats a distinction
that were continually trying to hone.
Yes, wed love to talk to you.
Ms. HINKLE. Anyone else?
Dr. FEERO. I would just add the comment that certainly that
whole question is an active area that the NIH is looking at carefully, in conjunction with other groups. It is a huge challenge. Its
going to be dependent on the particular disease, the particular

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markers, the particular invention youre proposing. But that really
is I think the $64,000 question for any registry that is going to use
utility as one of the bars that you set. A, what is the bar; and B,
whos going to set it, is really going to be a challenge.
Mr. DAYNARD. Well, I hope the FTC doesnt become premature
in this area, because the FTC very definitely, although it enforces
the law against unfair and deceptive practices, it doesnt want to
chill an emerging science, and thats our standard. Its a rigorous
standard, but its flexible. So either I see it the way it is or I make
it up. Just kidding.
Ms. HINKLE. Any additional questions from the audience? [No response.]
I have received one question via email from John Rockoff with
the Baltimore Sun and he was just curious to know about the volume of genetic testing. Does anyone here at the table know how
many patients each year undergo genetic testing? [No response.]
No one?
Or how might we get that answer? Is that something thats even
really tracked or identifiable?
Dr. FEERO. The fundamental problem is we havent defined exactly what we mean by genetic tests. So its very hard to count
when you dont know what youre trying to count.
Dr. LYON. One point that I could say is that most of the genetic
testing that we do right now, is for the relatively common genetic
diseases, the Factor V Leiden, the cystic fibrosis. I had the numbers pulled from our laboratory and about 70 percent of them in
volume have FDA-cleared reagents to do them.
Ms. HINKLE. Well, I promised you all that it would be about 2
hours and in lieu of opening statements we would afford the panelists an opportunity to make closing remarks if you wish. So would
anyone care to make any type of closing statement before we adjourn?
Dr. LYON. I just wanted to emphasize that the knowledge that
weve gained from the Human Genome Project has resulted in
meaningful discoveries in our understanding of diseases and its
care. I want to emphasize that genetic testing does have value. It
has tremendous value to diagnose difficult and rare diseases. It has
value in detecting people who are highly susceptible to disease before symptoms begin and hopefully that we can do something to intervene. With pharmacogenetics we are able to target the appropriate medication.
Genetic tests are being regulated, as are all clinical laboratory
tests. We appreciate CLIAs stand to allow us to do laboratory-developed tests. I believe they are critical for many of these rare genetic diseases for which manufacturers will not making reagents
and the laboratories are responsible to make sure that their tests
are valid. We do participate in the proficiency testing and we follow
the CLIA and professional standards.
There are some guiding principles that I think that we should include. The tests do need to be developed based on medical knowledge and should be ordered by a knowledgeable health professional
that can help in their use and interpretation. All laboratories performing these tests should be CLIA-certified for high complexity

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testing; and that any exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims then
could be investigated by the FTC.
The innovation in molecular testing is extremely sensitive to regulation and reimbursement. Too much of the former and too little
of the latter could prevent or delay the hoped-for medical advances.
I believe that we can target the problems of marginally useful testing while allowing testing based on good science to accomplish its
promise in diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease.
Thank you.
Ms. HINKLE. Anyone else?
Ms. AVEY. I dont have a formal response, but I just want to
thank everyone for being invited. Its been great to be here. Its
been really illuminating. Were very excited about the future. We
think the United States can play a big role in personalized medicine and can be a leader in this. I think weve fallen short in the
last few years in things like stem cell research. I really think its
time for us to step back up to the plate again.
The great thing about the U.S. is, especially in California, we
have a very diverse population. Were already talking to places like
the South Asian Heart Center. At a hospital in Sunnyvale theyre
looking into why do Indian men who have vegetarian diets and
take care of themselves, die of heart attacks? If we can do a study
in the U.S., but that information can translate to India, we can
start a global effort that could help other countries that may not
have the same resources as the U.S.
So were very interested in signing up a very diverse population
of people and having them be enrolled in studies, because when
you look at these gene journals that we have, theres a drop-down
menu that you have to select which population does it apply to, and
a lot of times its just Caucasian. Research is done in a very Caucasian-centric way and we want to change that. We want to enroll
people of all backgrounds.
The other issue we have is that people are of mixed race and
wont know how research results apply to themif theyre like
Barack Obama and hes looking at his results, does he pick Caucasian or African? He doesnt know because we havent done studies
in multi-ethnic people.
So were very excited about the opportunity and we just hope by
working with the regulatory agencies that things dont get stifled,
but that we do it in a very responsible way.
Ms. HINKLE. Yes?
Ms. YOST. I just wanted to quickly say that the I in CLIA
stands for Improvement, and so we realize that that goes for us
too. We know that we can do better and we have intentions; and
I think mostly just to extend again the offer to please work with
us to help us get the things that you need to improve and enhance
the oversight over genetic testing.
Dr. GUTMAN. Ill just reiterate the message that I conveyed at the
very beginning. This is an area that we all have a role to play. We
all have a responsibility, and sometimes when everyone has a responsibility that can sometimes be a recipe for no one. So I particularly appreciate the role of you, Chris, and Senator Smith in bringing us together and the SACGHS for performing the same function;

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and to say the I in CLIA does not stand for you. We look at
it as being I as well. So we want to be part of the solutions here.
Ms. COOK. We heard today about the fact that there isnt an
identified definition of genetic test. But I think that people can
agree that there are some tests that clearly are. Even though the
borders might not be clearly identified, there are some that are.
Steve mentioned earlier that FDA has taken a risk-based approach in some of its regulatory efforts with regard to laboratorydeveloped tests. So I think its worth observing that here, and even
though we may not have really the full definition of genetic tests,
there are identified genetic tests, there are identified risks, and
bearing those two things in mind, it might really help this effort
move forward to address the most significant risks.
Ms. HINKLE. Well, I would extend my thanks personally and certainly those of Senator Smith to everyone here. Senator Smith is
very engaged in this issue. We had a difficult time getting him out
of his seat. If you saw us frantically passing notes to him behind,
it was like, the votes coming, you have a meeting, youre missing
your meeting, the votes coming. He did not want to leave.
So clearly this topic is very engaging. As you know, it can be very
difficult to engage the interest of a Senator. So I think that speaks
to how just compelling this topic is and really how engaging you
all are as panelists as well.
I have to say I was a little surprised when I first sort of bounced
this idea off of some of my colleagues here on the Hill. Everyone
was quite skeptical about the concept of getting everybody together
at a table. They were like, youre never going to get the agencies
to sit down with all these stakeholders and have a conversation
and do a roundtable on this topic. I was completely surprised at
that sentiment.
Certainly youre all very agreeable people, very well intentioned,
very knowledgeable, and it is always such an education. Every time
I have the true privilege of speaking with any one of you, you are
all always very generous with your time with respect to staff and
the members. This is the second time youve come before this committee and youve given up hours of your time today to share with
us and the public, and we very much appreciate that. You have
added immeasurably to the record today.
For those of you who are interested, an archive of this will be
webcast on the Aging Committees web site and a transcript will
be available at some point in time, too.
I look forward to following up with all of you, and thank you so
With that, we are adjourned. Thank you.
[Whereupon, at 4:25 p.m., the roundtable was adjourned.]

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