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FBLA Scavenger Hunt

FBLA is an important part of Business/Marketing classes. As a business student, you need to know
something about the organization and the benefits of membership. Visit www.fbla-pbl.org to answer the
following questions and learn more about FBLA.

What is FBLA?

2. What are the other three divisions of the organization and who is eligible for membership in


What are the FBLA regions? What is our region?

4. What are some of the benefits of membership in FBLA?

5. List three of the FBLA sponsors/partners. Visit the web site of one of the sponsors/partners
selected and list three facts about the sponsor.





Where will be FBLA-PBL national conference be held in 2012?

Locate the FBLA-PBL Format Guide. For FBLA-PBL competitions, what are the margins for a
business letter?

FBLA-PBL is a March for Babies Partner. What is Change for Americas Babies?

Visit the FBLA Document Library. What publications are provided for FBLA-PBL members and

10. According to the FBLA-PBL National Dress Code, what is appropriate attire for FBLA-PBL
activities for you?

11. Review the National Officer Candidate Guide. What are the qualifications and duties of the
National Parliamentarian?

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