Biomimicry Avjeet Singh

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Ecology and Sustainable Development

Nature as the foundation for

report made by:

Avjeet Singh
Plaha 1651004
M. Arch 1st year

In the physical realm that humanity occupies, nature has always been the
one omnipresent source for man to get inspired from, innovate and create
entities that he can use. He has used countless examples as sources of
inspiration and imitated their innovative characteristics to create objects that
were once deemed fictional. Biomimicry, as the approach is known, has
been at the helm ever since the Wright brothers invented the first flying
machine and the same approach has been for long applied in the
development of material sciences, most notably Kevlar and self-cleaning
As witnesses to the 21st century and the later parts of the 20 th century, the
one common event that has been consistently prevailing is the rather blatant
use of natural resources which is creating a cyclic chain of undesirable
environmental effects. Architecture and planning have been at the forefront
of this event and the idea of sustainability in building design and city
planning is being portrayed as a remedial solution in rather superficial terms.
Biomimicry, as of late, is being considered as a tool to aid in sustainable
architectural design and urban planning and is being considered as the next
paradigm of design and planning.
This report is an attempt to study and get a broad understanding about
biomimicry as a philosophy of design, comprehend its relevance as an
integral part of sustainable design, by means of case studies understand the
interpretation and implementation of examples from nature in the design of
buildings and the types of complexities they address in these buildings,
evolve a set of recommendations as a part of the inferences which address
the relevance of biomimicry as a practise for sustainable design.
Keywords: Biomimicry, architecture, sustainable design, environment


Biomimicry | 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to

Definitions and Interpretations

Applications and Examples

Chapter 2: Approach towards Biomimicry..68


Design looking to Biology

Biology influencing Design
Framework of Biomimicry for the built environment

Chapter 3: Sustainable Design and Biomimicry


Buildings inspired by Nature

Building skin as a tool for energy management

Chapter 4: Case Studies1418


The Eastgate Project, Harare

The Kalundborg Eco-industrial Park, Denmark
The Slime Mold

Chapter 5: Inferences & Recommendations.......

List of
List of

Biomimicry | 2

Chapter 1 : Introduction to biomimicry

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
- R. Buckminster Fuller
For the past two decades, we as inhabitants of this planet have been
witnesses and equal contributors towards the kind of erratic climate change
that we have now come to terms with. We have been using resources giving
minimal consideration towards the variety of adverse impacts that both we
and nature are currently experiencing.
The fact that humanity has been using nature as a resource for only its own
benefits has been realised to the extent that extensive time and resources
are being dedicated to establish the kind of harmony that existed between
humanity and nature before the industrial age began.
Apart from establishing efficient resource utilisation policies and employing
the use of renewable sources of energy, there are approaches that look at
the way how the qualities of organisms, apart from humans, and the varied
nature of their sensory qualities can be applied as technologies for
sustainable development.
1.1 Definitions and Interpretations
Biomimicry is the combination of 2 Greek words Bios meaning life and
Mimicry meaning to imitate. As it can be comprehended, Biomimicry is the
science that studies the characteristics, ideas, models and functions of the
various biological organisms existing in nature and imitates them to provide
ideas, solutions to issues, problems defined by man.
Analogous to its philosophy, biomimicry has also been defined as the
conscious emulation of natures genius (Janine Benyus) and as the
abstraction of good design from nature (Prof. Julian Vincent).
The term Biomimicry first appeared in scientific literature in 1962 and grew
in usage particularly amongst material scientists and medicinal practitioners
in the 1980s. It has been a growing area of research particularly in the fields
of architecture and engineering mainly because it is both an inspirational

Biomimicry | 3

source of innovation and because of the potential it offers to create a more

sustainable and even regenerative built environment.
There exists some confusion regarding the interpretation of the word
Biomimicry. At times, it is related to imitations of forms of the organisms
existing in nature(Biomorphism) or even imitating their qualities for specific
areas(Biomimetics). The difference, however, lies in the fact that Biomimicry
specifically imitates the functional basis of biological forms, processes and
systems to produce sustainable solutions.
1.2 Examples and Applications
Nature has been a source of inspiration and biomimicry has helped to apply
nature in domains as diverse as paper production, industrial design, product
design, military engineering, clothing etc.
Examples of Biomimicry can be traced as early as 1719, when after watching
the wasps use of wood-pulp, French entomologist Rene-Antoine Reamur
suggested it as an alternative to change production of paper from cotton and
linen fibres. The streamlined forms of dolphins and trout were being studied
by Sir George Cayley in 1809 and these have been employed to develop ship
hulls with lower coefficients of drag.

Figure 1
Figure 4

Figure 5
Figure 8

Figure 2

Figure 6

Figure 3

Figure 7

Perhaps the most iconic example is the study of flight patterns of birds by
the Wright brothers to develop the first flying machine as well as the controls
that made fixed-wing flight possible. Developments also include the
invention of Velcro in 1948, based on the structure of burs; the design of

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Olympic swimsuits based on shark fins and Kevlar, used in bullet-proof vests,
inspired from the web created by spiders.
Even though the applications of biomimicry towards the design of the builtforms and the built-environment have been limited, there are examples that
will be discussed in subsequent sections in this report.

Chapter 2 : Approaches to biomimicry

Mans fascination with nature goes back as long as one could remember and
armed with the tools and technologies and with the help of advanced
scientific knowledge, we have the opportunity to re-learn from nature and
apply the learning into this design approach.
As described in the previous chapter, Biomimicry is essentially a design
approach and as highlighted by Michael Pawlyn, it relies on three basic
principles as benchmarks for the design approach, namely: -

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1. Achieving radical increase in resource efficiency.

2. Shifting from a fossil-fuel economy to a solar economy.
3. Transferring from a linear, wasteful and polluting way of using resources to
a completely closed loop model in which all resources are stewarded in
cycles and nothing is lost as waste.
Using these three principles as the backbone of a design process, biomimicry
follows 2 approaches (the Biomimicry Guild,2007): 1. Design looking to Biology
2. Biology influencing Design
2.1 Design looking to Biology
In this approach, designers identify an issue and in collaboration with
biologists, look towards other living organisms as an example that have
solved the similar issue. An example of this approach is the Bionic car
prototype invented by DaimlerChrysler, whose design is based on the
boxfish, which is a surprisingly aerodynamic fish given its box-type form, and
which also has a large volume, small wheel base and is quite aerodynamic.
Its chassis and structure are imitations of how trees can grow in a way that
minimises stress concentrations. Because of its aerodynamic design, the
Bionic car is also fuel efficient.

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

The trade-off with this approach is that even though the problem/issue
identification maybe solved using an analogy of biological organism, the
issue of sustainability may or may not be addressed as the relationship of the
problem with the environment may not be addressed.
2.2 Biology influencing Design
In this approach, any function or characteristic in an organism is identified
and is translated into a design solution. As clearly indicated by the topic, this
approach is a collaborative design process dependent on people having
knowledge of relevant biological or ecological research rather than on
problems or issues identified by man.

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Example for this approach is the scientific analysis if the lotus flower that
emerges clean from the swamps and which has been used as an innovation
for the Lotusan paint which enables buildings to be self-cleaning.

Figure 12
Figure 13

The paradox with this approach is that the design solution provided by this
approach may not be an answer to a pre-determined issue but it may result
in technologies or systems for other design solutions. As it is a collaborative
effort of designers and biologists and scientists, the biological research as
well as identification of potential of the research must be conducted before
providing any solution.
2.3 Framework of Biomimicry for the Built Environment
The above approaches can be applied on three levels for a design problem/
issue (the Biomimicry Guild,2007). The levels are the form and process
which are aspects related to the organism or an eco-system which can be
mimicked. Ecosystem is another level which can be studied for mimicking
specific aspects at the ecosystem level.
Using these levels as integral components, Prof. M. Pedersen Zari proposed
a specific framework for Biomimicry which attempts to clarify the potential of
biomimicry as a tool to increase re-generative capacity of the built
environment. This framework helps to employ biomimicry as a methodology
of design for improving sustainability of the built environment.
The framework basically has two parts. The first part is the level of the bio
that has been mimicked. Each level has been further divided into the 5 sublevels which describe the type of mimicry that may be implemented.

Level of Biomimicry


Example : A building that mimics termites

The building looks like a termite.
The building is made from the same material as a termite;
a material that mimics termite exoskeleton / skin.
The building is made in the same way as a termite; it goes
through various growth cycles.

Biomimicry | 7

(mimicry of a
specific organism)


(mimicry of a
behaviour of
organism to a
larger context)


(mimicry of an


The building works in the same way as an individual termite; it

produces hydrogen efficiently through meta-genomics.
The building functions like a termite in a larger context; it recycles
cellulose waste and creates soil.
The building looks like it was made by a termite; a replica of a
termite mound.
The building is made from the same materials that a termite builds
with; using digested fine soil as the primary material.
The building is made in the same way that a termite would build in;
piling earth in certain places at certain times.
The building works in the same way as a termite mound would; by
careful orientation, shape, materials selection and natural
ventilation, or it mimics how termites work together.
The building functions in the same way that it would if made by
termites; internal conditions are regulated to be optimal and
thermally stable. It may also function in the same way that a termite
mound does in a larger context.
The building looks like an ecosystem (a termite would live in).
The building is made from the same kind of materials that (a termite)
ecosystem is made of; it uses naturally occurring common
compounds, and water as the primary chemical medium.
The building is assembled in the same way as a (termite) ecosystem;
principles of succession and increasing complexity over time are
The building works in the same way as a (termite) ecosystem; it
captures and converts energy from the sun, and stores water
The building can function in the same way that a (termite)
ecosystem would and forms part of a complex system by utilising the
relationships between processes; it is able to participate in the
hydrological, carbon, nitrogen cycles etc. in a similar way to an

Table 1 Frame-work of Biomimicry for the Built Environment (M. Pedersen Zari,2007)

Chapter 3 : Sustainable Design and Biomimicry

With each passing day, the need to reduce adverse human intervention on
the environment becomes more critical. The magnitude of the impact the
built environment has on nature has been brought to the focus of the public
and technologies and approaches that can help achieve a sense of
sustainability between the built environment and its surroundings are being
brought onto the forefront.
In her book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, Janine Benyus, a
biologist, argues for the need to imitate nature to ensure a more sustainable
future. She reviews research regarding how we will feed ourselves, harness
energy, make things, heal ourselves, store what we learn, and conduct
business. Benyus does not discuss environmental design in her book; rather,
she focuses only on product design, for example, high-strength fabric
inspired by spider silk; waterproof adhesives inspired by the mussels ability

Biomimicry | 8

to attach to the ocean floor; and high-strength ceramics inspired by abalone

The built environment has been certainly inspired from nature but most of
the examples of this inspiration, as discussed later in this section, are limited
towards natural forms. Though form is an obvious component of nature,
Benyus and other scientists are inclined towards the idea of emulation of
nature being engaged at the levels of form, process and ecosystem.
3.1 Buildings inspired from Nature
From the 19th century onwards, one can see examples of buildings, built and
conceptual, that have been inspired from nature either in terms of the form
or the process, not as an amalgamation of both. This section highlights these
examples as well as tries to indicate the effectiveness of the building
envelope as a tool for biomimicry and energy efficiency.
3.1a Crystal Palace, Hyde park and Great Conservatory, Chatsworth
The Crystal Palace and the Great Conservatory designed by Joseph
Paxton for the great exhibition in 1851 found inspiration from Amazonian
water lily. Working in the Industrial Revolution England, Joseph Paxton
studied a Victoria Regia waterlily and paid attention to the plants leaf
structure which is four and a half feet in diameter.
The plant structure is a radiating, cantilever system with cross bracing
supporting the great leafs surface. From his observations of the waterlilys
natural structure, Paxton extrapolated and designed an architectural system
of furrows and ridges (like a self-reinforced truss) for the frame of
Chatsworths enormous greenhouse called the Great Stove (because of its
heating systems). And he did this around 1835. The Great Stove was an
extraordinarily advanced building (aesthetically and structurally), using new
technologies. For it, Paxton also designed the steam-milling machine for
fabricating the structures non-standard, wooden ribs and he contracted for
the largest sheets of glass then in production.

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Figure 14
Figure 16

Figure 15

3.1b The MMAA building in Qatar

The designers from Bangkok-based Aesthetics Architects GO Group decided
to model the MMAAs new office upon the cactus, taking inspiration from the
way these plants deal with the scorching desert climate. The modern office
and adjacent botanical dome are going to biomimic the cacti and the way
that they successfully survive in hot, dry environments.
As an example of desert architecture, MMAAs new building is designed as
energy efficient and utilizes sun shades on its windows. Depending on the
intensity of the sun during the day, the sun shades can open or close to keep
out extensive heat. This is similar to how a cactus chooses to perform
transpiration at night rather during the day in order to retain water another
great example of biomimicry.
The building includes innovative solutions for waste-water management reinvigorating the process as an eco-conscious endeavour, conserving water
and reducing overall treatment costs with minimal sludge disposal, water
purchases, sewer surcharges, and chemical use. By re-organizing the natural
resources, it is possible to transform water from dirty to clean

Figure 17
Figure 19

Figure 18

3.1b The Ultima Tower Concept by Eugene Tsui

As a conceptual project, Tsui proposes a structure height of 10,560 feet
(nearly two miles), with a base diameter of 6,000 feet, modelled after the
highest structure created by a creature other than human, the termites nest
structure in Africa. Tsui chooses the termite mound form because no other
shape can dispel loads from top to bottom, is effectively aerodynamic and
retains such stability in a tall building. He proposes such a tall structure to
minimize the footprint of our human-made environments and maximize the
sense of openness and proximity to our natural surroundings. In other words,
the form is selected to achieve a maximum height and reduce the physical
footprint of development.

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Within the structure, Tsui proposes entire landscaped neighbourhood districts

with lakes, streams, rivers, hills, and ravines comprising the soil landscape on
which residential, office, commercial, retail, and entertainment buildings are
built on 120 different levels. These levels are 100 to 160 feet high, and light
is brought into the centre of the structure by means of a hollow mirrored core
that reflects disperses sunlight. Furthermore, all areas of the structure
feature resource-conserving technology such as recycled building materials,
composting toilets, and nature-based water-cleansing systems. Comparing
the Ultima Tower with an actual termite mound, one finds that the forms are
almost identical in appearance and is a reductive purification of the termite
mound form, suggesting a more image based engagement.

3.2 Building skin as a tool for Energy Management

The building skin is the outer membrane which provides protection to the
occupants, regulates comfortable climatic conditions for the occupants while
maintaining structural integrity, indoor air quality, energy efficiency and
durability. It provides enclosure and determines the aesthetic quality of the
building exterior.
There are examples of structures that demonstrate the implementation of
biomimicry for the design of the building skin. It is interpreted that the
building skin, like a natural skin, consists of several layers and filters that
react to light, air, moisture, sound and heat. The quality among natural skin
is for its capability to maintain internal conditions while being responsive to
its function.
The following examples demonstrate the implementation of biomimicry for
the design of building skin.
3.2a The Council house 2 (CH2), Melbourne
CH2 is a 10 stories sustainable building currently residing in Melbourne,
Australia. The design of the building was very innovative as it challenged
traditional approaches to sustainability and building design as it emulated a
trees bark. The biomimic approach was Design to biology.

Biomimicry | 11

Figure 20

Figure 21

Figure 22

The usage of biomimicry appeared throughout the entire building.


instance, the west facade is the epidermis of the tree. It was inspired in how
the facade would moderate the external climate. While the north and south
facades were inspired from the bronchi of the tree. These were implemented
as wind pipes and allowed for air ducts on the exterior of the CH2. The
eastern core and the facade, consisting of the service core and the toilets,
emulated the tree skin (bark) and the skin acted as a protective layer which
filters light and air in the ventilated wet area spaces behind.
The results of using such a skin include:
- Air is 100% filtered.
- Artificial lighting and mechanical ventilation saved by 65%.
3.2b The Water Cube, Beijing
The water cube, also known as the Beijing National Aquatic centre, was built
between 2004 and 2007 mainly for the 2008 Olympics. The Biomimic was
exemplified in the building by mimicking the form of soup bubbles which also
represented the main ideal for swimming. The Biomimic approach is also
Design to biology.
Even though the geometric structure is purely regular, when viewed from a
certain angle it appears completely random and organic. The building skin
offers the transparency of water with the mystery of the bubble system.
Thus, it engages the people both inside and outside experience water
throughout. The Water Cube achieved many environmental outcomes that
led it to achieve an energy efficient design and overcome all the challenges
and objectives through applying a biomimic approach.

The outcomes

- Energy costs reduced by 30%
- Artificial lighting reduced by 55%
- Experience of water transparency to the visitors
- ETFE energy savings are equivalent to covering the entire roof with solar
panels. - 20% of solar energy is trapped and used for heating

Biomimicry | 12

Figure 23

Figure 24

Chapter 4 : Case Studies

This chapter brings forth the influence of biomimicry in architecture by
means of examples that demonstrate the application of the forms, processes
and eco-system levels of biomimicry as mentioned earlier.
The case studies selected include: 1. The Eastgate Project, Harare, Zimbabwe
2. The Kalundborg Eco-Industrial Park
3. The Slime Mold

4.1 The Eastgate Project, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Eastgate Complex, located in Harare, Zimbabwe, is a 324 000 squarefoot commercial office and shopping complex which includes two nine-storey
office buildings and a glazed atrium. In Zimbabwes extremely hot climate,
the buildings primary cooling method is natural ventilation. Engineers from
firm Arup, led by South African Architect Michael Pearce, sought inspiration
for the ventilation design from termite mounds since termites require their
home to remain at an exact temperature of 87F (30.5C) throughout a 24hour daily temperature range of between35F at night and 104F during the
day (1.6Cto 40C). The solution was a passive-cooling structure with
specially designed hooded windows, variable thickness walls and light
coloured paints to reduce heat absorption.
Completed in 1995, the Eastgate project consists of two main cores
surrounding a glass-covered atrium with retail shops on the first and second
floors and offices above.
Pearce was inspired by the termite mounds ability to maintain a constant 87*
temperature in a climate that fluctuates between 35* at night and 104* during
the day. The process that termites use to achieve this constant temperature is

Biomimicry | 13

building breeze-catchers at the base of the structure which draw in air, then
cool it by pulling it through chambers carved out of the wet mud at the base,
while hot air escapes through flues at the top of the mound. A deeper
examination reveals that the Eastgate form arises out of the needs of
everyday life and is use-based.
The building form reflects a wholeness of nature by revealing and
paralleling natural processes, rather than mimicking static form to
achieve a massive height. The linear structure of the office cores allows
for two rows of offices surrounding a central atrium. Located between the
rows of offices are forty-eight brick funnels connecting to each office.
These funnels draw cool air up from the basement and allow hot air to
escape from the top of the building, effectively duplicating the heating
and cooling process of a termite mound.
Eastgates form reveals the wholeness of natural processes in its form.
The building design reflects a connectedness between form, nature, and
people that is not merely a purification of natural form for structural or
image-based reasons.

Figure 25

Figure 26

Figure 27

4.2 The Kalundborg Eco-industrial park

The city of Kalundborg in Denmark has developed an industrial ecosystem.
Since the 1960s, public and private enterprises buy and sell waste products
from industrial production in a closed cycle. A residual product of one
enterprise becomes the raw material of another, and key resources such as
gas, steam, cooling water and gypsum are shared among different industries,
thus benefiting the economy and the environment alike. Excess heat is used
in activities such as fish farms, greenhouses and homes and many other byproducts that become usable by other industries or are sold to companies

Biomimicry | 14

The Kalundborg Industrial Park was not originally planned for industrial
symbiosis. Its current state of waste heat and materials sharing developed
over a period of 20 years. Early sharing at Kalundborg tended to involve the
sale of waste products without significant pre-treatment. Each further link in
the system was negotiated as an independent business deal, and was
established only if it was expected to be economically beneficial.
The park began in 1959 with the start-up of the Asns Power Station. The
first episode of sharing between two entities was in 1972 when Gyproc, a
plaster-board manufacturing plant, established a pipeline to supply gas from
Tidewater Oil Company. In 1981 the Kalundborg municipality completed a
district heating distribution network within the city of Kalundborg, which
utilized waste heat from the power plant.
Since then, the facilities in Kalundborg have been expanding, and have been
sharing a variety of materials and waste products, some for the purpose of
industrial symbiosis and some out of necessity, for example, freshwater
scarcity in the area has led to water reuse schemes. 700,000 cubic meters
per year of cooling water is piped from Statoil to Asnaes per year.
The aim is to reduce resource consumption and achieve a significant
reduction in environmental impact. Several educational institutions have
developed curricula and classes about Kalundborg and the model is being
exported to different industrial areas all over the world.

Figure 28
Figure 29

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4.3 The Slime Mold

The following example is a case study not of a built-form or the builtenvironment, but it shows how the behaviour of an organism can be
translated as a form of design intervention.
Slime mold or slime mould is an informal name given to several kinds of
unrelated eukaryotic organisms that can live freely as single cells, but
aggregate together to form multicellular reproductive structures. One of the









polycephalum, found both in nature in forests in temperate zones, as well as

in classrooms and laboratories.
When a slime mold mass or mound is physically separated, the cells find
their way back to re-unite. Studies on Physarum have even shown an ability









experiments. John Tyler Bonner, a professor of ecology known for his studies
of slime molds, argues that they are "no more than a bag of amoebae
encased in a thin slime sheath, yet they manage to have various behaviours
that are equal to those of animals who possess muscles and nerves with
ganglia that is, simple brains."
In an experiment conducted at the Hokkaido University, Japan the slime mold
Physarum polycephalum was gown in a flat wet dish, placing the mold in a









corresponding to the locations of other major cities in the Greater Tokyo

Area. As Physarum avoids bright light, light was used to simulate mountains,
water and other obstacles in the dish. The mold first densely filled the space
with plasmodia, then thinned the network to focus on efficiently connected
branches. The network strikingly resembled Tokyo's rail system. And the
remarkable thing was that the mold did this in a matter of just over 26 hours.
Figure 30
Figure 31

Biomimicry | 16

The interpretation of this experiment can be that this rather insignificant

organism could be a solution to problems relating to urban transportation
systems. What normally takes days & months to solve by human intervention
can be easily remedied by the implementation of this organism.

Biomimicry | 17

Chapter 5 : Inferences & Recommendations

With the phenomenon of sustainability and sustainable design becoming a
benchmark for design, it is the apt opportunity for anyone associated with
design to use this philosophy as a visionary idea for making the future. As
the built-form plays an extensive role in shaping the environment, we as
architects can go back and learn from biology as an opportunity to innovate.
It can be said that implementation of Biomimicry as a tool for sustainable
design is still at a nascent stage as it is evident from the case studies
discussed above. Even though the framework of biomimicry discussed
previously covers all levels of biomimicry, what needs to be explored is the
intensive implementation of biomimicry as a complete design-solution and
not as a piece-meal strategy for specific issues, as highlighted by examples
mentioned in the report.
As indicated by the case studies, even though the practise of biomimicry as
a design solution for the built environment is limited yet there are extensive
ideas & literary texts available as a discourse of biomimicry. There is an
urgent need to transfer this discourse into a radical paradigm of design.
Although this discourse tends to be theoretical at present with many ideas
related to ecosystem based biomimicry and architectural biomimicry in
general yet to be tested in built form, design that mimics how most
ecosystems are able to function in a sustainable and even regenerative way,
has the potential to positively transform the environmental performance of
the built environment. This may be enhanced if a systems based biomimicry
that mimics how mature ecosystems function, is included in initial design
parameters and is used as an evaluation benchmark throughout the design

Biomimicry | 18

List of Figures



Pigeons in flight
The first flying machine
Ship hull
Spider Web
Carbon-fibre Kevlar
A Tree
Bionic Car
Lotus Flower
Lotusan Paint
Victoria Regia, Water lily
Crystal Palace, Hyde Park
Great conservatory, Chatsworth
MMAA Building, Qatar
MMAA Building, Qatar
A tree
CH2 Building, Melbourne
CH2 Building, Melbourne
Soap bubbles
Water cube, Beijing
Termite mound
Section Showing ventilation flue
Eastgate Center,Harare
Kalundborg eco-Industrial park
Process diagram
Physarum polycephalum
the slime mold over the tokyo rail netwrok

List of References

Biomimicry | 19



Pawlyn, Michael (2011) Biomimicry in Architecture, RIBA publishing
Benyus, J.M. (2002) Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature, Harper Collins

Benyus, J.M. (2008) A good place to settle: Biomimicry, biophila, and the

return to natures inspiration to architecture. In Kellert, S. R., Heerwagen, J., &

Mador, M. (Eds). Biophilic design: The theory, science, and practice of

bringing buildings to life. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley

Tsui Design and Research Inc. (2005) The ultima tower, two-mile high sky

city. from

Tsui, E. (1999). Evolutionary architecture: Nature as a basis for design. New

York: John Wiley.

Biomimicry guild from
Biomimicry institute from
Vincent, J. F. V., Bogatyrev, O. A., Bogatyrev, N. R., Bowyer, A. & Pahl, A.-K.
(2006) Biomimetics - its practice and theory. Journal of the Royal Society

Interface, April 2006.

Vincent, J. F. V., Bogatyrev, O., Pahl, A.-K., Bogatyrev, N. R. & Bowyer, A.
(2005) Putting Biology into TRIZ: A Database of Biological Effects. Creativity
and Innovation Management, 14, 66-72.

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