Exotic Animals As Pets

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The passage discusses the suffering of exotic animals in the pet trade, the difficulties in caring for them properly, and the risks they pose to human health and safety.

Exotic animals can carry diseases like herpes B virus, salmonella, rabies, and parasites that can be dangerous or fatal to humans. Contact with reptiles and amphibians causes tens of thousands of salmonella cases each year.

Exotic animals have specialized needs that are difficult for most people to meet. They often grow larger than expected and can inflict serious injuries. Many end up abandoned or released into the wild where they may not survive.

Exotic Animals as Pets

The exotic pet trade is big business. Selling protected wildlife in stores, auctions, or on
the Internet is one of the largest sources of criminal earnings, behind only arms smuggling
and drug trafficking. But the animals pay the price. Many dont survive the journey from
their homes, and those who do survive often suffer in captivity and die prematurely from
malnutrition, an unnatural and uncomfortable environment, loneliness, and the
overwhelming stress of confinement.

Animals Suffer During Capture and Transport

Animals destined for the pet trade are yanked from their
homes in places such as Australia, Africa, and Brazil and are
subjected to grueling transport. Parrots may have their beaks
and feet taped and be stuffed into plastic tubes that can
easily be hidden in luggage, and stolen bird and reptile eggs
are concealed in special vests so that couriers can bypass Xray machines at airports. Baby turtles have been trapped
inside their shells with tape and shoved by the dozen into
tube socks, and infant pythons have been shipped in CD
cases. Many die before reaching their destinations.

Ignorance Breeds Misery

In the hands of unprepared or incompetent caretakers, many exotic animals die or are
abandoned. The head of the Environmental Crime Investigation unit in Western Cape,
South Africa, estimates that 90 percent of exported reptiles die within a year.
Animal control authorities confiscated a crippled cougar cub from a Buffalo, New York,
basement. The animal, kept by a teenager, had been fed a diet deficient in calcium and, as a
result, suffered from deformed legs. Hedgehogs, who roll themselves into tight balls, can
easily become injured if children try to uncurl them or if cats attack them. Sugar gliders
are very social animals, and if they are not given enough attention, they may self-mutilate
or die from the stress of loneliness.
Other people try to return unwanted animals to their natural homes or abandon them
outdoors. Without appropriate habitats or rehabilitation, these animals will starve or fall
victim to the elements or predators. If they do survive, they may overpopulate and wreak
havoc with the ecosystem, killing native species.

Exotic Animals Lash Out

The exotic animal trade is dangerous for humans as well. There have been dozens of attacks
by captive big cats on humans in the past decade. In one incident, a tiger mauled his

guardians 3-year-old grandson. A lion killed several dogs and trapped a child in his room,
and a Bengal tiger tore off the arm of a 4-year-old boy.
Since 2000, at least four people have been mauled to death by wolf hybridsthe offspring
of wolves and domesticated dogs. One veterinarian and animal behaviorist says that
people who breed these animals and sell them as pets are playing Russian roulette. Its a
gross misrepresentation to sell these animals as pets.

Disease Threat
Seventy-five percent of all new infectious diseases originate from nonhuman animals.
According to one Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officer, [T]here are
all kinds of exotic species that may be unknown vectors of human disease.
The monkeypox outbreak that affected dozens of people in the Midwest in 2003 was traced
to a Gambian rat from Africa. The animal had been housed with prairie dogs in an Illinois
animal dealers shed. Prairie dogs also have been known to carry the plague and tularemia.
The herpes B virus, which is nearly 70 percent fatal to humans, can be transferred from
macaques to humans. Human contact with reptiles and other exotic animals accounts for
70,000 cases of salmonellosis each year. Parrots can transfer psittacosis, which can be
deadly to humans.

Few Government Regulations

Federal, state, and local governments are passing laws that prohibit the private ownership
of certain dangerous species, but most of these regulations are poorly enforced and are
designed to protect humans from injury and disease rather than ensure that animals are
handled humanely.

What You Can Do

Never buy exotic animals from dealers or pet shops, and support legislation that would
make owning exotic animals illegal and prohibit the interstate sale of exotic animals.

Should Wild Animals Be Kept as Pets?

Consider the risks to human health and safety, animal welfare, and the environment
The Humane Society of the United States

The Humane Society of the United States strongly opposes keeping wild animals as pets.
This principle applies to both native and nonnative species, whether caught in the wild or
bred in captivity. The overwhelming majority of people who obtain these animals are
unable to provide the care they require.

Caring for wild animals is difficult or impossible

Despite what animal sellers may say, appropriate care for wild animals requires
considerable expertise, specialized facilities, and lifelong dedication to the animals. Their
nutritional and social needs are demanding to meet and, in many cases, are unknown. They
often grow to be larger, stronger, and more dangerous than owners expect or can manage.
Even small monkeys and small cats such as ocelots can inflict serious injuries, especially
on children. Wild animals also pose a danger to human health and safety through disease
and parasites.

Baby animals grow up

Baby animals can be irresistibly adorableuntil the cuddly baby becomes bigger and
stronger than the owner ever imagined. The instinctive behavior of the adult animal
replaces the dependent behavior of the juvenile, resulting in biting, scratching, or
displaying destructive behaviors without provocation or warning. Such animals typically
become too difficult to manage and are confined to small cages, passed from owner to
owner, or disposed of in other ways. There are not enough reputable sanctuaries or other
facilities to properly care for unwanted wild animals. They can end up back in the exotic
pet trade. Some may be released into the wild where, if they survive, they can disrupt the
local ecosystem.

Wild animals spread disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourages direct contact with wild
animals for a simple reason: They can carry diseases that are dangerous to people, such as
rabies, herpes B virus, and Salmonella. The herpes B virus commonly found among
macaque monkeys can be fatal to humans. Tens of thousands of people get Salmonella
infections each year from reptiles or amphibians, causing the CDC to recommend that these
animals be kept out of homes with children under five. A 2003 outbreak of monkeypox was
set in motion when African rodents carrying the disease were imported for the pet trade and
infected native prairie dogs, who were also sold as pets.

Domestication takes centuries

Wild animals are not domesticated simply by being captive born or hand-raised. It's a
different story with dogs and cats, who have been domesticated by selective breeding for
desired traits over thousands of years. These special animal companions depend on humans
for food, shelter, veterinary care, and affection. Wild animals, by nature, are self-sufficient
and fare best without our interference. The instinctive behavior of these animals makes
them unsuitable as pets.

Capturing wild animals threatens their survival

The global wildlife trade threatens the very existence of some species in their native
habitats. When wild-caught animals are kept as pets, their suffering may begin with capture
every year countless birds and reptiles suffer and die on the journey to the pet store.
Animals meant to live in the wild may languish in a cramped backyard cage or circle
endlessly in a cat carrier or aquarium. Often, they become sick or die because their owners
are unable to care for them properly. Captive breeding is no solution. It does not take the
wild out of wildlife.
Having any animal as a pet means being responsible for providing appropriate and humane
care. Where wild animals are concerned, meeting this responsibility is usually impossible.
People, animals, and the environment suffer the consequences.

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