Book of Abstracts

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Book of Abstracts

July 28-30, 2014

Department of Production and Systems
School of Engineering
University of Minho
Campus of Azurm

We would like to thank our sponsors for their contribution to the success of the conference.


Opening Notes


Aims and Scope

Organizing Committee


Program Committee


General Information

Social Program


Program Overview


Plenary Sessions









Opening Notes
Welcome to Optimization 2014!
On behalf of the Organizing and Program Committees, we are very pleased to welcome
you to Optimization 2014, the eighth edition of the Optimization series of conferences,
hosted by the Department of Production and Systems, School of Engineering, University
of Minho, in the city of Guimares.
We are very pleased to announce that we have more than 100 presentations and participants, from 12 different countries. We thus hope that the meeting will allow a fruitful
exchange of ideas and promote scientific collaborations.
The success of a conference depends on many factors, one of which is the prestige of the
plenary speakers. We would like to express our gratitude to the Optimization 2014 plenary
speakers for accepting our invitation. We are also grateful to those who kindly accepted
our invitation to organize a session. Finally, we are most thankful to all the participants
who will contribute to enhance the quality of the conference.
We are fully aware that the location of the meeting and the social program also play a
key role. We tried to select some of the gastronomic, cultural, and natural aspects of our
region. We hope you will enjoy the food, the wine, the music, and the landscape that this
part of Portugal has to offer.
On a personal note, we would like to express our pleasure in organizing this meeting.
Finally, we thank our colleagues from the organizing committee who generously contributed with their work and time to the success of the conference. We also thank our
sponsors for the support provided, which was crucial to this organization.
We hope that you enjoy Optimization 2014!
J. M. Valrio de Carvalho | Co-chair, Organizing Committee
A. Ismael F. Vaz | Co-chair, Organizing Committee



Aims and Scope

Optimization 2014 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from different scientific areas and with distinct backgrounds, but with common interests in optimization.

This meeting has international recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of ideas. It is the eighth edition of a series of international conferences in optimization organized in Portugal under the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese Operational
Research Society).

The previous seven meetings were the following:

Optimization 91, Coimbra

Optimization 95, Braga
Optimization 98, Coimbra (
Optimization 2001, Aveiro (
Optimization 2004, Lisboa (
Optimization 2007, Porto (
Optimization 2011, Almada (


Organizing Committee
Jos Valrio de Carvalho
A. Ismael F. Vaz

Univ. Minho
Univ. Minho

M. Sameiro Carvalho
Lino Costa
Isabel Esprito Santo
Manuel Carlos Figueiredo
Teresa Monteiro
Lus Nunes Vicente

Univ. Minho
Univ. Minho
Univ. Minho
Univ. Minho
Univ. Minho
Univ. Coimbra




Program Committee
Lus Nunes Vicente

Univ. Coimbra

Agostinho Agra
Paula Amaral
Miguel F. Anjos
Antnio Pais Antunes
Carlos Henggeler Antunes
Domingos Cardoso
Jos Valrio de Carvalho
Jorge Orestes Cerdeira
Miguel Constantino
Ana Lusa Custdio
Francisco Saldanha da Gama
Jos Fernando Gonalves
Joo Gouveia
Lus Gouveia
Joaquim Joo Jdice
Miguel Sousa Lobo
Helena Ramalhinho Loureno
Carlos Luz
Joaquim R. R. A. Martins
Pedro Coimbra Martins
Jos Fernando Oliveira
Pedro Oliveira
Margarida Vaz Pato
Ana Paula Barbosa Pvoa
Rita Almeida Ribeiro
Antnio Jos Rodrigues
Joo Lus Soares
Tatiana Tchemisova
A. Ismael F. Vaz
Manuel V. C. Vieira

Univ. Aveiro
Univ. Nova Lisboa
cole Polytechnique Montral
Univ. Coimbra
Univ. Coimbra
Univ. Aveiro
Univ. Minho
Univ. Nova Lisboa
Univ. Lisboa
Univ. Nova Lisboa
Univ. Lisboa
Univ. Porto
Univ. Coimbra
Univ. Lisboa
Univ. Coimbra
Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Inst. Pol. Setbal
Univ. Michigan
Inst. Pol. Coimbra
Univ. Porto, INESC Porto
Univ. Porto
ISEG, Univ. Lisboa
IST, Univ. Lisboa
Univ. Lisboa
Univ. Coimbra
Univ. Aveiro
Univ. Minho
Univ. Nova Lisboa




General Information
The conference official language is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

Conference Venue
The conference is taking place in the Department of Production and Systems, School of
Engineering, University of Minho, Campus of Azurm, Guimares. A campus map may be
found in page 7, indicating the location of the buildings where sessions, coffee-breaks and
lunch take place. All buildings are within a walking distance.

Registration Desk
The registration desk will be located at the entrance of the Auditorium (Room 1). The registration desk will be open on Sunday 27th, from 16:30 to 19:00, and during the conference

Internet Access
Free wireless access is available through the University Campus (network name: eduroam;
login: optimization2014@guest; password: optimization2014). Warning: This is an unsecured wireless network. Internet access is also available in two computers located in the
hall in front of the Auditorium (Room 1).

Guidelines for Organized and Contributed Session Chairs

In the Session Chairs Index on page 65 you can find the codes of all the sessions chaired by
a given participant. The session location is given in the Abstracts section of the Conference
book. As a session chair please make sure to:
Contact the speakers before the session, to verify who is presenting and to preempt
any technical problems.
Ensure that the session begins and ends on time. All talks last 30 minutes, including
the time for questions.
Introduce the speaker and the title of each talk.

Ensure that talks respect the program order, to allow participants to jump between
sessions. If a speaker cancels or does not attend, the session schedule should be
respected, rather than shifting every talk backwards.
When appropriate inform the speaker of the remaining time till the end of the presentation.
VERY IMPORTANT: We ask session chairs to notify the session assistant about any
last minute changes or cancellations. These changes will be posted outside the meeting

Guidelines for Speakers

In the Authors Index, next to the author name, you can find the code of the session in
which a given author participates. The session location is given in the Abstracts section of
the Conference book. All session rooms will be equipped with laptops or desktop computers and overhead projectors. You may use your own laptop to ensure that your presentation use the right version of the software and fonts installed, so that it looks like what you
have planned and designed. Please follow these guidelines to ensure a successful presentation.
If you bring your own laptop to your session, bring along the power supply cable.
You may need an adapter to connect your computer to the local voltage (220V) and
wall plug type.
If your laptop is a Mac, bring the required adapter for the external video output.
Arrive at your session at least 10 minutes before it begins. All presenters in a session
should set up and test the connection to the projector before the session begins.
We encourage speakers to put their presentations on a Universal Serial Bus data stick
(USB pen) as a backup.
Time your presentation to fit the allotted time (30 minutes), including time for questions and audience participation.
Feel free to bring along copies of your paper to distribute or to provide a handout
with related information. No proceedings with complete papers are produced for
this meeting. To obtain complete copies of any papers abstracted in the program,
please contact the authors directly at the address supplied with each abstract.
One or more session assistants (student volunteers) will be available at each room.
You can address the session assistant for any request or help regarding problems
related to audiovisual equipment.

Lunches will be served in the restaurant facilities. You are kindly required to wear your
badge. Vegetarian food is available.



Coffee, tea, juices, and bottled water will be available during the conference coffee-breaks.

Facilities inside the Campus

You can find several facilities in the campus:
several ATM machines available
Caixa Geral de Depsitos bank agency, open from Monday to Friday (8:30 to 12:00 /
13:00 to 17:00)
Restaurant (Grill), open from Monday to Friday (12:00 to 14:00)
Self-service restaurant (Rampa B), open from Monday to Friday (12:00 to 14:00)
Caf, open from Monday to Friday (9:00 to 19:00)

Transportation to the conference site is available in the morning. The BUS departures
from Hotel Guimares and goes by Hotel Ibis and Hotel Toural, arriving at the university
campus. More information is available at the hotel reception.
Guimares is a small city, where almost all visiting sites are in a walking distance. However, there is an urban transportation bus that circles the city. The BUS departures and
arrives at the Coach (BUS) Station. A map with the bus stops can be found at TUG website: You may buy a ticket for 1,70 from the BUS
driver (the ticket is valid for one trip).


Social Program
Monday 28th July, from 18:30 to 19:30: Welcome Reception
The welcome reception will take place at university, next to Auditorium (outdoors).

Tuesday 29th July, from 19:45 to 22:30: Conference Dinner

Conference dinner will be served in Instituto de Design de Guimares (IDEGUI),
Lugar de Couros, Rua da Ramada (Guimares city centre).

Wednesday 30th July, from 15:30 to 18:00: Tour

The tour will visit the Sameiro Sanctuary, Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary, and the
historical centre of Braga (Guimares - Sameiro - Bom Jesus - Braga - Guimares).


Campus map
Campus de Azurm - Alameda da Universidade
(GPS: [latitude: 41o 27 6.85 N - longitude: 8o 17 33.19 W])



Conference Rooms
The sessions take place in five rooms: Room 1 (Auditorium), Room 2, Room 3, Room 4,
and Room 5.



Directions to the Conference Site

From Hotel Toural to the conference site

From Hotel Ibis/Coach Station

to the conference site

From Hotel Guimares/Hotel

Fundador/Train Station to the conference site

From the conference site to the conference

dinner site (Instituto de Design de
Guimares, Lugar de Couros)


Program Overview









































Monday, July 28, 10:30-12:30

Mon.A.1 Derivative-Free Optimization (I), Organized Session, Room 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Clment W. Royer Direct search based on probabilistic descent
Nacer Soualmi Global exploration strategy for derivative free optimization
Youssef Diouane Globally convergent evolution strategies for constrained optimization
Zaikun Zhang A subspace decomposition framework for nonlinear optimization: global convergence and global rates

Mon.A.2 Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, Organized Session, Room 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Luca Mencarelli A heuristic algorithm for general multiple nonlinear knapsack problems
Marianna De Santis A Feasible Active Set Method with Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic Mixed
Integer Programming
Kai Yang Energy efficiency in cellular network: a non linear programming approach
Laura Palagi Using the SpeeDP algorithm to solve max cut instances to certified optimality

Mon.A.3 Scheduling (I), Session, Room 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pedro Fernandes Automatic timetabling in higher education institutions - Bullet TimeTabler education
Isabel Martins A branch-and-cut approach for solving forest harvest scheduling problems with constraints on clearcut area and interior space
Michelli Maldonado The integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem - a hierarchy of models
Antnio Pais Antunes Optimum management of boarding gates: application to Guarulhos airport
(So Paulo)

Mon.A.4 Optimal Control Applications, Session, Room 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

M. Teresa T. Monteiro Dengue outbreak in Madeira - what could happen if two virus serotypes coexist?
Teresa Grilo Optimal control of incompressible flow driven systems
Delfim F. M. Torres Optimal control interventions in Tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS co-infection

Mon.A.5 Data Envelopment Analysis and Benchmarking, Session, Room 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Aparecido Jorge Jubran Real time data envelopment analysis: telemetry for formula 1 on mobile
Teresa Pea Analyzing models with variable weights from a social choice perspective

Monday, July 28, 15:00-16:30

Mon.B.1 Derivative-Free Optimization (II), Organized Session, Room 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Anke Trltzsch Different second order approximations in a model-based SQP trust-region DFO
Stefano Lucidi A derivative-free method for multiobjective problems combining global and local
Margherita Porcelli The BFO derivative-free algorithm and its application to parameter tuning in
algorithm design

Mon.B.2 Copositive and Polynomial Optimization, Organized Session, Room 2 . . . . . . . . . 30

Paula Amaral Optimization of constrained fractional quadratic problems
Georg Still Copositive programming: properties of copositive and completely positive matrices
Immanuel Bomze Copositive relaxation beats Lagrangian dual bounds in quadratically and lin-




early constrained QPs

Mon.B.3 Scheduling (II), Session, Room 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Parisa Sadeghi Mixed-model assembly line balancing in the footwear industry
Isabel Cristina Lopes Scheduling aircrafts engines repair process: a mathematical model
Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama The impact of fixed and variable costs in a multi-skill project

Mon.B.4 OR Modelling and Applications, Session, Room 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Talip Caglar Optimizing extraction duration of front loader washing machines to improve water extraction performance under a constraint of energy consumption
Laura Martinson Jubran Linear programming: a computational model for elaborating dietary
plans focusing on meals served in elementary schools
Diogo Alagador Optimizing costs to ensure persistence of species under climate change

Mon.B.5 Nonlinear Optimization (I), Session, Room 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Julio Gonzlez-Daz A twist on sequential linear programming methods
Maria Gardnia Sousa Batista Use of smoothing algorithm hyperbolic in taxonomy of macroalgae

Monday, July 28, 17:00-18:30

Mon.C.1 Derivative-Free Optimization (III), Organized Session, Room 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Phillipe R. Sampaio A derivative-free trust-funnel algorithm for optimization problems with general inequality constraints
Massimo Roma A derivative-free approach for a simulation-based optimization problem in healthcare
Ana Lusa Custdio GLODS: clever multistart in directional direct search

Mon.C.2 Matrices and Complementarity, Session, Room 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Jos G. Hernndez R. Fantastic sport leagues and matrices of weighing
Luis Merca Fernandes The second-order eigenvalue complementarity problem
Carmo Brs On the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem

Mon.C.3 Routing (I), Session, Room 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Telmo Pinto Integrated approaches for the vehicle routing and packing problems
Rita Macedo Network flow formulation and variable neighborhood search for the location and routing problem with multiple routes
Agostinho Agra A maritime inventory routing problem with uncertain travel times

Mon.C.4 Engineering Applications in the Electric Power Sector, Session, Room 4 . . . . . . . . 37

Semya Elaoud Efficient solutions for electrical load management in smart homes
Srgio Pereira Short-term electricity planning with increase wind capacity using an optimization
Luis A Roque The unit commitment problem with periodicity constraints

Mon.C.5 Nonlinear Optimization (II), Session, Room 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Rohollah Garmanjani Global convergence and worst-case complexity of smoothing adaptive cubic
with regularization for non-smooth non-convex optimization
Oleg Burdakov On efficiently combining limited-memory and trust-region techniques




Tuesday, July 29, 10:30-12:30

Tue.A.1 Large Scale Optimization, Organized Session, Room 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Giovanni Fasano A modified Frank-Wolfe method for large scale quadratic programming
Emanuele Frandi On Frank-Wolfe Methods: recent variants, perspectives and applications to Machine Learning
Francesco Rinaldi A fast active set block coordinate descent algorithm for l1-regularized least

Tue.A.2 Healthcare and related applications, Organized Session, Room 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Augustine Kwanashie An integer programming approach to the hospital/residents problem with ties
Iain McBride The hospitals/residents problem with couples: complexity and integer programming
Miguel Constantino Robust kidney exchange
Paolo Tubertini Kidney exchange problem: a simulation-optimization approach

Tue.A.3 Network Design and Graphs, Session, Room 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Pedro Martins Compact formulations for the maximum edge-weight clique problem
Maria Adelaide Cerveira Design optimization of the wind farm cable networks
Cristina Requejo Valid inequalities for constrained minimum spanning trees
Ana Amaro Colaborative supply chain sustainability: optimal network configuration and planning

Tue.A.4 Engineering Applications, Session, Room 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Ana Ferreira Optimization of cogeneration systems applying direct search methods
Ricardo S Derivative-free optimization of a 3D composite structure
Aldina Correia An indoor location problem using fuzzy logic and direct search methods

Tue.A.5 Convex Optimization, Session, Room 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Suvendu Ranjan Pattanaik KKT point and non-convexity
Dinh Thanh Giang Restricted area and collinear condition techniques for solving geometric shortest
path problems
Stephane Chretien Non-parametric clustering with rank-constrained least-squares
Philipp Hungerlnder An infeasible active set method with step size control for bound constrained
convex problems

Tuesday, July 29, 15:00-16:30

Tue.B.1 Data Assimilation, Organized Session, Room 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Ehouarn Simon Observation thinning in data assimilation computations
Selime Gurol Preconditioning saddle point formulation of 4D-VAR
Jean Tshimanga Ilunga Diffusion solvers for correlation modelling and localization in ensemblevariational data assimilation

Tue.B.2 Financial Optimization, Session, Room 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Francisco Lemos Integrated planning of cash-flows and projects in a discrete-time model
Lus Alberto Coelho Cumulative prospect theory for portfolio selection optimization in risk context

Tue.B.3 Routing (II), Session, Room 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Samuel Carvalho Combination of ant colony optimisation and exact methods applied to routing
Ana Maria Rodrigues Routes for solid waste collection - a real application




Jos Brando Iterated local search algorithm for the open vehicle routing problem with time windows

Tue.B.4 Multiobjective Optimization (I), Session, Room 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

A. Ismael F. Vaz A Newton type method for constrained multiobjective optimization
Maria Joo Alves Exploring neighbouring extreme efficient solutions in multiobjective mixedinteger linear programming
Joo Paulo Costa Multiobjective integer linear fractional programming: a state-of-the-art

Tue.B.5 Transportation Planning, Session, Room 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Joana Cavadas Optimization-based park & ride facility planning
Miguel Gueifo Santos Strategic planning model for free-floating car-sharing systems
Joao Luis Miranda International cooperation in higher education: decision support for a transportation network under expansion

Tuesday, July 29, 17:00-19:00

Tue.C.1 Nonlinear Programming: theoretical and computational issues (I), Organized Session, Room 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Ademir Alves Ribeiro A new class of root-finding methods in Rn: the inexact Chebyshev-Halley tensor free class
Gabriel Haeser A flexible inexact restoration method and application to multiobjective constrained
Lucas Eduardo Azevedo Simes A new approach for the gradient sampling using nonmonotone
line search
Sandra Augusta Santos A quadratic regularization of Newtons method with algebraic rules

Tue.C.2 Model-Predictive Control and Optimal Control, Organized Session, Room 2 . . . . 51

Falk Hante Relaxation techniques for switching control of hyperbolic systems
Matthias Knauer Model predictive control with WORHP and TransWORHP for tracking problems
Sina Ober-Blbaum Optimization of discrete switched and hybrid mechanical systems
Jrgen Pannek Autonomous predictive driving utilizing car2car communication

Tue.C.3 Integer Programming, Session, Room 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Srgio Marques Heuristics and relaxations for the diversity management problem
Isabel Correia Capacitated single-allocation hub location problems with different types of products
Luis Gouveia On a formulation for the (time-dependent) travelling salesman problem
Filipe Alvelos Column generation heuristics

Tue.C.4 Metaheuristics and Benchmarking, Session, Room 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Lino Costa Stochastic algorithms assessment using bootstrap performance profiles
Angelo Aliano Filho A hybrid metaheuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem
Ana Carolina Janeiro A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the shelf apace allocation problem
in a supermarket chain
Jos Fernando Gonalves A hybrid BRKGA and local search approach for the minimization of open
stacks problem




Wednesday, July 30, 11:00-12:30

Wed.A.1 Nonlinear Programming: theoretical and computational issues (II), Organized
Session, Room 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Fernanda Maria Raupp A new approach for linearly constrained semi-continuous quadratic programming problems
Deise G. Ferreira Combining implicit filtering and pattern search for linearly constrained noisy
Alfredo N. Iusem The exact penalty map for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization

Wed.A.2 Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, Session, Room 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

M. Filomena Teodoro An Overview About the Solution Approximation of Some Delay - Advance
Differential Equations
Simo P.S. Santos Noethers first theorem for variational problems of Herglotz type with time delay
Sofia Lopes Normal forms of necessary conditions of optimality: calculus of variations and optimal
control problem

Wed.A.4 Multiobjective Optimization (II), Session, Room 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Sandra Silva Multiobjective mathematical model for sizing and locating biogas plants: a case study
from Entre-Douro-e-Minho Region, Portugal
Marcos Proena de Almeida Component-based framework for multi-objective multidisciplinary
design and optimization applied to engineering problems
Carlos Henggeler Antunes A multi-objective model for residential electrical load scheduling



Plenary Sessions
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Nanzan University, Seto, Aichi, Japan,
[email protected]
Tuesday, July 29, 14:00-15:00, Room 1/Auditorium
Chair: Joaquim Joo Jdice
Multi-leader-follower games play an important role in modeling complex conflict
situations that arise, for example, in economics and engineering. In this talk, we
discuss some issues in studying such games, and then particularly mention our
recent result on a class of multi-leader-follower games under uncertainty with
some special and simplified structure. By means of the robust optimization technique, the game is first formulated as a robust Nash equilibrium problem, and
then a generalized variational inequality problem. A numerical method is presented to compute a solution of the game.
Professor Masao Fukushima obtained all academic degrees in Engineering from Kyoto
University. Currently he is a full professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Nanzan University, and professor emeritus at Kyoto University. His research interests include
nonlinear optimization, variational inequality and complementarily problems, parallel
optimization, nonsmooth optimization, global optimization, game theory, and applications in transportation, finance, data mining, etc. He has published over 200 papers in
peer reviewed journals and has been selected as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Mathematics. Professor Fukushima is one of the founders of the Pacific Optimization Research
Activity Group, and had served as the Chairman of the Working Committee. He is also
the founder and the Co-Editor of Pacific Journal of Optimization. Besides, he is currently
on the editorial boards of 16 international journals in optimization and operations research, including Computational Optimization and Applications, Optimization Methods
and Software, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, etc.




CERFACS and INPT-IRIT, Toulouse, France, [email protected],[email protected]
Monday, July 28, 14:00-15:00, Room 1/Auditorium
Chair: Lus Nunes Vicente
Solving non-convex optimisation problems on parallel computers in a challenge
that arise frequently in Geosciences, especially in the area of numerical prediction of physical phenomena. In this talk we discuss the state of the art algorithms
that are used in operational centers, for solving this problems. Most of them rely
on an adaptation of known optimization techniques, with an appropriate use of
the problem geometry. We will also discuss also the new directions that are considered for future systems, where, due to the increase of the problem complexity,
solution are expected to rely on stochastic approaches, and multi-domain, multifidelity or multi-grid ideas. Some results will be presented in the area of Data
Assimilation for Oceanography.
Serge Gratton got a PhD in applied mathematics in Toulouse. He is currently full professor
of applied mathematics in the University of Toulouse and director the CERFACS-IRIT joint
laboratory. His research nowadays mainly focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of
optimisation methods for large scale gradient based optimization or derivative free optimization. He is also the scientific coordinator of the CERFACS "Parallel Algorithms" team
working on numerical methods for solving systems of equations and optimization problems. He is on the editorial borad of Optimization Methods and Software and has coauthored 60 peer-reviewed papers in international journals covering theoretical and practical aspects of numerical algorithms.

North Carolina State University, USA, [email protected]
Wednesday, July 30, 14:00-15:00, Room 1/Auditorium
Chair: A. Ismael F. Vaz
Implicit Filtering is a derivative-free optimization method which evaluates the
objective function on a set of search directions. If the search fails to find a better point, the next step is to reduce the length of the direction vectors, updated
the directions, and try again. Otherwise one approximates a gradient based on
the values and tries a quasi-Newton step. For unconstrained problems where the
objective function is everywhere defined, the positive and negative coordinate directions work well.


For many problems, however, the objective function may fail to return a value.
Among the reasons for this are failure of internal simulations or failure of a postiori tests for validity within the function. In this case one must do more than
compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient and must also augment the direction set to avoid stagnation at non-critical points.
In this talk we will discuss how one resolves these problems, discuss some recent results on functions which have embedded Monte Carlo simulations, and
show, in the context of an application, how our implementation of implicit filtering can be used to solve problems with hidden constraints.
C. T. Kelley is a Drexel Professor of Mathematics at North Carolina State University. His research interests are in numerical methods for nonlinear equations and optimization and
applications of those methods. He is currently working on applications to neutron transport, subsurface hydrology, computational chemistry, and electronic structure computations. He is the author of four books and over 160 papers. He is a fellow of the Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), editor-in-chief of SIAM Review, and chair of
the SIAM Board of Trustees.

Brunel University, UK, [email protected]
Wednesday, July 30, 9:30-10:30, Room 1/Auditorium
Chair: Lus Gouveia
In this talk I will first briefly present basic steps and facts regarding Variable
Neighborhood Search (VNS) metaheuristic. Then I will present its three recent
successful implementation in solving clustering problems on community networks. Network clustering is currently hot topic since it can be applied to social
networks, telecommunication networks, biological, internet and all other networks. Many clustering criteria are proposed in the literature taking into account
different needs for grouping. I will present three such clustering criteria solved by
VNS: (1) VNS for divisive hierachical ratio/cut clustering; (2) VNS for multi diversity grouping; (3) Clique partitioning. Computational results and a comparative
analysis will be given too.
Professor Nenad Mladenovic is currently professor (International chair) at LAMIH - CNRS,
University of Valenciennes, France. He received all his degrees from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (BA in mathematics, MSc and PhD in Operational Research). He started
his university career in Belgrade, but has since spent about 10 years in Montreal, Canada at
the Operational Research (OR) center GERAD and at McGill University. He was teaching at
University of Birmingham and Brunel university, UK during 9 years. He has participated in


more than 20 industrial projects and was leader of several industrial and research projects
in Yugoslavia, Canada, Belgium, U.K. and France. He has had visiting professor positions
in Canada, Spain, Hong Kong, Germany, France and Belgium. In 2012 he became a member of the Academia Europe (The European Academy of Science). He is also a president
of YuSIAM (Yugoslav Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics), member of Serbian
Scientific society etc. He has written 21 books and chapters, and has published more than
150 papers in edited proceedings and journals (such as SIAM J Computing, Management
Science, Mathematical Programming, Operations Research, INFORMS J on Computing,
OR Letters, EJOR, JOGO, JORS). He serves on the editorial board of a number of journals.
His H and G research indices are 37 and 90 respectively, according to Google scholar. He
has organized many international conferences and was guest editor of more than 10 special issues.

University of Bordeaux, France, [email protected]
Tuesday, July 29, 9:00-10:00, Room 1/Auditorium
Chair: J. M. Valrio de Carvalho
Large scale Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) optimization models are intricate to solve. When the model decomposes into blocs, for instance when optimizing the use of multiple ressources, relaxing the linking constraints in a Lagrangian way can make the model tractable. Exploiting such decomposition to
develop tight approximations has lead to tremendous progress in solving important applications. In this presentation, we review the alternative methods to solve
the so-called Lagrangian dual model or its linear programming counterpart, the
Dantzig-Wolfe master (associated with the column generation algorithm). We
highlight their drawbacks, their common base, and their specific features, while
discussing extentions of such methods.
Franois Vanderbeck is a Professor in Operations Research at the University of Bordeaux.
He is a member of the Mathematics Institute of Bordeaux and animates an INRIA research
team named RealOpt. Before that, he was a Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and
was associated with both the Engineering Department and the Judge Institute of Management Studies.
Franois holds an Engineering Degree in Applied Mathematics (from UCL), a Master
Degree in Operations Research (from MIT, ORC). He did his Ph.D. in Operations Research
at the Centre for Operations Research and Econometric (CORE, UCL) under the direction
of Professor Laurence A. Wolsey.
His research is in Combinatorial Optimisation, Integer Programming, Reformulation
and Decomposition Methods (Branch-and-Price algorithms) and their Applications (Plan20


ning and Scheduling problems, Logistic and Routing, Cutting and Packing problems, Production and Inventory control).


University of Groningen, The Netherlands, [email protected]
Monday, July 28, 9:00-10:00, Room 1/Auditorium
Chair: Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama
The simple recourse model is indeed the simplest example of the general recourse
concept of Stochastic Programming, modeling linear penalty costs for shortages
and surpluses with respect to individual constraints. Simple recourse serves well
to introduce the general concept, and moreover problems of realistic size, e.g.
involving hundreds of constraints with random right-hand side parameters, can
be solved in reasonable time.
We extend the simple recourse model to allow for a more refined penalty cost
structure as well as integer recourse variables. We show how a solution approach
developed for the latter problem class can be extended to more general integer
recourse models. Finally, we discuss the concept of integrated chance constraints
(ICC), an early predecessor of conditional value-at-risk. We present an algorithm
for ICC models, which as a spin-off yields an algorithm for simple recourse models with random technology matrix.
Maarten H. van der Vlerk (University of Groningen) holds the chair Stochastic Optimization within the research institute OPERA (Operations Management and Operations Research). The chair specializes in design, analysis and implementation of mathematical
models of optimization to support decision-making under uncertainty.
Following his PhD in 1995 and a post-doc year at CORE (Louvain-la-Neuve) prestigious fellowships from NWO and KNAW allowed him to continue his research in Groningen, focusing on recourse models with mixed-integer variables. In 2004-2007 he served
as chair of the MPS Committee on Stochastic Programming. His publications appeared in
a.o. Mathematical Programming, Operations Research, European Journal of Operational
Research, and Annals of OR. From 2006 onwards, he is director of the bachelor and master
programs Econometrics, Operations Research & Actuarial Studies.



Mon.A.1, Monday, July 28, 10:30-12:30,
Room 1

Derivative-Free Optimization (I)

Session organized by: Serge Gratton
Session chair: Serge Gratton
1. Direct search based on probabilistic
Clment W. Royer
([email protected])
ENSEEIHT-IRIT, France, Serge Gratton,
Luis Nunes Vicente, Zaikun Zhang
Direct-search methods are a class of popular
derivative-free algorithms characterized by evaluating the objective function using a step size
and a number of (polling) directions. When applied to the minimization of smooth functions,
the polling directions are typically taken from
positive spanning sets which in turn must have
at least n + 1 vectors in an n-dimensional variable space. In addition, to ensure the global
convergence of these algorithms, the positive
spanning sets used throughout the iterations
are required to be uniformly non-degenerate in
the sense of having a positive (cosine) measure
bounded away from zero.
However, recent numerical results indicated
that randomly generating the polling directions
without imposing the positive spanning property can improve the performance of these
methods, especially when the number of directions is chosen considerably less than n + 1.
In this talk, we analyze direct-search algorithms when the polling directions are probabilistic descent, meaning that with a certain
probability at least one of them is of descent

type. Such a framework enjoys almost-sure

global convergence. More interestingly, we will
show a global decaying rate of 1/ k for the gradient size, with overwhelmingly high probability, matching the corresponding rate for the deterministic versions of the gradient method or of
direct search. Our analysis helps to understand
numerical behavior and the choice of the number of polling directions.
Keywords: Derivative-free optimization, directsearch methods, polling, positive spanning sets, probabilistic descent, random directions

2. Global exploration strategy for derivative free optimization

Nacer Soualmi
([email protected]) CERFACS,
Youssef Diouane, Serge Gratton, Luis
Nunes Vicente
For enhancing global performance of optimization algorithms in a Derivative Free Optimization (DFO) context, hybrid approaches have
been developed, combining two levels of abstraction : a global level responsible for defining
regions of interest, and a local level performing
refined optimization, using classical DFO techniques. The performance of such methods relies
at first on the global level. The most successful
algorithms are branch and bound inspired techniques (e.g., Multilevel Coordinate Search), others are based on multistart strategies or generate
asymptotically dense sets of points in the search
In this work, we are proposing a new global
level approach, naturally parallelizable, inspired
by stochastic methods. The proposed solver is




compared to the most efficient current global

Keywords: Global optimization, derivative-free
optimization, stochastic methods

3. Globally convergent evolution strategies for constrained optimization

Youssef Diouane
([email protected]) CERFACS,
France, Serge Gratton, Luis Nunes Vicente
In this talk we propose a new framework to extend evolution strategies (ES) to handle general
constrained optimization. Two approaches are
considered to handle the constraints. In a first
approach, the objective function is evaluated directly at the generated sampled points, the feasibility being handled by an extreme barrier function mechanism. A second approach uses a projection of the generated sampled points onto the
feasible domain before evaluating the objective
The resulting algorithms enjoy favourable
global convergence properties (convergence to
stationarity from arbitrary starting points), regardless of the linearity of the constraints.
The algorithmic implementation addresses
general linearly constrained optimization. Our
solver is compared to others, and the numerical results confirm its competitiveness in terms
of efficiency and robustness.
Keywords: Evolution strategies, constrained optimization, global convergence, extreme barrier function, projection, linear constraints, bound constraints

4. A subspace decomposition framework

for nonlinear optimization: global convergence and global rates
Zaikun Zhang ([email protected])
Department of Mathematics, University
of Coimbra, Portugal, Serge Gratton, Luis
Nunes Vicente
We discuss a general subspace decomposition
framework for optimization (for the moment
without constraints).
Two versions of the
framework are presented, namely a LevenbergMarquardt version and a trust-region one. We


establish global (asymptotic) convergence and

derive global rates for both of them. We also discuss how to exploit the framework to design parallel and multilevel derivative-free algorithms
for large-scale problems.
Keywords: Subspace decomposition, global convergence, global rates, derivative-free optimization,
large scale problems

Mon.A.2, Monday, July 28, 10:30-12:30,

Room 2

Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming

Session organized by: Laura Palagi
Session chair: Laura Palagi
1. A heuristic algorithm for general multiple nonlinear knapsack problems
Luca Mencarelli
([email protected]) LIX
Ecole Polytechnique, Claudia
DAmbrosio, Silvano Martello, Angelo Di
We consider the multiple nonlinear knapsack
problem (MNLKP) involving separable functions. Depending on the assumption on the integrality of the variables, this problem can be modeled as a nonlinear programming (NLP) or as
a (mixed) integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP). In both cases, this class of problems is very difficult to solve, both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.
MNLKP represents a challenging optimization problem: on the one hand it constitutes
a general framework for completely separable
nonconvex MINLP, on the other this problem
typically arises in multiple nonlinear resourceallocation applications.
We propose a fast heuristic algorithm and a
local search post-optimization procedure. A preliminary series of computational comparisons
with a heuristic method for general nonconvex
mixed integer nonlinear programming and with
global optimization methods shows that the proposed algorithms provide high-quality solutions



within very short computing times. This works

extends the heuristic algorithm proposed by
Claudia DAmbrosio and Silvano Martello (Computers and Operations Research, 32(2):505-513,
2011) for the general nonlinear separable single
knapsack problem.
Keywords: Heuristic algorithm, multiple nonlinear knapsack problem

2. A Feasible Active Set Method with

Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic
Mixed Integer Programming
Marianna De Santis
([email protected])
Technische Universitt Dortmund,
Christoph Buchheim, Stefano Lucidi ,
Francesco Rinaldi, Long Trieu
We present a fast branch-and-bound algorithm
for solving convex quadratic mixed integer programs with linear constraints. In each node, we
solve the dual problem of the continuous relaxation using an appropriate active set feasible method to get a lower bound. This active
set algorithm is well suited for reoptimization
and is tailored for convex quadratic programming problems with non-negativity constraints.
Theoretical properties of the active set estimation will be highlighted. Our algorithm generalizes a branch-and-bound approach for unconstrained convex quadratic integer programming proposed by Buchheim, Caprara and Lodi
in 2012 to the presence of linear constraints.
The main feature of the latter approach consists
in a sophisticated preprocessing phase, leading
to a fast enumeration of the branch-and-bound
nodes. Experimental results for randomly generated instances are presented. The new approach
significantly outperforms the MIQP solver of
CPLEX 12.6 for instances with a small number of
Keywords: Integer nonlinear programming

3. Energy efficiency in cellular network:

a non linear programming
Kai Yang ([email protected]) LRI, Univerity
of Paris Sud XI, Dominique Quadri,
Steven Martin
The explosive wireless traffic growth triggers
rapidly rising power consumption and carbon
dioxide emission, which highlight the urgent
need for energy-efficient design in wireless networks. For example, spectral efficiency (SE) is
a strictly monotone increasing function with respect to the transmit power; Actually, improving
SE directly leads to an increase in energy consumption in many situations, and it is shown
that EE is strictly quasiconcave in SE. We proposed a two steps piecewise linear functions to
convert the nonlinear fractional programming
problem into linear programming problem. Experimentations will be conducted so as to assess
the proposed optimization approach.
Keywords: Non linear fractional program, linearization, continuous variables

4. Using the SpeeDP algorithm to

solve max cut instances to certified
Laura Palagi ([email protected])
Sapienza Universit di Roma, Veronica
Piccialli, Giovanni Rinaldi, Maryam
We describe an algorithm that provides solutions
to Max-Cut, along with a guaranteed optimality
error certificate, that is based on SpeeDP, a fast
method for the solution of low-rank semidefinite
programming relaxations of unconstrained -1,1
quadratic problems. Valid inequalities of the Cut
Polytope are also exploited in a Lagrangian fashion to strengthen the SDP bound. The bounding procedure is finally embedded into an enumeration scheme. We report on experimental results obtained with this algorithm on very large




graphs (relative to what todays exact methods

are able to handle) designed with the purpose
of verifying the effectiveness of SpeeDP with respect to commonly used interior-point based
SDP solvers.
Keywords: Max-cut, low-rank semidefinite programming, Lagrangian relaxation, branch&bound

Mon.A.3, Monday, July 28, 10:30-12:30,

Room 3

Scheduling (I)
Session chair: Antnio Pais Antunes
1. Automatic timetabling in higher education institutions - Bullet TimeTabler
Pedro Fernandes
([email protected])
Bullet Solutions, Armando Barbosa
In a time where the need to reduce costs has
become part of day to day reality of all Educational Institutions, it is inefficient to continue
manually performing those tasks that can be automated and optimized - the creation of timetables. In our previous work, a new automatic and
optimized generator of timetables for Higher Education Institutions was presented - the product Bullet TimeTabler Education (BTTE), which
is successfully used in more than half of the Portuguese Higher Education Schools, including the
10 major ones. BTTE has been improved over the
years, and some important updates to the aforementioned previous work are relevant enough
to be presented, as well as the next research directions that were chosen by Bullet Solutions to
continuously refine the BTTE software.

Automatic timetabling, heuristics,

combinatorial optimization


2. A branch-and-cut approach for

solving forest harvest scheduling problems with constraints on clearcut area
and interior space
Isabel Martins ([email protected])
Centro de Investigao Operacional,
Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
Universidade de Lisboa, Miguel
Forest fragmentation occurs when large and
continuous forests are divided into smaller
patches, with a proportionately less amount of
interior space. Addressing forest fragmentation
into forest planning models with no constraints
on clearcut area may not prevent the excessive
harvesting of a particular area, and the opposite tend to disperse harvests across the forest
and thus, a more fragmented landscape. The
aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of solving forest harvest scheduling problems
with both constraints on clearcut area and interior space. We describe an integer programming model with an exponential number of constraints based on the so-called path formulation.
We propose to solve the model by branch-andcut. Computational results with real and hypothetical forests are reported.

Forest management scheduling,

spatial modeling, core area, integer programming,


3. The integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem - a hierarchy of models

Michelli Maldonado
([email protected]) UNESP - Univ.
Estadual Paulista , Socorro Rangel
The solution of a lot sizing problem determines
the timing and level of production to meet deterministic product demand over a finite planning
horizon. The scheduling problem establishes
the order in which the lots are produced, and
might take into account sequence-dependent



setup. The Integration of these two problems

enables the creation of better production plans
than those obtained when solving the two problems hierarchically. We will present three mathematical models for the integrated lot sizing and
scheduling problem based on different strategies to treat the scheduling decisions. A hierarchy of the models is presented based on an initial computational study.
Keywords: Mathematical models, mixed integer
programming, lotscheduling

4. Optimum management of boarding gates: application to Guarulhos

airport (So Paulo)
Antnio Pais Antunes
([email protected]) CITTA, Department
of Civil Engineering, University of
Coimbra, Joo Pedro Pita
Aircraft arrive to and depart from an airport either at a boarding gate or at some apron position. In the former case passengers reach the
terminal or the aircraft through an aerobridge,
whereas in the latter they have to be taken there
by bus, which is less convenient to passengers
and airlines, and more expensive to the airport.
In this paper, we describe an optimization model
whose objective is to maximize the number of
aircraft (weighted by seat capacity) that arrive
to or depart from a boarding gate, given the respective arrival and departure times and the set
of gates available. The usefulness of the model
is demonstrated through an application to the
busiest airport in South America - Guarulhos
(So Paulo).
Keywords: Air transport, airports, gate assignment, mixed-integer optimization

Mon.A.4, Monday, July 28, 10:30-12:30,

Room 4

Optimal Control Applications

Session chair: Delfim F. M. Torres
1. Dengue outbreak in Madeira - what
could happen if two virus serotypes coexist?
M. Teresa T. Monteiro
([email protected]) Department of
Production and Systems, University of
Minho, Portugal, Filipa Portugal Rocha,
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, Delfim F. M.
Dengue is a vector-borne disease transcending
international borders. It can be found in tropical and subtropical regions, predominantly in
urban and semi-urban areas. In Madeira, a
Portuguese island, an unprecedented outbreak
was detected on October 2012 caused by DEN1 virus serotype. A model of ordinary differential equations for dengue transmission, composed by mutually-exclusive compartments representing the human and vector dynamics, is
presented in this study. The model considers two
virus serotypes and the insecticide as a control
variable. The coexistence of two serotypes may
lead to more severe cases of illness. The aim of
this work is to minimize the number of human
infected and/or the insecticide amount. Numerical tests are performed to simulate a hypothetical outbreak caused by two virus serotypes using
the data from Madeira.
Keywords: Dengue, two virus serotypes, optimization

2. Optimal control of incompressible

flow driven systems
Teresa Grilo ([email protected])
FCUP/FeUP, Fernando Lobo Pereira,
Slvio Gama
The objective of this work is to develop a mathematical framework for the modeling, control and
optimization of dynamic control systems whose
state variable is driven by interacting ODEs and




PDEs. This framework should provide a sound

basis for the design and control of new advanced
engineering systems arising in many important
classes of applications, some of which may involve gliders and mechanical fishes.
Until now, the research effort has been focused in gaining insight by applying necessary
conditions of optimality for shear flow driven dynamic control systems which can be easily reduced to problems with ODE dynamics.
Currently, we are extending this methodology to the two-dimensional incompressible
Navier-Stokes flow by using vortex methods. In
particular, we are studying the position of a particle when it is subject to the motion of a flow
created by two vortices.
Keywords: Optimal control, dynamic systems, ordinary differential equations, point vortices

3. Optimal control interventions in

Tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS co-infection
Delfim F. M. Torres ([email protected])
University of Aveiro, Cristiana J. Silva
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of death
among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and HIV presents a big challenge to TB control. Each disease speeds up the
progress of the other, and TB considerably shortens the survival of people with HIV/AIDS. An estimate one-third of the 40 million people living
with HIV/AIDS worldwide are co-infected with
We propose and analyze a model for TBHIV/AIDS co-infection which considers single
disease (TB or HIV/AIDS) and co-infection TBHIV/AIDS treatment. The basic reproduction
number of the system model is computed and
stability is analyzed. Optimal control treatment
procedures are derived for the reduction of coinfected TB-HIV/AIDS individuals.
Keywords: Optimal control, epidemiology, tuberculosis, HIV


Mon.A.5, Monday, July 28, 10:30-12:30,

Room 5

Data Envelopment Analysis and

Session chair: Teresa Pea
1. Real time data envelopment analysis:
telemetry for formula 1 on mobile platforms
Aparecido Jorge Jubran
([email protected]) Universidade Nove
de Julho, Laura Jubran, Sarah Jubran,
Marcilio Lima, Irian Francisco
The current pilot and team classification system in the Formula 1 championship does not
allow for an impartial and unbiased comparison of the results, due to the lack of consistency
in the scoring criteria, which directly influence
the rankings generated by season; by pilot; by
nationality; by constructor; by engine and tire
suppliers, amongst others. This paper aims to
offer a real time WEB demonstration of the efficiency border of pilot and team results using
subject-area searches and Operations Research
(OR) analytical techniques, including the theoretical and methodological developments of Linear Programming and Data Envelopment Analysis, also contributing to elucidate complaints
made by F-1pilots and agents about the constant
changes to the scoring criteria established by
FIA-Fdration Internationale de lAutomobile.
Keywords: Telemetry, data envelopment analysis,
real time

2. Analyzing models with variable

weights from a social choice perspective
Teresa Pea ([email protected])
Departamento de Economa Aplicada,
Universidad de Valladolid, Bonifacio
There are decisional contexts where fixed scores
are assigned to the different ranks obtained by
the candidates and those ones with the highest
total score are the winners. Among these con-



texts we can mention sport competitions like the

Formula One World Championship or the Motorcycle World Championship. In this framework, one of the most important issues is the
determination of the scoring vector to use because the winner(s) may change depending on
that vector. To avoid this shortcoming, several methods have appeared in the literature,
where, by using mathematical programming
techniques, each candidate is evaluated with the
most favourable scoring vector for him/her. In
this work we analyze these methods from a social choice perspective in order to be able to
make an assessment based on their respective
strengths and weaknesses.
Keywords: Decision support systems, scoring
vectors, variable weights

Mon.B.1, Monday, July 28, 15:00-16:30,

Room 1

Derivative-Free Optimization (II)

Session organized by: Francesco Rinaldi
Session chair: Francesco Rinaldi
1. Different second order approximations in a model-based SQP trust-region
DFO method
Anke Trltzsch ([email protected])
German Aerospace Center
A trust-region SQP method for general nonlinear
constrained optimization without derivatives is
proposed. The trust-region step is computed by
a Byrd-Omojokun-like approach. An active-set
strategy is used to handle bound constraints and
inequality constraints. The objective and constraint functions are approximated by local linear or quadratic interpolation. In this work, we
want to examine different approximation techniques. Numerical results will be reported using
a set of constrained problems from the CUTEst
testing environment.


Derivative-free optimization, SQP,

constrained optimization

2. A derivative-free method for multiobjective problems combining global and

local strategies
Stefano Lucidi ([email protected])
DIAG Sapienza University of Rome,
Giovanni Fasano, Giampaolo Liuzzi,
Francesco Rinaldi
This work focuses on the solution of black-box
constrained multiobjective optimization problems, with both nonlinear inequality constraints
and bound constraints. We propose a method
combining a global and local strategy. In the
global phase, we use a DIRECT-type approach,
while in the local phase we adopt a line search
based derivative free method. We further report
some numerical results proving the effectiveness
of the proposed approach.
Keywords: Derivative-free optimization, multiobjective problems, DIRECT algorithm

3. The BFO derivative-free algorithm

and its application to parameter tuning
in algorithm design
Margherita Porcelli
([email protected])
University of Bologna, Philippe L. Toint
The estimation of algorithmic parameters is extremely important to ensure the best algorithmic performance for the broadest class of problems and to provide reliable default settings to
non-expert users. We introduce an original formulation for the automatic parameter identification problem and use an improved version of
the derivative-free BFO algorithm to find optimal parameters even in the absence of regularity of the (black-box) objective function. Numerical experiments on the BFO self-tuning are
presented together with a numerical comparison among BFO and other DFO algorithms.




Keywords: Derivative-free optimization, parame-


ter estimation


Mon.B.2, Monday, July 28, 15:00-16:30,

Room 2

Copositive and Polynomial Optimization

Session organized by: Immanuel Bomze
Session chair: Immanuel Bomze
1. Optimization of constrained fractional quadratic problems
Paula Amaral ([email protected]) Dep.
Mathematics FCT UNL
The correction of inconsistent linear systems
and the eigenvalue complementarity problem
are two classes of problems that can be formulated as Constrained Fractional Quadratic
Problems (CFQP). CFQP consists in the minimization of the ratio of two quadratic functions over a polytope. For global optimization purposes, the nonconvexity of the objective
function causes known difficulties. The role of
lower bounds is crucial, for instance in branch
and bound approaches. In this paper we will
present Completely Positive and Copositive formulations which SDP relaxations provide efficient lower bounds. Some preliminary results in
a sequential optimization method are also presented.
Keywords: Fractional quadratic problems, copositive formulations, inconsistent systems

2. Copositive programming: properties

of copositive and completely positive
Georg Still ([email protected])
University of Twente
A symmetric m m matrix is called copositive if
z T Az 0 holds for all z IR m , z 0.
A symmetric m m matrix B is said to be completely positive if B can be represented in the


j =1

c j c Tj

with c j IR m , c j 0 N IN .

The smallest number N in such a representation of B is called the cp-rank of B . A linear

copositive program is a problem, where a linear
objective is optimized under the constraint that
an affine combination of symmetric matrices is
copositive or completely positive.
In this talk we give a short introduction into
copositive programming. Then, some of the
properties of copositive and completely positive
matrices are discussed.
Interested in particular in the cp-rank of
copositive matrices we present recent results on
the topological properties of the cp-rank function.
Keywords: Convex programming, copositive programs, completely positive matrices

3. Copositive relaxation beats Lagrangian dual bounds in quadratically

and linearly constrained QPs
Immanuel Bomze
([email protected])
University of Vienna
For all-quadratic problems (without any linear
constraints), it is well known that the SDP relaxation coincides basically with the Lagrangian
Here we study a more general case
with linear and quadratic constraints by including explicit sign constraints on the problem variables. Both the full Lagrangian dual
and the Semi-Lagrangian relaxation are treated:
the stronger Semi-Lagrangian dual bounds coincide with those provided by copositive relaxation. This way, we arrive at a full hierarchy of tractable conic bounds stronger than the
usual Lagrangian dual (and thus than the SDP)
bounds. We also specify sufficient conditions
for tightness of the Semi-Lagrangian (i.e. copositive) relaxation and show that copositivity of



the slack matrix guarantees global optimality for

KKT points of this problem.
Keywords: Copositive matrices, non-convex optimization, polynomial optimization, quadratically constrained problem, approximation hierarchies, global
optimality condition

Mon.B.3, Monday, July 28, 15:00-16:30,

Room 3

Scheduling (II)
Session chair:

Francisco Saldanha-da-

1. Mixed-model assembly line balancing

in the footwear industry
Parisa Sadeghi ([email protected])
INESC TEC, Rui Rebelo, Jos Soeiro
Footwear is one of the most dynamic and successful industrial sectors in Portugal. Almost all
the production is exported around the world.
New efficient and automated assembly lines are
being designed and installed, replacing mass assembly lines, to address the need to produce various models (always changing) at the same time
Modeling these lines is quite challenging. Critical issues are the wide variety and small quantities of models, graph sequencing of tasks, limited deadlines, multi-functional operators, different types of machines and specific buffers.
This work focuses on balancing a mixed-model
stitching line in a real company. Optimization models will be presented, taking into account objectives such as the number of workstations and the workload smoothness of operators.
Solution methods based on exact and heuristics methods will be described, together with an
analysis of the computational results.
Keywords: Footwear industry, assembly line balancing, heuristic methods

2. Scheduling aircrafts engines repair process: a mathematical model

Isabel Cristina Lopes
([email protected]) UNIAG, ESEIG
- Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Minho
University, Eliana Costa e Silva, Jorge
Orestes Cerdeira
In this talk, we discuss a scheduling problem
that originated at TAP - Maintenance & Engineering - the maintenance, repair and overhaul
organization of Portugals leading airline. In the
repair process of aircrafts engines, the operations to be scheduled may be executed on a
certain workstation by any processor of a given
set, and the objective is to minimize the total
weighted tardiness. A mixed integer linear programming formulation, based on the flexible job
shop scheduling, is presented here, along with
computational experiment on a real instance,
provided by TAP-ME, from a regular working
week. The model was also tested using benchmarking instances available in literature.
Keywords: Real world scheduling, flexible job
shop, mixed integer linear programming

3. The impact of fixed and variable costs

in a multi-skill project scheduling
Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama
([email protected]) DEIO-CIO, Faculdade
de Cincias, Universidade de Lisboa,
Isabel Correia
In this work we investigate a project scheduling
problem in which several skills are required for
executing the activities. A pull of resources mastering these skills is assumed to exist. Each resource can contribute with at most one skill for
the execution of an activity. In turn, each activity may require more than one resource for
each skill. Costs are associated with resource
usage and are to be minimized. The natural
mathematical programming model contains a
non-linear objective function which, nonetheless, can be linearized at the expense of one additional set of continuous variables. The linearized model is enhanced using several sets of




additional inequalities. The results of an extensive set of computational tests performed with
the final model are reported.

Keywords: Optimization, spinning efficiency, enegy consumption, 6-Sigma

Keywords: Project scheduling, multi-skilled resources, cost minimization

Mon.B.4, Monday, July 28, 15:00-16:30,

Room 4

OR Modelling and Applications

Session chair: Diogo Alagador
1. Optimizing extraction duration of
front loader washing machines to improve water extraction performance under a constraint of energy consumption
Talip Caglar ([email protected])
Arelik , Aysegul Sarac
In washing machines, there is some water left
on laundry after spinning. If the wet laundry
is held inside of houses, the humidity of the
air increases. It affects human health as well
as causes decay on furniture and interior walls.
Thats why improving spinning performance of
washing machines is critical for users. Decreasing moisture on clothes at the end of spinning
aimed to be provided with optimum energy consumption of spinning process. At high spinning
speeds, due to the effect of pressure and air flow
in the tub, droplets, which has been extracted
from drum, returns back to the laundry. This is
an undesirable situation so it must be prevented.
This problem can be solved by optimizing the
design of some components such as drum, tub
and spinning algorithm etc. Prior to this optimization, water flow behavior must be analyzed
in the tub during spinning. The scope of this
study is to analysis different parameters which
affect the spinning efficiency. Therefore, it is
aimed to provide optimum water extraction and
spinning efficiency in washing machines with
optimum energy consumption by using 6-Sigma


2. Linear programming: a computational model for elaborating dietary

plans focusing on meals served in
elementary schools
Laura Martinson Jubran
([email protected]) Universidade
Nove de Julho, Aparecido Jorge Jubran,
Jaqueline Botelho da Ponte, Sarah
Martinson Provasi Jubran, Tania Pinho
dos Santos, Thiago Correa Carneiro
Recent studies have shown that a balanced diet
contains active components that prevent problems such as delayed growth and learning disabilities. Dietary plans include more nutritious
foods in terms of active compounds, and aim
to aid nutritionists in developing the best possible menus. This paper presents a computational
model for development of low-cost dietary plans
that take into consideration the established Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), as modified according to the nutritionists line of work, and its
main goal is to help plan meals for children from
age four to six. In addition, this paper aims to analyze the decrease in meal costs, obtained by using seasonal foods. The model is supported by a
body of knowledge in various fields, such as operations research, information systems, biology
and nutrition.
Keywords: Linear programming, dietary plans, elementary schools

3. Optimizing costs to ensure persistence of species under climate change

Diogo Alagador ([email protected])
Centro de Investigao em
Biodiversidade e Recursos Genticos,
CIBIO, Universidade de vora, Jorge
Orestes Cerdeira
Climate change will affect species distributions
and therefore has impact on the effectiveness



of conservation areas. Therefore the location of

conservation areas requires optimal guidance to
make them efficient and effective in protecting
species. We formalize such a challenge proposing a network flow model to identify, at minimum cost, efficient corridors (sequences of climatically suitable grid cells that each species is
able to colonize along time) ensuring the persistence of each species within the system to
exceed a minimum threshold. Persistence of a
species along a corridor combines the suitability
of each corridors cell and the ability of species to
disperse between consecutive cells corresponding to different time periods. Heuristics to handle this optimization problem and preliminary
results on a realistic biodiversity conservation
case study will be given and discuss.
Keywords: Biodiversity conservation, connectivity, graphs, heuristics, network flow

Mon.B.5, Monday, July 28, 15:00-16:30,

Room 5

Nonlinear Optimization (I)

Session chair:

Maria Gardnia Sousa

1. A twist on sequential linear programming methods

Julio Gonzlez-Daz
([email protected]) University of
Santiago de Compostela, Mara P.
Fernndez de Crdoba, ngel M.
Gonzlez Rueda

towards the optimum of the current LP problem, we use this optimum as the new solution
of the nonlinear problem. We study to what extent this modification preserves the theoretical
properties of the classic SLP. Further, this modified SLP algorithm is easier to implement and it
readily leads to a heuristic algorithm for mixedinteger nonlinear optimization problems. Interestingly, this heuristic has already been applied
in a real-life problem on gas network optimization.
Keywords: Sequential linear programming, successive, nonlinear optimization, KKT conditions

2. Use of smoothing algorithm hyperbolic in taxonomy of macroalgae

Maria Gardnia Sousa Batista
([email protected])
UESPI, Adilson Xavier, Francisca Lcia
Lima, Andre Macedo Santana
This paper presents a new methodology for
grouping data in Taxonomy. Macroalgae of the
genus Caulerpa were chosen as a model for
your application by great morphological plasticity and difficulty in their identification by traditional systematic methods. The results obtained using the hyperbolic smoothing algorithm demonstrate its feasibility for use in biological taxonomy. This new methodology may
be used alone or in combination with other
methodologies already established, not only in
phycology, but also in other areas of biology.
Keywords: Hyperbolic smoothing, biological taxonomy, macroalgae

Sequential linear programming (SLP) is a widely

used approach to solve complex nonlinear optimization problems. Informally, it consists of an
iterative procedure which, at each step, works
with a linearization of the problem around the
current solution. This solution is then updated
by taking a certain step in the direction of the
optimum of the LP problem at hand. We study
a natural modification of SLP in which, at each
step of the iterative process, instead of moving




Mon.C.1, Monday, July 28, 17:00-18:30,

Room 1

Derivative-Free Optimization (III)

Session organized by: Francesco Rinaldi
Session chair: Francesco Rinaldi

the hospital processes and evaluating their efficiency. In order to obtain the optimal setting,
we combine derivative-free optimization methods with a simulation tool. The resulting framework has been tested on a real healthcare problem.



derivative-free method, healthcare problems

1. A derivative-free trust-funnel algorithm for optimization problems with

general inequality constraints
Phillipe R. Sampaio
([email protected])
University of Namur, Phillipe R.
Sampaio, Philippe Toint
A new derivative-free method is proposed for
solving nonlinear optimization problems with
general inequality constraints. This methods is
of the trust-funnel variety and is also based on
the use of polynomial interpolation models. In
addition, it uses a self-correcting geometry procedure in order to ensure that the interpolation
problem is well defined in the sense that the geometry of the set of interpolation points does not
differ too much from the ideal one. Some initial
numerical results are presented.
Keywords: Derivative-free optimization, nonlinear optimization, trust-region methods, trust funnel,
inequality constraints

2. A derivative-free approach for a

simulation-based optimization problem in healthcare
Massimo Roma ([email protected])
SAPIENZA - Universita di Roma, Stefano
Lucidi, Massimo Maurici, Luca Paulon,
Francesco Rinaldi

3. GLODS: clever multistart in directional direct search

Ana Lusa Custdio
([email protected]) Universidade
Nova de Lisboa, Jos Aguilar Madeira
Locating and identifying points as global minimizers is, in general, a hard and time-consuming
task. Difficulties increase in the impossibility of
using derivatives. We present a new algorithm
suited for global derivative-free constrained optimization. Using direct search of directional
type, the method alternates between a search
step, where potentially good regions are located,
and a poll step where the previously located regions are explored. This exploitation is made
through the launching of several pattern search
methods (PSMs), one in each of the regions of interest. Differently from a multistart strategy, the
several PSMs will merge when sufficiently close.
The goal is to end with as many active PSMs as
the number of local minimizers, which would
easily allow locating the global extreme value.
Numerical experience will be reported showing
that the proposed method is competitive with
currently commonly used solvers.
Keywords: Derivative-free optimization, global
optimization, pattern search methods, multistart

In this work a simulation-based optimization

model is considered in the framework of the
management of the hospital services. Given specific parameters which describe the hospital setting, the simulation model aims at reproducing




Mon.C.2, Monday, July 28, 17:00-18:30,

Room 2

Matrices and Complementarity

Session chair: Carmo Brs
1. Fantastic sport leagues and matrices
of weighing
Jos G. Hernndez R.
([email protected])
Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas,
Venezuela, Javier J. Hernndez G., Mara
J. Garca G., Gilberto J. Hernndez G.
The Fantastic Sport Leagues (FSL) has become
a new way to enjoy sports. One of the first
tasks for a participant in an FSL is create his
squad. The creation of a team, given the rules
of each SFL, it is usually a problem multicriteria, so one of the simplest models, the Matrixes
Of Weighing (MOW), should be useful for this
task. The objective of this work will: Show how
it can use the MOW to create the squad of a participant of a FSL. To achieve this objective will
be used the Integrated-Adaptable Methodology
for the development of Decision Support System
(IAMDSS), already applied to other similar work.
As limitations and scopes, there will be no field
study, but that the illustration of the creation of
the squad in a FSL with MOW will be under a hypothetical case for greater generality.
Keywords: Fantastic sport leagues (FSL), soccer,
matrixes of weighing (MOW), multicriteria models,
squad, selection

2. The second-order eigenvalue complementarity problem

Luis Merca Fernandes ([email protected])
Instituto Politcnico de Tomar e Instituto
de Telecomunicaes, Masao
Fukushima, Joaquim Jdice, Hanif

variables belong to a self-dual cone K and satisfy

a complementarity condition. In this talk we
investigate the solution of the Second-Order
Cone EiCP (SOCEiCP) where K is the Lorentz
Cone. A new enumerative algorithm is introduced for finding a solution of the SOCEiCP.
The method attains to find a global minimum
of an appropriate merit function on K using a
special branching scheme and a local nonlinear
optimizer that computes stationary points of
this merit function on subsets of K associated
to the nodes generated by the algorithm. A
semi-smooth Newtons method is combined
with this enumerative algorithm to enhance it
numerical performance. Numerical experience
is included and illustrates the efficiency of the
proposed techniques in practice.
Keywords: Second-order eigenvalue complementarity problem, nonlinear programming, global optimization

3. On the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem

Carmo Brs ([email protected]) CMA /
FCT-UNL, Portugal, Alfredo Iusem,
Joaquim Jdice
A new sufficient condition for the existence of
solutions to the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem (QEiCP) is established. This
condition exploits the reduction of the QEiCP to
a normal EiCP. An upper bound for the number of solutions of the QEiCP is presented. New
strategies for the QEiCP are analyzed which solve
the resulting EiCP by an equivalent Variational
Inequality Problem or by a special nonlinear
program with linear constraints. Numerical experiments illustrate the interest of these formulations in practice.
Keywords: Eigenvalue problems, complementarity problems, nonlinear programming

The Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem

(EiCP) differs from the traditional eigenvalue
problem on the fact that the primal and dual




Mon.C.3, Monday, July 28, 17:00-18:30,

Room 3

Routing (I)
Session chair: Agostinho Agra
1. Integrated approaches for the vehicle
routing and packing problems
Telmo Pinto ([email protected])
University of Minho, Cludio Alves, Jos
Valrio de Carvalho
The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP)
has motivated many variants and several approaches for decades. In the recent past, some
authors proposed the integration of the CVRP
with the bin-packing problem. The combination
of these two problems arises in many real-world
situations. The resulting problem is denominated by capacitated vehicle routing problem
with loading constraints (L-CVRP). The LVRP is
NP-hard and thus difficult to solve to optimality when it considers instances with large number of customers. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the approaches to the L-CVRP are based
on heuristics. However, some recent works have
addressed both the exact solution of the LVRP
and the exact solution of two-dimensional packing problems explicitly considering loading constraints. In this talk, we intend to describe new
approaches towards the exact resolution of the
Keywords: Vehicle routing, packing, integer programming

2. Network flow formulation and variable neighborhood search for the location and routing problem with multiple
Rita Macedo
([email protected]) Universit
de Valenciennes, France, Bassem Jarboui,
Bruna Ramos, Cludio Alves, Jos Valrio
de Carvalho, Sad Hanafi, Nenad

We address a variant of the Location Routing

Problem (LRP) where vehicles can perform several routes and both depots and vehicles have
capacities. We explore a network flow formulation, whose variables represent feasible vehicle routes, and present valid inequalities to improve the quality of its continuous lower bound.
This formulation is compared with another formulation proposed in the literature. We also propose a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm for this problem. We propose six neighborhood structures and consider, during the exploration of the solution space, solutions which
violate the capacity constraints of vehicles or depots. To evaluate the quality of our methods, we
conduct a set of computational experiments on
benchmark instances from the literature.
Keywords: Location routing, network flow models, variable neighborhood search

3. A maritime inventory routing problem with uncertain travel times

Agostinho Agra ([email protected])
Universidade de Aveiro, Marielle
Christiansen, Alexandrino Delgado, Lars
Magnus Hvattum
We consider a maritime inventory routing problem where a company is responsible for both
the distribution of oil products between islands
and the inventory management of those products. Due to weather conditions and unpredictable waiting times at ports, traveling times
are assumed uncertain. A two-stage stochastic
programming model with recourse is presented
where the first-stage consists of routing, loading
and unloading decisions, and the second stage
consists of scheduling decisions. The model is
solved using a decomposition approach similar
to an L-shaped algorithm where optimality cuts
are added dynamically, and this solution process
is embedded within the sample average approximation method. A computational study based
on ten real-world instances is presented.



Keywords: Maritime transportation, inventory

routing, stochastic programming

Mon.C.4, Monday, July 28, 17:00-18:30,

Room 4

Engineering Applications in the

Electric Power Sector
Session chair: Luis A Roque
1. Efficient solutions for electrical load
management in smart homes
Semya Elaoud ([email protected])
INRIA Lille Nord Europe, Semya Elaoud,
El-Ghazali Talbi
Smart Homes of the future will include automation systems and could provide lower energy
consumption costs with comfortable living environment to consumers. Residential users are
expected to play a key role in improving the efficiency of the energy system through the adoption of intelligent mechanisms for managing the
energy demand. We present a new mathematical
formulation for the electrical load management
in smart homes. The home automation system manage the equipments in housing by determining the starting time of some appliances,
control the temperature set point of heater and
cooling systems and optimize the recharging
processes of domestic batteries including electric cars. Two objectives are simultaneously optimized: the total energy cost and the customer
Keywords: Bi-objective optimization, smart grids,
smart homes, linear programming

2. Short-term electricity planning with

increase wind capacity using an optimization model
Srgio Pereira ([email protected])
University of Minho, Paula Ferreira, A.
Ismael F. Vaz
The variable electricity output of the renewable energy sources power plants, such as wind
and hydro power, is an important challenge for

the electricity system managers. This paper

addresses the problem of an electricity system
supported mainly on hydro, thermal, and wind
power plants. A binary mixed integer non-linear
optimization model with hourly time step is described. The main objective of this paper was
to analyze the impact that different levels of installed wind power can have in the operation of
this electricity system, using optimization models. The results, obtained by running several
simulations, confirmed wind power as strategic
technology to reduce both the marginal cost and
CO2 emissions.
Keywords: Electricity planning, renewable energy
sources, non-linear mixed integer programming

3. The unit commitment problem with

periodicity constraints
Luis A Roque ([email protected])
LIAAD-INESC-TEC, Department of
Mathematics, Instituto Superior de
Engenharia do Porto, Luis A Roque,
Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, Fernando A.C.C.
This work addresses the Unit Commitment (UC)
problem. In the UC problem, the goal is to
schedule a subset of a given group of electrical
power generating units and also to determine
their production output in order to meet energy
demands at minimum cost. In addition, the solution must satisfy a set of technological and operational constraints. Most problems in the literature consider a short horizon scheduling, typically 24 hours, but the solution obtained cannot
be repeated even when load demand pattern remains the same. We analyse the short horizon
effect when 24 hour scheduling is used repeatedly on a longer period and we introduce periodicity constraints that improve the overall solution on longer periods without compromising
the computational load.
Keywords: Unit commitment, heuristics, metaheuristics, electrical power generation




Mon.C.5, Monday, July 28, 17:00-18:30,

Room 5

Nonlinear Optimization (II)

Session chair: Oleg Burdakov
1. Global convergence and worst-case
complexity of smoothing adaptive cubic with regularization for non-smooth
non-convex optimization
Rohollah Garmanjani ([email protected])
Department of Mathematics, University
of Coimbra, Suvendu Pattanaik
A smoothing adaptive cubic with regularization algorithm for minimizing unconstrained
optimization problems with non-smooth nonconvex objective functions is introduced. The
global convergence analysis of the algorithm
to first-order critical points is presented. The
worst-case complexity of the algorithm in general case and for some structured problems will
be discussed.

ory quasi-Newton approximation of the Hessian

matrix. The decomposition allows for finding
a nearly-exact solution to the trust-region subproblem defined by the Euclidean norm with an
insignificant computational overhead compared
with the cost of computing the quasi-Newton
direction in line-search limited memory methods. The other approach is based on two new
eigenvalue-based norms. The advantage of the
new norms is that the trust-region subproblem is
separable and each of the smaller subproblems
is easy to solve. We show that our eigenvaluebased limited-memory trust-region methods are
globally convergent. Moreover, we propose improved versions of the existing limited-memory
trust-region algorithms. We present results of
numerical experiments demonstrating the efficiency of our approach which is competitive
with line-search versions of the L-BFGS method.
Keywords: Unconstrained optimization, largescale problems, limited-memory methods, trustregion methods

tion, smoothing adaptive cubic with regularization,

Tue.A.1, Tuesday, July 29, 10:30-12:30,

Room 1

global convergence, worst-case complexity

Large Scale Optimization

Keywords: Non-smooth non-convex optimiza-

2. On efficiently combining limitedmemory and trust-region techniques

Oleg Burdakov ([email protected])
Linkoping University, Lujin Gong,
Ya-xiang Yuan, Spartak Zikrin
Limited memory quasi-Newton methods and
trust-region methods represent two efficient approaches used for solving unconstrained optimization problems. A straightforward combination of them deteriorates the efficiency of
the former approach, especially in the case of
large-scale problems. For this reason, the limited memory methods are usually combined
with a line search. We show how to efficiently
combine limited memory and trust-region techniques. One of our approaches is based on the
eigenvalue decomposition of the limited mem-


Session organized by: Francesco Rinaldi

Session chair: Francesco Rinaldi
1. A modified Frank-Wolfe method for
large scale quadratic programming
Giovanni Fasano ([email protected])
University CaFoscari of Venice,
Department of Management, Luigi
Grippo, Francesco Rinaldi
This work proposes a modified Frank-Wolfe
(FW) method, for the solution of possibly large
scale quadratic programming problems. Similarly to the standard FW method, at each iteration a linear subproblem is solved. Then, instead of applying a linesearch procedure along
a search direction, we perform the exact minimization of the objective function, over a two di-



mensional manifold. The latter manifold corresponds to the subspace spanned by both a modified FW direction and the previous search direction computed. This may be regarded as a possible extension of the Conjugate Gradient method
to the constrained case. Global convergence results, similar to the FW method, may be established. We test our proposal over standard constrained problems from the literature.
Keywords: Conditional gradient, quadratic programming, conjugate gradient method

2. On Frank-Wolfe Methods: recent variants, perspectives and applications to

Machine Learning
Emanuele Frandi
([email protected])
ESAT-STADIUS, KU Leuven, Ricardo
anculef, Claudio Sartori, Johan Suykens
The Frank-Wolfe method is a simple iterative
scheme for solving concave optimization problems on the unit simplex and other convex polyhedra. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the optimization and machine learning
communities for variants of this procedure, as
they allow to efficiently compute sparse approximate solutions to large-scale nonlinear problems arising in those fields.
In this talk, we provide a self-contained
presentation of Frank-Wolfe methods and their
analysis of convergence. We explain the connections between these algorithms and classic
computational geometry problems. We also discuss some variants of the original method devised to improve performance on modern machine learning applications, summarizing recent
experimental results in this field. Finally, we examine some open questions and future research
Keywords: Frank-Wolfe algorithm, support vector
machines, machine learning

3. A fast active set block coordinate

descent algorithm for l1-regularized
least squares
Francesco Rinaldi
([email protected]) Dipartimento di
Matematica, Universit di Padova,
Marianna De Santis, Stefano Lucidi
The problem of finding sparse solutions to
underdetermined systems of linear equations
arises in several real-world problems (e.g. signal and image processing, compressive sensing,
statistical inference). A standard tool for dealing
with sparse recovery is the l1 -regularized leastsquares approach that has been recently attracting the attention of many researchers. In this
paper, we describe an efficient active set block
coordinate descent algorithm that at each iteration use a bunch of variables (i.e. those variables
which are non-active and violate the most some
specific optimality conditions) to improve the
objective function. We further analyze the convergence properties of the proposed method. Finally, we report some numerical results on some
test problems showing the effectiveness of the
Keywords: L1 -regularized least squares, active
set, sparse optimization

Tue.A.2, Tuesday, July 29, 10:30-12:30,

Room 2

Healthcare and related applications

Session organized by: David Manlove
Session chair: David Manlove
1. An integer programming approach to
the hospital/residents problem with ties
Augustine Kwanashie
([email protected])
University of Glasgow, David Manlove
The classical Hospitals/Residents problem (HR)
models the assignment of junior doctors to hospitals based on their preferences over one another. In an instance of this problem, a stable matching M is sought which ensures that no




blocking pair can exist in which a resident r and

hospital h can improve relative to M by becoming assigned to each other. Such a situation is
undesirable as it could naturally lead to r and
h forming a private arrangement outside of the
The original HR model assumes that preference lists are strictly ordered. However in practice, this may be an unreasonable assumption:
an agent may find two or more agents equally acceptable, giving rise to ties in its preference list.
We thus obtain the Hospitals/Residents problem with Ties (HRT). In such an instance, stable matchings may have different sizes and the
problem of finding a maximum cardinality stable matching is NP-hard.
In this talk, we provide an Integer Programming (IP) model for HRT. We show that an exploitation of the structure of the problem can
be used to greatly reduce the size of the model
it produces. We also discuss several ways of
improving optimisation performance of the IP
solver. Finally we provide results obtained from
an empirical evaluation of the IP model based on
real-world and randomly generated data.
Keywords: Integer programming, stable marriage
problem, hospitals/residents problem, blocking pairs

2. The hospitals/residents problem with

couples: complexity and integer programming models
Iain McBride
([email protected]) School
of Computing Science, University of
Glasgow, David Manlove
The National Resident Matching Program is
a centralised matching scheme that matches
graduating medical students to hospitals in the
US. The Scottish Foundation Allocation Scheme
(SFAS) served a similar purpose in Scotland.
These schemes permit couples to submit linked
applications and the underlying matching problem may be modelled by the Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples (hrc). We prove
that, even under severe restrictions, deciding


whether a stable matching exists in an instance

of hrc is NP-complete, and approximating a
matching which is almost stable is NP-hard.
We describe an Integer Programming model of
hrc which produces optimal solutions in instances of hrc and demonstrate the empirical
performance of an implementation over random
datasets and real data from the SFAS context.
Keywords: Stable matching allocation couples

3. Robust kidney exchange

Miguel Constantino
([email protected]) Universidade
de Lisboa - Faculdade de Cincias,
Margarida Carvalho, Kristiaan Glorie,
Abdur Rais, Ana Viana
Kidney exchange programs aim to enable transplants between incompatible donor-patient
pairs. A set of pairs is chosen in such a way that
each selected patient can receive a kidney from
a compatible donor from another pair in the
set. The pairs are then notified and crossmatch
tests are performed to ensure the success of the
transplants. Sometimes a partaker withdraws or
a test fails, preventing the intended transplants
from being performed. In those cases, a new set
of pairs may be selected. The new set should be
as close as possible to the initial set in order to
minimize the material and emotional costs of
the alteration. In this talk, we present a robust
optimization approach that intends to maximize
the number of pairs selected in both the first
and second set in a worst case scenario.
Keywords: Kidney exchange, robust optimization

4. Kidney exchange problem:

simulation-optimization approach
Paolo Tubertini
([email protected]) DEI Universit di Bologna, Nicolau Santos,
Ana Viana, Joo Pedro Pedroso
In recent years several countries have set up kidney exchange programs (KEPs) that allow exchange of kidneys between incompatible living



donor-patient pairs. These exchange programs

can also consider compatible pairs, as well as
altruistic donors. We present a simulationoptimization tool that gives the possibility, to
clinicians and policy makers, of testing different program configurations regarding matching
frequency of pairs (monthly, bimonthly or quarterly matching), matching characteristics (different cycle and chain lengths) and pool characteristics (involved actors, death related dropouts
and after matching crossmatch). We discuss
simulation results, focusing on the impact that
different policies can have in terms of the number of incompatible patients that receive a transplant.
Keywords: Kidney exchange problem, discrete
event simulation, combinatorial optimization

Tue.A.3, Tuesday, July 29, 10:30-12:30,

Room 3

Network Design and Graphs

Session chair: Ana Amaro
1. Compact formulations for the maximum edge-weight clique problem
Pedro Martins ([email protected])
Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra and
Operations Research Center, Luis
We address compact formulations for solving the
maximum edge-weight clique (MEWC) problem in sparse graphs. The MEWC problem
has long been discussed in the literature, but
mostly considering complete graphs, with or
without a cardinality constraint on the clique.
However, several real-world applications are defined on sparse graphs, where the missing edges
are due to some threshold process or because
they are not supposed to be in the graph, at
all. We propose new node-discretized formulations for the problem, which are more compact
than other models known from the literature.
Computational experiments on benchmark and
real-world instances indicate that the node dis-

cretized formulations are more efficient for solving large sized sparse graphs.
Keywords: Cliques in graphs, discretized formulations, biological networks

2. Design optimization of the wind farm

cable networks
Maria Adelaide Cerveira
([email protected]) UTAD & CIO, Amaro
de Sousa, Eduardo Pires, Jos Baptista
The current trend for clean energy is leading to
a significant increase in the generation of electrical power from wind energy. Therefore, it becomes important to develop optimization techniques to improve the wind farm production efficiency. In this work, we address the design of
the cable network connecting the wind turbines
of a wind farm to the central substation. In this
problem, we aim to minimize not only the network setup costs (cable costs and digging costs)
but also the cable power losses, over the farm life
time, considering several cables types with different cross sections. We describe how the problem can be formulated as a Capacitated Minimal
Spanning Tree Problem. The proposed models
are applied to real case studies and the computation results are analyzed.
Keywords: Distribution networks, cable power
loss, wind farm, discrete optimization

3. Valid inequalities for constrained

minimum spanning trees
Cristina Requejo ([email protected])
University of Aveiro, Agostinho Agra,
Eullia Santos
We consider the minimum constrained spanning tree problem where the aim is to find the
minimum spanning tree subject to a constraint
on the total weight of the selected edges. We
present valid inequalities that incorporate information from the set of spanning trees and the
knapsack set simultaneously. These inequalities
generalize the well-known cover inequalities for
feasible sets corresponding to independent sets
that result from the intersection of a knapsack
set and the bases of a matroide. We discuss different lifting strategies. Computational experi-




ments are also reported.

Keywords: Valid inequalities, minimum spanning
tree, cover inequalities

4. Colaborative supply chain sustainability: optimal network configuration

and planning
Ana Amaro ([email protected])
IPC-ISCAC/ CEGIST, Ana Barbosa-Pvoa
Nowadays, social, environmental and economic
indicators are major concerns to companies. A
great challenge is placed around their supply
chain, SC, network configuration and operability. A new model is proposed to trade those decision challenges at both, SC network configuration and planning. The approach focus on collaborative planning flows, to enhance sustainability indicators with the minimal SC configuration costs. A single level Mixed Integer Linear
Model (MILP) formulation is obtained, where
different topological, operational and processing conditions are integrated. Different networks configuration and planning strategies are
studied, using a scenarios approach. The model
applicability is shown through the solution of an
industrial case-study.
Keywords: Supply chain, optimization, sustainability, network configuration, panning

Tue.A.4, Tuesday, July 29, 10:30-12:30,

Room 4

Engineering Applications
Session chair: Aldina Correia
1. Optimization of cogeneration systems
applying direct search methods
Ana Ferreira ([email protected])
University of Minho, Ana C. Ferreira,
Manuel L. Nunes, Lus B. Martins,
Senhorinha F. Teixeira
High efficiency cogeneration systems based on
Stirling engine was considered for optimization
using performance and costs criteria. A thermaleconomic model was developed so that the out-


put power and thermal efficiency of the Stirling

system with finite rate of heat transfer, regenerative heat loss and imperfect performance could
be studied. The main objective of this work is
the optimization of a renewable-based cogeneration system for residential, by using numerical
optimization tools, based on direct search methods. An alpha Stirling engine is optimized by
trying to disclose the best operational parameters for the Stirling engine for cogeneration applications, by using a software-code developed
in the MatLab environment. The paper discusses different combinations and number of
decision variables, and analyses their relevance
in the thermal-economic output of cogeneration
system. The objective function corresponds to
the balance between the incomes and costs from
the system operation.
Keywords: Stirling engine CHP systems, thermaleconomic optimization

2. Derivative-free optimization of a 3D
composite structure
Ricardo S ([email protected])
Institute of Polymers and
Composites/I3N, Minho University, A.
Ismael F. Vaz, F. W. J. van Hattum, J. M. A.
Csar de S , J. P. Nunes
A case study corresponding to the design optimization of a gantry, a highly critical component of an Industrial Laser Cutting Machine
(ILCM), is presented. The material and shape
in which the new gantry will be produced must
allow for adequate dynamic characteristics. Because of the flexibility in terms of shape and
thickness allowed by composite materials, optimization algorithms have in this field a natural application, allowing for the production of
lighter and cheaper structures. The objective
will be to minimize the structure weight and
cost, by varying its composite material thickness and orientations, while ensuring that the
gantry allows for a pre-established degree of precision. Since the objective function evaluation



requests a time consuming simulation process,

where derivatives are unavailable, a populationbased derivative-free optimization algorithm is
considered. Numerical results for a particular
ILCM is to be presented.
Keywords: Composite structures, derivative-free
optimization, industrial laser cutting machine

3. An indoor location problem using

fuzzy logic and direct search methods
Aldina Correia ([email protected])
CIICESI-ESTGF-IPP, Pedro Mestre, Carlos
Serdio, Joo Matias
In this work Direct Search methods were used to
tune the Fuzzy Logic parameters of the membership functions used in the location systems as
well as the weights of the rules used in the online phase of Fingerprinting location method,
minimizing the value of the precision. At each
iteration of the optimization method, data from
the FM (Fingerprint Map) and test data collected
with mobile nodes are loaded, the patterns are
created and the location estimation is made for
all the points of the spatial domain under test. In
this case the objective function to be minimized
is the precision of the location system. As a result, the optimization method returns the values
for the parameters for which the lower precision
was obtained.
Keywords: Location, engineering optimization,
fuzzy, direct Search methods

Tue.A.5, Tuesday, July 29, 10:30-12:30,

Room 5

Convex Optimization
Session chair: Philipp Hungerlnder
1. KKT point and non-convexity
Suvendu Ranjan Pattanaik
([email protected]) NIT
In this article we consider a convex feasible set
described by inequality constraints that are continuous and not necessarily Lipschitz or convex.
We show that if the Slater constraint qualifica-

tion and a non-degeneracy condition are satisfied, then the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker type optimality condition is both necessary and sufficient. In this way we extend previous results
which are proved for Lipschitz and differentiable
Keywords: Convex optimization, KKT conditions,
non-smooth functions

2. Restricted area and collinear condition techniques for solving geometric

shortest path problems
Dinh Thanh Giang
([email protected])
CEMAT/Instituto Superior Tcnico,
Lisbon and Institute of Mathematics,
Hanoi, Vietnam, An Phan Thanh, Le
Hong Trang
The problem of computing the geometric shortest path between two points in a domain in 2D
or 3D (polygon or the surface of a polytope),
is a classic of computational geometry. Computing such shortest paths is already presented
by Lee and Preparata in 1984, Guibas, Hershberger, Leven, Sharir, and Tarjan in 1987, Agarwal, Sharir, and Varadarajan in 1998, Schreiber
in 2007, etc. Most of them use a so-called sequential approach, i.e., at each step, the length
of the present path is determined based on the
the length of the previous path. In 2D their algorithms are based on triangulation of the polygon
and in 3D usually based on the use of graphs on
entire domain.
Relying on the idea of the method of orienting curves, introduced by Phu in 1987, an
exact algorithm for solving some optimization
problems, we introduce new algorithms for solving variants of geometric shortest pathproblem
(convex hull, convex rope, Delaunay triangulation problems in 2D or 3D) without replying on
triangulation. In addition, we use the multiple shooting approach, an approximate method
for solving some optimization problems, to introduce new algorithms for solving Euclidean
shortest path problems in 2D or 3D without con-




structing graphs on entire domain. In particular,

restricted area" technique originated from the
method of orienting curves and collinear condition", a matching condition type of multiple
shooting approach, are used.
Our algorithms are implemented in C. Comparisons with previous algorithms on the running time, the accurate construction of shortest
paths, and the use of memory are presented.
Keywords: Convex hull, Delaunay triangulation,
multiple shooting, polyhedron, shortest path

3. Non-parametric clustering with rankconstrained least-squares

Stephane Chretien
([email protected])
Laboratoire de Mathematiques,
Universite de Franche Comte
Unsupervised clustering is a problem of great
practical importance, from genetics to marketing, extreme events modelling or even financial engineering. Although most available techniques perform well in practice, most of them require solving an NP-hard optimization problem
or require to know the number of clusters ahead
of time.
Our goal is to present a simple technique for
fast joint estimation of the number of clusters
and their respective center of mass, based on
convex optimization. Assume that the data can
be represented as a dxn matrix X=C+E, where
C=MT, E is a matrix-noise, M is the center of
mass matrix, and Tk,i=1 if Xi belongs to custer
k and Tk,i=0 otherwise. This representation
leads to searching for a low rank approximation
of X. The rank of C is the number of clusters
and is efficiently estimated using recent work
in model selection. The approximation itself
can be performed using nuclear-norm penalized
Keywords: Convex relaxation, rank constraint,

4. An infeasible active set method with

step size control for bound constrained
convex problems
Philipp Hungerlnder
([email protected])
University of Klagenfurt, Fanz Rendl
We extend the Kunisch-Rendl-Algorithm [K.
Kunisch and F. Rendl. An infeasible active
set method for convex problems with simple bounds. SIAM Journal on Optimization,
14(1):35-52, 2003.] for Bound Constrained Convex Problems by controlling the size of the steps
taken. This allows us to ensure a decrease of
the objective function for the projections of the
primal iterates on the feasible region and at the
same time a change of the active set.
The new approach inherits the preferable
features of the Kunisch-Rendl-Algorithm, like
simplicity, finding the exact numerical solution,
insensitivity with respect to initialisation, lack of
strict complementary and singularity and additionally overcomes its weakness by converging
provable for any strictly convex objective function. Computational experience indicates that
our approach also performs well in practice.
Keywords: Primal-dual active set methods, trust
region, quadratic programming, box-constraints, convex programming

Tue.B.1, Tuesday, July 29, 15:00-16:30,

Room 1

Data Assimilation
Session organized by: Serge Gratton
Session chair: Serge Gratton
1. Observation thinning in data assimilation computations
Ehouarn Simon
([email protected]) ENSEEIHT
and IRIT, Serge Gratton, Monserrat
Rincon-Camacho, Ehouarn Simon,
Philippe Toint
We propose to use an observation-thinning
method for the efficient numerical solution of




large-scale incremental four dimensional (4DVar) data assimilation problems. This decomposition is based on exploiting an adaptive hierarchy of the observations. Starting with a
low-cardinality set and the solution of its corresponding optimization problem, observations
are successively added based on a posteriori error estimates. The particular structure of the sequence of associated linear systems allows the
use of a variant of the conjugate gradient algorithm which effectively exploits the fact that the
number of observations is smaller than the size
of the vector state in the 4D-Var model. The new
algorithm is tested on a 1D-wave equation and
on the Lorenz-96 system.
Keywords: Data assimilation, numerical algorithms, multilevel optimization

2. Preconditioning saddle point formulation of 4D-VAR

Selime Gurol ([email protected])
CERFACS, Serge Gratton, Mike Fisher
In this talk we will address the numerical solution of the saddle point system arising from four
dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation with an emphasis on a study of preconditioning with low-rank updates. The saddle point
formulation of 4D-Var allows parallelization in
the time dimension. Therefore, it represents a
crucial step towards improved parallel scalability of 4D-Var. We will present numerical results
obtained from the Object Oriented Prediction
System (OOPS) developed by ECMWF.
Keywords: Preconditioning, saddle point system,
data assimilation, parallelization

3. Diffusion solvers for correlation modelling and localization in ensemblevariational data assimilation
Jean Tshimanga Ilunga
([email protected]) CERFACS,
Toulouse, France, Anthony Weaver, Serge
Differential operators derived from the explicit
or implicit solution of a diffusion equation can
be used to represent the action of a correlation
matrix on a given vector. This can be exploited
in large-scale applications of variational data assimilation to develop computationally efficient
methods for modelling background-error correlations and/or for localizing correlation matrices estimated directly from a small sample of ensemble perturbations. In this study, we present
theoretical and experimental results on the use
of preconditioned linear solvers for an implicit
formulation of a diffusion-based correlation operator. In particular, we focus our investigation on Krylov methods with Chebyshev acceleration.
Keywords: Linear solvers, Chebyshev acceleration, background-error correlations, data assimilation

Tue.B.2, Tuesday, July 29, 15:00-16:30,

Room 2

Financial Optimization
Session chair: Lus Alberto Coelho
1. Integrated planning of cash-flows and
projects in a discrete-time model
Francisco Lemos
([email protected]) Master in
Information Systems and Management,
Pedro Coimbra Martins
Current days financial crisis brought new challenges for governments, imposing narrower conditions for managing public expenses. We discuss and plan the annual budget to supply a local airfield, being entirely supported by public
funds. The decision maker is intended to reduce the annual budget, along a 25 years stream,




such that a sustainability condition is met at

the end of the planning horizon. To this purpose, a number of additional profitable infrastructures are required, demanding an initial investment cost covered by financement coming
from loans, thus leaving the moldel the decision
with an optimal planning strategy on when to
lunch the construction of the facilities that could
bring profits to cover financial and operational
costs. We propose and discuss an integer programming discrete-time model that relates the
two decision processes in a single framework.
Keywords: Mixed-integer programming, discretetime financial planning, project planning

2. Cumulative prospect theory for portfolio selection optimization in risk context

Lus Alberto Coelho ([email protected])
CEFEGE-UE and Management
Department, vora University
The Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) is one of
the most popular theories for evaluating the behavior of decision makers in the risk and uncertainty context. This theory emerged as a generalization of the Expected Utility Theory (EUT)
and how is a relatively recent theory, its application has been somewhat reduced, especially
when linked to portfolio optimization. This paper intends to analyze the behavior of CPT, with
a power value function and a two parameters
probability weighting function, as an objective
function of a portfolio optimization model. The
parameterization of the objective function coefficients allows us to analyze the composition of
portfolios as the loss aversion, risk aversion and
risk preference (in the negative part of the outputs) range. The results suggest that the loss
aversion and risk aversion lead to the choice
of portfolios with lower variability and that the
risk preference in the negative part leads to the
choice of portfolios with greater variability. The
results obtained are also compared with the results obtained by the EUT and Rank Dependent


Expected Utility. The optimization model with

CPT, achieves more diversified solutions than
other models and therefore more easily adjusted
to the investors behavioral profile.
Keywords: Cumulative prospect theory, portfolio
optimization, loss aversion, risk aversion

Tue.B.3, Tuesday, July 29, 15:00-16:30,

Room 3

Routing (II)
Session chair: Jos Brando
1. Combination of ant colony optimisation and exact methods applied to routing problems
Samuel Carvalho ([email protected])
INESC TEC Porto, Ana Maria Rodrigues,
Jos Soeiro Ferreira
An approach based on a combined strategy between Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Exact Optimisation Methods to deal with a special
mixed capacitated arc routing problem, will be
presented. The topic of mixing Metaheuristics
and Mathematical Programming is also referred
in the recent literature as Matheuristics. The situation under study, in the context of solid waste
collection, comprises a heterogeneous fleet of
vehicles and different points of collection with
a limited number of visits to empty. The mathematical model linked to routing optimisation
will be described. ACO is a population-based
metaheuristic which has already revealed many
interesting results, namely in routing problems.
Computational results, some of which in connection with a real application, will be shown
and discussed.
Keywords: Ant colony optimisation, metaheuristics, matheuristics, routing problems, solid waste collection


2. Routes for solid waste collection - a
real application
Ana Maria Rodrigues
([email protected]) INESC TEC Porto /
ISCAP - Instituto Politcnico do Porto,
Jos Soeiro Ferreira
This work was developed in cooperation with an
environmental company and addressed a solid
waste collection case arising in the north of Portugal. Two integrated phases are involved in the
modelling and solution procedures: (a) sectorization, in which large municipalities are partitioned into small regions, and (b) routing, to
construct routes for each sector. The presentation focus primarily on routing optimization,
taking into account: a non-homogeneous fleet
of vehicles starting and ending at a garage; the
vehicles are emptied at different places, landfills
and transfer stations; different types of containers some of which must be collected by specific
vehicles; the transfer stations may have limitations related to the number of daily discharges.
Three optimisation models and solution methods are described. The presentation also includes the computational results, part of which
based on the real application.
Keywords: Waste collection, routing, sectoring,
mixed capacitated arc routing problems

3. Iterated local search algorithm for the

open vehicle routing problem with time
Jos Brando ([email protected])
Universidade do Minho
The problem studied here is the open vehicle
routing problem with time windows (OVRPTW).
This problem is identical to the vehicle routing
problem with time windows, except that the vehicles do not return to the distribution depot after delivering the goods to the customers. The
OVRPTW has been solved using an iterated local
search algorithm, taking as first objective to minimize the number of routes of the solution and as
second objective minimizing the total distance

travelled. In order to pursue the objective of

minimizing the number of routes we used an
ejection chain move, which is applied at the end
of each iteration. The performance of the algorithm is tested using a large set of benchmark
problems from the literature.
Keywords: Ejection chain, iterated local search,
time windows, vehicle routing

Tue.B.4, Tuesday, July 29, 15:00-16:30,

Room 4

Multiobjective Optimization (I)

Session chair: Joo Paulo Costa

1. A Newton type method for constrained multiobjective optimization

A. Ismael F. Vaz ([email protected])
University of Minho, Joerg Fliege
We propose a Newton type method for constrained nonlinear multiobjective optimization.
The proposed algorithm considers a list of nondominated Pareto points, which is improved
for spread and optimality by solving uniobjective constrained optimization problems. Under appropriate differentiability assumptions we
provide theoretical considerations about the algorithm convergence to a local optimal Pareto
front. Since the proposed algorithm can also
be applied to unconstrained multiobjective optimization problems we provide numerical results
for a set of unconstrained and constrained multiobjective optimization problems, in the form of
performance and data profiles, where two performance metrics are used. The numerical results confirm the superiority of the proposed algorithm against a state-of-the-art multiobjective
solver, either in the quality of the approximated
Pareto front obtained as in computational work.




Keywords: Newton method, constrained multiobjective optimization

2. Exploring neighbouring extreme efficient solutions in multiobjective mixedinteger linear programming

Maria Joo Alves ([email protected])
Faculdade de Economia, Universidade
de Coimbra / INESC-Coimbra, Joo
Paulo Costa
Extreme efficient solutions (EES) of a multiobjective mixed-integer linear problem (MOMILP)
are the supported efficient solutions whose objective points are vertices of the convex hull of
the nondominated set. Although the EES constitute a subset of all efficient solutions, they
can provide important insights about the whole
efficient set because their objective points are
on the boundary and delimit all nondominated
points. In this work we propose a technique to
explore EES and all their neighbouring relations
in MOMILPs with two or three objective functions. The technique is based on the iterative
computation of weight-space indifference subregions and the exploration of their adjacencies,
which allows for the computation of all EES of
a problem. A computer implementation is presented.
Keywords: Multiobjective optimization, mixedinteger programming

3. Multiobjective integer linear fractional programming: a state-of-the-art

Joo Paulo Costa ([email protected])
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade
de Coimbra, Maria Joo Alves
This communication aims to present the stateof-the-art in the practice of Multiobjective
(mixed) Integer Linear Fractional Programming
(MOILFP). The problems with an objective function that is a ratio of two linear functions
have many applications when it is required
the optimization of a ratio like debt/equity,
output/employee, student/cost, doctor/patient,
etc., subject to some constraints. If the con-


straints are linear, we obtain a linear fractional programming problem. Integer variables
are usually necessary for modelling several real
world issues. MOILFP problems are difficult to
deal with and have not received much attention
in the literature. We will present the last developments focusing on the attempts to solve MOILFP
Keywords: Multiobjetive integer linear fractional
programming, algorithms

Tue.B.5, Tuesday, July 29, 15:00-16:30,

Room 5

Transportation Planning
Session chair: Joao Luis Miranda
1. Optimization-based park & ride facility planning
Joana Cavadas
([email protected]) CITTA,
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Coimbra, Antnio Pais
Park & ride facilities (P&R) are parking lots located in the periphery of urban areas where
commuters can transfer from cars to public
transport in order to reach their final destinations, thus playing a potentially important role
in decreasing traffic congestion in city centers.
In this presentation, we describe an optimization model for assisting transport planners at
determining the best locations and sizes for a
set of P&R facilities as a function of the budget
available for their construction and operation.
The modal choice of commuters is assumed to
depend on the generalized travel costs of each
mode according to a logit model. The results
that can be obtained through the model are illustrated through hypothetical examples inspired
in real situations.
Keywords: Urban transport, modal choice, park &
ride, optimization model


2. Strategic planning model for freefloating car-sharing systems
Miguel Gueifo Santos
([email protected]) CITTA,
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Coimbra, Antnio Pais

problems; (ii) the advanced session, on the sequence, to consider uncertainty and also how to
use multi-criteria decision making methods; (iii)
the final session, to perform the evaluation of
learning outcomes.
Keywords: Higher education, international cooperation, decision making, transportation, capacity expansion

Free-floating car-sharing is a recent type of

shared mobility system whereby people pay for
the use of a car that they can pick up and drop
off anywhere within a given operating area (in
a city). This type of system is quickly becoming
popular, being already available in several cities
worldwide, and especially in Germany. In this
paper, we present an optimization model aimed
to assist a free-floating carsharing company in its
key strategic decisions - that is, the companys
operating area or geo-fence and the cars rental
price or prices (if prices may vary with time of
day and/or type of trip). The results that can be
obtained through the model are illustrated for
randomly-generated cities mimicking the essential features of real-world cities.
Keywords: Urban transport, free-floating carsharing, pricing, optimization model

3. International cooperation in higher

education: decision support for a transportation network under expansion
Joao Luis Miranda ([email protected])
ESTG/IPP, James Uhomoibhi, Mariana
The construction of the European higher education area considers the bilateral cooperation
between high education institutions (HEI) as
key subject. An international cooperation case
on behalf of the Erasmus programme is presented: Decision Making topics are addressed
and a learning module for decision support on
Transportation and Capacity Expansion is developed. The module considers six lecturing
hours in 3 sessions: (i) the introductory session
with computational support, to focus on the basics of computational linear programming, integer programming, and Transportation typical

Tue.C.1, Tuesday, July 29, 17:00-19:00,

Room 1

Nonlinear Programming: theoretical and computational issues (I)

Session organized by: Sandra Augusta Santos
Session chair: Sandra Augusta Santos
1. A new class of root-finding methods in
Rn: the inexact Chebyshev-Halley tensor free class
Ademir Alves Ribeiro
([email protected]) Federal
University of Parana - Brazil, Rodrigo
Garcia Eustquio, Miguel Angel Dumett
This work introduces a new result about the
Chebyshev-Halley Class for solving nonlinear
systems. The methods in this class have thirdorder convergence rate In contrast, these methods are computationally expensive, requiring
second-order derivatives. The result presented
here is the introduction of a new class of methods, called Inexact Chebyshev-Halley tensor free
Class, by not computing the second derivative
tensor and by approximately solving two linear
systems required for obtaining the necessary intermediate computations. Besides presenting
the proof of convergence, we show that, depending on the assumptions, the methods of this class
can have superlinear, quadratic, superquadratic
or cubic convergence rates. We also show that
these assumptions are quite reasonable. Finally,
numerical evidence that shows significant improvement when using the inexact tensor free
strategy (in the context of the classical methods of Chebyshev-Halley class) proposed in this
work, is presented.




Keywords: Chebyshev-Halley class, tensor free,

nonlinear systems of equations

2. A flexible inexact restoration method

and application to multiobjective
constrained optimization
Gabriel Haeser ([email protected])
University of Sao Paulo, Luis Felipe
Bueno, Martnez Jose Mario
We introduce a new flexible Inexact-Restoration
(IR) algorithm and an application to Multiobjective Constrained Optimization Problems
(MCOP) under the weighted-sum scalarization
approach. In IR methods each iteration has two
phases. In the first phase one aims to improve
feasibility and, in the second phase, one minimizes a suitable objective function. In the second phase we also impose bounded deterioration of the feasibility obtained in the first phase.
Here we combine the basic ideas of the FischerFriedlander approach for IR with the use of approximations of the Lagrange multipliers. We
present a new option to obtain a range of search
directions in the optimization phase and we employ the sharp Lagrangian as merit function.
Furthermore, we introduce a flexible way to handle sufficient decrease requirements and an efficient way to deal with the penalty parameter. We
show that with the IR framework there is a natural way to explore the structure of the MCOP
in both IR phases. Global convergence of the
proposed IR method is proved and examples of
the numerical behavior of the algorithm are reported.

Nonlinear programming, inexact

restoration, Lagrange multipliers, multiobjective optimization

3. A new approach for the gradient sampling using nonmonotone line search
Lucas Eduardo Azevedo Simes
([email protected]) IMECC Unicamp (Brasil), Elias Salomo Helou,
Sandra Augusta Santos
An important tool for solving unconstrained
optimization problems involving a nonsmooth
function which is locally Lipschitz continuous
is the Gradient Sampling (GS) algorithm. After its emergence, many variations of this algorithm have been developed to improve its performance or to overcome implementation issues. This study has the goal to use nonmonotone line search to improve upon the results of
the original GS and to seek for an algorithm that
does not need any kind of differentiability test
during its execution. With these modifications
we intend to reduce the gap between the theoretical and the implemented algorithm.
Keywords: Nonmonotone line search, gradient
sampling methods, nonconvex optimization, nonsmooth optimization

4. A quadratic regularization of Newtons

method with algebraic rules
Sandra Augusta Santos
([email protected]) University of
Campinas , Elizabeth W. Karas, Benar F.
The unconstrained minimization of a twice differentiable function with Lipschitz continuous
Hessian is addressed. The proposed class of
methods is based on the quadratic regularization of Newtons method, with algebraic explicit
rules for computing the regularizing parameter.
Global and local convergence properties of this
class of methods are analyzed. Encouraging preliminary numerical experiments are presented.
Keywords: Smooth unconstrained minimization,
Newtons method, regularization, global convergence,
local convergence, computational results




Tue.C.2, Tuesday, July 29, 17:00-19:00,

Room 2

Model-Predictive Control and Optimal Control

Session organized by: Matthias Gerdts &
Jrgen Pannek
Session chair: Mattias Gerdts
1. Relaxation techniques for switching
control of hyperbolic systems
Falk Hante ([email protected])
University Erlangen-Nuremberg
We apply relaxation techniques to mixed-integer
optimal control problems giverned by hyperbolic partial differential equations. We give a
theoretical result on the size of the relaxation
gap for semilinear systems with switching source
terms and analyse a numerical method for providing epsilon-optimal switching controls. The
method allows gradient computations using an
adjoint calculus and therefore qualifies to the usage in context of model predictive control. As
an application we study a traffic flow szenario,
where we apply the above relaxation method to
a hyperbolically relaxed model of conservation
laws on networks to determine optimal switching between different flux functions to maximize
the performance of the system.
Keywords: Mixed-integer optimal control, hyperbolic systems of PDEs, relaxation methods

2. Model predictive control with WORHP

and TransWORHP for tracking problems
Matthias Knauer
([email protected])
Universitt Bremen, Christof Bskens
Optimal control problems can be found easily
in many areas of application, e.g. in robotics,
aerospace engineering, or the automotive industry. Mostly in mechanical systems, a trajectory has to be found bringing a system optimally

from an initial to a final state.

However, the complete task for the process
may not be known in advance, but develops after the initial time. Consider a system, which has
to react in real-time to user input, but is too complex to apply feedback controllers.
In this talk, we will present techniques to
solve this tracking problem as a problem of
Model Predictive Control in real-time using the
sparse NLP solver WORHP and the transcription method TransWORHP. The efficiency and
robustness of our methods will be illustrated by
an example of a crane system.
Keywords: Model predictive control, WORHP,
crane system, real-time

3. Optimization of discrete switched and

hybrid mechanical systems
Sina Ober-Blbaum
([email protected]) University of
Paderborn, Kathrin Flakamp, Maik
Ringkamp, Sigrid Leyendecker
Hybrid mechanical systems comprise continuous dynamics as well as discrete events. For
example, structural changes in the system (discrete events) require a switch between different mathematical models (continuous dynamics). The switching law encoding the switching
times and the sequence of modes serve as additional design parameters. For a fixed sequence
of modes, switching time optimization is used to
determine the optimal time switches in order to
govern the system to a desired behavior. Is the
sequence of modes part of the optimization, one
is faced with a mixed-integer optimal control
problem. In this talk, numerical switching time
optimization and mixed integer optimal control
methods especially tailored to hybrid mechanical systems are presented and demonstrated by

Optimal control, hybrid system,

switching time optimization, mixed integer optimization



4. Autonomous predictive driving
utilizing car2car communication
Jrgen Pannek
([email protected]) Universitt
We consider a distributed non cooperative control setting in which systems are interconnected
via state constraints. Each of these systems is
governed by an agent which is responsible for
exchanging information with its neighbours and
computing a feedback law using a nonlinear
model predictive controller to avoid violations
of constraints. For this setting we present an algorithm which generates a parallelizable hierarchy among the systems. Moreover, we show both
feasibility and stability of the closed loop using
only abstract properties of this algorithm. To this
end, we utilize a trajectory based stability result
which we extend to the distributed setting. The
scope of the results is illustrated using numerical simulations for crossroad, roundabout and
takeover scenarios.
Keywords: Model predictive control, distributed
control, suboptimality, stabilization, car-to-car communication

Tue.C.3, Tuesday, July 29, 17:00-19:00,

Room 3

Integer Programming
Session chair: Filipe Alvelos
1. Heuristics and relaxations for the diversity management problem
Srgio Marques ([email protected])
Universidade de Aveiro
New heuristic techniques to find and improve
feasible solutions for the optimal diversity management problem are discussed. Feasible solutions are derived from the linear programming
relaxation solution using rounding schemes. To
solve the linear relaxation we use a decomposi-


tion approach that is based on the fact that the

underlying graph is not connected, and show
that this decomposition approach dominates
the usual linear relaxation. The feasible solutions obtained from the linear relaxation are
compared against the greedy solutions. Then
the feasible solutions are improved using a Local Branching algorithm. All the computational
tests are performed over a set of real instances.
Keywords: Optimal diversity management problem, hybrid heuristics, linear relaxations

2. Capacitated single-allocation hub location problems with different types of

Isabel Correia ([email protected]) Centro de
Matemtica e Aplicaes (CMA),
Departamento de Matemtica,
Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Stefan
Nickel, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama
In this work, we extend the classical capacitated
single-allocation hub location problem by considering that different types of products are to
be shipped through the network. We propose
a unified modeling framework for the situation
in which no more than one hub can be located
in each node. In particular, we consider the
case in which all hubs are dedicated as well as
the case in which all hubs can process all products. The objective is to minimize the total cost,
which includes the cost for installing the hubs
and the cost for routing the flow. Several models are proposed as well as additional inequalities for strengthening their linear relaxation. The
results of a series of computational experiments
performed are reported.
Keywords: Hub location, single-allocation, MILP


3. On a formulation for the (timedependent) travelling salesman problem
Luis Gouveia ([email protected]) Univ
de Lisboa, DEIO, Centro de Investigao
Operacional, Maria Teresa Godinho,
Pierre Pesneau
We present a new formulation for the TimeDependent Travelling Salesman Problem
(TDTSP). We start by reviewing well known natural formulations with some emphasis on the
formulation by Picard and Queyranne (1978).
The main feature of this formulation is that it
uses, as a subproblem, an exact description of
the n-circuit problem. Then, we present a new
formulation that uses more variables and is
based on using, for each node, a stronger subproblem, namely a n-circuit subproblem with
the additional constraint that the corresponding
node is not repeated in the circuit. Although the
new model has more variables and constraints
than the original PQ model, the results given
from our computational experiments show
that the linear programming relaxation of the
new model gives, for many of the instances
tested, gaps that are close to zero. Thus, the
new model is worth investigating for solving
TDTSP instances. We also present an updated
classification of formulations for the asymmetric
travelling salesman problem (ATSP) where we
"insert" the new time-dependet formulation
presented in the first part of the talk.
Keywords: TSP, ILP reformulations

4. Column generation heuristics

Filipe Alvelos ([email protected])
Algoritmi, DPS, Universidade do Minho
Column generation has been used for several decades in combination with branch-andbound and branch-and-cut for attempting optimal solutions in integer programming / combinatorial optimization problems with a decomposable structure. In this presentation, we discuss the use of column generation for obtain-

ing heuristic solutions. In particular, we discuss

how column generation can be used to define
restricted search spaces, constructive heuristics, local search and meta-heuristics, as well as
matheuristics. We show computational results of
different column generation heuristics and variants for some integer programming / combinatorial optimization problems.
Keywords: Integer programming, combinatorial
optimization, column generation, heuristics

Tue.C.4, Tuesday, July 29, 17:00-19:00,

Room 4

Metaheuristics and Benchmarking

Session chair: Jos Fernando Gonalves
1. Stochastic algorithms assessment using bootstrap performance profiles
Lino Costa ([email protected])
University of Minho, Isabel Esprito
Santo, Pedro Oliveira
Optimization with stochastic algorithms has become a relevant research field. Due to its
stochastic nature, its assessment is not straightforward and involves integrating accuracy and
precision. Performance profiles for the mean
do not show the trade-off between accuracy and
precision, and parametric stochastic profiles require strong distributional assumptions and are
limited to the mean performance for a large
number of runs. In this work, bootstrap performance profiles are used to compare stochastic
algorithms for different statistics. This technique
allows the estimation of the sampling distribution of almost any statistic even with small samples. Multiple comparison profiles are presented
for more than two algorithms. The advantages
and drawbacks of each assessment methodology
are discussed.
Keywords: Performance measures, stochastic algorithms, performance profiles



2. A hybrid metaheuristic for the onedimensional cutting stock problem
Angelo Aliano Filho
([email protected])
Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
Antnio Carlos Moretti
This work deals with the problem of the OneDimensional Cutting Stock Problem. This problem is one of the most studied in Combinatorial Optimization and is highly complex to be
solved, because of nature and number of variables involved, making the direct application of
Branch type exact algorithms impractical. For
this reason, we applied a hybrid metaheuristic
named Genetic Algorithm with Simulated Annealing to solve it. Therefore, two heuristics to
(i) build cutting patterns and (ii) to find initial
solutions for the problem were developed. To
validate them, we generated 1800 problems tests
and compared the quality of the solutions of
our method with the solution of the Integer Linear Problem, which are obtained with the patterns generated by the method Column Generation. The results showed a good performance
and robustness of our algorithm, obtaining suboptimal solutions in a reasonable computational
Keywords: Combinatorial optimization, cutting
stock problem, hybrid metaheuristic

3. A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the shelf apace allocation

problem in a supermarket chain
Ana Carolina Janeiro
([email protected]) INESC TEC,
Faculty of Engineering, University of
Porto, Teresa Bianchi-Aguiar, Jos F.
Shelf space is one of the most valuable resources
of a retail company. The challenge consists in
distributing the scarce shelf space of a retail store
among the different products to be displayed.
Inspired by the case of a Portuguese supermar-


ket chain, this project concerns the implementation of a Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm
(BRKGA) for the Shelf Space Allocation Problem.
The BRKGA is a specific class of Genetic Algorithms (GA) that differs from common GA by its
solution representation and the way it combines
the individuals to create new generations. Using a BRKGA API, original ideas for solution decoders were designed, implemented and tested
with real case study instances.
Keywords: Shelf space, genetic algorithm, retail

4. A hybrid BRKGA and local search approach for the minimization of open
stacks problem
Jos Fernando Gonalves
([email protected]) Faculdade de
Economia do Porto
This paper describes a hybrid biased randomkey genetic algorithm (BRKGA) for the Minimization of Open Stacks Problem (MOSP). The
MOSP arises in a production system scenario,
and consists of determining a sequence of
cutting patterns that minimizes the maximum
number of opened stacks during the cutting
process. The approach proposed combines a
BRKGA and a local search procedure for generating the sequence of cutting patterns. A novel
fitness function for evaluating the quality of
the solutions is also developed. Computational
tests are presented using available instances
taken from the literature. The high-quality of
the solutions obtained validate the proposed
approach. Supported by Projects PTDC/EGEGES/117692/2010 and NORTE-07-0124-FEDER000057 financed by the North Portugal Regional
Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte),
under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF), and by national
funds, through the Portuguese funding agency,
Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia (FCT).



Keywords: Minimization of open stacks problem,

cutting pattern, biased random-key genetic algorithm,
random keys

Wed.A.1, Wednesday, July 30, 11:00-12:30,

Room 1

Nonlinear Programming: theoretical and computational issues (II)

Session organized by: Sandra Augusta Santos
Session chair: Sandra Augusta Santos
1. A new approach for linearly constrained semi-continuous quadratic
programming problems
Fernanda Maria Raupp
([email protected]) Laboratrio Nacional
de Computao Cientfica - LNCC,
Wilfredo Sosa
We show how to solve linearly constrained semicontinuous quadratic programming problems,
when possible, through their associated convex
dual problems, by applying the Fenchel-Moreau
conjugation specifically for semi-continuous
programming. Using an alternate conjugate
dual space with finite dimension, we construct a
dual problem as a linear programming one. The
interesting aspect is that no hypothesis is needed
for the Hessian of the quadratic objective function.



quadratic programming, Fenchel-Moreau

This method builds on our previous work with a

pattern-search approach applied to linearly constrained smooth minimization and it is combined with ideas from the implicit filtering algorithm proposed by Kelley. The implicit filtering framework added to the pattern-search approach provides for faster convergence, besides
extending the range of applicability to noisy
problems. Moreover, the method may address
functions not defined at some of the points visited by the algorithm. Numerical experimentation put the proposed ideas into perspective.
Keywords: Pattern search, implicit filtering, linearly constrained noisy minimization

3. The exact penalty map for nonsmooth

and nonconvex optimization
Alfredo N. Iusem ([email protected])
Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada,
IMPA, Regina Burachik, Jefferson Divino
Augmented Lagrangian duality provides zero
duality gap and saddle point properties for nonconvex optimization. Hence, subgradient-like
methods can be applied to the (convex) dual
of the original problem, recovering the optimal
value of the problem, but possibly not a primal
solution.We prove that the recovery of a primal
solution by such methods can be characterized
in terms of the differentiability properties of the
dual function, and the exact penalty properties
of the primal-dual pair.
Keywords: Exact penalty, nonsmooth optimization, Lagrangian duality

2. Combining implicit filtering and pattern search for linearly constrained

noisy minimization
Deise G. Ferreira
([email protected]) University
of Campinas, Sandra A. Santos, Maria A.
We investigate a new method for solving linearly constrained noisy minimization problems.




Wed.A.2, Wednesday, July 30, 11:00-12:30,

Room 2

Calculus of Variations and Optimal

Session chair: Sofia Lopes

variational problems of Herglotz type with time

delay. The DuBois-Reymond necessary optimality condition and the first Noether theorem for
variational problems with time delay proved by
Frederico and Torres in 2012 will be presented as
Keywords: Euler-Lagrange differential equations,
generalized calculus of variations, time delay, in-

1. An Overview About the Solution Approximation of Some Delay - Advance

Differential Equations
M. Filomena Teodoro
([email protected]) Dep.
Matemtica, ESTSetbal, Instituto
Politcnico de Setbal/ CEMAT, Instituto
Superior Tcnico, Universidade de
The mixed type functional differential equations
(MTFDEs), equations with both delayed and advanced arguments, appear in many mathematical models in distinct contexts of applied sciences such as biology, physics, economy, control. Some analysis from delay differential equations can be extend case to MTFDEs. Algorithms
relatively to autonomous and nonautonomous
linear equations have been carried out and will
be presented. Concerning to a special nonlinear
equation which appears in nervous propagation,
some schemes are proposed and computations
have been carried out.

mixed type functional differential


2. Noethers first theorem for variational

problems of Herglotz type with time delay
Simo P.S. Santos ([email protected])
Departamento de Matemtica da
Universidade de Aveiro, Natlia Martins,
Delfim F.M. Torres

variance, symmetries, constants of motion, DuBoisReymond necessary optimality condition, Noethers


3. Normal forms of necessary conditions

of optimality: calculus of variations and
optimal control problem
Sofia Lopes
([email protected])
Universidade do Minho, Fernando Fontes
There has been a longstanding interest in deriving conditions under which dynamic optimization problems are normal, that is, the necessary
conditions of optimality (NCO) can be written
with a nonzero multiplier associated with the
objective function. When this happens, we ensure that the objective function is used to select candidates to minimizers. Normal forms of
NCO are also needed to establish regularity proprieties of the minimizers and to deduce second
order optimality conditions. The normal NCO
that we present here may address problems with
nonsmooth and less regular data. We also explore the particular case of calculus of variations
problems to show a favorable comparison with
existent results.
Keywords: Optimal control, calculus of variations,
state constraints, maximum principle, normality

The main goal of this talk is to present our extention of the DuBois-Reymond necessary optimality condition and Noethers first theorem to



Filho, Alexandre Cludio Botazzo Delbem
Wed.A.4, Wednesday, July 30, 11:00-12:30,
Room 4

2. Component-based framework for

design and optimization applied to
engineering problems

Real engineering problems which employ design

and optimization techniques generally have a
high degree of complexity and involve different
knowledge areas. In some cases, they can be described, to some extent, by sophisticated computational tools, which generally require significant resources. The current technological capacity gain related to high performance computing
and scientific advancement in some disciplines
make it possible to progressively tackle more features of complicated problems.
Multi-Objective Multidisciplinary Design
and Optimization (MO-MDO) can be understood as a technology, an environment, or a
methodology used to design complex integrated engineering structures, which combines
different disciplines to interact between the
various subsystems. The use of approximation
and decomposition techniques is a common
feature in these systems and consist in to divide
the problem into smaller partitions, that can
be solved separately, using simpler models.
The application of a MO-MDO, using MultiObjective Evolutionary Algorithm, to solve
multi-objective engineering problems should
entail optimization together with engineering
and design tools.
Computational tools to facilitate the connection between decomposed parts of the problem, within the MO-MDO methodology, can facilitate the search for appropriate solutions to
complex problems in different contexts of science and engineering. Therefore, due to the
absence in the literature of appropriated and
free tools able to deal with this problems, a
computational framework to integrate the MOMDO methodology with customizable component based workflow was proposed. The framework manages the components which can be
used in different applications and allows the
workflow execution defined by the user.

Marcos Proena de Almeida

([email protected]) ICMC/USP Institute of Mathematics and Computer
Sciences, University of So Paulo, Brazil,
Antnio Gaspar-Cunha, Antonio Castelo

Initial components have been developed for

to incorporate the MO-MDO previously implemented approach to solve problems of the polymer processing type by employing tools that are
able to deal with multiple objectives, decision

Multiobjective Optimization (II)

Session chair: Carlos Henggeler Antunes
1. Multiobjective mathematical model
for sizing and locating biogas plants: a
case study from Entre-Douro-e-Minho
Region, Portugal
Sandra Silva ([email protected])
Instituto Politcnico de Viana do Castelo
e INESC Coimbra, Lus Alada-Almeida,
Lus C. Dias
This work introduces a Multiobjective Mixed Integer Linear Programming approach to identify
locations and capacities of biogas plants to process animal waste from dairy farms, and assign these farms to each opened biogas plant.
Three criteria are considered in the mathematical model: minimizing plant costs (initial investment, operation and maintenance costs); minimizing transportation cost; and minimizing social rejection. The proposed model is tested
with a case study of Biogas Plants sited in Entreo-Douro-e-Minho Region. The approach provides as output a set of Pareto optimal solutions, each one achieving a unique combination
of economic and social performance, that are
represented by maps using a Geographic Information System.




making and robustness of the solutions, among


Multi-objective, evolutionary algo-

rithms, multidisciplinary design and optimization,

component-based software

3. A multi-objective model for residential electrical load scheduling

Carlos Henggeler Antunes
([email protected]) University of Coimbra
and INESC Coimbra, Ana Soares, lvaro
Gomes, Carlos Oliveira
Demand response is a valuable tool that can
be used to compensate the volatility of output
power in renewable energy sources while simultaneously helping to reshape end-users consumption profile according to the available electricity generation and grid requests. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is used to solve
a multi-objective model to optimize the time
allocation of domestic load operation within a
given planning period. The management of controllable domestic loads is aimed at minimizing
the electricity bill and the end-users dissatisfaction, taking into account the preferred time slots
for load operation, the risk of interruption of the
energy supply and dynamic tariffs.
Keywords: Multi-objective optimization, evolutionary algorithms, electricity demand



History of Guimares
Guimares has its origins in the distant 10th century. It was at this time that the Countess Mumadona Dias, widow of Hermenegildo Mendes ordered the construction of a
monastery which became the focal point for a settlement. For its defense she ordered a
Castle to be built on a hill a short distance away, thus creating a second nucleus of development. A street grew-up linking one to the other - the Rua de Santa Maria.
Later the monastery became a chapter house and acquired great importance due to the
privileges and donations by kings and nobility. It became a famous centre for pilgrimage
attracting the prayers and promises of the faithful drawn from all quarters.
While the town continued to grow inside the walls which were erected to defend it, the
orders of poor friars arrived in Guimares and made their contribution to shaping the
town. The twin nuclei subsequently merged into one so that by the 15th century the layout of the city within the walls had been established. Even after the construction of some
churches, monasteries and palaces and the creation of Largo da Misericrdia, its alignment was not significantly altered.
Guimares is recognized as the cradle of the nation and of Portuguese identity. Its magnificently preserved Historic Center was classified as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in December of 2011.

The Castle
In the 10th century the Countess Mumadona Dias, in her widowhood, ordered the construction of a monastery in her estates at Vimaranes - today Guimares. The constant
attacks by Moors and Normans led to the construction of a fort to guard and defend the
monks and the Christian community which lived in its purlieus, giving shape to the original castle.
With the formation of the County of Portucalem in the 12th century Count D. Henrique
and Countess D. Teresa came to live in Guimares. They enlarged and strengthened the
castle and according to tradition it was here that they took up residence. King Afonso
Henriques was probably born here.
Between the 13 th and 15th centuries various kings contributed to further improve the


Castle. Throughout its history it was the place of dynastic conflicts, none more heroic
than the leading to the foundation of the kingdom of Portugal at the Battle of S. Mamede in
1128; for this reason it is also known as the Founding Castle or as the Castle of St. Mamede.
After losing its defensive function the Castle was abandoned to progressive decline until
the 20th century when it was declared a National Monument and completely restored.
Opening hours
daily: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Free entry

Chapel of S. Miguel
This small chapel of great simplicity was built at the beginning of the 12th century in Romanesque style probably at the order of Count Henry. It has a symbolic link to the founding of the nation as tradition states that King Afonso Henriques was baptised here. Inside,
the floor is paved with the sepulchres attributed to the noble warriors who fought with
him at the founding of the nation.
It is classified as a National Monument.
Opening hours
daily: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Free entry

The Palace of the Dukes of Bragana

This majestic stately home was built in the 15th century at the order of the illegitimate son
of King D. Joao I, Afonso, who was to become the Duke of Bragana. He lived here with
his second wife Constana de Noronha. It is a unique example on the Iberian peninsula
of a fortified house influenced by the manorial architecture of Northern Europe, typified
by the steeply inclined roofs and cylindrical chimneys. From the 16th century onwards
the palace suffered a progressive decline leading to its almost complete ruin by the 20th
century. Rebuilding began in 1937 and continued until 1959, when it was transformed
into a museum open to the public, housing a collection dating from the 17th and 18th
Of the present collection a set of copies of four tapestries by Pastrana are especially important in relation to the history of the Portuguese expansion. They narrate episodes from
the subjugation of North Africa, namely the conquest of Arzila and Tangier. Ordered by the
Portuguese king, Afonso V, the originals, which are now in Spain, were made in Toumais
in the 15th century after drawings attributed to Nuno Gonalves. These unique copies,
executed by the Real Fabric de Tapices de Madrid, were acquired by the Portuguese state
in 1957. There is also a collection of Flemish tapestries depicting episodes from the life
of a roman consul. These tapestries, executed after drawings by Pieter Paul Rubens, are
Furniture from the period following the Portuguese discoveries is on display. A group
of cabinets fitted with multiple drawers classed as varguenos, an anglicised form of the
Spanish designation bargeos, deserves special attention. They include examples of IndoPortuguese manufacture in Mudjar style, and some fine Spanish pieces. Ornamenting
the furniture is a major collection of porcelain from the Companhia das ndias, and Portuguese faience from the main producers of the period: Prado, Viana, Rocha Soares and


In one of the rooms there is a display of weapons including examples of daggers, fire-arms
and parts of armour dating from the 15th and 16th centuries which were collected by the
Viscount of Pindela and subsequently acquired by the state.
The Palace is classified as a National Monument.
Opening hours
daily: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Free entry on Sunday morning

Museum Route at Santo Antnio dos Capuchos Convent

The Museum Route at the Santo Antnio dos Capuchos Convent was created by the Santa
Casa da Misericrdia de Guimares in 2008, aiming at the preservation and valorization of
its artistic and cultural heritage. Located right on the Colina Sagrada (Sacred Hill), it occupies a space in the building that was erected as a convent in the 17th century, purchased by
the Misericrdia in 1842, and later used as its Hospital. Some of the Institutions property
is on display, and visitors are invited to walk along the corridors, yards and cloister of the
edifice, as well as to visit the convent church and its magnificent 17th century sacristy.
Opening hours
daily: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Alberto Sampaio Museum

The Alberto Sampaio Museum was created in 1928 to house the collection of the extinct Chapter house of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira (Our Lady) and the other churches and
monasteries of Guimares, which were at that time owned by the state. It is situated in
the historical centre on the exact site where in the 10th century Mumadona founded her
monastery and around which grew up the town of Guimares. The museum occupies
the space of the ancient priory and chapter house, the cloisters and the medieval rooms,
which all once belonged to the Chapter house of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira and have a
historic and artistic value of their own. The museum has important collections of architectural, figure and tomb sculptures covering the medieval and renaissance periods, extending as far as the 18th century. The collection of silverware is one of the finest in the
Outstanding is the chalice offered by King Sancho I, the 13th century image of St. Mary
of Guimares, processional crosses and the magnificent gothic altarpiece in gilded silver
from the end of the 14th century representing the Nativity. One should also point out
the tunic worn by King Joo I at the battle of Aljubarrota; the fresco from the 16th century
depicting the beheading of St. John the Baptist, paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries
in mannerist style, baroque carvings, embroidered vestments, tiles and faience.
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closes Mondays and Public holidays
Free entry on Sunday mornings



Martins Sarmento Archaeological Museum

The invaluable collection of the Martins Sarmento Archaeological Museum belongs to the
Martins Sarmento Society, a cultural institution founded in 1881. The museum was created in 1885 with objects of archaeological value, and a gallery was opened in the beautiful
14th century cloisters of St. Dominic which offered suitable conditions for their display. It
is not only the main reference point for pre-roman culture in Portugal but it is also one of
the most important European museums dedicated to this area.
Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Closes Mondays and Public holidays

Vila Flor Palace and Cultural Centre

Built in the mid 17th century at the order of the Carvalho family, the palace is decorated
with granite statues of the first kings of Portugal and surrounded by a beautiful garden on
three terraces, embellished with a baroque fountain. Queen Maria II stayed here during
her visit to Guimares in 1852, and two years later it was the stage for the 1st Industrial
and Trade Exhibition. The Palace was refurbished in 2005, when a Cultural Centre of the
same name was also built. The Palace currently has several rooms that host temporary exhibitions and the Cultural Centre contains two auditoriums where shows and congresses
are held, a concert caf and a restaurant.
Gardens: may be visited free of charge

Guimares cable-car
The cable-car extends over 1.7 km and climbs 400 m providing the passenger with an unforgettable ride between the city and Penha mountain lasting approximately 10 minutes.
Penha mountain offers the visitor a wide range of services and spaces. Apart from the
sanctuary there is a number of facilities including a camp-site, a guest-house, a mini-golf
course, keep-fit circuits, a horse-riding centre, picnic areas, walks restaurants, bars and
cafs. It is possible to explore numerous grottoes and enjoy the magnificent landscapes
which the natural vantage-points allow.

More information
Further information may be found at the municipality official website:



Plenary Speakers

Antunes, Carlos Henggeler . . . . . . . . Wed.A.4,

Page 57

Masao Fukushima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17

Serge Gratton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 18
Tim Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18
Nenad Mladenovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19
Franois Vanderbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20
Maarten H. Van der Vlerk . . . . . . . . . . Page 21

Session Organizers

Batista, Maria Gardnia Sousa . . . . Mon.B.5,
Page 33
Bomze, Immanuel . . . . . . . . Mon.B.2, Page 30
Brando, Jos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.3, Page 46
Brs, Carmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.2, Page 35
Burdakov, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.5, Page 38

Tue.A.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David Manlove

Mon.B.1, Mon.C.1, Tue.A.1 . . . . . . Francesco
Mon.B.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immanuel Bomze
Mon.A.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Palagi
Tue.C.2 . . Matthias Gerdts & Jrgen Pannek
Tue.C.1, Wed.A.1 . . . Sandra Augusta Santos
Mon.A.1, Tue.B.1. . . . . . . . . . . . .Serge Gratton

Session Speakers
Agra, Agostinho . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.3, Page 36
Alagador, Diogo . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.4, Page 32
Aliano Filho, Angelo. . . . . . .Tue.C.4, Page 53
Alvelos, Filipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tue.C.3, Page 52
Alves, Maria Joo . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.4, Page 47
Amaral, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.2, Page 30
Amaro, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.3, Page 41
Antunes, Antnio Pais . . . . Mon.A.3, Page 26

Caglar, Talip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.4, Page 32

Carvalho, Samuel. . . . . . . . . .Tue.B.3, Page 46
Cavadas, Joana . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.5, Page 48
Cerveira, Maria Adelaide . . Tue.A.3, Page 41
Chretien, Stephane . . . . . . . . Tue.A.5, Page 43
Coelho, Lus Alberto . . . . . . Tue.B.2, Page 45
Constantino, Miguel . . . . . . Tue.A.2, Page 39
Correia, Aldina . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.4, Page 42
Correia, Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.3, Page 52
Costa, Joo Paulo . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.4, Page 47
Costa, Lino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.4, Page 53
Custdio, Ana Lusa . . . . . . Mon.C.1, Page 34
de Almeida, Marcos Proena . . . . . . Wed.A.4,
Page 57
De Santis, Marianna . . . . . . Mon.A.2, Page 24
Diouane, Youssef . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.1, Page 23



Elaoud, Semya . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.4, Page 37

Lucidi, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.1, Page 29

Fasano, Giovanni . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.1, Page 38

Fernandes, Luis Merca . . . Mon.C.2, Page 35
Fernandes, Pedro. . . . . . . . .Mon.A.3, Page 26
Ferreira, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.4, Page 42
Ferreira, Deise G. . . . . . . . . . Wed.A.1, Page 55
Frandi, Emanuele . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.1, Page 38

Macedo, Rita . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.3, Page 36

Maldonado, Michelli . . . . . Mon.A.3, Page 26
Marques, Srgio . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.3, Page 52
Martins, Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.3, Page 26
Martins, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.3, Page 41
McBride, Iain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.2, Page 39
Mencarelli, Luca. . . . . . . . . .Mon.A.2, Page 24
Miranda, Joao Luis . . . . . . . . Tue.B.5, Page 48
Monteiro, M. Teresa T.. . . .Mon.A.4, Page 27

Garmanjani, Rohollah . . . Mon.C.5, Page 38
Giang, Dinh Thanh . . . . . . . . Tue.A.5, Page 43
Gonalves, Jos Fernando . Tue.C.4, Page 53
Gonzlez-Daz, Julio. . . . . .Mon.B.5, Page 33
Gouveia, Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.3, Page 52
Grilo, Teresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.4, Page 27
Gurol, Selime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.1, Page 44

Ober-Blbaum, Sina . . . . . . Tue.C.2, Page 51

Haeser, Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.1, Page 49

Hante, Falk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.2, Page 51
Hernndez R., Jos G. . . . . Mon.C.2, Page 35
Hungerlnder, Philipp . . . . Tue.A.5, Page 43

Palagi, Laura. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon.A.2, Page 24

Pannek, Jrgen . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.2, Page 51
Pattanaik, Suvendu RanjanTue.A.5, Page 43
Pea, Teresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.5, Page 28
Pereira, Srgio . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.4, Page 37
Pinto, Telmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.3, Page 36
Porcelli, Margherita . . . . . . Mon.B.1, Page 29

Iusem, Alfredo N. . . . . . . . . . Wed.A.1, Page 55

Raupp, Fernanda Maria . . Wed.A.1, Page 55

Requejo, Cristina . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.3, Page 41
Ribeiro, Ademir Alves . . . . . Tue.C.1, Page 49
Rinaldi, Francesco. . . . . . . . .Tue.A.1, Page 38
Rodrigues, Ana Maria . . . . . Tue.B.3, Page 46
Roma, Massimo . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.1, Page 34
Roque, Luis A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.C.4, Page 37
Royer, Clment W. . . . . . . . . Mon.A.1, Page 23

Janeiro, Ana Carolina. . . . . .Tue.C.4, Page 53
Jubran, Aparecido Jorge . . Mon.A.5, Page 28
Jubran, Laura Martinson . Mon.B.4, Page 32
Knauer, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . Tue.C.2, Page 51
Kwanashie, Augustine . . . . . Tue.A.2, Page 39
Lemos, Francisco . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.2, Page 45
Lopes, Isabel Cristina . . . . . Mon.B.3, Page 31
Lopes, Sofia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wed.A.2, Page 56

S, Ricardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.4, Page 42
Sadeghi, Parisa . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.3, Page 31
Saldanha-da-Gama, Francisco . . . Mon.B.3,
Page 31
Sampaio, Phillipe R. . . . . . . Mon.C.1, Page 34
Santos, Miguel Gueifo . . . . Tue.B.5, Page 48


Santos, Sandra Augusta . . . Tue.C.1, Page 49
Santos, Simo P.S. . . . . . . . . . Wed.A.2, Page 56
Silva, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wed.A.4, Page 57
Simes, Lucas Eduardo Azevedo . . Tue.C.1,
Page 49
Simon, Ehouarn . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.1, Page 44
Soualmi, Nacer . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.1, Page 23
Still, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.2, Page 30
Teodoro, M. Filomena . . . . Wed.A.2, Page 56
Torres, Delfim F. M. . . . . . . . Mon.A.4, Page 27
Trltzsch, Anke . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.B.1, Page 29
Tshimanga Ilunga, Jean . . . Tue.B.1, Page 44
Tubertini, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.A.2, Page 39
Vaz, A. Ismael F. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tue.B.4, Page 47
Yang, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.2, Page 24
Zhang, Zaikun . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon.A.1, Page 23

Plenary Chairs
Masao Fukushima . . . . Joaquim Joo Jdice
Serge Gratton . . . . . . . . . . Lus Nunes Vicente
Tim Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Ismael F. Vaz
Nenad Mladenovic. . . . . . . . . . . .Lus Gouveia
Franois Vanderbeck . . . . . . . J. M. Valrio de
Maarten H. Van der Vlerk . . . . . . . . Francisco

Mon.A.4, Page 27 . . . . . . . Delfim F. M. Torres

Mon.A.5, Page 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teresa Pea
Mon.B.1, Page 29 . . . . . . . . Francesco Rinaldi
Mon.B.2, Page 30 . . . . . . . . Immanuel Bomze
Mon.B.3, Page 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francisco
Mon.B.4, Page 32 . . . . . . . . . . . Diogo Alagador
Mon.B.5, Page 33 . . . . Maria Gardnia Sousa
Mon.C.1, Page 34 . . . . . . . . Francesco Rinaldi
Mon.C.2, Page 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carmo Brs
Mon.C.3, Page 36 . . . . . . . . . . . Agostinho Agra
Mon.C.4, Page 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luis A Roque
Mon.C.5, Page 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . Oleg Burdakov
Tue.A.1, Page 38 . . . . . . . . . Francesco Rinaldi
Tue.A.2, Page 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . David Manlove
Tue.A.3, Page 41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ana Amaro
Tue.A.4, Page 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aldina Correia
Tue.A.5, Page 43 . . . . . Philipp Hungerlnder
Tue.B.1, Page 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serge Gratton
Tue.B.2, Page 45 . . . . . . . Lus Alberto Coelho
Tue.B.3, Page 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jos Brando
Tue.B.4, Page 47 . . . . . . . . . . Joo Paulo Costa
Tue.B.5, Page 48 . . . . . . . . . Joao Luis Miranda
Tue.C.1, Page 49 . . . . Sandra Augusta Santos
Tue.C.2, Page 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mattias Gerdts
Tue.C.3, Page 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filipe Alvelos
Tue.C.4, Page 53 . Jos Fernando Gonalves
Wed.A.1, Page 55 . . . Sandra Augusta Santos
Wed.A.2, Page 56. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sofia Lopes
Wed.A.4, Page 57 Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Session Chairs
Mon.A.1, Page 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serge Gratton
Mon.A.2, Page 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Palagi
Mon.A.3, Page 26 . . . . Antnio Pais Antunes






































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