TMA Cover Form Faculty of Language Studies AA100A: The Arts Past and Present I

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TMA Cover Form


AA100A: The Arts Past and Present I
Part (I): STUDENT INFORMATION (to be completed by student)
1. Name:
2. Student ID No:
3. Section No:
4. Tel. :
5. E-mail:
I confirm that the work presented here is my own and is not copied from any source.
Student's signature:
Part (II): TUTOR'S REMARKS (to be completed by tutor)
Tutor name:
Date TMA received:
Date returned:



Earned Mark

The Arts Past and Present

First Semester 2016-2017
Cut-off date: Week 10
Format and Word Count:
The students work should be presented in an ESSAY of around 1200 words.
The essay should include a list of references (print and electronic) at the end in addition to intext referencing as per the requirements of the Harvard Referencing System. Proper referencing
is a serious academic requirement and skill and will be rewarded accordingly.
Writing and Discussion Topic:
The construction of any reputation is a complex process. This process is made more difficult
when the sources for a particular reputation contest and compete with one another. This
occurrence cannot be more true than in the case of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader /
hypocrite, depending on the source of information we are quoting. Discuss the reputation of the
Dalai Lama and the issues involved in its making. First, you should read to build your
understanding of the complex theme of reputation before focusing your attention on material
that would help you address the subthemes numbered 1-5 below, as they apply to the Dalai
1) Highlight the issues involved in setting the Dalai Lama in his historical context.
2) Discuss the Western view of the Dalai Lama and how it contributed to his reputation.
3) Discuss the Chinese governments view of the Dalai Lama and how it contributed to his
4) Investigate the interplay of religious, personal and political qualities/factors in the
construction of the Dalai Lamas reputation.
5) Reflect on how flattening complexities account for the emergence of competing

Guidance on Addressing the Topic:

Before you embark on writing the essay, you need to read carefully Book 1 Reputations in order
to familiarize yourself with the topic at large and make use of the skills presented in the book
when writing your essay. You are strongly advised to consult sources on the topic and widen
your knowledge of the topic under consideration, but it is of the utmost importance to document
any words or ideas that are not your own. Once you have the material ready, it is advisable that
you follow the steps (1-5) indicated in the section above to avoid omitting sub-questions.
Although Unit 7 of Book 1 on the Dalai Lama is of immediate relevance to the TMA topic, you
should demonstrate your knowledge of the complexity of the overarching concept of reputation
as presented in all the units and not limit treatment solely to a particular treatment appearing in
a single unit.
Note on the PT3 Form:
The tutors comments that appear here on the PT3 form and on the script of the students TMA
should be taken seriously by the student as mentioned in the Course Guide.

TMA Marking Descriptor

Excellent answers showing confident
and wide-ranging knowledge of core
material, good understanding of any
(18-20) relevant theory, and a capacity to
address the question in a structural,
direct and effective way, thoughtfully
and with insight. Originality of
thought or ideas from outside the
course are an added asset. Examples
are to the point.
+B to B


+C to C


- Has an introduction defining plan of
- Body divided into several paragraphs
- Conclusion which directly relates
arguments to topic.
- Evidence that essay has been edited.
- Error-free grammar & register.
- Wide
range of specialized
- Consistent in-text citation and form
of referencing
- First four criteria above maintained
- Demonstrates extensive grammar
- Terminology specialized but
- Minor Inconsistency in in-text
citation and referencing

Very good answers showing secure

knowledge of course materials.
Adopting an analytical approach and
covering most of the key issues.
Distinguished from A answers by
being less insightful or by showing
less comprehensive knowledge of the
reflecting - Introduction and/or conclusion short
adequate knowledge of the more but still satisfactory.
directly relevant course material and - Evidence of editing.




concepts, with reasonable structure - Less grammar control than above.

and adequate coherence related to the - Good range of specialized
question set.
- Inconsistent in in-text citation and
some - Introduction and/or conclusion short
concepts /evidence and/or lack but acceptable.
coherence /structure, and/or make - no evidence of editing.
minor errors while still demonstrating - Few grammatical errors that impede
basic understanding. Or Bare pass communication.
answers which show awareness of - Above average range of specialized
some relevant material and attempt to terminology.
relate it to the question.
- Slightly confused introduction and/or
conclusion, but body still fair.
- No evidence of editing.
- Some error types that impede
- Fair range of specialized terminology.
- Inaccurate in-text citation and
Answers which attempt to draw upon - No introduction and /or no
relevant material but do not reflect conclusion.
sufficient knowledge of the course - Body badly organized or irrelevant.
and/or neglect the focus required by - Poor grammar control (extremely
the question, and/or are incomplete in limited range of grammar & register).
some important aspects whilst being - Limited or not specialized range of
acceptable in others.
- No in-text citations and no

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