SJAMS 43B 750 754 Thesis Tibial Plateau

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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS)

Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2016; 4(3B):750-754

ISSN 2320-6691 (Online)

ISSN 2347-954X (Print)

Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher

(An International Publisher for Academic and Scientific Resources)

Original Research Article

Management of Tibial Plateau Fractures by Minimal Invasive Surgical
Procedures A clinical study
Pradeep Kumar Saini1, Lalit Kishore2, Anurag Jain3, V. K. Goyal4, Manoj Gangil5, Ranjan Sinha6
Consultant, Kasturba Hospital, BHEL, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Consultant, Kurji Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
Senior Consultant, DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar New Delhi, India
Senior Consultant, DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar New Delhi, India
Consultant, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
Senior Consultant, Kasturba Hospital, BHEL, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Saini
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Recently minimally invasive procedures are now gaining popularity in orthopaedic surgeries as they limits soft
tissue infection at fracture site and have fewer complications. These procedures reduce morbidity and avoid many of the
complications of both conservative and operative treatment and can have faster rehabilitation. The present prospective
study was carried out in Department of Orthopaedics, Deendayal Upadhyaya Hospital, and New Delhi between October
2007 to June 2010. The study included 33 patients of tibial plateau fracture. Relevant clinical history was taken and
comprehensive physical examination with local examination was done. A thorough radiological evaluation was done by
taking X -ray knee including leg AP view, Lateral view, Oblique view (Internal and External), Tibial plateau view (10-15
degree caudally tilted) and Traction view. SCHATZKERS classification was used to classify tibial plateau fracture. The
patients were treated by pre-operative skeletal traction and minimal soft tissue dissection using minimally invasive
methods. Implants used were buttress plates and screws, cancellous cannulated partially threaded screws and
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Osteo synthesefragen (AO) tubular external fixators. Finally, the plate was slide extra
periosteally through a very short incision. In results the most common fracture in our series was Schatzkers type II
fracture (nine patients) followed by type VI (eight patients) followed by type V (six patients).Age range was between 24
to 61 years with majority of patients in 26 to 35 years of age group. All cases with type I and type IV fractures had
excellent results. Seven cases (78%) of type II fractures had excellent results and rest 2 cases (22%) had good result. One
case of both type V and type VI fracture had fair result. Only one case (3%) in our series of Type VI fracture had poor
result. The overall functional end results in the follow up were 66.7% excellent, 23.3% good, 6.7% fair and 3.3% poor. In
conclusion the Minimal invasive surgery for tibial pleateau fractures was associated with high rate of success across all
categories of Schatzkers type fracture. An acceptable functional end result was obtained in 96% of the patients.
Keywords: Tibia Fracture; Less invasive; Minimally Invasive Surgery; SchatzkerS Type Fracture.
Fractures involving the proximal tibia affect
knee function and stability [1]. These fractures can be
either intra-articular (plateau) or extra-articular
(proximal fourth). Fractures of tibial plateau represent
only 1% to 2% of all fractures but account for
approximately 8% of fractures occurring in elderly [2].
Articular fractures of proximal end of tibia not only
involve the articular cartilage itself but can also involve
the epiphysis, the metaphysic and in more severe
injuries diaphysis as well. These fractures can be quite
challenging to manage as they are notoriously difficult
to reduce, align and stabilize, have skin and soft tissue

involvement and are prone to develop

complications and infections.


Recently minimally invasive procedures are

gaining popularity in orthopaedic surgeries as it limits
soft tissue infection at fracture site and has fewer
complications [1]. Minimally invasive surgery has been
advocated for both low-energy and high-energy
fractures [2]. These procedures reduce morbidity and
avoid many of the complications of both conservative
and operative treatment and can have faster
commonly used includes percutaneous plating with

Pradeep Kumar Saini et al., Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., March 2016; 4(3B):750-754
minimal skin and soft tissue dissection, percutaneous
screws and external fixators.
The present prospective study was carried out
in Department of Orthopaedics, Deendayal Upadhyaya
Hospital, and New Delhi between October 2007 to June
2010. The study included 33 patients of tibial plateau
fractures. Three patients were excluded from final
analysis because they were lost in follow up. The
remaining 30 patients were included in the study.
Relevant clinical history was taken and comprehensive
physical examination with local examination was done.
A thorough radiological evaluation was done by taking
X -ray Knee including leg AP view, Lateral view,
Oblique view (Internal and External), Tibial plateau
view (10-15 degree caudally tilted), Traction view. CT
scan with Saggital reconstruction was done in case of
articular disruption in patients who could afford.
SCHATZKERS classification was used to classify
tibial plateau fracture.
Preoperative evaluation:
Preoperative evaluation and pre-anaesthetic
check-up was done. In the time-period between the time
of admission of the patient in the hospital to the time of
operation, patient was kept on lower tibial pin traction
on Bohler Braun (BB) splint or pillow. This helped in
reduction of fracture by ligamentotaxis and also helped
in soft tissue healing.
Patient positioning:
Patients were positioned supine and tourniquet
was applied. Image intensifier was positioned properly
and fracture site was visualized in AP and Lateral view.
Application of Schanz pin and femoral distractor:
One Schanz pin was inserted into femoral
condyle and another Schanz pin was inserted into mid
tibial shaft 10-15cm distal to fracture site, and through
which femoral distractor was applied and knee joint
distracted. It helped in reduction by ligamentotaxis.
Reduction of fracture was done through 2 Kirschner
wires used as joy stick:
Fracture was reduced using Kirschner wire in
the split fragment as a joy stick. Split fragment was
elevated and reduced under image guidance, and after
maintaining the articular surface of tibia, fragments
were held in that position using another Kirshner wire
through which the cancellous cannulated screw was
inserted. Fractures with depression were reduced by
elevation of the depression by making cortical window
on tibial metaphyseal region opposite to the fracture
site. From that window depressed surface was elevated
using bone tamps and punches and fixed temporarily
with multiple Kirschner wires. Following articular
surface elevation the void left by impacted cancellous

bone was filled with autogenous bone graft. Depending

upon the fracture geometry, type of fracture, skin
condition, soft tissue status, implants were chosen. In
less displaced, less depressed and stable fractures
multiple partially threaded cannulated cancellous
screws were used. In other fractures, buttress plates
were used with or without addition of cancellous screw.
The recently introduced (Less Invasive Stabilization
System) LISS and locking plates could not be used in
most of the cases.
Method of cancellous cannulated screw insertion:
A cannulated 4.5mm drill-bit to drill over
Kirschner wire was used. After drilling proper size of
screw was assessed using C-arm. Similarly more screws
were inserted after getting proper reduction of articular
Method of plating:
After getting proper reduction, the reduction
was held using Kirschner wires. Proper sizes of
implants were selected according to fracture anatomy.
Implant was moulded according to surface of bone. A
small longitudinal skin incision 3-4cm was given on the
fracture site in metaphyseal region 1 cm below the joint
line. A plane was created and implant was inserted
through the incision extraperiosteally, and secured to
bone using Kirschner wires under image guidance.
Then drilling was done through stab incision in skin,
guided by same size of another implant. Then plate was
fixed to bone with screws and checked under image.
Skin incision and insertion of plate was done through
the incision. The wound was then thoroughly washed
and closed in layers. Femoral distractor was removed
and external fixator was applied.
Post-operative regimen:
The postoperative regimen on day one
included active isometric quadriceps, hamstring, ankle
and toe exercises. Post-operative AP and Lateral X rays were taken. Limb was kept elevated on pillow. On
the 4th post-operative day dressing was done and nonweight bearing ambulation was started and the patient
was discharged from hospital with the advice to do
physiotherapy exercises.
Follow-up and outcome measures:
The patients were assessed at all follow ups
clinically, functionally and radiologically and all
findings were recorded and maintained properly.
The scheduled follow-ups were done as par
schedule: 1st follow-up - 2 weeks of surgery (stitch
removal), 2nd follow-up - 3 weeks of surgery (external
fixator removal), 3rd follow-up - 6weeks of surgery, 4th
follow-up - 10weeks of surgery, 5th follow-up - 14
weeks of surgery, 6th follow-up - 6th month of surgery,


Pradeep Kumar Saini et al., Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., March 2016; 4(3B):750-754
7th follow-up - 9th month of surgery and finally the 8th
follow-up at 1 year of surgery
Antero-posterior and Lateral radiographs were
obtained at follow-up visits. AP radiographs were used
to determine coronal plane deformity (varus or valgus).
The Lateral radiographs were used to determine sagittal
plane deformity (flexion and extension). Change in
alignment was defined as greater than five degrees
change in angular measurement between the
postoperative and follow-up radiographs. Malalignment
was defined as ten degrees or more of angular
deformity. Rotational alignment was measured
clinically at follow-up visits with normal rotation being
equal to the contralateral side. Union was defined as
pain free full weight bearing in absence of tenderness or
motion at the fracture site with presence of bridging
callus across at least one cortex of the fracture site on
each the AP and Lateral views. Non-union was defined
as absence of progressive fracture healing for three
consecutive months extending beyond six months from
the injury.
Partial weight bearing with the help of walker
or crutches was allowed when the fracture showed an
evidence of union. Full weight bearing was allowed
after clinical and radiological confirmation of fracture
union in both AP and Lateral X-ray films.
Post-operative clinical assessment:
It was done according to modified Rasmussen
system assessing pain, walking capacity, range of
motion and stability and final results were evaluated.
Any complications were noted.
It was a prospective study in which 33 patients
with tibial plateau fracture treated by minimal invasive
surgeries were included of which three patients were
lost in follow-up and they were excluded from the
study. Hence final study comprises of 30 patients, who
came for a regular follow-up for minimum six months.
Average follow-up of patients ranged from six months
to 24 months (Mean=11.8 months, SD=5.13, n=30).
Of the 30 cases, 26 patients were male (87%)
and four were female (13%) varying between ages of 24
years to 61 years (mean age 40.1 years). The main
mode of injury was road traffic accident followed by
slip in bathroom. Out of 30 patients selected 22
sustained injury due to road traffic accident (73%),
three sustained injury due slip in bathroom (10%), three
sustained trauma by fall on road and two sustained
injury due to fall from height (7%). Out of 30 patients 7
patients (23%) sustained associated injuries like fracture
radius and ulna, fracture shaft of tibia, fracture
calcaneum etc. Right lower limb was involved in 17
patients (57%) while in 13 patients (43%) left lower

limb was involved. Tibial plateau fracture was

classified according to Schatzkers classification. The
most common fracture in our series was Schatzkers
type II fracture (9 patients) followed by type VI (8
patients) followed by type V (6 patients).Right lower
limb (56.67 %) was involved more than left lower limb.
The most common pattern encountered in our
series was split-depression fracture (Schatzker type II)
of lateral condyle (30%). The next most common
pattern was bicondylar fracture type VI (26.67%). Type
V and type VI fracture was seen in 14 patients (47%).
Lateral condyle was alone involved in 50% of the cases.
Out of 30 patients, seven patients sustained
associated injuries. Two cases had associated fracture of
ipsilateral shaft of tibia and one case with ipsilateral
fracture of radius and ulna. One case had contralateral
fracture radius and ulna and ipsilateral fracture
calcaneus. Other injuries were fracture calcaneum,
fracture mandible and fracture 4th metacarpal.
Median time of presentation of injury to hospital was
1.53 day (ranging from 0 days to 27 days). One patient
presented after 27 days of injury. Studying the time
interval from injury to operation, it ranged from 1day to
31 days (mean 9.3 days). Majority of patients (53%)
were operated in first week. 87% patients were operated
in first 2 weeks.
Mean duration of hospital stay was 13.93 days
ranging from 2 to 32 days except in one patient.
Majority of patients were discharged in second week
(67%). In one patient who had communited Schatzker
type VI fracture with very poor skin condition, fracture
was managed by cancellous screw and external fixator.
This patient had prolonged hospital stay of 32 days and
was discharged after improvement in skin condition.
Among the intra-operative observations, mean
time of surgery was 75 minutes (ranging from 30
minutes to 2 hours with mean 68.16 minute; SD=24.05,
n=30). Blood loss was minimal with only 3 patients
have more than 250 ml blood loss. Only one patient
required blood transfusion. 2 patients had lateral
collateral ligament affection causing varus instability.
Among the post-operative period of immobilization,
external fixator was applied for duration of 2-12 weeks
with mean 4.33 weeks. After removal of the fixator
active range of motion exercises started at knee joint. In
more than 76% cases external fixator was removed
within 4 weeks.
Fracture union was observed in all cases
except in one between 12 to 22 weeks (Mean= 15.72
weeks SD=2.90, n=29). In half of the cases (50%)
fracture union was observed within 14 weeks. 27
patients (90%) had fracture union within 20 weeks.
There were post-operative complications in eight

Pradeep Kumar Saini et al., Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., March 2016; 4(3B):750-754
patients out of 30 cases (26.67%). One case required
operative management.
Among the various scores obtained in our
study as per the Modified Rasmussens criteria, the
average pain score was 4.13. Majority of patients (87%)
had either no pain or occasional pain. No patient had
constant pain and only one patient had pain during mild
activity. The average walking capacity score was 4.43.
Majority of patients (67%) had normal walking and 20
% cases could do more than 1 hour outdoor walking.
One patient (3%) required aid to walk and one patient
was confined to wheel chair. The average range of
motion score was 4.23. Majority of patients (47%) had
full range of motion. Overall 25 patients (83%) had
more than 1200 range of motion at knee. Only one

patient had less than 600 range of motion. The average

stability score was 4.93. Majority of patients (97%) had
normal stability. Only one patient was unstable at 200
flexion at knee.
All cases with type I and type IV fractures had
excellent results. 7cases (78%) of type II fractures had
excellent results and rest 2 cases (22%) had good result.
One case of both type V and type VI fracture had fair
result. Only one case (3%) in our series of Type VI
fracture had poor result. The overall functional end
results in the follow-up study were 66.7% excellent,
23.3% good, 6.7% fair and 3.3% poor. An acceptable
functional end result therefore was obtained in 96% of
the patients.(Table 1)

Table 1: Results according to Schatzkers fracture type

Type of fracture (
No of Patients
Schatzkers )
Surgical treatment of high-energy, bicondylar,
tibial plateau fractures and proximal tibial shaft
fractures remains problematic. Problems common with
the bicondylar tibial plateau fractures include wound
complications, infection, varus collapse, knee stiffness,
and articular malreduction [4]. In high energy traumatic
cases with bicondylar fractures, treated by both side
plating has very unsatisfactory results [5]. Infection rate
in these cases in some study found as high as 73-80%
[6]. When dual incision approaches were used, a
significantly higher rate of complications such as deep
infection, arthrofibrosis and post traumatic arthritis has
been observed [2].
In cases of Schatzkers type V and type VI
fractures due to high energy trauma initial stabilization
by distal tibial skeletal traction or external fixator for
some days before operation for soft tissue healing
prevented infection and soft tissue necrosis and has
yielded good results. This method of staged
management of high energy tibial plateau fractures has
also been advocated by Barei DP et al.; [3] and Egol
KA et al.; [4].
In the present study, using the MIS technique,
only one subject (3%) required treatment for postoperative complications. Tibial plateau fractures are
serious injuries, associated with significant secondary

early and late complications. Prompt diagnosis,

thorough pre-operative assessment of the bony and softtissue trauma [6, 7]. adequate soft-tissue monitoring and
resuscitation,8 anatomic reduction and sound fixation
allowing early joint movement, and intensive
rehabilitation often for over one year post injury are
mandatory for good clinical results [9, 10].
Careful evaluation of soft-tissue condition was
identified as the key factor for the timing of definitive
fixation, as well as the major predictor of certain
complications like infections and delayed wound
healing. The usefulness of a staged approach and
delayed fixation until local conditions are optimised,
was verified in this series of 30 patients as well as by
other authors [11].
Due to the complex anatomy of the knee joint
and the necessity of an anatomic reduction as in all
intra-articular fractures, open reduction, combined with
bone grafting in any case of cancellous bone depression,
and rigid internal fixation with plates and screws is
considered as the gold standard approach in last decades
[12]. A recent study by Erdil et al.; in 2006 [13]
demonstrated that a good outcome occurred in 72% of
their patients even if articular depression was up to 10
mm. In the present study, all cases with type I and type
IV fractures had excellent results. 7cases (78%) of type
II fractures had excellent results and rest 2 cases (22%)

Pradeep Kumar Saini et al., Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., March 2016; 4(3B):750-754
had good result. One case of both type V and type VI
fracture had fair result. Only one case (3%) in our series
of Type VI fracture had poor result. The overall
functional end results in the follow-up study were
66.7% excellent, 23.3% good, 6.7% fair and 3.3% poor.
An acceptable functional end result therefore was
obtained in 96% of the patients.
We obtained a very high rate of success using
the technique in our series across all categories of
Schatzkers type fracture. Further adequately powered
randomized controlled studies are warranted to establish
the outcome in a large multicentric trial.




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