The History of COPD

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The history of COPD

Thomas L Petty Abstract: The evolution of knowledge concerning COPD and its components emphysema,
University of Colorado Medical chronic bronchitis, and asthmatic bronchitis covers 200 years. The stethoscope and spirometer
Center, Denver, CO, USA; became important early tools in diagnosis and assessment. Spirometry remains the most effective
Rush-Presbyterian-St Lukes Medical means of identification and assessment of the course of COPD and responses to therapy, and
Center, Chicago, Il, USA
is grossly underused for this purpose. Knowledge of the pathogenesis, course and prognosis,
and new approaches to therapy have dramatically improved our understanding of this important
clinical entity. Smoking cessation improves the early course of disease. Long-term oxygen
improves the length and quality of life in selected patients with hypoxemia. Surgery benefits
a select few. Today, COPD is a steadily growing global healthcare problem, with increasing
morbidity and mortality. Early identification and prevention, and treatment of emerging stages
of disease through smoking cessation and a growing number of bronchoactive drugs promises
to change the outcome.
Keywords: COPD, emphysema, pathogenesis, natural history, treatment

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is finally gaining the attention needed to
begin to solve this common problem. It is defined as chronic airflow obstruction
that is progressive and only partly reversible (Pauwels et al 2001; Global Initiative
for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease 2004). COPD includes chronic bronchitis,
emphysema, and chronic asthmatic bronchitis (defined further below). Today, COPD
is the fourth most common cause of death in the USA, and is the only disease state
that is rising in morbidity and mortality amongst the top five killers. It resulted in
a $32.1 billion loss to the USA economy in direct and indirect costs in 2003, and
by 2020 is expected to become the third most common cause of death (NHLBI
Data Fact Sheet 2003). Approximately 16 million adult Americans have COPD.
Probably an equal number have asymptomatic or even symptomatic disease but
are not diagnosed or treated (Mannino et al 2000). Interest in COPD is a recent
development and few know the origins of this interesting disease spectrum. This
review offers a glimpse into the rich history in the development of our present
understanding of COPD.

Early historical landmarks

Some of the earliest references to the description of emphysema include: Bonets
description of voluminous lungs in 1679 (Bonet 1679); Morgagnis (1769) description
of 19 cases in which the lungs were turgid, particularly from air; and Bailles
illustrations of the emphysematous lung, thought to be that of Samuel Johnson (Baillie
1789; Bishop 1959).
Correspondence: Thomas Petty
899-Logan, Suite 103, Denver, CO The beginnings of our clinical understanding of the chronic bronchitis component
80203, USA of COPD can be traced to Badham (1814), who used the word catarrh to refer to the
Tel +1 303 996 0868
Fax +1 303 996 0869
chronic cough and mucus hypersecretion that are cardinal symptoms. He described
Email [email protected] bronchiolitis and chronic bronchitis as disabling disorders (Badham 1814).

International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1) 314 3

2006 Dove Medical Press Limited. All rights reserved

The emphysema component of disease was beautifully not mention spirometry, but shows a nice picture of the
described by Lannec (1821) in his Treatise of diseases of sphygmomanometer, invented by Rico Rossi in 1896, and
the chest. Lannec, a clinician, pathologist, and inventor excellent quality EKG strips are shown (Bovard 1912). This
of the stethoscope, did careful dissections of patients that occured 50 years after Hutchinsons invention. A textbook
he had studied during life. He recognized that emphysema of Disease in the chest in 1918 makes only brief mention
lungs were hyperinflated and did not empty well (Lannec of spirometry with no illustrations (Norris and Landis
1821). 1918).
In his A treatise on the diseases of the chest and on Gaensler introduced the concept of the air velocity index
mediate auscultation (1837, p 81) Lannec wrote on em- based on Tiffeneaus work and later the forced vital capacity,
physema: which is the foundation of the FEV1 and FEV1/FVC percent
The disease which I designate by this title is very little
(Gaensler 1950, 1951).
known and has not hitherto been correctly described by In 1944, one of the great teachers of emphysema, Ronald
any author. I for a long time thought it very uncommon, Christie, suggested that The diagnosis should be considered
because I had observed only a few cases of it: but since I certain when dyspnea on exertion, of insidious onset, not
have made use of the stethoscope, I have verified its exist- due to bronchospasm, or left ventricular failure, appears in a
ence as well on the living as the dead subject, and am led patient who has some physical signs of emphysema together
to consider it as by no means infrequent. I consider many with chronic bronchitis and asthma (Christie 1944, p 145).
cases of asthma, usually deemed nervous, as depending on It is clear from this statement that Christie recognized the
this cause. The chief reason of this affection having been so individual components of COPD and relied on the history
completely overlooked is, that it is in some sort merely the and physical examination for his diagnosis. Oswald described
exaggeration of the natural condition of the viscus.
the clinical features of 1000 cases of chronic bronchitis in
In this era, smoking was rare, but it is a fact that emphysema 1953 (Oswald et al 1953).
may occur in non-smokers, particularly with a familial Barach and Bickerman (1956) edited the first compre-
predisposition or from environmental-provoking factors. hensive text book, Pulmonary emphysema, which nicely
Lannec continued: describes the treatment of the era. These two physicians
In opening the chest, it is not unusual to find that the lungs were early champions of treatment for emphysema.
do not collapse, but they fill up the cavity completely on Contributors to this book included Dayman, the first to
each side of the heart. When experienced, this will appear recognize the spirometric and flow volume patterns indica-
full of air . . . . The bronchus of the trachea are often at the tive of dynamic expiratory airway collapse in emphysema;
same time a good deal filled with mucous fluid (Lannec Dickerson Richards, Nobel Laureate, who wrote on the pul-
1821, p 89). monary circulation and cor pulmonale; Reuben Cherniack,
Thus Lannec had described a combination of emphysema who described respiratory acidosis and has made major
and chronic bronchitis. contributions to our understanding of the diagnosis and
John Hutchinson invented the spirometer in 1846 (Hutch- treatment of emphysema for over half a century; and
inson 1846). The spirometer is key to the diagnosis and Menelee and Callaway, who described pulmonary function
management of COPD, yet its use is still poorly applied to tests in emphysema patients. In all, 17 leading clinicians
the diagnosis and management of COPD in most locations and clinical scientists contributed to this classic volume
in the world today. Hutchinsons instrument only measured of the 1950s.
vital capacity. It took another 100 years for Tiffeneau to add The first edition of Hinshaw and Garland (1956) (now
the concept of timed vital capacity as a measure of airflow, Murray and Nadel) Textbook of respiratory medicine shows
for spirometry to become complete as a diagnostic instrument a nice picture of a Collins 13.5 liter recording spirometer,
(Tiffeneau and Pinelli 1947). and shows capacity spirograms that demonstrate airflow
Oslers Principles and practices of medicine (1916) limitation in emphysema.
says little about emphysema. Osler believed emphy-
sema was caused by excessive pressure in the alveoli Definitions
(Osler 1916), and reference to the spirometer cannot be Two landmark meetings: The CIBA Guest Symposium in
found in this classic text. In 1912, another author did 1959 (Ciba Guest Symposium 1959; Donald 1971) and

4 International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1)

The history of COPD

the American Thoracic Society Committee on Diagnostic infections and air pollution contributed to the pathogenesis of
Standards in 1962 defined the components of COPD, which chronic bronchitis (Stuart-Harris et al 1953; Scadding 1959).
are the foundation for our definitions today (Committee Both hypotheses are probably correct, and both bronchial
on Diagnostic Standards for Nontuberculous Respiratory hyperreactivity and chest infections plus irritant exposure
Diseases 1962). The American Thoracic Society (ATS) de- are important in pathogenesis.
fined chronic bronchitis in clinical terms including chronic
cough lasting at least three months for at least two years. Experimental emphysema
By contrast, the ATS defined emphysema in anatomic terms Many disease models have yielded clues to cause, patho-
of enlarged alveolar spaces and loss of alveolar walls. Nei- physiology, clinical manifestations, and therapeutic targets.
ther definition used any physiologic criteria. Asthma was Early attempts to produce experimental emphysema used
described as a state of airway hyperresponsiveness to a obstructive devices placed in the major airways or trachea
variety of stimuli. Asthmatic bronchitis was considered an to attempt to reproduce hyperinflation. The author spent a
overlapping condition (Committee on Diagnostic Standards research summer employing the use of a venturi device (that
for Nontuberculous Respiratory Diseases 1962). (The author had greater expiratory than inspiratory resistance) placed in
had the privilege of attending the deliberations of the ATS the trachea of dogs. This study did not produce hyperinfla-
committee as a Resident in Medicine in 1962 in Memphis tion or emphysema. In fact the dogs developed reduced
Tennessee during the time of the annual VA-Armed Forces functional residual capacity with the tracheal obstruction,
Annual Conference on the Treatment of Tuberculosis.) a fact of tracheal obstruction that was not known by this
Many other attempts to define COPD have not improved on nave student investigator. A presentation on experimental
these basic definitions, except that COPD is now defined in emphysema at the First Aspen Emphysema Conference in
functional terms. 1958 documents this work and that of earlier investigators
Other acronyms that predated the COPD designation (Eiseman et al 1959).
were chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease, The first credible production of emphysema was
chronic airflow obstruction, chronic obstructive lung by Gross in 1964, who instilled pancreatic extracts (papain)
disease, nonspecific chronic pulmonary disease, and dif- into the airways of guinea pigs to cause destruction of
fuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome. William Briscoe alveoli and hyperinflation (Gross et al 1964). This was
is believed to be the first person to use the term COPD in somewhat of a fortuitous discovery, since he was not trying
discussion at the 9th Aspen Emphysema Conference. This to produce emphysema, but was hoping to determine the
term became established and today we refer to COPD as effect of papain on the fibrosis associated with experimen-
the designation of this growing health problem (Briscoe tal silicosis that he was studying. Grosss work produced
and Nash 1965). emphysema, due to proteolytic damage of elastin and thus
was the forerunner of the protease antiprotease therapy
Pathology of the pathogenesis, as described by Laurel and Erickson
In the past 50 years, the pathology of emphysema and other (1963) in Sweden with alpha-one-antitrypsin deficiency
components of COPD have filled textbooks (Reid 1967; and emphysema. Other investigations also used elastases
Heard 1969; Thurlbeck 1976). Loss of alveolar walls (em- to produce experimental emphysema (Snider and Sherter
physema), mucous gland hyperplasia (Reid index) in large 1977). Many genetic, infectious, and immunologic models
conducting airways (Reid 1960), and bronchiolitis with in small animals followed and continue to be investigated
fibrosis have been extensively documented and illustrated. at the present time. A recent model employing methylpred-
Thurlbecks book (1976) cites Jethro Gough and his first use nisolone to produce emphysema in rats induces matrix met-
of whole lung thin sections to illustrate the various types of alloproteinase and can be prevented by a metal proteinase
emphysema (Gough 1952; Thurlbeck 1976). inhibitor (Choe et al 2003). The concept that emphysema
The Dutch hypothesis and British hypothesis in is an autoimmune vascular disease has been offered as
pathogenesis were early basic concepts. The Dutch one pathway in pathogenesis (Voelkel and Taraseviciene-
hypothesis presented the concept of genetically deter- Stewart 2005). Studies in experimental emphysema, though
mined bronchial hyperreactivity in COPD (Orie and Sluiter possibly species specific, are useful in suggesting new
1960). The British hypothesis proposed that repeated chest therapeutic targets.

International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1) 5


The Aspen emphysema conferences both sides of the Atlantic. This work was also published
The growing problem of emphysema and related disorders elsewhere (Burrows et al 1966). Fletcher gave his initial
was the stimulus for a planned series of emphysema confer- findings on Prognosis in chronic bronchitis.
ences held annually in Aspen, Colorado, beginning in 1958 Subsequent conferences, namely the 12th, 22nd, 26th,
(Mitchell 1959). Roger S Mitchell and his colleagues, Giles and 44th conferences, have documented great progress in
F Filley, and John R Jack Durrance, were the driving our understanding of all aspects of COPD and its treatment.
force that launched these landmark conferences. Financial The 48th was the most recent Thomas L Petty Aspen Lung
support came from the Department of Medicine of the Conference (its present name) to discuss COPD and related
University of Colorado pulmonary division and local and disorders, and began with a clinical theme emphasizing the
national tuberculosis associations. The major topics of the different COPD phenotypes.
first conference included the state-of-the-art understanding
of anatomy, pathology, physiology, experimental studies, Clinicalpathological correlations
natural history, unusual forms, and allergy in relation to Roger S Mitchell and colleagues began a series of studies
emphysema. JH McLeans pioneering work on bronchiolitis of the pathology of alveolar and airways damage in
was and remains a highlight. Liebow described vascular patients, participating in an early emphysema registry, who
injury including capillary loss in emphysema, and Loosli later died and had autopsies at the University of Colorado
described loss of elastic fibers. Pierce discussed lung elas- Medical Center. The focus was mostly on mucous gland
tin and collagen, and Brantigans lung volume reduction hyperplasia and inflammation of large conducting airways
surgery was discussed as an innovative method of treating and loss of alveolar walls (Mitchell et al 1966, 1968).
a small number of selected patients with advanced emphy- The lesion of bronchiolitis (small airways) inflamma-
sema. Subsequent conferences discussed certain collateral tion was also described by Mitchell et al (1976) in early
subjects including asthma, the environment, and the lung reports.
and pulmonary circulation.
The conferences were intended to conclude after the Structure/structurefunction
1964 meeting. However, the author, now on the junior relations in COPD
faculty of the pulmonary division, and his colleagues Also using an artificial thorax to ventilate fresh post-mortem
had a burning desire to have one last conference lungs, the Denver Group began a series of systematic studies
on the treatment of COPD. Somewhat magically, the that were designed to evaluate structure/function relation-
Chronic Respiratory Disease Branch of the Public Health ships and the major lesions associated with COPD, loss of
Service generously supported the 8th Aspen Emphysema alveolar walls (emphysema), and mucous gland hyperplasia
Conference. It presented new concepts in the management (chronic bronchitis) (Petty et al 1965). By ventilating a
of acute respiratory failure, home care and rehabilitation, whole fresh excised human lung that had been obtained at
pharmacologic agents in current use, and the new concept autopsy, and occasionally was available at the time of dona-
of ambulatory oxygen in the treatment of advanced COPD. tion of organs for transplantation, it was possible to study
Surgical resection was again discussed by Brantigan, lung mechanics both from lungs in subjects with no clinical
but now with caution because of high perioperative lung disease and in patients with various stages of COPD.
mortality. The investigators could measure many physiologic indices,
This conference may have been the tipping point in the including FEV1, FVC, maximum mid-expiratory flow,
establishment of comprehensive treatment for COPD (Petty residual volume, and nitrogen washout tests, to study the
1967). Because of the success of the 8th conference, the 9th, physiologic expression of lesions of the small airways (Petty
10th, and 11th conferences were held annually at the same et al 1980, 1984, 1987). The measurement of the post-mortem
venue. These three conferences dealt with the mushrooming FEV1 bore a close correlation with the FEV1 measured during
advances in research in COPD during that era. At the 9th life in the majority of patients (r=0.891), adjusted for both
conference Ben Burrows and Charles Fletcher presented lungs (Petty et al 1965). Progressive grades of emphysema
their concept of The bronchial and emphysematous types were associated with reductions in FEV1. The lesion of
of chronic obstructive lung disease in London and Chicago, mucous gland hyperplasia (ie, the Reid index; Reid 1960)
pointing out that the same disease spectrum was found on did not have a close correlation with airflow measurements.

6 International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1)

The history of COPD

Dynamic airway collapse of the central airways was related to loss of elastic recoil) in nonsymptomatic aged individuals
to reductions in FEV1. (Ryan et al 1965).
Accurate smoking histories were available in another
series of 154 autopsied patients. Lesions of mucous gland The natural history of COPD
hyperplasia and emphysema were found in nearly 50% of Charles Fletcher devoted his life to the study of the natural
the smokers. Eight non-smokers also had these lesions (Petty history of COPD (Fletcher et al 1976). He recognized the
et al 1967). Whether or not these patients had other risk fac- risks of smoking and the accelerated rate of decline in
tors for the development of the pathologic lesions associated FEV1 in susceptible smokers on the pathway to disabling
with COPD is not known. This study was performed before symptoms (Fletcher et al 1976). He and his colleagues
the era of understanding the contributions of small airway recognized that stopping smoking would retard the rate of
pathology to airflow obstruction. FEV1 decline to that approaching the rates of reduction in
The landmark study by Hogg et al (1968) ushered in the age-related non-smokers (Peto et al 1983). This established
era of small airways disease. To learn whether or not the the scientific foundation for smoking cessation in every
nitrogen washout test would identify the lesions of small stage of disease (see Lung Health Study) (Anthonisen et al
airways disease, the Denver Group performed additional 1994, 2005).
studies on this and other tests that purported to identify early Burrows and Earle described the course and prognosis
lesions in patients with COPD with emphysema and on the of 200 patients with COPD in his classic study in Chicago
pathology of small airways (Petty et al 1980, 1984, 1987). (Burrows and Earle 1969). Later, when observing similar
Cosio et al (1978) provided his grading photomicrographs patients in his lifelong study of prognosis of emphysema in
a large population in Tucson, Arizona, he recognized that
of mild, moderate, and severe inflammation and mild,
patients with a low FEV1/FVC percentage predicted the onset
moderate, and severe fibrosis of small airways. Emphysema
of rapid decline in FEV1 over time. Patients with the most
was found to relate to a reduction in elastic recoil and in the
rapid rate of decline had the worst prognosis. He termed this
percentage of the predicted FEV1 (Silvers et al 1974, 1980;
phenomenon as The Horse Racing Effect (Burrows et al
Petty et al 1984). Elastic recoil was inversely proportional
1987). The discovery also established the importance of early
to the closing capacity and the slope of phase III disease
identification and intervention (see section titled The NLHEP
(Petty et al 1980). In addition, the maximum expiratory
and GOLD initiatives).
flow volume was not related to emphysema (Petty 1984).
The natural history of COPD begins with complex
Fairly good correlations were found among the FEV1,
biochemical and cellular events in the small airways and sur-
FVC, and static lung recoil at 70% of inflation (Petty et al
rounding alveoli. Early in the course, damage to the structure
1984). Increased lung size (TLC and FR) were related to leads to a loss of elastic recoil (Saetta, Ghezzo, et al 1985;
loss of elastic recoils, but not to airflow obstruction (Petty Saetta, Shiner, et al 1985; Petty et al 1987). The lungs begin
et al 1987). to increase in size, and the FVC increases (Petty et al 1987).
Numerous key studies initiated by the Montreal group This results in early physiologic alterations that can be readily
(Cosio, Saetta, Angine, and others) have shown that reduced identified by simple spirometry (Burrows et al 1987). By the
alveolar attachments, elastic recoil, and alveolar fenestrae time clinical signs are present, COPD is often in a moderate-
are all interrelated and associated with smoking. Reduced to-advanced stage (Mannino et al 2000).
elastic recoil is a major factor in the development of airflow Pathologic evidence of emphysema can be derived
limitation (Saetta, Shiner, et al 1985; Cosio et al 1986; Saetta from CT studies or from resectional material, such as when
2001). solitary nodules are removed (Cosio et al 1978, 1986). The
During the course of these studies, several unu- most practical way to diagnose and to access the functional
sual patients with COPD were encountered, including a progress of COPD is by spirometry. The initial smoking-
29-year-old man who died of end-stage emphysema and induced injury to the human lungs appears to be in the
a 19-year-old man who had severe pulmonary hypertension, small conducting air passages and surrounding alveoli.
emphysema, and marked narrowing of the conducting When alveoli become damaged or lost, the elastic support-
airways of the lungs. The Denver studies also identified the ing structure of the lung is reduced (Figures 1 and 2). This
lesion of duct ectasia (ie, an unwinding of alveolar ducts due results in both a loss of elastic recoil and in increased airways

International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1) 7


the FEV1/FVC ratio is such a sensitive test for early stages

of airflow obstruction. An FEV1/FVC of <70% heralds the
onset of rapid declines in FEV1 over the course of a 10-year
period (Burrows et al 1987). The time course of these changes
in alveoli and small airways is illustrated in Figure 3. Thirty
or more years of progressive loss in airflow may take place
before the threshold to dyspnea on exertion occurs, which
is usually at <1.5 L/s and may be as low as 1.0 L/s in smaller

Treatment of COPD: past, present,

and future
Figure 1 Small respiratory bronchiole with surrounding alveolar attachments. Over 47 years ago, when the author graduated from medical
These alveolar attachments serve to tether small airways. Source: Petty T. 2002.
school, the only therapies for COPD were antibiotics for
COPD in perspective. Chest, 121 Suppl:116S120S. Reproduced with permission
from The American College of Chest Physicians. pneumonia, potassium iodide used as a mucus thinner, and
combination products containing ephedrine, a small amount
of theophylline, and a minor amount of sedative to deal with
resistance since airways are no longer tethered by the radial
the side effects of ephedrine. Inhaled isoproterenol began to
traction forces of the surrounding alveolar attachments. Mural
be used in the early 1960s. In that era, oxygen was consid-
inflammation of small airways and airways remodeling also
ered contraindicated, and exercise was prohibited for fear of
reduce the airway lumen.
straining the right heart. Corticosteroids were almost never
Thus, the interrelated causes of airflow obstruction in
used, even in cases of exacerbations of COPD. One paper in
COPD patients include a combination of airways inflam-
the early 1960s by Noehren, offered new hope that at least
mation and remodeling, bronchospasm, mucous hyper-
some treatments might be beneficial in emphysema. Both
secretion, and loss of elastic recoil. There is a complex
medical and surgical approaches to therapy were described
interrelationship among these phenomena, which results
(Noehren 1962).
in the progressive reduction in expiratory airflow as judged
by the FEV1.
It deserves emphasis that early stages of emphysema are Management of acute respiratory failure
characterized by both hyperinflation and an increased FVC Beginning in the early 1960s, patients with COPD began
(Burrows et al 1987; Petty et al 1987). This is the reason why to be saved with the use of mechanical ventilators for the
management of acute respiratory failure (Petty 1971). The
development of systematic therapy for nonhospitalized
patients can be traced to the 8th Aspen Emphysema Confer-
ence, which was held in June 1965 (Petty 1967). This was
Decreased elasticity
of supporting structure the only Aspen Emphysema Conference devoted entirely to
treatment. The Denver Group presented their first observa-
tions on ambulatory oxygen at the conference. The many
topics discussed by clinicians and scientists at the conference
Plugging, inflammatory
narrowing, and
included principles of pulmonary rehabilitation, the treat-
obliteration of ment of cor pulmonale, home care for chronic pulmonary
small airways insufficiency, and surgical treatments for emphysema. The
subsequent 22nd, 26th, and 42nd Aspen Lung Conferences
Destruction of
also had COPD as their theme.
peribronchiolar support

Figure 2 A drawing describing the mechanisms of airflow obstruction due to Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT)
the losss of elastic recoil and airway narrowing. Source: Petty T. 2002. COPD in
perspective. Chest, 121 Suppl:116S120S. Reproduced with permission from The
In the first Denver studies of ambulatory oxygen, patients
American College of Chest Physicians. with chronic stable hypoxemia experienced remarkable

8 International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1)

The history of COPD

Natural History of COPD small but significant survival benefit (National Emphysema
Treatment Trial Group 2003).
Death Pathological Lung transplantation is established for a small number
evidence of patients, due to the lack of organ availability (Studer et al
at surgery or
autopsy 2004). Long-term survival for lung transplantation is limited
Clinical &

X-ray signs by a high index of organ rejection and bronchiolitis obliterans

(Studer et al 2004).
Corticosteroids and bronchodilators
Onset Biochemical &
cellular events Five studies (Paggiaro et al 1998; Pauwels et al 1999; Vestbo
Time (Age)
et al 1999; Burge et al 2000; The Lung Health Study Research
Group 2000), which were conducted in the 1990s on therapy
Figure 3 The natural history of COPD. Source: Petty T. 2002. COPD in
perspective. Chest, 121 Suppl:116S120S. Reproduced with permission from The with inhaled corticosteroids have resulted in interesting
American College of Chest Physicians. and somewhat conflicting conclusions. Although a small
subset of patients has a slight step-up in FEV1 following the
administration of inhaled corticosteroids, the rate of decline
in FEV1 was not retarded in any of the studies completed
reductions in pulmonary hypertension and erythrocytosis, thus far. However, symptoms of cough, expectoration, and
along with a great increase in exercise tolerance (Levine et al exacerbations of chronic bronchitis were significantly re-
1967). This and several other early pilot studies resulted in duced in patients in the treatment groups compared with
the design of the Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial (Nocturnal those in the placebo group. Symptomatic benefits need to
Oxygen Therapy Trial Group 1980). The Medical Research be weighed against the possibility of systemic side effects
Council Clinic Trial compared 15 h of oxygen with air breath- (eg, reduced bone density) if inhaled corticosteroids are to
ing (The Medical Research Council Working Party 1981). be used in the long term (The Lung Health Study Research
Together, these two studies established the scientific basis of Group 2000).
long-term oxygen therapy, which is the only treatment that Improved survival in COPD using a combination of fluti-
has been proven to alter the course of disease and prognosis casone propionate and salmeterol has been suggested in case
of patients with advanced COPD (Petty 1990). controlled studies (Soriano et al 2002; Sin and Man 2003).
Prospective randomized controlled studies are currently in
Pulmonary rehabilitation progress to attempt to confirm these findings.
Pulmonary rehabilitation evolved from that earlier era (Petty
et al 1969; Petty 1993). The systematic use of drugs to restore COPD as a systemic disease
pulmonary function, including bronchoactive drugs (ie, It has been learned that patients with only mild stages of
bronchodilators and corticosteroids) began to gain popular- COPD may have significant cardiovascular physiologic
ity in the 1990s. An emphasis on the importance of smoking impairments. These individuals cannot achieve maximum
cessation became a feature of treatment in the 1990s. oxygen uptake or a maximum heart rate. Their exercise
performance is limited and is likely due to physical de-
Surgery conditioning, even in patients with only mild degrees of
The technique of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS), airflow obstruction and without hypoxemia (Carter et al
originally introduced by Brantigan and Mueller (1957) and 1993). We must now recognize COPD as a systemic disease
was resurrected by Cooper and others in the 1990s (Cooper and start to understand the metabolic and musculoskeletal
et al 1996). A randomized controlled clinical trial completed implications of this generalized process (Schols et al 1996,
in 2003 showed no reduction in mortality but an improved 1998). COPD has been recognized as a risk factor for car-
quality of life in a subset of surgical patients (National diovascular morbidity and mortality (Sin and Man 2005).
Emphysema Treatment Trial Group 2003). A subset of Thus corticosteroids may (or may not) have a beneficial
patients with primarily upper lobe disease and poor exercise role on the underlying systemic nature of COPD. Obviously
tolerance following pulmonary rehabilitation did have a this is an area that requires intense factor investigation.

International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1) 9


The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in COPD and showed that 22% of patients who received special care
its treatment also remain a huge challenge (Higgenbottom stopped smoking as part of the study, compared with 5%
2005). We need to learn much more about the molecular in the usual care group. Patients who succeeded in stop-
genetics of COPD (Sanford et al 1997). Why do only ping had a small improvement in FEV1 initially, followed
15%20% of smokers develop airflow obstruction (Sanford by a slow decline up to five years of follow-up (Figure 4).
et al 1997)? Ipratropium did not improve baseline lung function, but
did increase airflow on each day that it was tested over the
The Lung Health Study course of the study.
Following a preliminary meeting organized by the author The most common cause of death was lung cancer (57),
in 1982 during his presidency of the American College of compared with 37 cardiac deaths and 55 deaths from all
Chest Physicians and attended by many experts who were other cancers (N=149). At a 14.5-year follow-up, the most
both for or against studies of early identification, the Lung common cause of death remained lung cancer (33%), with
Health Study was planned and implemented by the Lung cardiovascular deaths the second most common cause of
Division of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute death (22%). Coronary artery disease was also a common
(NHLBI). In all 10 centers, 5887 volunteers were enrolled cause of death but the death records had an overlap with the
who were heavy smokers between the ages of 35 and 60, designation of cardiovascular deaths. Seven point 8 percent
and who had any degree of airflow obstruction identified (7.8%) died of nonmalignant respiratory disease. Two point
at baseline screening (Anthonisen et al 1994). Subjects three percent (2.3%) died of unknown causes. This powerful
were randomized to receive special care or usual care study showed conclusively that stopping smoking in middle
in a 2:1 ratio. Half of the subjects randomized to special age (Anthonisen et al 2005) was associated with a much better
care received ipratropium bromide and the other half an survival than in patients who continued to smoke. This study
identical placebo inhaler. The initial report of outcome and others form the scientific basis for early identification
of COPD and related disorders, the most common of which
is lung cancer.

The NLHEP and GOLD initiatives

Following a preliminary planning meeting in 1993 and a
2.9 Sustained Quitters
Postbronchodialator FEV1L [sic]

comprehensive workshop on COPD sponsored by the Lung

Division of the NHLBI, the need for a new national health
2.8 initiative for the early diagnosis, treatment, and research
in COPD was launched in a major publication (Petty and
2.7 Continuing Weinmann 1997) and later on gained full support in CHEST
Smokers (Petty 1998). Soon thereafter, the National Lung Health
2.6 Education Program (NLHEP) was founded by the author,
who was its first chairman. Initial NIH support was sup-
plemented by unrestricted grants from the pharmaceutical
industry. All major societies with a stake in COPD sent
representatives to the biennial board of directors meeting
2.4 held at the times of the American College of Chest Physi-
Screen 2 1 2 3 4 5 cians and ATS. Numerous publications and recommendations
Follow-up, y followed. The most notable was the consensuss statement
of the NLHEP, which recommended the spirometric testing
Figure 4 Mean post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1)
for participants in the smoking intervention and placebo group who were sustained of all smokers aged 45 or older and anyone with chronic
quitters (O) and continuing smokers ( ). The two curves diverge sharply after cough, dyspnea on exertion, mucus hypersecretion, or wheeze
baseline. Source: Anthonisen NR, Connett JE, Kiley JP. 1994. Effects of smok-
ing intervention and the use of an inhaled anticholinergic bronchodilator on the (Ferguson et al 2000). This helped promote the development
rate of decline of FEV1. The Lung Health Study. JAMA, 272:1497505. Copyright
2004. American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Reproduced with
of accurate and inexpensive office spirometers for widespread
permission from AMA. use. In 2004, the NLHEPs administrative functions were

10 International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1)

The history of COPD

transferred to the American Association for Respiratory Care An oxidantantioxidant imbalance also exists in small
(AARC), and a new Chairman, Professor Dennis Doherty of airways and at the airblood interface. How this can be
the University of Kentucky, succeed the author, who remains dealt with therapeutically remains a challenge. Potentially,
Chairman Emeritus and is still actively involved (Petty and many other mechanisms (including processes that trigger
Doherty 2004). mucus hypersecretion or cause dysfunction) and inhibition
In 2001, the Global Initiative of Obstructive Lung Disease of growth factors (such as vascular endothelial growth factor
(GOLD) was launched by the WHO and NHLBI (Pauwels at a reduced level) result in premature apoptosis of capil-
et al 2001; Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung laries and the alveolar walls they nourish (Kasahara 2001).
Disease 2004). International in scope, GOLD offered a new Phosphodiester 4 inhibitors are a new class of drugs that may
classification of the severity of COPD, which is now ac- oppose or otherwise modify the basic inflammatory processes
cepted by most societies and organizations. Together, the of the small and large airways. Specific cytokine antagonists
NLHEP and GOLD will continue to raise awareness of the (eg, 1, 2, and 3) on TNF2 inhibitors are the subject of current
importance of COPD and promote early identification and investigations (Barnes 2000). Systemic clinical approaches to
intervention. patients with COPD and cardiovascular disease are emerging
(Soriano et al 2002; Rennard 2005; Sin and Man 2005). All
Recent biologic studies and of this new knowledge about the pathogenesis of emphysema
and related airway inflammation promises new therapeutic
therapeutic targets
targets for the future.
The pathogenesis of COPD is complex and involves
multiple mechanisms. The bottom line of these processes
is inflammatory damage of the conducting airways and Summary
vascular damage of the alveolar surface of the lung, which The evolution of our understanding of emphysema and
constitutes the airblood interface. Capillary damage leads chronic bronchitis covers nearly four centuries. Anato-
to loss of both alveolar walls and reduced elastic recoil. mists, clinical scientists from many disciplines, and clini-
Inflammatory obstruction of small airways contributes to cians have contributed to the knowledge that an attack on
airflow obstruction; the loss of alveolar walls and airflow alveoli and both large and small airways contribute to the
obstruction (as Lannec first described) are part and parcel emergence of chronic and ultimately irreversible airflow
of the pathogenesis. limitation, due to loss of elastic recoil and increase in
The inflammatory process of COPD is initiated by airflow resistance through the complex conducting system
inhalation of noxious gases in cigarette smoke and in the of the lungs.
environment. All airways, including the central airways, Dyspnea is due primarily to abnormal lung and thoracic
become inflamed, which results in mucous gland hyperplasia mechanics and the increased work of breathing. Cough and
and hypersecretion. Macrophages and CD8 cells are the mucus hypersecretion are due to inflammation, mucous gland
prime cellular mediators, which include leukotriene B4, hyperplasia, and goblet cell hyperplasia. One or more host
interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (Barnes factors are involved in many patients, and family clustering
2000). Thus, the inflammatory processes of COPD are may go beyond alpha-one-antitrypsin deficiency. COPD must
markedly different from those of asthma. Inflammation be considered a systemic disease.
in asthma consists of more corticosteroid-responsive cells Treatment requires an elimination of smoking and other
and mediators, such as mast cell-activated eosinophils, irritants in the environment. Such measures forestall or pre-
T-helper type 2 lymphocytes (CD4 phenotype), and a vent the premature loss of ventilatory function and loss of
number of cytokines whose production is decreased by use blood gas homeostasis.
of corticosteroids. This may explain, at least in part, why Treatment of symptomatic disease, beyond smoking
patients with COPD are not nearly as responsive as patients cessation requires the use of bronchodilators and prob-
with asthma to both inhaled and systemic steroids. ably corticosteroids. Pulmonary rehabilitation and oxygen
The proteaseantiprotease imbalance is certainly true improve the quality and length of life in selected patients.
in the alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency state. Matrix metal- Lung volume reduction surgery improves lung mechanics and
loproteinases, collagenases, and other tissue-degrading reduces dyspnea by improving elastic recoil, which affects
enzymes are released from macrophages and neutrophils. both airflow and perfusion, thus ameliorating gas exchange

International Journal of COPD 2006:1(1) 11


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