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Research Bioethanol

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Divisions of City Schools,

City of Mandaluyong
Nueve de Pebrero st.Brgy. Mauway Mandaluyong City

The Feasibility Study of Musa Balbasiana (Banana) Peelings and

Solanum Tuberosum (Potato) Peelings as a source of Bioethanol

An Investigatory Project submitted as Division Entry for the

Science Fair 2016

Submitted by:
Venice Carla T. Sarmiento
Grade 10 - STEM Science

Submitted to:
Carmelita M. Yomo
Teacher Research IV
August 30, 2016


The World is facing global warming and it should be prevented. One reason of it
is the too much combustion coming from vehicles and engines due to the fuel we used.
We are in need of a harmless and a clean combustion fuel which is the bioethanol fuel.
Bioethanol is a renewable energy source made by fermenting the sugar and starch
components of plant by-products - mainly sugarcane and crops like grain, using yeast. It
is somehow more eco-friendly and efficient to use in our generation essentially safe and a
clean combustion fuel. Bioethanol can be used in patrol engines as a replacement for
gasoline perhaps it can be mixed with gasoline to any percentage. It can be made from
very common crops such as sugarcane, corn and more.
The researcher is going to use potato peel and banana peel to produce a
bioethanol. Banana and Potato peels are usually dumped because we only need whats
inside. Instead of dumping them why not find the asset of it in a useful way. Producing
bioethanol will undergo processes such as fermentation and distillation. The outcome
product can be used in lighters and lamps depends of the amount produced. This study
can give views and insights to discuss the harmless process of making a bioethanol from
banana and potato peelings.


I extend my sincerest appreciation to the following people who helped me

make this research project possible. First of all, to God, for His gift of wisdom and
ability to perform this experimentation.
To our research adviser, Mrs. Carmelita Yomo for teaching us, dealing with
patience through at times and helping us to improve each others work, Mr. Marion
Allen Albaladejo for assisting us to do our distillation setup, to Ms.Hannah Gianan for
her guidance in analyzing the product, lastly, to my dear friends Adriana Seno and Sam
Tatoy for the support theyve given me. Your effort is highly appreciated.
My parents and family for giving love and support for everything, which made
me more inspired to do this research. I owe this success to you.



Title Page ....................................................................................................... i

Abstract . ii
Acknowledgement iii
Chapter I Introduction
A. Background of the study...1
B. Statement of the problem..........1
C. Hypothesis ...2
D. Objective......2
E. Significance of the study......2
F. Scope and limitations...2
G. Terminologies......2
Chapter II Related Literature

A. Local Literature4
B. Foreign Literature.7
Chapter III Methodology11
Chapter IV Data and Analysis.12
Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendation.14

Chapter I

A. Background Of The Study

Fuel Ethanol production has been an interesting subject now for countries due to the
need for an improve air quality, economic boost and reducing oil imports. These fuels are
made by a biomass conversion. This biomass can be converted to convenient energy
containing substances in three different ways: thermal conversion, chemical conversion,
and biochemical conversion.
Bioethanol as a renewable source of energy means that fewer greenhouse gases
are produced. Apart from the energy needed to manufacture it, sustainably produced
bioethanol, catalyzed from regenerative raw materials, is CO2-neutral. The CO2 released
when bioethanol combusts was originally absorbed through photosynthesis by the plants
from which it is manufactured as they grew. The production plant in Wanze, Belgium, for










The researcher chose to conduct this study using banana and potato peelings
because of the world facing insufficiency when it comes to our renewable sources. This
study aims to find out if banana and potato peelings can be a source of bioethanol.
B. Statement Of The Problem
The researchers wanted to know if banana and potato peel can be feasible as a
source of bioethanol. This study aims to answer the following questions:

Is it possible to produce a bioethanol from banana and potato peelings?
Is to produce bioethanol from banana and potato peelings using simple distillation
C. Hypothesis
The null hypothesis states that bioethanol from banana and potato peelings cannot
be a possible source of bioethanol. The alternative hypothesis states that bioethanol from
banana and potato peelings is possible using simple distillation process
D. Objective
This study aims to utilize banana and potato peelings to find out if it is a possible
source of bioethanol.
E. Significance Of The Study
Bioethanol has been introduced as an eco-friendly type fuel, In our generation we
are in need of clearly source of renewable energy that can reduce the use of gasoline
compounds. Which are made of materials that are abundant in our country that cant harm
our environment as well.
F. Scope And Limitations
This study focuses on the utilization of biodegradable waste produced into useful
one. Banana and Potato peels will undergo fermentation and distillation in order to
produce bioethanol by simple distillation process conducted in the school laboratory. The

amount of bioethanol produced using the methods in two trials will be evaluated and
interpreted using T-test.

G. Terminologies
Bio Ethanol - is a renewable energy source made by fermenting the sugar and starch
components of plant by-products - mainly sugarcane and crops like grain, using yeast.
Fermentation- the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other
microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.
Distillation- the action of purifying a liquid by a process of heating and cooling

Chapter II
Local Literature
The use of biofuels for transport is a major thrust of the Philippines to reduce the
countrys dependence on imported fossil fuels and to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
To pursue this objective, the government is implementing the National Biofuels Program
to promote investments in biofuel productions and encourage the utilization of this
product. Other activities that coincide with this program are the establishment of support
mechanisms to ensure adequate supply of feedstocks and the adoption of appropriate
technology for vehicles/engines to be able to use alternative fuels.
At present, bioethanol is mainly produced by sugar fermentation and distillation process.
This activity started when both Leyte Agri Corporation and San Carlos Bioenergy, Inc.
commenced operations in 2008.
Market Opportunity
Huge and increasing demand

The Biofuels Act of 2006 created a market for bioethanol because of the mandate
for oil companies to blend 5% bioethanol by volume in 2009 increasing to at least 10% in
2011 on all gasoline fuel products distributed and sold in the Philippines

current annual capacity: only 79 million liters in contrast to the demand of more
than 400 million liters for 2011
Demand-Supply gap (in liters)

Total Installed
Total Demand*










2011 a





2011 b





*Based on DOE demand estimate for bioethanol

**For 2010, volume was computed based on the actual production of bioethanol
companies. For 2011, volume was computerd based on the submitted annual
capacities of BOI and DOE-registered bioethanol companies (San Carlos Bioenergy,
Inc., Leyte Agri Corp. and Roxol Bioenergy Corp.
At present, capacity of existing bioethanol producers cannot meet the domestic demand
based on the mandated blend of the law thus, the need for additional investments.
Big volume of imports
The existing bioethanol plants still cannot fully supply the requirements for the 5% blend
mandated by the law; thus, oil companies resort to importation of bioethanol to meet the

PH first nipa bioethanol facility launched

Rice farming and coastal communities may soon benefit from the first nipa
bioethanol production facility launched on Oct. 7 in Brgy. Cabaggan, Pampalona,
Dr. Eufemio T. Rasco Jr., executive director of Philippine Rice Research Institute
(PhilRice), said that the bioethanol project in Cagayan, a province in Northern Luzon
with rich source of nipa extracts, may help supply local energy demand.
Fossil resources have been dwindling since the 1970s. This project with the Mariano
Marcos State University (MMSU) will increase farmers` competitiveness as nipa is a
renewable energy that can fuel farm machinery and pump boats, Rasco, a pioneer in
nipa research, said.
In the Philippines, nipa is considered an important source of alternative fuel
because it produces high amount of sap that can be converted to alcohol. Producing as
much as 26,000 L of alcohol in a hectare per year, nipa is four more times more
productive than sugarcane today`s main source of alcohol, which can only generate
6,700 L.
The facility`s power, tested through a retrofitted water pump, produced 95-96%
bioethanol during the launching`s ceremonial run. Engr. Nathaniel R. Mateo, MMSU
project collaborator, said that 100 L of nipa sap can produce 7-9 L of bioethanol within
4.5 hours.
We felt and observed in an international level the connection between energy and
rice supply in 2007-2008 when increasing oil price escalated the price of rice to its peak.
That event heightened the importance of developing a new energy system that is
renewable, decentralized, and diversified, Rasco said.


Rasco said that nipa is good source of bioethanol or water-free alcohol produced
from the fermentation of sugar or converted starch, because it does not compete as food
unlike other sources such as corn, cassava, sorghum, and sugarcane.
As the locals produce nipa lambanog or wine, project implementers are also
improving their distilling facility to increase alcohol yield and efficiency.
With the improved facility, nipa wine with 60% alcohol content and 28% yield
conversion rate was produced. Previously, nipa wine is produced with 40% alcohol at 2224% yield conversion rate.
We hope to have this facility in more places in the Philippines and make nipa a
widely used fuel by farmers and fisherfolk, Rasco said.
The bioethanol facility is co-implemented by the local government unit of Cagayan
and MMSU`s Dr. Shirley Agrupis, lead of the nipa bioethanol project, and Dr. Fiorello
Abenes, project consultant and US senior Fulbright fellow.

A. Foreign Literature
Production of Biofuel out of Fruit Waste
Ethanol fuel is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), the same type of alcohol found in alcoholic
beverages. It is most often used as a motor fuel, mainly as a biofuel additive for
72gasoline. World ethanol production for transport fuel tripled between 2000 and
2007from 17 billion to more than 52 billion liters. From 2007 to 2008, the share of
ethanol in global gasoline type fuel use increased from 3.7% to 5.4%. In 2009
worldwide ethanol fuel production reached 19.5 billion gallons (73.9 billion
liters). Ethanol is widely used in Brazil and in the United States, and together both
countries were responsible for 89 percent of the world's ethanol fuel production in
2009. Most cars on the road today in these. can run on blends of up to 10%

ethanol, and the use of 10% ethanol gasoline is mandated in some U.S. states and
cities. Since 1976 the Brazilian government has made it mandatory to blend
ethanol with gasoline, and since 2007 the legal blend is around25% ethanol and
75% gasoline (E25). In addition, by 2010 Brazil had a fleet of more than10 million
flexible-fuel vehicles regularly using neat ethanol fuel (Goettemoeller
et. Al 2007).The main objective is to search for a relatively cheaper source for the
production of ethanol & to develop easier techniques for the production so that
people can also produce it by themselves. For this purpose, fruit wastes were used
(apple pomace and rotten banana) as a substrate for the production of ethanol by
treating it with distilled water, small amount of sucrose and Saccharomyces
cerevisiae which was collected from FRI, Dehradun. After 36 hrs. of
fermentation process, a yield of 38% ethanol was created. After distillation, a total
volume of 200 ml of 48% concentrated ethanol from a total volume of 1500 ml of
substrate mixture was recorded. (Bohra and Mishra, 2011)From the given study,
the idea of creating biofuel and bioethanol from fruit wastes has been clearly
Source: International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology Research
Use of plant breeding, novel crops and biotechnology to improve yields
Plant science is also being used to increase the production of first
generation bioethanol, for example Enogen corn developed by Syngenta.
Triticale has been tested as an alternative to wheat as a bioethanol feedstock.
Trials in the UK in 2011 showed it offered greater yields at the same or lower
levels of nitrogen inputs.
See the plant breeding and biotechnology page for further information and links.
Novel microbial fermentation


Although yeast strains are commercially used to produce ethanol, other

microbes, such as Zymomonas mobilis, have also been investigated. Zymomonas
mobilis uses the Entner-Doudoroff pathway to convert sugar to pyruvate, which is
then fermented to produce ethanol. The organism offers potential benefits over
yeast strains, including higher ethanol yields, greater ethanol tolerance, no need
for additional oxygen and greater potential for genetic modification. Z. mobilis
can also use nitrogen gas as a Nitrogen source with no reduction in ethanol yield.
Process efficiency improvements
The efficiency of ethanol production systems is being improved by
innovation process technology such as the proprietary controlled flow cavitation
process (CFC) developed by Arisdyne Systems Inc. which can boost ethanol yield
by over 3 per cent by increasing the surface area available for enzyme interaction
with corn slurry. The reduction in particle size using this technique, could
similarly improve the efficiency of biodiesel production and biogas production.
Dual alcohol blends
Research is being carried out on dual-alcohol gasoline blends (e.g. 10%
ethanol plus 10% methanol), which has a distillation curve close to that of pure
gasoline, minimizing the impact on fuel volatility [Source: Distillation Curves for
Alcohol-Gasoline Blends, V. F. Andersen et al, Energy Fuels, 2010, 24 (4), pp
Cellulosic ethanol (a second generation biofuel) can be produced from a wider
range of feedstocks, including agricultural residues, woody raw materials or
energy crops that do not compete directly with food crops for land use. This
requires a more complex production process (cellulose hydrolysis), which is
currently at the demonstration stage. Significant investment in R&D&D in Europe

and the United States will lead to wider production of cellulosic ethanol on the
commercial scale within the next decade. However, currently in the US and
Europe most bioethanol is still produced from crops (for example, it was projected
that in 2011, 40% of corn planted in the US was used as a feedstock for
bioethanol, compared to just 7% a decade earlier).
Demand for ethanol is likely to increase over the next two decades in the US. The
EPA indicates that E10 is now the norm for ethanol/gasoline blends in the US,
there will be a mix of E10 and E15 by 2017 and by 2030 E15 will be the standard
[Ref: Tier 3 Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Program]. In November 2014,
the Renewable Fuels Association reported that already 2/3 of car manufacturers
approve the use of E15 in their new vehicles.

Chapter III
Research Design
The research design used is Experimental Research .This research design,
describes the process that a researcher undergoes of controlling certain variables. In this
research we are going to find out if banana and potato peelings can be a feasible
bioethanol fuel.
The materials such as: kilo of banana and potato, yeast and cans for the
fermentation set up were bought or collected from Mandaluyong area only. Measuring
instruments and laboratory apparatus like: 500mL beaker, 10mL and 100mL distilling
flask, condenser, glass tubing and rubber tubing

The banana- potato peelings with Saccharomyces cerevisiae was placed in a
container. After fourteen days it was attached to a distillation setup until the vapor was
Statistical Analysis
The t- test was used for comparing the means of two samples (or treatments),
even if they have different number of replicates. T-test was used since it would evaluate
and interpret the two trials.


mL of distilled liquid
75 mL
11 mL
43 mL



Chapter IV

Method I

tcal =

|x m|

ttab = 4.303

. n
at 95% confidence


V= 1
Method I (banana and potato peelings) vs Method II (banana and mango peelings)
x =76. 38

2= 5.17

v 2


x1 x2

5.17 45.25

tcal = 6. 765

0.05 = 4.303

6.765 > 4.303

The degree of freedom used was 2 where the critical value was at 4.303. Based
from the computed values, the value of t was greater than critical value. Meaning, that
banana and potato bioethanol fuel and banana and mango bioethanol fuels methods are
statistically equal. So the null hypothesis was rejected


Chapter V
Conclusion and Recommendation
Based on the computed value 6.76, the computed value is greater than the
tabulated value which means that bioethanol from banana and potato peelings can be a
possible bioethanol therefore, we reject the null hypothesis (bioethanol from banana and
potato peelings cannot be a possible bioethanol fuel) and accept the alternative hypothesis
(bioethanol from banana and potato peelings can be a possible bioethanol fuel.)


The researcher further recommend to conduct laboratory test for the distilled
liquid (distillate) for confirmation because flammability test is not enough, Next
researcher may conduct some study instead of using banana and potato peels.

Borah, D., & Mishra, V. (2011). Production of Biofuel Out of Fruit Waste. International
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology Research, 1, 71- 74. Retrieved June 23, 2014,
from the Research Gate database
Charles Wyman (1996). Handbook on Bioethanol: Production and Utilization
JC Kurian, Amazing Healing Plants, (Banana, 100-101)

Estrella E. Mendoza, Chemistry (Ethanol, 341)

New Standard Encyclopedia V. 7 ( Fermentation,68)
National Geographic (December 2012, Distillation, 103)

Name: Venice Carla T. Sarmiento
Age: 15
Address: Blk. 1 Lot 6 Sinag St. Brgy. Mauway Mandaluyong City
Birthday: August 27, 2001
Contact Number: 09256111827


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