Performance Appraisal Is A Formal, Structured System That Compares Employee Performance To
Performance Appraisal Is A Formal, Structured System That Compares Employee Performance To
Performance appraisals, also known as employee appraisal are essential for the
effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals,
improve organizational performance, and feed into business planning. Each staff
member is appraised by their line manager. Directors are appraised by the CEO, who
is appraised by the chairman or company owners, depending on the size and structure
of the organization. Performance appraisal is a part of career development and regular
review of employee performance within organizations.
Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards,
agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks.
Staff performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable
organizational training needs analysis and planning.
Performance appraisal should also be viewed as a system of highly interactive
processes which involve personnel at all levels in differing degrees in determining job
expectations, writing job descriptions, selecting relevant appraisal criteria, developing
assessment tools and procedures, and collecting interpreting, and reporting results
Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, aligning individual and
organizational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and
Appraisals must address 'whole person' development - not just job skills or the skills
required for the next promotion. Appraisals must not discriminate against anyone on
the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.
Performance appraisals should be positive experiences. The appraisals process
provides the platform for development and motivation, so organizations should foster
a feeling that performance appraisals are positive opportunities, in order to get the
best out of the people and the process.
Effective performance management requires a good deal of face-to-face supervisoremployee interaction. By knowing the subordinates, a supervisor can steer them onto
a path of greater productivity and optimized output. Long-term successful business
owners view performance appraisal as a process of getting to know the people who
work for them. It is the most significant and indispensable tool for an organization. It
provides information, which helps in taking important decisions for the development
of an individual and the organization.
Let the employees know where they stand in so far as their performance is concerned and
to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of their
Determine whether human resource programs such, as selection, training and transfers
have been effective or not.
Opportunity to link team and individual objectives with department & organizational
Opportunity to clarify expectations that the manager has from teams and individuals.
Means of forming a more productive relationship with staff based on mutual trust and
Clear understanding of what is expected and what needs to be done to meet expectations.
Opportunity to discuss aspirations and any guidance, support or training needed to fulfill
these aspirations.
Opportunity to overcome the weaknesses by way of counseling and guidance from the
2. Person-to-Person/Paired Comparison
Under this method the appraiser compares each employee with every other employee, one at a
- Certain key performance areas/traits are developed. E.g.: Leadership, Creativity, Initiative etc.
- A scale for each factor is designed.
- A scale of people is also created for each factor.
- Each Appraisee is compared to every other person on the scale.
- Certain scores for each factor are awarded to the appraisee.
3. Grading
- Certain categories of traits/performance criteria, which are worth of appraising, are established.
E.g. cooperativeness, self-expression, dependability, job knowledge etc.
- The actual performance (Key performance area) of an employee is then compared to the
predetermined grade definitions.
- Appraisee is allotted with the grade, which describes his performance in the best possible
- Any grade that is selected should be well defined.
4. Graphic Scales
- A printed form, one for each person to be rated is used.
- The factors included in the form are Employee characteristics such as leadership,
cooperativeness, enthusiasm, loyalty etc. or Employee contribution which includes quantity and
quality of work, specific goals achieved, regularity of attendance, responsibility assumed etc.
- The traits can be evaluated on continuous scale the appraiser places a mark along a continuum
5. Checklist
- A series of questions are presented concerning an appraisees behavior.
- The appraiser has to reply to the questions in either negative or positive tone- (Yes/No).
- The value of each question may be weighted I.e. one can have predetermined scale and scoring
to those questions.
6. Essay
- A blank form is given to the appraiser.
- The form contains main heading such as employees characteristics, attitudes, job knowledge,
potential etc.
- The appraiser is asked to put in words his impressions about the employee..
- It gives specific information about the employee.
7. Confidential Reporting
- It is the most traditional way of appraising employees performance. The basic assumption here
is that since the superior is in direct contact he knows his subordinates better than any other and
hence his appraisal would be more appropriate.
- The superior writes a paragraph or so about his subordinates strengths, weaknesses,
intelligence, attitude to work, attendance, conduct and character, work efficiency, etc.
- These incidents are given to a group of experts who assign scale values depending upon the
degree of desirability for the job.
- This checklist is used by superiors for evaluating the employees.
- This method helps in identifying the key areas where the employees are weak or strong.
- It emphasizes rating on objective evidence and helps in counseling.
4. Management by Objectives
The concept of Management by Objectives (MBO) was first given by Peter Drucker in
5. 360 Feedback
The 360 Feedback process is called multi-source assessment, taps the collective
wisdom of those who work most closely with the employee, superiors, colleagues
(peers), direct reports and possibly internal and often external customers. The collective
intelligence these people provide on critical competencies or specific behaviours and
skills gives the employee a clear understanding of personal strengths and areas ripe for
development. Employees also view this performance information from multiple
perspectives as fair, accurate, credible, and motivating.
As the 360 Feedback process better serves the needs of employees, it serves the
changing needs of their organizations too. Organizations are reducing hierarchy by
removing layers of management and putting more emphasis on empowerment,
teamwork, continuous learning, individual development, and self-responsibility. The
360 Feedback Model aligns with these organizational goals to create opportunities for
personal and career development.
360 degree appraisal has four integral components:
1. Self appraisal
2. Superiors appraisal
3. Subordinates appraisal
4. Peer appraisal.
needs. The comprehensive workflow makes it easy for human resource professionals to manage
the process by approving appraisal forms, monitoring the status and sending automatic email
notifications to managers.
I. Features:
Ease of use
Sophisticated workflow
User customizable performance appraisal forms
Automated email notification and reminder notice
Comprehensive status and action view for HR manager
Competency-based text answers and/or range scale
Self-rating capabilities
II. Benefits:
Appraisals are processed more quickly and efficiently.
Appraisal data is received by concerned superior/manager in virtual real-time when
the appraisal is uploaded into eAppraisal system..
Appraisals cannot be misplaced or lost, as is possible with hardcopies. Appraisals can
be stored electronically and available online