Comparing Coalescers

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The passage discusses and compares different types of coalescer designs used in oil-water separation and highlights how they each have issues with fouling over time.

The passage discusses parallel corrugated coalescers, plastic coalescing media, secondary mesh packs, and vertical tube coalescers.

The passage states that all coalescers are efficient at first but all eventually fall victim to fouling issues caused by the build up of sludge over time.




The Multi-Pack
Vs. The Rest of the Pack

Mercer International
Inc. Innovation in Oil Water


he pages that follow describe some of the various coalescer designs on the market today. While
each is manufactured to help oil droplets collide and coalesce to the top of a vessel, they all
have an inherent problem with premature fouling. All coalescers are efficient when the process
flow begins, but the true test of efficiency is how long a coalescer can consistently perform without
falling victim to the fouling issues that stem from the build up of sludge.

Table of Contents

The Forgotten formula..................................................................................................3

Parallel Corrugated Coalescers (CPIs) - Before.......................................................4
Parallel Corrugated Coalescers (CPIs) - After..........................................................5
Plastic Coalescing Media - Before..............................................................................6
Plastic Coalescing Media - After.................................................................................7
Secondary Mesh Packs - Before................................................................................8
Secondary Mesh Packs - After....................................................................................9
Vertical Tube Coalescers - Before.............................................................................10
Vertical Tube Coalescers - After................................................................................ 11

If you can not keep your oil

water separator efficient
for sustained periods of
time, is it really efficient?
THE FORGOTTEN FORMULA... Detention Time, Velocity, Oil Droplet Capture, Equivalent Diameter, Reynolds Number, and Loading Rates are all important pertinent mathematical calculations that need to be considered when
evaluating an oil water separator for your application. However, considering a simple non-technical equation will
help you stay in compliance for longer periods of time and save you thousands of dollars over the lifecycle of your
oily wastewater system.

f course there are several industry equations that

product. But the fact remains that real-life applications
we utilize in order to properly evaluate the size and
are not simply clean oil and water to be simply handled
style of oil water separator that is required for various
by the various design formulas and forgotten.
applications. Mercer considers these equations when
sizing and designing equipment for each and every one of
As important as our industry formulas are to proper sizing
our clients applications. However, there is one equation
and design, equally important is the consideration of the
we always quietly consider in any conversation that we
solids present and the affect it will have on the functionality
have about separator design.
of the separator. Calculations made
Fantasy World
It is much less technical than
that produce ideal surface area and
Reynolds numbers, equivalent
rise rate numbers are only the first
diameter, oil droplet capture
part of the evaluation process. The
In The Real World Efficiency numbers that
evaluate oil droplet size capture do so by assuming
amount and type of solids present
rise rates. Far away from the
is as important a consideration;
neatly organized engineering
and even more important is the
Not realistic!
and process design desk
way a potential oil/water separator
(where theoretical calculations about performance and
design is able to handle this solids loading. Even a fairly
functionality are being tested via sharp pencils and
light solids loading can present significant maintenance
calculators), a Mercer International inspired formula is
issues, reduced efficiencies, and lead to drastically more
making the complex simple, in a real world practical
expensive lifecycle costs if they are not processed out of
manner. The formula is
the coalescer efficiently.
Oil+Water+Solids = SLUDGETM

Mercer International markets its Compliance Master as

a High Performance oil/water separator because of the
coalescers unique ability to process the solids down and
out of the pack as opposed to simply catching them in the
pack. The removal of the solids is the most important way
to ensure the resulting effluent is not just compliant...but
compliant for a prolonged period of time.

Oil plus water, in the presence of solids, over time

always equals sludge. It would be so much easier if we
could simply calculate a flow rate, run some viscosity and
specific gravity numbers on the types of oils present in
a certain wastewater, and easily come up with a suitable


Parallel Corrugated
Coalescers (CPIs)

Parallel corrugated

in theory...

ne of the earlier coalescer designs introduced a parallel-corrugated plate configuration. These sinusoidal patterned plates
were stacked one on top of each other at various angles of inclination and the corrugations
created concentrated areas for oils (along the
crest line) and solids to settle (along the trough
bottoms). Oil would rise and collect and concentrate along the top of each crest and work
their way out of the pack. Likewise, the solids
would theoretically settle into concentrated
areas (along the bottom of the trough) and then
work their way downward, along the trough
line, and make their way out of the pack.
Over time, designers had to incorporate tighter
plate gaps to increase surface areas in order
to achieve higher oil removal requirements.
Changes in the orientation of the coalescer
to the flow were improved to accommodate
solids (from up-flow designs to down-flow and
ultimately cross-flow designs). These wavy
plate designs eventually became a standard,
especially in the oil field applications in the Oil
Patch states.

utilizing plastic coalescer materials. Designers

figured out the by adding tighter and tighter
corrugations, they could use less and less
material, and even fiberglass or plastic.
The tighter the corrugations (wave amplitude
height and width) the more the coalescer was
prone to fouling and the more often it needed

However, the introduction of corrugations

paved the way for a new wave of designs


The Emergence of Corrugations In theory these sinusoidal patterned plate

configurations create separate oil rising channels and solids settling troths.

Parallel Corrugated
Coalescers (CPIs) reality.

he reality is that the solids build up and collect in the bottom of the troughs within the
coalescer. By design, the corrugations force
the solids to concentrate into the trough area,
thereby underutilizing the available plate surface
area to evenly handle the solids loading. Therefore, about 2/3 of the plate is unusable for solids
removal. As the solids move down the trough
line, these concentrated solids begin to prematurely fowl the plate gaps in that area. Once the
troughs get plugged, velocity within the rest of
the coalescer pack increases. The increase in
velocity thereby decreases the detention time
that is required to effectively remove oil, causing coalescer inefficiency. Once this happens,
the design efficiency established for a particular
application is no longer being met due to the
trough effect which reduces useable plate surface area. Eventually the solids and sludge build
up throughout the entire coalescer resulting in
the internals sagging and breaking due to poor
coalescer materials of construction. Eventually
coalescer replacement is required. Because
they foul more easily than the time-honored flatplate design, they need to be cleaned out more


there is no way for the solids

to be efficiently processed out
of the pack.

Clogging of Channels The troths that are supposed to allow for the dropping out of
solids actually serve as a resting place for solids and oils to back up and turn into
sludge. As these solids build up, there is no longer a separate channel for oils to rise
and make their way out because the plates become packed and clogged.


Plastic Coalescing

Plastic coalescing media

in theory...

nce coalescers became commonplace,

the industry quickly adopted using irregularly shaped plastic media, due to low price.
This media was originally used for surface
contact in very-low solids cooling tower applications.
These honeycomb or stacked egg carton
media are alternately stacked, ribbed sheets
of PVC plastic held together by glue.
The corrugations and rigid make up of these
bundles help give them the structural integrity
they need to keep their shape.
These cube-like sections of media are placed
one next to another, and are often times
stacked. Theoretically, these packs provide
high efficiency oil removal due to their high
surface area design.
Like any other enhanced-gravity coalescer, the
bundles are to be removed from time to time
and cleaned for reuse.


Its in the Numbers The manner in which surface area (and subsequently
removal rates) are calculated is by examining formulas in a vacuum. With stated
efficiencies on paper these Honeycomb packs can look very attractive due to
their stated high removal capabilities, as well as their lower price point.

Plastic Coalescing Media reality.

nce inexpensive corrugated plastic media

became adopted by industry as the standard, it became a race by manufactures to produce separators with low price as their selling
feature. Now the separator industry was selling
their equipment on price instead of features &
benefits. Once price became the main selling function, many long-standing internal components and
sound design standards began to be cheapened
or eliminated. By designing down the coalescer,
the inlet and outlet baffles, solids handling capacities, etc., manufactures began sacrificing functionality and efficiency. This drastically reduced the end
users ability to stay in compliance.

You get what you pay for

and often times much less.

Manufactures tightly pack these plastic bundles in

separator units, selling promises of higher surface
area and (theoretically) better oil removal capabilities.

To further complicate the problem with this design,

these style coalescers are nearly impossible to
clean. Because of their design, high-pressure
washers can only penetrate from 6-12 into the
packs before the velocity is dissipated.

The nooks and crannies within these coalescers

are the problem with this design. The various nooks,
crannies, ridges and flat spots cause solids to lodge
in and on the plates, building up and fouling the packs
prematurely. Further, there is no clear path for solids
particles to make their way out of the coalescer. The
settling solids have nowhere to go and dead end
within the coalescer causing even more rapid fouling.

The cleaning becomes very labor intensive. Many

times the packs cannot be cleaned all the way
through. Therefore the end user is forced to throw
away these packs after a few cleanings and replace
them with new ones. In certain more high-solids
applications or applications with sticky oils and
solids, this could entail a full coalescer replacement
every time maintenance is performed.


Sometimes Numbers Can Be Deceiving You get what you pay for, and most times
less than that. This race to the cheapest sets of OWS internals set a frustrating status
quo for industry. Frequent maintenance cycles, the inability to clean centers of packs,
constant replacement due to clogging and breakage, and compromised efficiencies
made end users consider OWS processes burdensome and costly.


Secondary Mesh

Secondary Mesh Packs

in theory...

his treatment option is most often seen in

the below ground cylindrical simple tank
world. These packs are largely used in the
Storm Water, Petroleum Marketing, and Transportation industries. Below ground tank systems do have corrugated plastic plate coalescers, then they are followed up by mesh adsorption packs consisting of PolyPro monofilament
fibers. In theory, the Coalescer is the primary
separation device and these mesh packs are
supposed to allow the water to flow through
while any of the small oil droplets coalesce
into larger droplets and rise to the top. In most
cases the plate coalescers are designed at too
shallow an angle to get efficient oil separation,
so the manufacturers add adsorption packs to
Improve removal efficiency and meet effluent


Secondary Treatment These packs of tightly bound plastic or steel fibers are
used as a secondary coalescer designed to be a last catch basin for any small
oil droplets not removed during the primary treatment.


Secondary Mesh
Packs reality.

elying on polishing mesh packs to make

up for the shortcomings of an irregularly
shaped plastic coalescer is not sound treatment. The design philosophy goes much like
this: Since we cannot meet 60 micron removal
requirements with our separator at design at
maximum flows, we will simply insert this high
surface area mesh in the back and cover ourselves.
Here is an important question to consider: If this
were an effective design method to treat oily
wastewater with, why wouldnt every separator
manufacturer simply fill the entire tank with this
mesh and leave out the primary coalescer?
This is the worst fouling treatment in the marketplace. Originally created for treatment in mist
eliminators, and a decent alternative for flock
matter, this is by no means an effective alternative. Once these clog very quickly, the flow
actually builds pressure back and makes these
cartridges sag and rip very easily. They are not
industrial duty and therefore present constant
replacement cost s over the life of the unit.


A Crutch to lean on because of a

poorly designed primary coalescer.

A Crutch for an Underperforming Coalescer When insufficient coalescer design was

recognized, especially in the below ground cylindrical market, manufacturers had to come
up with a way to promise stated removal values. These polishing packs readily plug at their
entrance points, and actually serve as a flow obstruction within the treatment.


Vertical Tube

Vertical Tube Coalescer

in theory...

his Vertical Tube Coalescer (VTC) technology is somewhat of a hybrid between

a traditional coalescer and a secondary mesh
pack. This design does not utilize Stokes
Law, and the rise rate of oil as its primary
means to remove oil from the horizontal flow
of wastewater. Rather, as the oil droplets drift
by the polypropylene diamond-mesh tubes
they are attracted to the tubes by adsorption
(very much the same principal as the secondary mesh pack).
In theory the VTC coalescer should collect
droplets of oil and agglomerate them (by
coalescence) into larger droplets. The larger
droplets are then to break free from the
polypropylene matrix and move their way
to the surface along the diamond-shaped
coalescer. Solids are to simply fall down and
out the vertical tubes.

the media from a tank. The idea is to tightly

pack the entire volume of the tank with these
bundles, and remove them for cleaning when

These tubes are heat welded together and

equipped with a handle to insert and remove


Plastic Tubes Heat Welded As the wastewater is pushed through the tank, the
oil is attracted to the plastic tubes. From there the small oil droplets coalesce with
other small droplets and turn into larger droplets that rise to the top. Solids are said
to settle to the bottom. These packs of tubes are removable for periodic cleaning.

Vertical Tube
Coalescers reality.

n reality, the VTC coalescers diamond-mesh

pattern that creates a fixed coalescer matrix
is too tight. The openings for wastewater to
flow are between 1/8 to 1/4 which is way
too small for typical industrial wastewater
The coalescer gets easily blinded by leaves,
plastic(s), and solids that are 1/8 and larger.
The fixed, tight matrix does attract oil well.
However, at the same time the finer solids
drift through the pack, they come into contact
with the oil and simply cling to the oil particlescreating an oily sludge deep within the
coalescer pack.

The Quickest to Foul, VTC

coalescers are hard to clean and
are constantly being replaced.

In practice, solids do not drift down and out

of the packs tubes. They simply get caught
in the coalescer as solids get caught in any
filter. Once plugged up, the packs are almost
impossible to clean completely. These packs
need replacement more often than most other
types of coalescers, and become an ongoing
and expensive replacement part.


This is a disposable model, as there is no way

to clean fully into the center of each bundle.
Higher flow rates can have upwards of 20 of
these tube packs that need to be pulled out
and cleaned/replaced on a monthly basis.

Very Prone to Clogging The Vertical Tube Coalescers are the quickest to foul. Because
they are nearly impossible to clean, there will be decades of maintenance costs going
to replacement media. What may start out being the least expensive option initially, will
end up costing two to three times as much over the lifecycle of the unit.






Master oil/water/solids separator, is a high-




systemdesigned to provide the highest efficiency

attainable in an enhanced-gravity coalescer plate
separator. At the heart of the oil water separator design
is a removable-plate coalescer, a patented system
utilizing a cross-flow, flat parallel-plate coalescer
with removable and adjustable plates offering the
highest possible efficiency with the lowest practical

Be sure to also pick up The Mercer

Advantage and discover why all
separators are NOT created equal.

International Inc.
Innovation in Oil Water Separation

39 West Main Street

Mendham, NJ 07945 USA

Mercer International Inc.
Mercer International Inc.

David A. Goding
Product Manager
+973 543 9000
[email protected]

Andr Ellman
Director of Business Development
+518 421 4456
[email protected]

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