The Scope of Islamic Law SYAFINAZ IDRUS

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Name : Syafinaz Binti Idrus

Group : A
Student ID : 244653
Lecturers Name : Dr Mohammad Azam Bin Hussain
Islamic Law is indeed broader than civil Law and common Law, as well as the other legal
system that exist in this world. This is because, Islamic law is everything about what Allah SWT
has revealed for his human-kind, which is the most perfect law and never been amended. Islamic
law has a complete guideline for its followers, that could be interpreted by Fiqh Ulama who has
mastered the knowledge of what Islam is all about.
First of all, the scope of Islamic law is Fiqh Ibadat. It is the most fundamental scope
because all Muslims who are compulsory to adhere Allahs command to worship towards him in
order to gain peace on earth and hereafter. For example in fiqh ibadat, all Muslims must perform
five times daily prayers as what has been propounded in al-Baqara 2:238, Maintain with care
the obligatory prayers and [in particular] the middle prayer and stand before Allah, devoutly
obedient. The next thing is all Muslims are compulsory to fast in the month of Ramadhan. If
any of the Muslims do not perform what has been commanded by Allah SWT, it will become a
bad deed.
Then followed by Ahwal al-Sakhsiyyah which is a personal law. For example, in Ahwal
al-Sakhsiyyah, there is fiqh munakahat and faraid. First, fiqh munakahat explains deeply in
marriage for example and also in that particular fiqh it explains how marriage in Islam should be,
and stated the conditions in order to make both sides, the groom and the bride satisfied with the
marriage to avoid unwanted situations. Islamic marriages require acceptance from the both sides
and also the consent of the custodian of the bride, usually known as a wali. It is not just that,
there are also stages to adhere before and after getting married and so on which technically has
been explained and practiced by the Muslims. Secondly in Ahwal al-Sakhisiyyah, there is faraid
that deals with the distribution of a deceased person to his heirs in accordance to Holy Quran so

that there is no fault or mistake that will be happen. It is to make sure that everyone is getting a
fair amount so that there would be no dispute that occur in the future.
Next, in Islamic Laws scope, there is Fiqh al-Jinayat that explains about Criminal law to
punish anyone who behaves illegally or known as offenders and how he or she should be
punished. Fiqh al-Jinayat has been divided into three, which are Qisas that is for murder and
bodily injury, Hudud is for theft, highway robbery, illegal sexual intercourse, false accusation of
zina, drinking alcohol and apostasy and lastly Takzir is for the other offences for which no
punishment is specified in the Quran for example the man who eats a forbidden thing like dead
animal which suffers natural death, or meat that is slaughtered in an unlawful manner.
There is also Fiqh al-Muamalat in the scope of Islamic law itself. This is also the most
fundamental thing that Muslims and an Islamic country should adhere because it is specifically
to make sure there is no dirty transactions that will be made. It is the most momentous guidelines
for the Muslims in the field of economics to handle the money flow so that there is no difficulties
and brings plethora of benefits for all. It is a transaction law that included in banking, takaful and
capital market. There are several money institution in Malaysia that perfectly practice what has
been propunded in Fiqh al-Muamalat, for instance Bank Islam and there shall be no usage of
riba and so on, which is understood to be a burden for the people. There are also contact of sale,
loan, lease, hire, hire-purchase, partnership, company and land law in Fiqh al-Muamalat. It is
very obvious that countries that follow Islamic law are able to run their economics smoothly as
everything, and every single aspect in economics been explained specifically and very detailed
so that the Muslims and also the Islamic countries will never experience a great loss in
economics and businesses.
Islamic law is not limited within countries that practice it because there is Al-Siyar that
propound about international relations. The origin of Al-Siyar started when there was a war
between an Islamic country and non-Islamic country. Nowadays, Al-Siyar is downright
momentous because it is no longer a bit of tall order to interact with the other countries and it is a
must to have an International law so that everything could be run smoothly. It is also important
for the purpose of diplomatic relations in which usually occur within countries. Furthermore, it is
indeed important to determine the custody of child between parents from different countries and
in that case, al-siyar will be used in order to solve the problems between disputants.

Last but not least, there is Nizam al-Qada in the scope of Islamic law, which is all about
the judges and the lawyers to conduct the trial. It explains about how to gather the parties in the
dispute, and what roles are the judges and the lawyers are playing and so on. It is also important
to make sure that court will be produce a fair judgement towards the case as an outcome.
The conclusion is there so many under Islamic law that will ease Muslims lives and also
Islamic countries.

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