China Imperialism
China Imperialism
China Imperialism
Zac Cokely
Imperialism in China (Opium War)
Students will be able to debate the importance of events in China in how it relates to change in
the country.
Students will respond to the following prompt: What nations were targets for Imperialism? Why
were these nations targeted? Students will discuss the answer with somebody next to them after
they have written about the question. After this is happening, I have students who did
exceptionally well on the test yesterday share with the class on how they studied for the test.
Hearing tactics that worked on the test should from fellow classmates should give the students
perspective on how they should study.
Students will participate in a discussion about Imperialism in China ranging from the Opium war to the
beginnings of reform in the Chinese government. As the students are participating in discussion, they will have
guided notes that allow them to keep up with the dense content for the day in a quick manner. They will also be
making note of important events and concepts on their guided notes as well.
Guided Practice: Approximate Time Noted
After the discussion, students will get into groups of 4 or 5 and work on graphic organizers about each event we
discussed. Students will divide the 6 events between them and work together for 15 minutes on the organizer.
Students will need to use their notes, and will be able to use their textbook or the internet and outside sources
for additional details.
CONCLUSION OF LESSON: (TPE 4, 5, 6, 9, 10)
Lesson Closure/Summary: Approximate Time Noted
After the students in the group are finished, students will share their event with their partners and explain to
them the impact on China in the long run for one minute each. After the first 6 minutes is over, students will
each nominate on event that they researched as the most crucial in their group. Students will then debate about
which event they think was the most crucial between the 4 or 5 of them. They will vote at the end of the debate
(for an event other than theirs) and the winner will get an extra credit point.
English language learners will be accommodated by the guided notes. They will be able
to keep up with the lecture more easily by having most of the notes completed, but will
still need to follow along to understand the blanks. They will also be facilitated during the
organizer activity by their group members. There will be 4 or 5 students responsible for 6
events which means that there will be overlap and some students will be working on the
same events. This will provide collaboration and incentive for the students to work
together to finish the assignment. Students with special needs that need more time on
assignments will also be able to work with students that work more quickly so that they
can all finish in a reasonable time.
The formative assessment for this lesson is the quick write at the beginning of the
lesson. Students will need to understand the key concepts of Imperialism to know which
nations were targets for the industrialized nations. If they dont understand this, I will
need to go back and provide instruction on this.
The summative assessment that will be most crucial in this lesson is the graphic
organizer discussion. Students will need to understand the event completely to be able
to discuss it and debate its importance with their classmates. They will also need to
comprehend their classmates event to understand it as well as they will need to for
success on the quiz.
Handout, guided notes
What do you anticipate as a problem, concern, or stumbling block for your students? By
thinking ahead, you have eliminated classroom management problems, as much as
possible. Proper planning prevents poor performance.
The problem I can see with this lesson plan is that it may require too much
time for what I am trying to accomplish. Because of this, I will need to get
students started on each task quickly. They should be working on the warm-up
before the bell rings and we should be working on the guided notes as soon as
possible which means passing them out quickly. Lastly, forming groups and
giving instruction should be done as quickly as possible to allow the students
more time.