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Grey Body Radiation

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Grey Body Radiation

A grey body is a non-ideal emitter or an imperfect radiator.

A grey body will:
o Absorb some energy it will receive
o Reflect some of the energy it will receive
o Emit the energy it absorbs
A grey body is opaque: = 0

Model of grey Body

Grey Body Radiation

(Absorptivity) + (Reflectivity) + (Transmissivity) = 1
Since there is no Transmissivity


Reflectivity + Absorptivity = 1
Since there is Reflectivity


Absorptivity must be:


Emissivity must be less than 1


Emissive Power of a Grey Body


Real surface emit less radiation than ideal black body surface.
The ratio of actual emissive power [E] to the emissive power of a black
body at the same temperature [Eb] is called the emissivity.
It is defined by
o = E/Eb

Combined radiative and convective heat transfer is a particular case of simultaneous

radiative, convective and conductive heat transfer which occurs when heat transfer by
conduction is negligibly small compared with that by radiation and convection.
Combined radiation and convection occurs between the boundary surfaces and the
surrounding medium, between the surfaces separated by the moving medium and
inside the moving medium. Depending on conditions in the medium, geometrical
factors and surface state, regimes of strong and weak interaction between radiative and
convective heat transfer are possible. For weak interaction, problems of heat transfer by
radiation and convection can be solved successively and independently, while for strong
interaction, these processes are essentially interdependent. Thus, energy transfer by one
mechanism can influence heat exchange by the other mechanism and vice versa.
Simultaneous radiative and convective heat transfer is taken into account when solving
many problems of heat transfer for hypersonic flows around aircraft, for steam boilers,
for aircraft and rocket engines for plasma generators, as well as of heat transfer in
shocks, deflagration and detonation fronts and laser deflagration waves for various
Mathematical formulation of combined radiation and convection problems includes the
continuity equation, the momentum (in the Euler or Navier-Stokes forms) and energy
conservation equations, the state equation and relations for thermodynamic,
thermophysical transport and optical properties.
The energy conservation equation has no terms corresponding to conductive heat
transfer and is of the dimensionless form

All the letters and symbols in the above equation are defined in the article on Coupled
Radiation, Convection and Conduction. That fact that there are no conductive terms in
(1) means that heat conductivity is of no importance in the problem, both for the
temperature field formation in the moving medium and for its heat transfer with the
surface. Thus, heat conductivity can be ignored for small temperature gradients and
when the sharp temperature front is replaced by a contact discontinuity. Obviously, in
the latter case, the information on temperature distribution at the front is lost and the
medium thermal state on both sides of the contact discontinuity should be determined
without heat conductivity.
When analyzing combined radiation and convection, the Boltzmann criterion can be
represented in the form of the convective to radiative heat flux component ratio

The classical problem of combined radiation and convection is the problem of steadystate gas flow across a flat plate at a constant temperature [Sparrow and Cess (1970)].

The flow scheme is shown in Figure 1 and the mathematical problem is to solve the
energy conservation equation

subject to the following boundary conditions: at x = 0, T = T , u = u; at y = 0, u = u, T =

Tw, v = 0, and the condition for radiation energy intensity (for example, the black-body
assumption for the surface). Even such simplified and idealized problem has been
addressed by a wide spectrum of methods with a range of results obtained; this is
caused by the very complicated radiation problem. When formulating the complete
problem for a radiation-scattering medium (for the optical thickness 0 ~ 1), it is simplier
to use numerical methods. The assumptions of weak light scattering or implementation
of limited optical thickness regimes ( 0 >> 1 and 0 << 1) make it possible to obtain
analytical solutions. For example, in a "grey" gas without scattering and using the
exponential approximation of the kernel of the integro-differential equation obtained
from (3) by substituting qR, y for the plane layer, the following solution has been obtained
by [Sparrow, E. M. and Cess, R. D. (1970)]:

Here I0 and I1 are the modified Bessel functions,

, and is the
volumetric gas absorption coefficient. When gas heat conductivity is excluded, any
solution of (3) has a temperature discontinuity.

Figure 1. Combined radiation and convection in flow across a flat plate.

When solving the heat protection problem for flight vehicles entering the dense
atmosphere at superorbital velocities the combined radiation and convection
approximation appears to be very useful and fruitful. When a vehicle with bluntness
radius ~ 1 m enters the Earths is atmosphere at superorbital velocities of v = 10 - 16
km/s at an altitude of 75 km, radiation heating of its heating surface exceeds convection
heating. Therefore, the thin boundary layer where the convective flow forms can be
neglected. The problem where heat protecting material failure is taken into account is
the more realistic one. In this case, in a stagnation streamline the shock layer structure
can be represented as two oppositely-directed mass flows separated by a thin transient
layer in which the viscosity is essential. Replacing the thin transient layer by a contact
surface allows the exclusion of viscosity and thermal conductivity. Considering the flow
to be steady-state, the governing equation system can be formulated [Olstad (1971)] as:

assuming Hugoniot conditions on the shock and the condition of flow nonpenetration or
a given injection rate through the surface. In problems of radiating shock layers, the
radiation transfer is considered, as a rule, to be as in a plane-parallel layer, this is
justified by a small thickness of the layer. Solving Eqs. (5) makes it possible to obtain
flow variable distributions inside the shock layer and the radiation fluxes to the surface
and the shock front. In this situation, radiation transfer strongly influences the shock
layer parameters, hence, the problem can be attributed to the class of strong interaction
of radiation and convection.
Problems on laser wave deflagration applied in laser rocket engines and in the optical
plasmatron are also problems involving the strong interaction regime. The plasma cloud,
localized in space and with a size of ~ 1 cm and a temperature of ~15,000 K, moves to
meet a laser beam (e.g., from a CO2 laser) due to heating of the surrounding cold gas by
the heat radiation of the plasma itself. The plasma exists due to laser energy absorption.
The heating rate of the cold gas by heat radiation essentially exceeds that by heat
conductivity, even for extremaly high temperature gradients in the laser deflagration
wave. The process runs usually at atmospheric or higher pressures, and this makes it
possible to use the equilibrium approximation for the thermodynamic medium state and
an equation system similar to (5).
The main difference is that the integral radiation flux vector is represented as a sum
where qR, T and qR, L are the vectors of integral heat flux density and laser radiation flux
density, respectively. To obtain the function qR, T the two-dimensional equation for
selective radiation transfer must be solved, while for qR, Lthe geometrical optics
approximation may be employed.
Combined radiation and convection problems concerned with calculations of heat
transfer in devices such as steam boiler furnaces are widely encountered in engineering
practice [Siegel and Howell (1972); Ozisik (1973)]. The temperature of the furnace
medium (multicomponent disperse system of gas and solid phases) is maintained by
combustion, and the general configuration of the temperature field in the furnaces is
determined mainly by convective processes formed when the gas-dust component flows
in a working space. The surfaces are heated principally by radiation heat transfer from
the furnace medium; therefore, the heat conductivity contribution is neglected when
computing real furnace steam boilers. Analyzing the combined radiation and convection
processes in furnaces, the transfer equation for this complicated geometry should take
into account the radiation scattering and absorptive properties of the furnace medium
with various additives (the properties of which are hardly known) as well as the opticalphysical characteristics of the heat-receptive surfaces

Nucleate Boiling Evaporators

In evaporators with nucleate boiling, vapor generation is initiated by wall nucleation (though
in much of the evaporator, nucleation may be supressed). Such evaporators are really a
subclass of boiling systems in general, and the heat transfer processes are those described in
the article on Forced Convection Boiling. The types of evaporators in this category include:

Climbing Film Evaporator.


Here, there is a short region of nucleate boiling near the evaporator entrance but the
main part of the evaporator has climbing film flow in the tubes with no nucleate

Short-tube Vertical Evaporator.


Here, relatively short tubes may be used with an internal circulation device to aid
circulation and minimize fouling. A typical system is shown in Figure 3.

Basket-type Evaporator.

This is a variant of the short-tube type in which the whole tube bank may be easily
removed for cleaning.

Long-tube Vertical Evaporator.


In this form, there is no free surface in the evaporator (in contrast to the short-tube
typesee Figure 3); the tubes are much longer and separation occurs in a separate

Plate Evaporators.

Here, evaporation occurs in channels separated by plates of one form or another. The
plate heat exchanger can be adapted to act as an evaporator and this also applies to
the Plate-fin Heat Exchanger. Evaporators with spiral plates are also employed.

Horizontal Tube Shell-Side Evaporator.


This is one of a number of types in which evaporation takes place outside surfaces in
crossflow, with the heating on the inside of the tubes.

Figure 3. Short-tube vertical evaporator.

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