Beekeeping by Products Value Adding

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The document discusses value added products from beekeeping and lists some primary beekeeping products and their uses.

Value added products are those that use primary beekeeping products like honey, wax, pollen etc. as ingredients to enhance the value or quality of other products.

Primary beekeeping products can be used as ingredients in foods, cosmetics, medicines and other products. They also have uses in animal nutrition and experimental research.

What are "value added" products from beekeeping?

The best known primary products of beekeeping are honey and wax, but pollen, propolis,
royal jelly, venom, queens, bees and their larvae are also marketable primary bee products.
While most of these products can be consumed or used in the state in which they were
produced by the bees, there are many additional uses where these products form only a part
of all the ingredients of another product. Because of the quality and sometimes almost
mystical reputation and characteristics of most primary bee products, their addition to other
products usually enhances the value or quality of these secondary products. For this reason,
the secondary products, which partially, or wholly, can be made up of primary bee products,
are referred to here as "value added" products from beekeeping.
Many of the primary beekeeping products do not have a market until they are added to more
commonly used, value added products. Even the value of the primary products may increase
if good use is made of them in other products, thereby increasing the profitability of many
beekeeping operations.
In some cases the traditional and early technological uses of primary bee products have been
replaced by other (often synthetic products) because of better availability, lower cost and/or
easier processing. But in regard to food or health products, there are no synthetic substances
which can substitute for the wide variety of characteristics of primary bee products. Only
when it comes to highly specialized applications and conditions, will synthetics sometimes
outperform these unique and versatile products. In that sense, all products containing one or
several of the primary bee products are value added products. Furthermore, the combination
of several bee products synergistically increases their beneficial significance beyond their
individual biological values.
Since monetary resources are limited in many societies the additional value cannot always be
obtained in the form of higher prices, but may show itself in the form of preferred purchases.
For the same reasons though, some products may not be able to compete against cheaper
synthetic products. In such cases, the added value and cost may make a product unsuitable,
unless other markets can be found.
The purpose of this bulletin is to distribute and make available information on the
manufacturing, processing and marketing of value added bee products. It is directed at
beekeepers as well as non-beekeepers, small entrepreneurs, extension officers and those
involved in small business development. Therefore, it tries to provide enough information to
understand the primary products and their present and potential use. It should also enable the
reader to properly buy, store, process, package and market the primary products, as well as
the value added products derived from them.
Traditionally, honey is considered the major beekeeping product. Wax has played a
considerable role in only a few parts of the world and propolis is even less known. However,

with increasing knowledge about beekeeping and an awareness of the beneficial aspects of
many bee products, the use and demand for other products is increasing. The inclusion of
"natural" bee products in cosmetics, medicines and foods has improved consumer appeal.
While such appeal is not always based on scientific evidence, more and more studies confirm
at least some of the traditionally claimed benefits of primary bee products.
Some of the value added products mentioned in this bulletin require advanced manufacturing
technology. Many, if not most can be made on a small-scale but, like cosmetics, would benefit
from better processing technology and specialized training for the manufacturers. The general
philosophy behind this bulletin, however, is to stimulate creative experimentation with new and
old products suitable for local markets and customer needs.
In addition to presenting the multitude of possible uses for bee products, it is hoped that the
information provided can lead to more diversified and increased income for beekeepers. It
should help to create small business opportunities for non-beekeepers and improve the health,
nutrition and economic situation of beekeepers and those who are willing to choose alternatives
to today's abundance of over-processed and/or synthetic drugs, cosmetics and foods.
Finally, the bulletin should stimulate beekeeping as a hobby and so may be a valuable source of
recreation and relaxation.
Innumerable stories and even more rumors exist about the mysterious powers of pollen and its
nutritional value. Pollen is frequently called the "only perfectly complete food". High
performance athletes are quoted as eating pollen, suggesting their performance is due to this
"miracle food", just as the "busy bee" represents a role model for an active and productive
member of society. Using suggestive names, labels and descriptions in marketing of various
products containing pollen sometimes reach almost fraudulent dimensions, creating false hopes
and expectations in people, often connected with high prices of the product. Such practices are
untruthful, unethical and should be avoided.
It is however, often difficult for a lay person to verify the numerous claims, particularly those
backed up with so-called reports from "doctors". Conversely, it does not always take a
"scientific" study to prove that a food (or substance of herbal origin) has a medicinal or
otherwise beneficial effect. Many times, modern science is not willing or able to prove
beneficial effects according to its own rigid standards, methods and technologies. However, as a
whole, caution should be exercised in accepting the many claims made to the credit of pollen
and for that matter also for the other products incorporating products from the bee hive.

Pollen grains are small, male reproduction units (gametophytes) formed in the anthers of the
higher flowering plants (see Figure 3.1). The pollen is transferred onto the stigma of a flower
(a process called pollination) by either wind, water or various animals (mostly insects),
among which bees (almost 30,000 different species) are the most important ones.
Each pollen grain carries a variety of nutrients and upon arrival at the stigma it divides into
several cells and grows a tube through the often very long stigma of the flower. Growth
continues to the embryo sac in the ovarium of the flower, inside which one egg cell will fuse
with a sperm cell from the pollen and complete the fertilization. Depending on the

requirements for this process and the mode of transport from one flower to the next, i.e.
insects, water or wind, each species of plants has evolved a characteristic pollen type. Thus,
the pollen grains from most species can be distinguished by their outer form and/or by their
chemical composition or content of nutrients. The knowledge of this is used in the
identification of paleontological discoveries (paleopalynology) and in the identification of
geographic and botanical origin of honeys (melissopalynology).
To determine the value of pollen as a supplementary food or medicine, it is important to know
that pollen from each species is different and no one pollen type can contain all the
characteristics ascribed to "pollen" in general. Therefore, in this text, pollen will always refer to
a mixture of pollen from different species, unless otherwise mentioned. A logical conclusion is
that pollen from one country or ecologic habitat is always different from that of another. People
who are allergic to pollen will have noticed this during their travels.
For those who see in nature something more than just the mechanical and chemical interactions
of substances and organisms, it might be added that flowers form a very special part of plants.
They carry special "energies" which are used in traditional alternative medicinal practices such
as therapies with Bach flowers, aroma therapy or the use of numerous herbal teas. Such energies
may well be carried by certain chemical substances other than water, but this is not necessarily
the case, as for example, homeopathic preparations demonstrate.
Since pollen is a part of these flowers and in addition is or represents the male reproductive
portion, it also has very special "energies" or values of its own. In a wider understanding in
certain philosophical environments, special plant and pollen surface structures interact with
cosmic energies and may acquire some of their characteristics by this means.

Apart from these less orthodox explanations, certain empirical results have in the past been
described for the effects of pollen on humans and animals. These will be discussed under
medicinal uses. As far as the miracle food aspect of pollen is concerned, the diversity of
pollen must be emphasized again and the fact that some pollen types (i.e., pine and
eucalyptus) are nutritionally insufficient even for the raising of honeybee larvae. In an
excellent review, Schmidt and Buchmann (1992) compared the average protein, fat, mineral
and vitamin content of pollen with other basic foods. Pollen was richer in most ingredients
when compared on a weight or calorie content basis than such foods as beef, fried chicken,
baked beans, whole wheat bread, apple, raw cabbage and tomatoes. While comparable in
protein and mineral content with beef and beans, Pollen averages more than ten times the
thiamin and riboflavin or several times the niacin content. Pollen is usually consumed in
such small quantities that the daily requirements of vitamins, proteins and minerals cannot be
taken up through the consumption of pollen alone. However, it can be a substantial source of
essential nutrients where dietary uptake is chronically insufficient.
If the nutritional benefit of pollen in small dosages is accepted, as described in many nonscientific publications, it must be understood as a synergistic effect. That is, a wide variety of
beneficial substances interact to improve absorbtion or use of the nutrients made available to
the body from regular nutrition. Pollen nutrients may also balance some deficiencies from
otherwise incomplete or unbalanced supplies, absorption or usage.
The pollen which is collected by beekeepers and used in various food or medicinal
preparations is no longer exactly the same as the fine, powdery pollen from flowers. The

hundreds or sometimes millions of pollen grains per flower are collected by the honeybees
and packed into pollen pellets on their hind legs with the help of special combs and hairs (see
Figure 3.2). During a pollen collecting trip, one honeybee can only carry two of these pollen
The pollen collected by honeybees is usually mixed with nectar or regurgitated honey in
order to make it stick together and adhere to their hind legs. The resulting pollen pellets
harvested from a bee colony are therefore usually sweet in taste. Certain pollen types
however, are very rich in oils and stick together without nectar or honey. A foraging
honeybee rarely collects both pollen and nectar from more than one species of flowers
during one trip. Thus the resulting pollen pellet on its hind leg contains only one or very few
pollen species. Accordingly, the pollen pellet has a typical color, most frequently yellow, but
red, purple, green, orange and a variety of other colors occur (see Figure 3.3).
The partially fermented pollen mixture stored in the honeybee combs, also referred to as
"beebread" has a different composition and nutritional value than the field collected pollen
pellets and is the food given to honeybee larvae and eaten by young worker bees to produce
royal jelly. Saying pollen is the perfect food because it is the only food source for honeybees
other than honey, their major carbohydrate source is not only based on a questionable
comparison between human needs and bee requirements, but also on plain misinformation.

As medicine

In order to desensitize allergic patients, pollen is usually collected directly from the plants, to
allow proper identification and purity. A pollen extract is then injected subcutaneously.
Desensitization through ingestion of pollen is claimed, but has not received any scientific
For treatment of various prostate problems, pollen is usually prescribed in its dry pellet form
as collected by the bees. Pollen from different countries or regions seems to work equally
well. However, pollen has not been officially recognized as a medicinal drug.
Since the consumption of pollen appears to improve the general condition and food
conversion rate in animals as well as people, its support in accompanying other cures should
be solicited more frequently. There may be other medicinal uses in traditional medicine
which, however, have not been published in readily accessible journals.
As food
The major use of pollen today is as a food or, more correctly, as a food supplement (see
Figure 3.5). As stated earlier its likely value as a food for humans is frequently overstated
and has never been proven in controlled experiments. That it is not a perfect food, as stated
on many advertisements, food packages and even in various non-scientific publications
should be obvious. Its low content or absence of the fat soluble vitamins should be sufficient

scientific evidence. This does not mean that its consumption may not be beneficial, as has
been shown scientifically with various animal diets.
Pollen has been added to diets for domestic animals and laboratory insects resulting in
improvements of health, growth and food conversion rates (Crane, 1990; Schmidt and
Buchmann, 1992). Chickens exhibited improved food conversion efficiency with the
addition of only 2.5% pollen to a balanced diet (Costantini & Ricciardelli d'Albore, 1971) as
did piglets (Salajan, 1970). Beekeepers too, feed their colonies with pure pollen, pollen
supplements or pollen substitutes (see 3.11.6) during periods with limited natural pollen
sources. The relatively high cost of pollen suggests the need for a detailed feasibility analysis
of pollen as food additive or supplement.
Only a good mixture of different species of pollen can provide the average values mentioned in
the tables describing the composition of pollen. The real value of diversity of pollen content,
however, lies in the balance of these nutrients and the synergistic effect of the diversity as well
as more subtle effects or characteristics related to their origin rather than their quantitative
presence. Those very subtle characteristics and sensitive compounds are easily lost with
improper storage and processing, something to carefully watch when making or buying quality
products containing "bee" pollen.
The stimulative effect of pollen and its possible improvement of food conversion in humans as
well as animals, should be of particular interest to those who have an unbalanced or deficient
diet. There are no hard scientific data to back up this information, but a detailed study might
show tremendous potential benefit to a very large portion of human society. The only serious
problem with incorporating pollen in foods like candy bars, sweets, desserts, breakfast cereals,
tablets and even honey is the widespread allergic susceptibility of people to pollen from a wide
variety of species (see 3.10).

Traditional beekeeping cultures with honeybees or stingless bees, usually appreciate the
stored pollen, i.e. beebread (see Figure 3.6). Its characteristic sour taste together with brood
and honey is a delicacy consumed directly during harvesting. The pollen stored by
honeybees undergoes a lactic acid fermentation and is thus preserved. This final storage
product is called beebread. As also mentioned in Chapter 8, these beebread combs may be
sold directly but a recipe in 3.12.2 describes the preparation of fermented pollen in a similar
way. This improves the nutritional value of pollen and avoids the need for freezing.
Natural and homemade beebread will keep for a considerable time and can easily be
transported to the market and served - even in small quantities - as an excellent source of
otherwise scarcely available nutrients. It can be sold clean and by itself or immersed in
honey to make it more attractive in taste. Small pieces of comb can thus be sold or given
away as candy.
The nutritional value of beebread is much higher in places where limited food variety or
quantity create nutrient imbalances. It is particularly children who might benefit the most
from regular pollen supplements in their diets.
In cosmetics

Pollen has only recently been included in some cosmetic preparations with claims of
rejuvenating and nourishing effects for the skin. The effectiveness has not been proven, but there
is a considerable allergy risk for a large percentage of the population. Therefore this practice is
not very advisable since it excludes a large proportion of potential customers and puts others at
risk of having or developing very unpleasant allergic reactions.
Including alcoholic or aqueous pollen extracts (see 3.11.1) in cosmetic formulations appears to
cause no or only rare allergic reactions. While little is known about the effectiveness of such
extracts, they are still the preferred method of preparation for formulations in the cosmetic

Figure 3.6: Beebread, fermented pollen, is stored in open cells

(lighter cells). Usually it is found near or on the brood combs,
between honey and brood. Harvesting usually destroys the
associated brood and comb.

For pollination

Hand and bee-collected pollen have been used for mechanical or hand pollination. The
viability of hand-collected pollen can be maintained for a few weeks or months by frozen
storage. Bee-collected pollen however, starts losing its viability after a few hours and
increasingly with age. It is believed that some of the enzymes added by bees during foraging
inhibit the pollen's ability to germinate on the flower stigma (Johansen, 1955, and Lukoschus
and Keularts, 1968). Large-scale applications with mechanical dusters or by using dusted
honeybees for dispersion were only moderately successful.
For pollution monitoring

Since the 1980's, experiments have shown that pollen collected by honeybees reflects
environmental pollution levels when examined for metals, heavy metals and radioactivity,

(Free et al., 1983; Crane, 1984 and Bromenshenk et al., 1985). Contaminants can be
quantified and sampling may be cheaper than most standard methods currently in use.
Attempts have also been made to use pollen-collecting honeybees for the identification of
potential mining areas (Lilley, 1983). The same effect of accumulating aerial deposits and
selective plant secretions of minerals beneficial when used to monitor pollution control
becomes a hazard if pollen from heavily polluted areas is used for human or animal
2. WAX
The word wax describes a large variety of substances of plant and animal origin, as well as manmade products which are mostly petroleum derivatives. However, natural waxes are not single
substances, but a mixture of various long-chain fatty acids and a variety of other constituents,
depending on their origin. Each wax therefore has unique physical and chemical characteristics
which are exploited in a multitude of applications. In particular, wax from the honeybee has an
extremely wide spectrum of useful applications and occupies a very special position among
Young bees in the hive, after feeding the young brood with royal jelly, take part in the
construction of the hive. Engorged with honey and resting suspended for 24 hours together with
many other bees in the same position, 8 wax glands on the underside of the abdomens of the
young bees secret small wax platelets. These are scraped off by the bee, chewed and masticated
into pliable pieces with the addition of saliva and a variety of enzymes. Once chewed, attached
to the comb and re-chewed several times, they finally form part of this architectural masterpiece,
a comb of hexagonal cells, a 20 g structure which can support 1000 g of honey. Wax is used to
cap the ripened honey and when mixed with some propolis, also protects the brood from
infections and desiccation. Together with propolis, wax is also employed for sealing cracks and
covering foreign objects in the hive. The wax collected by the beekeeper is that which is used in
comb construction. Frame hive beekeeping produces wax almost exclusively from the cap and
top part of the honey cells.
For centuries, beeswax was appreciated as the best material for making candles. Before the
advent of cheap petroleum-based waxes, tallow (rendered animal fat) was used for cheap
candles and for the adulteration of beeswax. Ancient jewellers and artisans knew how to form
delicate objects from wax and cast them later in precious metals. Colours of ancient wall
paintings and icons contain beeswax which has remained unchanged for more than 2000 years
(Birshtein et al., 1976). The wrappings of Egyptian mummies contained beeswax (Benson et al.,
1978) and beeswax has long found use in medicinal practices and in creams and lotions. Of all
the primary bee products it has been, and remains, the most versatile and most widely used

The word wax describes a large variety of substances of plant and animal origin, as well as
man-made products which are mostly petroleum derivatives. However, natural waxes are not
single substances, but a mixture of various long-chain fatty acids and a variety of other
constituents, depending on their origin. Each wax therefore has unique physical and
chemical characteristics which are exploited in a multitude of applications. In particular, wax

from the honeybee has an extremely wide spectrum of useful applications and occupies a
very special position among waxes.
Young bees in the hive, after feeding the young brood with royal jelly, take part in the
construction of the hive. Engorged with honey and resting suspended for 24 hours together
with many other bees in the same position, 8 wax glands on the underside of the abdomens
of the young bees secret small wax platelets. These are scraped off by the bee, chewed and
masticated into pliable pieces with the addition of saliva and a variety of enzymes. Once
chewed, attached to the comb and re-chewed several times, they finally form part of this
architectural masterpiece, a comb of hexagonal cells, a 20 g structure which can support
1000 g of honey. Wax is used to cap the ripened honey and when mixed with some propolis,
also protects the brood from infections and desiccation. Together with propolis, wax is also
employed for sealing cracks and covering foreign objects in the hive. The wax collected by
the beekeeper is that which is used in comb construction. Frame hive beekeeping produces
wax almost exclusively from the cap and top part of the honey cells.
For centuries, beeswax was appreciated as the best material for making candles. Before the
advent of cheap petroleum-based waxes, tallow (rendered animal fat) was used for cheap
candles and for the adulteration of beeswax. Ancient jewelers and artisans knew how to form
delicate objects from wax and cast them later in precious metals. Colors of ancient wall
paintings and icons contain beeswax which has remained unchanged for more than 2000
years (Birshtein et al., 1976). The wrappings of Egyptian mummies contained beeswax
(Benson et al., 1978) and beeswax has long found use in medicinal practices and in creams
and lotions. Of all the primary bee products it has been, and remains, the most versatile and
most widely used material.
In beekeeping

In countries with frame hive beekeeping, the majority of locally produced beeswax is
consumed by beekeepers for the making of wax foundations - the patterned sheets of wax
which are given to the bees as a guide for construction of their combs. Bees will not accept
foundation made of synthetic waxes such as paraffin wax. Small quantities of paraffin wax
mixed with beeswax may be accepted by the bees. Using such mixed foundation sheets,
however, is a severe breach of good beekeeping practices, since it will adulterate all wax
rendered from such combs. Non-frame beekeepers use melted wax or strips of smooth wax
sheets as guides for bees to start their combs on. Each beekeeper can easily make the strips
by dipping wet boards into melted wax (see Figure 4. 3a and 4.4 top right). Patterned sheets
are usually made by specialized manufacturers, since the pattern imprinting requires special
roller presses. Such presses, until recently, were very expensive, ranging from hand operated
roller presses at about US$ 800 each to complete manufacturing lines costing many tens of
thousands of dollars (see Figure 4.3 and 4.4). However, since at least 1989 inexpensive presses
with moulded plastic rollers have been available for a fraction of the price of metal rollers in
Brazil (see Cylindros Alveolador in Annex 1 and Figure 4. 3d). These plastic rollers do not last
as long as steel rollers, but they are much cheaper to buy.
In order to reduce damage during hive management and honey extraction in centrifugal
extractors, foundation sheets are reinforced with wire either by the beekeeper (frame per
frame) or by the manufacturer who embeds the wire into the foundation sheet (see Figure

4.4). Sheets come in different sizes to fit the various sizes of frames. Standardized frame hive
equipment within one country and preferably also in neighbouring countries will make
manufacturing easier and more economical. Sheets should always fit the whole width of the
frame, otherwise bees will not attach the comb to the frame. This weakens the comb and thus
defies the main purpose of the frame. It also reduces the surface area for brood and honey
storage by more than 5 %. In most countries foundation sheets are traded by manufacturers
against raw wax with a mark-up for labour and equipment cost. Many manufacturers are also
suppliers of beekeeping equipment, but also beekeeping cooperatives or large beekeepers
sometimes make foundation sheets.
Fledgling beekeeping operations in countries with no tradition of beekeeping always have
problems making their own wax foundation, since not enough beeswax is produced.
Materials have to be imported or beekeeping started as a topbar operation. It takes a fairly
stable frame hive beekeeping industry, i.e. one that is not growing too fast, to supply all
foundation needs to its beekeepers because wax production from this type of beekeeping is
low (1-2% in weight of honey production as compared to 10-15 % in topbar and traditional
Bottom board and side wall scrapings which contain large percentages of propolis can be
processed into cheap wood preservatives (see recipes 4.11.10) particularly for hive
equipment, or may be used by beekeepers for baiting swarm traps. However, these scrapings
should never be mixed with other beeswax, since they destroy its quality for other uses.
For candle making
Beeswax, next to the cheaper tallow, was the major raw material for candles until the
development of cheaper petroleum products such as paraffin wax, which was introduced
during the last century. Since beeswax has a higher melting point than most paraffin waxes
(most of which melt between 480 and 68 0C) beeswax candles remain straight at higher
ambient temperatures. If wick size is correctly proportioned with respect to the diameter of
the candle, they are less likely to drip than candles made from other materials. Waxes with a
melting point above 880C do not perform well during burning. The Roman Catholic church
requires that its ceremonial candles are made with at least 51 % pure beeswax. A detailed
description of candle making is given in the recipe in section 4.11.2.
For metal castings and modelling
Because of its plasticity, beeswax is easily formed and carved. It maintains its shape well
even over very long periods of time as proven by wax sculptures found in ancient Egyptian
graves. Its relatively low melting point permits easy and complete removal from casting
moulds. The hollow space left in these moulds can then be filled with molten metal. Already
in ancient times whether in Asia, the Americas or Europe, craftsmen using this V lost wax
method, sculpted small, solid metal figures, jewelry, large hollow sculptures and more
recently also bells. Until today, different mixtures of beeswax and other waxes are used to
create special forms and surfaces for jewelry and artistic sculptures.
No special preparations are necessary to use beeswax in these applications and in an indirect
way, the resulting sculptures or jewellery may be considered a value added product from

beekeeping. However far fetched this analogy may be, the lost wax technique is a craft in its
own right and requires careful study. It may be undertaken using highly refined plasters like
in dentistry, temperature controlled ovens and gas torches, but it is also possible on a very
simple level using locally available clays and home-built furnaces. Both are beyond any
simple descriptions that can be provided here, but Feinberg (1983) gives details for smallscale manufacturers.
The sculptures of Madam Tussaud's in London are widely known and copied in many
countries. In the museum, famous people are copied in wax and dressed as life-sized figures.
A mixture of three parts beeswax and one part of a harder wax are used (Sargant, 1971).
Modelling in wax, or ceroplasty is a well developed art used also for scientific models in
important collections around the world (Olschki, 1977). During the last century, wax flower
modelling was apparently popular in Europe. A bibliography on wax modellers, collections
and history has been published by Pyke (1973) and a handbook on sculpting with wax and
plaster by Miller (1974).
In cosmetics
The unique characteristics of beeswax give a certain solidity to emulsified solutions,
facilitate the formation of stable emulsions and increase the water holding capacity of
ointments and creams. These and other characteristics, which only beeswax combines in one
substance, make beeswax irreplaceable in the cosmetics industry. Though the desired effects
can often be achieved with as little as 1 to 3 % beeswax (Coggshall and Morse, 1984) final
proportions are also determined by the relatively high cost of beeswax.
Beeswax not only improves the appearance and consistency of creams and lotions but is also
a preferred ingredient for lipsticks, because it contributes to sheen, consistency and colour
stabilization. Other cosmetic applications are found in cold creams (8-12% beeswax content
by weight), deodorants (up to 35 %), depilatories (hair removers, up to 50%), hair creams (510%), hair conditioners (1-3%), mascara (6-12%), rouge (10-15%), eye shadows (6-20%)
and others.
Since ancient times, the basic recipe for creams and ointments has consisted of a mixture of
beeswax and oil in various proportions according to the desired consistency. Traditionally,
vegetable oils were used but they become rancid and limit the period for which such creams
can be used. Today, most plant oils have been replaced by mineral oils such as liquid paraffin
or preservatives are added. Selective use of vegetable oils from olives, corn, peanuts, jojoba,
cacao, palms, coconuts and others still continues, since many of their beneficial effects
cannot be provided by synthetic mineral oils.
In order to mix the otherwise incompatible beeswax and oils with water, all of which are
essential ingredients of any cream or lotion, an emulsifier has to be added. Borax is the
classic emulsifier, available in most pharmacies. Today's "high-chemistry" cosmetics use a
large array of other synthetic emulsifiers. The chemical process on which the emulsification
is based is the saponification of the acids in beeswax, i.e. the result is technically a soap. The
associated cleansing effect is exploited in so-called cleansing creams, which are very much
like simple skin creams.

To remove the free acids from beeswax so that it no longer needs an emulsifier and can be
easily mixed with pigments and mineral products, a special process was developed and
patented (Brand, 1989). The free acids are removed through reaction with glycidol at 801200C in the presence of a basic catalyst.
Food processing

Beeswax has been used in a variety of products and processes from packaging to processing
and preservation. It has also been used as a separation agent in the confectionary industry
(Ribot, 1960) and in cigarette filters (Noznickli and Likwoh, 1967). Many of these
applications could be accomplished with other, cheaper waxes. Since most of these processes
involve large scale and complicated production procedures, they are not described here A common, simple and small scale application for beeswax is the protection of containers
against the effects of acids from fruit juices or honey. Steel drums for storage and shipment
of honey have to be treated to prevent corrosion and dissolution of iron. The treatment may
involve an expensive food grade paint, a plastic liner made from a food grade plastic film or
a thin coat of beeswax.
Industrial technologv

A patent by Enger (1976) describes a material for encapsulating electrical and electronic
apparatus for use in high moisture or chemically active environinents. One example
consisted of at least 50% (ideally 70% by weight) of silicone, mixed with a fluorocarbon
(20% tetrafluorethylene and a natural animal or mineral wax (10% beeswax) and, if
necessary, an inert filler. After polymerization or fluorethylene vulcanization with a catalyst
and/or heat, the inert product becomes impermeable to ions and fluid.
Another patent describes the preparation of a material for embedding or electrically
insulating circuits of high and ultra-high frequency. The mixture of 10-30% ceresin wax, 5565 % beeswax and 15-25 % ethylcellulose has a high melting point, is very hard at high
temperatures, very strong when cold and can be remelted (Franklin, 1951).
A patent for an anti-corrosion rust inhibitor describes the incorporation of one or more
different waxes, including beeswax. These waxes are mixed with crystalline polyethylene
and polystyrene then heated to more than 200 0C. The residue is removed and after adding
liquid paraffin, it is boiled until it is homogeneous. The transparent, creamy liquid not only
lubricates saws, just as pure beeswax would do, but protects iron, copper, brass, aluminum,
chrome and nickel surfaces (limori, 1975). Other effective coatings contain beeswax; one
such is composed of 90% mineral jelly and 10% beeswax (Sanyal and Roy, 1967).
In other formulations, beeswax may be used as a binder, particularly if lubricant
characteristics are required (Bera et al., 1971) or if mixtures have to be ingested (see 4.5.10).
Pure beeswax was once used for lubricating wire rods during high pressure continuous
extrusion of wire (Fuchs, 1970). Beeswax has also been used to decrease viscosity and
improve slip casting properties when casting glass under pressure (Bezborodov, 1968). For
agricultural pest control, beeswax has been an ingredient of slow release pellets of pyrethrum

pesticides (Ahmed et al., 1976). Waxing of the threads on pipes was reported to prevent
joints from corroding or locking and simultaneously made them waterproof (Brown, 1981).

Textiles and papers can be waterproofed with various products containing beeswax and a
French patent is referred to in section 4.11.8. Emulsions containing beeswax for leather
treatment have been described in many publications and a basic recipe is provided in section
Batik is a traditional method of colouring cloth, adaptable to both small and large scale
production for artistic and commercial applications. It is based on the principle that wax will
protect areas which are not supposed to be stained by the dye in which the cloth will be
immersed. By multiple applications, very complex, multi-coloured designs can be achieved
(see Figure 4.5). This technique was refined in several Asian countries and is now used
around the world. Today, because of its high cost, beeswax has been largely replaced by
cheaper alternatives. The wax is used in its pure form and needs no processing before
application. Various books about batik have been published in different languages and can
often be found in local bookstores.
Varnishes and polishes

A patent was recently registered for a varnish made from dammar resin and beeswax to be
used for paintings and for art restoration (Krzyzynski, 1988).
Other recipes for varnishes, sometimes also including propolis are given in section 4.11. If
propolis is included, the suitability of the locally available material should be tested. Knopf
and Ogait (1961) reported that propolis containing a large percentage of balsam (which has
non-drying properties) adversely affected the quality of the varnish. Propolis from different
places can exhibit considerable variation in balsam content.
Detailed discussions and recipes for preparations with synthetic wax are presented by Jones
(1977) who also lists reasons such as the formation of soft, easily marred films and a lack of
availability, why natural beeswax is increasingly being replaced by other waxes in polishes.

In the old art of etching or engraving, beeswax was used as a protective surface coating. Wax
was applied to a heated metal plate. The excess drained off while the remaining wax
solidified into a thin film through which the design was drawn. The application of
concentrated nitric acid or a mixture (1:8 by volume) of concentrated hydrochloric and nitric
acids for a few minutes etched away the exposed metal and left the engraved part ready for
negative printing. Today, a liquid asphalt is normally used instead. A US patent (Hughes,
1960) uses beeswax as part of a liquid protective coating for plastic lithography plates and
also for automobiles.
Glass can be etched with hydrofluoric acid after protecting those areas with beeswax which
are to remain clear.

All of the acids mentioned are highly toxic and corrosive. Special precautions are required to
avoid contact with clothing, skin and eyes.
Various inks, pens, markers and even carbon paper often contain small amounts of beeswax
(Polishchuk and Denisova, 1970). One patent (Morishita et al., 1978) for typewriter ink
includes a recipe of 1 part Japan wax or beeswax, 1 part Hitaide resin 503, S parts
fluorescent granules (pigment) and 0.02 part Emulgen PP 150 (an emulsifier).

As a coating for drugs or pills, beeswax facilitates ingestion but retards dissolution of the
enclosed compounds until they reach the digestive tract. Beeswax can also be prepared as a
mixture with the drug and then functions as a time release mechanism, releasing the drug
over a longer period of time.
One such suppository base (a substance which allows slow release of another substance) has
been developed on the basis of 5% beeswax, 5% palmitic acid and 90% of Nubon, a semisynthetic hydrogenated vegetable oil (El-Sabbagh et al., 1988). This was used initially with
chloramphenicol. In another preparation, beeswax alone served as the carrier for the drug.
On an experimental basis nalidixic acid suspended in beeswax remained longer in the blood
of tested animals after oral application than when the acid was administered directly (Lee
and Lee, 1987). With another drug, the antihistamine chlorpheniramine maleate, various
mixtures of glyceryl monostearate, stearic acid, lactose and higher proportions of beeswax
had been successfully tested as a base. Many more examples can be found in pharmaceutical
and medical literature. Each drug application requires its own specific modifications of the
rudimentary base formulation.
Chewing dark comb (but not the old, black brood comb) without honey, brood or bee-bread
is known to be effective against colds. A study by Maksimova-Todorova et al., (1985) has
shown that even the wax fractions of propolis have antiviral activities. Older combs contain
among many other things a good portion of propolis.
Beeswax can be used to fill capsules with equal amounts of drugs or other ingredients of
various granule sizes. The granules of drugs are made adhesive by coating them with molten
wax (about 90g molten wax for 3kg of granules), fat or glycerol, by spraying with liquid
paraffin or by mixing them with powdered wax or fat and heating. After thorough mixing the
hard capsules are pressed with their open end into an evenly spread layer of the mixture
(Iwamoto et al., 1965). This process can also be adapted to making pills with pollen.
A mixture of equal parts melted beeswax and honey is recommended for treating cracked
hooves of animals. It should be applied after the cracks have been thoroughly cleaned.

Other products in which beeswax provides some improvement and in which it is a traditional
ingredient, include grafting wax, crayons, floor and furniture polish, general purpose varnish,
sealing wax, corrosion prevention, protective car polishes and sewing thread
- especially for sail and shoe making.

Again, in many of these products, beeswax can be replaced by cheaper synthetic waxes. The
recipes in section 4.11 may be considered as general guidelines for the manufacture of any of
the described products, using either beeswax or other available waxes. The special
characteristics derived from the use of beeswax may be of importance in some particular
conditions and may bring a better price for the product.
The fact that plant growth stimulators have been isolated from beeswax favours it over
synthetic substitutes for use as a grafting wax. An Indian study on A. cerana wax suggests
that its triacontanol content may be an economical alternative source for this plant growth
stimulator (Devakumar et al., 1986).
Many other applications for beeswax, in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals may benefit also
from the presence of minor components which have not yet been thoroughly investigated.
Propolis is a mixture of various amounts of beeswax and resins collected by the honeybee
from plants, particularly from flowers and leaf buds. Since it is difficult to observe bees on
their foraging trips the exact sources of the resins are usually not known. Bees have been
observed scraping the protective resins of flower and leaf buds with their mandibles and then
carrying them to the hive like pollen pellets on their hind legs. It can be assumed that in the
process of collecting and modelling the resins, they are mixed with some saliva and other
secretions of the bees as well as with wax.
These resins are used by worker bees to line the inside of nest cavities and all brood combs,
repair combs, seal small cracks in the hive, reduce the size of hive entrances (see Fig. 5.1)
seal off inside the hive any dead animals or insects which are too large
to be carried out and perhaps most important of all, to mix small quantities of propolis with
wax to seal brood cells. These uses are significant because they take advantage of the
antibacterial and antifungal effects of propolis in protecting the colony against diseases.
Propolis has been shown to kill the bee's most ardent bacterial foe, Bacillus larvae - the cause
of American Foul Brood (Mlagan and Sulimanovic, 1982; Meresta and Meresta, 1988). The
use of propolis thus reduces the chance of infection in the developing brood and the growth
of decomposing bacteria in dead animal tissue.
The composition of propolis depends on the type of plants accessible to the bees. Propolis
changes in colour, odour and probably medicinal characteristics, according to source and the
season of the year. Moreover, some bees and some colonies are more avid collectorsgenerally to the dismay of the beekeeper, since propolis is a very sticky substance which, in
abundance, can make it difficult to remove frames from the boxes.
Foraging for propolis is only known with the Western honeybee Apis mellifera. The Asian
species of Apis do not collect propolis. Only Meliponine or stingless bees are known to
collect similarly sticky resinous substances, for sealing hives and constructing honey and
pollen pots for storage. In this bulletin, however, propoli shall refer only to resins collected
by honeybees, since almost all of the research has been done on it. There may well be similar
traditional uses for resins collected by Meliponids.

In the natural distribution ranges of Apis mellifera, a multitude of traditional uses are known
for this versatile substance. The Greeks and Romans already knew that propolis would heal
skin abscesses and through the centuries its use in medicine has received varying attention.
The ancient Egyptians knew about the benefits of propolis and in Africa it is still used today,
as a medicine, an adhesive for tuning drums, sealing cracked water containers or canoes and
dozens of other uses. It has been incorporated in special varnishes such as those used by
Stradivarius for his violins (Jolly, 1978).
Physical characteristics of propolis
The colour of propolis ranges from yellow to dark brown depending on the origin of the resins.
But, even transparent propolis has been reported by Coggshall and Morse (1984).
At temperatures of 250 to 45 0C propolis is a soft, pliable and very sticky substance. At less than
150 C, and particularly when frozen or at near freezing, it becomes hard and brittle. It will
remain brittle after such treatment even at higher temperatures. Above 45 0C it will become
increasingly sticky and gummy. Typically propolis will become liquid at 60 to 70 0C, but for
some samples the melting point may be as high as 100 0C.
The most common solvents used for commercial extraction are ethanol (ethyl alcohol) ether,
glycol and water. For chemical analysis a large variety of solvents may be used in order to
extract the various fractions. Many of the bactericidal components are soluble in water or

The uses of propolis today

In cosmetics

Dermatological and cosmetic applications are at this time probably the most common uses
for propolis and its extracts (Lejeune, et al., 1988). Its effects on tissue regeneration and
renovation have been well studied. Together with its bactericidal and fungicidal
characteristics it provides many benefits in various applications in cosmetics. For some
recent specific references on scientific studies, the reader should refer to the section on the
effects of propolis (5.4.2). More detailed information on practical application of propolis in
cosmetics can be found in Chapter 9.
In medicine

General medicinal uses of propolis include treatment of the cardiovascular and blood
systems (anaemia), respiratory apparatus (for various infections), dental care, dermatology
(tissue regeneration, ulcers, excema, wound healing - particularly burn wounds, mycosis,
mucous membrane infections and lesions), cancer treatment, immune system support and
improvement, digestive tracts (ulcers and infections), liver protection and support and many
others. Some references to these applications can be found in the list of scientifically proven
effects of propolis (Table 5.3) otherwise one might refer again to IBRA's collection of
abstracts, Apimondia and the American Apitherapy Society.
Traditional use

In Europe and North Africa, the special wound healing properties of propolis were already
known to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans and in ancient times. In records of the 12th
century, medicinal preparations with propolis are described for treating mouth and throat
infections, as well as caries. Propolis probably has been more commonly used in wood
preservatives or varnishes than may be suggested by the single, frequently cited reference to
Stradivarius (Jolly, 1978).
In sub-Saharan Africa, propolis is still used today in herbal medicines and the more mundane
applications mentioned earlier such as waterproofing containers and wood, adhesive, bow string
preparation and for tuning drums.
Food technology
The antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal activities of propolis offer scope for applications
in food technology. One special advantage is that, unlike some conventional preservatives, the
residues of propolis seem to have a generally beneficial effect on human health. However, only
very few studies have been done on the possible side-effects of increased consumption of
propolis. Individually, some of the components identified in propolis can be very damaging to
human health.
Mizuno (1989), registered a patent which includes propolis as a preservative in food packing
Extension of frozen storage life of fish by 2-3 times is cited including Donadieu (1979), but
without reference to original studies. propolis is permitted as a preservative for frozen fish. by
various authors, In Japan, the use of Addition of only 30 ppm (parts per million) of propolis to
the rations of laying hens increased egg production, food conversion and hen weight by S to 6%
(Bonomi, et al., 1976). Ghisalberti (1979) reports additional weight gains for broiler chicken of
up to 20% when 500 ppm of propolis was added to their diets.

The search for new uses of propolis continues. Sangalli (1990) mentioned use of propolis for
post-harvest treatment and conservation of fruits. Applications in pesticides and fungicides
are still in the testing phase. However, for many of its traditional uses propolis is being
replaced by more readily available, sometimes more effective but often also more toxic
Beekeepers use propolis, melted together with wax or in an ammonia solution (Anon, 1982)
to apply to the inside of hives or swarm traps to attract swarms. Adequate ventilation and
aeration after painting with the ammonia solution are both necessary. Rubbing propolis or
painting it (after melting with wax from old combs) works as well or better and avoids the
use of noxious and toxic ammonia.
The current trend to return to environmentally safer and less energy intensive production
methods in many developed countries, the increased buying power of consumers and
growing markets for more expensive products may lead to considerable growth in the use
and new applications of propolis, particularly in cosmetics and food technology.


Royal jelly is secreted by the hypopharyngeal gland (sometimes called the brood food gland)
of young worker (nurse) bees, to feed young larvae and the adult queen bee. Royal jelly is
always fed directly to the queen or the larvae as it is secreted; it is not stored. This is why it
has not been a traditional beekeeping product. The only situation in which harvesting
becomes feasible is during queen rearing, when the larvae destined to become queen bees are
supplied with an over-abundance of royal jelly. The queen larvae cannot consume the food as
fast as it is provided and royal jelly accumulates in the queen cells (see Figure 6.1). The
exact definition of commercially available royal jelly is therefore related to the method of
production: it is the food intended for queen bee larvae that are four to five days old.
The differentiation between queen and worker bees is related to feeding during the larval
stages. Indeed, all female eggs can produce a queen bee, but this occurs only when, during
the whole development of the larvae and particularly the first four days, they are cared for
and fed "like a queen". Queen rearing, regulated by complex mechanisms within the hive,
induces in a young larva a series of hormonal and biochemical actions and reactions that
make it develop into a queen bee. A queen bee differs from a worker bee in various ways:
in its morphology: the queen develops reproductive organs while the worker bee develops
organs related to its work such as pollen baskets, stronger mandibles, brood food glands and
wax glands.
in its development period: on average the queen develops in 15.5 days while worker bees
require 21 days.
in its life span: the queen lives for several years as compared to a few months for the worker
and its behaviour: the queen lays up to several thousand eggs a day while workers lay eggs
only occasionally. Unlike workers, the queen never participates in any common hive
Uses and marketing of Royal Jelly
Royal jelly can be sold in its fresh state, unprocessed except for being frozen or cooled,
mixed with other products, or freeze-dried for further use in other preparations. The fresh
production and sale can be handled by enterprises of all sizes since no special technology is
required. In its unprocessed form it can also be included directly in many food and dietary
supplements as well as medicine-like products or cosmetics. For larger industrial scale use,
royal jelly is preferred in its freeze-dried form, because of easier handling and storing.
Freeze-dried royal jelly can be included in the same products as the fresh form. The
production of freeze-dried royal jelly requires an investment of at least US$ 10,000 for a
freeze-dryer, sufficient production volume and an accessible market for the raw material or
its value added products. The discussion below describes some of the value added products
in which royal jelly has been included in the past.
Since the assumed benefits of royal jelly have not been sufficiently proven, statements in
advertisements and on package labels should be very careful to avoid suggestions which are

not well-founded. Any kind of fraudulent or exaggerated statements and claims are in the
long run more damaging than any short-term benefit that may be derived from, for example,
an increase in the price of a product. Products containing royal jelly should be specially
marked or packaged in order to distinguish them from similar products without it.

As dietary supplement

Royal jelly belongs to a group of products generically described as "dietary supplements"

These are products which are consumed not for their caloric content nor for pleasure, but to
supplement the normal diet with substances in which it might be lacking. In reality, however,
the use of royal jelly is not so much linked to its high content in "noble" substances, but to its
assumed stimulant and therapeutic value. However, it cannot be defined as a medicine
because the data required for classification in this category are lacking. If it were declared a
medicine, its use would become dependant on medical prescriptions and the production and
marketing of royal jelly-based products would become the exclusive domain of the
pharmaceutical industry.
A large amount of royal jelly is sold and consumed as it is harvested. In its unprocessed,
natural state, it is preferred by most producers, because it does not require any special
technology, and by consumers because of its unaltered "naturalness". The fact that its taste is
not very pleasant, instead of deterring consumers appears to enhance its image as a
"medicine". For those who do not appreciate this particular medicinal aspect, royal jelly can
be mixed with a little honey, sugar syrup or water, or it may be encapsulated.
Unprocessed royal jelly is usually packaged in small, dark glass bottles of sizes that
correspond to the duration of a "treatment" e.g. 10, 15 or 20 g. A tiny plastic spatula is
usually included for the "correct" dosage of 250 - 500 mg (see Figure 6.2) Special isothermal
packaging (usually a moulded polystyrene box) is sometimes used to make the product look
even more precious and protect it perhaps from brief temperature fluctuations. In Italy, in the
past, it was also sold in special glass syringes, allowing more precise dosages and giving
greater protection against oxidation.
Producers also sell pure royal jelly in its original queen cells after having removed the larvae
and sealed the cells. The cells may be sealed with another wax queen cell cup, with liquid
wax or by squeezing the ends of the cell together. The queen cells thus prepared can be
packaged in small plastic boxes or glass jars together with a small spatula. The main
disadvantage of this type of packaging is that the royal jelly does not keep well (two weeks
in a refrigerator or a few months when frozen immediately) and only sells well directly from
the producer to the consumer. On the other hand such sales can be extremely profitable and
are also attractive to consumers who can be sure that the product is untreated and fresh.
Given the normal variation in content of queen cells the net weight must be given for the
smallest possible quantity (e.g. minimum content 250 mg/cell).
Royal jelly sold in any of the above forms must always be kept at or below 5~ C during
storage, during transportation and in the retail store. Empty packages can be displayed while
full containers are stored in a refrigerator.

As ingredient in food products

A mixture of royal jelly in honey (1-3 % royal jelly) is probably the most common way in
which royal jelly is used as a food ingredient. Among the advantages of this product are that
no special technology is required and the honey masks any visible changes in the royal jelly.
The final product is pleasant-tasting and it provides the beneficial effects of both products.
One teaspoon of the mixture typically contains 100 - 300 mg of royal jelly, about the dosage
of royal jelly that is most commonly recommended. Nothing is known however about the
preservation of royal jelly in such a mixture. It should, therefore, be kept refrigerated.
Another food frequently enriched with royal jelly in some European countries is yogurt,
which has an acidity similar to royal jelly and also requires refrigeration. Yoghurt is already a
popular food for health-conscious consumers who often appreciate its further enrichment
with royal jelly. The higher price that is usually charged reflects what the market will bear
rather than the extra production costs, i.e. the market value added to such a product by the
royal jelly is higher than the cost of the jelly and extra production costs.
Sometimes, vitamin supplements and fruit juices are enriched with freeze dried royal jelly.
Royal jelly is widely used in beverages in Asia.
Royal jelly is also sold in a jelly made of honey, sugar, jam and pectin. Though simple
enough to produce, there are no data available on the durability or residual efficacy of royal
jelly presented in this way.
As ingredient in medicine-like products

This category of products resembles medicines as far as their form of presentation is

concerned, but in other respects these products are no different from the dietary supplements
and foods described in the two preceding sections. However, they require more advanced
technology for production and packaging and make higher demands on product stability as
well as quality control. For the same reasons, many of these applications use freeze dried
royal jelly. Unfortunately, the pricing of these products does not always reflect the quality of
the product and many are grossly overpriced.
In medicine-like formulations royal jelly is generally included for its stimulatory effects.
However, it is also used to solve specific health problems. A variety of formulations are
available, often containing ingredients otherwise used to alleviate particular afflictions. As
has been seen in an earlier section, there is no solid scientific base for any such uses.
Advertising or other popular information should therefore be treated with great caution and
royal jelly should never be used as a substitute for other treatments unless the treatment has
been approved by a competent physician.
Whether royal jelly is the only active ingredient, or is mixed with others, the basic forms of
presentation remain the same and are adapted to the desired applications or consumer
preferences. Dosages may be presented in any of the following ways (see Figure 6.3):
- as a single dose package of dry royal jelly with separate solvent,
- as a single dose of mixed pulverized ingredients with or without solvent and in tablet or

- as a single or multiple dose liquid solution for oral administration or injection


Single-dosage packages generally have to use a filler to bring the dose of the active
ingredient (royal jelly or the ingredient mix) to a volume that can be easily handled by the
consumer. An envelope containing only 250 mg of freeze-dried royal jelly would look very
empty and the powder it contained might easily be lost. Sugar, salt, aromas, citric acid,
glycine, a.o. may all serve as fillers (see Figure 6.4). As well as being mere fillers, they often
render the product more pleasant to taste. Additional ingredients mixed with royal jelly are
often other food supplements like plant extracts (ginseng), yeasts, pollen extracts and others.
Most packages provide the dry phase in a separate package, envelope or vial and a solvent in
an appropriate container. Not only does this separation allow more effective treatment of the
liquid phase (such as pasteurization or sterilization) but it also improves storage life and
therefore facilitates shipping and marketing. Some refined packaging contains the dry phase
in a special lid which upon opening releases the powder into the solvent.
In tablet form, the principal excipient is usually a powdered sugar plus a binding agent such
as gum arabic (for simple recipes see 5.16.5 and 6.11.7). For larger production, tableting
machines are necessary which can sometimes be purchased second-hand at reasonable
prices. Hard and soft gelatine capsules can be used for similar formulations. The hard
capsules can be filled by hand on a small scale or by machine on a more industrial level (see
also Figures 3.10 and 3.11), but soft capsules and gelatine drops need expensive equipment
and are usually manufactured only by larger enterprises or under contract by large enterprises
for third parties.
Another form of presentation is in vials with a liquid solution of royal jelly. These are simple
to prepare and can use fresh unprocessed royal jelly, but they present preservation problems
both with regard to microbiological activity and the long-term stability of the royal jelly. The
addition of a little alcohol or propolis extract increases protection against microbial growth.
Such preparations are distributed widely and are now being imported mostly from Asia by
Europe, the USA and some Latin American countries . One of the more common
formulations contains honey, royal jelly and an alcohol extract of ginseng (see Figure 6.10).
Since these products are not regulated as food or as medicines, they are not required to list
all ingredients, particularly the different preservatives which are necessary in these liquid
The production of injectable royal jelly preparations must be left to qualified laboratories in
order to avoid problems with contamination and toxicity. There are patents that protect the
production of royal jelly extracts for human use (by injection), but up to now there is no
actual production or use for these "medicines", at least in Western Europe.
The medicinal or pseudo-medicinal use of royal jelly is much more popular in Asia and
Eastern Europe, where rules on medicinal formulations and applications are very different
from those in Western Europe and North America. In Africa, very little use of royal jelly has
been reported, either as a food supplement or as medicine.
As ingredient in cosmetics

Except in Asia, probably the largest use of royal jelly is in cosmetics. Royal jelly is included
in many dermatological preparations, but mostly in those used for skin refreshing, and skin
regeneration or rejuvenation. It is also used in creams or ointments for healing burns and
other wounds. It is usually included in very small dosages (0.05 to 1 %) but it is likely that it
deteriorates relatively quickly. No precise data on loss of effectiveness are available. The
freeze-dried form of royal jelly is usually preferred because of ease of handling. A royal
jelly/lactose paste mixed at 00C is said to stabilize royal jelly (Rubinsstein, 1954). The paste
can then be added to cosmetic preparations. More information and recipes can be found in
Chapter 9.
The only other known uses for royal jelly are in animal nutrition. In particular, royal jelly has
occasionally been used (fresh or freeze-dried) to stimulate race horses. For experimental
purposes it is also used as a food for rearing mites and insects.

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