Flag Football Lesson Plan

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Name: Matthew Andersen and Phillip Fulton

Lesson Topic: Flag Football

Ohio PE Standard(s) addressed in the lesson:

Standards 1AB
Standard 2A


Activity/Content Development
Introduction: We will be
discussing some of the key
elements of Flag Football. We will
discuss the tactic of maintaining
possession by how to hand the ball
off to a teammate and also how to
hold the ball while you are running.
Skills we will discuss will include
grip, passing, and catching with the
key elements of each. Including
passing with your arm back with
follow through, gripping on the
laces and finding your comfortable
spot, and catching with hands out in
front of body.
(Demo passing/catching/grip)
Students will be stretching while
instructors are talking.

-Students can stand
around instructor if
class size is large

-Everyone lined up on
the baseline

Teaching Cues
-"Flag football is
not much
different than
football, but
with slight
modifications to
the rules and

8 min

Game: 2v2 Team Keep Away Game.

2 students on one team are trying
to advance the football to the end
zone to score a point for their team
while being defended by the other
Rules: You cannot move while
holding the ball. Once the ball hits
the ground, is intercepted, or you
run out of bounds, you lose
possession of the ball. You must
give the thrower at least 3 feet to
try and throw the ball. You may not
push or grab someone who is trying
to catch the ball. Must stay within
game boundaries.


Tactical Awareness: Maintaining

possession of the ball. Examples:
holding the ball while running,
proper handoffs, and transferring
from hand to hand
Handoff Drill: Will begin with
students lined up while the
instructors act as the QB handing
the ball off to the students. Go
through about 2-3 handoffs and
then switch to tosses to the
students and do about 2-3 tosses to

-Make game become

3v2 with an offensive
advantage by having
instructors enter game
at various points
(makes offense easier,
defense harder)
-Increase size of
playing field based on
number of students

Tactical Awareness:
Instructors can
underhand toss ball to
student, having
student pivot and turn
while maintaining
-Instructors can act as
defenders while
students are jogging
with ball to enforce
transferring ball from
hand to hand while

-Game performed on
regulation volley-ball
court with end zones
positioned on opposite
-Equipment: footballs
and cones if needing to
define boundaries

Tactical Awareness:
-While holding
footballs, students will
jog to end of court,
turn around, jog back,
and hand-off ball to
next student (repeat)
-Equipment: footballs

-"Work on
passing, and
throwing the
ball. Think
strategy and
tactics that
could be used in
flag football
gameplay, they
will transfer

-"While running,
the ball should
always be
placed in the
arm farthest
away from the


each student.

maintaining possession

Running with the Ball: Students

will each have a football and will
take turns running with the ball
towards the instructors who are
acting as defenders. Instructors will
guide the students into different
directions and they must put the
ball in the proper hand and then run
to the other side of the court and
handoff to the next student.
Skill Execution: Passing, Catching,
Instructors will show students the
key elements to grip, throw, and
catch a football before each
corresponding drill.

Pass and Catch:

-Students can extend
distance only if skill
execution is proficient
-Students can also aim
at a specific target

Pass and Catch Drill: Students

will grab a partner and practice
getting the grip of the football and
will also practice throwing to a
stationary partner and catching
their throws.

Catching Drill:
-Students can catch lob
passes if able
-Students can run a
certain route or pattern
before catching

Catching Drill: Instructors will

place cones down in various spots
to run to in the gymnasium and
they must attempt to make a catch
while on the run from the
instructors throw. Instructors will
throw a variety of line drive passes

Passing Drill: -Throw

while moving if skill
execution is proficient
-Throw to a moving
Target Drill:

Pass and Catch:

Students lined up in
pairs, with one football
per pair, facing
another student at
least 10 feet apart.
Utilize entire
gymnasium for proper
spacing amongst pairs.
Catching Drill:
Students get in line on
the baseline and take
turns running out to
receive a throw.
Passing Drill:
Students lined up on
baseline with footballs,
instructors out on
gymnasium receiving

1: Grip on the
laces, hold ball
with finger pads,
grip not to tight
or too loose.
Make it
2: Pass with
arm back
holding ball near
ear and make
winding motion
on throw toward
target. Have
happy feet when
throwing a pass,
dont be flat
footed. Step
with nonthrowing foot

as well as lob passes and everyone

will get at least 10 balls to catch or
more if time permitting.
Passing Drill: Instructors will stand
at various points in the gymnasium
sometimes stationary and
sometimes moving and students
will take turns executing an
accurate pass. Students will get at
least 5 passes each or more if time


Target Passing: Students will each

take turns trying to hit the various
cones laying on the floor by
throwing the football. There will be
3 targets with the closer one being
worth 1 point and the furthest away
being 3 points. Students will take
turns throwing and keep track of
their scores. We will see who has
the most points after everyone has
thrown 10 times.
Game: 3v3 Flag Football game with
Matt and Phil alternating positions
with teammates to assess skills in
various positional situations. There
will no center, the Quarterback will
have ball in hand and yell "hike" to
start the play.
Rules: Touching the torso with 2

length of cones
depending on skill level
-another option is to
line students facing
each other about 15ft
apart. Students will
pass to each other
working on accuracy
using proper technique
and form. For every
pass that is caught at
the chest is 2 pts. If the
ball is caught but not
at the chest is 1 pt. If
the ball is uncatchable
is 0 pts.

-Widen game field

-Can only score in the
middle of end zone
(decrease end zone

Target Passing:
Students on the
baseline with one
instructor watching
passing elements and
other instructor in field
judging if the cones
are hit.

-Equipment: Footballs
and Cones

Game played within

designated section of
gymnasium with end
zones on opposite
ends of game field
-Equipment: footballs,
cones for end zones

towards target
with toe also
facing target,
use your body
to rotate
throwing arm
3: Catch with
hands out in
front, bring
hands into body
on lob passes

hands is considered a tackle and

the next play will start from there.
Defenders may not push or hold the
receivers that are trying to catch
the ball, penalty will result in first
down. Quarterback has a 3 count to
throw the ball freely, after the three
count the defender may rush him.
Two consecutive completions gives
you a "first down," failure to
complete two passes in a row
results in a turnover and the other
team will gain possession.

2 min

Closure: What were the key skills

we went over today? Do you
remember any of the key elements
of throwing, grip, catching, and
possession? What was the hardest
skill to learn and why?

Students on baseline

Check for

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