Delay Analysis in Construction Project A Case Study-Alkut Olympic Stadium

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Delay Analysis in Construction Project a Case

Study-Alkut Olympic Stadium
Ahmed Taghi Multashi1, Rohit R. Salgude2

P.G. Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Assistant Professor, MIT, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: Now days the planned duration is one of the main criteria when judging whether a construction project is a failure or not.
Additionally, construction designing is claimed to achieve success if the project completes inside the planned duration; or if it identifies
a problem well prior to, thereby alerting the project management team to resolve the problem before it causes any impact on the
completion date. This analysis of the Olympic sports stadium in Alkut delay factors investigated. Participant observation was adopted an
approach has advised that from the descriptive principles of anthropology? The last Olympic game stadium construction until
completion prior professional conduct as a senior design engineer major human-relations factors were discovered and known that the
management and development had an impact on performance of the designing. Success factors related to say and. It is argued that this
project a shadow culture exists among participants, an embedded interactive supervisor perspective angle just clear that was found.
Designing method and its effectiveness planning this shadow culture within the team and immediately the quality of relationships
between the stakeholders associated with human difference management serves to modify. The analysis concludes by questioning the
parable amongst project participants that construction coming up with could be a mechanistic method that has got to be conducted
entirely by the look team.

Keywords: Delay analysis, construction project, case study, Alkut Olympic stadium

1. Introduction
In recent years, Iraqi economy has improved largely,
following the growth of oil sector, infrastructure
development and the urbanization are booming. And
yielding with them, the burden (importance) of the
development trade within the economic system has been
increasing. However, the development project is many
problems arising during implementation; there is a delay at
all. On the date of completion or far side so much when on
the far side in a contract, the parties are in agreement laid
out for the delivery of the project informed date because
delays might be outlined. An important critique of the Iraqi
housing industry is facing increasing delay in the project
delivery rate. It comes finishing time is power, but results
from a variety of sources and method development many
variables are subject to unpredictable factors.
These sources accessible performance teams, resources,
environmental conditions, parties and embody the
involvement of relations written agreement. However, it is
rarely the time required between a project has been
completed that is happening. Owner, construction delays
revenue, productivity, reliance on existing facilities, the lack
of loss of rentable facilities etc. refers to. For contractors,
construction delays top prices, long work length, high labor
costs, materials and redoubled instrumentation refers to
prices etc. Upon completion of the construction of the
nominal time or work time agreement between the parties
and power points.
1.1. Delay Analysis
Delay is generally acknowledged as the most common,
costly, complex and risky problem encountered in
construction. comes due to the dominant importance of your
time for each the Owner (in terms of performance) and also

the Contractor (in terms of money), it's the supply of

frequent disputes and claims resulting in lawsuits. to
regulate this case, a contract is developed to spot potential
delay things beforehand and to outline and fix obligations to
preclude such controversies. a considerable variety of
General Condition's clauses address this subject in a method
or another. Beneath some circumstances, a Contractor is also
entitled to say delay damages if he finishes later than is an
Owner-accepted early completion schedule however
continues to be sooner than the official contract completion
date. This might occur if the Contractor establishes an
immediate cause-and-effect relationship between Owners
breach of a written agreement obligation and also the delay.
Additionally, the Contractor has the burden of creating its
multiplied prices as a result of the delay.
1.2. Types of delays
Delays operations are divided in following four groups:
Some of Non-excusable delays
Some of Excusable non-compensable delays
Some of Excusable compensable delays
Some of Concurrent delays
1.3. Causes of delays
There are two kinds of causes for delays in construction
projects: external and internal reasons. Internal causes delay
causes, which include four parties involved in the project
come from. These parties include the owners, designers,
contractors and consultants. Other delays, which do not
come from these four parties, for example, material supplier,
are based on extraneous reasons from the Government or
whether the followings are some of the possible delay of the
construction industry is facing nowadays that cause:
Possessive decision-making mechanism.
Highly bureaucratic organization.
Insufficient data collection and survey before design.

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: 6061607


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Sites topography is changed after design.
Lack of coordination at design phase.
Inadequate review.
Improper inspection approach.
Different attitude between the consultant and contractors.
Financial difficulties.
Inexperienced personnel.
Insufficient number of staffs.
Deficiency in project coordination.
Often changing Sub-Contractors Company
Inadequate, and old equipment.
Lack of high-technology equipment.
Harvest time.
Spend some time to find sub-contractors company who is
appropriate for each Task.
1.4. Scope of study
This study focuses on a literature review of previous studies
of research, published and unpublished papers, books
dealing with the subject of delay analysis in construction
projects or subjects close to this title as well as field data
include reports issued by the competent authorities for
projects in Iraq, in particular the project of demolition and
rebuilding of Alkut Olympic Stadium with a capacity of
20,000 spectators. The study identified the main reasons for
the delay of this project as well as the effect of this delay
and methods to minimize the impact of this delay and avoid
delays for similar projects in the future.
1.5. Objectives
The major aim of this research to identifying the major
issues of delay, effect of delay and method of minimizing
delay in project of demolition old stadium of Alkut and
constructing new stadium in Waist state in Iraq and to giving
responsibility amongst the project groups for delays like this
and for achieve this aims, objectives have been identified as
To find the general issuesof construction delays
according to literature survey.
To use the MSP in planning and scheduling activates in
Alkut stadium project to minimize delay.
To observe the main issue of construction delay in
construction of Alkut stadium project in Waist state in
To allocate responsibility amongst the projects parties of
construction delay.
To identify the methods of minimizing constructions
delay in the Alkut stadium project.

acceleration, owner and contractor does not consider period

and arrange activities were caused by changes in the logical
relationships many effects of basic updates , And resource
allocation and consequently much delay does not consider
the impact of progress events.
Qais Kadhim Jahanger (2013The reasons for the delay in
construction projects in downtown Baghdad's identity, and a
field survey a questionnaire through the most important
construction project delay reasons contained in 10 groups
identified 58 of this research aimed to specify reasons. Field
survey project three participants (owner, contractor and
consultant) was represented by 78 engineers involved.
SONGL DAYI (2010) mentioned in her study that dwells
on the importance of construction schedules in achieving the
aim of producing good quality construction work within the
specified duration. Building construction within a period
specified in the quality objective of the importance of
achieving production dwells mentioned in his study.
Constant monitoring interactive relationship program and
contractor demand concerning delay is a complicated
process. Here both time money, owner and contractor, and
for this reason the construction schedule delay must be
analyzed and corrective measures should be taken in a
timely manner, simple and basic approach.
Mohamed Marzouk and Tarek El-Rasas (2013) are found
the Construction delays are common problems in civil
engineering projects in Egypt. Often leading to controversy
and litigation project life-time during these problems.
Therefore, this study and analysis of the reasons for the
delay in construction is required to. The research gained
from the construction delay literature presents a list. The
interview was obtained through expert feedback. Later, a
survey questionnaire was prepared.
Ghulam Abbas Niazai and Kassim Gidado (2012)
mentioned that Construction delay in Afghanistan is
explained through literature review and field survey. .
Extensive literature reviews through 83 identified the causes
of delay, factor in nine groups combined. Customers
including contractors and 15 20 25 consultants responded to
three major stakeholders, questionnaire forms. Respondents
from delay is highly contributes to 12months at the reported

3. Research Methodology
Methodology of study

2. Literature Survey

3.1 Problem Statement

Wail Menesi (2007) due to the inherent risks and increasing

complexity of modern construction projects, cost overruns
and a delay in the General in the industry have become facts.
Researchers and practitioners sharing responsibility between
the parties involved delay and delay the formulation of the
project have used a number of techniques. Windows has
acknowledged delay analysis despite its benefits,
construction delays in the most reliable techniques for
analyzing one of the windows in the analysis vary depending
on window size can produce results, it does not consider

Is there a delay in the project Alkut Olympic Stadium?

What are the reasons for this delay? What are the effect of
that delay? Who's responsible? How can minimize delay in
Alkut stadium project?

3.2 Delay in Iraq construction project

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: 6061607


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
A lot of construction projects in the world and Iraq in
particular are suffering from the problem of delay in the
implementation of construction projects it could be argued
that a bit of a project, if not rarely find project didn't suffer
from the problem of delay and it was done by the same time
period estimated for that project sometimes the
implementation of some projects stops for periods longer or
shorter after reaching a certain percentage of completion
There are many reasons for the delay in construction
projects, including interior and exterior of the diverse
reasons It also has a negative and adverse effects on the
feasibility of projects also affect negatively on all parties to
contribute to the project, as well as negative consequences
for society as a whole Because it will lead to increased cost
extra costs to accelerate the completion of work or increase
construction costs As well as delay penalties on the cause of
the delay with the possibility of an increase in the prices of
materials or machinery and manpower to changing
circumstances Also reduce the domestic and foreign
investment opportunities and migration of capital while
reducing the supposed services provided by the projects of
the whole community Therefore, it is necessary to determine
the role of each of the parties the project and its role in the
process of the delay in the completion of projects Also know
the factors that lead to delays in the completion of
construction projects in Iraq Identify the main and secondary
ones and the impact of each of these factors to complete the
project on time and cost allocations and the best measure of
quality of delivery With the development of ways to reduce
the delay in the project and try to avoid the delay in future
projects with a list of actions to implement the high quality
and value of projects Especially project demolition and
construction of ALKUT Olympic Stadium and find out the
reasons that led to such a large delay in completing the
project that serves the slice and a wide task of Iraqi society,
which is the youth segment where deviation arrived in
completing the project to 36.5% up to 15 \ 3 \ 2015 and the
project stalled since history because of the lack of financial
allocations by the Iraqi government and the party
Responsible for the project, which start embarking on 12 \ 2
\ 2011, which was supposed to accomplish in 750 work any
that mean on 22 \ 11 \ 2013, but until the day of 15 \ 3 \ 2015
and the completion rate is 63.5%, according to the report of
the Resident Engineer.
3.3 Collection of Project Data
In the Alkut stadium project, initially all the relevant data
has been collected like a stadium Drawings, Specifications,
types of resources, quantities, planned schedule,
photographs, etc. Alkut project is demolition and removal
and the establishment of Alkut Olympic stadium capacity of
20,000 spectators on a total area of 73000 square meters.
3.4 Preparation of Schedule Using MSP Software
With the help of MSP schedule that will be prepare for the
project according to the information collected from the
organization. Before preparing the schedule initially
different activities are identified with the help of data given
by the organization and resources required for the project by
rate analysis. It has been found that in all there are around
250 activities required for this sport facilities. With the help

of relevant data from the ministry of youth and sport of Iraq

for the project. The using MSP i.e. by linking all the
activities and after linking all the activities, with the help of
different linking options, total duration of the project was
found i.e. 750 days. After using MSP, the new duration will
be find then comparing between the planning and actual
3.5 Assigning of Resources
After completing the schedule work the next step is to assign
resources with the help of MSP and as assigning of
resources is done actual cost of project can be known. And
hence along with days come to know the cost of the project
after assigning of resources. So after this assignment project
feasibility can be known that if the project is actually within
budget and time. So its not just important to get the
schedule for the project but also budget of the project should
be known in order to know the feasibility of the project.
3.6 Setting of baseline
As the baseline is set for the project, progress for the project
could be summarized by comparing it with actual schedule
i.e. planned schedule is compared with actual schedule with
the help of milestone and by setting baseline to the project.
Baseline is to show that how that project is differing from its
planned to actual scenario, and hence one can get their
project scenario, if the project is achieving its milestone or
3.7 Tracking a schedule with MS Project
After saving a baseline for the project, tracking progress is
all about data gathering: tasks completed, hours worked, and
costs incurred. So with the help of tracking project status can
be found out as now baseline is set for the project tracking of
the project can be done in different ways. e.g. Per cent
complete (% Complete)
Percentage of work complete (% Work Complete)
Actual duration
Remaining duration
Actual start
Actual finish
Actual work
Remaining work
Actual work by time period
The complete process of tracking a schedule involves setting
a baseline, updating schedule status and comparing the
updates to the baseline or previous updates. For brevity, this
paper assumes that the reader is familiar with MSP user
interface as well as its basic functionality and deals mainly
with general steps that an experienced construction
scheduler would understand or expect Therefore starting
with the schedule set up, we will cover setting a baseline,
updating the schedule and comparing the update to the
baseline without detailed step by step instructions.
3.8 Comparing Schedules
It is realized that the schedule argument as well as the
planned progress and changes to the difference between real
progress will be important. Planned change amendment

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: 6061607


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
arguments and schedule durations are to schedule and they
status date back to status date to the right will be calculated
to take place in the future. The variance due to other data
date display to the left side will in the past. Variance in
performance from individual arguments must be modified
and the changes are planned.

Suppling the system of firefighting and alarm.

Suppling and installation of seats fixing in the spectators
positions (750 seats) in VIP area and VVIP (65) also fixed
seats (600) and at least the ordinary seats (13200 seats).

3.8.1. Identifying Variances

To identify variances in performance, Start Variance and
Finish Variance columns can be used. In addition, trace
displays and custom styles in a single view baseline
information to schedule updates can make the Strip. MSP is
a Gantt Chart Wizard (Figure 30) that these scenes easily
allows users to create and quickly while using this trace
Wizard will overwrite any existing custom formatting
should be aware that.
3.8.2. Identifying Revisions
MSP has a Compare Project Versions utility to review
differences between two similar MSP schedules. Compare
Project Versions utility only compares tasks and resources
and resource assignment does not compare. This utility is a
comparison report which looks like a project creates a
schedule. Color coding and signal processing tasks and
provide information about this report displays, although it
claims that Digger, schedulers or make sure that the changes
have been using to understand especially for extremely
Project name: Demolition and removal and the
establishment of Alkut Olympic stadium capacity of 20,000
spectators on a total area of 73000 square meters.
Implementation of spectators filled the two types:
Spectators terraced capacity of 13200 Spectators.
Cabin Terraced capacity of 6785 spectators.
Completion of yard football field covered with natural grass
and the establishment ran track covered with AL tartan.
Manufactured and erection of steel structure carry of the
cover of spectators terraced and cabin.
Suppling and erection transformer of electricity with
capacity of 1250 kva and electrical generator with capacity
of 1259 kva.
build up two services buildings:
Outside of field boundaries contain station for pumping
and storage for drink water and also for purpose of
irrigation and firefighting, this building contain security
room and reception.
The second building contain Locker rooms, Warm-up
halls, sports hall and its parts,Mosque, sound control
rooms, press rooms, kitchen, Cafeteria, etc..
Suppling and installation Electronic screen (6*4 square
meters) 2 screens.
Executing parking for 2 and 4 wheels (5 parks).
Suppling and installation lighting columns in different types.
Construct entrance gates (2) to enter the field and another (2)
main gates and a grid of roads inside the boundaries of the
Constructing pipeline grid for different purpose.

Figure 3.1:Alkut stadium

4. Result Analysis
4.1. Additional periods
1) It has been granted an additional period of 135 days.
2) It has been granted an additional period of 10 days.
3) It has been granted an additional period of 120 days.
4.2. Additional works
It has been added to work under an order parts no.1 with
amount 1,668,025,000 in 12\3\2012. It has been added to
work under an order parts no.2 with amount 18,378,729,000
IQD in 1\6\2014 it ordered the parts were sent to the Cabinet
by the Ministry of Federal Planning in 30\6\2014 and It is
not approved until now. The condition of the construction
until 15/3/2015 is according the plan submitted by the
contractor who executing the project and ratified by the
ministry of youth and sports (client) that the work should be
completed at 22/11/2013 but the actual percent of done work
is 63.5% in 15/3/2015 so the deviation in the plan is 36.5%
until the 15/3/2015.
4.3. The problems and obstacles
The project faced a number of the problems and obstacles
during the beginning of its implementation has affected
relatively fast delivery required to implement business These
are the most important problems that have caused delays
1) change the design of the foundation from raft foundation
to deep foundation (piles) Based on soil investigations
report that stipulated the actual bearing capacity of the
soil is not (10 kg/cm) but it is (4.5 kg/cm) that be taken
in the primary design.
2) A weakness in the integration of the integrated design
vision of the project Which impact on the integration of
technical and architectural specifications for certain
paragraphs of the project An example of such an
agreement with the province of Waist to connect the
discharge of heavy water network with the carrier to be
implemented by the province of Waist line and passing

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: 6061607


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
next to the project site as well as with rain water draining
note that the stadium project was built on the basis of the
existence of drainage networks design but in fact the lack
of such networks near the stadium addition to the error
by adopting the design discharge of sewage and rain
water draining one network as opposed to instructions of
the Ministry of Health, Environment and Water
3) The absence of the designed because of the end of the
decade, including the Ministry of Youth and Sports,
which has affected negatively on the technical solution to
the problems facing the design and work through the
stages of implementation.
4) Not resolve the issue of the iron structure that holds
terrace the stadium cover and make change in the initial
design and make new design has more strength than old
5) Canceled some of main activates to decrease the cost of

Figure 4.4:Resource cost summery report

Figure 4.5:Resource remaining work report

Figure 4.1: Stadium project analysis

Figure 4.2:Task cost overview

Figure 4.6:Cash clown

Figure 4.3:Resource work availability report

Figure 4.7: Cost overview

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: 6061607


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 4.8: Budget cost report

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Figure 4.9: Work overview

5. Conclusion
The aim of this analysis was to analyze the factors that
influence the success of construction coming up with of
Alkut Olympic sports stadium and delay analysis case study.
Overview technology coming up with the last complete
challenges related to manufacturing and even to understand
the method of construction was adopted from the East.
Before you install with Preconstruction well planning and
procarance special constructions immediately before the
commencement of part to progress with coming to be very
useful. SRM helped come up with throughout the
preconstruction that major problem preconstruction stage a
project team was formed and the project completion was
maintained the same team. Most were very committed top
management of the contractor and method targeted in
coming up with. Coaching for project personnel is coming
alongside the law their full support was given to increase.
Engineers were trained to become the Manager and who's
coming with that it is supported by the entire project team is
able to achieve success can be a way to educate.

[1] Wail Menesi, University of Waterloo, 2007 - 113 pages,
Construction Delay Analysis Under Multiple Baseline
[2] Qais Kadhim Jahanger (2013),"Important Causes of
Delay in Construction Projects in Baghdad City" in
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(4):
14-23, 2013 ISSN 1991-8178

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: 6061607


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