Man AHL Analysis Backtesting ENG 20152728

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Campbell R. Harvey
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 USA
National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Yan Liu
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 USA

Current version: July 28, 2015

When evaluating a trading strategy, it is routine to discount the Sharpe ratio
from a historical backtest. The reason is simple: there is inevitable data mining by both the researcher and by other researchers in the past. Our paper
provides a statistical framework that systematically accounts for these multiple
tests. We propose a method to determine the appropriate haircut for any given
reported Sharpe ratio. We also provide a profit hurdle that any strategy needs
to achieve in order to be deemed significant.

Keywords: Sharpe ratio, Multiple tests, Backtest, Haircut, Data mining,

Overfitting, Data snooping, VaR, Value at Risk, Out-of-sample tests, Trading strategies, Minimum profit hurdle.

First posted to SSRN, October 25, 2013. Send correspondence to: Campbell R. Harvey,
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708. Phone: +1 919.660.7768, E-mail:
[email protected] . We appreciate the comments of Scott Linn, Marcos Lopez de Prado, Bernhard Scherer, Christian Walder, Nico Weinert and the seminar participants at the Inquire Europe
UK, Man-AHL, APG, CPPIB, RA, as well as Wharton Jacobs-Levy, CQA, and SQA.


A common practice in evaluating backtests of trading strategies is to discount the

reported Sharpe ratios by 50%. There are good economic and statistical reasons for
reducing the Sharpe ratios. The discount is a result of data mining. This mining may
manifest itself by academic researchers searching for asset pricing factors to explain
the behavior of equity returns or by researchers at firms that specialize in quantitative
equity strategies trying to develop profitable systematic strategies.
The 50% haircut is only a rule of thumb. The goal of our paper is to develop an
analytical way to determine the magnitude of the haircut.
Our framework relies on the statistical concept of multiple testing. Suppose you
have some new data, Y, and you propose that variable X explains Y. Your statistical
analysis finds a significant relation between Y and X with a t-ratio of 2.0 which
has a probability value of 0.05. We refer to this as a single test. Now consider the
same researcher trying to explain Y with variables X1 , X2 , . . . , X100 . In this case, you
cannot use the same criteria for significance. You expect by chance that some of these
variables will produce t-ratios of 2.0 or higher. What is an appropriate cut-off for
statistical significance?
In Harvey and Liu (HL, 2015), we present three approaches to multiple testing.
We answer the question in the above example. The t-ratio is generally higher as the
number of tests (or X variables) increases.
Consider a summary of our method. Any given strategy produces a Sharpe ratio.
We transform the Sharpe ratio into a t-ratio. Suppose that t-ratio is 3.0. While a tratio of 3.0 is highly significant in a single test, it may not be if we take multiple tests
into account. We proceed to calculate a p-value that appropriately reflects multiple
testing. To do this, we need to make an assumption on the number of previous tests.
For example, Harvey, Liu and Zhu (HLZ, 2015) document that at least 316 factors
have been tested in the quest to explain the cross-sectional patterns in equity returns.
Suppose the adjusted p-value is 0.05. We then calculate an adjusted t-ratio which,
in this case, is 2.0. With this new t-ratio, we determine a new Sharpe ratio. The
percentage difference between the original Sharpe ratio and the new Sharpe ratio is
the haircut.
The haircut Sharpe ratio that obtains as a result of multiple testing has the
following interpretation. It is the Sharpe ratio that would have resulted from a single
test, that is, a single measured correlation of Y and X.
We argue that it is a serious mistake to use the rule of thumb 50% haircut. Our
results show that the multiple testing haircut is nonlinear. The highest Sharpe ratios
are only moderately penalized while the marginal Sharpe ratios are heavily penalized.

This makes economic sense. The marginal Sharpe ratio strategies should be thrown
out. The strategies with very high Sharpe ratios are probably true discoveries. In
these cases, a 50% haircut is too punitive.
Our method does have a number of caveats some of which apply to any use
of the Sharpe ratio. First, high observed Sharpe ratios could be the results of nonnormal returns, for instance an option-like strategy with high ex ante negative skew.
In this case, Sharpe ratios need to be viewed in the context of the skew. Dealing
with these non-normalities is the subject of future research. Second, Sharpe ratios do
not necessarily control for risk. That is, the volatility of the strategy may not reflect
the true risk. Importantly, our method also applies to Information ratios which use
residuals from factor models. Third, it is necessary in the multiple testing framework
to take a stand on what qualifies as the appropriate significance level, e.g., is it
0.10 or 0.05? Fourth, a choice needs to made on the multiple testing method. We
present results for three methods as well as the average of the methods. Finally, some
judgment is needed specifying the number of tests.
Given choices (3)-(5), it is important to determine the robustness of the haircuts
to changes in these inputs. We provide a program at:
that allows the user to vary the key parameters to investigate the impact on the
haircuts. We also provide a program that determines the minimal level of profitability
for a trading strategy to be considered significant.


Single Tests and Sharpe Ratios

Let rt denote the realized return for an investment strategy between time t 1 and t.
The investment strategy involves zero initial investment so that rt measures the net
gain/loss. Such a strategy can be a long-short strategy, i.e., rt = RtL RtS where RtL
and RtS are the gross investment returns for the long and short position, respectively.
It can also be a traditional stock and bond strategy for which investors borrow and
invest in a risky equity portfolio.
To evaluate whether an investment strategy can generate true profits and maintain those profits in the future, we form a statistical test to see if the expected excess
returns are different from zero. Since investors can always switch their positions in the
long-short strategy, we focus on a two-sided alternative hypothesis. In other words,
in so far as the long-short strategy can generate a mean return that is significantly
different from zero (either positive or negative), we think of it as a profitable strategy.
To test this hypothesis, we first construct key sample statistics. Given a sample of

historical returns (r1 , r2 , . . . , rT ), let

denote the mean and
the standard deviation.
A t-statistic is constructed to test the null hypothesis that the average return is zero:
t-ratio =

/ T


Under the assumption that returns are i.i.d. normal,1 the t-statistic follows a tdistribution with T 1 degrees of freedom under the null hypothesis. We can follow
standard hypothesis testing procedures to assess the statistical significance of the
investment strategy.
The Sharpe ratio one of the most commonly used summary statistics in finance
is linked to the t-statistic in a simple manner. Given
, the Sharpe ratio
(SR) is defined as

c =

which, based on Equation (1), is simply t-ratio/ T .2 Therefore, for a fixed T , a higher
Sharpe ratio implies a higher t-statistic, which in turn implies a higher significance
level (lower p-value) for the investment strategy. This equivalence between the Sharpe
ratio and the t-statistic, among many other reasons, justifies the use of Sharpe ratio
as an appropriate measure of the attractiveness of an investment strategy under our


Sharpe Ratio Adjustment under Multiple Tests

Despite its widespread use, the Sharpe ratio for a particular investment strategy can
be misleading.3 This is due to the extensive data mining by the finance profession.
Since academics, financial practitioners and individual investors all have a keen interest in finding lucrative investment strategies from the limited historical data, it is
not surprising for them to discover a few strategies that appear to be very profitable. This data mining issue is well recognized by both the finance and the science
literature. In finance, many well-established empirical abnormalities (e.g, certain
technical trading rules, calendar effects, etc.) are overturned once data mining biases
are taken into account.4 Profits from trading strategies that use cross-sectional eq1

Without the normality assumption, the t-statistic becomes asymptotically normally distributed
based on the Central Limit Theorem.
Lower frequency Sharpe ratios can be calculated straightforwardly assuming higher frequency
returns are independent. For instance, if
and volatility of monthly returns,
the mean
respectively, then the annual Sharpe ratio equals 12
/ 12
= 12
It can also be misleading if returns are not i.i.d. (for example, non-normality and/or autocorrelation) or if the volatility does not reflect the risk.
See Sullivan, Timmermann and White (1999, 2001) and White (2000).

uity characteristics involve substantial statistical biases.5 The return predictability

of many previously documented variables is shown to be spurious once appropriate
statistical tests are performed.6 In medical research, it is well-known that discoveries
tend to be exaggerated.7 This phenomenon is termed the winners curse in medical
science: the scientist who makes the discovery in a small study is cursed by finding
an inflated effect.
Given the widespread use of the Sharpe ratio, we provide a probability based
multiple testing framework to adjust the conventional ratio for data mining. To
illustrate the basic idea, we give a simple example in which all tests are assumed
to be independent. This example is closely related to the literature on data mining
biases. However, we are able to generalize important quantities in this example using
a multiple testing framework. This generalization is key to our approach as it allows
us to study the more realistic case when different strategy returns are correlated.
To begin with, we calculate the p-value for the single test:
pS = P r(|r| > t-ratio)

c T ),
= P r(|r| > SR


where r denotes a random variable that follows a t-distribution with T 1 degrees

of freedom. This p-value might make sense if researchers are strongly motivated by
an economic theory and directly construct empirical proxies to test the implications
of the theory. It does not make sense if researchers have explored hundreds or even
thousands of strategies and only choose to present the most profitable one. In the
latter case, the p-value for the single test may greatly overstate the true statistical
To quantitatively evaluate this overstatement, we assume that researchers have
tried N strategies and choose to present the most profitable (largest Sharpe ratio)
one. Additionally, we assume (for now) that the test statistics for these N strategies
are independent. Under these simplifying assumptions and under the null hypothesis
that none of these strategies can generate non-zero returns, the multiple testing p5

See Leamer (1978), Lo and MacKinlay (1990), Fama (1991), and Schwert (2003). A recent
paper by McLean and Pontiff (2015) shows a significant degradation of performance of identified
anomalies after publication.
See Welch and Goyal (2004).
See Button et al. (2013).

value, pM , for observing a maximal t-statistic that is at least as large as the observed
t-ratio is
pM = P r(max{|ri |, i = 1, . . . , N } > t-ratio)
= 1
P r(|ri | t-ratio)

= 1 (1 pS )N .


When N = 1 (single test) and pS = 0.05, pM = 0.05, so there is no multiple

testing adjustment. If N = 10 and we observe a strategy with pS = 0.05, pM = 0.401,
implying a probability of about 40% in finding an investment strategy that generates
a t-statistic that is at least as large as the observed t-ratio, much larger than the 5%
probability for single test. Multiple testing greatly reduces the statistical significance
of single test. Hence, pM is the adjusted p-value after data mining is taken into
account. It reflects the likelihood of finding a strategy that is at least as profitable as
the observed strategy after searching through N individual strategies.
By equating the p-value of a single test to pM , we obtain the defining equation
for the multiple testing adjusted (haircut) Sharpe ratio HSR:
pM = P r(|r| > HSR

T ).


c For instance, assum[ will be smaller than SR.

Since pM is larger than pS , HSR
ing there are twenty years of monthly returns (T = 240), an annual Sharpe ratio
of 0.75 yields a p-value of 0.0008 for a single test. When N = 200, pM = 0.15,
implying an adjusted annual Sharpe ratio of 0.32 through Equation (5). Hence, multiple testing with 200 tests reduces the original Sharpe ratio by approximately 60%
This simple example illustrates the gist of our approach. When there is multiple
testing, the usual p-value pS for single test no longer reflects the statistical significance
of the strategy. The multiple testing adjusted p-value pM , on the other hand, is the
more appropriate measure. When the test statistics are dependent, however, the
approach in the example is no longer applicable as pM generally depends on the joint
distribution of the N test statistics. For this more realistic case, we build on the
work of HLZ to provide a multiple testing framework to find the appropriate p-value

Multiple Testing Framework

When more than one hypothesis is tested, false rejections of the null hypotheses
are more likely to occur, i.e., we incorrectly discover a profitable trading strategy.
Multiple testing methods are designed to limit such occurrences. Multiple testing
methods can be broadly divided into two categories: one controls the family-wise
error rate and the other controls the false-discovery rate.8 Following HLZ, we present
three multiple testing procedures.


Type I Error

We first introduce two definitions of Type I error in a multiple testing framework.

Assume that M hypotheses are tested and their p-values are (p1 , p2 , . . . , pM ). Among
these M hypotheses, R are rejected. These R rejected hypotheses correspond to R
discoveries, including both true discoveries and false discoveries (remember the null
hypothesis is no skill). Let Nr denote the total number of false discoveries (also
known as false positive), i.e., strategies incorrectly classified as profitable. Then
the family-wise error rate (FWER) calculates the probability of making at least one
false discovery:
FWER = P r(Nr 1).
Instead of studying the total number of false rejections, i.e., profitable strategies that
turn out to be unprofitable, an alternative definition the false discovery rate
focuses on the proportion of false rejections. Let the false discovery proportion (FDP)
be the proportion of false rejections (measured related to total number of rejections,

r if R > 0,

0 if R = 0.
Then the false discovery rate (FDR) is defined as:
FDR = E[F DP ].
Both FWER and FDR are generalizations of the Type I error probability in a single
test. Comparing the two definitions, procedures that control FDR allow the number
of false discoveries to grow proportionally with the total number of tests and are thus

For the literature on the family-wise error rate, see Holm (1979), Hochberg (1988) and Hommel
(1988). For the literature on the false-discovery rate, see Benjamini and Hochberg (1995), Benjamini
and Liu (1999), Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001), Storey (2003) and Sarkar and Guo (2009).

more lenient than procedures that control FWER. Essentially, FWER is designed to
prevent even one error. FDR controls the error rate.9


P-value Adjustment under FWER

We order the p-values in ascending orders, i.e., p(1) p(2) . . . p(M ) and let the
associated null hypotheses be H(1) , H(2) , . . . , H(M ) .
Bonferroni s method adjusts each p-value equally. It inflates the original p-value
by the number of tests M :10
Bonferroni :

= min[M p(i) , 1], i = 1, . . . , M.

For example, if we observe M = 10 strategies and one of them has a p-value of

0.05, Bonferroni would say the more appropriate p-value is M p = 0.50 and hence
the strategy is not significant at 5%. For a more concrete example that we will use
throughout this section, suppose we observe M = 6 strategies and the ordered pvalue sequence is (0.005, 0.009, 0.0128, 0.0135, 0.045, 0.06). Five strategies would be
deemed significant under single tests. Bonferroni suggests that the adjusted p-value
sequence is (0.03, 0.054, 0.0768, 0.081, 0.270, 0.36). Therefore, only the first strategy
is significant under Bonferroni.
Holms method relies on the sequence of p-values and adjusts each p-value by:11
Holm :

= min[max{(M j + 1)p(j) }, 1], i = 1, . . . , M.

Starting from the smallest p-value, Holms method allows us to sequentially build
up the adjusted p-value sequence. Using the previous example, the Holm adjusted
p-value for the first strategy is pHolm
= 6p(1) = 0.03, which is identical to the level
prescribed by Bonferroni. Under 5% significance, this strategy is significant. The
second strategy yields pHolm
= max[6p(1) , 5p(2) ] = 5p(2) = 0.045, which is smaller
than the Bonferroni implied p-value. Given a cutoff of 5% and different from what
Bonferroni concludes, this strategy is significant. Similarly, the next four adjusted
p-values are calculated as pHolm
= max[6p(1) , 5p(2) , 4p(3) ] = 4p(3) = 0.0512, pHolm
max[6p(1) , 5p(2) , 4p(3) , 3p(4) ] = 4p(3) = 0.0512, p(5) = max[6p(1) , 5p(2) , 4p(3) , 3p(4) , 2p(5) ] =

For more details on FWER and FDR, see HLZ.

For the statistics literature on Bonferronis method, see Schweder and Spjotvoll (1982) and
Hochberg and Benjamini (1990). For the applications of Bonferronis method in finance, see Shanken
(1990), Ferson and Harvey (1999), Boudoukh et al. (2007) and Patton and Timmermann (2010).
For the literature on Holms procedure and its extensions, see Holm (1979) and Hochberg
(1988). Holland, Basu and Sun (2010) emphasize the importance of Holms method in accounting

= max[6p(1) , 5p(2) , 4p(3) , 3p(4) , 2p(5) , p(6) ] = 2p(5) = 0.09, making

2p(5) = 0.09, pHolm
none significant at 5% level. Therefore, the first two strategies are found to be significant under Holm.
Comparing the multiple testing adjusted p-values to a given significance level, we
can make a statistical inference for each of these hypotheses. If we made the mistake
of assuming single tests, and given a 5% significance level, we would discover four
factors. In multiple testing, both Bonferronis and Holms adjustment guarantee that
the family-wise error rate (FWER) in making such inferences does not exceed the
pre-specified significance level. Comparing these two adjustments, pHolm
for any i.12 Therefore, Bonferronis method is tougher because it inflates the original
p-values more than Holms method. Consequently, the adjusted Sharpe ratios under
Bonferroni will be smaller than those under Holm. Importantly, both of these procedures are designed to eliminate all false discoveries no matter how many tests for
a given significance level. While this type of approach seems appropriate for a space
mission (catastrophic consequence of a part failing), asset managers may be willing
to accept the fact that the number of false discoveries will increase with the number
of tests.


P-value Adjustment under FDR

Benjamini, Hochberg and Yekutieli (BHY )s procedure defines the adjusted p-values



p(M )

if i = M,

M c(M )
p(i) ] if i M 1,
(i+1) ,

where c(M ) = M
j=1 j . In contrast to Holms method, BHY starts from the largest pvalue and defines the adjusted p-value sequence through pairwise comparisons. Again
P6 1the previous example, we first calculate the normalizing constant as c(M ) =
j=1 j = 2.45. To assess the significance of the four strategies, we start from the
least significant one. BHY sets pBHY
at 0.06, the same as the original value of p(6) .
For the fifth strategy, BHY yields p(5) = min[pBHY
p(5) ] = pBHY
= 0.06. For
(6) ,
BHY 62.45
the fourth strategy, BHY yields p(4) = min[p(5) , 4 p(4) ] = 4 p(4) = 0.0496.
Similarly, the first three adjusted p-values are sequentially calculated as pBHY
BHY 62.45
BHY 62.45
min[p(4) , 3 p(3) ] = p(4) = 0.0496, p(2) = min[p(3) , 2 p(2) ] = p(3) =

See Holm (1979) for the proof.

For the statistical literature on BHYs method, see Benjamini and Hochberg (1995), Benjamini
and Yekutieli (2001), Sarkar (2002) and Storey (2003). For the applications of methods that control
the false discovery rate in finance, see Barras, Scaillet and Wermers (2010), Bajgrowicz and Scaillet
(2012) and Kosowski, Timmermann, White and Wermers (2006).

= min[pBHY
= 0.0496. Therefore, the BHY
0.0496 and pBHY
p(1) ] = pBHY
(2) ,
adjusted p-value sequence is (0.0496, 0.0496, 0.0496, 0.0496, 0.06, 0.06), making the
first four strategies significant at 5% level. Based on our example, BHY leads to two
more discoveries compared to Holm and Holm leads to one more discovery compared
to Bonferroni.

Hypothesis tests based on the adjusted p-values guarantee that the false discovery
rate (FDR) does not exceed the pre-specified significance level. The constant c(M )
controls the generality of the test. In the original work by Benjamini and Hochberg
(1995), c(M ) is set equal to one and the test works when p-values are independent or
positively dependent.
P We1adopt the choice in Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001) by setting c(M ) equal to M
j=1 j . This allows our test to work under arbitrary dependency
for the test statistics.
The three multiple testing procedures provide adjusted p-values that control for
data mining. Based on these p-values, we transform the corresponding t-ratios into
Sharpe ratios. In essence, our Sharpe ratio adjustment method aims to answer the
following question: if the multiple testing adjusted p-value reflects the genuine statistical significance for an investment strategy, what is the equivalent single test Sharpe
ratio that one should assign to such a strategy as if there were no data mining?
For both Holm and BHY, we need the empirical distribution of p-values for strategies that have been tried so far. We use the structural model estimate from HLZ.
The model is based on the performance data for more than 300 risk factors that have
been documented by the academic literature. However, a direct multiple testing adjustment based on these data is problematic for two reasons. First, we do not observe
all the strategies that have been tried. Indeed, thousands more could have been tried
and ignoring these would materially affect our results on the haircut Sharpe ratio.
Second, strategy returns are correlated. Correlation affects multiple testing in that
it effectively reduces the number of independent tests. Taking these two concerns
into account, HLZ propose a new method to estimate the underlying distribution for
factor returns. We use this distribution to make Sharpe ratio adjustment for a new


Multiple Testing and Cross-Validation

Recent important papers by Lopez de Prado and his coauthors also consider the ex
post data mining issue for standard backtests.14 Due to data mining, they show
theoretically that only seven trials are needed to obtain a spurious two-year long
backtest that has an in-sample realized Sharpe ratio over 1.0 while the expected
out of sample Sharpe ratio is zero. The phenomenon is analogous to the regression
overfitting problem when models found to be superior in in-sample test often perform

See Bailey et al. (2014, 2015) and Lopez de Prado (2013).

poorly out-of-sample and is thus termed backtest overfitting. To quantify the degreee
of backtest overfitting, they propose the calculation of the probability of backtest
overfitting (PBO) that measures the relative performance of a particular backtest
among a basket of strategies using cross-validation techniques.
Their research shares a common theme with our study. We both attempt to
evaluate the performance of an investment strategy in relation to other available
strategies. Their method computes the chance for a particular strategy to outperform
the median of the pool of alternative strategies. In contrast, our work adjusts the
statistical significance for each individual strategy so that the overall proportion of
spurious strategies is controlled.
Despite these similar themes, our research is different in many ways. First, the
objectives of analyses are different. Our research focuses on identifying the group of
strategies that generate non-zero returns while Lopez de Prado evaluates the relative
performance of a certain strategy that is fit in-sample. For example, consider a
case when where there are a group of factors that are all true. The one with the
smallest t-ratio, although dominated by other factors in terms of t-ratios, may still
be declared significant in our multiple testing framework. In contrast, it will rarely
be considered in the PBO framework as it is dominated by other more significant
strategies. Second, our method is based on a single test statistic that summarizes a
strategys performance over the entire sample whereas their method divides and joins
the entire sample in numerous ways, each way corresponding to an artificial holdout periods. Our method is therefore more in line with the statistics literature
on multiple testing while their work is more related to out-of-sample testing and
cross-validation. Third, the extended statistical framework in Harvey and Liu (2015)
needs only test statistics. In contrast, their work relies heavily on the time-series
of each individual strategy. While data intensive, in the Lopez de Prado approach,
it is not necessary to make assumptions regarding the data generating process for
returns. As such, their approach is closer to the machine learning literature and ours
is closer to the econometrics literature. Finally, the PBO method assesses whether
a strategy selection process is prone to overfitting. It is not linked to any particular
performance statistics. We primarily focus on Sharpe ratios as they are directly
linked to t-statistics and thus p-values, which are the required inputs for multiple
testing adjustment. Our framework can be easily generalized to incorporate other
performance statistics as long as they also have probabilistic interpretations.


In-Sample Multiple Testing vs. Out-of-Sample Validation

Our multiple testing adjustment is based on in-sample (IS) backtests. In practice,

out-of-sample (OOS) tests are routinely used to select among many strategies.


Despite its popularity, OOS testing has several limitations. First, an OOS test
may not be truly out-of-sample. A researcher tries a strategy. After running an
OOS test, she finds that the strategy fails. She then revises the strategy and tries
again, hoping it would work this time. This trial and error approach is not truly
OOS, but it is hard for outsiders to tell. Second, an OOS test, like any other test
in statistics, only works in a probabilistic sense. In other words, a success for an
OOS test can be due to luck for both the in-sample selection and the out-of-sample
testing. Third, given the researcher has experienced the data, there is no true OOS
that uses historical data.15 This is especially the case when the trading strategy
involves economic variables. No matter how you construct the OOS test, it is not
truly OOS because you know what happened in the economy.
Another important issue with the OOS method, which our multiple testing procedure can potentially help solve, is the tradeoff between Type I (false discoveries)
and Type II (missed discoveries) errors due to data splitting.16 In holding some data
out, researchers increase the chance of missing true discoveries for the shortened insample data. For instance, suppose we have 1,000 observations. Splitting the sample
in half and estimating 100 different strategies in-sample, i.e., based on 500 observations, suppose we identify 10 strategies that look promising (in-sample tests). We
then take these 10 strategies to the OOS tests and find that two strategies work.
Note that, in this process, we might have missed, say, three strategies after the first
step IS tests due to bad luck in the short IS period. These true discoveries are lost
because they never get to the second step OOS tests.
Instead of the 50-50 split, now suppose we use a 90-10 data split. Suppose we
identify 15 promising strategies. Among the strategies are two of the three true
discoveries that we missed when we had a shorter in-sample period. While this is
good, unfortunately, we have only 100 observations held out for the OOS exercise
and it will be difficult to separate the good from the bad. At its core, the OOS
exercise faces a tradeoff between in-sample and out-of-sample testing power. While a
longer in-sample period leads to a more powerful test and this reduces the chance of
committing a Type II error (i.e., missing true discoveries), the shorter out-of-sample
period provides too little information to truly discriminate among the factors that
are found significant in-sample.
So how does our research fit? First, one should be very cautious of OOS tests
because it is hard to construct a true OOS test. The alternative is to apply our
multiple testing framework to the full data to identify the true discoveries. This
involves making a more stringent cutoff for test statistics.
Another, and in our opinion, more promising framework, is to merge the two
methods. Ideally, we want the strategies to pass both the OOS test on split data
and the multiple test on the entire data. The problem is how to deal with the true
discoveries that are missed if the in-sample data is too short. As a tentative solution,

See L
opez de Prado (2013) for a similar argument.
See Hansen and Timmermann (2012) for a discussion on sample splitting for univariate tests.


we can first run the IS tests with a lenient cutoff (e.g., p-value = 0.2) and use the
OOS tests to see which strategy survives. At the same time, we can run multiple
testing for the full data. We then combine the IS/OOS test and the multiple tests
by looking at the intersection of survivors. We leave the details of this approach to
future research.


To show how to adjust Sharpe ratios for multiple testing, we first use an example to
illustrate how Bonferronis adjustment works under the assumption that test statistics
are independent. We next relax the independence assumption and use the model in
HLZ to adjust the Sharpe ratio for a new strategy. One salient feature of the model
in HLZ is that it allows dependency in test statistics. We show in the appendix on
how to apply the framework in HLZ to Sharpe ratio adjustment.


Three Strategies

To illustrate how the Sharpe ratio adjustment works, we begin with three investment
strategies that have appeared in the literature. All of these strategies are zero cost
hedge portfolios that simultaneously take long and short positions of the cross-section
of the U.S. equities. The strategies are: the earnings-to-price ratio (E/P), momentum
(MOM) and the betting-against-beta factor (BAB, Frazzini and Pedersen (2013)).
These strategies cover three distinct types of investment styles (i.e., value (E/P), trend
following (MOM) and potential distortions induced by leverage (BAB)) and generate
a range of Sharpe ratios.17 None of these strategies reflect transaction costs and
as such the Sharpe ratios (and t-statistics) are overstated and should be considered
before costs Sharpe ratios.
Two important ingredients to the Sharpe ratio adjustment are the initial values of
the Sharpe ratios and the number of trials. To highlight the impact of these two inputs, we focus on the simplest independent case as in Section 2. With independence,
the multiple testing p-value pM and the single test p-value pS are linked through
Equation (4). When pS is small, this relation is approximately the same as in Bon17

For E/P , we construct an investment strategy that takes a long position in the top decile
(highest E/P ) and a short position in the bottom decile (lowest E/P ) of the cross-section of E/P
sorted portfolios. For M OM , we construct an investment strategy that takes a long position in the
top decile (past winners) and a short position in the bottom decile (past losers) of the cross-section
of portfolios sorted by past returns. Both the data for E/P and M OM are obtained from Ken
Frenchs on-line data library for the period from July 1963 to December 2012. For BAB, return
statistics are extracted from Table IV of Frazzini and Pedersen (2013).


ferronis adjustment. Hence, the multiple testing adjustment we use for this example
can be thought of as a special case of Bonferronis adjustment.
Table 1: Multiple Testing Adjustment for Three Investment Strategies
Summary statistics for three investment strategies: E/P , M OM and BAB (betting-against-beta,
Frazzini and Pedersen (2013)). Mean and Std. report the monthly mean and standard deviation
c reports the annualized Sharpe ratio; t-stat reports the t-statistic
of returns, respectively; SR
c T /12); pS
for the single hypothesis test that the mean strategy return is zero (t-stat = SR
\ reports the Bonferroni
and pM report the p-value for single and multiple test, respectively; HSR
c reports the percentage haircut for the adjusted Sharpe ratio (hc
c = (SR
adjusted Sharpe ratio; hc












2.88 103
3.20 106
6.29 1013

2.85 102
3.20 105
6.29 1012






2.88 103
3.20 106
6.29 1013

1.35 101
1.60 105
3.14 1011






2.88 103
3.20 106
6.29 1013

2.51 101
1.60 105
6.29 1011



Panel A: N = 10


Panel B: N = 50


Panel C: N = 100


Table 1 shows the summary statistics for these strategies. Among these strategies,
the strategy based on E/P is the least profitable as measured by the Sharpe ratio.
It has an average monthly return of 0.43% and a monthly standard
deviation of

3.47%. The corresponding annual Sharpe ratio is 0.43(= (0.43% 12)/3.47%). The
p-value for single test is 0.003, comfortably exceeding a 5% benchmark. However,
when multiple testing is taken into account and assuming that there are ten trials,
b which captures the
the multiple testing p-value increases to 0.029. The haircut (hc),
percentage change in the Sharpe ratio, is about 27%. When there are more trials, the
haircut is even larger.
Sharpe ratio adjustment depends on the initial value of the Sharpe ratio. Across
the three investment strategies, the Sharpe ratio ranges from 0.43 (E/P ) to 0.78
(BAB). The haircut is not uniform across different initial Sharpe ratio levels. For
instance, when the number of trials is 50, the haircut is almost 50% for the least
profitable E/P strategy but only 7.9% for the most profitable BAB strategy.18 We

Mathematically, this happens because the p-value is very sensitive to the t-statistic when the
t-statistic is large. In our example, when N = 50 and for BAB, the p-value for a t-statistic of 7.29
(single test) is one 50th of the p-value for a t-statistic of 6.64 (multiple testing adjusted t-statistic),
i.e., pM /pS 50.


believe this non-uniform feature of our Sharpe ratio adjustment procedure is economically sensible since it allows us to discount mediocre Sharpe ratios harshly while
keeping the exceptional ones relatively intact.


Sharpe Ratio Adjustment for a New Strategy

Given the population of investment strategies that have been published, we now show
how to adjust the Sharpe ratio of a new investment strategy. Consider a new strategy
c in T periods,19 or, equivalently, the p-value pS .
that generates a Sharpe ratio of SR
Assuming that N other strategies have been tried, we draw N t-statistics from the
model in HLZ. Additional details are described in the Appendix. These N + 1 pvalues are then adjusted using the aforementioned three multiple testing procedures.
In particular, we obtain the adjusted p-value pM for pS . To take the uncertainty in
drawing N t-statistics into account, we repeat the above procedure many times to
generate a sample of pM s. The median of this sample is taken as the final multiple
testing adjusted p-value. This p-value is then transformed back into a Sharpe ratio
the multiple testing adjusted Sharpe ratio. Figure 1 shows the original vs. haircut
Sharpe ratios and Figure 2 shows the corresponding haircut.
First, as previously discussed, the haircuts depend on the levels of the Sharpe
ratios. Across the three types of multiple testing adjustment and different numbers
of tests, the haircut is almost always above and sometimes much larger than 50%
when the annualized Sharpe ratio is under 0.4. On the other hand, when the Sharpe
ratio is greater than 1.0, the haircut is at most 25%. This shows the 50% rule of
thumb discount for the Sharpe ratio is inappropriate: 50% is too lenient for relatively
small Sharpe ratios (< 0.4) and too harsh for large ones (> 1.0). This nonlinear
feature of the Sharpe ratio adjustment makes economic sense. Marginal strategies
are heavily penalized because they are likely false discoveries.
Second, the three adjustment methods imply different magnitudes of haircuts.
Given the theoretical objectives that these methods try to control (i.e., family-wise
error rate (FWER) vs. false discovery rate (FDR)), we should divide the three
adjustments into two groups: Bonferroni and Holm as one group and BHY as the
other group. Comparing Bonferroni and Holms method, we see that Holms method
implies a smaller haircut than Bonferronis method. This is consistent with our
previous discussion on Holms adjustment being less aggressive than Bonferronis
adjustment. However, the difference is relatively small (compared to the difference
between Bonferroni and BHY), especially when the number of tests is large. The
haircuts under BHY, on the other hand, are usually a lot smaller than those under
Bonferroni and Holm when the Sharpe ratio is small (< 0.4). For large Sharpe ratios

c is an annualized Sharpe ratio, t-stat = SR

Assuming T is in months, if SR

c T.
a monthly Sharpe ratio, t-stat = SR


c is
T /12; if SR

(> 1.0), however, the haircuts under BHY are consistent with those under Bonferroni
and Holm.
In the end, we would advocate the BHY method. The FWER seems appropriate
for applications where there is a severe consequence of a false discovery. In financial
applications, it seems reasonable to control for the rate of false discoveries rather than
the absolute number.


Haircut Sharpe Ratio


Haircut Sharpe Ratio


Haircut Sharpe Ratio

Figure 1: Original vs. Haircut Sharpe Ratios



Number of tests = 10
No adjustment

50% adjustment








Original Sharpe Ratio (annualized)


Number of tests = 50




Number of tests = 100



Figure 2: Haircuts


Number of tests = 10

50% adjustment








Original Sharpe Ratio (annualized)



Number of tests = 50




Number of tests = 100





Minimum Profitability for Proposed Trading Strategies

There is another way to pose the problem. Given an agreed upon level of significance,
such as 0.05, what is the minimum average monthly return that a proposed strategy
needs to exceed? Our framework is ideally suited to answer this question.
The answer to the question depends on a number of inputs. We need to measure
the volatility of the strategy. The number of observations is also a critical input.20
Finally, we need to take a stand on the number of tests that have been conducted.
Table 2 presents an example. Here we consider four different sample sizes: 120,
240, 480 and 1,000 and three different levels of annualized volatility: 5%, 10% and
15%. We then assume the total number of tests is 300. To generate the table, we
first find the threshold t-ratios based on the multiple testing adjustment methods
provided in the previous section and then transform these t-ratios into mean returns
based on the formula in Equation (1).
Table 2 shows the large differences between the return hurdles for single testing
and multiple testing. For example, in Panel B (240 observations) and 10% volatility,
the minimum required average monthly return for a single test is 0.365% per month
or 4.4% annually. However, for BHY, the return hurdle is much higher, 0.616% per
month or 7.4% on an annual basis. Appendix A.2 details the program that we use
to generate these return hurdles and provides an Internet address to download the


There are many considerations involved in the evaluation of a trading strategy. The
set of criteria may include the strategys economic foundation, Sharpe ratio, level
of significance, drawdown, consistency, diversification, recent performance, etc. We
provide a real time evaluation method for determining the significance of a candidate
trading strategy. Our method explicitly takes into account that hundreds if not
thousands of strategies have been proposed and tested in the past. Given these
multiple tests, inference needs to be recalibrated.
Our method follows the following steps. First, we transform the Sharpe ratio
into a t-ratio and determine its probability value, e.g., 0.05. Second, we determine
what the appropriate p-value should be explicitly recognizing the multiple tests that
preceded the discovery of this particular investment strategy. Third, based on this
new p-value, we transform the corresponding t-ratio back to a Sharpe ratio. The
new measure which we call the haircut Sharpe ratio takes multiple testing or data

The number of observations is also central to converting a Sharpe ratio to a t-statistic.


mining into a account. Our method is readily applied to other popular risk metrics,
like Value at Risk (VaR).21
Our method is ideally suited to determine minimum profitability hurdles for proposed strategies. We provide open access code where the inputs are the desired level
of significance, the number of observations, the strategy volatility as well as the assumed number of tests. The output is the minimum average monthly return that the
proposed strategy needs to exceed.
There are many caveats to our method. We do not observe the entire history of
tests and, as such, we need to use judgement on an important input the number of
tests for our method. In addition, we use Sharpe ratios as our starting point. Our
method is not applicable insofar as the Sharpe ratio is not the appropriate measure
(e.g., non-linearities in the trading strategy or the variance not being a complete
measure of risk).
Of course, true out-of-sample test of a particular strategy (not a holdout sample
of historical data) is a cleaner way to evaluate the viability of a strategy. For some
strategies, models can be tested on new (previously unpublished) data or even on
different (uncorrelated) markets. However, for the majority of trading strategies, true
out of sample tests are not available. Our method allows for decisions to be made, in
real time, on the viability of a proposed strategy.


Let V aR() of a return series to be the -th percentile of the return distribution. Assuming
that returns are approximately normally distributed, it can be shown that V aR is related to Sharpe
ratio by V aR()
= SR z , where z is the z-score for the (1 )-th percentile of a standard normal

distribution and is the standard deviation of the return. Multiple testing adjusted Sharpe ratios
can then be used to adjust VaRs. As with the Sharpe ratio, if non-normalities exist, these features
need to be reflected in the VaR.


Table 2: Minimum Profitability Hurdles

Average monthly return hurdles under single and multiple
tests. At 5% significance, the table shows the minimum
average monthly return for a strategy to be significant at
5% with 300 tests. All numbers are in percentage terms.
See Appendix for the link to the program.

Annualized volatility
= 5%
= 10%
= 15%
Panel A: Observations = 120




Panel B: Observations = 240





Panel C: Observations = 480





Panel D: Observations = 1000






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We make the code and data for our calculations publicly available at:


Haircut Sharpe Ratios

The Matlab function Haircut SR allows the user to specify key parameters to make
Sharpe ratio adjustments and calculate the corresponding haircuts. It has eight inputs
that provide summary statistics for a return series of an investment strategy and the
number of tests that are allowed for. The first input is the sampling frequency for
the return series. Five options (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually) are
available.22 The second input is the number of observations in terms of the sampling
frequency provided in the first step. The third input is the Sharpe ratio of the strategy
returns. It can either be annualized or based on the sampling frequency provided in
the first step; it can also be autocorrelation corrected or not. Subsequently, the fourth
input asks if the Sharpe ratio is annualized and the fifth input asks if the Sharpe ratio
has been corrected for autocorrelation.23 The sixth input asks for the autocorrelation
of the returns if the Sharpe ratio has not been corrected for autocorrelation.24 The
seventh input is the number of tests that are assumed. Lastly, the eighth input is the
assumed average level of correlation among strategy returns.
To give an example of how the program works, suppose that we have an investment strategy that generates an annualized Sharpe ratio of 1.0 over 120 months. The
Sharpe ratio is not autocorrelation corrected and the monthly autocorrelation coefficient is 0.1. We allow for 100 tests in multiple testing and assume the average level
We use number one, two, three, four and five to indicate daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and
annually sampled returns, respectively.
For the fourth input, 1 denotes a Sharpe ratio that is annualized and 0 denotes otherwise.
For the fifth input, 1 denotes a Sharpe ratio that is not autocorrelation corrected and 0 denotes
We follow Lo (2002) to adjust Sharpe ratios for autocorrelation.


of correlation is 0.4 among strategy returns. With this information, the input vector
for the program is

Input vector =

# of obs
Sharpe ratio
SR annualized? (1=Yes)
AC correction needed? (0=Yes)
AC level
# of tests assumed
Average correlation assumed


Passing this input vector to Haircut SR, the function generates a sequence of outputs,
as shown in Figures A.1. The program summarizes the return characteristics by
showing an annualized, autocorrelation corrected Sharpe ratio of 0.912 as well as the
other data provided by the user. The program output includes adjusted p-values,
haircut Sharpe ratios and the haircuts involved for these adjustments under a variety
of adjustment methods. For instance, under BHY, the adjusted annualized Sharpe
ratio is 0.444 and the associated haircut is 51.3%.


Figure A.1: Program Outputs

Frequency = Monthly;
Number of Observations = 120;
Initial Sharpe Ratio = 1.000;
Sharpe Ratio Annualized = Yes;
Autocorrelation = 0.100;
A/C Corrected Annualized Sharpe Ratio = 0.912
Assumed Number of Tests = 100;
Assumed Average Correlation = 0.400.
Bonferroni Adjustment:
Adjusted P-value = 0.465;
Haircut Sharpe Ratio = 0.232;
Percentage Haircut = 74.6%.
Holm Adjustment:
Adjusted P-value = 0.409;
Haircut Sharpe Ratio = 0.262;
Percentage Haircut = 71.3%.
BHY Adjustment:
Adjusted P-value = 0.169;
Haircut Sharpe Ratio = 0.438;
Percentage Haircut = 52.0%.
Average Adjustment:
Adjusted P-value = 0.348;
Haircut Sharpe Ratio = 0.298;
Percentage Haircut = 67.3%.



Profit Hurdles

The Matlab function Profit Hurdle allows the user to calculate the required mean
return for a strategy at a given level of significance. It has five inputs. The first input
is the user specified significance level. The second input is the number of monthly
observations for the strategy. The third input is the annualized return volatility of
the strategy. The fourth input is the number of tests that are assumed. Lastly, the
fifth input is the assumed average level of correlation among strategy returns. The
program does not allow for any autocorrelation in the strategy returns.
To give an example of how the program works, suppose we are interested in the
required return for a strategy that covers 20 years and has an annual volatility of
10%. In addition, we allow for 300 tests and specify the significance level to be 5%.
Finally, we assume that the average correlation among strategy returns is 0.4. With
these specifications, the input vector for the program is

Input vector =

Significance level
# of obs
Annualized return volatility
# of tests assumed
Average correlation assumed


Passing the input vector to Profit Hurdle, the function generates a sequence of
outputs, as shown in Figure A.2. The program summarizes the data provided by
the user. The program output includes return hurdles for a variety of adjustment
methods. For instance, the adjusted return hurdle under BHY is 0.621% per month
and the average multiple testing return hurdle is 0.670% per month.


Figure A.2: Program Outputs

Significance Level = 5.0%;
Number of Observations = 240;
Annualized Return Volatility = 10.0%;
Assumed Number of Tests = 300;
Assumed Average Correlation = 0.400.
Minimum Average Monthly Return:
Independent = 0.365%;
Bonferroni = 0.702%;
Holm = 0.686%;
BHY = 0.621%;
Average for Multiple Tests = 0.670%.


Correlation Adjustment

We use the model estimated in HLZ to provide correlation adjustment when tests are
HLZ study 316 strategies that have been documented by the academic literature.
They propose a structural model to capture the underlying distribution for trading
strategies. Two key features mark their model. First, there is publication bias so not
all tried factors make it to publication. Second, tests may be correlated and this affects
multiple testing adjustment. Taking these two conerns into account, HLZ postulate a
mixture distribution for strategy returns. With probability p0 , a strategy has a mean
return of zero and therefore comes from the null distribution. With probability 1p0 ,
a strategy has a nonzero mean and therefore comes from the alternative distribution.
To capture the heterogeneity in strategy mean returns, HLZ assume that the mean
returns for true strategies are drawn from an exponential distribution with a mean of
. After fixing the mean returns, HLZ assume that the innovations in returns follow
a Normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of = 15%
(heterogeneity in return standard deviations are captured by the heterogeneity in
return means). Importantly, return innovations are correlated in the cross-section
and are captured by the pairwise correlation . At a certain level of correlation ()
between strategy returns and by matching the model implied t-ratio quantiles with
the observed t-ratio quantiles, HLZ estimate the probability (p0 ), the total number
of trials (M ), and (). They show that both p0 and M are increasing as the level of
correlation rises.
We use the model estimates in HLZ to approximate the underlying distribution
for strategy returns. The relevant parameters for our application are , p0 and .
HLZ provide five sets of estimates, corresponding to five levels of correlation (i.e.,
= 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8). Table B.1 shows the model estimates in HLZ.
For our application, at a user specified level of , we use linear interpolation to
generate the parameter estimates for p0 and . For example, if the user specifies
= 0.3, then the parameter estimates for p0 and would be:
p0 (0.3) = 0.5 p0 (0.2) + 0.5 p0 (0.4) = 0.5 0.444 + 0.5 0.485 = 0.465,
(0.3) = 0.5 (0.2) + 0.5 (0.4) = 0.5 0.555 + 0.5 0.554 = 0.555,
where p0 () and () denote the estimate for p0 and when the correlation is set
at , respectively. When is higher than 0.8, we interpolate based on = 0.6 and
= 0.8, that is:
p0 (0.6) +
p0 (0.8),
() =
(0.6) +

p0 () =


Table B.1: Model Parameter Estimates in HLZ

HLZ model estimates. is the correlation coefficient between two strategy returns in the
same period. p0 is the probability of having a strategy that has a mean of zero. is
the mean parameter of the exponential distribution for the monthly means of the true






When is not specified, we use the preferred estimates in HLZ, i.e., = 0.2.
The user specifies the value for . We take the following steps to obtain the
multiple testing adjusted Sharpe ratios:
I. We obtain the estimate for p0 and using the aforementioned linear interpolation.
c of the new strategy that is under
II. The user calculates the Sharpe ratio (SR)
consideration and specifies how many alternative strategies have been tried
(N ).
c N ), we run B (=5,000) sets of
III. With these parameter specifications (, p0 , , SR,
simulations to find the haircut Sharpe ratio. The following steps describe the
steps of the simulations:
a. For each set of simulation, we draw N strategies based on the model in
HLZ that is parameterized by , p0 , and . In particular, with probability
p0 , the strategy mean is drawn as zero; with probability 1p0 , the strategy
mean is drawn from an exponential distribution with mean . The return
innovations are contemporaneously correlated with a correlation coefficient
of and are assumed to be uncorrelated over time. All strategy returns
have a volatility of = 15%.
b. We calculate the p-values for the N simulated return series and use the
three multiple testing adjustment procedures described in the main text
to calculate the adjusted p-value for the new strategy.

c. We take the median p-value across the B sets of simulations as the final
adjusted p-value. Lastly, we convert this p-value into the haircut Sharpe
ratio HSR.
Intuitively, a larger p0 implies more flukes among the strategies and thus a higher
haircut. A larger means that true strategies have higher means and are thus more
significant. As a result, the haircut is smaller. Our model allows one to calculate
exactly what level of haircut is needed for a specification of p0 and .


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