Tutorium steamPowerPlant
Tutorium steamPowerPlant
Tutorium steamPowerPlant
Tutorial 1
Steam Power Plant
BDA 3043 Thermodynamics II
Winardi Sani
Consider a steam power plant operating on the simple ideal Rankine cycle.
Steam enters the turbine at 3 MPa and 350 o C and condensed in the condenser
at a pressure of 75 kPa.
a) Sketch this cycle in p h diagram.
b) Determine the thermal efficiency of this cycle.
c) Compare your result with the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.
Steam is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Saturated vapor enters the
turbine at 8.0 MPa and saturated liquid exists the condenser at a pressure of
0.008 MPa. The power output delivered by the turbine is at 100 MW. Determine:
a) The thermal efficiency
b) The back work ratio (pump work divided by turbine work)
c) The mass flow rate of the steam in kg/hr
d) The rate of heat transfer, Q into the working fluid as it passes through the
e) The mass flow rate of the condenser cooling water in kg/hr if cooling water
enters the condenser at 25 o C and exists at 40 o C.
Reconsider the vapor power cycle of the previous question, but include in the
analysis that the turbine and the pump each have an isentropic efficiency of
85%, and 100 MW is the net power output of the cycle. Determine for the modified cycle:
a) The thermal efficiency
b) The back work ratio (pump work divided by turbine work)
c) The mass flow rate of the steam in kg/hr
d) The rate of heat transfer, Q into the working fluid as it passes through the
e) The mass flow rate of the condenser cooling water in kg/hr if cooling water
enters the condenser at 25 o C and exists at 40 o C.
f) Discuss the effects on the steam power plant of the irreversibilities within the
turbine and pump.
Steam is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle with superheat and reheat.
Steam enters the first-stage turbine at 8.00 MPa, 480 o C and expands to 0.8 MPa.
It is then reheated to 440 o C before entering the second-stage turbine, where it
expands to the condenser pressure of 10 kPa. The net power output is 100 MW.
a) The thermal efficiency of the cycle
Consider a regenerative steam power plant with one open feedwater heater.
Steam enters the turbine at 8.0 MPa, 480 o C and expands to 0.7 MPa, where
some of the steam is extracted and diverted to the open feedwater heater operating at 0.7 MPa.
The remaining steam expands through the second-stage turbine to the condenser pressure of 8 kPa. This portion of the total flow is condensed to saturated
liquid, then pumped to the extraction pressure and introduced into the feedwater heater at 0.7 MPa.
The isentropic efficiency of each turbine is 85% and each pump operates isentropically. If the net power output of the cycle is 100 MW, determine:
a) The thermal efficiency and
b) the mass flow rate of the steam entering the first stage turbine.
A reheat regenerative steam power plant operates with two feedwater heaters,
a closed feedwater heater, and an open feedwater heater. Steam enters the
first turbine at 8.0 MPa and expands to 0.7 MPa. The steam is reheated to 440
o C before entering the second turbine. It expands through the turbine to the
condenser pressure of 8 kPa.
Steam is extracted from the first turbine at 2 MPa and fed to the closed feedwater heater. Feedwater leaves the closed heater at 250 o C and 8 MPa, and
condensate exits as saturated liquid at 2 MPa. The condensate is trapped into
the open feedwater heater. Steam extracted from the second turbine at 0.3
MPa and also fed into the open feedwater heater, which operates at 0.3 MPa.
The stream exiting the open feedwater heater is saturated liquid at 0.3 MPa.
The net power output of the cycle is 100 MW. The working fluid experiences no
irreversibilities as it passes through the turbines, pumps, condenser, and steam
generator. Determine:
a) The thermal efficiency
b) The mass flow rate of the steam entering the first turbine.
Turbine 2
Turbine 1
Steam generator
Pump 1
Pump 2
u1 + p1 v1 = u2 + p2 v2
Flash chamber
Production well
Reinjection well