Chapter 6 IECEx

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Session 6 IEC EX Scheme and

adoption of it by the USCG

The IECEx Scheme

The IECEx Scheme facilitates the international exchange and acceptance of productsafety test results among participating laboratories for national approval or
certification in one or more countries, normally without the need for additional
testing. This is a universal goal among suppliers, consumers, and interested parties
stated as one standard, one test, accepted everywhere. The objective of the IECEx
Scheme is to facilitate international trade in electrical equipment intended for use in
explosive atmospheres (referred to as Ex equipment).
The Ex scheme applies to manufacturers of:
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases
Electrical products such as switches, outlets and outlet boxes, circuit breakers,
electric motors, and lighting used in hazardous environments
According to the IEC, these manufacturers can expect:
Reduced testing and certification costs
Reduced time to market
International confidence in the product assessment process
One international database listing
There are currently 17 Accepted Certification Bodies (ACBs) in 22 countries
participating in the IECEx Scheme.

The IECEx Scheme

Historically, obtaining all of the necessary national safety certifications for electrical products used in
explosive atmospheres has been a difficult, time-consuming and expensive proposition. To facilitate the
entry of U.S. manufacturers into the international market, the United States applied to join the IECEx Scheme
on February 9, 2001 and was accepted in April of 2001.
In the Ex Scheme, the IECEx accredits Accepted Certification Bodies (ACBs) to test and certify conformity of
electrical equipment used in explosive atmospheres with internationally harmonized product safety
standards and issue Ex test certificates and test reports. By significantly reducing duplicate testing, the Ex
scheme provides substantial advantages over the previously available methods of obtaining multiple
international certifications.
Operating Concepts
The IECEx Scheme is a multilateral agreement among participating countries and certification organizations
based on the use of international (IEC) Standards. If a members national standards are not yet completely
harmonized with the IEC standards, a transitional period is allowed. The transitional period can vary for
different standards and is intended to allow time for harmonization between the IEC standards and the
countrys national standards and to obtain national acceptance of IECEx Certificates of Conformity and the
IECEx Mark of Conformity.
The IECEx Scheme utilizes Ex test certificates to attest that product samples have successfully complied with
the appropriate tests and are in compliance with the requirements of the relevant IEC Standard.

The IECEx Scheme

The IEC Ex Scheme is a recent movement started by the IEC in 1991 to facilitate international
trade by eliminating the need for duplication of testing and certifications. Presently, for a
manufacturer to gain approval of equipment in various countries, the alternative to
submitting equipment to each countrys test laboratory is to apply to one laboratory. These
labs have agreements with many others around the world resulting in a spider web
arrangement. Each agreement requires periodic review of each others capabilities which is
expensive and time consuming. Each country has specific conflicts with universal standards
and markings that are known as national differences. Examples of these differences are the
flame-retardant tests or shock tests required by local fire codes in the U.S.. The U.S. has
joined the IEC Ex scheme but allows for a 15-year adoption period while differences are
resolved among the multitude of differences in local requirements.

The ultimate goal of the IEC EX Scheme is to remove any trade barriers
between countries and have a single unified stamp, single test
procedure and reciprocal agreements among countries and test labs for

IECEx vs. ATEX Directive


What are the differences from a certificate standpoint?

IEC Draft as voted upon with

members of Cenelec

EN standard as adopted from the

original IEC standard

UK National
Standard (BS)
so from a
standpoint, the EN
standard is almost
identical to the IEC
standard with
deviations listed in
the Annex

Based upon
IEC 60079-14
Standard with
no deviations

Example of Dual Marked


IECEx vs. ATEX Directive

The standards that have been set forth between CENELEC (who is
responsible for EN hazardous location standards in Europe) and the IEC with
regards to IEC standards for hazardous locations are now identical.
Countries such as the UK, Italy, Germany, etc. adopt the EN standards and
by law, are to follow these as country specific standards. From a
manufacturing standpoint, this makes life much easier as the products to
comply with EN & IEC standards are now the same.

Relationship between the

ISO and IEC are committed to creating market-driven International Standards,
based on objective information and knowledge on which there is global
consensus, and not on subjective judgments, in order to provide credible
technical tools that can support the implementation of regulation and public
policy initiatives.
ISO and IEC are committed to developing International Standards that are
market relevant, meeting the needs and concerns of all relevant stakeholders
including public authorities where appropriate, without seeking to establish,
drive or motivate public policy, regulations, or social and political agendas.

67 member/69 affiliate
Most developed
countries are members
of the IEC

Experience with the IECEx system for one

manufacturer re: IEC Ex Test Reports
US/Canada: ExTR accepted for Zone System, ExTR may be
accepted for division concept (e.g. Intrinsic Safety)
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus: ExTR accepted
China: ExTR accepted
South Korea: ExTR accepted
Hongkong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia (not IEC Ex
members) ExTR not accepted but ATEX Test report
Japan: ExTR not generally accepted, many tests required
India: ExTR accepted
Brazil, Argentina, Chile: ExTR accepted
South Africa: ExTR accepted
So to conclude here, even though many countries do not yet accept IECEx
Certification as written, they will accept the IECEx Ex Test Report issued by
one of the Ex Test Labs as a basis for approval for issuing an Ex certificate
for that particular country, since most of these country standards are based
upon the original IEC 60079 set of standards

Factors leading towards IECEx as

the defacto World Standard
Since most countries adopt IEC in some form or fashion, it has the widest following.
Many of the developed countries are members of the IEC
EN Standards and IEC Standard are in many cases the same
Makes it simpler for a manufacturer to build and certify a product
Makes it simpler for a customer to use best practices on a world wide basis
Since it is International and not Country/Region Specific, less likely to be influenced
by specific country political conflicts
Many users would like to harmonize to streamline production and drive efficiency
into the production system
More competition from more sources around the world from both test labs and

Key point: India and China are both making it clear that they would prefer IECEx over
alternative Ex testing/standards systems
Key Markets such as Australia already accept IECEx certification with other countries
such as Brazil (Inmetro/Cepel) and Russia (GOST-R) potentially accepting IECEx.
How about the US? How are we leaning?

EX Equipment in the US
Onshore: NEC 500 & 505
Division Concept/Zone Concept both acceptable
Approval By recognized NRTL (OSHA) which includes UL, FM,
Intertek (ETL), CSA to ANSI/NEMA/UL standards including
UL60079 series of standards
Zone Concept in US Must be tested and certified to AEx
which does not recognize true IEC standards and approvals.
ATEX & IECEx not accepted in the NEC.
Offshore: BSEE has authority over fixed platforms while the
USCG has authority over floaters
Recognizes both US/Division/Zone concepts and recognizes IEC
standards (IEC 60079 series) per 46CFR-111 and protection
concepts such as flameproof (Ex d), Increased Safety (Ex e) and
Must be tested and certified by a recognized USCG test lab
which include the ones above as well as some other test labs as
listed on the next slide.

Some of the USCG Approved Test Labs

All of these labs are able to offer some sort of approval to IEC 60079 set
of standards and many of these labs are also ATEX Notified Bodies as well
What about using a non-USCG IECEx TL for the GOM?

EX Equipment in the GOM

The Coast Guard is providing guidance regarding
electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas on
foreignflagged Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs)
that have never operated, but intend to operate, on the
U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Chapter 6 of the
2009 version of the IMO Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (2009 IMO
MODU Code) sets forth standards for testing and
certifying electrical equipment installations.
The Coast Guard is considering issuing a rule that will
implement Chapter 6 of the 2009 IMO MODU Code and
that will be applicable to foreignflagged MODUs that
have never operated, but intend to operate, on the U.S.
OCS. In the interim, the Coast Guard recommends that
owners and operators of foreignflagged MODUs that
have never operated, but intend to operate on the U.S.
OCS, voluntarily comply with Chapter 6 of the 2009 IMO
MODU Code.

EX Equipment in the GOM

The 2009 IMO MODU Code recommends that electrical installations in hazardous
areas be tested and certified in accordance with the IEC 60079 series of
standard(s). The IEC offers an international certification system called the
``Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for use in Explosive
Atmospheres'' (IECEx). The IECEx system requires full compliance with the
applicable IEC 60079 series of standard(s), including the testing of equipment by
an Independent Test Lab.
The ATEX Directive is intended to ensure the certification of electrical equipment
to the Essential Health and Safety Requirements given in the Directive or
appropriate IEC harmonized standards, but it does not specifically require
testing and certification by an independent third party lab.
To summarize, the USCG prefers IECEx equipment tested by one of the USCG test
labs vs. ATEX approved equipment for foreign flagged vessels operating in the
Note: The self-certifying issue with ATEX as well as the quality of the Notified
Bodies by Europa is driving organizations concerned about safety away from
ATEX and towards IECEx.

EX Equipment in the GOM

Latest Ruling by the USCG, March
Key Points
All rigs currently in the GOM
are grandfathered as well as
rigs currently in construction
Any rig that wishes to operate
in the GOM effective April 1st
2018 must be either North
American Division/Zone or
IECEx per a USCG approved
test lab.
ATEX only equipment not

To summarize.
If a company wishes to sell products into the offshore market in the US,
you can follow IECEx, AEx (NEC505) or Class Division (NEC 500)
If a company wishes to sell products for the offshore European market,
you are limited to following the ATEX Directive
If a company wishes to sell to other offshore markets, generally speaking
IECEx is acceptable but you may have to get additional
certification/markings such as TR CU (Russia), Inmetro (Brazil), etc.
These country specific standards are based around the IEC 60079 sets of

IECEx vs. ATEX Directive

Organisation /

Industry Representatives (Manufacturers,
E. U. Commission (Government Regulatory)
Certification Bodies, Ex Equipment End Users,
Regulators, Community interests)


One Single Certificate, for any hazardous area Covers equipment & remove barriers to trade and
product and services recognized and accepted improve safety for equipment and workers
worldwide (Market Acceptance)
Today: Products with IECEx Certificate
ATEX Directive is Law in all the E. U. Countries
accepted in several countries. Alternatively a (Mandatory application). Limited in scope to
single test report (ExTR) can be sent to any
IECEx Certifier to issue locally accepted
Current: Electrical and Non electrical products Electrical and non electrical products and systems.
and systems. Gas/Dust Industries. Now
Gas/Dust Industries. Equipment ONLY.
Covering SERVICE INDUSTRIES, e.g. Repair and
International Standards only , e.g. IEC
Any recognized standard may be applied provided
Compliance to Standards is mandatory.
it meets the Essential Health and Safety
Requirements of the Directive. However, the E.U.
Commission approves list of Harmonized
Standards. Allows for Interpretation Compliance
to Standards not mandatory but is generally used
to assess products.

Validity / Legal

Field of Application

Standards Used

IECEx vs. ATEX Directive

Certification Procedure ExCBs issue [for Certified Equipment Program]: ExTR (Product
ExNBs issue-EC Type
Type), Ex QAR (production facility quality audit), IECEx CoC
examination certificate. Ex
(Certificate of Conformity), ExCBs issue [for Certified Service
QAN (Quality Assessment
Facilities Program], CAR (IEC 60079-19 Compliance Report Form), notification for production
FAR (Facilities Audit Report Form), IECEx CoC (Certificate of
Conformity) On-Line Certificate of Conformity System -Reports are
officially registered on IECEx website. Electronic On-Line CoC
available for full public view, acts as master controlled version
Common Rules applicable to all applications. Rules of Procedure for
each Program (IECEx 02, IECEx 03, IECEx 04), Operational
Document ODs provide Standard operating procedures to be
followed by all ExCBs, Technical Decision Sheets, Accessible full
listing along with all Scheme documents maintained and available
via single IECEx website location, Single appeals body available,
Decisions of the Management Committee are binding on all ExCBs,
Certificate Holders etc.
For IECEx Certified Equipment Program: ExTR + QAR = IECEx
Declaration of Conformity by
Certificate of Conformity (CoC) ExTR = IECEx Test Report QAR =
Manufacturer to declare that
IECEx Quality Assessment Report Applicable to ALL products, no
he is in possession of
difference between Zones or products CoC issued via Secure IEC
necessary documents and
Website ensures FULL Public access to issued Certificates Self
reports. -Certificate issued by
Certification not permitted For IECEx Certified Services: FAR +
ExNB only for category 1 / 2
Assessment of Competencies = IECEx Certificate FAR = Facilities
and M 1 / 2 electrical
Audit Report Applicable to ALL ServicesCoC issued via Secure IEC equipment-Self certification
Website ensures FULL Public access to issued Certificates. Self
allowed for Category 3 and
Certification not permitted.
Category 2 Mechanical. Does
not cover service facilities.

IECEx vs. ATEX Directive

Organisms for

Work place

All ExCBs and ExTLs are subject to the
following assessment: Initial Peer Assessment
by a 3 member IECEx Assessment Team, prior
to entry to IECEx -Annual Surveillance of
ExCBs and ExTLs -5 Year re-assessment for all
ExCBs and ExTLs Dedicated IECEx Technical
Secretariat to manage day to day operations
of the IECEx Scheme IECEx Management
Committee (ExMC) IECEx Technical
Assessment Group (ExTAG) IECEx Conformity
Mark Committee (ExMarkCo).
ExCB maintains the Status of the IECEx
Certificate of Conformity based on the
outcome of follow up Quality Audits, QARs.
Nothing Refers to National regulations.

ATEX Notified Bodies (ExNBs) appointed by
individual nomination of the governments of
their countries. A common assessment system
does not exist. Surveillance of ExNBs dependant
upon national governments.

ExNBs conduct regular audits of manufacturers.

ATEX Directive 137 contains special
requirements for workers and management.

IECEx Marking: EPL

This is the IECEx
equivalent to the ATEX
Now current for
equipment, even ATEX




(Ga) (Da) [Ex ia] IIC

Brackets () indicate that the device is to located in the safe area

But can supply zones 0 (Ga) and 20 (Da)

IECEx Equipment Marking

New marking including EPLs






Gas Group
Dust Group




Class or

Max. Temp @
Dust Depth



Similar marking is also being implemented on mechanical equipment

G Gas
D Dust


IECEx Marking Requirements

compared to ATEX


TYPE SX_________64_________________
RATING______ 10________________WATTS

Not Required.
No European

SERIAL No.______ 43433_________ 2002

II 2 GD IP66 T6 55 C
Gb Ex e II T6 T amb__55__
IECEx SIRA 07.0123X

Can be used
in Zone 1 & 2


Required. No

IECEx Quality Assessment Report

The IECEx QAR is a requirement

under the IECEx scheme to
ensure the manufacturer has a
quality system in place to
produce the hazardous
equipment. The manufacturer
is audited by the certification
body every 12 to 28 months to
ensure this quality is being

IECEx Certified Repair Facility Program

The IECEx Certified Service Facility Program is the latest International
Certification system dedicated to the highly specialized 'Ex' industries
where potentially explosive environments require more stringent
equipment standards. These include the oil and gas, coal mining, and grain
and dust industries. Within the European Community, a suitable repair
facility that did work on EX equipment could be done by any number of
firms, at various levels of competency, the IECEx certified service program
allows firms that are in this field to obtain accreditation for services on EX
equipment and also allows products that may not be put back into service

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