Losing The Farm Activity
Losing The Farm Activity
Losing The Farm Activity
1. What characteristics of the farm may factor into how much water is retained or will run off during a rain/storm event?
2. Rainfall runoff is water that doesnt soak into the ground or that gets trapped on plants or in surface puddles. It
runs downhill off the land into streams. In the Southeast, one inch of rainfall or more during a day is common.
What differences in runoff would you expect between one inch of rain that falls as light rain over a 24-hour period
at the farm compared with a one-inch rainfall that occurs during a one-hour storm?
Losing the Farm by Edwin H. Price
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1. After Legacy Cove is completed with nice green lawns, what characteristics of the landscape, with respect to
runoff, will be different from that of the original farm? Do you predict that the runoff from a storm event will be
greater from the residential development or the original farm? How will the residential development influence
the curve number as compared with that of the farm?
2. After the subdivision is built with houses, streets, and lawns, how would the volume of runoff from a similar
1-inch rain event compare with that which you calculated for the farm? What might be some consequences of
this change downstream from the development?
3. What is a practical way to mitigate this change in runoff expected when Legacy Cove is completed?
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There was no place in Legacy Cove for the house that Jake
had built out of the old schoolhouse. It had to go. The developer gave the home to the local fire department to burn
as a fire rescue training exercise. The site of cheerful holidays
came down quickly with billowing gray smoke. None of the
family was there to watch; only disappointed friends.
By the end of 2007, all 30 acres lay naked on the side of a
ridge. Red and brown dirt had been skillfully shaped into
parcels where new homes and streets would be. As seen in a
Google Earth image, the once green spot is now totally barren.
After the land was cleared and reshaped at the end of 2007,
the developer never came back. The farm with its soil,
forest, and field ecosystems had been destroyed for an expected profit and then abandoned. No homes, no streets, no
lawns would be built. The legacy of Legacy Cove had changed. Alvin finally removed his equipment when it became
obvious that he was not going to be paid by the developer.
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1. What do you predict is going to happen to the 30 acres
of cleared dirt that has now been abandoned?
2. Would you predict that runoff from a one-inch storm event would be greater from the bare dirt or from the
completed residential development?
3. How much runoff from a one-inch storm event will come from the abandoned dirt site?
4. How does your calculation for runoff from bare soil compare with the amount you calculated for Legacy Cove,
which would have had grass lawns? Does that difference surprise you? Why is there such a difference?
Page 5
1. How does the volume of runoff from 9.1 inches of rain compare with your calculation of runoff captured by a 1-in
rain on the bare dirt?
2. Calculations for these soil types and soil land uses have been made assuming average, not wet nor dry, antecedent
soil moisture. The extraordinary rainfall event actually fell on saturated soils because it had rained the preceding
afternoon. How would the curve number of a saturated soil compare with the curve number of the same soil that
is not saturated and of average moisture? How would the runoff calculation result be different from the one we
have calculated above?
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Part V Stabilization
By the end of 2010, the developers bank had foreclosed and taken possession of the property. Liabilities associated
with uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation downstream became the banks responsibility. The Georgia Division of
Environmental Protection (EPD) had been pursuing legal action against the developer for not maintaining the catch
basin and erosion control structures. In 2011, five years after the land was cleared, the EPD required the new owner,
the bank, to take immediate action to stabilize the entire 30-acre site. The bank hired engineering and environmental
consultants to rapidly stabilize the site so they could satisfy the EPDs requirements and put the property on the
1. Based on what we have learned in this example about land surfaces and runoff relationships, what actions would
you recommend to the bank, as their engineering or environmental consultant, in order to quickly stabilize the
site as much as possible?
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Steeper slopes were covered with woven straw mats to slow erosion and then seeded with a grass mixture. Natural
drainage courses on steeper slopes were covered with cobbles to slow water flow across the surface.
1. How has the curve number (CN) changed as a result
of these remedies?
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Addendum The SCS Method of Calculating Storm Runoff from a Land Surface
The U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), developed
a method of determining the volume of storm runoff from different land surfaces. The method is based on actual
empirical field measurements made in various plots of different soil cover types. These experiments started with
agricultural land runoff measurements and were later expanded to include other, more urban-type land uses. The
SCS method is the most commonly used runoff estimator for engineering and for environmental hydrology projects
(Viessman and Lewis, 2002; Ward and Trimble, 2003).
The SCS developed curve numbers (CN) which relate to how permeable different soil types are with various land uses:
CN = 1000
S = 1000
S = potential maximum retention (maximum water that doesnt run off) when runoff begins. This term S is related to soil
types and initial soil moisture (antecedent moisture condition AMC) and is included in the curve number determination.
A curve number is therefore dependent on the ability of a soil to infiltrate water and on its surface uses, which also
affect the soils ability to infiltrate and retain water. Curve numbers were established by measuring storm runoff of
different soil types and different land uses. These were compared with an impermeable surface in which all precipitation runs off. An impermeable surface is given a maximum curve number of 100. Types of soils in which precipitation
can infiltrate have curve numbers less than 100. The lower a curve number of a particular soil type and soil cover type,
the more water is retained by the soil and its surface features. The lower a curve number, the lower the runoff to be
expected from a single storm rain event. Many curve numbers have been determined by the SCS for various soil types
and with different surface land uses or soil cover. Curve numbers range between 25, for woods with very permeable
soil covered by litter, and 100 for impervious surfaces. Selected curve numbers useful in this case are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Runoff curve numbers (CN) for selected soil cover types and soil groups of average antecedent soil moisture.
Curve Numbers (CN) for Hydrologic Soil Groups
Runoff greater
Soil Cover
Soil Group B
Soil Group C
Soil Group D
1/4 acre
1/3 acre
1/2 acre
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(P Ia ) 2
Q =
(P Ia + S )
Q = excess rainfall (runoff) in inches of depth per acre
P = rainfall depth in inches
Ia = initial abstraction (all losses from precipitation that dont participate in runoff including surface depression storage,
interception by vegetation, infiltration, and evaporation)
Through measurements of actual watersheds, the SCS determined empirically that Ia approximated 0.2 S and that
(P 0.2S ) 2
Q =
(P + 0.8S )
This equation gives the storm runoff as depth of water in inches per acre and considers soil types, land cover uses, and
precipitation amounts.
Usually one wants to know the total volume of runoff from land in cubic feet instead of depth. Therefore, after
calculating Q in inches of depth/acre, convert the inches of depth to feet of depth by dividing the inches by 12. To
obtain the volume of runoff per acre in cubic feet, multiply the depth of runoff in feet by the number of square feet in
an acre (43,560).
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Soil Conservation Service. 1973. A method for estimating volume and rate of runoff in small watersheds, SCS
Technical Paper 149.
Viessman, Warren, Jr., and Gary L. Lewis. 2002. Introduction to Hydrology, Fifth Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Ward, Andy, and Stanley W. Trimble. 2003. Environmental Hydrology, Second Ed., Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,
NRCS. 1986. Urban hydrology for small watersheds, Technical Report 55. United States Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Engineering Division.
Photographs appearing in this case study were taken by the author, except as noted below.
The photos of the burning house (p. 4) and the catch basin reconstruction (p. 8) were taken by Mell Price.
The aerial image of the forested farm (p. 2) was taken by the US Geological Survey on December 31, 2006 and
Google 2010 as displayed on Google Earth mapping service. The image is displayed under the Fair Use permission
guideline for educational uses. Yellow lettering was added by the author.
The aerial image of the cleared farm site (p. 4) was taken by the USDA Farm Service Agency on December 10, 2007
and Google 2010 as displayed on Google Earth mapping service. The image is displayed under the Fair Use
permission guideline for educational uses.
Licensed image in title block Geraktv | Dreamstime.com, id #24723266. Case copyright held by the National Center for Case
Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Originally published September 6, 2012. Please
see our usage guidelines, which outline our policy concerning permissible reproduction of this work.
Losing the Farm by Edwin H. Price
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