Present Perfect EXO

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A Complter avec has ou have .

1. I . answered the question.

2. She opened the window.
3. They . called us.
4. It . rained a lot.
5. We washed the car.
6. Jenny locked the door.
7. The girls . visited the museum.
8. John and Jenny .. been to a concert.
9. He . written a book.
B - Conjugue le participe pass (rgulier ou irrgulier)

During the last 5 years, John . (have) 15 different jobs.

He (work) in a TV show.
Teddy .. (be) a teacher since 2004.
I (be) on holiday for 2 weeks.
Your mother (make) a delicious cake !
They .. (see) the Eiffel Tower.
Danny and Tom . (meet) Justin Bieber.
We .. (be) friends for 5 years.

C - Mettre la bonne forme ( positive ou ngative).

1. Someone (steal) my CD player.
2. I . (- see) a grizzly bear?
3. I .. (- try) sky diving.
4. Bill (just buy) a new house.

That house . painted green for ten years.

6. She . (break) her computer.

7. Susan (eat)two pieces of cake.
8. Tim . (- go) to the moon.
9. Joey and David (- tell) the truth.

We . (hear) this song many times.


My friend .. (do) her shopping.

D. Read the situation and conclude !

1. Tom is looking for his key. He cant find it. = (lose)

2. Sues hair was dirty. Now it is clean. = (wash)

3. Mike weighed 190 pounds. Now he weighs 140 pounds.
= (be on a diet)
4. This morning, Steve was playing football. Now he is at the doctor.
= (break)

E - Write sentences in present perfect simple. Place 'never' before the main
1.Rebecca / never / stay / at a five-star hotel
2.Jason / never / watch / a world-cup final

3.Rachel and Gareth / never / climb / Mount Kilimanjaro

4.Elaine / never / see / a shark

5.Ruth / never / spend / her holiday in New york
6.Connor / never / be / to Canada

7.Barry / never / drive / a Ferrari

8.Clare / never / meet / Mickey Mouse

F. Use just with the words given.

1. Would you like something to eat ?= No thanks, (eat)

2. Have you seen Kevin anywhere ? = yes, (meet)

3. Has Ann called yet ? = no, (hear from her)..

G. Use already .

1. Dont forget to call Eric ! = (call)

2. Why dont you do your homework ? = (do)
3. Shall I pay the bill ? = no, (pay)

H - There are things Mr Hill has already done, but there are things he hasn't

done yet.
1) What he has already done:
clean the window :
do the washing up :
vacuum the floor :
do the ironing :

2) What he has not done yet:

sweep the stairs :
clean the stove :
empty the rubbish bin :

clear the table :

I. Complete with the right word : Never, ever, already
1. I have .. cut my hair before because my mum didn't want it.
2. Have you met a star?
3. You have . helped me before, so be nice please do now!
4. Have you . seen your dad cry?
5. What animals have you .. seen here?
6. I have .. enjoyed it, it was so great.

7. I have seen this film but it looks very good.

8. Have you . visited this museum?
9. She has . shown me her house, that's why I don't know where she
10. I have . been to Tahiti: in 2001.

J - Recris les questions en te servant des verbes proposs.

be - drink - drive - eat - meet - read - ride - see - touch - travel
1. . to Japan?
2. .. a ghost?
3. . a famous film star?
4. by plane?
5. . a camel?
6. .. a comic in English?
7. .. coconut milk?
8. . Chinese food?
9. a snake?
10. a tractor?
K Retrouve les questions en te servant de la rponse
a. I have already been abroad
= .......................................................................................................................
b.Stan has never travelled to the USA
= ...........................................................................................................
c.I have finished you homework yet.
= ..............................................................................................................
d.Marylin Monroe has never sang Billie Jean
= ...........................................................................................
e.They havent seen their friends for years.
= ...................................................................................................

L. Write questions in present perfect simple.


you / answer / the question :



Jenny / lock / the door :



Walter / call / us :


you / see / the movie :



it / rain / a lot :


how often / we / sing / the song :



how many books / Bob / read :



ever / Maureen / be / to London :


Le Present Perfect, comme le pass compos, sert notamment parler de nos expriences, avec cinq structures
connatre :
Have you ever (=dj) played golf ? => As-tu dj jou au golf ?
I have already (=dj) eaten shark => J'ai dj mang du requin.
I have never (= jamais) seen Big Ben. => Je n'ai jamais vu Big Ben.
I have not finished my exercise yet. => Je n'ai pas encore fini mon exercice.
Have you finished that book yet ? => As-tu dj fini ce livre ?

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