Network Design and Management" - by Steven T.karris

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Design and Management

Second Edition
Steven T. Karris

Includes an
Introduction to
Simple Network
Management Protocol
(SNMP) and Remote
Monitoring (RMON)

Orchard Publications


Design and Management

Second Edition

Students and working professionals will find NET-

WORKS - Design and Management Second

Edition, to be a concise and easy-to-learn text. It
provides complete, clear, and detailed information of
the latest state-of-the-art networking devices, the
characteristics of different types of Local Area
Networks, and network management.

This text includes the following chapters and appendices:

Basic Networking Concepts The OSI Model and IEEE Standards Protocols, Services, and Interfaces
Network Designs and Ethernet Networking Buses, Network Adapters, and LAN Connection Devices
Wired and Wireless Media Network Design and Administration Introduction to Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) Introduction to Remote Monitoring (RMON) Optimization of Cable
Connections Binary Information and Standard Codes Common Number Systems and Conversions
RSA Encryption Glossary of Computer / Internet Related Terms
Each chapter contains several true/false, multiple-choice, and a few problems to reinforce the readerss
knowledge on this subject.

Steven T. Karris is the founder and president of Orchard Publications. His undergraduate and graduate
degrees in electrical engineering are from Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee, and
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida. He is a registered professional engineer in California
and Florida. He has over 35 years of professional engineering experience in industry. In addition, he has
over 30 years of teaching experience that he acquired at several educational institutions as an adjunct
professor, the most recent with UC Berkeley, California.

Orchard Publications
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ISBN-13: 978-1-934404-15-7
ISBN-10: 1-934404-15-2
$74.95 U.S.A.

Design and Management
Second Edition
Steven T. Karris

Orchard Publications

NETWORKS Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright 2009 Orchard Publications. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Direct all inquiries to Orchard Publications, 39510 Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, California 94538
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009920253
Catalog record is available from the Library of Congress

ISBN 978-1-934404-15-7
Copyright: TX 5612942

The author has made every effort to make this text as complete and accurate as possible, but no warranty is implied.
The information on hardware and software described was obtained from their respective companies through the
Internet. Accordingly, the information provided is on as is basis. The author and publisher shall have neither
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This book was created electronically using Adobe Framemaker.

Networks are groups of computers that communicate by either cable or wireless transmissions. By
the use of computer networking, we can share data with others. Today, all businesses, small or
large use some type of computers and most use computer networking to handle their daily
business operations such as bookkeeping, inventory tracking, document storing, and e-mail.
Networks are growing in size and complexity and this trend has created a rapid increase for
networking engineers to provide practical and efficient solutions. Networking needs vary from one
network to another; there is no such thing as one size fits all. Also, a properly designed network
must allow for expansion. The management of a small company may feel that this advanced
technology is of no use to them since their monetary budget is limited. However, with proper
planning, small companies can start with an affordable and versatile network and later expand on
the next level of affordability.
This text is the second edition and presents updated networks material. The word design on
the title of this book implies the purchasing and installation of the essential hardware and
software that one must collect to assemble an effective computer network. Basically, it means the
building of a network. The word management is used to denote the duties and responsibilities of
a network administrator. Of course, one may argue that network management should include the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and Remote Monitoring (RMON). While this is
true, a detailed treatment of those two topics are beyond the scope of this book. Chapters 8 and 9
are introductions to those two topics. SNMP and RMON are discussed in books that are devoted
just to these topics.
This book is primarily intended for those student and working professionals that have the desire to
become network administrators. However, all practicing engineers will find it to be a very valuable
source of information on this subject. It contains very interesting topics, and with the exception of
a simple example on Chapter 1, the material requires no mathematical operations.
The author makes no claim to originality of content or of treatment, but has taken care to present
concepts, definitions, and statements.
A few years ago, telephone networks and computer networks were considered two separate
entities. Nowadays, these two technologies are rapidly merging into one. For this reason, Chapter
1 begins with a discussion of the basic components of telephone and computer networks, and their
interaction. This chapter continues with the introduction of the centralized and distributive
processing networks, and outlines the differences among these networks. It concludes with a
discussion of Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), and Wide
Area Networks (WANs).

Chapter 2 begins with a discussion on protocols to establish their relevance to the International
Standards Organization (OSI) Management Model. Protocols are covered in more detail on
Chapter 3. This chapter introduces several network devices and identify those that operate at
different layers of the OSI model. It concludes with a discussion of the IEEE 802 Standards.
Chapter 3 introduces several protocols including X.25, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, AppleTalk,
and DNA. In this chapter, we learn how these protocols combine to form a suite of protocols that
work at the various layers of the OSI model.
Chapter 4 presents the various physical network connections. It begins with the different physical
topologies, bus, star, ring, and mesh. Then, it introduces the network types including the
ARCNet, Ethernet, Token Ring, and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI). A discussion of
the wiring types and methods used in each of these network types is also included.
Chapter 5 begins with a discussion of the different buses, past and present. Network adapters are
discussed next. The chapter concludes with the introduction of the different components that
work together to provide source-to-destination data transmissions between devices on the same
network or different networks. Discussions on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are also included.
Chapter 6 focuses on wired and wireless transmissions. No previous knowledge of data
communications is required for understanding the topics of this chapter.
Chapter 7 is devoted to discussions on the various types of networks that we can use for our needs,
the hardware and software required, and tasks that a network administrator must perform to
maintain the network(s) he is responsible for. These tasks include security and safeguarding data
from internal and external disasters.
Chapters 8 and 9 are introductions to SNMP and RMON respectively.
This text contains five appendices, A through E. Appendix A is a brief introduction to network
analysis as defined in operations research which is a branch of mathematics concerned with
financial and engineering economic problems. A simple and yet practical example is included.
Appendix B contains a review of the binary information representation, and the standard codes
used for information processing systems, communications systems, and associated equipment. It
provides the basic concepts to illustrate how networking devices work and communicate with
others. Appendix C is a review of the decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers, their
representation, and conversion from one base to another. The conversion procedures are
illustrated with several examples. Appendix D is an introduction to RSA Encryption. Finally,
Appendix E is a glossary of terms and acronyms that are used in networks and on the Internet.
Like any other new book, this text may not be completely error-free; accordingly, all feedback for
errors and comments will be most welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please write us at Orchard
Publications, e-mail [email protected].

Table of Contents

Basic Networking Concepts

1.1 Network ................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.1 Telephone Network....................................................................................... 11
1.1.2 Information Theory ....................................................................................... 15
1.1.3 The Computer Network ................................................................................ 17
1.2 Methods of Processing ........................................................................................... 110
1.2.1 Centralized Processing................................................................................. 110
1.2.2 Distributive Processing ................................................................................ 111
1.3 Network Architecture Types ................................................................................. 111
1.3.1 PeertoPeer Network Architecture .......................................................... 111
1.3.2 ServerBased Network Architecture .......................................................... 113
1.4 Network Services ................................................................................................... 114
1.4.1 File Services ................................................................................................. 114
1.4.2 Print Services............................................................................................... 115
1.4.3 Message Services ......................................................................................... 115
1.4.4 Directory Services........................................................................................ 115
1.4.5 Application Services.................................................................................... 116
1.4.6 Database Services ........................................................................................ 116
1.5 LANs, MANs, and WANs .................................................................................... 116
1.5.1 Local Area Networks................................................................................... 116
1.5.2 Metropolitan Area Networks ...................................................................... 117
1.5.3 Wide Area Networks................................................................................... 119
1.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 120
1.7 Exercises ............................................................................................................... 123
1.8 Answers to EndofChapter Exercises................................................................. 126

The OSI Model and IEEE 802 Standards


Protocols for Data Transmission ............................................................................22
Protocol Stacks .......................................................................................................23
2.3.1 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)........................23
2.3.2 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) ........................................................................23
2.3.3 Uniform Resource Locator (URL)................................................................24
2.3.4 Internet Protocol (IP) ...................................................................................24
2.3.5 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) .......................................................24
2.3.6 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ......................................................... 24

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

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2.3.7 Telnet Protocol............................................................................................. 24

2.3.8 Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol ........................................................................ 25
2.3.9 Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocols 25
International Standards Organization (OSI) Management Model ....................... 26
Transmission and Detection .................................................................................. 26
2.5.1 Asynchronous Transmission....................................................................... 26
2.5.2 Parity ........................................................................................................... 26
2.5.3 Synchronous Transmission ......................................................................... 28
2.5.4 Simplex Transmission................................................................................. 28
2.5.5 HalfDuplex Transmission ......................................................................... 28
2.5.6 FullDuplex Transmission.......................................................................... 28
2.5.7 CSMA/CD .................................................................................................. 28
2.5.8 CSMA/CA .................................................................................................. 29
2.5.9 CRC .......................................................................................................... 210
2.5.10 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) ............ 213
2.5.11 Error Detecting and Correcting Codes..................................................... 213
2.5.12 EBCDIC .................................................................................................... 214
2.5.13 Repeater.................................................................................................... 214
2.5.14 Hub ........................................................................................................... 214
2.5.15 Concentrator............................................................................................. 214
2.5.16 Gateway .................................................................................................... 214
2.5.17 Router ....................................................................................................... 215
2.5.18 Bridge ........................................................................................................ 215
2.5.19 Brouter ...................................................................................................... 215
2.5.20 Backbone .................................................................................................. 215
2.5.21 Firewall...................................................................................................... 215
2.5.22 Node ......................................................................................................... 216
2.5.23 Port ........................................................................................................... 216
2.5.24 Packet ....................................................................................................... 216
2.5.25 Cell............................................................................................................ 217
2.5.26 Frame ........................................................................................................ 217
2.5.27 Switch ....................................................................................................... 217
2.5.28 PlugandPlay .......................................................................................... 217
2.5.29 Universal Serial Bus (USB) ...................................................................... 217
2.5.30 Converter.................................................................................................. 217
2.5.31 Circuit Switching ...................................................................................... 217
2.5.32 Message Switching Network..................................................................... 218
2.5.33 Packet Switching ...................................................................................... 218
2.5.34 Hop ...........................................................................................................219
2.5.35 Datagram ..................................................................................................219
2.5.36 Byte ...........................................................................................................219

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

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2.5.37 Asynchronous Transmission .................................................................... 219

2.5.38 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) .......................................... 220
2.5.39 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) .................................................... 220
2.5.40 Frame Asynchronous communications ................................................ 220
2.5.41 High-level Data Link Control (HDLC)................................................... 220
2.5.42 Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)................................................ 221
2.5.43 Frame Synchronous communications................................................... 221
2.5.44 Broadband ................................................................................................ 221
2.5.45 Baseband .................................................................................................. 221
The OSI Management Model Revisited ............................................................. 221
2.6.1 Physical Layer........................................................................................... 222
2.6.2 Data-Link Layer ....................................................................................... 223
2.6.3 Network Layer.......................................................................................... 226
2.6.4 Transport Layer........................................................................................ 231
2.6.5 Session Layer............................................................................................ 232
2.6.6 Presentation Layer ................................................................................... 233
2.6.7 Application Layer..................................................................................... 235
The IEEE 802 Standards ..................................................................................... 236
Summary.............................................................................................................. 238
Exercises .............................................................................................................. 239
Answers to EndofChapter Exercises ............................................................... 242

Protocols, Services, and Interfaces




Definitions .............................................................................................................31
The X.25 Protocol .................................................................................................31
3.2.1 Synchronization ...........................................................................................33
3.2.2 Sequence of Operation ................................................................................34
3.2.3 Commands and Responses ...........................................................................34
3.2.4 Link Control................................................................................................. 35
3.2.5 Initiation of the Link ....................................................................................37
3.2.6 Information Transfer ....................................................................................37
3.2.7 Termination .................................................................................................38
3.28 Error Detection ............................................................................................38
3.2.9 Protocol Implementation .............................................................................38
Protocols Currently in Use ....................................................................................38
3.3.1 Routable Protocols .......................................................................................38
3.3.2 Nonroutable Protocols .................................................................................39
3.3.3 Connectionless Protocols .............................................................................39
3.3.4 Connection-Oriented Protocols ................................................................310
Most Commonly Used Protocol Suites ...............................................................310
3.4.1 TCP/IP Protocol Suite ...............................................................................311

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3.4.2 IP Addressing ............................................................................................ 312

3.4.3 Subnetting ................................................................................................. 314
3.4.4 Other Protocols within the TCP/IP Suite ................................................ 315
3.4.5 IPX/SPX Protocol Suite ............................................................................ 320
3.4.6 Other Protocols within the IPX/SPX Suite .............................................. 320
3.4.7 The Microsoft Protocol Suite ................................................................... 322
3.5 Cisco Routing Protocols ...................................................................................... 323
3.6 Other Protocols and Services .............................................................................. 323
3.7 Wide Area Network Protocols ............................................................................ 325
3.7.1 Connection Types ..................................................................................... 325
3.7.2 Popular WAN Protocols ........................................................................... 326
3.8 Protocols No Longer in Use ................................................................................ 332
3.8.1 The AppleTalk Protocol Suite ................................................................... 332
3.8.2 The National Science Foundation Wide Area Network (NSFnet) .......... 333
3.9 Summary .............................................................................................................. 334
3.10 Exercises .............................................................................................................. 338
3.11 Answers to EndofChapter Exercises ............................................................... 341

Network Designs and Ethernet Networking

4.1 Physical Topologies.................................................................................................. 41
4.1.1 Bus Topology ................................................................................................ 41
4.1.2 Star Topology ............................................................................................... 43
4.1.3 Ring Topology .............................................................................................. 44
4.1.4 Mesh Topology ............................................................................................. 45
4.2 Network Types....................................................................................................... 46
4.2.1 Attached Resource Computer Network (ARCNet) .................................... 46
4.2.2 The Ethernet ................................................................................................ 47
4.2.3 Fast Ethernet Networks ............................................................................. 418
4.2.4 Token Ring ................................................................................................. 420
4.2.5 Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) ................................................... 425
4.3 Wireless Networks ................................................................................................ 429
4.4 Summary .............................................................................................................. 430
4.5 Exercises ................................................................................................................ 432
4.6 Answers to EndofChapter Exercises ................................................................ 435

Buses, Network Adapters, and LAN Connection Devices

5.1 Bus Architectures .................................................................................................... 51
5.1.1 Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) ......................................................... 51
5.1.2 Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) ...................................... 51
5.1.3 Micro Channel Architecture (MCA) .......................................................... 52


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

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5.1.4 64-bit Bus ...................................................................................................... 52

5.1.5 Video Electronics Standard Architecture (VESA)...................................... 52
5.1.6 Peripheral Component Interface (PCI) ........................................................ 53
5.17 Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) .. 54
5.1.8 FireWire ........................................................................................................ 55
Network Adapters ................................................................................................... 55
5.2.1 Settings in Network Adapters ...................................................................... 56
5.2.2 Adapter Interfaces ...................................................................................... 510
5.2.3 Network Adapter Connectors .................................................................... 510
LAN Connection Devices ..................................................................................... 512
5.3.1 Repeater ...................................................................................................... 512
5.3.2 Bridge .......................................................................................................... 514
5.3.3 Transparent bridge ..................................................................................... 515
5.3.4 Source-Route Bridging (SRB) .................................................................... 518
5.3.5 Translational Bridge ................................................................................... 519
5.3.6 Hub ............................................................................................................. 519
5.3.7 Switch ......................................................................................................... 520
Internetwork Devices ........................................................................................... 521
5.4.1 Router ......................................................................................................... 521
5.4.2 Firewall ....................................................................................................... 523
5.4.3 Gateway ...................................................................................................... 524
5.4.4 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) ......................................................... 526
5.4.5 Channel Service Unit (CSU) / Data Service Unit (DSU) ......................... 528
5.4.6 MOdulator-DEModulator (Modem) .......................................................... 528
5.4.7 How DSL Works ........................................................................................ 530
5.4.8 Multiplexer / Demultiplexer ....................................................................... 531
Summary ............................................................................................................... 534
Exercises ............................................................................................................... 537
Answers to EndofChapter Exercises ................................................................. 540

Wired and Wireless Media

6.1 Network Cables .......................................................................................................61
6.2 Wired Media ............................................................................................................61
6.2.1 Electrical Properties ......................................................................................61
6.2.2 Twisted-Pair Cable .......................................................................................62
6.2.3 Coaxial Cable ...............................................................................................63
6.2.4 Fiber-Optic Cable .........................................................................................65
6.2.5 Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) Cable ..................................................................66
6.2.6 Multiplexing .................................................................................................67
6.3 Wireless Transmission .............................................................................................69
6.3.1 Radio Waves .................................................................................................69

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6.3.2 Antennas ...................................................................................................... 69

6.3.3 Spread Spectrum ......................................................................................... 613
6.3.4 Wireless Networking Standards ................................................................. 615
6.3.5 Standards on Wireless Communications ................................................... 617
6.3.6 Multiple Access Systems ............................................................................ 617
Forms of Data Transmission ................................................................................. 620
6.4.1 Transmission of Analog Signals Using Encoding ....................................... 620
6.4.2 Baseband Encoding Formats ...................................................................... 622
6.4.3 M-ary Signals .............................................................................................. 624
Microwaves ........................................................................................................... 625
6.5.1 Terrestrial microwave ................................................................................. 625
6.5.2 Satellite microwave .................................................................................... 626
Infrared ................................................................................................................. 626
6.6.1 Point-to-Point Infrared ............................................................................... 626
6.6.2 Broadcast Infrared ...................................................................................... 627
Synchronization .................................................................................................... 628
Baseband and Broadband Transmissions ............................................................. 628
6.8.1 Baseband transmissions .............................................................................. 628
6.8.2 Broadband transmissions ............................................................................ 629
Portable Videophones ........................................................................................... 629
Summary .............................................................................................................. 631
Exercises ............................................................................................................... 633
Answers to End-of-Chapter Exercises ................................................................. 636

Network Design and Administration

7.1 Network Design Considerations ............................................................................. 71
7.2 Wired Networks ...................................................................................................... 72
7.2.1 10/100 and Gigabit Ethernet Networking .................................................... 72
7.2.2 Token Ring, CDDI, and FDDI Networks .................................................. 710
7.3 Wireless Networking ............................................................................................. 711
7.3.1 Wireless Networking Architectures ........................................................... 713
7.3.2 Wireless USB Network Adapter ................................................................ 714
7.4 Phoneline Networking .......................................................................................... 715
7.5 Network Operating Systems ................................................................................. 718
7.6 Network Administration ....................................................................................... 719
7.6.1 Workgroups ................................................................................................ 720
7.6.2 Domains ...................................................................................................... 720
7.6.3 User Accounts ............................................................................................ 722
7.7 Security ................................................................................................................. 724
7.8 System Restoration ............................................................................................... 725
7.9 Redundant Systems ............................................................................................... 726


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

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7.10 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ...................................................................727

7.11 Managing and Monitoring Performance .............................................................. 728
7.11.1 Managing Processor Time ......................................................................... 728
7.11.2 Managing Memory ..................................................................................... 728
7.11.3 Changing Visual Effects ............................................................................. 729
7.11.4 Performance ............................................................................................... 729
7.11.5 Event Viewer ............................................................................................. 729
7.11.6 Quality of Service (QoS)............................................................................ 730
7.12 Storage Options .................................................................................................... 730
7.13 Network Data Storage .......................................................................................... 731
7.14 Future Trends in Networking ............................................................................... 731
7.15 Summary ............................................................................................................... 734
7.16 Exercises
7.17 Answers to EndofChapter Exercises ................................................................. 744
Introduction to Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP Defined ........................................................................................................ 81

Requests For Comments (RFCs) ............................................................................ 82
SNMP Versions ....................................................................................................... 83
Network Management Stations (NMSs) and Agents ............................................ 84
SNMP and UDP ..................................................................................................... 85
Managed Devices and SNMP Polling ..................................................................... 86
Managed Objects and Object Instances ................................................................ 87
Management Information Bases (MIBs) ................................................................ 88
8.8.1 Types of MIBs .............................................................................................. 89
8.8.2 Lexicographic Order .................................................................................. 810
8.8.3 The Structure of Management Information (SMI) standard .................... 812
8.8.4 Standard MIBs and Private MIBs .............................................................. 813
8.8.5 Interpreting Ciscos Object Identifiers ...................................................... 815
8.8.6 MIB Groups and Data Collection ............................................................. 816
8.8.7T hresholds, Alarms, and Traps .................................................................... 816
8.8.8 SNMP Communities ................................................................................. 818
8.8.9S NMPs Independency on Platforms ........................................................... 819
8.8.10 SNMPv1 Operations ................................................................................. 820
8.8.11 SNMPv2 Operations ................................................................................. 820
8.8.12 Defined Object Identifiers ......................................................................... 824
8.9 Extensions to the SMI in SNMPv2 ...................................................................... 826
8.10 MIB-II .................................................................................................................. 830
8.11 SNMP Operations ................................................................................................ 835
8.11.1 The get Operation ..................................................................................... 836
8.11.2 The get-next Operation ............................................................................ 837

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8.11.3 The get-bulk Operation .......................................................................... 838

8.11.4 The set Operation ................................................................................... 839
8.11.5 Frequently used ASN.1 Constructs ........................................................ 841
Traps .................................................................................................................. 843
8.12.1 Trap Interpretations ................................................................................ 844
8.12.2 SNMPv2 Notification ............................................................................. 845
8.12.3 SNMPv2 inform ...................................................................................... 846
8.12.4 SNMPv2 report ....................................................................................... 846
Using SNMP with Windows ............................................................................... 847
SNMPv3 .............................................................................................................. 862
8.14.1 Documentation Overview ....................................................................... 862
8.14.2 Elements of the Architecture ................................................................. 867
8.14.3 The View-based Access Control Model (VACM) ................................. 871
Host Management ...............................................................................................876
SNMP Implementations ......................................................................................877
Summary ..............................................................................................................880
Exercises ..............................................................................................................883
Answers to EndofChapter Exercises ...............................................................886

Introduction to Remote Monitoring (RMON)




RMON Overview .................................................................................................. 91

How RMON Works .............................................................................................. 92
RMON Goals ........................................................................................................ 93
9.3.1 Textual Conventions ................................................................................ 95
9.3.2 Structure of MIB Defined in RFC 1757 .................................................... 95
9.3.3 The Ethernet Statistics Group .................................................................. 96
9.3.4 The History Control Group ...................................................................... 96
9.3.5 The Ethernet History Group ..................................................................... 96
9.3.6 The Alarm Group...................................................................................... 96
9.3.7 The Host Group ........................................................................................ 96
9.3.8 The HostTopN Group .............................................................................. 96
9.3.9 The Matrix Group ..................................................................................... 97
9.3.10 The Filter Group ....................................................................................... 97
9.3.11 The Packet Capture Group ....................................................................... 97
9.3.12 The Event Group ...................................................................................... 97
Control of RMON Devices ................................................................................... 97
9.4.1 Resource Sharing Among Multiple Management Stations ...................... 98
9.4.2 Row Addition Among Multiple Management Stations ............................ 99
Conventions ........................................................................................................ 910
Expanded MIB-II Tree and RMON Group ........................................................ 911
RMON1 ............................................................................................................... 911
NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition
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9.7.1 RMON1 Ethernet Groups .......................................................................912

9.7.2 RMON1 Token Ring ...............................................................................914
RMON2 ...............................................................................................................915
Ciscos RMON .....................................................................................................916
9.9.1 Ciscos RMON Switches, Bridges, and Routers ......................................916
9.9.2 User Friendly Interface to RMON ..........................................................918
Viewing and Analyzing Statistics Using Optivity ...............................................920
9.10.1 Using Optivity Analysis with RMON .....................................................921
9.10.2 Using Optivity LAN with RMON ..........................................................921
Summary ..............................................................................................................925
Exercises ...............................................................................................................927
Answers to End-of-Chapter Exercises .................................................................930

Optimization of Cable Connections

A.1 Network Analysis .................................................................................................A1
A.2 Exercise .................................................................................................................A6

Binary Information and Standard Codes

B.1 Binary Messages ......................................................................................................B1
B.2 The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) ...................B2
B.3 The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) ...................B4

Common Number Systems and Conversions

C.1 Decimal, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Systems .............................................. C1
C.2 Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversions .................................... C3
C.3 Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Conversions ............................................................... C6

RSA Encryption
D.1 How RSA Encryption Works ................................................................................ D1
D.2 An Example ........................................................................................................... D2

Glossary of Computer/Internet Related Terms ...............................................................E1

References and Suggestions for Further Study............................................................................R1

Index .......................................................................................................................................... IN1

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

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Figure 1.6. World Telecommunications Network

1.1.2 Information Theory

Information theory is concerned with the mathematical laws governing the transmission, reception,
and processing of information. More specifically, information theory deals with the numerical
measurement of information, the representation of information (such as encoding), and the
capacity of communication systems to transmit, receive, and process information. Encoding can
refer to the transformation of speech or images into electric or electromagnetic signals, or to the
encoding of messages to ensure privacy.
Information theory was first developed in 1948 by the American electrical engineer Claude E.
Shannon. The need for a theoretical basis for communication technology arose from the increasing complexity and crowding of communication channels such as telephone and teletype networks and radio communication systems. Information theory also encompasses all other forms of
information transmission and storage, including television and the electrical pulses transmitted in
computers and in magnetic and optical data recording.

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

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Answers to EndofChapter Exercises

1. T Review Figure 11, Page 11, and Figure 19, Page 19
2. T Review Page 111
3. T Review Table 1.2, Page 114
4. F Review Pages 114, 115, and 116
5. T Review Page 113
6. F Review Page 110
7. T Review Page 110
8. F Review Page 111
9. T Review Page 111
10. T Review Page 111
11. T Review Page 110
12. F Review Table 1.2, Page 114
13. T Review Table 1.2, Page 114
14. T Review Page 113
15. F Review Pages 115, 116
16. T Review Page 114
17. F Review Table 1.2, Page 114
18. T Review Table 1.3, Page 119
19. T Review Table 1.3, Page 119
20. F Review Pages 114, 115, and 116

Multiple Choice
21. B Review Page 110
22. C Review Table 1.2, Page 114
23. D Review Page 110
24. A Review Page 115
25. D Review Page 115

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications


Chapter 1 Basic Networking Concepts

26. Use serverbased networking architecture and setup permissions on the server to allow for
the individual case needs.
27. This is a peertopeer network; accordingly, no central user account database exists. Therefore, for the administrator to allow each of the users in the office access to resources on his/
hers computer with the correct permissions, he/she had to create accounts on his/her computer for each of them. After their accounts were created, he/she could then assign permissions to each of those accounts. If she had not created individual accounts, his/her only
other option would have been to assign permissions to the everyone group. In that case,
everyone would end up with the same permissions for each resource.


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications

Chapter 2 The OSI Model and IEEE 802 Standards

Dynamic routing uses three types of routing protocols. These are distance vector, link state, and
Distance vector Distance is the number of router hops to the destination. With this routing
method routers use the socalled distance metric where each router adds its

hop to the metric to calculate the best route to the destination. Routers pass
routing tables to their nearest neighbors in all directions. At each exchange,
the router increments the distance value received for a route, thereby applying its own distance value to that route as shown in Figure 2.15.

First Hop

1+1=2 Second Hop

2+1=3 Third Hop

Figure 2.15. Distance vector routing

Generally, distancevector protocols are limited to 16 hops and are used in

internetworks with less that 50 routers. But because they are simple and easy
to configure, they are the most widely used.


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications

The X.25 Protocol


Request to Send

ENQ = Enquiry Signal It is initiated whenever the transmitter wishes

to make contact with the receiver
ACK = Acknowledgement Signal The receiver responds with this
signal informing the transmitter that data may be sent.
NAK = Negative Acknowledgement, Control Code ASCII Character 21
EOT = End Of Transmission

The data to be sent are divided in blocks (frames) and the

transmitter keeps track of these by a numbering system. Thus,
the transmitter initializes Block Number 1 (B=1) and transmits
that block. If the receiver acknowledges reception of the first

Initialize Block No.

block and if everything goes well, the transmitter will send the
remaining blocks (total of ten for this example) and will check
to see if all blocks have been sent. Subsequently, the transmitter
will terminate the communication by sending an End of
Transmission signal (EOT).

Data Transmitted

Note: This flow chart is an oversimplification of the actual

operation since it suffers from one serious flow, i.e., if the
receiver sends a NAK, the flow chart enters an endless loop.


This problem is solved by employing a Retry (Time Out)

counter that would limit the number of times a transmitter
would request to send data to a particular receiver.


B = 10



Figure 3.4. An oversimplified flow chart to show the initiation of binary transmission

3.2.4 Link Control

The link is controlled by means of the two bytes that follow the opening flag. These bytes are:
1. The Address Byte used to distinguish between command and responses made by the DCE or
DTE terminals at either end of the link A typical fourwire, fullduplex link is shown in Figure 3.5.

NETWORKS Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications


Physical Topologies

Figure 4.4. T connector

4.1.2 Star Topology

The star topology uses a separate cable for each workstation, as shown in Figure 4.5. The cable
connects each workstation to a central device referred to as a hub.*


Figure 4.5. Network using Star Topology

The star architecture is more reliable network than the bus and it is easily expanded. With the
star, there is no central point of failure within the cable. If there is a problem with one cable that
connects a particular workstation to the hub, only that station is affected.
It may appear that a hub may become inoperative causing the entire star network architecture to
become inoperative also. This is highly unlikely because the hub is, in general, a passive device.
That is, hubs are very similar to patch panels where no power is required. However, some hubs are
active, and as such, require external power. Active hubs are employed in cases where it is necessary to regenerate weak signals so that they can be transmitted over greater distances. Hubs are
referred to as IEEE Class I and IEEE Class II repeaters. An IEEE Class I repeater is an active hub
and a Class II repeater is a passive hub.
* A hub is a device joining communication lines at a central location, providing a common connection to all devices on the network.

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications


Chapter 4 Network Designs and Ethernet Networking

Installing and configuring Ethernet adapters inside the computer case
Many of the current adapters have connections for the Ethernet. They include a 15pin AUI
connector, a coax connector, and an RJ45 connector for UTP cable. When using coax cable, it
is important to connect the trunk using a T connector, which connects to either another cable
segment or to a terminator. Figure 4.13 shows a Fast (100BaseTX) Ethernet adapter.

Figure 4.13. Fast Ethernet Adapter (Courtesy 3 Com)

Ethernet USB Adapter

An adapter such as the 10/100 Mbps Ethernet USB adapter shown in Figure 4.14 is the easiest
way to get a computer ready to share Internet access is through an available USB port. The
Adapter simply plugs in to connect the PC to the cable or DSL modem, and also to share files
and peripherals with other computers that are connected to the network. With instant, Plug
andPlay USB and a setup with included software, one can add sharing capability without opening the computer case to install an Ethernet card.

4.2.4 Token Ring

The Token Ring network is a tokenpassing, ringshaped local area network that was developed
by IBM operating at 4 Mbps. With standard telephone wiring, the Token Ring network can connect up to 72 devices; with shielded twistedpair wiring, the network supports up to 260 devices.
Although it is based on a ring (closed loop) topology, the Token Ring network uses starshaped
clusters of up to eight workstations connected to a wiring concentrator MultiStation Access Unit
(MSAU), which, in turn, is connected to the main ring.


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications

Network Types

Figure 4.14. 10/100 Mbps Ethernet USB Adapter (Courtesy Belkin International, Inc.)

The Token Ring network is designed to accommodate microcomputers, minicomputers, and

mainframes; it follows the IEEE 802.5 standard. Figure 4.15 shows an IBM token ring configuration with MSAUs.

Token Ring




Figure 4.15. IBM Token Ring with MSAUs

While the arrangement of Figure 4.15 seems feasible since it each device is connected to the
MAU, inside the central device, the ports are connected in a ring. The ring configuration does
have one major weakness: there is a single point of failure. If there is a break in the ring, the entire
ring breaks down. To help overcome this deficiency, Token Ring hubs can detect a break in the
ring and disconnect that portion of the ring, allowing them to route the ring around the failed
area. Figure 4.16 shows a practical ring arrangement on a Token Ring network.

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications


Chapter 5 Buses, Network Adapters, and LAN Connection Devices

Workstation 1

Workstation 2

Workstation 3

Segment 1
Workstation 4

Repeater 1

Workstation 5

Repeater 2

Segment 2
Segment 3

Repeater 3
Segment 4
Repeater 4
Workstation 6

Workstation 7

Segment 5

Figure 5.7. The 543 rule

Repeaters are very inexpensive and provide an easy way to extend a network. However, any more
segments or repeaters that would violate the 543 rule, would cause timing problems and would
affect the collision detection used by the Ethernet.

5.3.2 Bridge
A bridge is device that connects and controls the flow of traffic between two LANs, or two segments of the same LAN. The two LANs being connected can be alike or dissimilar. For example,
a bridge can connect an Ethernet with a TokenRing network. Bridges are protocolindependent. They simply forward packets without analyzing and rerouting messages.
Bridges operate at the Data Link layer of the OSI model and, like a repeater, attach two different
network segments and pass data. The fundamental difference between a repeater and a bridge is
that a repeater allows all data to pass through, whereas a bridge checks the data and determines
whether they should be allowed to pass or not. For instance, if a network segment has a workstation and a server both on the same side of a bridge and these are exchanging information with
each other, the bridge senses this and does not allow passage of the data. Had this been a
repeater, the data would have been passed. Figure 5.8 shows two network segments interconnected with a bridge.


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications

Wired Media
Table 6.1 lists the advantages and disadvantages of each type of cables that is discussed in this
TABLE 6.1 Cable types and their advantages / disadvantages
Cable Type




Low cost
Easy installation
Capable of high speeds

High attenuation
Susceptible to EMI
Short distances (100 meter
limit) due to attenuation


Medium cost
Easy installation
Faster than UTP and coaxial
Less susceptible to EMI than

More expensive than UTP and

More difficult installation
High attenuation (same as


Less attenuation than UTP

and STP
Less susceptible to EMI than
Low cost
Easy to install and expand

Accidental cable break will

cause the entire network to
become inoperative

Fiber Optic

Extremely fast
Very low or no attenuation
No EMI interference

Expensive installation
Highest cost

6.2.6 Multiplexing
Multiplexers are discussed in Chapter 5. Let us review the concept of multiplexing and also discuss frequency division multiplexing. We recall that multiplexing offers an efficient method of
using a single highbandwidth channel to transmit many lowerbandwidth channels. That is, we
can combine several lowbandwidth channels form a single highbandwidth channel for transmitting signals.
A Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX) is the hardware device that allows the channels to
be joined for transmission over a single cable and to be separated at the receiving station. Both
broadband and baseband transmissions can benefit from this technique. A commonly known use
of this technique is cable TV. Many channels are sent across one cable. The channel changer on
the cable box is a demultiplexer that separates the signal. The multiplexing method used depends
on whether the transmission is broadband or baseband. These two types of multiplexing are Time
Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). In TDM all signals use
the same frequency but operate at different times, while in FDM, all signals operate at the same time
with different frequencies.
The concepts of TDM and FDM are illustrated in Figures 6.4 and 6.5 respectively.
NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition
Copyright Orchard Publications


Chapter 7
Network Design and Administration

his chapter discusses the various types of networks that the networks administrator can use
to build for his/her needs, the hardware and software required, and tasks that a network
administrator must perform to maintain the network(s) he/she is responsible for. These
tasks include security and safeguarding data from internal and external disasters.

7.1 Network Design Considerations

There are many factors that networks administrator must consider before designing the network.
The most important consideration is the assessment of the networking needs. The networks
administrator must consider which features and benefits are most vital to his network. The word
design, as used here, means the collection and installation of the essential hardware and software that he must possess to assemble and place in operation his network.
The following items are of utmost importance:
Versatility: Networking needs vary from one network to another. In networking there is no

such thing as one size fits all.

Expandability: The original network design must allow for a wide variety in expansion capabil-

ities including scalability.*

Affordability: It is true that advanced technology is no good unless one can afford it. But he

can start with an affordable and versatile network and expand in the next level of affordability.

Next, the administrator must provide answers to the following questions:

Where the computers, printers, and other peripherals will be located?
Which computers will be networked and how far apart are they? Will all be located in a large

open space or in rooms separated by walls?

What networks speeds are required?

What applications and operating systems will be used?
What type of Internet connections will be used?

* Scalability means that newer and faster versions of LANs can be integrated into networks with older and slower hardware
devices while adding on new segments that run at higher data rates.

NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications


Chapter 8 Introduction to Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Managed Object
SNMP Poll Request
Managed Object Response

UDP2, UDP3, ... UDPn



Object Instance

Figure 8.3. SNMP gathering information on managed objects

8.8 Management Information Bases (MIBs)

A Management Information Base (MIB) is a database of managed objects accessed by network
management protocols. An SNMP MIB is a set of parameters which an SNMP management station can query or set in the SNMP agent of a network device such as a router. Figure 8.4 shows
an MIB that counts all data passing through a router.
SNMP Poll Request
Managed Object Response

SNMP Agent
Figure 8.4. An MIB that counts all data passing through an router

In Figure 8.4, the data count obtained from each interface, shown by an arrow, is a managed
object instance, but the total count of data from all four interfaces is a managed object.
SNMP contains two standard MIBs. The first, MIB I, established in RFC 1156, was defined to
manage the TCP/IPbased internet. MIB II, defined in RFC 1213, is basically an update to MIB
I. MIBII refers to the current definition. SNMPv2 includes MIBII and adds some new objects.
There are MIB extensions for each set of related network entities that can be managed. For
example, there are MIB definitions specified in the form of Requests for Comments (RFCs) for
Domain Name System (DNS), Fiber DistributedData Interface (FDDI), and RS232C network
objects. Product developers can create and register new MIB extensions. Companies that have
created MIB extensions for their sets of products include Cisco, Fore, IBM, Novell, QMS, and


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications

Chapter 9 Introduction to Remote Monitoring (RMON)

9.2 How RMON Works
Figure 9.1 shows a typical RMON configuration. Like SNMP, a typical RMON configuration consists of a central Network Management Station (NMS) and a remote monitoring device, called an
RMON agent.

Router with data

collection modul

Router with data

collection module
Management Software


Ethernet LAN Segment 1

Ethernet LAN Segment 2

Figure 9.1. Typical RMON Configuration

The NMS can be a Windowsbased or UNIXbased workstation or PC running a network management application that performs tasks as gathering statistics by monitoring packets of data on an
Ehernet segment, and storing information in accordance with the RMON specification. From the
NMS we can issue SNMP commands requesting information from the RMON agent. The RMON
agent sends the requested information to the NMS which then processes and displays this information on a console.
NIKSUN,, has introduced the NetVCR Solution, a system that performs monitoring and analysis and supports critical RMON I and II groups. The RMON MIBs generated by
NetVCR allow network management systems to remotely access RMON data collected by NetVCRs recording interfaces. The user can set alarm thresholds on the NetVCR appliance.
The Bay Networks Implementation of RMON is shown in Figure 9.2. It consists of a BayStack
AN or BayStack ANH base module, the Data Collection Module (DCM), the Data Collection
Module MiddleWare (DCMMW), the DCM Flash memory module, and the RMON agent.

BayStack Module


Flash Memory

Figure 9.2. Bay Networks RMON Architecture


NETWORKS - Design and Management, Second Edition

Copyright Orchard Publications

Symbols and Numerics
<g> E-36
.NET Passport 7-23
10/100 stackable hub 7-6
1000BaseFX 4-19
100Base 4-18
100BaseFL E-1
100BaseFX 4-19
100BaseFX E-1
100BaseT E-1
100BaseT4 4-19
100BaseTX 4-18
100BaseTX Ethernet 7-6
10Base2 4-16
10Base2 E-1
10Base-2 Ethernet 2-22
10Base5 E-1
10BaseT 4-16
32 Bit E-1
3COM 3-21
3D Sound E-1
404 Error E-2
50-ohm RG-58 coax cable 6-4
50-ohm RG-7 or RG-11 coax cable 6-4
5-4-3 cabling rule 4-15
56K Line E-2
64 Bit E-2
64-bit Bus 5-2
64QAM 6-25
64-State Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation 6-25
802.1 E-2
802.10 2-37
802.10 E-2
802.11 E-2
802.11r 2-37
802.12 2-37
802.12 E-2
802.1d 2-36
802.2 2-36
802.2 E-2
802.3 2-36
802.3 E-2
802.3 u 2-36
802.3z 2-37
802.4 2-37
802.4 E-2
802.5 2-37
802.5 E-2
802.6 2-37
802.6 E-2
802.7 2-37

802.7 E-2
802.8 2-37
802.8 E-2
802.9 2-37
802.9 E-2
93-ohm RG-62 coax cable 6-4
a/s/l E-8
a1Host 9-15
a1Matrix 9-15
Abend E-3
Abort E-3
Abstract Systems Notation One 8-12
Accelerated Graphics Port E-3
Acceptable User Policy E-3
Access Control 8-64
Access Control List E-3
Access Control Subsystem 8-68
Access Number E-3
Access Provider E-3
Access Speed E-3
Account Policy E-3
Acoustic Coupler E-3
Active Channels E-3
active directory domain 7-20
Active Directory E-4
Active Downstream Neighbor 4-24
active hub 4-3, 5-20
Active Matrix Display E-4
Active Partition E-4
Active Server Pages E-4
Active Window E-4
active(1) 8-29
ActiveX E-4
Address Book E-4
address byte 3-5
Address Harvester E-4
Address Resolution E-4
Address Resolution Protocol
3-17, 4-10, E-4
Address Verification System E-4
Addressing 2-24
addressMap 9-15
ad-hoc mode 7-13
administrator account 7-23

Advanced Digital Network E-5
Advanced Interactive Executive E-5
Advanced Power Management E-5
Advanced Research Projects
Agency 3-11
Advanced Research Projects
Agency Network E-5
AdventNet 8-77
affordability 7-1
Agent E-5
Agent SNMP v1, v2C, v3 8-77
AI E-5
Aironet 340 Access Point 7-15
alarm 9-13
alarm group 9-6
Algorithm E-5
Alias E-5
Aliasing E-5
Alpha Testing E-5
Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) 6-23
Alternate Mark Inversion 5-30
AMD 5-3
American National Standards
Institute B-2, E-6
American Standard Code for Information
Interchange 2-13, B-2, E-6
American Wire Gauge 6-2
AMI 6-23
Amplitude E-6
amplitude modulation 6-21
amplitude shift keying 6-21
Analog E-6
Anchor E-6
Animated GIF E-6
Animation E-6
Annoyware E-6
anonymous FTP 3-18, E-6
Anonymous Login Convention E-6
ANSI B-2, E-6
Answer Files E-6
antenna 6-9, 6-10
Anti-aliasing E-6
Apples LocalTalk network 2-10
Applet E-7
AppleTalk E-7
AppleTalk Address Resolution
Protocol E-7

AppleTalk protocol 3-32

AppleTalk Remote Access E-7
applicability statement 8-62
application 8-69, E-7
Application Layer 2-35, 3-12, E-7
Application Program Interface E-7
Application Server E-7
application services 1-16, E-7
Applied SNMP 8-77
Archie E-8
archives 1-15, E-8
Archiving E-8
ARCNet 4-6, E-8
ARCNet Plus 4-7
ARCNet Trade Association 4-7
ARP 3-17, 4-10, E-8
ARPA 3-11
ARPANet 3-11
Artificial Intelligence E-8
ASCII 2-13
ASN.1 8-12
ASR 9000 edge router 5-23
Asset Management E-8
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line E-8
Asynchronous Communication E-8
asynchronous synchronization 6-28
asynchronous transfer mode
2-20, 3-29, E-9
Asynchronous Transfer Mode E-9
asynchronous transmission 2-6, 2-19
at 8-30
ATA 4-7
ATM 2-20, 3-29, E-9
Attached Resource Computer
Network E-9
attachment unit interface 5-6
attenuation 6-2, E-9
AUI 5-6
AUI Connector E-9
authenticationFailure(4) 8-44
authorizationError(16) 8-43
autonomoustype 8-29
Avatar E-9
B E-9
B2B E-9
backbone 2-15

Backbone E-9
Backdoor E-9
Backup E-9
bad packets 9-10
badValue(3) 8-42
bandwidth 1-6, 8-26, E-10
Banner Ad E-10
Banyan VINES 3-33
base 10 C-3
base 16 C-2
base 8 C-2
baseband 2-21
Baseband System E-10
baseband transmissions 6-28
basic encoding rules 8-12
Basic Input Output System E-10
BAT E-10
Batch File E-10
Baud E-10
Baud Rate E-10
bbl E-10
BBS E-10
beaconing 4-25, E-10
BER 8-12
best effort 4-9
Best Effort Attempt E-10
Beta Testing E-10
bfn E-10
BGI E-10
BGP 3-33
binary B-4, C-1, E-11
binary digits B-1
binary file B-1, E-11
Binary Gateway Interface E-11
Binary Hexadecimal E-11
binary messages B-1
Binary Number System E-11
binary phase shift keying 6-22
binary words B-1
Bindings E-11
Binhex E-11
BIOS 4-24
biphase-L or Manchester 6-22
biphase-Level 6-22
biphase-M 6-23
biphase-mark 6-23
Bit Depth E-11
Bit E-11
Bitmap E-11
BITS 8-28
bits B-1
Bits Per Second E-11
Black Point E-11
Blue Book recommendations 3-29

Blue Screen E-11

Blu-ray 5-3
BMC Software 8-77
BNC connector 4-1, E-12
Bookmark E-12
Boolean E-12
Boolean Logic E-12
Boolean Search E-12
Boot Loader E-12
Boot Partition E-12
Boot Sequence E-12
Booting E-12
Border Gateway Protocol 3-33
Bot E-12
Bottleneck E-12
Bounce E-12
Bounded Media E-12
bps E-13
BPSK 6-22
branch A-1
brb E-13
bridge 2-15, 5-14, E-13
broadband 2-21, E-13
Broadband System E-13
broadband transmissions 6-29
broadcast address 4-10
Broadcast E-13
broadcast infrared 6-27
broadcast storm 5-17, E13
broadcasting 5-17
Broken Link E-13
brouter 2-15, 5-23
Browser E-13
Browsing E-13
BS B-3
btw E-13
Bug E-13
Bulletin Board System E-13
burst mode 6-18
bus 5-1, E-14
Bus Mastering E-14
bus repeater 5-13
bus topology 4-1, E14
byte 2-19, 3-13, B-1, E-14
C2 Secure Environment E-14
cable (wired) media 6-1
cable categories 7-5, 7-8
cable modem 5-29
Cable Television E-14
Cache E-14
cache memory 5-9
Caching E-14
CAD E-14
CAE E-14

Capacity Planning E-14
capture 9-13
carrier sense 4-8
Carrier Sense Multiple Access E-15
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Avoidance 2-9, E-15
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detection 2-8, E-15
Cascade IRQ 2 5-7
Cascading Style Sheets E-15
Case-dependent E-15
Case-sensitive E-15
Castle Rock 8-12
Category 1 cable 4-18
Category 1 UTP 6-2
Category 2 cable 4-18
Category 3 cable 4-18
Category 4 cable 4-18
Category 5 cable 4-18, 7-8
Category 5 UTP 6-2
Category 6 cable 4-18
Cathode Ray Tube E-15
CAU 4-22
C-band E-14
CCD E-15
CDDI 7-10
CD-i E-15
CDMA 6-19
CD-R E-15
CD-RW E-15
cell 2-17
Central Office 3-26
Central Processing Unit E-15
Centralized Computing E-16
Centralized Networks E-16
centralized processing 1-10
Certificate Authority E-16
CGA E-16
CGI E-16
cgi-bin E-16
Chain Letter E-16
Channel capacity 1-6
Channel E-16
Channel Service Unit/Data
Service Unit 3-27
Charge-coupled Device E-16
Charset E-16
Chat E-16
Chat Room E-16
cheapernet 4-16
Checksum E-16
Chip E-16
Chipset E-16

circuit switching 2-17, 3-26, E-17

Cisco Catalyst Series 5-21
Cisco Management Variables 8-14
Cisco Systems 8-77
Ciscos Catalyst 9-16
Ciscos RMON 9-16
CiscoWorks 9-20
cladding 6-5
Class II repeater 4-3
Click E-17
Clickable Image E-17
Click-through E-17
Click-through Rate E-17
client 1-10, E-17
Client Service for Netware E-17
Client/Server Relationship E-17
Client-Server Architecture E-17
Clipboard E-17
Clipping E-17
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductor) E-17
cmpInEchoReps 8-26
cmpOutEchos 8-26
CMS E-18
Coax E-18
Coaxial Cable E-18
Code Division Multiple Access 6-19
Codec (Coder/decoder) E-18
coefficients C-1
coexistence and transition 8-63
Cold Boot E-18
coldStart(0) 8-44
Collaborative Computing E-18
collaborative processing 1-11
Collision 1E-8
collision 2-9
Collision Detection 4-8, E-18
Co-location E-18
Colour Graphics Adapter E-18
Colour Management System E-18
Com Port E-19
Command E-19
command generator 8-70
Command Interpreter E-19
Commerce Server E-19
commitFailed(14) 8-42
Common Gateway Interface E-19
Communication Port E-19
Communications Servers E-19
community 8-3
Compact Disc E-19
Compact Disk - interactive E-19
Compact Disk - Recordable E-19
Compact Disk - Rewritable E-20
Compact Disk Filing System E-19
compiler B-4

Compiler E-20
Complete Trust Domain Model E-20
Compress E-20
Compression E-20
Compression Ratio E-20
Computer Aided Design E-20
Computer Aided Engineering E-20
Computer Browser Service E-20
computer clock B-1
Computer Conferencing E-20
Computer Name E-20
Computer Policy E-21
computer station 1-7
Computer Virus E-21
Computers E-20
concentrator 2-14
concentrator 4-4, E-21
Configuration E-21
configuration MIBs 8-25
confirmed class 8-65
conformance statements 8-66
Congestion E-21
connected network A-2
connection oriented 2-32
connection types 3-25
connectionless 2-28
connectionless protocols 3-9
Connection-Oriented Service E-21
Connector E-21
contention 2-24
Contention-Based Networking E-21
Control Access Unit 4-22
Control Panel E-21
converter 2-17
Cookie E-21
cooperative processing 1-11
coprime D-1
Coprocessor E-22
core switche 5-20
Cost Per Action E-22
Cost Per Click E-22
Cost Per Thousand E-22
counter 8-24
Counter32 8-27
Counter64 8-27
Country Code E-22
CPA E-22
CPC E-22
CPM E-22
CPS E-22
CPU E-22
CR B-3
Cracker E-22
Cramming E-22
Crash E-22
Crawler E-22
CRC 2-10
CRC E-22

createAndGo(4) 8-29
createAndWait(5) 8-29
cross talk 6-2, E-22
Cross-platform E-22
CRS-1 router 5-23
CRT E-23
Cryptography E-23
CSMA/CA 2-9, 2-25, E-23
CSMA/CD 2-2, 2-8, 2-24, 2-25, E-23
CSS E-23
CSU/DSU 3-27
CTR E-23
cul E-23
Cursor E-23
cXML E-23
Cyberbunny E-23
Cyberpunk E-23
Cyberspace E-23
Cybersquatting E-24
Cyclic Redundancy Check
2-10, 5-8, E-24
Cylinder E-24
daemon 8-4
daisy-chain 3-31, 7-15
DAP 3-24
DAT E-24
Data 24
Data Circuit Equipment 3-2
data field 8-19
Data Link 3-2
Data Link Control 3-9, 3-24
Data Link Layer E-24
data migration 1-15
data packet 2-16
Data Projector E-24
Data Terminal Equipment 3-2
data types 8-19
Database E-24
database server 1-16
database services 1-16, E-24
datagram 2-19, 2-27, 3-15, E-24
Datagram Packet Switching E-25
Datagram Switching E-25
Data-Link Layer 2-23
DateAndTime 8-29
Daughterboard E-25
Daughtercard E-25
dB 1-6
DBMS 3-24
DC1 B-4
DC2 B-4
DC3 B-4
DC4 B-4

DCE 3-2
DDS E-25
DDS-1 E-27
DDS-2 E-27
DDS-3 E-27
DDS-4 E-27
de facto 2-3
De Facto Standard Protocol E-25
De Jure Standard Protocol E-25
decibel 1-6
decimal C-1
Decompression E-25
decryption D-1
dedicated connections 3-25
dedicated leased lines 3-27
Dedicated Line E-25
Default Computer Policy E-25
Default Gateway E-25
Default User Policy E-25
Default User Profile E-26
Defined Object Identifiers 8-24
Demand Paging E-26
demarc point 3-26
demilitarized zone 5-23
Demodulation E-26
Desktop Computer E-26
Desktop E-26
Desktop Operating System E-26
Desktop Publishing E-26
desktop switche 5-20
destroy(6) 8-29
deterministic 2-25
Deterministic Network E-26
Device Driver E-26
DHCP 3-19, 7-5, E-26
dHTML E-26
Dialog Box E-26
dial-up connections 3-27
Dial-Up Networking E-26
dibit 6-24
Differential Manchester 6-22
differential phase shift keying 6-24
differential quadrature phase
shift keying 6-25
Digerati E-27
Digital Access Protocol 3-24
Digital Data Storage E-27
Digital Signal Level 3-28
Digital Signal or Data Service
level 3-29
Digital Signature E-27
Digitizer E-27
DIP Switches E-27
direct memory access 5-6, E-27
direct sequence frequency
hopping 6-14
directed branch A-1

Directory E-27
Directory Name Service E-27
Directory Replication E-27
directory services 1-15, E-27
directory(1) subtree 8-10
Dish E-28
Disk Drive E-28
Disk Duplexing E-28
Disk E-28
Disk Mirroring E-28
Dispatcher 8-68
DisplayString 8-28
distance vector 2-30
Distance Vector Multicast
Routing Protocol 2-29
Distributed Computing E-28
Distributed Database Management
System 3-24
Distributed Databases E-28
Distributed Networks E-28
distributed processing 1-11
DIX Connector E-28
DLC 3-9, 3-24
DMA 5-6, 5-9, E-28
DMH Software 8-77
DMZ 5-23
DNS 3-17, 7-21, E-28
document roadmap 8-62
domain 7-21, E-28
Domain Controller E-28
Domain Master Browser E-28
Domain Name System
3-17, 7-21, E-28
domain names 3-13, E-28
DOS E-29
Dot Matrix Printer E-29
Downlink E-29
Download E-29
Downtime E-29
dpi E-29
DPSK 6-22
DQPSK 6-25
draft standard protocols 8-2
Driver E-29
drop repeater 5-13
DS signals 3-29
DS-0 E-29
DS-1 E-29
DS-2 E-29
DS-3 E-29
DSL modem 5-29
DTE 3-2
DTP E-29
Dual Boot E-29
dual-attached FDDI topology 4-26
Dual-homed FDDI topology 4-26
Dump E-30

DUN E-30
DVMRP 2-29
Dvorak Keyboard E-30
Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol 3-19, 7-5, E-30
Dynamic Hypertext Markup
Language E-30
dynamic routing 2-29, E-30
E- (prefix) E-30
Easter Egg E-31
EB E-31
EBCDIC 2-14, B-4
E-Commerce E-30
edge router 5-23
EDI E-31
EFT E-31
EGP 3-33
egp 8-31
egpNeighborLoss(5) 8-44
EIGRP 3-23
EISA 5-1, E-31
electromagnetic spectrum 6-25
Electron Gun E-31
Electronic Document Interchange E-31
Electronic Funds Transfer E-31
Electronically Erasable Programmable
Read Only Memory E-31
E-lecture E-30
EM B-4
E-mail E-31
EMF E-31
Emoticon E-31
Emulation E-31
encoding 6-20
Encoding E-32
encryption D-1
Encryption E-32
end office 1-2
End Systems E-32
End-User E-32
Enhanced Category 5 cable 4-18
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol 3-23
Enhanced Meta File E-32
enterprise 7-3
enterpriseSpecific(6) 8-44
Error Checking E-32
Error Control E-32
Error Detecting and Correcting
Codes 2-13
error detection 3-8
errorIndication 8-75

Ethernet 3-23
Ethernet converter 5-26
Ethernet E-32
ethernet history group 9-6
ethernet statistics group 9-6
event 9-14
event group 9-7
event viewer 1-13, 7-29, E-32
Exabyte E-32
executable B-4
Executable File E-32
expandability 7-1
Expanded Memory E-32
expanded MIB-II tree 9-11
experimental protocols 8-2
experimental(3) 8-10
explorer frame 5-18
Extended ASCII Character Set B-4
Extended Binary Code Decimal
Interchange Code 2-14, B-4
Extended Industry Standard
Architecture 5-1, E-32
Extended Partition E-32
External Gateway Protocol 3-33
External Viewer E-32
Extranet E-32
E-zine E-31
Facsimile Machine E-33
fallback 7-14
FAQ E-33
Fast Ethernet 4-18
FAT 7-24, E-33
Fault Correlator Tool 9-23
fault tolerance 1-10, E-33
FAX Machine E-33
FC-AL 3-32
FCS 3-8, 3-29
FDDI 3-11, 4-25, 7-10, E-33
FDM 6-7, 7-18
FDMA 6-18
FF B-3
Fiber Distributed Data Interface
Interface 4-25, E-33
fiber optic cable 6-5, 7-9, E-33
Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop 3-32
field 8-19, E-33
file 8-19
file allocation table 7-24, E-33
File Attributes E-33
File Compression E-33
File E-33
File Extension E-33

File Migration E-34

File Naming Convention E-33
File Permissions E-33
file server 1-14, E-34
file services 1-14, E-34
file storage 1-15, E-34
File System E-34
file transfer 1-14, E-34
File Transfer Access Method 3-24
file transfer protocol
2-3, 3-10, 3-18, E-34
File Update Synchronization 34
Filename E-34
filter 9-13, E-34
filter group 9-7
filtering 5-15
Finger E-34
firewall 2-15, 5-23, 7-5, E-34
FireWire 3-31, 3-32, 5-5
flag 3-3
Flame E-34
Flame War E-35
Flaming E-35
Flash E-35
Flatbed Scanner E-35
Floating-point Error E-35
Flow Control E-35
Folder E-35
Font E-35
Footprint E-35
Format E-35
Fragmentation E-35
frame - asynchronous
communications 2-20
frame - synchronous
communications 2-21
frame 2-17, 3-3
Frame Check Sequence 3-29
Frame Control Sequence 3-4, 3-8
frame relay 3-28, E-35
frame type E-36
freeware E-36
frequency E-36
frequency division multiple
access 6-18
frequency division multiplexing
6-7, 7-17
frequency hopping spread
spectrum 6-14
frequency modulation 6-21
frequency shift keying 6-21
Frequently Asked Questions E-36
Front-End E-36
FS B-4
FSK 6-21
FTAM 3-24
FTP 2-3, 3-10, 3-18, E-36

Full Duplex E-36

full-duplex transmission 2-8
Fully Qualified Domain Name E-36
Function Keys E-36
Ga E-36
Gamma Correction E-36
gateway 2-14
gateway 5-24
Gateway E-36
Gateway Service for Netware E-37
Gauge 8-24, E-37
Gauge32 8-27
GB E-37
Gb E-37
generator polynomial 2-10
genErr(5) 8-42
Geo-synchronous E-37
get 8-20, 8-35
get, get-next, get-bulk, and set
PDU 8-41
get-bulk 8-20, 8-35, 8-38
get-next 8-20, 8-35, 8-37
get-response 8-35
GIF E-37
Gigabit E-37
gigabit ethernet 7-6
Gigabyte E-37
GMT E-37
gmta E-37
good packets 9-10
Gopher E-37
Graphical User Interface E-37
Greyscale E-38
Group Dependencies E-38
Group Policy E-38
GS B-4
guest account 7-24
GUI E-38
hacker E-38
half-duplex transmission 2-8, E-38
Handle E-38
handshaking 2-2, E-38
Hard Drive E-38
Hardcopy E-38
Hardware Compatibility List E-38
Hardware Configuration E-38
Hardware E-38
HCL E-38
HDLC 2-20, 3-24
HDSL 5-30

Headend E-39
Header E-39
hermaphroditic connector 4-23
Hertz E-39
Hex E-39
hexadecimal C-2, E-39
HFC 6-6
high performance file
system 7-25, E-39
High Performance Serial Bus 3-31
High-level Data Link
Control 2-20, 3-24
historic protocols 8-2
history 9-13
history control group 9-6
Hit E-39
Hive E-39
Home Page E-39
Home Phoneline Networking
Alliance 7-16
hop 2-19, E-39
Hop Count E-40
host 9-13, E-40
host group 9-6
hostTopN 9-13
hostTopN group 9-6
hot-swappable 7-4
HP E-40
HP OpenView 9-20
HPFS 7-25, E-40
HPNA 7-16\
HTTP 3-18, E-40
hub 2-14, 4-13, 5-19, 7-4, E-40
hub repeater 5-13
Hybrid Fiber Coax 6-6
hybrid routing 2-31
Hyperlink E-40
Hypertext E-40
Hypertext Markup Language E-40
HyperText Transfer Protocol
3-18, E-40
Hz E-40
I/O 5-6, 5-7, E-40
I/O Address E-40
I/O Operations E-41
I/OOp E-41
IAB E-41
IANA 3-12
IBM 8-78
IBM NetView 6000 9-20
ICANN 3-13

ICMP 3-16, 5-22, 7-30

icmp 8-26, 8-30
icmpInEchos 8-26
icmpOutDesUnreachs 8-26
icmpOutEchoReps 8-26
Icon E-41
IDE E-41
IEEE 1394 3-31, 5-5, 7-3
IEEE 802 Standards 2-36
IEEE 802.11b standard 6-15
IEEE 802.2 3-20
IEEE 802.2 E-41
IEEE 802.3 3-20
IEEE 802.3u standard 4-18
IEEE 802.5 specification 7-10
IEEE Class I repeater 4-3
IETF 8-2, E41
ifEntry 8-35
ifInErrors 8-25
ifNumber 8-25
ifOutErrors 8-25
ifTable 8-35
IGRP 3-16, 3-23
iirc E-41
IIS E-41
I-Link 3-31, 5-5
Image Map E-41
impedance 6-1, E-41
Import E-41
Impression E-41
IMTC 5-25
Inactive Window E-41
inconsistentName(18) 8-43
inconsistentValue(12) 8-42
Industry Standard
Architecture 5-1, E-41
inform 8-20, 8-36, 8-46
information exchange 3-8
information frame 3-4
Information Technology E-42
information theory 1-5
information transfer 3-7
infrared 6-26
Infrastructure E-42
infrastructure mode 7-13
initiation of the link 3-7
input/output 5-6, 5-8
instance identifier 8-37
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers E-42
integer 8-24
integer32 8-27
Integrated Drive Electronics E-42

Integrated Services Digital

Network 2-20, 3-29, E-42
Interchange E-42
Interface E-42
interface error rates 8-25
interfaces 8-30
Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol 3-16, 3-23
Intermediate Device E-42
Intermediate System E-42
Intermediate System to Intermediate
System 3-17
internal class 8-65
International Organization for
Standardization 2-21
international protocols 8-2
International Standards Organization
Management Model 2-6
Internet Architecture Board E-43
Internet Assigned Number Authority
3-12, E-43
Internet Control Message
Protocol 3-16, 5-22, 7-30
Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers 3-13
Internet Engineering Task
Force 8-2, E-43
Internet Information Server E-43
Internet layer 3-11
Internet Mail Access Protocol E-43
Internet Message Access
Protocol E-43
Internet Protocol 2-4, 3-10, 3-15, E-43
internet protocol security 7-33
Internet Relay Chat E-43
Internet Research Task Force E-43
Internet Service Provider E-43
Internet Society E-43
Internet Telephony E-43
Internetwork E-44
internetwork operating system 7-19
Internetwork Packet Exchange
2-2, 3-20
internetworking 2-27
interoffice trunk 1-2
Interoperability E-44
Interpreter E-44
interrupt request 5-6, E-44
InterWorking Labs, Inc 8-78
Intranet E-44
IOS 7-19
IP 2-4
ip 8-31
IP Address E-44
IP addressing 3-12
IP addressing classes 3-13
IP telephony 7-4

IPaddress 8-24
IPSec 7-33
IPv6 7-33
IPX 2-2, 3-20
IPX/SPX 2-31, 3-20
IRC E-44
IRQ 5-6, E-44
ISA 5-1, E-44
ISDN 2-20, 3-29, E-44
IS-IS 3-17
ISO 2-21
ISP E-44
Java E-44
Java Development Kit E-44
JavaScript E-45
JDK E-45
Joint Photographic Experts Group E-45
Joystick E-45
Jumper E-45
KB E-45
Kb E-45
Kermit 2-1, 2-10, E-45
Kernel E-45
Kernel Mode E-45
Key E-45
Keyboard, Video, and Mouse 7-7
keychange 8-71
Keyword E-45
Kilobit E-45
Kilobyte E-45
KVM switch 7-7
LAM 4-22
LAN 1-16, E-46
LANtastic 7-18
Laser Printer E-46
Laserdisc E-46
latency 5-20
LCD E-46
Leased-line E-46
lexicographic order 8-10
LF B-3
Light Pen E-46
Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol E-46

limited account 7-23

Line Printer Daemon E-46
Line-of-Sight E-46
link control
link state routing 2-31
Link Support Layer 3-21, 3-22
linkDown(2) 8-44
Links E-46
linkUp(3) 8-44
Liquid Crystal Display E-46
List Administrator E-46
Listserv E-46
LLC Sublayer 2-23, E-46
load balancing 3-23
Lobe Access Module 4-22
local area network 1-16, E-46
Local Group E-47
Local System E-47
Local Variables 8-14
LocalTalk E-47
locifCollisions, 8-25
locIfCRC 8-25
locIfInIgnored 8-25
locIfInPktsSec 8-26
locIfInPktsSec 8-26
locIfInRunts, 8-25
locIfOutBitsSec 8-26
locIfOutBitsSec 8-26
locIfOutPktsSec 8-26
locIfOutPktsSec 8-26
locIfResets 8-25
locIfRestarts 8-25
loclfInAbort 8-25
loclfInBitsSec 8-26
loclflnFrame 8-25
loclflnGiants 8-25
Logging On E-47
Logical Drive E-47
Logical Link Control Sublayer 2-23
Logical Link Control Sublayer E-47
logical topology 4-11
Login E-47
Login Name E-47
Logoff E-47
Logon E-47
Logon Hours E-47
Logon Script E-47
LOL E-47
longitudinal redundancy checking 2-6
LPD E-47
LRC 2-6
LSL 3-22
Lurker E-47
MAC address 3-21, 8-28, E-48

MAC Sublayer 2-23, E-48

Macro Virus E-48
Mail list E-48
Mail Merge E-48
Mail Servers E-48
Mailbox E-48
Mailing List E-48
Mainboard E-48
Mainframe E-48
MAN 1-17, E-48
managed device 8-6
managed object 8-7
Management Information Base 8-8
Management Information Base
Modules 8-66
Management Information
Systems E-48
manager 8-4
managing memory 7-28
managing processor time 7-28
Mandatory User Profile E-48
m-ary signals 6-24
Master Browser E-49
Math Coprocessor E-49
matrix 9-13, E-49
matrix group 9-7
MAU 4-22, 5-6
Maximum Password Age E-49
MB E-49
Mb E-49
Mbps E-49
MCA 5-2, E-49
media 1-10, E-49
Media Access Control Address E-49
Media Access Control Sublayer
2-23, E-49
Media Access Unit 5-6
Megabit E-49
Megabits per second E-49
Megabyte E-49
Megahertz E-49
Member Server E-49
Memory Dump E-50
Memory E-49
Menu E-50
Menu Bar E-50
Mesh Topology E-50
Message Application Programming
Interface E-50
Message E-50
message polynomial 2-10
message processing 8-63
Message Processing Subsystem 8-68
message services 1-15, E-50

Message Switching E-50

message switching network 2-18
Meta E-50
Metropolitan Area Network 1-17, E-50
Metropolitan Area Network E-50
mezzanine 5-3
mgmt branch 8-30
mgmt(2) subtree 8-10
MG-SOFT Corporation 8-78
MHz E-50
MIB 8-8
MIB objects 8-9
mib-2 object identifier 8-32
MIB-II 8-30
Micro Channel Architecture 5-2
MicroChannel Architecture E-50
Microsoft Protocol Suite 3-22
Microsoft Disk Operating System E-50
microwave E-51
microwave radiation 6-25
MIMIC 8-78
Minimum Password Age E-51
Minimum Password Length E-51
minimum span problems A-2
Mirror E-51
Mirror Site E-51
MIS E-51
MLID 3-22
modem 5-28, E-51
ModLink Networks 8-78
Monitor Polling 8-7
MOO E-51
Mosaic E-51
Motherboard E-51
MOV E-51
Moving Pictures Expert Group E-51
MSAU 4-22
MUD E-52
Mud, Object Oriented E-52
multicast address 4-10
multicasting 5-17
Multihomed E-52
Multimedia E-52
multimedia games 7-4
multi-mode fiber optic 6-5
multiple access 4-8, 6-17
Multiple Link Interface Driver 3-22
multiple managers 9-5
Multiple Master Domain Model E-52
multiple virtual storage 7-19
Multiplexer E-52
multiplexer/demultiplexer 6-7

multiplexing 5-31, E-52

Multiplexing Device E-52
Multipoint Distribution E-53
MultiPort Corporation 8-78
Multiprocessing E-53
Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extension E-52
MultiStation Access Unit 4-22
Multitasking E-53
Multi-User Dungeon E-52
Multi-User Simulated Environment E-52
Musical Instrument Digital
Interface E-53
MUX E-53
mux/demux 6-7
MVS 7-19
MVS/OE 7-19
MVS/Open Edition 7-19
My Network Places 7-20
n1Host 9-15
n1Matrix 9-15
NADN 4-25
naming of entities 8-67
naming of identities 67
naming of management information 8-67
Narrowband Communication E-53
NAS 7-7
NAT 7-5
National Science Foundation Wide
Area Network 3-33
Native E-53
NAUN 4-24
Navigation E-53
Navigation Tools E-53
NCP 3-22
NDIS 3-21, 5-10, E-53
Nearest Active Upstream
Neighbor 4-24
Near-Line E-53
NETAPHOR Software 8-79
NetBEUI 2-2, 3-9, E-53
NetBIOS 2-2, 3-9
NetBIOS Extended User Interface 3-9
Netiquette E-53
Netizen E-53
Netscape E-54
NETScout Manager 9-16
NetWare 7-18, E-54
NetWare Core Protocol 3-22
NetWare Link 3-20
NetWare Link Services Protocol 3-22

network 1-1, 1-8, A-1, E-54

Network Access Order E-54
network adapter 5-5, 7-3, E-54
network address translation 7-5
network administrator 1-10
network administrator account 7-23
network analysis A-1, A-2
network card 7-3, E-54
Network Client Administrator E-54
network connections 7-21
Network Device Driver E-54
Network Driver Interface Specification
3-21, 5-10,E-54
Network File System 3-20, E-54
Network Interface 3-11
network interface card 3-21, 5-5, E-54
Network Layer 2-4, 2-26, E-54
Network Management Station 8-4, 9-2
network meltdown 5-17
Network Monitor E-55
network neighborhood 7-20
Network News Transfer Protocol E-55
Network Numbers E-55
network operating systems 7-18
Network Services E-55
NetworkAddress 8-24
network-attached storage 7-7
Networking Model E-55
Newbie E-55
News Server E-55
Newsgroup E-55
Newsreader E-55
NFS 3-20, E-55
NIC 3-21, 5-4, 7-3, E-55
NLSP 3-22
NMS 8-4, 9-2
noAccess(6) 8-42
noCreation(11) 8-42
node 2-16, E-55
noError(0) 8-42
noise 6-1, E-55
non-browser E-55
non-return-to-zero level 6-22
non-return-to-zero mark 6-22
non-return-to-zero space 6-22
non-rooted 4-12
non-rooted branching tree 4-11
nonroutable protocols 3-9
nonVolatile(3) 8-29
noSuchName(2) 8-42
noSuchView 8-75
notification 8-36
notification class 8-65
notification originator 8-70
notification receiver 8-70

notify-view 8-72
notInService(2) 8-29
notReady(3) 8-29
notWritable(17) 8-43
NRZ-L 6-22
NRZ-M 6-22
NRZ-S 6-22
NSFnet 3-33
NT File System 7-24
NTFS 7-24, E-55
NTFS Permissions E-56
NTSC National Television Systems
Committee E-56
number conversions C-3
NWLink 3-20
NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible
Transport E-56
object identifier 8-10, 8-24
object instance 8-7
Object Linking and Embedding E-56
Object-Oriented Programming E-56
OCR E-56
octal C-2
octet 3-13, B-1
octet string 8-24
ODI 3-21, 5-10
Offline E-56
offline operation 9-4
offline storage 1-15
OLE E-56
On-Board E-56
One-Way Trust E-56
Online E-57
Online Service E-57
online storage 1-15
on-off keying 6-21
OOK 6-21
Opaque 8-25
Open Datalink Interface 3-21, 5-10
Open Shortest Path First 3-17
Open Systems Interconnection Model
2-6, 2-20, E-57
Operating System E-57
operations research A-1
Optical Character Recognition E-57
Optical Disc E-57
Optical Storage E-57
Organizationally Unique Identifiers 4-9
oriented branch A-1
OS E-57
OSI Model 2-6, 2-20, E-57
OSPF 3-17

other(1) 8-29
otoh E-57
OUI 4-9
packet 2-16, E-57
Packet Assembler/Disassembler E-58
packet capture group 9-7
packet switching 2-18, 3-26, E-58
PAD E-58
Paging File E-58
PAL E-58
Palette E-58
Parallel Cable E-58
Parallel Port E-58
Parameter E-58
parity 2-6, E-58
Parsing E-58
Participative Design E-58
Partition E-59
passive hub 4-3, 5-20
password 7-24, E-59
Password Uniqueness E-59
Paste E-59
Path E-59
PBX E-59
PCI 5-3, E-59
PCMCIA 5-4, 7-3, E-59
PDA E-59
PDF E-59
peer 1-10
Peer E-59
peer-to-peer network 1-11, E-59
Peer-to-Peer Networking E-59
Pentium Pro 5-3
performance 7-29
performance logs and alerts 7-29
performance polling 8-7
peripheral E-59
Peripheral Component Interface E-59
permanent(4) 8-29
Permissions E-59
Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association 5-4, E-60
Personal Digital Assistant E-60
phase modulation 6-21
phase shift keying 6-21
phoneline networking 7-16
PhysAddress 8-28
Physical Layer 2-22, E-60
Physical level in X.25 protocol 3-2
piggy-backing 7-15
ping 3-16, 8-26, E-60
Pixel E-60

plain distributed processing 1-11
plug-and-play 2-17, 5-6, 7-4, E-60
Plug-in E-60
pmfjih E-60
PnP 5-6, 7-4
Point to Multipoint E-60
point-to-point infrared 6-27
Point to Point Multilink Protocol E-61
Point-to-Point Protocol 3-28, E-61
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol E-61
polling system 2-26, E-61
POP E-61
POP3 E-61
port 2-16, E-61
port number 2-16
Portable Document Format E-61
Portable Operating System Interface
for Computing Environments E-61
Portal E-62
Post Office Protocol E-62
Posting E-62
Potential Browser E-62
PPP 3-28, E-62
PPSN 3-2
Practical Extraction and Report
Language E-62
Preemptive Multitasking E-62
Presentation Layer 2-33, E-62
Primary Partition E-62
prime number D-1
Print Device E-62
Print Device Driver E-63
Print Job E-63
Print Monitor E-63
Print Processor E-63
Print Queue E-63
print server 1-15, E-63
print services 1-15, E-63
Printer Pool E-63
private branch exchange 1-3, E-63
private(4) 8-10
proactive monitoring 9-4
probeConfig 9-15
problem detection and reporting 9-4
Procedure E-63
proposed standard protocols 8-2
protocol 1-10, 2-1, 3-1, E-63
protocol filter tools 9-18
protocol operations 8-65
protocol stack 2-3, 3-21, E-63
protocol suite 3-10
protocolDir 9-15
protocolDist 9-15
protocols for data transmission 2-2
proxy forwarder 8-70

proxy server 5-24, E-63

PSK 6-22
PSTN 3-26, E-64
public 8-19
public domain E-64
public key D-1
Public Packet Switching Network 3-2
Public Switched Telephone Network
3-26, E-64
QoS 7-30
QPSK 6-24
quadriphase shift keying 6-24
quality of service 7-30
Query E-64
Queue E-64
Queue-Based Printing E-64
QuickTime E-64
quotient polynomial 2-10
radio waves 6-9
RAID 7-26, E-64
RAID 0 7-26
RAID 1 7-26
RAID 2, 3, and 4 7-27
RAID 5 7-27
RAM E-64
Random Access Memory E-64
RAS E-64
RDBMS 8-45
rdbmsSrvInfoDiskOutOfSpaces 8-45
read class 8-65
read-only 8-3
Read-Only Memory E-64
readOnly(4) 8-42
readOnly(5) 8-29
read-view 8-72
read-write 8-3
Red Book recommendations 3-29
Reduced Instruction Set
Computing E-64
Redundant Array of Inexpensive
Disks 7-26, E-64
redundant systems 7-26
Refresh E-64
Registry E-64
Registry Editors E-65
Relational Database Management
System 8-45
remainder polynomial 2-10
Remote Access Administration E-65
Remote Access Service E-65
remote network monitoring 8-2
Remote System E-65

repeater 2-14, 4-4, 5-12, E-65

repeater hubs 4-13
report 8-36, 8-46
Requests for Comments 8-2, E-65
resistance 6-1, E-65
Resolution E-65
resource reservation protocol 7-30
resources 1-10, E-65
resourceUnavailable(13) 8-42
Response Class 8-65
return-to-zero 6-22
Reverse Lookup E-66
reverse path multicasting 2-29
RFC E-66
RFC 1042 8-3
RFC 115 8-3
RFC 1155 8-24, 8-32, 8-67
RFC 1156 8-8
RFC 1157 8-3, 8-42, 8-63, 8-67
RFC 1188 8-3
RFC 1201 8-3
RFC 1212 8-32, 8-63, 8-67
RFC 1213 8-8, 8-13, 8-30, 8-8-40, 60
RFC 1513 9-11, 9-14
RFC 1592 8-78
RFC 1611 8-13
RFC 1697 8-45
RFC 1757 9-1, 9-5
RFC 1901 8-67
RFC 1905 8-3, 8-65, 8-67
RFC 1906 8-3, 8-67
RFC 1907 8-3, 8-67
RFC 2115 8-13
RFC 2249 8-13
RFC 2515 8-13
RFC 2570 8-62
RFC 2571 8-4, 8-62, 8-71
RFC 2572 8-4, 8-62
RFC 2573 8-4
RFC 2574 8-4, 8-62
RFC 2575 8-4, 8-62, 8-71
RFC 2576 8-62
RFC 2578 8-67
RFC 2579 8-28, 8-67
RFC 2580 8-67
RFC 2819 9-1
RFC 768 8-3, 8-5
RFC 783 8-3
RFC 791 8-3
RFC 792 8-3
RFC 793 8-3
RFC 8-2, 8-71
RFC 826 8-3
RFC 854 8-3
RFC 894 8-3
RFC 959 8-3
RFC1213 8-32
RFC1592 8-78

RGB E-66
RI / RO modules 4-23
Rich Text Format E-66
RIF 5-19
Ring In / Ring Out Modules 4-23
ring topology 4-4, E-6
RIP 3-16, 3-22, E-66
RIPng 3-16
RIPv2 3-16
RJ-11 E-66
RJ-45 E-66
RMON 8-2
RMON 9-1
RMON1 9-11
RMON1 Ethernet Groups 9-12
RMON1 Token Ring 9-14
RMON2 9-11, 9-15
ROM E-66
romlD 8-25
round trip time 4-12
Routable E-66
routable protocol 3-8
router 2-15, 5-21, 7-5, E-66
routing 2-29
Routing E-66
routing information field 5-19
Routing Information Protocol
3-16, 3-22, E-66
routing protocols 3-16
Roving RMON 9-17
RowPointer 8-29
RowStatus 8-29
RS B-4
RS-232C cable 7-5
RS-449 cable 7-5
RSVP 7-30
RTF E-66
rtfm E-66
RZ 6-22
SAINT 7-25
Sampling E-67
SAN 7-7
SAP 3-22
SARM in X.25 protocol 3-7
SATAN 7-25
satellite microwave 6-26
scalability 4-7
scalar object 8-26
Scanner E-67
S-CDMA 6-20
Schema E-67
scrambling 7-12

Screen Saver E-67

Scripts E-67
Scroll Bar E-67
SCSI 3-30, E-67
SDH 3-29
SDLC 2-21
SDSL 5-30
Search Engines E-67
Secure Shell Protocol 2-5
Secure Socket Layer Protocol 2-5
Secure Sockets Layer E-67
security 8-64
security administrator tool for
analyzing networks 7-25
security administrator's integrated
network tool 7-25
Security Certificate Information E-67
Security Subsystem 8-68, 8-69
Segment E-67
sequence packet exchange
2-31, 3-20, 3-21
Sequential Read E-68
Serial Cable E-68
Serial Line Internet Protocol 3-28, E-68
Serial Port E-68
server 1-10, E-68
Server Dependencies E-68
Server Message Block 3-23
server-based network 1-11
Server-Based Network
Architecture 1-13
Server-Based Networking E-68
Service Advertising Protocol 3-22
Service E-68
Service Engineer E-68
Session Layer 2-32, E-68
set operation in SNMP
8-20, 8-35, 8-39
SGMP 8-1
Share Name E-68
Share Permissions E-68
Shared Folder E-69
shared memory 5-9
shared memory address 5-6
Shared Memory Address E-69
Shareware E-69
shielded twisted-pair 4-23, 7-8
short-wave 6-9
SI B-3
signal topology 4-11
signal-to-noise ratio 1-6
Simple Gateway Management
Protocol 8-1
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
2-4, 3-10, 3-19, E-69

Simple Network Management

Protocol 7-29, 8-1, E-69
SimpleSoft 8-79
Simplex E-69
simplex transmission 2-8
single mode fiber optic cable 6-5
Single-attached 4-26
Site E-69
Site-license E-69
Sliding Window E-69
SLIP 3-28, E-69
Small Computer System
Interface 3-30, E-69
Small Office / Home Office 6-4, 7-3
SMB 3-23, 7-3
SMDS 3-29, E-69
SMI 8-9, 8-12
SMTP 2-4, 3-10, 3-19, E-69
SNA 2-21, 3-9, 3-24
Sneakernets E-69
SNMP 7-29, 8-1, E-70
SNMP Agent 8-70
SNMP communities 8-18
SNMP data 8-26
SNMP engine 8-68
SNMP Framework Documents 8-66
SNMP Instrumentation MIBs 8-66
SNMP Manager 8-70
SNMP Research 8-79
SnmpAdminString 8-71
SnmpCleanup 8-47
snmpEngineID 8-68, 8-71
snmpget 8-36
snmpInGetRequests 8-26
snmpInGetResponses 8-26
SnmpMessageProcessingModel 8-71
snmpOutGetRequests 8-26
snmpOutGetResponses 8-26
SnmpSecurityLevel 8-71
SnmpSecurityModel 8-71
SnmpTagList 8-71
SnmpTagValue 8-71
SNMPv1 8-3
SNMPv1 Operations 8-20
SNMPv2 8-3
SNMPv2 Operations 8-20
SNMPv3 8-4, 8-62
snmpwalk 8-37
SO B-3
socket number 3-21
Sockets E-70
Software E-70
SOHO 6-4, 7-3
SONET 3-30
Spam E-70
Spanning Tree Algorithm 5-18

spanning-tree protocol 5-18

Specialized Servers E-70
Spider E-70
split-phase 6-22
spread spectrum 6-13
Spreadsheet E-70
SPX 2-31, 3-20, 3-21
SQL E-70
SSH 2-5
SSL 2-5, E-70
Stand-Alone Server E-70
standard protocols 8-2
Star Topology E-70
stat mux 6-8
stateless server 3-20
static routing 2-29, E-70
statistical time-division
multiplexing 6-8
statistics 9-13
Stop E-70
Stop and Wait E-70
storage-attached network 7-7
StorageType 8-29
Store and Forward E-71
STP 4-23
STP 7-8
straight-through cabling 7-8
Stripe Set E-71
Stripe Set with Parity E-71
Structure of Management
Information 8-9
Structured Query Language E-71
Style Sheet E-71
Stylus E-71
Subfolder E-71
subnet mask 3-14
Subnet Mask E-71
Subnetting 3-14
Sun Microsystems protocol 3-20
SunNet Manager 9-20
superframes 3-30
supervisory frame 3-8
switch 2-17, 5-20, 7-4
switched connections 3-26
Switched Ethernets 4-19
Switched Multimegabit Data
Service 3-29, E-71
Switching E-72
switching hub 4-13
synchronization 3-3, 6-28
synchronous E-71
synchronous code division
multiple access 6-20
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 3-29
Synchronous Optical Network 3-30

synchronous synchronization 6-28

synchronous time-division
multiplexing 6-8
synchronous transmission 2-8
Synchronous Transport
Module-Level 1 3-30
Syntax Error E-72
sysContact 8-25
sysDescr 8-25
sysLocation 8-25
sysName 8-25
Sysop E-72
system 8-30
system administrator 1-10
system monitor 7-29
System Operator E-72
System Partition E-72
System Policy E-72
System Policy Editor E-72
system restoration 7-25
Systems Network Architecture
2-21, 3-9, 3-24
sysUpTime 8-25
T connector 4-1
T-1 E-72
T1 lines 3-27
T2 lines 3-28
T-3 E-72
T3 lines 3-28
T4 lines 3-28
tabular objects 8-26
TAddress 8-29
Tags E-72
tandem processors 1-10
Task Manager E-72
Taskbar E-72
TB E-72
T-carrier system 3-27
TCP 2-4, 3-7, E-73
tcp 8-31
TCP/IP 2-2, 3-10, 3-11, E-73
TCP/IP and the OSI model 3-11
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 3-11
TDM 6-7
TDMA 6-18
TDomain 8-29
TechNet E-73
telecommunications network 1-1
Telecommute E-73
Teleconference E-73
Telephone Bridge E-73
telephone network 1-1
Teletext E-73
Telnet 3-10, 3-19, E-73
Telnet Protocol 2-4

temporary variables 8-14

Terabyte E-73
Terminal E-73
Terminal Server E-73
Terminate Stay Resident E-73
terrestrial microwave 6-25
TestAndIncr 8-29
Textual Conventions 8-66
TFTP 3-18, E-74
Thick Ethernet E-74
Thick Net E-74
Thin Ethernet 2-22, 4-16, E-74
Thin Net E-74
Thread E-74
threshold 8-16, E-74
Threshold Manager Tool 9-21
Threshold Polling 8-7
time division multiple access 6-18
time division multiplexing 6-8
Timed pings 8-26
TimeInterval 8-29
TimeStamp 8-29
TimeTicks 8-25
Title Bar E-74
TLS 2-5
token passing 2-25. E-74
Token Ring 4-20, 7-10, E-74
tooBig(l) 8-42
Toolbar E-74
Touch Screen E-74
Traffic flow 8-26
transceiver 4-14, 5-6
translational bridge 5-19
transmission 8-32
transmission and detection 2-6
Transmission Control Protocol
2-4, 3-17, E-74
Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol 2-3, E-74
transparent bridge 2-26, 5-15
transponder 6-17, E-74
Transport and Network layers 3-22
Transport Layer 2-4, 2-31, 3-12, E-74
Transport Layer Security Protocol 2-5
Transport Mappings 8-63
trap 8-3, 8-20, 8-36, 8-43
trap PDU 8-41
tree 4-11, A-2
Trivial File Transfer Protocol 3-18, E-75
true distributive processing 1-11
truncated binary exponential
backoff 4-9
trunk 1-1
Trust Relationship E-75
Trusted Domain E-75
Trusting Domain E-75
TruthValue 8-29
TSR E-75
twisted-pair cable 6-2, E-75

Two-Way Trust E-75

Type 1 cable in token ring 4-23
Type 1 STP cable 6-3
Type 2 cable in token ring 4-23
Type 2 STP cable 6-3
Type 3 cable in token ring 4-23
Type 6 cable in token ring 4-23
Type 8 cable in token ring 4-23
Type 9 cable in token ring 4-23
Type 9 STP cable 6-3
UDP 2-31, 3-17, E-75
udp 8-31
UHF 6-9
ultra-high frequency 6-9
unacknowledged connectionless
service 2-28, E-75
Unbounded Media E-75
UNC E-75
Unconfirmed Class 8-65
undoFailed(15) 43
Uniform Resource Identifier E-75
Uniform Resource Locator 2-4, E-76
Uninterruptible Power
Supply 7-27, E-76
UnitsParts 8-28
Universal Naming Convention E-76
Universal Serial Bus
2-17, 3-32, 7-4, E-76
Unix to Unix Encoding E-76
UNIX/Linux 7-18
Unreachable address 8-26
unscrambling 7-12
unshielded twisted pair 6-2, 7-8, E-76
Unsigned32 8-27
Uplink E-76
Upload E-76
UPS 7-27, E-76
URI E-76
URL 2-4, E-76
USB 2-17, 3-32, 7-4, E-77
user 1-8
user account 7-22
User Account E-77
User Datagram Protocol
2-31, 3-9, 3-17, E-77
User E-77
User Id E-77
User Name E-77
User Policy E-77
User Profile E-77
User Rights E-77
Using SNMP with Windows 8-47

usrHistory 9-15
UTP 7-8
UTP E-77
VACM 8-71
vacmAccessTable 8-74
vacmContextTable 8-74
vacmSecurityToGroupTable 8-74
vacmViewTreeFamilyTable 8-75
Value E-77
Value Added Data 9-4
vampire tap 4-14
VarBind 8-36
variable binding 8-36
VariablePointer 8-29
VDSL 5-30
VDT E-77
VDU E-77
Verbose Mode E-77
Veronica E-78
versatility 7-1
Vertical Redundancy Checking 2-6
very-high frequency 6-9
VESA 5-2, E-78
vestigial side band 6-25
VHF 6-9
Video Compression E-78
Video Conferencing E-78
Video Display Terminal E-78
Video Display Unit E-78
Video Electronics Standard
Architecture 5-2, 5-3, 5-4
Video Electronic Standards
Association E-78
videophones 6-29
View-based Access Control
Model 8-71
Virtual Circuit E-78
Virtual Device Driver E-78
Virtual Memory E-78
Virtual Memory Manager E-78
virtual private network
7-33, 8-19, E-78
Virtual Reality E-79
Virtual Reality Modeling Language E-79
Virus E-79
visual effects 7-29
VME bus 5-4
VMS E-79
VOD E-79
Voice over IP 5-25, 7-4, 7-33
VoIP 5-25, 7-4, 7-33
volatile(2) 8-29
Volume E-79

Volume Set E-79

VPN 7-33, 8-19, E-79
VR E-79
VRC 2-6
VS 6-25
VSB 6-25
VT B-3
WA E-79
Wait State E-79
Wake-on-LAN 7-3
Wallpaper E-79
WAN 1-19
WAN E-79
WAN Protocols 3-26
WAP E-79
Warm Boot E-79
warmStart(1) 8-44
Web Browser E-79
Web E-79
Web Page E-80
Web Surfing E-80
Webmaster E-80
WEP 7-12
Westhawk Ltd 8-79
what 8-74
where 8-74
who 8-74
why 8-74
Wide Area Information Servers E-80
Wide Area Network 1-19, E-80
Wide Area Network Protocols 3-25
Wildcard E-80
Windows E-80
Windows Internet Name Service E-80
Windows NT File System 7-24
WinSNMP 8-47
wired equivalent privacy 7-12
wired media 6-1
Wireless Application Protocol E-80
wireless networking 7-11
wireless networking standards 6-15
Wireless Personal Area Network 2-10
Wizard E-80
WOL 7-3
Word Processor E-80
Word Wrap E-80
workgroups 7-20, E-81
workstation 1-10, E-81
World Wide Web E-81
WPAN 2-10

Write Class 8-65

Write-Back E-81
Write-Through E-81
write-view 8-72
wrongEncoding(9) 8-42
wrongLength(B) 8-42
wrongType(7) 8-42
wrongValue(10) 8-42
WTF E-81
WTH E-81
WWW E-81
X.25 protocol 3-1, E-81
X.500 standard 3-24, E-81
XML E-82
Xmodem 2-1, 5-6, E-82
XSL E-82
Ymodem 2-1, E-82
Yotabyte E-82
ZB E-82
Zetabyte E-82
ZIF Socket E-82
Zip Drive E-82
Zip E-82
Zip File E-82
Zmodem 2-1, E-82
Zoom E-82


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