Vmware Data Protection With Hitachi Data Protection Suite: Please Insert Your Hitachi Truenorth Partner Logo Here

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VMware Data Protection with

Hitachi Data Protection Suite
Please insert your company name/logo here

<January 2012>

Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................
About Hitachi Data Systems.................................................................................................4
Analyst Coverage................................................................................................................... .5
Hitachi Data Systems Exclusive Capabilities..................................................................................7

Solution Overview........................................................................................................................
Service-level Protection..................................................................................................................8
Move (archive) Inactive Data to a Content Store with Built-in Protection.........................................9
Application Integration Protection...................................................................................................9

Proposed Reference Architecture.............................................................................................10

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform....................................................................................................10
Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 Family..........................................................................10
Hitachi Compute Blade 2000.........................................................................................................11
Hitachi Data Protection Suite.........................................................................................................11
VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration with VADP...............................................................13
Client-side Deduplication.............................................................................................................. 13
SnapProtect for VMware Environments........................................................................................15
Integrated Storage Resource Management..................................................................................16

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Benefits...................................................................................17

References and Case Studies...................................................................................................18
IMG Corporation........................................................................................................................... 18
First National Bank........................................................................................................................ 19
Ellis Medicine................................................................................................................................ 19
California Employment Development Department........................................................................19
CI Investments.............................................................................................................................. 20
Customer Comments.................................................................................................................... 20

Professional Services and Support...........................................................................................22

Appendix A: Warranty, Basic Maintenance and Online Support Terms....................................23

Executive Summary
Todays data protection and management challenges of runaway data growth, shrinking backup windows and
stringent service level agreements (SLAs) are hardly a new problem.
Enterprises and companies of all sizes worldwide have been treading water in the data deluge for many years
now. Primary data has increased 7-fold to 10-fold from the chain of copies for backup, recovery, disaster
recovery and archive. Without the right management tools in place, this data can be untenably expensive and
time-consuming to manage.
Unfortunately, the broken legacy backup infrastructures many organizations are saddled with can make putting
the right management tools in place extremely difficult, if not impossible. Thats because legacy software was
simply not designed to foresee or handle the daunting demands of the modern data center. In these outmoded
configurations, converged assets are overutilized, with no available resources for protection or copy. And while
primary data growth is rising, the operations window is shrinking. These opposing forces break the backup
To further compound the problem, over the last 20 years a best of class mindset for technology selection has
led to a complex, inefficient infrastructure focused more on brand-name, point solutions than on ease of use
and technological integration. The current trend of IT modernization is being driven by the demand for IT
nimbleness and increased information value.
The Hitachi Data Systems data protection solution combines Hitachi hardware and Hitachi Data Protection
Suite, powered by CommVault. It provides the foundational backup, recovery and data protection features to
build a truly unified data management solution.

Please insert your company information here:

About Hitachi Data Systems

About Hitachi, Ltd., and Hitachi Data Systems
Hitachi, Ltd. (NYSE: HIT / TSE: 6501), with 360,000 employees and FY2010 revenues of more than US$112
billion, is one of the worlds largest global electronics companies.
Hitachi Data Systems is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., with more than 4,700 employees. They
conduct business through direct and indirect channels in the public, government and private sectors in over
170 countries and regions. Hitachi Data Systems technology is trusted by the worlds leading enterprises,
including more than 70% of the Fortune 100 and more than 80% of the Fortune Global 100.
Hitachi Data Systems believes that data drives our world and information is the new currency. With a vision
that IT must be virtualized, automated, cloud-ready and sustainable, we offer solutions that improve IT costs
and agility. Together, we help organizations transform raw data into valuable information by making data
more accessible and easier to manage. As the leader in storage virtualization, only Hitachi Data Systems offers
a single, virtualized platform for all data and information.
Hitachi Data Systems best-in-class information technologies, services and solutions deliver:

Compelling customer return on investment (ROI)

Unmatched return on assets (ROA)

Demonstrable business impact

For more information, please visit our website at (insert your website here) or visit www.HDS.com.

Analyst Coverage
Figure 1 depicts Gartners take on enterprise-based backup and recovery. Although the figure was about
CommVault Simpana, since Hitachi Data Systems has original equipment manufacturing (OEM) rights to
produce Simpana as Hitachi Data Protection Suite (HDPS), then most of this information applies.

Source: Gartner (January 2011)

Figure 1. Gartner depicts the Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Disk-based Backup and Recovery.

In the recently released version 9 of its Simpana software (OEMed as Hitachi Data Protection Suite),
CommVault has sustained its growth by adding many new functions and capabilities. It also provides a
perceived edge in ease of use and fewer scripting requirements, as compared with other enterprise backup
solutions. The company has maintained a continued strong public presence in print and electronic advertising,
and now in social media. Of all the backup vendors, CommVault has been the most vocal and articulate about
the future of backup shifting toward the exploitation and management of storage system and NAS replication
and snapshots. In support of this vision, CommVault offers its snapshot protection capability, which integrates
with a broad number of storage platform solutions to schedule and manage snapshots. The company delivered
its 3rd version of data reduction in its software, adding more robust, client-side deduplication. In addition to a
well-defined cloud backup strategy, Simpana v9 (Hitachi Data Protection Suite) introduced a Fast Pass feature
for aiding migration from IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) and Symantec NetBackup backup software
to Simpana.

Analyst Statements
In April of 2008, Forrester predicted that traditional backup applications would evolve into
unified continuity and recovery management suites. These suites would provide a single
console for a range of recovery requirements, regardless of the underlying technology
[backup, snapshot, continuous data protection (CDP) or replication]. The report, The Past,
Present, And Future Of Replication, published August 17, 2010, stated, with its
common technology engine, HDSs HDPS has always been the best example of this
approach, and added, other vendors are emulating this approach.
Forrester Research, The Past, Present, And Future Of Replication, Rachel Dines and
Stephanie Balaraous, August 17, 2010

In the recent Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, 2010, published July 13, 2010,
Gartner stated: Tape alone may still be appropriate for backup in some organizations due
to cost and legacy investments; however, disk economics and data reduction
improvements, such as data de-duplication, are positively affecting the increased adoption
of disk solutions, which are often used in combination with tape. In the future, many vendors
may offer the ability to store dramatically compressed or deduplicated data on physical tape
media, which could make tape-based backup more compelling as an additional or extended
option to support disk-based solutions. Gartner recognized that, To date, HDS's backup
application offers de-duplication to tape, and other vendors may follow suit.
Gartner, Inc., Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, 2010, Dave Russell, Pushan Rinnen, July
13, 2010

The Gartner research report, With Support for Files: How to Select the Right Solution,
published by Sheila Childs on June 11, 2010, analyzed the strength and challenges of
vendors offering indexed file archiving solutions as a component of their enterprise
information archiving solutions. HDS was the only vendor that was evaluated with more
strengths than challenges. Other vendors included in the report were Atempo, Autonomy,
C2C, IBM, Iron Mountain, Message Solution, Metalogix, Symantec, Unify/AXS-One and
Waterford Technologies.
Gartner, Inc., With Support for Files: How to Select the Right Solution, Sheila Childs, June 11,

The latest IDC Worldwide Quarterly Storage Software Tracker shows that Hitachi Data
Protection Suite revenue exceeds overall storage market revenue growth rates and
outpaces many of its legacy competitors. According to IDC revenues, the total software
market rose 7.2% over the same quarter in 2009, representing US$3 billion in overall
revenues. Software revenues for the data protection and recovery segment increased
10.6% in comparison to the same quarter a year ago. IDC reports that data protection and
recovery software revenue for Hitachi Data Systems grew by nearly 25% over the prior year
quarter, exceeding the annual growth rates of major competitors, including Symantec, IBM
and CA, among others.

Hitachi Data Systems Exclusive Capabilities

Data drives our world and information is the new currency. Send it. Receive it. Store it. Manage it.
Process it. Protect it. Use it. Information has become our most valuable asset. The core strengths of
Hitachi Data Systems align with fundamental business requirements making information both
available and secure. Hitachi Data Systems solutions help organizations transform raw data into
valuable information by delivering on a vision that IT must be:




Hitachi doesnt just sell storage. Their technology provides customers with solutions to make business better
on every level. Their solutions manage data growth, collect and connect data to create valuable information.
They help cut costs and reduce operational complexity. They empower people to access, share and secure
information. They help organizations innovate, collaborate and grow. They have the power to enhance and
change lives.
Hitachi Data Systems provide a range of distinctive capabilities for VMware data protection: Inherent
replication abilities within virtualization-based hardware are tightly integrated with VMware APIs, such as
vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA), vStorage API for Multiprocessing (VAMP), vStorage
API for Array Integration (VAAI) and others. Advanced Hitachi capabilities, such as dynamic tiering and thin
provisioning, maximize storage efficiencies. HDS supports integration with and enhancements of VMwares
Site Recovery Manager (SRM) disaster recovery capabilities. They also provide advanced software-based
solutions, such as HDPS, which enhances and integrates with VMware APIs, such as vStorage APIs for Data
Protection (VADP) and its predecessor, VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB).
Hitachi Data Systems delivers a unique data management platform that offers functional consolidation of
classic data management while providing enhanced information value. Core to the solution, Hitachi Data
Protection Suite provides pure integration across IT disciplines while still allowing the best-in-class approach
to be used where it has the most strategic impact. Further, HDPS affords flexibility in design and
implementation, creating a solution that will scale with you as your needs change. HDPS software is the only
data management and data protection solution that delivers end-to-end data protection for both physical and
virtual servers. Be assured that your data is fully protected and easily recoverable when needed.
HDPS is application, operating system and disk aware. It quickly creates copies that are highly available by
integrating and leveraging hardware storage-system-based snapshot technologies. Copies of data are
deduplicated and efficiently moved to appropriate tiers of storage, whether it is disk, tape or cloud. This data
can be retrieved seamlessly for multiple possible uses, including disaster recovery, data mining, e-discovery,
compliance or regulatory requirements. This end-to-end activity is what truly modern data management is all
about. To help you make the transition to modern data management, Hitachi has made it easier than ever for
companies to migrate legacy backup systems away from complacent vendors that are no longer equipped to
handle your needs. In fact, we believe you will find the transition to HDPS to be quick and easy, as compared
to the time-consuming, painful upgrades of legacy software.
In short, Hitachi Data Protection Suite offers innovative, unique features that help enhance backup and
recovery operations, simplify data management and reduce data management costs.
<Example included from sample RFP? If not, delete this.>
In addition to analyst approval, award-winning service and support, and a tradition of unbeatable high
availability, Hitachi Data Systems customers benefit from access to the following exclusive capabilities:

Support for advanced replication features, which provide industry-leading replication

solutions that can reduce costs and risk
100% availability guarantee, which only HDS provides
Single management tool, which can be utilized to manage all data protection
requirements, from backup and recovery to replication, remote office protection, virtual
server protection, desktop/laptop protection, deduplication, archiving, search and more.
Protection for hundreds of virtual machines (VMs) in minutes, with minimal impact on
production VMs
Multiple recovery point objectives (RPOs) per day, allowing recovery back to a few
hours ago
Hardware independence, supporting a wide variety of storage systems
Selective Tier 2 backups for disaster recovery, allowing movement of selective
snapshots to backup copies using VADP
Embedded deduplication, which provides for secondary copies

Solution Overview
Increasingly, organizations are virtualizing more of their server environments to gain:

Improved utilization leading to lower capital and operational costs

Data center flexibility
Reduced data center floor space consumption
Lower power, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) costs

Virtualization brings many positive benefits to organizations, but it also brings many challenges. Hitachi Data
Systems provides options for protecting data effectively in a virtualized environment. To solve these problems,
HDS has developed a 3-pronged approach:

Service-level protection
Move (archive) inactive data to a content store with built-in protection
Application integration protection

Service-level Protection
Most organizations follow a policy of full backups on the weekends and incremental backup on weekdays to
protect all data. This 1-size-fits-all approach is increasingly becoming inadequate, as all data is not equal in
importance. Hitachi Data Systems recommends a tiered protection approach that is based on service-level
requirements of the data and is focused on recovery objectives. Users protect data to recover for multiple
reasons; each requires different technologies that are optimized for that specific recovery type.

Move (archive) Inactive Data to a Content Store with Built-in Protection

By moving inactive data to a content storage platform, the amount of data that needs to be protected is
reduced; this, in turn, shrinks the protection (backup) window and reduces the protection (backup)
infrastructure needed. However, the critical ingredient for this recipe to work is choosing a content platform
that has built-in data protection. Without such a platform, the problem is only moved (as the archive target
needs to be further protected), and not solved.

Application Integration Protection

Using application-specific protection protocols, such as VADP for VMware, has several benefits. The protocols
can be set to make copies of only the absolutely necessary information, restore only the absolutely essential
pieces of information and restore at a granular level. Changes can be captured as they occur, recovery of
applications can be automated and more control can be gained for application administration.
Hitachi Data Protection Suite provides a complete solution to the increasing challenges of data growth,
virtualization sprawl and meeting backup windows and service level agreements (SLAs). Some of the benefits
for protection VMware environments include:

Integrated Deduplication. Reduce backup windows and eliminate redundant backup data
sets with Hitachi Data Protection Suites industry-leading deduplication technology. HDPS
deduplication is a source-side, global deduplication technology for maximum performance
and ease of manageability.
Enhanced Auto Discovery and Protection of Virtual Machines. Manage VM sprawl,
minimize administrator intervention and guarantee automatic protection for all VMs in the
environment. The unique SnapProtect for Virtual Server Agent (VSA) feature automatically
detects and protects all new VMs based on pre-defined policies.
Multiple Backup and Recovery Options Based on Defined Policies. Attain more
recovery points per day. Full VM restore or granular file-level recovery is provided.
Granular, File-level Recovery from a Full Image Backup. Experience easy, fast recovery
of file system, database and application data, using a single data object.
Integrated VM Disaster Recovery. Perform integrated VM recoveries by leveraging copy
capability for offsite backups of VMs.
Industry-leading Storage Vendor Support. Provide consistent data management across
different storage vendors, thanks to support for industry-leading storage platforms, which
allow flexibility in the choice of storage systems.

The unique HDPS feature, SnapProtect for VSA, integrates with Hitachi storage-system-based snapshot
engines within each storage system, creating rapid copies of VMware datastore Virtual Machine Disks
(VMDKs). These snapshots are a fast VM recovery image, with no impact to the ESX server resources.
A SnapProtect job follows the same sequence as a regular backup job; however, instead of copying data
blocks, it executes a rapid snapshot. The sequence is as follows:

Discover VMs based on pre-defined criteria.

Quiesce VMs to ensure a consistent image files.
Determine datastores associated with VMs.
Execute storage-system-based snapshot using the storage systems APIs.
Release VMs to normal operation.
Index the snapshots and the VMs within them.

The snapshot process is very fast, requiring a very short quiesce period for the VMs. This minimal impact on
server operation allows for more frequent backups to occur during the day. Companies can leverage this
technology to radically improve their RPOs and RTOs as point-in-time images (multiples per day) can be
created frequently.
A SnapProtect snapshot can also be copied to backup media. This is also improved from the traditional VADP

methodology because you mount the snapshot as a temporary datastore on the media server. This allows the
data to be copied without impacting the production datastore image. It still creates load on the storage system,
but it no longer directly impacts the performance of the source datastore.

Proposed Reference Architecture

Hitachi Data Systems is able to provide a wide range of solutions based on your requirements.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform is a 3D scaling storage platform. With the ability to scale up, scale out and
scale deep at the same time in 1 storage system, Virtual Storage Platform flexibly adapts for performance,
capacity, connectivity and virtualization.

Scale up: Increase virtual server consolidation, improve utilization of resources and reduce
Scale out: Add new physical or virtual servers to your environment to meet business
Scale deep: Extend the advanced functions of Virtual Storage Platform to external
multivendor storage.

The trend in server virtualization is to consolidate the I/O workload of many servers onto a single storage
system. The consolidation of more VMs onto a physical host requires storage systems to add more storage
resources dynamically to keep up with I/O demand. The 3D scaling capability of Hitachi Virtual Storage
Platform meets that requirement.
The switch matrix architecture of Virtual Storage Platform makes all of this possible. It connects the basic
components, front-end directors, back-end directors, global cache modules and virtual storage directors. As
required, redundant pairs of directors and cache modules can be added without disruption to connected host
servers. A global cache tightly couples all these resources to create a common pool of storage resources, which
can include external storage that is connected through front-end director initiator ports.
Virtual Storage Platform can be doubled using a dual-chassis system with up to 6 racks. The logic box in each
chassis is the same, using the same types and numbers of logic boards. Any front-end port can access any
back-end RAID group. No division within the storage system exists between the chassis.
For more information about Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform, visit www.HDS.com.

Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 Family

Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 family systems, with dynamic load balancing controllers, provide
integrated, automated, hardware-based, front-to-back-end I/O load balancing. These features eliminate many
complex and time-consuming tasks that storage administrators typically face. Both controllers dynamically
and equally manage, balance and share I/O traffic to back-end disk devices. The point-to-point back-end
design nearly eliminates I/O transfer delays and contention associated with Fibre Channel arbitration. This
provides significantly higher bandwidth and I/O concurrency.
The active-active Fibre Channel ports mean controller ownership is not a concern. I/O is passed to the
managing controller through cross-path communication. Any path can be used as a normal path. The dynamic
load balancing controllers assist in balancing microprocessor load across the storage systems.
In this solution, the use of Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 family of products is for externally
virtualized storage managed by Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform. SATA disks are used as backup media.

Hitachi Compute Blade 2000

Hitachi Compute Blade 2000 is an enterprise-class blade server platform. It features:

A balanced system architecture that eliminates bottlenecks in performance and throughput

Embedded logical partition virtualization (not utilized in this reference architecture)
Configuration flexibility

Hitachi Compute Blade 2000 supports up to 2 management modules for redundancy. Each module is hotswappable and supports the following:

Live firmware updates without requiring shutdown of the blades

A LAN management interface that is independent from the data network for remote and
secure management of the chassis and all blades
A serial command line interface and a web interface
SNMP and email alerts

For this reference architecture, the cold standby feature was not used. Instead, the failover used VMware
vSphere clusters.

Hitachi Data Protection Suite

Hitachi Data Protection Suite, powered by CommVault, provides the foundational backup, recovery and data
protection features to build a truly unified data management solution. These features support the following:

Improved information asset management

Speedier recovery of data
Increased savings over loosely integrated legacy solutions

Within HDPS, CommCell Management Group defines the scope of control for the CommServe host. All
components under the licensing and control of the CommServe host are defined as being members of the
CommCell group. The CommCell Console is the management graphical user interface (GUI) used for
managing the CommCell.
The media agent (MA) is responsible for the transfer of data from the client computer to the backup media,
whether disk or tape.
This architecture uses 3 iDataAgents (iDA) for communication to execute backups:

Windows File System iDA. By default, this iDA is installed along with every iDA when
detecting a Windows host.
VMware iDA. The VMware iDA, also called the Virtual Server Agent (VSA), is installed on a
proxy host. This proxy host is a physical or virtual machine running Microsoft Windows. The
VSA communicates with vCenter or the ESX host to discover VMs and execute backups
using the vStorage API for Data Protection (VADP).
Microsoft iDA. This application iDA is installed on the application host. It executes backups
on the application server system databases and user databases.

Using the VSA and the MA reduces the impact of backup processes on production servers over traditional
backup methods by offloading processing to a proxy host (see Figure 2). Hitachi Data Protection Suite takes a
snapshot of the VM, and then accesses the snapshot through the proxy server.

VSS = Microsoft Volume

Shadow Copy Services;
SPE = SnapProtect
enabler; MA = media
agent; SPC = SnapProtect
client; Win = Microsoft
Windows; VSA = virtual
server agent; iDA =
iDataAgent; VM = virtual machines; SPC/VSA = SnapProtect client/virtual server agent; App = Application; OS =
operating system; ESX and ESXi are VMware products

Figure 2. The HDPS architecture uses iDataAgents.

Hitachi Data Protection Suite can scale up to thousands of VMs and physical servers. Its configuration allows
the automatic discovery and protection of newly added virtual machines to the environment.
The deduplication capabilities in HDPS can reduce the amount of data being backed up from the source,
shorten the backup window and significantly reduce bandwidth requirements. These capabilities can work with
key data management operations, such as archiving, search, encryption, and direct recovery from deduplicated
tape. The VSA performs deduplication at the proxy host, reducing the overall load to the production virtual
machines and reducing backup traffic.

VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration with VADP

VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) is not a part of VADP, but it offers advantages when
making VM backups. VADP takes a snapshot of a VM to make a backup VM. The time it takes to open or
close the snapshot can vary.
Running vSphere with VAAI-enabled storage systems makes snapshots at the hardware logical block address
(LBA) level. The alternative would be making a snapshot by software at the VMDK level. Making the
snapshot at the hardware LBA level significantly improves snapshot performance, including backup time.
In addition, using VAAI removes the requirement to lock the LUN using SCSI reservations by using the LBA,
instead. More VM snapshots can be performed on a LUN at the same time without affecting performance.

Client-side Deduplication
Hitachi Data Protection Suite was the first data management solution that embedded deduplication as a core
functionality in the software platform. HDPS extends the deduplication functionality even further to provide
unmatched scalability and extensibility for even the largest enterprises (see
Figure 3).

HDPS = Hitachi Data Protection Suite, ERP = enterprise resource processing, ECM = enterprise content management,
Windows = Microsoft Windows

Figure 3. Deduplication technology is embedded in Hitachi Data Protection Suite software.

HDPS deduplication includes:

Source-side deduplication for 90% reduction in network transfer and 50% improvement in
backup speeds
True global deduplication of data from multiple clients and from multiple sites
Higher capacity, higher throughput, higher resiliency and availability using automatic store
Deduplication-accelerated DASH copy for rapid creation of secondary or disaster recovery
Deduplication-accelerated Synthetic Full, or DASH Full, for rapid creation of synthetic full
Retention of long-term data in deduplicated form on tape for 90% reduction in cost of offsite

Client-side de-duplication can help meet backup windows for servers that have large data sets but have limited

bandwidth over which to send backup data. By only sending unique block-level data, just a fraction of the
backup bandwidth is necessary to complete a backup versus traditional backup methods. There is no need to
upgrade client networks or extend the backup network to include these systems as Hitachi client-side
deduplication helps reduce network bandwidth requirements for ongoing backups.

SnapProtect for VMware Environments

HDS understands the importance of VMware virtualization in ongoing data center strategies. Protecting
VMware using an efficient and repeatable process is important as VMware environments grow and become an
increasingly important part of the data center environment. HDPS introduces SnapProtect for Virtual Server
Agent (VSA), a radically new way of thinking about data protection for virtual environments. Virtualization
presents significant data protection challenges. Key among them are:

High Data Density

It is not uncommon for a physical host to have VM equivalent to several terabytes of data.

Fewer Resources for Backup

Most physical hosts operate at an average 80% CPU and memory utilization, leaving very little for backup.

Minimal Operating Windows

Traditional backup windows are shrinking and in many cases are nonexistent. Given these constraints, the old
methods of reading data nightly and copying it to a back-end device is no longer feasible. There is too much
data and not enough time and resources available to move all that data in an ever-shrinking operating window.
Moreover, traditional methods limit you to one recovery copy per night. In a fast-paced environment, where
large amount of data is generated and updated every hour, recovering back to last nights backup exposes the
risk of losing significant data accrued since last night.
VSA leverages the snapshot ability built into modern storage systems to create rapid, persistent and consistent
recovery copies in minutes. The snapshot creation impacts the VMs for only a few minutes. Due to the low
impact, it is possible to create multiple recovery points in a day, minimizing the amount of data loss when a
VM has to be recovered.
Figure 4 illustrates the use of SnapProtect for VSA to protect VMs. A typical VMware environment has a VM
pool on a cluster of ESX servers that share datastores. Each datastore is a LUN or NFS volume that contains
VMDK files associated with the VMs. SnapProtect for VSA interacts directly with the storage volume to
create hardware-snapshot-based persistent recovery copies, after ensuring VM content consistency in minutes.
The hardware snapshot takes a few seconds to create. The majority of the time is taken to queisce and
unqueisce the VMs for consistency.
From the challenges outlined above, <company name> is outgrowing the use of traditional backup agents in
each VMware guest for protecting VMs. Leveraging disk storage snapshot technologies to help protect the
growing VMware infrastructure is critical to scaling the data protection solution as your environment grows.
The Hitachi Data Systems solution integrates with a variety of disk hardware vendors, including NetApp and
HP, which are used for VMware storage today. This integration allows Hitachi Data Systems to come in and
protect the VMware environment in a new, sleek, modern way with minimal of disruption to your current

ESX Server Pool = VMware Server Pool, ESXi Proxy = VMware ESXi Proxy, VMFS = VMware Virtual Machine File System,
SPC/VSA = SnapProtect client/virtual server agent, VM = virtual machine, MA = Media Agent

Figure 4. SnapProtect for VSA interacts directly with the storage volume.

Integrated Storage Resource Management

Hitachi Data Systems also supports data protection efficiencies. With the use of integrated storage resource
management (SRM) software built into the HDPS solution, you can identify files that are old or little used.
You can choose to not protect those files going forward or archive those files to less-expensive disk or tape
(hierarchial storage management or HSM).
SRM software in HDPS analyzes, discovers, tracks, trends and reports on physical and virtual storage usage.
SRM provides unparalleled insight into data across file systems, applications, databases and geographies, all
from a single console. HDPS software incorporates the industrys only SRM solution that is fully integrated
into backup and archive operations. This makes the use and deployment of SRM fast and simple, with no
additional training required. The integrated approach of HDPS also leverages existing technology to
modernize antiquated manual reporting processes. HDPS v9 delivers detailed analysis, reporting, trending and
chargeback across the enterprise. With an accurate view of storage utilization across the enterprise, you can
make informed decisions that translate into real business value.

SRM Benefits

Leverage backup data for creation of SRM reports (no secondary SRM scan needed).
Employ agentless option to allow SRM scanning of systems that do not contain Hitachi
agent technology.
Analyze and view physical and virtual storage utilizations and maximize their usage.
Make informed decisions on how best to deploy an application in a virtualized environment.
Identify stale data and make informed decisions on your archiving rules and storage
Leverage file-level analytics for physical and virtual environments.
Reclaim physical and virtual storage capacities using integrated archiving actions within
SRM reports.
Produce chargeback reports based on physical and VM capacities.

By using the integrated SRM tools in HDPS, <company name> can be much more effective around data
protection operations by removing old, redundant data sets from the backup environment. This saves money
and can often cost justify a Hitachi technology acquisition.

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Benefits

The Hitachi Data Systems strategy is about making data protection efficient and scalable. It starts
with a highly virtualized, tightly coupled and dynamically tiered storage architecture. Then it applies
intelligence to protect and manage data to meet business needs. By directing files to the right
platform at the right time, organizations begin to emerge with greater efficiencies and agility across
the enterprise. The strategy is about integrating deduplication and replication across a
heterogeneous environment, reducing storage waste and maximizing system performance, and
being able to scale with growth demands. By increasing utilization and flexibility, organizations can
improve data protection, increase the amount of data manageable per person and ultimately control
storage transparently to deepen productivity and business value.
Organizations are able to nondisruptively move data between active storage and archives using
policy-based automation in SAN and NAS environments. By dynamically moving inactive data to a
content repository with replication capabilities, they can reduce NAS and file server data on primary
storage and consequently have less data to back up.
For every terabyte or petabyte of content, organizations typically will have 4 times that amount in
backup. By using policy-based movement of aged data to cost-effective longer-term mediums,
organizations will end up with a smaller volume of active data to back up. They will have less of a
need to back up inactive data and backup costs will go down.
Hitachi Data Systems Storage Economics has an extensive and successful record of helping IT
administrators identify and capitalize on the long-term value of storage purchases by first defining a
framework for assessing the TCO. Storage Economics uses financial metrics and calculable
techniques to illuminate cost efficiencies, determine accurate hard and soft costs associated with
storage decisions, and ultimately aid IT leaders with proven ways to reduce TCO and improve the
return on assets.
Storage Economics helps organizations swiftly zoom in on cost efficiencies and how to minimize the
unpredictability of managing unstructured data assets. For organizations striving to manage budget

and resource constraints amid growing, morphing IT requirements, Storage Economics provides
invaluable business acumen. Assessing the efficiencies, the technologies and integrative capabilities
of Hitachi data protection solutions is relevant to understanding how they can meet high-priority
business and IT drivers, such as reducing costs and meeting SLAs.
Some of the key metrics that Storage Economics will use to evaluate the cost efficiencies of file and
content solutions include:

Return on Investment (ROI). This is a method for calculating the benefits of a particular
investment. ROI is effective when challenging the status quo with a proposition to replace
an existing solution by analyzing financial pros and cons of a purchasing decision. The ROI
analysis would illustrate how much is to be invested, how quickly the investment is to be
recouped, and what net savings are to be expected.
Return on Assets (ROA). ROA is method for calculating how profitable an organization is
relative to its total assets, or how an individual asset impacts profitability. ROA can be a key
metric to justify investments that improve aggregate utilization of IT assets in general, and
storage specifically, even beyond the depreciation life of those assets.
Capital Expenditure (CAPEX). CAPEX is the cost of purchasing or extending the useful
life of a fixed or physical asset such as equipment or property.
Operating Expenditure (OPEX). OPEX is the ongoing expenses for managing, supporting,
maintaining and upgrading a system over its lifespan. This may include such items as
electricity to power it, and administrative, labor-related, day-to-day costs incurred by the
system to support the business.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). TCO is a method for calculating all costs that will be
incurred over the assets useful life. TCO analysis is used when expansion is anticipated
and the financial benefits of 2 or more proposed solutions must be assessed. The analysis
places the total lifetime operating and purchasing costs of the assets side by side for

To ultimately calculate these economic metrics, Storage Economics first examines and considers 34 various
cost elements of storage TCO, which are not necessarily equal in weight, importance or time relevance, but
important to better understanding the true cost of storage infrastructure. IT planners usually select between 6
and 10 of these hard and soft costs to create their own TCO baseline, based on business needs. The critical
value of citing cost elements is to help the IT organization develop and implement a plan for reducing TCO.
Storage TCO cost modeling is likely to be inclusive of the entire storage infrastructure, not just storage devices
or storage systems only. So many of the cost elements can be derived from backup, SAN, remote and local
circuits, tape systems, and management or monitoring consoles.

References and Case Studies

IMG Corporation
IMG Corporation replaced its expensive legacy data protection solution and its disparate backup and recovery
software throughout with Hitachi Data Protection Suite. The company projects savings of up to US$1 million
over 3 years, as well as significant reductions in the cost of tape management globally. IMG is also reducing
the size of its backup disk capacity requirements by up to 80% by using HDPS deduplication, as compared to
their previous solution.
"With HDS HDPS software, IMG saves costs and reduces complexity as we purchased a complete data

management foundation. We could have pieced together a solution with separate products, but it was clear
we'd get so much more with HDPS software, which would be so much easier to manage, too, said Mark
Connolly, senior network engineer for IMG. We projected IMG could save more than $1 million over 3
years by replacing our existing solutions with HDPS software, while also decreasing our reliance on tape
at remote sites worldwide. With HDPS software, we have the global building blocks in place that can be
easily and economically added to over time."

First National Bank

First National Bank reported that the company streamlined 13 disparate backups into a single console,
decreasing main server backup time from 90 hours to 24, incremental backups from 24 hours to 2 and
increased backup success rates from 76% to 99%. By eliminating daily and weekly backups they have slashed
tape costs by 60%. They have also achieved 83% to 89% deduplication ratios so that 40 TB of data are being
stored on 6 TB of disk. By partnering with HDS, we have been able to ensure unsurpassed data
protection and security. HDPS software plays an increasingly important role in helping FNB reduce
risks, costs and administrative overhead, while elevating our data management to new levels of efficiency,
said Brian Diegan, vice president of Network Services.

Ellis Medicine
Ellis Medicine replaced multiple disparate backup and recovery solutions, including Tivoli Storage Manager
and Symantec Backup Exec, with Hitachi Data Protection Suite backup and recovery and archive modules.
Now the company reports reduced risk and email storage costs of up to 75% lower than with its previous
solutions. Ellis Medicine also states that integration with McAfee ePO platform has provided unparalled
enterprise-wide visibility to the status of backed up and archived critical patient and application data. This
allows them to more effectively correlate data management and security to further reduce costs and
administrative overhead while improving threat protection and overall compliance. We wanted an
enterprise-wide solution that would fit in one console. We realized HDS could back up SharePoint,
Exchange, SQL, Oracle, AIX, Windows and mailboxes everything we wanted to do, said Rodney
Kowalczyk, network engineer.

California Employment Development Department

As a result of implementing Hitachi Data Protection Suite backup and recovery, archive and search modules,
the California Employment Development Department (EDD) expects to halve its annual e-discovery costs.
The company reports being able to better control its storage costs and significant improvement in the accuracy,
timeliness and effectiveness of e-discovery requests, which the it anticipates increasing 50% in the coming
year. They are eliminating the manual collection of electronically stored information (ESI), subsequently
reducing the burden on the internal IT and legal staff. As a result, EDD projects that the time required by the
IT team for e-discovery will be cut in half, while attorney review time will be slashed by up to 99%. "With
HDS HDPS software, we have a single solution with fully integrated capabilities for protecting our data
while also improving how we collect, analyze and produce massive amounts of information for ediscovery. As a government entity, we prefer to invest in integrated solutions that reduce refresh cycles
and enable us to invest incrementally," said Dale Jablonksy, CIO for the California Employment
Development Department.

CI Investments
By investing in Hitachi Data Protection Suite enterprise data and information management software, CI
Investments projects a 12-to-18 month ROI and forecasts a savings in storage-related costs of more than US$1
million over a 4-year period. The closer we looked at HDPS software, it became clear that we could take
advantage of a single platform to deal with rapid business growth as well as facilitate fast data recovery

without overburdening our infrastructure, said Terry Tick, vice president of infrastructure at CI
Investments. HDS HDPS software's flexibility, scalability and ease of use combined to clinch the deal.
We also were able to project a 12-to-18 month ROI in HDPS software, which enabled us to build a
compelling business case for standardizing on HDS.
"HDS's global dedupe works across all data types, sources and platforms without the same limitations
as dedupe appliances. With HDS's hardware-agnostic solution, scaling would be more affordable since
we could add commodity hardware as our data grew without being tied to a dedicated and expensive
appliance, said Brian D'Souza, manager of UNIX infrastructure at CI Investments.

Customer Comments
We expect to reap significant operational efficiencies and cost savings, from being able to centralize
administration of backup and recoveries from our dispersed offices. Adding deduplication to the mix
also is a big plus as we are expecting to reduce up to 90% of United Waters backup and archive
data currently stored on disk and tape.
United Water
With HDPS software, the company (BT) gains a more flexible, scalable solution, which BT expects
will deliver greater management visibility for better control of its massive environment, which
includes more than 6 PB of data and a large-scale Oracle deployment.
Texas Tech has achieved a reduction in its overall tape and disk storage costs by up to 40% and
has stated it uses approximately 80% less disk for backup data.
Texas Tech University

the team claims that this allows their IT department to improve application performance and cut
unnecessary administrative overhead from 45 minutes a day to less than 30 minutes a week.
Cleveland Indians

Professional Services and Support

There are currently 2 service delivery options available to customers:

Partner Service Delivery

Hitachi Data Systems provides partners the opportunity to install and configure file and content solutions for
customers. To be eligible to perform such services, partners must meet the minimum certification
requirements. For details on this program, please login to PartnerXchange select the Services tab and then
click on the Partner Delivered Services link.

Hitachi Data Systems Service Delivery

Hitachi Data Systems Global Solution Services (GSS) consultants provide installation, configuration and
integration plus other high-end Professional Services offerings. The Hitachi Data Systems Customer Service
and Support (CS&S) organization offers installation and configuration services.

Appendix A: Warranty and Maintenance and Support Terms

Please obtain updated Warranty and Maintenance and Support Terms (for all countries, in different languages) from:

Corporate Headquarters Regional Contact Information

750 Central Expressway Americas: +1 408 970 1000 or [email protected]
Santa Clara, California 95050-2627 USAEurope, Middle East and Africa: +44 (0) 1753 618000 or [email protected]
www.hds.comAsia Pacific: +852 3189 7900 or [email protected]

Hitachi is a registered trademark of Hitachi, Ltd., in the United States and other countries. Hitachi Data Systems is a registered trademark and service mar
in the United States and other countries.
IBM and Tivoli are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks, service marks and company names in this document or website are properties of their respective owners.
Notice: This document is for informational purposes only, and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment or service
or to be offered by Hitachi Data Systems Corporation.

Hitachi Data Systems Corporation 2012. All Rights Reserved. BR-497-A July2012

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