All Brothers Profile
All Brothers Profile
All Brothers Profile
Company Profile
All Brothers
International (Private) Limited.
Address: 118, 1st Floor, Armour Street, Colombo
12, Sri-Lanka.
Tel. (0094) 112473694 / (0094) 112471279
Mobile (0094) 777763000
Fax (0094) 112338055
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Company Profile
Chairmans Letter
First of all,
all, let me thank you for going through our profile.
We are pleased to exhibit and high light a brief profile of our well reputed, experienced firm.
Our organization is one of the leading manpower supplier licensed by the Government of Sri Lanka,
holding license No. 863 centrally located in the capital city of Colombo with all the modern
communication facilities with well experienced staff fully geared to meet the manpower requirements.
Our Motto is Right Guy for Right Job; Job; Right Job for Right Guy. Guy.
We are on this trade for well over two decade and have deployed several thousand workers mainly to
Middle Eastern and few for South Asian countries. During this period we have gained several major
establishments as our customer and their bridges to meet their constant demand of manpower.
Manpower requirement existed throughout the human existence since stone age and it will continue
forever as long as the human being exists on this planet of earth (probably even if human would land on
Mars and establish a colony there) despite the science invention of modern machines and Robots to
govern the work force of human. No machine can be designed better than the human and the science has
not yet discovered more intelligent species than human in any other planets.
Knowing the importance of manpower, which plays the major role in success of any
organization, we do our maximum part to be sure that you get the Right Guy for Right Job;
Job; Right
Job for Right Guy.
Guy. In fact, we involve mainly in supplying male workers. ( Skilled, Semi Skilled &
Un-skilled) A Z any categories.
We hope you will give us a chance to prove this and we thank you for arriving at the decision of dealing
with us and we assure you the best service we can offer.
We are confident that you would find our services up to your utmost satisfactory. We look
forward to hear from you and hope to have a fruitful business link in the near future.
Company Profile
.....KLMNC KO6P E: JC6Q...........J8BC EF HI7
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Company Profile
Company Profile
.....6VL8U EF HI7
....J8BC 8WX: E: JC6Q
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Receiving Orders
We can receive the orders through any sources of communication such as via
Fax, Email, Telephone calls or even SMS, XMS etc.
Upon receipt of the order (demand) we search our computer database (Job
Bank) for resume that generally include information of job hunters
(already registered with our firm for employment in foreign countries) and
we reconfirm their availabilities and readiness of the relevant candidates.
We approach and seek the coordination of other sources of recruitment
such as other leading Recruiting Agents / Registered Sub Agents /
Vocational Training Institutes / Trade Testing Centers etc.
If still we do not meet the demand, then we go for the media
advertisement. Mainly in major newspapers / TV / Radio etc.
We adopt state of the art and systematic technique for selection procedure and
pay extreme attention and careful screening even on minutest requirement of
our client so that nothing should escape in meeting his / her needs.
Sending CVs:-
We dispatch the CVs to the principal after short listing the candidates for final
selection. Upon receipt of the name list of the candidates from principal after
final selections, we re-confirm the availability and fitness (medically) of the
candidates for sponsor to start processing their visas.
Deployment Procedures:-
Upon receipt of the visa, we shall complete all the necessary registration in the
Bureau of Foreign Employment and arrange the departure formalities according
to the convenience of sponsor and employee and inform sponsor the departure
detail in advance for them to make arrangements to receive the candidate upon
Company Profile
......8MC 6VVb6c 6NQ fgc
Al-Darmi Trading Est. State of Kuwait
Al-Muthin Office State of Kuwait
Al-Waleed Recruiting Agency State of Kuwait
Rashid Trading & Services Co. State of Qatar
The Golden Ball For Trading & Services State of Qatar
Al-Khanaq Trading Services State of Kuwait
Al-Siddiqi Intl Group State of Qatar
M. Rafie & Abdulla Al-Siddiqi State of Qatar
Qatar Building Engineering Co. State of Qatar
Tariq Trading & Contr. Est. State of Qatar
Bu Matar Est. State of Qatar
G.L.C. Contracting State of Qatar
Al-Majles Al-Arabi Restaurant State of Qatar
Al-Tauqeet Trading & Services Est. State of Qatar
Sadoon Mubarak Sadoon State of Kuwait
Apple Employent Agency Singapore
Al-Mutawassit Cleaning Co. State of Qatar
Jabri Sweets & Restaurant State of Qatar
Arabian Engineering Cont. & Trading Est. State of Qatar
Taj Gulf Trading Est. State of Qatar
University of Qatar State of Qatar
Qatar Manpower Recruiting & Services State of Qatar
Ahmad Peerun Travel & Tours Recruiting Agent Mauritius
Hussain Al-Bahlaq Recruting Office State of Kuwait
Kababayan Far East Manpower & Services Singapore
Apcon Contracting Est. State of Qatar
Al-Saqar Serent Office State of Kuwait
Al-Raqeeb Recruitment & Gen. Services Saudi Arabia
Khalid Bin Jabor Al-Ateeq State of Qatar
Hourani Enterprises Jordan
Al-Huda Services Est. United Arab Emirates
Hail Manpower & Services Est. Bahrain
SAK Trading & Contracting Co. State of Qatar
Sariya Al-Hajar Manpower (Pvt) Ltd. State of Kuwait
Mahmood Edoo Vegetable Suppliers State of Kuwait
Manaal Ahlam for Technology State of Kuwait
Company Profile
Company Profile
......8MC 6VVb6c 6NQ fgc
Target Recruitment United Arab Emirates
Goldenman Services State of Qatar
Al-Waleed Manpower Rec. Co. State of Qatar
Apcon Trading Est. State of Qatar
Al-Arabia Land Transporting Co. State of Qatar
South Trading & Cont. Est. State of Qatar
C.C.M. Services W.L.L. State of Qatar
Al-Farsi Trad. Cont. & Transportation Co. State of Qatar
Metal Forming Centre State of Qatar
Al-Shami Home Restaurant State of Qatar
UniGraphics State of Qatar
Delta Contracting State of Qatar
Gulf Colours State of Qatar
Arabia House Int. Trasport Est. State of Qatar
Business & Technology State of Qatar
Jasim Decoration & Services State of Qatar
Falcon Travel State of Qatar
Al-Fahad Trading Est. State of Qatar
Al-Qafila Engineering Consultants State of Qatar
Tadmur Contracting & Est. State of Qatar
Specialized Aluminum & Steel Co. State of Qatar
Aluglass Company Ltd. State of Qatar
Al-Obaidly Manpower State of Qatar
Ajjaj Engineering Services Co. State of Qatar
Al-Suwaidi Service Office State of Qatar
Qatariana Commercial Co. State of Qatar
Salam Al-Shammari Est. State of Kuwait
Al-Thabat Trading & Services State of Qatar
Al-Khandaq Trading State of Qatar
Al-Biraha Services State of Qatar
Bu-Rahma Recruiting State of Kuwait
Bu-Mazin State of Kuwait
Dar Al-Hanan Readymade Garment United Arab Emirates
Amana Steel United Arab Emirates
Al-Raboa Trading & Cont. Co. State of Qatar
Ibn Al-Kayam Printing Press State of Qatar
Tybah Foodstuff Complex State of Qatar
Garage Al-Thaweel State of Qatar
Al-Saleh Gen. Trading State of Qatar
Al-Misnad Trading State of Qatar
..... oNF X9F kN7
Date: ...........................................
This agreement made and entered into between Mr. Esam Ibrahim (Managing Director), Of Esam
Construction Co., P.O.Box 867, Doha - Qatar Tel. 4417528 Fax 4417652 (hereinafter called as the
foreign principal) and All Brothers International (Pvt) Ltd., Mr. I.A.M. Ziyard (Chairman) No. 118, 1st Floor,
Sri Sumanatissa Mawatha, Colombo 14, Sri Lankan (hereinafter called as the agent to recruit manpower
from Sri Lanka) for employment in Kingdom of Doha - Qatar and shall have the following terms and
conditions hereinafter referred to:-
1. The person or persons recruited shall be for the post or posts as per the demand letters and shall
be designated as stated in the demand letters.
2. The duration of the contract shall be a period of two years and renewable by mutual agreements.
3. The person or persons engaged will be required to perform duties.
4. Working hours will be 10 for skilled categories per day and 60 working hours for a week. One day
off per week for all workers.
5. Free both way air tickets will be provided for House Maids without considering their race or religion.
6. Free return air ticket will be provided for other categories after completion of contract.
7. The salary and allowances will be as stated in demand letters and letter of appointment.
8. Overtime shall be paid for off duty hours and holidays.
9. Meals shall be provided free of charge or meal allowance shall be paid.
10. Free accommodation shall be provided.
11. Medical facilities shall be provided free of charge.
12. The agent shall undertake to ensure that all applicants selected by the agent will be fit for the job
and shall be guaranteed for period of 90 days from the date of departure from Sri Lanka.
13. The foreign principal shall be responsible for all the complaints made by the employees or their
14. In case of death of the recruit during this period, the foreign principal shall agree for repatriation of
the remains of the deceased along with the personal effects and savings at the expense of the
foreign principals. Both in case of death and injury, the compensation shall be paid according to
Labour law of the country.
I/We confer on the said agent and his authorized representative, power of attorney, to under take
on our behalf the following:-
1. All the recruitment activities in Sri Lanka, by way of issuing advertisement in the media,
calling for applications from prospective candidates, processing applications and
interviewing candidates and any other activities relevant to recruitment on our behalf.
2. Signing documents on our behalf, including contract of employment of selected
3. To represent on our behalf at the Embassy of Doha in Sri Lanka for the purpose of
obtaining visa stamped on the passports of selected recruits to travel to the country of
employment as may be instructed by us.
I/We do understand that the conferring of this power of attorney shall hold Mr. I.A.M. Ziyard of
All brothers International (Pvt) Ltd. and its authorized representative, jointly and severally liable
along with the said recruitment agent, for all action authorized and under taken by the said
recruitment agent, on our behalf, in terms of this instrument.
Esam Ibrahim.
(Managing Director)