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Definition of Sustainability

1. Sustainable development refers to meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It requires using resources efficiently and preserving ecosystems. 2. There are two types of resources - renewable resources that can be reused, and non-renewable resources that must be used responsibly to prolong their usefulness while developing substitutes. Conservation and development of natural resources should be a priority. 3. Sustainability requires understanding the interconnections between people, water, land, forests, animals, and the environment in order to meet local and global sustainability objectives. It aims to improve quality of life while respecting the limits of supporting ecosystems.

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Definition of Sustainability

1. Sustainable development refers to meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It requires using resources efficiently and preserving ecosystems. 2. There are two types of resources - renewable resources that can be reused, and non-renewable resources that must be used responsibly to prolong their usefulness while developing substitutes. Conservation and development of natural resources should be a priority. 3. Sustainability requires understanding the interconnections between people, water, land, forests, animals, and the environment in order to meet local and global sustainability objectives. It aims to improve quality of life while respecting the limits of supporting ecosystems.

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Sustainable Development

Development refers back to sufficient supply to the present need of human person and its usefulness and
ability to fulfil the future use.

Biosphere (Ecosphere) = that part of earths surface and its atmosphere in which living organism are
known to exist. We need to use biosphere in such a way that it is useful for future use also.
There are two types of resources(i) renewable, which could be recycled and used again, (ii) non-
renewable- we need to use such resources responsibly. Prolong the usefulness at the same time we should
think of other substitutes. Therefore conservation and development of natural resources should be the
priority for all.

5 Js Jan = people
Jal = water
Jamin = land
Jungle = forest
Janwar = animal = if we protect and maintain all these five J factors we will be able to maintain
eco system.

Definition of sustainability
1. Sustainable means management of human use of biosphere so that it may yield the sustainable
development present generation by maintaining its potential meet the needs and aspiration of the future
2. Improving the quality of human life by living within the caring capacity of the supporting eco system.
3. According to the ecologists, ability of the ecosystem to maintain resilient in order to continue to give
and support life.
4. According to economists, sustainability of the market optimally allocates scare resources to proper bio
signal, to provide a mechanism for instrument and to maintain a healthy labour market.
5. According to sociologists, sustainability is the ability of individuals and community to remain I good
physical health, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and ensure equity among generation.

Sustainability requires understanding of these inter connection in order to meet the local and global
sustainability objective.
The Concept of Development
Development necessitates change. In simple term development therefore means change. Change in the
society and the nation. It requires conceptual clarification of the term development? What does it mean
socially, economically? for whom? How much? And how? When we talk about development it is better
to make distinction between the development of the area and the development of the people. The
development of an area means all the facilities available in the particular area, such as; road, irrigation,
market, school, hospital etc. When all these available facilities are accessible to general peoples use we
could term it as development of the people. Generally, it so happens that the rich people get most of the
facilities when as the same is not accessible to the poor people. People must be at the centre of human
development. Development should revolve around people, not people around development. It has to be
development of the people, by the people, for the people.
Development of the people-
Every society must invest in the education, health, nutrition and social well-being of its people, so that
they can play their full role in the countrys economic, political and social life. With more emphasis now
being placed on the market and on technological progress, the development of people will make an
increasingly critical contribution to economic success.
Development by the people-
Through appropriate structures of decision making, people must participate fully in the planning and
implementation of development strategies. These strategies should provide sufficient opportunities for
income and employment growth, so that human capacities are properly used and human creativity is given
its fullest expression.
Development for the people-
Development must satisfy every bodys needs, and provide opportunities for all. Only then it will be truly
human-oriented. This would also include providing essential social safety nets.

Economic Development
Development refers to the national development. While talking about national development we have to
keep in mind the two things - (i) the factors of supplies; and (ii) demand of the products. When we
talk of factors supplies, we talk of annual production of different national and man made recourses. We
compare and weigh the increment with the previous years and from other countries economy. We put
forward questions, like; how much it has changed from the previous year? How much goods and services
have been supplied? How much is the rate of growth? GDP is the basis for the measurement of the
growth. These goods and services must be produced in monetary terms of the final goods and services
produced for consumption.
Thus the economic development must consist of-
(i) Per capita income;
(ii) Per capita consumption;
(iii) Per capita sanitations- i.e. health etc.
(iv) Per capita production;
The demand of product includes of-
(a) Size and consumption of production;
(b) Social & cultural institutions i.e. attitudes and differences.
(c) Socio cultural and ethical values.
According to Amarthya Sen, the eminent economist development incorporates three basic areas; they
(i) Sustenance It refers to basic physical needs/food with nutrition. Nutritious food should be accessible
to all people. Every person should have shelter/protection; i.e. housing, clothing and health securities.
(ii) Self esteem It means respect and dignity of a person. Every individual and society has some cultural
values that should be respected and tolerated by others.
(iii) Freedom There should be choice in getting the desired products and commodities for the use. In
scarcity of goods people should not be pushed forward to buy any goods without choices left to them.
There should not be any servitude or force.
The real present picture of the nation is pathetic. The majority of the population is under the clutches of
poverty, illiteracy, inequality, unemployment, unequal distribution of wealth etc. There is hierarchical
caste system and class system in the society. Some upper hands have access to the facilities whereas the
poor have no access even to the basic needs of life. There is a constant struggle in balancing between
socio- economic and political policies.
Amartya Sen calls for balancing between social and economic policies. He has underlined the need for
positive governmental action and rapid social progress for furthering economic growth in India. He
suggests that country should adopt a policy with proper balance between economic and social sector.
Without much progress in the social sector we cannot think of Indias economic development. The
country needs to have an integrated approach towards progress. Social progress would imply education,
health care, land reforms and gender issues while economic progress would involve consolidating the
scope for competition, incentives and openness. The country has suffered in the last fifty years because it
ignored the need for such integration and had developed a tendency of neglecting social development.
The country's prospects depend on how forcefully it seizes the basic interdependence.
The two basic problems, according to Sen, are external challenges of globalization and internal threat of
domestic disparity. These two issues are closely linked with each other. An appropriate approach to
globalization is required. Individuals with no literacy or numerical skills could not easily transcend the
barriers to enable meaningful participation in global economic arrangements. At the same time adequate
attention to be paid towards the aspect of domestic disparity. Domestic small scale products are to be
The concept of Sustainable development
In the year 1987 the World Bank symposium developed the concept sustainability. The understanding is
that we have borrowed the natural resources from our ancestors and we have to use it in such a manner
that the future generation also might use it. This is possible only by conserving and developing the natural
resources. We should not degrade or eliminate it. It means we should cultivate crops in such a manner that
we maintain the land fertility. The natural resource base, on which the various successively higher levels
of the eco-system depend, has its limits, which are expressed in terms of caring capacities.
Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aim to meet human needs while preserving the
environment, so that, these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future.
Sustainable development has three dimensional approaches, i.e. economical, equity and eco-friendly.
Economic Sustainability has three dimensional approaches-
Economical- it means normal profit. We should use the natural resources economically. We should gain
profit optimally and not the maximum level of it.
Equity while using the natural resources we have to keep in mind that it is available to all irrespective of
class, caste, creed, sex etc. There should be equal distribution of resources between the rich and the poor.
Eco friendly- we should not pollute the nature and environment. We must improve the quality of life by
living in a caring capacity. We need to produce such goods which do not hamper environment. The
quality of the human life should be improved by living in a caring capacity of supporting eco-system.
Sustainable means management of human use of bio-sphere so that it may yield the sustainable
development for present generation by maintaining its potentiality and meet the needs and aspiration of
the future generation.
Process of Development
According to Mr. Rastow, the economist there is five conditions of the development. These could
be considered as the stages for the development as well. They are as follows
1. Traditional or primitive stage As long as a nation is following the old methods of production
mode whether it is in agriculture or in industry it is considered as poor production mode. In India
especially in agricultural sphere we are still using the primitive mode of production. Of course, in
technology sector India has developed considerably. In this highly IT era there is great need of latest
model of technologies so that we could produce effectively and efficiently. But due to poverty many
cannot afford it. Due to ignorance too many do not have access to it.
2. Pre takes off stage Mr. Rastow compare the nation with the plane. Just before taking off the plane
crowls and Pilate prepares and checks whether everything is in good condition. Then he starts the engine
of the plane. Pre take off means the plane is about to take off. This implies about to develop. India is
already in the process of development. We see in every sector there is latest model of technologies. This
will increase the productivity of firms and industries. Thus India has already crossed this stage of
3. Take off stage India is in a take off stage. She has given way to development in various spheres
where it is economic, technology or other sectors.
4. Drive to maturity stage This means the flight has taken its speed. It is flying high. We can call it the
maturity stage as well. As a developing nation India needs to stable the development process.
5. Mass consumption When every one has access of everything. Then we call it a developed nation. It
is like new heaven and new earth situation.
These are the stages of development.
The Factors Affecting Development
There are different factors that affect the economic development of different countries.
1. Size of the country-
Geography- The various geographical conditions affect the development of the country. If the vast area
of the country is hilly, deserted and affected very much by flood every year then surely economic
development is going to be affected. The types and amount of cultivable land also contribute a lot for
national development.
Population- if the country is over populated the growth of economy should be more provided there are
skilled populations. But if the population is more but if it is unskilled then there will be poverty,
unemployment etc. like India.
Income- there should be equal distribution of money. The per capita income should be more.
2. Historical colonial Background
The historical background of the country contributes a lot for the economic development of the country.
India has been the colony of the Britain. The natural resources, spices and other raw materials are looted
by the Britishers. They exploited the country in various ways. Before they looted the countrys raw
materials India was under Mughals. They too exploited and used the country for their selfish motifs. Now
it is taking lot of time to come back to the real stream.
3. Endowment of physical & human renouncements
The climate of the country also matters a lot for the eco development of the country. The labour we put in
certain work varies from those of cold countries like European countries. Another factor is the attitude of
the people towards the work. People from Japan are laborious and people of the USA are mostly business
men. Their attitude contributes to national economy.
4. Ethnic and religious composition
The different ethnic group hampers the unity and harmony of the country. Different castes and religious
groups fighting among themselves hamper the economic growth of the country. India is multi-religious
country. The people are quite often intolerant to other religions. Another factor is terrorism. Terrorist
attacks also hamper the economic growth. Homogeneous religion like China is more conducive for
economic growth of the country.
5. The relative importance of public and private sector
The industrial sectors of the country contribute a lot for the economic development of the country. There
should be freedom between these two sectors in functioning. At present in India the private sectors are
much emphasized. But these sectors exploit the social well-being of the people. They should be
accountable towards people. One the other hand government sectors are inefficient in work. This makes
economic growth hamper. There should be proper co-ordination between these two sectors for the
economic growth of the country.
6. The nature of industrial structures
The nature of industrial structure and size of the industries affect national growth. Gandhiji and
Nehruji had two different opinions. Gandhiji was convinced with the opinion that the development of the
country is possible only through the small scale industries, like in Japan. He favored that the county made
things should be promoted. Swadeshi industries like TATA and other private sector industries should be
promoted and go hand in hand. Nehruji was just opposite of this view; his opinion was that the countrys
development depends upon big multi national companies. But the multi national companys motto is
always to earn more. Thus these companies not only destroy our national economy and exploit other
sources but also destroy our culture.
7. The degree of dependence on external economy and political forces
Nehru thought that to develop India need a Big Push that means borrow loan from foreign. But
Loan from foreign or dependency on foreign debt always leads to cut throat policy.
8. The distribution of powerindustrial and political structure within the country
The disparities in income distribution are another hampering factor for the economic growth of the
country. There should be equal and equity distribution of national economy.
The Negative Impact of Development
There are various negative sides of the economic development of the country. These are some of points
responsible for it
1. Stock of many recourses were declining sharply
Of course, man has limit of needs, but he has no limit of greed. This human greed has ill affect in
development. In pursue of things that would satisfy once greed man crosses the boundary of natural
recourses capacity and exploiting it. This attitude of man hampers the development of the nation as well
as hampers the natural resources productive capacity in long run.
2. Deforestation was epidemic
Man is using forest in a selfish way. The amount of trees are being cut and sold either for timber/
furniture or fire wood is beyond our imagination. Thus it is deforested. Bio sphere harmony is destroyed.
This has the ill effect in development.
3. Expansion of deserts
Because of the excessive pressure of land and forest being destroyed deserts is being expanding.
4. Soils degradation
Fertility of upper surface of land is decreasing because of chemical used for more production.
5. Wild life habitat disappearing
As forests are deforested for various purposes wild animals are being chased out automatically as
they have no shelter to live. People are preying these animals.
6. Extinction of species - some of the species are vanishing. These species help the nature keep balance
in either way.
7. Toxic poison circulated from air to water to soil to food the air is polluted because of factories
smoke. Water is polluted because of garbage and wastage thrown to it. Thus air, water, and soil is
destroyed or polluted.
8. Depletion of Ozone layer - Another negative impact of the development is ozone layer is thinning. In
the surface of the earth oxygen is reducing.
9. Biodiversity is vanishing. The different bio factors which balances the earth is vanishing.
These are but some of the factors which has ill effect on the development of the nation.
1. Continual delivery of the services product and benefits -
a) Comparison of actual and intended benefit of the stability over time.
b) That efficiency of the service delivery.
c) That quality of service and product should be maintained.
d) Stability to the beneficiaries.
e) Distribution of benefits among different economic and social group.
Easy accessibility of benefits to all people.
2. Maintenance of physical resources base 5 Js
a) Status of the physical resources base. Keep in mind what we were and what we are now?
b) Status of technology and machinery use.
c) Adequacy of the maintenance procedure.
3. Long term institution capacity-
We should have long term stable vision. Its mandate and objectives should be long run and stable. It
should be coordinated between different institutions.
4. Political support-
There should be healthy, strong and stable inter national relationships among agencies, such as, World
Bank, G 8 countries. Extend their support and help.
5. Basic indicators of sustainability-
Economic, equity and eco-friendly.
For example, fertilizer application for wheat crops-
Economic equity eco friendly
Fertiliser + - -
High brand seed + - -
Using organic manure + - -
Pesticide + - -
Horticides + - -
1. Eco dimension-
a) Allocation of scare resources-
maximization of resources- One has to make full potential utilisation of resources. Where marginal
product is zero and total is maximum.
Efficient utilisation- it refers to out put and in put ratio. Where the output is more than the input.
Optimum utilisation- it refers to economic phenomena, maximisation of profit.
We are concerned with the optimum utilisation of resources. There fore scare resources should be
allocated optimally.
b) cost effectiveness-
we should use those resources such a way, that a cost is reduced.
We can reduce the cost by- i) alternative method of production, ie without altering the quality of product
we can have various combinations of product, and ii) technological up gradation, time to time we need to
upgrade the technologies to get more products.
c) change in consumption pattern- we need to change in our consumption pattern so that our bio factor is
d) industrialisation- use of those machinery which requires more human resources, so that job is available
to people. Industrialisation should be employee oriented.
e)alleviation of poverty- per capita income will increase if people are employed.
2. Human dimension
a) check on population growth is needed.
b) awareness regarding education is needed.
c) accessibility to health care centre.
d) women empowerment- they are most vulnerable sex. They are deprived of most of the opportunities ie
education and health, job etc.
3. Environment dimension
Land, forest and water should be taken care of. Components of the environment should be maintained to
their best capacity.
4. Technological dimension
Use of those technologies that enhances the life. Use of appropriate technology in needed to sustain the
technology. Green house effects should be promoted.
1. Population, resources and environment- the finite resources cannot meet the infinite needs of infinite
population. There is possibility of suppressing the resources and the environment.
2. Poverty and environment- there are two types of poverty- absolute and relative poverty. Poverty
forces people to exploit the natural resources. Thus the environment is badly affected.
3. Rural development and environment- the best way to develop rural area is to improve the
agricultural product. It should be done in an organic way without using artificial chemicals. Inorganic
agricultural product has bad impact in soil as well as human health.
4. Urban development and environment- modern way of living life forcing people to move to urban
sectors for various purposes. More urbanisation means exploitation of environment.
5. Global Development- it gives rise to atomic factors, technologies, global warming, green house effect
6. Growth process environment-
7- Sustainable development and environment- means conservation of natural recourses.
1. Water pollution and water scarcity- results in ill health and less productivity.
2. Air pollution- proportion o gas will be disturbed. It will cause ill health because it produces acid rains
which results in turn less productivity.
3. Solid and Hazardous waste- garbage disposed to water and plastic thrown out causes ill health.
4. Soil degradation by the use of chemical fertiliser fertility of the land is degraded.
5. Deforestation- for healthy living 40% of land should cover the land. But it is deforested every day for
various purposes.
6. Loss of biodiversity- loss of flora flora.
7. Atmosphere change-
1. Classical Approach-
It is the early stage of development. Marshals, Adam Smith and Piegu are key figure of this approach.
They were of the opinion that the supply will create its own demand.
They have given the important ce to
a) capital accumulation, and
b) laissezz faire ie. no government interference in business.
For the development of the nation the major role is of the private sectors. According to the classical
approach all the development is done by the private sectors. But the private sector aim is to make profit .
O=f (K+L+ Labour)
The classical approach has given much importance to only capital. For any industry capital is invested.
More technologies are used. It gives rise to labour force. There will be more wages. If there is more
wages surely it gives rise to population. If there is more population there will be law of diminishing return
applies. Thus there will be less profit. And thus the rate of investment falls. Thus there will be stationery
stage ie. people will not invest in the k=market.

2. Neo-Classical Approach-
Schumpeter is the exponent of this approach. Capital and technology is important aspect of the approach.
He was of the opinion that innovation gives rise to development. According to this approach people
borrow money from capitalist to be more innovative production in this competitive world. This reaches to
another stationery stage.
Keynes came out with another idea. He says, demand creates output to innovation. According to him
public demand is important. He calls it effective demand. The effective demand gives rise to
development. He says, demand is necessary for development.
Demand leads to more innovation. Innovation brings about more output. Output leads to income
generation and thus people consume more. But Keynes says, people do not consume all the incomes, they
save some amount of their income. This saving gives rise to innovation. Marginal propensity to saving
gives rise to multiplier. Eg expenditure of A is income of B and so on. More consumption leads to more
innovation. They follow the idea- eat drink and make merry. Thus there will be no stationery stage.
Harrod and Domar Model
They say, we should develop such system where economic growth is steady and uninterrupted continuity.
They suggested three types of growth-
1) Warranted rate of growth- ie, required rate of investment is needed to get desired output (productive
capacity). This leads to generate income which in turn generates demands of goods. This goods should be
absorbed with productive capacity for consumption. At the same time there should be saving for the next
2) Actual rate of growth- ie, GDP
Recession= production capacity is more than demand.
Inflation= goods are less but price is high, money chasing the goods.
3) Natural rate of growthie, population and technology.
Warranted rate of growth= Actual rate of growth=natural rate of growth =ie called golden age. This is the
foundation of modern theory. Recession and inflation are knife edge problem.
Post Neo-Classical Stage-
There are many theories of the period-
1. Lewis and Rossen Poden have suggested dualistic sector approach of development.
a) Industrial sector- it gives rise to more employment.
b) Agricultural sector- less production, people are still ploughing traditional way, it gives rise to
disguised employment.
2. Big Push theory- borrow capital from developed country to push under developed countries.
3. Balanced economic development theory- according to this theory, you try to balance all the sectors
for development. You give same amount of money for all the sectors. But in practice it is not possible,
thus it is rejected.
4. Unbalanced economic development theory- according to this theory money is invested in the under
developed areas so that it will cope with the developed areas. But again it is not possible, thus this theory
is also rejected.
5. MAHALANOBIS gives four sector economy-
i) input industry
ii) consumption sector
iii) service sector, and
iv) institution sector
3. Modern Theory
There are three basic elements of this theory-
i) capital, ii) population, and iii) technology.
A) Capital Accumulation-
There should be high rate of per capita output. For this two aspects of development are required-
infrastructural and human capital (ie, education, health, skill, kn,).
There should be proper infrastructural development. What is necessary for this is national spirit.
B) population- growth rate should be such that it should be able to absorve the output of the country.
There should be balance between GDP and population. Population I boon and not the curse. But it should
be the skilled one,
C) Technology- it means new and improved mode of production.
There are 3 types of technologies-
neutral technology- which gives same proportionate growth of production.
Labour savings- by the use of technologies such as computer, tractor labour is being saved.
Capital saving- instead of using big technologies use small scale technologies. Thus we can give rise to
more labour opportunities.
Modern view-
1. modern concept of development is that there is sustained increase in national output. There should be
ability to diverse production. That is multi sectoral development to meet the demand of population.
2. there should be advancing of technology- up grading the technology. That increase the productivity of
factors (inputs) ie, human resources and machines etc.
3. institutional and ideological adjustment with technology and population- people should be committed
for social welfare. Technology should be such that it should be human social welfare.
Ideology should be SARVA DHARMA SAMBHAVA. All religions should be respected BASUDEVA
Characteristics of modern development-
1. high rate of growth per capita and population-
2. high rate of increase in total factor productivity- technology advancing-
3. high rate of structural transformation of economic-
4. high rate of social institutional transformation-
5. institutional economic outreach- globalisation. the world is like a small village. WTO- to remove the
The above mentioned is also the agenda for 21st century development.
Gandhian Model of Economic Development
Ideology Truth and Non violence.
He advocated that there should be -
1- limitation of wants- problem of development is consumerism. To be peaceful and contended one
should one should minimise his/her wants.
2. Development of rural economic- India is acountry of villages. There should be gram swaraj and gram
vikash to have rural development. Villages should be self reliance. It should generate employment in
villages so that people do not migrate to cities. Multi sectoral development should be promoted.
Panchaytee raj- local governance.
3. swadeshi- should not be depended on other countries for basic needs,
4, small and medium scale of enterprise- like, village and cottage industries.
5. saving not borrowing- promote saving for future and further use.

Sustainable Farming
Sustainable agriculture
Agriculture is sustainable when it is ecologically sound, economic vival, socially just culturally
appropriate and based on holistic scientific approach.
It preserve the biodiversity, maintains soil fertility and water purity conserves and improves the physical,
chemical and biological qualities of soil, recycle natural resources and conserves energy. Sustainable
agriculture provides diverse forms of high quality fool, fibres and medicines.
Sustainable agriculture uses local available renewable and non-renewable resource appropriate and
affordable technologies and minimizing the inorganic chemical input and thereby increasing local
independence and source of stable income for farmers and rural communities. This allows more people to
stay one land, strengthen rural communities and integrate human with their environment. Sustainable
agriculture respects the ecological principles of diversity and interdependence and uses the insight of
modern science to improve rather than displace the traditional wisdom, accumulated over centuries by
millions of farmers around the world.
Sustainable agriculture focuses on following major goals-
Food and natural security insuring food availability with desired quality and safety levels on wealth and
nutritional ground.

Minimizing the ecological degradation, disintegration and contamination of natural resource leading to
food chain pollution.
Prevention and reducing the losses of crop and crop strategy by hazard mitigation forth.
Production of agriculture from losses due to atmospheric pollution.
Maintain the adequate biodiversity of crops.
To help the economy of different farmers with variety of inputs, subsidies on bearing environment.
Tools of the Sustainable Agriculture
Soil conservation
Wasteland reclamation
Watershed development
Bio-fertiliser an bio-pesticide application
Water resource management
Agro-bio-diversity conservation
Live stock health and production
Basic Principles of Sustainable Agriculture
a) Conservation Diversion of cultivable land should not be permitted for non- agricultural uses and
it should be preserved through legislation.
b) Restoration It should be improved through organic material application and biological &
mechanical devices should be applied for it improvement.
C) For conservation of this type of land the richness of the biological diversity should be conserved
and improved for richness.
2. Effective in water saving devices should be applied. Equity in water saving. And efficiency in water
delivery should be made available water supply on surface and ground water be used efficiently. There
should be appropriate use of river, rainwater ground water, sea water, sea water and sea wave and waste

Energy - Integrated system of energy management use of renewable and non-renewable resources
inessential for achieving the deserved level of yield from the crops and livestock.
Nutrient Supply Soil are often not only thirsty but also hungry inputs are needed for output. They should
be integrated nutrient supply system through crop rotation re-manure& biofertiliser application through
biodynamic system (composed and humus) will improve the soil structure and fertility.
Genetic diversity - genetic diversity that location specific varieties are essential for achieving sustainable
advancement in productivity. Diversity in crops and crop varieties will improve the genetic biodiversity
transgenic seeds and genetic engineering in development of crop variety should be encouraged.
Pest Management Control of weeds insect pest and potholing there should be a integrated pest
management system which involves mechanical, biological and chemical controls of pest and insects.
Post Harvest - Post harvest technologies to check the loses and improve the value addition methods
through marketing techniques.
System Approach - Optimum resources utilisation through diversification of the enterprises. There should
be synergy in resource management.
Location Specific Research The agriculture scientist should develop location specific crop varieties and
agricultural practices and locally available inputs.
Substitution and Minimization of Agro-chemical Like fertiliser, pesticide, venticide etc should be based
on chemical. There should be a drive for promotion of biological product by input (bio fertiliser and
Infrastructure Development Roads, transport, communication, for efficient marketing.
Socio-economic Policies Which are pro poor and pro woman because they contribute 2/3 of the farming
community. Their condition should be improved.
Application environmental impact assessment and risk assessment tools for assessing adverse impact of
industrial of industrial projects on agricultural sectors.
Implementation of Land Reforms in True Spirit This means that majority if the farmers are small and
marginal and they are resource poor persons. Without improving their conditions agriculture cannot be

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