Ceo With Cia Connections Wants To Assassinate Trump PDF

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CEO WITH CIA CONNECTIONS WANTS TO ASSASSINATE TRUMP Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:12:28 ID: e4e896 No.8231303


Ok guys, this isn't your average no-name shitskin libcuck on Twitter. MATT HARRIGAN is the CEO of PacketSled and Critical Assets and a board
member for OWASP. He was president of NSS Labs and Trustwave back in the day. He's very well known in the computer security industry, and is
the Director of the non-profit San Diego SDCCOE (Cyber Center of Excellence which is like InfraGuard) which I'm sure will not appreciate his public
comments to assassinate Trump. SDCCOE is affiliated with a lot of DoD and financial companies. He's created several successful start-up
companies, and he's a millionaire. Since he has money and connections, he has the means and motive to act on his very specific threat.
He also has connections to people in the Federal Government and the intelligence community. In fact, just the other day he met with Former CIA
Director Jim Woosley.
Let's make an example out of this faggot. Report him to the FBI and secret service, email SDCCOE and ask them to fire him. Let's get his Federal and
DoD security contracts canceled. We could probably even get the media to report on his assassination attempt since he's the CEO of a large
The threats were posted to FB and restricted to friends only. You will need to be friends with him to see them.

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https:// www.

https: //
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:13:24 ID: d0cb9f No.8231311
It's fucking nothing
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:13:48 ID: e4e896 No.8231317
File: de49e1fc5537eab .png (282.58 KB, 522x622, 261:311, Untitled.png)

Here he is meeting with former CIA director Jim Woosley.

Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:14:13 ID: aa88ef No.8231319
File: d18858c7cf5a2ed .jpeg (104.4 KB, 1280x850, File:
b1442e85b03bdca .gif
128:85, d18858c7cf5a2ed80f1cacc03.jpeg)
(43 B,

You better have made some fucking archives of this shit, OP

Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:14:52 ID: e4e896 No.8231328
File: 88a086e2cc7f7d7 .png (95.42 KB, 1012x768, 253:192, 30d50ead03402f6ba2da0da498.png)

Nice investors he has there. It would be a shame if someone were to contact them.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:15:06 ID: 343aef No.8231330
If liberals get Trump, Pence will be president.
They hate Trump, but Pence will go Deus Vult on them.

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:15:39 ID: e4e896 No.8231343

File: 382aba16b4cd782 .jpg (23.94 KB, 509x512, 509:512, 15036759_10108464751507045.jpg)

Aaaand if you doubted this was real, I tweeted about the threat to PacketSled and they blocked me.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:15:44 ID: 372874 No.8231346
CTR why are you still shilling? Why are you working for free?
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:15:49 ID: b32f9c No.8231348
"Assassination attempts" are a red herring. No one actually planning to do it will post about it on social networks, especially not someone
who is a CEO of some company.
Kikes love having their appointed dictators fake assassination attempts lately, so forcing this shit is not really helping Trump.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:17:16 ID: b00e18 No.8231363
No archive = no evidence.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:17:56 ID: e4e896 No.8231374
Facebook is a behind a login you autist fucks.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:17:58 ID: d79493 No.8231376
>especially not someone who is a CEO of some company.
You seem to be under the delusion that we're dealing with a brilliant man capable of exerting self-control.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:18:40 ID: e4e896 No.8231385
We need to make an example of him. This guy is rich enough with CIA connections that the secret service will crucify him.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:20:11 ID: a2133e No.8231397
It's a guaranteed investigation by the Secret Service. Are you new?
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:21:04 ID: 52998a No.8231408
Thread already exists,lurk moar.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:22:44 ID: 9620e2 No.8231433
There is already a thread about this, you nigger. Check the fucking catalog.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:24:12 ID: e4e896 No.8231448
It has typos in the title, no one read it, and it was dead and buried until one of you faggots bumped it. Also, no one actually contacted the
authorities in that thread. This one is a fresh start, and here you niggers are shitting it up.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:25:22 ID: e4e896 No.8231462
He was very specific with his threat. Those are the typos the secret service takes extra seriously.

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:27:20 ID: 52998a No.8231485

double posting is against rules,learn to assimilate you nigger faggot.Don't shit the catalog this isn't cuckchan.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:27:23 ID: 08da97 No.8231486
Don't you have better evidence than some shit screenshots anyone could fake?
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:29:39 ID: e4e896 No.8231516
How many times do I have to tell you niggers that FB is behind a login.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:32:22 ID: 878c6d No.8231547
Well you aren't providing enough proof. Just report this guy to the secret service,
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:33:32 ID: e4e896 No.8231553
I provided fucking screenshots you faggot autist.
If you don't believe me, tweet the company on Twitter and get blocked. Add the faggot as a friend on FB and view the post yourself.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:39:23 ID: b32f9c No.8231603
He didn't even imply it, he clearly stated the intention. I doubt a man of such standing is this stupid, we are not talking about some random
Mexican or feminist. He is even baiting them kek.
That's true, and it warrants a certain investigation according to US law if i'm not mistaken. That still doesn't mean he was actually planning
to do it.
Don't scan me FBI, i dindu nuffin :DD
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:39:33 ID: f5ec97 No.8231604
Report it to the fucking FBI.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:46:26 ID: 3f314a No.8231665

Send the urls where he made the threats to the SS and FBI
You can find them on the internet.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:54:27 ID: 58121d No.8231751
Reported and the FBI investigated him yesterday. They took him out to lunch. He got off scot free.
This is why we need to get more publicity on this. Get his investors to pull out of his company..
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 18:56:07 ID: e5ece3 No.8231770
File: 60513c3d9471be4 .webm (6.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 60513c3d9471be4a873a4da1c.webm)

Hey, does the background image with the curved lines and symbols and numbers,look like a diagram of the minite man intercontinental
nuclear wepon releasing its payload onto multiple cities?
That is what im seeing
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 19:02:35 ID: c1ecc9 No.8231827
Perhaps, but he will restore the ((((((((establishment)))))))))

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 19:10:44 ID: 030dca No.8231900

File: f8c4839e62ed3af .webm (3.94 MB, 480x360, 4:3, f8c4839e62ed3af785750421a.webm)

I see some triangles
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 19:19:40 ID: cf83be No.8231960
File: fb60622abf29a72 .jpg (354.07 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1477372623212.jpg)

Those are not proofs OP provide something proper.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 19:24:49 ID: 286f78 No.8232017
>how to finger oneself
>dumping cut clitoris
>shave persian cat

Muhammed was a pedophile rapist faggot shitskin, and so are you Muhammed.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 19:30:15 ID: 76f2fd No.8232065
Don't forget a thief and a liar too. Even the rock at Mecca they circle around, was stolen from the local temple.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 19:35:35 ID: aa88ef No.8232106
File: d52fdcbff967fec .gif (1.59 MB, 256x192, 4:3,
b1442e85b03bdca .gif
(43 B,

>Get his investors to pull out of his company..
sage for duplicate thread over a tiny issue
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:11:03 ID: 63658f No.8232420

Report to Secret Service

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:12:20 ID: e4e896 No.8232431

File: 038ef88b86b0537 .png (30.39 KB, 1059x489, 353:163, adsfffff.png)

Ok, any of you fucks that doubted this was real, here's your proof. He's attempting damage control on both Twitter and the PacketSled
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:15:05 ID: e4e896 No.8232445
File: 6b8852e42c3d099 .png (241.32 KB, 924x376, 231:94, sdffffffasdf.png)
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:17:07 ID: c06930 No.8232455
How much to crowdfund for his head? Place you bets folks, when will a desperate /pol/ack will ISIS him on camera for a few buttshekels.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:17:25 ID: 178b20 No.8232458
>threatening to assassinate the fucking president is a "tiny issue"
Throw yourself off the nearest multistory building, kike.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:19:01 ID: c06930 No.8232478
So when he gets ventilated, the culprit can state it was a prank? Good to know.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:19:44 ID: e4e896 No.8232485
His apology does not seem sincere to me. He must pay.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:28:33 ID: 20771b No.8232557
File: 70d9570f56e42eb .jpg (68.28 KB, 501x585, 167:195, lightdust merchant.jpg)

>oy vey he didn't mean it! it's probably just best to ignore it goy
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:30:20 ID: aa88ef No.8232575
Learn to read, you absolute fucking retard.
>sage for duplicate thread

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:31:34 ID: 10f851 No.8232585

Which archive works around, you stupid fuck
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:32:15 ID: e077cf No.8232591
File: 7e2c17c75c5fc4b .jpg (159.4 KB, 959x538, 959:538, 1479068251948.jpg)

Tweet his investors:

Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:32:19 ID: d23b87 No.8232592
File: 34033676eac0978 .png (1.07 MB, 725x789, File: dd0f3757cf6f86b .png (375.25 KB, 772x448,
725:789, fagswife.PNG)

193:112, regina.PNG)

This is his wife, Regina Harrigan, if it helps for those trying to dox.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:42:22 ID: 1ba62d No.8232679
>it was just a joke
Is not a valid defense. He went so far to state how he would do it, creating a precedent for intent.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:43:57 ID: 337814 No.8232699
File: 1a8e0c0e7f7bcd1 .gif (674.14 KB, 245x180, 49:36, 1a8e0c0e7f7bcd1847cc0fcccd.gif)



Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:49:55 ID: 337814 No.8232759
FYI one of his investors is JHS Ventures, and it's a Pakistani firm. Does this guy have ties to terrorists?
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:53:50 ID: 337814 No.8232793
He just deleted his apology statement, it 404s now, oh shit.

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:55:31 ID: 337814 No.8232811
Archive of his tweet with the link to his apology and the replies, before he deletes his tweet too.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 20:57:08 ID: b32f9c No.8232825
Dat anglo-celtic phenotype
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 21:31:05 ID: e077cf No.8233121
File: 67f9673192f8fbb .png (50.57 KB, 598x394, 299:197, Untitlsdfsded.png)


Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:06:03 ID: e077cf No.8234340
File: 167f85632806c4b .png (92.8 KB, 1106x733, 1106:733, reviews.png)


His company's rating is down to 1 start and people are hammering him the comments.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:17:33 ID: 8bdcd4 No.8234489
it's just the usual jidf now. ctr is gone.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:37:13 ID: 90856c No.8234766
File: 4d40821474cb4ba .png (872.61 KB, 1692x1000, 423:250, TheEndOfPacketSled.png)

I just gave all his competitors a heads up on Twitter.

Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:41:36 ID: 3683b8 No.8234821
kill yourself fag

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Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:46:21 ID: e077cf No.8234879

File: 0dadfac1c34ba67 .jpg (18.63 KB,
File: f5513c073e94a95 .gif (5.24 KB,
343x400, 343:400, 32112g-mvp-sport-awardmed.jpg)

211x167, 211:167, free-mvp-award-certificate.gif)


Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:46:25 ID: ab1435 No.8234880
I often save pics like that on my computer with names such as "for future referrence in case alphabet soup ever gets a hold of my personal
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:49:05 ID: 3683b8 No.8234916
saging this thread (the more popular, gaining more attention, and being taken more seriously) because another thread exists and soon
please die
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:49:58 ID: e793d3 No.8234928
File: a65bf11d376ab06 .jpg (36.68 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1457216218453.jpg)

fucked hard
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 23:56:11 ID: 02e407 No.8235024
what's the source of that pic? Might enjoy the full painting.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:24:09 ID: e077cf No.8235500
Nice to see sweet justice being dispensed. Libcucks very rarely feel the consequences of their actions.

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Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:31:39 ID: 3cdd3a No.8235632

File: c01dde4251cceaf .jpg (51.53 KB, 500x494, 250:247, Cornell Profeesor of Gibs.jpg)

Dubs you scamp, you make us proud lad, kek.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:31:54 ID: 33cf24 No.8235638
File: 5f03ebd0ad3df93 .gif (2.59 MB, 540x300, 9:5,
File: 084d8086f6d40d3 .jpg (14.84 KB, 500x400, 5:4,


They wouldn't try to pull this off would they,

They do know what would happen if they did this right?
it is always some no name shit that does shit like this

slight concern
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:41:39 ID: 3cdd3a No.8235840
File: a098f1e00b0df8e .jpg (102.11 KB, 811x984, 811:984, Fuck You Kikes.jpg)

Trump and Americans just bitch slapped the kike " global elite". They will without doubt try to kill him same way they did JFK. Once they
lose control of something the immediate jew response is to Shut It Down.I think Trump knows about jewry and will take precautions, he
doesn't seem to be the type to underestimate his enemies.

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Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:46:48 ID: dfe530 No.8235959

File: a5e8feead3afab9 .jpg (90.52 KB, 1024x991, 1024:991, false pence infographic.jpg)

There's a reason why Trump got Pence as VP, he's playing 16D chess. Kikes wouldn't dare to assassinate him.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:53:29 ID: f5ec97 No.8236132

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 00:54:27 ID: 502b0f No.8236154
Even if it weren't false, why not?
They already use my tax dollars to kill children. Why can't they use my tax dollars to cure faggotry?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 01:04:49 ID: dfe530 No.8236347
He only supported the funding of AIDS victims (both heterosexual and homosexual) who were willing to change their sexual behavior, likely
to discourage them from fucking more.
However, the MSM distorted his words and claimed that Mike "AC/DC Makes Queers Go Squeaky" Pence wanted to electrocute fags.
When in reality, electrocution was never used in gay conversion therapy. It was used in aversion therapy until 1973.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 01:05:32 ID: 7ebb0c No.8236362
>which uses taxpayer money to literally electrocute the gay out of teenagers
When you describe conversion therapy like that you make it sound fucking awesome.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 01:08:31 ID: ab1435 No.8236387
Mike "the anti-kike" Pence
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 02:01:04 ID: a9cebb No.8236953
Someone on Twitter has linked his investor Blu Ventures with the CIA / Clinton. Trying to find the tweet again to post here.

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Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 02:11:16 ID: a9cebb No.8237061

.jpeg ba480420eeafc91
.jpeg 1fdb118a3581765
.jpeg b77b49f3794bb95
(415.59 KB,
(317.5 KB,
(355 KB,
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(330.36 KB,
[www.i.jpeg) [www.i.jpeg) [www.i.jpeg) [www.i.jpeg) [www.i.jpeg)

His company is getting fucking crucified on kikebook.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 02:15:57 ID: 52cd46 No.8237100
>6m, 5m, 2m
Hes fucking shitting his pants
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 02:19:47 ID: 38589b No.8237134
>It's just a joke, goys!
Sick of this pathetic excuse after some faggot leftist gets caught trying to incite violence
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 02:34:16 ID: 84db7d No.8237266
Search APN 3011022600
Grantor Harrigan Regina
grentee harrigan mathew G
record date 1/14/2013
doc type DEED
to buy it apparently you need to be a county registered agent. too much info they want so someone else can do it.
It's only $4
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:01:37 ID: 87c9f5 No.8238219
File: a5fabed54040b95 .jpg (392.2 KB, 2048x1356, 512:339, CxMRcvbVIAAt6wM.jpg large.jpg)

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Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:02:09 ID: 87c9f5 No.8238225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:09:08 ID: 5bdd15 No.8238299

Doesn't mean we shouldn't get the SS to take him in.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:34:47 ID: 87c9f5 No.8238705
One of his investment firms is from Pakistan and has ties to Islamic terrorism.
Turns out one of his investors is a Pakistani firm with ties to Islamic terrorism.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:17:34 ID: 87c9f5 No.8239937
File: a05d8909bf938f5 .jpg (63.67 KB, 1280x542, 640:271, CxM5JxOVQAAdfhP.jpg large.jpg)

He's been placed on administrative leave. I doubt this is sincere though, he probably made that post himself and is sitting at home laughing.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:25:04 ID: 4ae24d No.8242068
hahah fucking rekt m8
/k/ terrorist strike: virtual edititon
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:22:22 ID: 21e5b4 No.8247780
Bump for justice
somebody make sure this guy is actually out as CEO

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Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:36:57 ID: e077cf No.8247929

File: 3c12801209012f8 .jpg (16.97 KB, 205x377, 205:377, CxQlgVqUQAAkpHz.jpg large.jpg)

He has not been fired.

He has not been arrested.
He has suffered zero consequences.
He's been shitposting about Pokemon all day on Twitter. This guy is treating his administrative leave as a vacation.
He's not regretful.
He's not sorry.
I bet his CIA buddies got him off the hook.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:14:00 ID: 45ac9d No.8249233
Looks like the faggot made the local news.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:22:11 ID: b32f9c No.8249331
>Getting so butt-devastated about someone that you photoshop a dick and balls to his face
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:00:27 ID: ececc6 No.8256359
>threatened to sniper Trump
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:21:09 ID: 01a1b8 No.8256535
>He has not been fired.
He has now

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siliconv!f3H3AOVLM6 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:15:44 ID: d294c4 No.8256937

File: cfeb7de4395f23f .jpg (122.93 KB, 1550x1010,
File: a5a5a3fadb3a793 .png (16.67 KB, 469x210,
155:101, hk1llkmvfrxx.jpg)

67:30, FI1UrL.png)

I'm sure everyone has heard by now that Matt Harrigan, CEO of PacketSled, has resigned for threatening Trump.
I work in the same industry and run in the same circles as Matt. I believe his threat was sincere, and I'm here to drop some information that
autists may be interested in. I'm dumping this info because I'm afraid if not Matt, then someone else connected to him, may try to
assassinate Trump.
First of all, his full name is Matthew Brian Harrigan and he owns 80% of PacketSled. He is personal friends with every member of the board
of directions, and the resignation is simply for show. The company publicly disavowed Matt but he gets to keep his share in the company. In
reality, there's no change, except he just has less work. Matt has numerous connections to the intelligence community and high level
people have visited the PacketSled office regularly. Several Turkish speaking people have visited even more often, I'll get to this later.
PacketSled's largest customers are the city of San Diego (which has refused to cancel their relationship) and the Department of Defense.
You don't get DoD contracts and visit the Pentagon without connections.

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siliconv!f3H3AOVLM6 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:17:03 ID: d294c4 No.8256951

File: dda443cd76e8fc3 .png (52.71 KB, 1234x646,
File: 54ae0786264ec3d .png (282.48 KB,
617:323, matt_b_harrigan.png)

520x622, 260:311, Untitled.png)

I want to draw your attention to Matt's other company, Critical Assets, which is located in the same exact building (basement) as
PacketSled: 1104 Camino Del Mar #101, Del Mar, CA 92014, USA
Critical Assets: 1104 Camino Del Mar #101, Del Mar, CA 92014
If you watch yesterday's ABC 10 (San Diego) local news, you'll see they actually attempted to go to his office. You will notice the reporter
standing right next to a Critical Assets sign.
http:/ /
Here's the contents of the Ripoff Report:
>Submitted: Sat, March 30, 2013
>Reported By: anonymous Washington District of Columbia
>This company is nothing but a scam and front for the Department of Defense to steal network security and network forensics source code
and IP and pass it under the table to the US Government. This guy floats fake deals throughout the security industry and claims he will
get someone an 80 million dollar deal for source licensing and once he and his cronies get their hands on your source code, they just pass
it under the table to the US Government and you never see your source code or him ever again.
>The US Government is immune from lawsuits and criminal prosecution and all you have to do is read about the CIA and FBI and other
agencies doing DOS attacks on Nuclear Power plants in Iran and other places to know our government is run by folks who routinely break
the law. The Obama Administration has a policy letter sent out to the effect they won't pay for software unless they have to and since they
cannot be sued, they routinely pirate technology through a variety of front stooges like this guy. This guy approached our company and
tried to get his hands on our source code and later sent an integrator to get his hands on it and before we knew it, hundreds of pirated
copies of our security technology ended up all over the place inside US government agencies without paying us or licensing it, then they
tried to scam us into giving them the source code so they could "review it" under the auspices of a fake deal with the government. We only
gave them binaries and our software had an anti-piracy module that would send tunnelled ICMP messages for illegally pirated copies. They
turned up all over the place and we setup those particular versions to expire in 45 days, so the stuff stopped working.
>BEWARE!!! This guy fronts for these unethical toads. If he gets his hands on your source code, it will very quickly end up inside the
government and he gets his palms greased and you will be without your IP. Scammer, liar, THIEF!!
It's been known for a long time in this industry that Matt is an intelligence asset. Check attached screenshot for proof of his visit to the
Whitehouse on 04/16/2015.
Now, you might be asking yourself which agency Matt is associated with. There's a reason he was able to rub shoulders with former CIA
Director Jim Woolsey. In intelligence circles it's common knowledge that the CIA despises Trump because the CIA is fully in the pocket of
the (((establishment))) and (((globalists))). They run drugs, they fund terror, they encourage rapefugees to go to Europe, they destablize
nationalist governments. This is what has me scared, that Jim Woolsey may become Trump's national security advisor. WE HAVE TO
PREVENT THIS AT ALL COSTS. Jim Woolsey's patsy Harrigan has been exposed due to his stupidity, but he will find another patsy and
place him close to Trump.

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Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:24:05 ID: dae7b6 No.8257014

>Mike "Like a Trap? Get the Zap" Pence
>Mike "270+ Electoral Volts" Pence
>Mike "Electroshock Your Love of Cock" Pence
>Mike "An Ampere a Day Keeps the Gay Away" Pence
>Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence
>Mike "Follow God's Path or Feel Tesla's Wrath" Pence
>Mike "These Fags I Will Not Kill, But You Gotta See My Electric Bill" Pence
>Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
>Mike "If Men Make You Jerk It, You Complete the Circuit" Pence
>Mike "Clean Your Closet with an Electric Deposit" Pence
>Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence
>Mike "If You Like Men, The Dials' Going to 10" Pence
>Mike "Power for Queers Measured in Volts x Amperes" Pence
>Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
>Mike "The Orlando Shooting Gave Me a Hooting" Pence
>Mike "Enola the Gays" Pence
>Mike "A Silo Just For Milo" Pence
>Mike "Believing in Evolution Explains Your Sexual Confusion" Pence
siliconv!f3H3AOVLM6 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:31:00 ID: d294c4 No.8257077
File: ca1109fa6f0637d .jpg (64.85 KB, 318x313, 318:313, CNS_TanerHalicioglu.jpg)

Board of Directors for Packe Sled:
>Taner Halicioglu
>Lance Cottrell
>Fran Landolf
>Justin Stottlemyer
>Robert Stratton
>Chris Wysopal
>Kurt Neumann
One of the more interesting board members is Taner Halicioglu (Turkish). He's a close personal friend of Matt's and Taner spends an
inordinate amount of time at PacketSled. Taner Halicioglu also heads Keshif Ventures which contributed $2,400,000 seed funding to
PacketSled on October 15th, 2013 and $5,000,000 of Series A funding on Aug 1, 2016. Strangely, @keshifventures disabled their Twitter
account Sunday afternoon when the news about Matt first broke. Why would an investment firm disable their Twitter if they weren't hiding
Who is Taner Halicioglu (Halcolu)? Taner Halicioglu was Facebook's (CIA datamining comany) first "real" employee outside of the
founders. He built out the entire initial hardware infrastructure.
Note the SJW posts, oil & gas posts, Turkey posts..
Teaches Computer Operations and Production Engineering at UCSD.
When he's not teaching, Taner regularly travels to Turkey, where he has a home near the Turkey / Syrian border.

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siliconv!f3H3AOVLM6 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:34:17 ID: d294c4 No.8257103

So Taner Halicioglu is on the Board of Directors for PacketSled and has contributed $7,400,000 in funding via his investment firm Keshif
Ventures. What else does Keshif Ventures invest in?
Widescale datamining and processing, think Palantir.
They're building a location stack for iOS and Android that delivers more accuracy and power efficiency, i.e. will run when phone is off. Wants
to power location for 1 billion devices.
Keshif Ventures is a CIA front company that invests in technology the CIA finds useful.
siliconv!f3H3AOVLM6 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:45:41 ID: d294c4 No.8257195
File: ae0f7d9d59c9180 .png (205.18 KB, 597x745, 597:745, Screen-Shot-2016-11-14-at-.png)

The other major investor in PacketSled is JHS Venture, a Lahore, Pakistan based firm with very little social media presence. Their major
partner and primary capital depositor is Fazal Textiles. In addition to Textiles they're also involved in the Pakistani fertilizer industry (used for
bombs). See the NYT article for a discussion on how the textiles and fertilizer industry is tied to Islamic terrorism. The CIA runs numerous
front companies in Pakistan to launder terrorist funds and to supply bomb-making material to Islamic terrorists.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:00:21 ID: 249283 No.8257307
Shill gonna shill.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:04:08 ID: 249283 No.8257337
Wrong. People do stuff they talk about online all the time.
Besides, it's not just about that. If you let people talk about these things and encourage the assassination of a president, eventually some
whack job will try it. In fact, that's the reason they are talking about it at all. Because they want it to happen.

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Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:11:04 ID: 768451 No.8257385

File: d9e3b09acd44276 .webm (756.77 KB, 464x466, File: 8e29b48a777ec09 .webm (390.45 KB, 320x180,
232:233, homer laughing.webm)

16:9, homer top kek.webm)

>this entire post
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:11:04 ID: 7e6c43 No.8257386
Literally every single retard who utters the word "sniper rifle" cant shoot for shit. I doubt it can even comprehend the real job of a sniper.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:12:53 ID: 4632bb No.8257399
Email campaign?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:17:06 ID: c821aa No.8257425
File: f91ddc7933166f3 .jpg (689.02 KB, 1096x913, 1096:913, chief crashing plane.jpg)

>a man with top-secret technology tries to bring down the Big Guy with the aid of the CIA


Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:41:22 ID: ebc623 No.8257609
Mods please sticky.

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Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:46:30 ID: 93aac1 No.8257647

File: 026d31c5085d216 .jpg (74.31 KB, 480x710, 48:71, a3186d3ac282f24f5debc283ab.jpg)

>that bottom comment
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:12:11 ID: 622f12 No.8257850
It's raining anons, it's raining FROGS! FROGS!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:17:28 ID: 620968 No.8257894
Kek, Pecketsled BTFO
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:20:31 ID: 0dae47 No.8257920
I suspect he's acting as a lure for potential would be assassins, to nip their ideas in the bud.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:30:31 ID: 701970 No.8258003
Report to Secret Service and the Weasel League(fbi).
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:00:39 ID: 086ad5 No.8260007
File: 28b2f54d3c11fda .jpg (8.72 KB, 382x339, 382:339, e8018eb366b59eb7ad1b39cf4f.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:13:29 ID: 086ad5 No.8260120
Requesting mod sticky.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:04:05 ID: 36e3ac No.8261131
bumping this thread
report the thread for a sticky

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:48:06 ID: 4df425 No.8261461

File: b74ef7fac6adc3b .png (1.08 MB, 1886x3943, 1886:3943, 3LWNLXQ.png)

Can someone post the attached screenshot on cuckchan? Maybe we can get some interest on cuckchan since this place is dead and
mods refuse to sticky.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:44:53 ID: 812b66 No.8263000
Holy fucking shit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:51:55 ID: b0391e No.8263051
Man, if there's a chance he starts doing real good and pissing off the right people/factions, he might get Kennedyed in broad daylight.
JFK had the CIA, military-industrial complex, his political oponents, the Federal Reserve, and god knows what other secret society mad at
him for fucking up their shit.
Watch the yt vids 'Nazis won the war'. Man a bunch of these different fuckers had a party before and after the assassination. HW Bush was
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:57:05 ID: 5e05a9 No.8263497
Trump's ascendency was in large part a military coup. He has enough people on his side to prevent being JFK'd, and even normies are
keeping their eyes wide open for anything suspect.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:05:13 ID: bb5863 No.8263550
Oh, so that's why that always seems to be such a shady business even though it seems innocuous.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:10:24 ID: 4317a5 No.8263579
It's funny how their arrogance causes their loss.
They don't have to put that on facebook.
They don't have to tell everyone what they're doing.
But they want to, they want that precious attention and upvote.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:42:44 ID: bfb62f No.8263753
FBI, twf no gf!
Can you report i to the Trump campaign and secret services involved in His safety?
Have doubts about the FBI dealing with that scumbag on its own.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:46:01 ID: 302bc2 No.8263771

File: fac74d028532342 .jpg (140.67 KB, 680x1010, 68:101, 1456372004936.jpg)

Ok before I submit a tip, who in here has already done so?

Who has already contacted the SS?
(it felt good typing that one)
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:55:17 ID: f3aecb No.8263820
Why this is stickied? I saw this guy getting fired yesterday. Does he and his family need few pizzae?
What the fuck happened past 6-9 hours?
Not saging because sage on a sticky is fucking pointless
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:30:52 ID: 5d791d No.8263987
File: 080a0a69c660119 .jpg (95.68 KB, 508x720, 127:180, maximum thumbs.jpg)

This made my morning.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:38:44 ID: b0391e No.8264021
Fucking comedy gold.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:43:56 ID: a5fa29 No.8264057
Yes that's right folks. This is the daily "encourage users to contact the government thread".
Nice honeypot.
Very low energy
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:45:31 ID: 9ff1a6 No.8264065
>>Mike "A Silo Just For Milo" Pence
Ok that's amazing.
Also you missed these great ones:
>Mike "Hop the Fence, Get Some Dents" Pence
>Mike "Gammaray the Gay Away" Pence
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:24:11 ID: a38a72 No.8264411
Too little, too let, let's get his investors

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:25:03 ID: 6617d9 No.8264417

File: 662e95371af246d .jpg (65.07 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 150603_mike_pence_gty_629.jpg)

>Mike "enjoy sodomy? Get a lobotomy" Pence
>Mike "Blitzkreig this gay parade" Pence
>Mike "Double Homocide" Pence
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:27:01 ID: a38a72 No.8264422
>as if we live in Argentina
B-but we never killed an elected president
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:30:04 ID: 8f250c No.8264434
>that image
Is he a moron or a sadist?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:35:23 ID: 3fce63 No.8264450
File: 875632cef3d517e .jpg (17 KB, 453x157, 453:157, soros.JPG)

Oh fuck it's happening. People are waking up to this guy.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:37:36 ID: b6dda6 No.8264458
>where he has a home near the Turkey / Syrian border.
That's not a home.
That's a supply route.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:37:48 ID: 426d55 No.8264460
What if that is the plan to discredit anything left of the West? The counterpart Retardslam isn't better in any way. Thesis, Antithesis,
Synthesis? I mean it would be slam dunk for the World-ZOG, Leftists, Republicanism and conservative Christians hated in one move.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:38:56 ID: b6dda6 No.8264465
He still may have connections that are a legitimate threat.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:43:39 ID: b6dda6 No.8264485
Zuckerburg is implementing a plan I think.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:45:16 ID: b6dda6 No.8264493
He is brave. Too brave.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:49:21 ID: 426d55 No.8264511
Can I have that funny skull in original, pretty please?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:53:45 ID: b6dda6 No.8264534

File: 539e3ad0083acd8 .gif (3.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, efg.gif)

I smell stupidity in this ring..

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:56:46 ID: ca1b43 No.8264546
Definitely this.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:00:31 ID: b6dda6 No.8264562
File: 2898b12b5274825 .jpg (17.7 KB, 306x314, 153:157, 7d84f946c93d297d7d5a649f76.jpg)

Guys.. is this really legitimate?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:06:40 ID: b1000d No.8264591
File: 3f22ee47434571e .jpg (37.39 KB, 650x450, 13:9, -Hands-.jpg)

Oy vey! It was only real in his head! You want to take him down because of some thought crime? What are you, a communist?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:07:13 ID: 6617d9 No.8264592

Pretty much everyone educated in neuroscience, geneology, and psychology (to a very certain extent) will agree that there is homosexuality
is not something you are "born with", but something you develop. There is even enough knowledge within virology to hypothesize that
homosexuality is a disease caused by an undiscovered pathogen, which would explain why the warm and humid west coast is festering
with faggots.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:11:04 ID: 69bb1c No.8264608
If I were a mod, I would z-line all first posts.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:11:38 ID: b1000d No.8264611
File: c06a7b7ce1df6c1 .jpg (114.23 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 06_.jpg)

>that ID
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:12:55 ID: 426d55 No.8264615
That is exactly why there are no legal consequences, but commercial. And commercial consequences are sometimes more severe, as no
one can be forced to do business with you, but a lawyer wielding CEO can get out of legal prosecution quickly.
I am all for exposing such behavior in its tracks. Once the windows of common decency are broken, what else holds the common niggers
back to do the same thing, but not only advertising Killing Lincoln (TM), but actually doing it?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:14:08 ID: b6dda6 No.8264624
>"Assassination attempts" are a red herring.
No it most certainly is not.
There will be attempts and we need to find where.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:15:11 ID: b6dda6 No.8264627
>posts a picture of hands
Jesus fucking christ.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:17:27 ID: 812b66 No.8264641
See >>8256937
>The company publicly disavowed Matt but he gets to keep his share in the company. In reality, there's no change, except he just has less
work. Matt has numerous connections to the intelligence community and high level people have visited the PacketSled office regularly.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:28:59 ID: 426d55 No.8264696
Then why do most fags look off? The attendees of leftie/faggy events really have a certain look. Soft contours, almost every time higher
voices, even jumpy voices are the norm. The problem is that you can't discern if that is because they prefer generally those traits or if those
traits come with fagginess. The substrate is genetic, but the expression is highly socialized imo. And for the climate, well fags are low
energy, they hate being in the cold. Last I heard Murmansk is going all out rwds, but Sochi isn't.
Or it is true, Miami, Brazil and Thailand do sometimes have a slightly humid weather after all, don't they.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:29:00 ID: 10be53 No.8264697
>lead company that works for the CIA
>company that works for intelligence services
>and other american governmental organizations
>company that has at best two degrees of separation from real terrorists
>threatens to kill the president in great detail
Smart man. I can see how he became a CEO.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:35:24 ID: 426d55 No.8264730

So a kind of silent SMS but for the Internet?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:36:46 ID: 69bb1c No.8264736
Potent and reproducible. Our enemies can be terrorized with the same threat to their income as they leveraged over us.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:47:16 ID: 5cc71c No.8264776
it's government front, i doubt they will lose any contracts that actually matter
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:57:12 ID: 28f8fc No.8264803
File: 203cb37683c8563 .jpg (2.81 KB, 125x84, 125:84, 1358565398160s.jpg)

>in argentina
We really are the Sweden of southamerica
Also the same riots happened when our current president got elected, they will get bored in a few weeks
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:03:10 ID: ca1b43 No.8264823
Were your riots funded by the same person who funded the Ukrainian riots?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:12:34 ID: 426d55 No.8264862
I remember that they were fucked on the international money markets after 2008 and they probably didn't need any heavy lifting like
> Riots? Again? I am tired from last week Argentanon!
Brazils ousting of Dilma smells more like (((foreign involvement))) and even our journalists were a little bit puzzled and embarrassed to
t. Swiss with no ties or knowledge beyond news at 11 about SA.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:32:14 ID: cfd28d No.8264964
>His apology does not seem sincere to me. He must pay.
At the very least he needs a visit from the Secret Service, and a couple uncomfy nights in a holding cell.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:38:58 ID: 3d642e No.8264999
File: b39d7aca5b6c64e .png (270.04 KB, 477x248, 477:248, investigation.png)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:40:29 ID: 3d642e No.8265006
(I would but I'm not in the United States)
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:48:15 ID: 287437 No.8265050
It's the government contract he should be worried about losing.
The assumption is that surely at least one of us was sensible enough to file an actual report.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:54:11 ID: 33f6a2 No.8265089

He's been fired.
Shouldn't this be unstickied now?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:56:10 ID: cfd28d No.8265100
I still want to see him cuffed and stuffed tbh fam
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:02:25 ID: fe85c8 No.8265141
Whoever it was that created a thread on the Donald subreddit with 8chan in the fucking title AND hotlinking to this thread
Go fuck yourself - you ruined 4chan and caused it to be overrun by Reddit faggots. Hmm wonder how that happened
Fucking mongoloid
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:03:33 ID: 287437 No.8265146
No, the CIA ties are important here. Important posts are >>8260007
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:08:13 ID: e90ea0 No.8265175
File: 80553c1794b9a29 .png (284.43 KB, 453x404, 453:404, psyops.png)

just 4 u bb
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:29:15 ID: 00dd63 No.8265260
File: 148d42039daadd7 .jpg (35.19 KB, 414x540, 23:30, remakers1.jpg)

Here you go anon

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:39:38 ID: a62a78 No.8265307

File: 41bb1d8b63dead6 .jpg (255.64 KB, 901x673, 901:673, dredd.jpg)

I knew you'd say that.
>PackSled takes recent comments made by our CEO, seriously.
That comma placement though.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:07:09 ID: 9acdc9 No.8265454
Lololol take it to fox news. Maybe just maybe they'll report on it since he's a CEO.
Really of he DT dies we get pence who hates faggots to death
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:12:23 ID: e4a75d No.8265484
File: 6ee3ec6c99470d5 .jpg (128.48 KB, 1199x482, 1199:482, Matthew G. Harrigan.jpg)

Matthew G. Harrigan
12746 Grimaldi Via
Del Mar, CA 92014
(858) 461-4196
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:13:06 ID: e4a75d No.8265491
File: 0606f37a49a27f7 .jpg (164.67 KB, 1200x577, 1200:577, Packetsled Inc..jpg)

Packetsled Inc.
1104 Camino del Mar Ste 101
Del Mar, California 92014
(858) 225-2352
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:13:52 ID: e4a75d No.8265492
File: 68db8eff6b6c23c .jpg (265.51 KB, 1200x927, 400:309, Kreg Stonestreet Is Runnin.jpg)

Kreg Stonestreet Is Running FBI Assassination Teams

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:16:56 ID: e4a75d No.8265510

File: 4d5462055ec882a .gif (23.02 KB, 632x455, 632:455, Tweets.gif)

Credible assassination threat made against Trump

Matt Harrigan, CIA CONNECTED CEO of Cyber security firm Packetsled has made a credible threat to assassinate Donald Trump with a
sniper rifle.
In now deleted tweets he said the following: "I am going to get a sniper rifle and kill the President elect. I am getting a sniper rifle and
perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the White House that suits you motherfucker, I'll find you. Bring it on secret service! In
no uncertain terms FUCK YOU AMERICA. Seriously. FUCK OFF.
He is now apologizing profusely on Twitter.
A troll who is calling himself "President Shirley" is doing all he can to keep Twitter under control by saying that what Matt Harrigan said is
not illegal and protected by free speech! I don't think so! You can't threaten the President like that. It is just one snowflake keeping it cool for
My comment to any would be Trump assassins: Don't bet on living long afterward.
ENEMY, DITCH THEM. There are lots of other security companies, why go with one you now know is led by a snowflake who certainly has
no respect for America and probably has no respect for your security at all?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:18:49 ID: e4a75d No.8265520
I strongly suspect Trump is being drugged.
Trump's recent behavior makes me think he got hit by an exotic mind control drug that only the intelligence agencies of the top states have.
On these drugs, you will not appear to be drugged. You won't get high, you will not exhibit any physical symptoms AT ALL, NOTHING, NO
OUTWARD SIGNS AT ALL, but you will be very open to manipulation and spilling your greatest secrets. I suspect he got nailed either when
he visited Obama at the white house or by the secret service.
Folks, they can't get away with poisoning or killing Trump now. The only thing they can do is drug him with something the public does not
generally know about, and you can bet they will try.
Trump should definitely NOT TRUST ANY JEWS. He should not trust the secret service. He should not trust any government food source.
Trump should have his own completely isolated food supply that he himself ensures is safe by having it sourced and prepared exactly the
same way it was prepared before he was elected president, by the EXACT SAME PEOPLE he had doing it before, in a completely new
secured kitchen. He should not eat out anywhere. I do not think Trump realizes exactly how deep the snake pit he just walked into is.
If he is drugged, it will take approximately two months for it to wear off, provided they don't keep nailing him. The only changes will be that
he will be easily manipulated and not be able to keep secrets. This is not a guess, I have an intelligence background and know this is
pristine info.
The people who will notice he got nailed will be his family. They will notice that he just suddenly started talking about things he would not
talk about before, with people he would have never said such things to before. They will notice he is a LOT more easy going and relaxed,
and will do whatever anyone suggests. And those will be the only symptoms.
Earlier today I issued a warning about Trump possibly getting drugged
It is definitely a threat that should be considered, he needs to watch out. HOWEVER,
He chose Steve Bannon from Brietbart for his white house advisor. That was a good choice. Now he needs to make Ron Paul his Secretary
of State, which he has not picked yet. If he does that, there is not much that could go wrong. I was seriously miffed when he said the
Obamas and Clintons were "good people". And that made me think he might have already been drugged. However, with his choice of white
house advisor, he's not going to get kicked straight to the gutter even if things like that do go wrong.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:19:05 ID: e4a75d No.8265523

His recent appearance on 60 minutes has convinced me someone nailed him with a mind control drug he is completely unaware of.
There are specialized drugs that do not make you high, that do not change your moods, but they make you extremely susceptible to
manipulation, and can also cause you to talk about your greatest secrets openly. I am almost certain Trump has been nailed by this type of
drug already. These types of drugs are put in food and will be completely un noticed. They would be delivered by people who have earned
your trust that should not have your trust, such as, in Trump's case, the secret service.
Melania and Trump's kids would notice a change that Trump himself would not notice. They would notice the change even if they were also
drugged. Everyone who is legitimate who is surrounding Trump will need to keep a close eye on him for behavior changes. These changes
would be, as I have said - openness to external manipulation and an inability to retain personal secrets. These drugs are only owned by
intelligence agencies of the top states. Trump had better watch out, I think he might have already been nailed. They take about two months
to wear off, it won't wear off in a day.
If anyone can get this warning through, it really needs to be sent through - Trump should not accept any food or drink from anyone. Recently
he visited the white house, there is a good chance he got nailed during that visit.
This is something I know of only because I have an intelligence background - this is not something Trump would automatically know about.
These drugs cause ABSOLUTELY NO physical side effects, no high feeling, no sleepiness, NOTHING OTHER than making people open to
suggestion and unable to retain secrets. It will be practically impossible for someone who has been nailed by them to know it, unless
someone told them their behavior changed.
I could not sleep until I posted this, I believe it is of the utmost importance.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:40:06 ID: e4a75d No.8265639
"It's bad over here Luis. Regular guys and gals on facebook are openly calling for Trump's assassination. Family friends, that sort of thing.
People are being lynched nationwide for supporting Trump. Riots and protests are everywhere. Universities are shutting down. The left wing
have gone off the deep end."
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:46:30 ID: 2515a8 No.8265675
No, the whole reason this is stickied is because an insider dumped a shitload of info on this guy and his CIA connections, but no one is
looking at the info.
Dig in.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:49:30 ID: 2515a8 No.8265695
PacketSled: 1104 Camino Del Mar #101, Del Mar, CA 92014, USA
Critical Assets: 1104 Camino Del Mar #101, Del Mar, CA 92014
Now read this:
http:/ /
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:14:19 ID: e5ae9a No.8266338
>Mike "Deus Volt" Pence

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ka!!Pl17JKGhvc 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:25:43 ID: 3bd0ea No.8266415

File: 39c3715f884c52c .jpg (360.88 KB, 735x663, 245:221, MikePenceJewFavoriteMeme.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:29:34 ID: e5ae9a No.8266433
>Mike "You Sodomize, We Lobotomize" Pence
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:30:24 ID: 2c8463 No.8266440
File: 31b4d338e84ec92 .png (762 KB, 1280x888, 160:111, say hi.png)

Well everyone, say hello to our visitors.

Stop hotlinking to us you literal faggots.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:39:50 ID: 46be48 No.8266503
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ka!!Pl17JKGhvc 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:41:44 ID: 3bd0ea No.8266511

File: ae01fbf5de4e2cf .jpg (104.14 File: 9a0b0f231482d4d .gif (2.34 MB,
KB, 550x800, 11:16, large.jpg)

560x824, 70:103, friend.gif)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:45:57 ID: e5ae9a No.8266546


ka!!Pl17JKGhvc 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:46:58 ID: 3bd0ea No.8266552
File: bdf3ddc14adb80a .jpg (691.32 KB, 1000x961, File: 900720efa436ab9 .jpg (107.61 KB, 600x508,
1000:961, jesus' true face.jpg)

150:127, k_s_512_hitler_rohm_by_ss_.jpg)

disgusting antinazi christkike shills
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:47:12 ID: 15b438 No.8266553
How would you look if you took 10 dicks up your ass a day? Look at pornstar's faces, they don't look healthy to me.

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ka!!Pl17JKGhvc 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:52:27 ID: 3bd0ea No.8266588

File: af746a44535f28d .jpg (94.18 KB, 923x1000, File: b8efef48cf8b162 .jpg (592.65 KB, 711x695,

File: 8a0b32aecdb6b09 .jpg (378.27 KB, 736x721,

923:1000, Hitler-Roehm-1933-b.jpg)

736:721, USpresidentsAssassinatedBy.jpg)

711:695, stPaulJewsBibleMeme.jpg)

File: ed6ba917e8e27bb .jpg (95.01 File: 1389785b474e09f .jpg (260.13 KB, 1200x1200,
KB, 600x900, 2:3, commie kike.jpg)

1:1, CwlD5gZVIAEOyzX.jpg)

saged and left thread

no christian can ever be a nazi
hitler had the political christians all sent to concentration camps
top nazis were vehemently anti-christian
all of christianity is a jewish psyop
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:56:03 ID: bfaa3c No.8266618
File: 0263c29df39985f .gif (498.44 KB, 500x281, 500:281, goddamnit.gif)

Fucking this.
Geezus Fuck, whoever did this. Every time you hotllink, you are rolling the red carpet out for the brain dead masses to come and shit the
place up. You can spread info without hotlinking.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:57:49 ID: 33d629 No.8266628
This shit is all over MSM.
>KEK You're fired fucker!
>Oops, here's your felony, enjoy the ass rape.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:02:28 ID: dab1b2 No.8266652
>promotes faggotry
>uses term nazi
The eternal sodomite. Every act committed by such an individual serves only to facilitate their diseased sexual practices.

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