The Van Deemter Equation by Fahad

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The Van Deemter

Equation and its

Compiled by: Fahad Rasheed

Model Drug Testing Laboratory, Lahore

Assigned by: Sir Imran

Forensic Scientist
Punjab Forensic Science Agency, Lahore

The Van Deemter equation and its application

The rate theory was introduced by van Deemter. It views the separation process in a packed
GLC column under isothermal conditions as a dynamic process of independent mass transfer
and diffusion processes that cause band broadening. Molecular diffusion (derived from the
Latin word diffundere = spread, disperse) describes the random movement of molecules in
fluids, such as gases and liquids. If the movement is driven by concentration differences, it is
called transport diffusion or ordinary diffusion. In that case, more molecules move from the
regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration until the concentration difference
is balanced. The rate of this movement is directly proportional to the concentration gradient
and in binary systems is expressed as diffusion coefficient D (m2/s). The diffusion coefficient
in gases ranges between 10-4 and 10-5 m2/s, while it is 45 orders of magnitude lower in liquids
(10-9 m2/s). The van Deemter equation relates the resolving power (H or HETP, height
equivalent to a theoretical plate) of a chromatographic column to the various flow and kinetic
parameters which cause peak broadening. In condensed form is expressed as follows:

H = height equivalent to a theoretical plate, a measure of the resolving power of
the column [m]
A = Eddy-diffusion parameter, related to channelling through a non-ideal
packing [m]
B = diffusion coefficient of the eluting particles in the longitudinal direction,
resulting in dispersion [m2 s1]
C = Resistance to mass transfer coefficient of the analyte between mobile and
stationary phase [s]
u = Linear Velocity [m s1]
The van Deemter equation evaluates efficiency (expressed as H) as a function of linear velocity
(u) or flow rate. The H called plate height, or height of a theoretical plate is determined by
dividing the column length (L) by the calculated number of theoretical plates. The goal is to
get a small plate height.

Figure 1. Graphical representation of Van Deemter equation

The plate theory was first introduced to partition chromatography by James and Martin
in 1952. This concept is borrowed from the performance description of distillation columns. It
divides the continuous separation process in a number of discrete individual steps. Thus, the
column consists of many consecutive segments, called theoretical plates, and for each plate an
equilibrium between the solute in the stationary and mobile phase is assumed. The smaller a
segment or the height of theoretical plate, the more plates are available per column meter.
Consequently, more distribution steps can be performed resulting in less relative band
broadening in relation to the column length. The number of theoretical plates N and the height
of a plate H are derived from the chromatogram using the retention time of a test solute and a
measure for the peak width:

where is the standard deviation, wb is the peak width at base and

The conversion between the different peak heights assumes a Gaussian peak. The plate height
(H) is obtained by dividing the column length (L) by the plate number (N):

The plate height is also often called the height equivalent to one theoretical plate
(HETP). The plate height is an important criterion to judge the efficiency of a column and can
be used to compare columns. High-quality columns are characterized by a high N and a low H.
However, both values depend on the column temperature, the average carrier gas velocity, and
the solute, which should always be specified. Keep in mind, N and H are determined under
isothermal conditions (validity of the plate theory). While the plate theory delivers a value to
judge the efficiency of a column, it does not explain peak broadening. This was first achieved
with the rate theory by van Deemter.

Van Deemter equation constants (A, B and C)

The A, B, and C terms represent the contribution of the above-discussed processes to band
broadening and should be kept as low as possible.

A term
The A term refers to band broadening caused by dispersion (multi-pathway) effects, the socalled Eddy diffusion:
= correction factor for the irregularity of the column packing
dp = average particle diameter
The transport of the mobile phase through the column packing can occur via different
flow channels. In simple terms, molecules belonging to one solute can take different flow paths
around the particles resulting in different pathway lengths and consequently broader peaks.
This effect is termed Eddy diffusion. It depends on the particle size and shape as well as the
irregularity of the column packing. The higher the diameter and irregularity of the particles the
stronger is the dispersion. Consequently, the A term can be minimized using small regular
particles and a uniform column packing, but at the cost of a higher backpressure. In addition,
at the laminar flow conditions present in chromatography, the flow rate is higher in the middle
of the flow channels and lower at the edges.

B term
The B term represents band broadening by longitudinal diffusion, the molecular diffusion both
in and against the flow direction

= labyrinth factor of the pore channels (0 < < 1)

DG = diffusion coefficient of the analyte in the gas phase
The B term is directly proportional to the diffusion coefficient DG of the analytes in
the mobile phase. The molecular diffusion overlays the solute transport along the column
caused by the pressure drop. The diffusion is caused by concentration differences in the solute
band. It is the highest in middle and lower at the beginning and the end resulting in diffusion.
The longitudinal component of the diffusion either accelerates the solute transport in
longitudinal direction or slows it down. Since diffusion is about 1001,000-fold faster in gases
than in liquids, the B terms has a much higher impact in GC than in LC. As diffusion in gases
decreases with increasing molecular mass of the gases, one could conclude that a heavier
carrier gas is advantageous, but we will see below that this negatively affects the C term.

C term
The C term refers to band broadening caused by solute delay due to the mass transfer:

k = retention factor
dL = average film thickness of the stationary phase on the support material
DL = diffusion coefficient of the analyte in the liquid stationary phase
The C terms refers to the mass transfer between stationary and mobile phase. It is also
termed resistance against the mass transport. Chromatography is a dynamic process. A nearly
complete partition equilibrium is only reached at very low carrier gas flow rates. Thus, the C
term linearly increases with the carrier gas velocity. It takes a finite time to reach equilibrium
conditions that include the transport through the mobile phase to the phase interface, the phase
transfer (solutes entering the stationary phase), and the transport of the solutes into the liquid
stationary phase and back to the phase interface. These transport processes are determined by
axial diffusion (perpendicular to the flow direction of the mobile phase). Therefore, the C term

is determined by the diffusion coefficients of the solute in mobile and stationary phase and the
transport distances, most importantly the thickness of the liquid stationary phase. In contrast to
the B term, a fast mass transfer requires high values for the diffusion coefficient. Low
molecular weight carrier gases are advantageous for a fast diffusion. As diffusion in liquids is
slow, thin films of the liquid stationary phase are beneficial. As initially mentioned, the van
Deemter equation was developed for packed columns with liquid stationary phases under
isothermal conditions. Later on, it was modified and refined by several researchers (Golay,
Huber, Guiochon, Knox, Giddings, and others) taking the specific conditions and requirements
of capillary columns, solid stationary phases, and liquid chromatography into consideration.





gas was taken into account.

Figure 2. Graphical representation of the A, B, and C terms of the van Deemter equation


Importance of Van Deemter equation

The Van Deemter equation in chromatography relates the variance per unit length of
a separation column to the linear mobile phase velocity by considering physical, kinetic, and
thermodynamic properties of a separation. These properties include pathways within the
column, diffusion (axial and longitudinal), and mass transfer kinetics between stationary and
mobile phases. In liquid chromatography, the mobile phase velocity is taken as the exit
velocity, that is, the ratio of the flow rate in ml/second to the cross-sectional area of the
column-exit flow path. For a packed column, the cross-sectional area of the column exit flow
path is usually taken as 0.6 times the cross-sectional area of the column. Alternatively, the
linear velocity can be taken as the ratio of the column length to the dead time. If the mobile
phase is a gas, then the pressure correction must be applied. The variance per unit length of the
column is taken as the ratio of the column length to the column efficiency in theoretical plates.
The Van Deemter equation is a hyperbolic function that predicts that there is an optimum
velocity at which there will be the minimum variance per unit column length and, thence, a
maximum efficiency. The Van Deemter equation was the result of the first application of rate
theory to the chromatography elution process.
From the van Deemter equation several conclusions can be drawn that are of high
importance for the practical application. Figure 1 shows that the plate height depends on the
average linear velocity of the mobile phase. The H/u curve is a hyperbola with a minimum for
H at uopt = /. Thus, an optimum average linear velocity of the mobile phase exists for each
column at which the highest column efficiency or in other words the narrowest peaks are
achieved. The optimum is the result of different dependencies of the A, B, and C terms on the
velocity of the mobile phase. The A term is independent of the velocity. The B term decreases
with increasing velocities; the impact of longitudinal diffusion is less pronounced at higher
flow rates. The C term increases with increasing average linear velocities.

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