Civil 3D Tutorial

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Survey data base and lineworks

Those are tools used to create a data base with data recollected by the surveyor, and once we
import the information and created the data base we can have those points connect to each
other by using whats known as line works.
So in order to work with survey data its necessary to make sure that the option survey is active
on the toolspace

Linework: its a process in which its possible to make the connecting lines that draw a
survey layout to be automated so that you dont have to start drawing lines one by one and the
software will do it all by itself, recognizing the different codes and parameters the surveyor
includes in the raw descriptions which must match with the linework codes we setup for the
software. In order for us to achieve that, its necessary to proper configure the following options
LINE CODE SET and FIGURE PREFIX DATA BASE. Well see how to set up those parameters
later on

Linework code sets: Consist on a group of codes (Letters and signs) that indicate the
software where to begin or end a Line/Curve, close a rectangle, create horizontal and vertical
lines as well as offsets based on a first line.
Now we see some of those codes inside the red rectangle and we also notice how they must
match the raw description put by the surveyor in his survey text file

For this case we can notice that in the raw description put on the txt file has two texts, the first
one is the overall description to call a group of points, for this example is BC1 which stands for
Border contain 1 (its important to emphasize that this first description can be called whatever
we want as long as we use the same code for all the point intended to be grouped up). The
second description which is the one were more interested in for this topic is the code that has to
match the Line Code sets set up in the software, if doesnt the software wont work and connect
the lines. In this example we notice that our special code for beginning a line is B so where we
intend to begin the BC1 we must put space and B in the raw description, So do we for the code E
set up in the Line Code sets, We must put an E where we intend to finish the BC1 line, since E
stands for ending.
Its important to acknowledge that those codes are completely editable as long as we keep
consistence we the raw description used by the surveyor. Well see this more in detail in future

We can clearly notice in last image where our CL begin also where our BC1 begin in the final
drawing and that was possible to achieve without having to draw anything by our own just by
using the Line code sets

Figure prefix database:

This is the other part that is necessary to create line works

successfully, this part refers to all the styles that will be applied to the drawing once we import
the points from the survey, while the Line code sets connect the points together the Figure prefix
data base tells the software what those connections are going to look like. In this small window
we can establish the styles we want to use as well as layer, break lines etc. as shown in the next

Here can see all the styles applied for everything called BC in the raw description, then
everything that has that name will have that specific style, layer etc. when loading the survey
data. This is Figure prefix database is already created but can create one from nothing and put
our own preferences.

Now were going to work an example to go through each step and examine all the different
options in more detail. Given a survey file to work with and being aware that such file has to
contain the codes to match the Line code sets created, we can get started:

Step 1: Configure the working folder and create a survey database

Go to survey data base right click and click on set working folder to set up the
folder where the project is going to be saved (note: its recommended to use a
folder were working a specific project)

Now we have to create a new survey data base so click on NEW LOCAL SURVEY
DATABASE and a new window asking for the name we want to give to our database
will pop up

After we name our data base a new whole bunch of options are going to drop down
for that specific database, so its going to look like the following image

Notice I named the new database My database and clicking on the plus sign to
the left of it, all of the options for that new database created are going to drop

Step 2: Configure Survey user preferences

Go to the SURVEY tab in toolspace menu bar and click the bottom SURVEY USER SETTINGS:

Once we click there and new window is going to pop up where we can establish the Linework
code sets (LCS) and the Figure prefix database (FPD) we want to use. Gotten to this option
we have two different paths we either leave the values the way they are if we havent created
any of those parameters before, or we can use an existent file for both, files we have worked
before so that we can save some time in editing. For this example well go for the second option
and later on Ill show how to create those files by our own. So, lets track the files well use for
LCS and FPD.

We now have click on both plus signs the one for Linework Processing Defaults and the one for
Figure defaults and track the files from the following fields

There were going to use the files we have in our folder (the one we downloaded from the
internet for this tutorial) then we go to the folder called Survey database-AU ant then we go to
survey support and we choose Line Work Code Set-A.f2f_xdef for Linework code sets path
and Figure Prefix Database-1.fdb_xdef for Figure prefix database path, notice that both files
must have the extension f2f_xdef.
(Note we dont actually have to choose those files if they are the only ones of their kind there ,
the program will choose it itself as in this case, the information of the extension of files and was
just to clarify the type of file were going to be using for line code set and figure prefix database )
We confirm that the software is using intended files for both cases checking on the following

We can check the criteria used to connect the lines and also change it if necessary by going right
clicking on the file we loaded for Linework Code Sets in this case Line Work Code Set-A and
click on Edit and itll show us the criteria and allow us to make any change

The image shows us the criteria used for each case to have a successful connection between the
intended points. Notice the <space> is used to delimit the survey raw description and what is
the code used to connect lines.

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