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A chemical element is a substance that cannot be made into a simpler form by ordinary chemical
means. The smallest unit of a chemical element is an atom, and all atoms of a particular element
are identical.

Parts of an Atom
There are two parts to an atom:

At the center of an atom is a nucleus made up of two types of particles called protons and
Protons have a positive electrical charge. The number of protons in the nucleus


determines what element the atom is.

Neutrons are about the size of protons but have no charge.
Electrons, much smaller than protons or neutrons, have a negative electrical charge, move at

nearly the speed of light, and orbit the nucleus at exact distances, depending on their
Atomic Mass

Because electrons are minuscule compared with protons and neutrons, the number of protons
plus neutrons gives the atom its atomic mass. All atoms of a given element always have the
same number of protons, but may differ in the number of neutrons found in the nucleus.

Atoms of an element with differing numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. For example,
carbon always has 6 protons but may have 6, 7, or 8 neutrons. This means there are three
isotopes of carbon: carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14, however, carbon-12 is by far the most


Atoms are stable when they have a full outermost electron energy level. To fill its outermost
shell, an atom will give, take, or share electrons. When an atom either gains or loses electrons,
this creates an ion. Ions have either a positive or a negative electrical charge. What is the charge
of an ion if the atom loses an electron? An atom with the same number of protons
and electrons has no overall charge, so if an atom loses the negatively charged electron, it has a
positive charge. What is the charge of an ion if the atom gains an electron? If the atom gains an
electron, it has a negative charge.

In the previous section we said that many atoms are more stable when they have a net charge:
they are more stable as ions. When a cation gets close to an anion, they link up because of their
different net charges, positive charges attract negative charges and vice versa. When two or more
atoms link up, they create a molecule. A molecule of water is made of two atoms of hydrogen
(H) and one atom of oxygen (O). The molecular mass is the sum of the masses of all the atoms
in the molecule. A collection of molecules is called a compound.

Chemical Bonding

Chemical Bonding

Periodic Table of the Elements.

Ions come together to create a molecule so that electrical charges are balanced; the positive
charges balance the negative charges and the molecule has no electrical charge. To balance
electrical charge, an atom may share its electron with another atom, give it away, or receive an
electron from another atom.
The joining of ions to make molecules is called chemical bonding. There are three main types of
chemical bonds that are important in our discussion of minerals and rocks:

Ionic bond: Electrons are transferred between atoms. An ion will give one or more
electrons to another ion. Table salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), is a common example of an ionic
compound. Note that sodium is on the left side of the periodic table and that chlorine is on the
right side of the periodic table. In the Figure below, an atom of lithium donates an electron to
an atom of fluorine to form an ionic compound. The transfer of the electron gives the lithium
ion a net charge of +1, and the fluorine ion a net charge of -1. These ionsbond because they
experience an attractive force due to the difference in sign of their charges.

Lithium (left) and fluorine (right) form an ionic compound called lithium fluoride.

Covalent bond: In a covalent bond, an atom shares one or more electrons with another
In the picture of methane (CH4) below (Figure below), the carbon ion (with a net charge of +4)
shares a single electron from each of the the four hydrogens. Covalent bonding is prevalent in
organic compounds. In fact, your body is held together by electrons shared by carbons and
hydrogens! Covalent bonds are also very strong, meaning it takes a lot of energy to break them

Methane is formed when four hydrogens and one carbon covalently bond.

Hydrogen bond: These weak, intermolecular bonds are formed when the positive side of
one polar molecule is attracted to the negative side of another polar molecule.
Water is a classic example of a polar molecule because it has a slightly positive side, and a
slightly negative side. In fact, this property is why water is so good at dissolving things. The
positive side of the molecule is attracted to negative ions and the negative side is attracted to
positive ions.

Water is a polar molecule. Because the oxygen atom has the electrons most of the time, the hydrogen side (blue) of the molecule
has a slightly positive charge while the oxygen side (red) has a slightly negative charge.


What is a Mineral?
Minerals are everywhere! Scientists have identified more than 4,000 minerals in Earths crust,
although the bulk of the planet is composed of just a few.
Definition: A mineral is a naturally-occurring, homogeneous solid with a definite, but generally
not fixed, chemical composition and an ordered atomic arrangement. It is usually formed by
inorganic processes.
Looking at the definition above, a mineral possesses these five qualities as follows:

It must be solid.

It must be crystalline, meaning it has a repeating arrangement of atoms.

It must be naturally occurring.

It must be inorganic.

It must have a specific chemical composition.

Minerals can be identified by their physical properties, such as hardness, color, luster (shininess),
and odor. The most common laboratory technique used to identify a mineral is Xray diffraction (XRD), a technique that involves shining an X-ray light on a sample, and
observing how the light exiting the sample is bent. XRD is not useful in the field, however.

The definition of a mineral is more restricted than you might think at first. For example, glass is
made of sand, which is rich in the mineral quartz. But glass is not a mineral, because it is not
crystalline. Instead, glass has a random assemblage of molecules. What about steel? Steel is
made by mixing different metal minerals like iron, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, and
molybdenum, but steel is not a mineral because it is made by humans and therefore is not
naturally occurring. However, almost any rock you pick up is composed of minerals. Below we
explore the qualities of minerals in more detail.
Crystalline Solid

Minerals are "crystalline" solids. A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in a
regular, repeating pattern. Notice that in Figure below the big and smaller spheres, representing
sodium and chlorine, form a repeating pattern. In this case, they alternate in all directions.

Sodium ions (Smaller balls) bond with chloride ions (Bigger balls) to make table salt (halite). All of the grains of salt that are in a
salt shaker have this crystalline structure.


Organic substances are the carbon-based compounds made by living creatures and include
proteins, carbohydrates, and oils. Inorganic substances have a structure that is not characteristic
of living bodies. Coal is made of plant and animal remains. Is it a mineral? Coal is a classified as
a sedimentary rock, but is not a mineral.

Naturally Occurring

Minerals are made by natural processes, those that occur in or on Earth. A diamond created deep
in Earths crust is a mineral, but a diamond made in a laboratory by humans is not. Be careful
about buying a laboratory-made diamond for jewelry. It may look pretty, but it's not a diamond
and is not technically a mineral.
Chemical Composition

Nearly all (98.5%) of Earths crust is made up of only eight elements oxygen, silicon,
aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium and these are the elements that
make up most minerals.
All minerals have a specific chemical composition. The mineral silver is made up of only silver
atoms and diamond is made only of carbon atoms, but most minerals are made up of chemical
compounds. Each mineral has its own chemical formula. Table salt (also known as halite),
pictured in Figure above, is NaCl (sodium chloride). Quartz is always made of two oxygen
atoms (red) bonded to a silicon atom (grey), represented by the chemical formula SiO2
(Figure below).

Quartz is made of two oxygen atoms (red) bonded to a silicon atom (grey).

In nature, things are rarely as simple as in the lab, and so it should not come as a surprise that
some minerals have a range of chemical compositions. One important example in Earth science

is olivine, which always has silicon and oxygen as well as some iron and magnesium, (Mg,

Physical Properties Of Minerals

Some minerals can be identified with little more than the naked eye. We do this by examining the
physical properties of the mineral in question, which include:

Color: the color of the mineral.

Streak: the color of the minerals powder (this is often different from the color of the whole

Luster: shininess.
Density: mass per volume, typically reported in "specific gravity," which is the density relative
to water.
Cleavage: the minerals tendency to break along planes of weakness.

Fracture: the pattern in which a mineral breaks.

Hardness: which minerals it can scratch and which minerals can scratch it.

How physical properties are used to identify minerals is described in the concept "Mineral

Mineral Groups

Mineral Groups
Minerals are divided into groups based on chemical composition. Most minerals fit into one of
eight mineral groups.

1) Silicate Minerals

The roughly 1,000 silicate minerals make up over 90% of Earth's crust. Silicates are by far the
largest mineral group. Feldspar and quartz are the two most common silicate minerals. Both are
extremely common rock-forming minerals.

The basic building block for all silicate minerals is the silica tetrahedron, which is illustrated in
Figure below. To create the wide variety of silicate minerals, this pyramid-shaped structure is
often bound to other elements, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.

One silicon atom bonds to four oxygen atoms to form a silica tetrahedron.

Silica tetrahedrons combine together in six different ways to create different types of silicates
(Figure below). Tetrahedrons can stand alone, form connected circles called rings, link into
single and double chains, form large flat sheets of pyramids, or join in three dimensions.

The different ways that silica tetrahedrons can join together cause these two minerals to look very different.

2) Native Elements
Native elements contain atoms of only one type of element. Only a small number of minerals are
found in this category. Some of the minerals in this group are rare and valuable. Gold
(Figure below), silver, sulfur, and diamond are examples of native elements.

A gold nugget.

3) Carbonates
The basic carbonate structure is one carbon atom bonded to three oxygen atoms. Carbonates
consists of some cation (like C, Fe, Cu, Mg, Ba, Sr, Pb) bonded to a carbonate molecule. Calcite
(CaCO3) is the most common carbonate mineral (Figure below).

Two carbonate minerals: (a) deep blue azurite and (b) opaque green malachite. Azurite and malachite are carbonates that contain
copper instead of calcium.

4) Halides
Halide minerals are salts that form when salt water evaporates. Halite is a halide mineral, but
table salt (see Figure below) is not the only halide. The chemical elements known as the
halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine) bond with various metallic atoms to make
halide minerals. All halides are ionic minerals which means, that they are typically soluble in

Beautiful halite crystal.

5) Oxides
Oxides contain one or two metal elements combined with oxygen. Many important metal ores
are oxides. Hematite (Fe2O3), with two iron atoms to three oxygen atoms, and magnetite (Fe3O4)
(Figure below), with three iron atoms to four oxygen atoms, are both iron oxides.

Magnetite is one of the most distinctive oxides since it is magnetic.

6) Phosphates
Phosphate minerals are similar in atomic structure to the silicate minerals. In the phosphates,
phosphorus bonds to oxygen to form a tetrahedron. As a mineral group they aren't particularly
common or important rock-forming minerals, but they are important for you and I. Apatite
(Figure below) is a phosphate (Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH)) and is one of the major components of human


7) Sulfates
Sulfate minerals contain sulfur atoms bonded to four oxygen atoms, just like silicates and
phosphates. Like halides, they form where salt water evaporates. The most common sulfate
mineral is probably gypsum (CaSO4(OH)2) (Figure below). Some gigantic 11-meter gypsum
crystals have been found (See opening image). That is about as long as a school bus!


8) Sulfides
Sulfides are formed when metallic elements combine with sulfur in the absence of oxygen. Pyrite
(Figure below) (FeS2) is a common sulfide mineral colloquially known as "fools gold" because
it has a golden metallic looking mineral. There are three easy ways to discriminate real gold from
fools gold: real gold is extremely dense, real gold does not grow into perfect cubes, as pyrite
commonly does, and pyrite smells like rotten eggs (because of the sulfur).

This mineral has shiny, gold, cubic crystals with striations, so it is pyrite.

Mineral Identification
How Are Minerals Identified?
There are a multitude of laboratory and field techniques for identifying minerals. While a
mineralogist might use a high-powered microscope to identify some minerals, or even techniques
like x-ray diffraction, most are recognizable using physical properties.
The most common field techniques put the observer in the shoes of a detective, whose goal it is
to determine, by process of elimination, what the mineral in question is. The process of
elimination usually includes observing things like color, hardness, smell, solubility in acid,
streak, striations and/or cleavage.
Check out the mineral in the opening image. What is the minerals color? What is its shape? Are
the individual crystals shiny or dull? Are there lines (striations) running across the minerals? In
this concept, the properties used to identify minerals are described in more details.

Color, Streak, and Luster


Color: Color may be the first feature you notice about a mineral, but color is not often important
for mineral identification. For example, quartz can be colorless, purple (amethyst), or a variety of
other colors depending on chemical impurities Figure below.

Purple quartz, known as amethyst, and clear quartz are the same mineral despite the different color

2) Streak: Streak is the color of a mineral's powder, which often is not the same color as the mineral itself.
Many minerals, such as the quartz in the Figure above, do not have streak.

Hematite is an example of a mineral that displays a certain color in hand sample (typically black
to steel gray, sometimes reddish), and a different streak color (red/brown).

The streak of hematite across an unglazed porcelain plate is red-brown.

3) Luster: Luster describes the reflection of light off a minerals surface. Mineralogists have special terms to
describe luster. One simple way to classify luster is based on whether the mineral is metallic or nonmetallic. Minerals that are opaque and shiny, such as pyrite, have a metallic luster. Minerals such as
quartz have a non-metallic luster. Different types of non-metallic luster are described in Table below.
Six types of non-metallic luster





Dull, clay-like




Like resins, such as tree sap


Soft-looking with long fibers

Six types of non-metallic luster





Specific Gravity

Density describes how much matter is in a certain amount of space: density = mass/volume.
Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. The amount of space an object takes up
is described by its volume. The density of an object depends on its mass and its volume. For
example, the water in a drinking glass has the same density as the water in the same volume of a
swimming pool.
Gold has a density of about 19 g/cm3; pyrite has a density of about 5 g/cm3 - thats another way to
tell pyrite from gold. Quartz is even less dense than pyrite and has a density of 2.7 g/cm3.
The specific gravity of a substance compares its density to that of water. Substances that are
denser have higher specific gravity.

Hardness is a measure of whether a mineral will scratch or be scratched. Mohs Hardness Scale,
shown in Table below, is a reference for mineral hardness.

Mohs Hardness Scale: 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest).




Mohs Hardness Scale: 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest).













With a Mohs scale, anyone can test an unknown mineral for its hardness. Imagine you have an
unknown mineral. You find that it can scratch fluorite or even apatite, but feldspar scratches it.
You know then that the minerals hardness is between 5 and 6. Note that no other mineral can
scratch diamond.
Cleavage and Fracture

Breaking a mineral breaks its chemical bonds. Since some bonds are weaker than other bonds,
each type of mineral is likely to break where the bonds between the atoms are weaker. For that
reason, minerals break apart in characteristic ways.

Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along certain planes to make smooth surfaces.
Halite (Figure below) breaks between layers of sodium and chlorine to form cubes with smooth
Mica has cleavage in one direction and forms sheets (Figure below).

Sheets of mica.

Halite has cubic cleavage.

Minerals can cleave into polygons. Magnetite forms octahedrons (Figure below).

Fluorite has octahedral cleavage.

One reason gemstones are beautiful is that the cleavage planes make an attractive crystal shape
with smooth faces.
Fracture is a break in a mineral that is not along a cleavage plane. Fracture is not always the
same in the same mineral because fracture is not determined by the structure of the mineral.
Minerals may have characteristic fractures (Figure below). Metals usually fracture into jagged
edges. If a mineral splinters like wood, it may be fibrous. Some minerals, such as quartz, form
smooth curved surfaces when they fracture.

Chrysotile has splintery fracture.

Other Identifying Characteristics

Some minerals have other unique properties, some of which are listed in Table below. Can you
name a unique property that would allow you to instantly identify a mineral thats been described
quite a bit in this concept? (Hint: It is most likely found on your dinner table.)

Some minerals have unusual properties that can be used for identification.


Example of Mineral


Mineral glows under ultraviolet light



Mineral is attracted to a magnet



Mineral gives off radiation that can be

measured with Geiger counter



Bubbles form when mineral is exposed to a

weak acid



Some minerals have a distinctive smell

Sulfur (smells like

rotten eggs)


Some minerals taste salty


Classification of Silicate Minerals

Within silicate minerals, (SiO4)-4 is the major structural unit, and silicates are the most abundant
group of rock-forming minerals. The shape of a silicate anion is a tetrahedron, not a sphere like a
simple anion.
The Si-O bond is approximately 50% covalent and 50% ionic, that is, although the bond arises in
part from the attraction of oppositely charged ions, it is also involves sharing of the electrons and
inter-penetration of the electronic structure. The total bonding energy of Si+4 is distributed
equally among 4 O-2 ions; hence, the strength of any Si-O bond is equal to 2 total bonding
energy in the O-2 ion. Therefore each O-2 has the potential of bonding to another SiO4 group
and entering into another tetrahedral grouping. Thus the uniting of the tetrahedral groups leads to
sharing or bridging O-2 ions, and hence, polymerization. You never get more than one O-2 being
shared between two silica tetrahedra.

This results in six types of silicates, based on how the silica tetrahedra are bonded together.
1. Nesosilicates: single tetrahedra
2. Sorosilicates: two tetrahedra
3. Cyclosilicates: cyclic groups of 6 tetrahedra
4. Inosilicates: single and double chains of tetrahedra
5. Phyllosilicates: sheets of tetrahedra
6. Tectosilicates: frameworks of silica tetrahedra, where all the oxygens are shared.
Nesosilicates. Single tetrahedra, SiO4. A good example is olivine (Fe,Mg)2SiO4
Sorosilicates. Si2O7, Epidote is an example.

Cyclosilicates. SixO3x--3-fold rings. E.g. Si6O18, as in beryl

Inosilicates: single chain SiO3

Double chain: Si4O11

Phyllosilicates: These sheets have a Si:O ratio of 4:10 or Si4O10

All oxygens are shared., SiO2.
Generalized Formula of a Silicate
X = large weakly charged cations with CN = 8
Y = medium sized ( 2+ to 4+ charge) sized ion with CN = 6
Z = small, highly charged ions with CN = 4
O = oxygen
W = additional anionic groups such as OH-, F- or ClX is usually K+1, Ca+2 or Na+1
Y is Mg +2, Mn+2, Fe+2, Fe+3, Ti+4, Al+3
Z is Si+4 or Al+3

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