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Activity Guide

Edition 1.0
August 2011

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

OPN Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

11g Implementation Boot Camp

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OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 0: Environment setup and Details
1. Starting Oracle Business Intelligence services
a. Go to Services, check for BI services as OracleProcessManager, Oracle
WebLogic NodeManager, these two services should be off.
b. Start Oracle WebLogic NodeManager service only

d. Wait for at least 10 minutes to have all the services up and running, once
all the services are up you will see the Oracle BI User Interface login
e. Verify system by entering credentials provided below

2. Oracle BI Administration components browser links

a. Administration Console http://localhost:7001/console
b. Enterprise Manager http://localhost:7001/em
c. Oracle BI User Interface http://localhost:9704/analytics
3. Oracle BI credentials
a. Username weblogic, Password Oracle123

Module 2: Exploring Oracle BI Architecture

1. Define following components and identify them in the application:
a. Administration Console
b. Enterprise Manager ( FMW Control)
c. Node Manager
d. Managed Service Components
e. Oracle BI Server
f. NQQuery.log
g. NQSConfig.ini
h. .RPD

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c. Go to Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Start BI Services

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i. DBFeatures.ini


k. Oracle BI Presentation Service

l. Oracle Scheduler

2. Explore Enterprise Manager (Fusion Middle ware Control) and Locate Oracle BI
services in the application and control the application by starting and stopping
services, which Repository and Web Catalog is currently loaded on the server.

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1. Explore Administration Console, locate Weblogic and Managed Weblogic servers,

browse all the BI architecture related components and their respective configuration

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 4: Oracle BI User Interface
1. Login to the Oracle BI Presentation Application
a. Go to http://localhost:9704/analytics/
b. Enter user credentials: weblogic / Oracle123

a. What are the various available features on home page

b. What are those available features used for

3. Explore SampleApps Lite default dashboard

a. What is the name of default dashboard
b. What are the pages in default dashboard

4. Explore Overview Page

a. What type of reports are available on this page
b. What dashboard prompts are available on this page
c. What default filters are applied on the History Overview report
d. Click on the bar chart in report and then click on Select Order details for this
particular year. See what happens and why?
e. Drag the Slider in Monthly trending report and notice the change in the report.
f. Explore Product Hierarchy Filter/Prompt

5. Change the dashboard prompts for year and Company

a. Check/Uncheck desired values from the Year prompt and select Company
name from the drop down and click Apply
b. What changes do you observe on the Dashboard

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2. Explore Home page

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6. Save your selections
a. Click Page Options and list the available choices
b. Click on Apply Saved Customizations, what happens?
c. Click on Save Current Customization. What are the available options?
d. Save the selections for yourself

7. Explore Oracle Answers

b. Click on the New link on the top right corner of the dashboard
c. Select New Analysis to create a new analysis and to see the list of available
subject areas
d. In the subject area section, select Sample Sales Lite subject area
e. What are the objects available in the left selection pane
f. Expand Product folder, what are the available attributes for Products?
g. Explore other folders and familiarize yourself with the available information in
the subject area

8. Create a New Analysis

a. Create a new analysis to display Revenue and Billed Quantity by Product, by
adding all the required columns in analysiss criteria section
b. Display results
c. In the left selection pane, Click on the new view drop down and select Graph
> Bar chart from the available options
d. Draw a chart with Revenue, Billed quantity against Product
e. In the left selection pane, Click on the Add View button to include Chart in the
compound layout view
f. Drag Chart view side by side to the table view in the compound layout
g. Move cursor over to the Revenue Bar for Touch Screen T5 (Product), see
what happens?
h. Click on the bar to display the details of Touch Screen T5 Product Revenue

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a. Login to the Oracle BI Presentation Application

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

i. Which one is the highest Revenue generator Office in the Product as Touch
Screen T5?

What were the Revenue and Billed Quantity in Montgomery Office?

9. Applying filter to the Analysis

a. Navigate to the Criteria tab of your Analysis

c. Apply a filter on the Per Name Year column (click on Year column to add it in
the report and then click on filters tab in the selected column pane, you can
remove this column from report later on)
d. Filter request for year 2008,2009
e. Save your filter as a shared filter in shared folders, Name it as 11g Bootcamp
f. Rerun the request

10. Save the request

a. Save the request in Shared Folders > Sample Lite > 11g Bootcamp
b. Log out of the application

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b. Expand Time table in the subject area

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 6: Exploring OBI Repository
1. Verify that the Repository is loaded on the server
a. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence> coreapplication >
Deployment > Repository

c. If not the desired one, then browse the repository from saved location and
Click on Apply button in the right most corner
d. Click on Activate changes, and then Restart services (shown as alert on the
deployment page)
e. Restart all BI Services from the Overview tab of Enterprise Manager

2. Back up the SampleApp Lite.rpd Repository File

a. Go to Home directory
eapplication_obis1\repository and look for SampleAppLite.rpd
b. Right click on SampleAppLite.rpd and select copy
c. Right click in the folder and select Paste to create a back up copy of the RPD

3. Open the repository

a. Go to Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration
b. Go to File > Open > Online
c. Enter weblogic/Oracle123 as user credentials
d. Validate that the repository is opened in the online mode

4. Set the Object Checkout

a. Set the user preference to check out the objects automatically
b. Go to Admin tool > Tools > Options > General to enable automatic check out
of rpd objects

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b. Look which repository is loaded on the server, you should see


OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

5. Explore the Repository file

a. How can you verify that the repository is open in the online mode?

6. Explore Presentation Layer

a. Expand the objects in the presentation layer and see how many subject areas
will this repository support?
b. Right click on the Sample Sales Lite presentation folder and select properties
c. Which business model is mapped to Sample Sales Lite subject area?
d. How many measures and attribute folders are available in the Sample Sales
Lite folder?
e. Expand Time and Base Facts folders. How can you differentiate the
measures from attributes if the names are not indicative enough?

7. Explore Business Model Layer

a. What is the center window of the admin tool and what is the significance of
this in the metadata definition?
b. How many hierarchies are defined in the Business Model layer
c. Expand Time dimension hierarchy and explore how many levels are present
in the Time dimension hierarchy
d. Expand Revenue Base Measures Facts table and identify how many different
physical table sources are mapped to Revenue Base Measures logical table
e. Go to Year Ago Revenue column in the logical Revenue Base Measures
Table and identify the physical source mapping for this column
f. Which logical column is mapped to more than one physical columns?

8. Explore Physical layer

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b. How many windows appear in the Oracle BI Admin tool and what does each
of them represent

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

a. How many separate data sources are currently mapped in the RPD?
b. What is the nature of these data sources
c. Open the connection pool object for the data source
d. How does Oracle BI server connect to the data source?
e. What additional properties are specified in the connection pool?
f. Explore the physical schema and entity relationship from the physical diagram
g. Double click Product table and explore the properties of the Product table

9. Querying the repository

a. Select Tools > Query Repository
b. In the Type field drop down, select Presentation Column
c. Query for Brand
d. From the search results, select the Brand column
e. Click on view related objects
f. Explore Brand column and its mappings through Query Repository utility

10. Explore Online Help

a. Select Help > Help Topics
b. Review the Content (This can be used as a bookshelf during configuration)
c. Alternatively you can view specific help content with respect to admin tool
features and properties ( Help links are provided)

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h. Double click on Brand column and explore the properties of Brand column

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 7: Building Basic Repository
1. Create New Repository
a. Go to Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration
b. Go to File > New
c. Enter 11g_BootCamp_Initials, as the name of new RPD file

e. Save new repository

2. Import Physical Schema

a. Sample Apps Lite database includes a basic schema with Two Facts and Five
Dimension tables
b. Go to File > Import and select the OCI connection Interface to import from
c. Enter username/password as BC_DATABASE/BC_DATABASE
d. Import the database tables specified in the Sample data model as








Do not import Brand and Type tables as of now, usage of those

tables will be explained in next modules.

e. Expand the objects and identify primary and foreign keys within the tables
f. Double-click on the connection pool object automatically created during the
schema import

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d. Provide Repository Password as Admin123 to encrypt the rpd file

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g. Specify required properties in the connection pool object ( keep all the
settings as default, and enter data base details
h. Update all row counts to verify the connectivity
i. Create Aliases for all Fact and Dimension tables
Create physical table joins (Use aliases for Joining) as provided in join
conditions below

For ex - "Sample App Lite Data"."".""."D10 Product"."Prod_Key" =

"Sample App Lite Data"."".""."F10 Revenue Facts (Order

Similarly you can join all fact tables with dimension tables based
on foreign and primary key relationship.

k. Validate the joins via join manager

3. Build Business Model and Mapping layer

a. Select the business model and mapping layer
b. Right click and create a new Business Model, named SampleApp Lite
c. Drag physical tables into the newly created business model
d. Verify that the logical joins are created automatically by dragging physical
e. Modify logical columns by giving them business relevant names
f. Organize the logical objects in the order and sequence
g. Specify the aggregation rule for the fact columns as Sum by default, else
provide as required (if the required calculation is Average then set the
aggregation rule as Avg)
h. Create a Target Revenue with aggregation rule as Average and name it as
Average Target Revenue

4. Build Presentation Layer

a. Select the Presentation layer, right click in the layer and create a new
Presentation Catalog
b. Alternatively Drag and Drop the business Model to presentation layer, this
automatically creates a new presentation catalog

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c. Remove unwanted columns from the presentation tables

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d. Save the repository

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Module 8: Testing and Deploying OBI Repository
1. Check metadata consistency
a. Go to Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration
b. Go to File > Open
c. Open the RPD file created in the previous lab in offline mode

e. See if there are any consistency warnings or errors

f. If there are warnings or errors, follow and fix the consistency errors
g. Leave the RPD file open

2. Set the logging level

a. Go to BI Administration tool > rpd, Click on Manage Identity
b. Go to Users
c. Select Weblogic and double click to view properties
d. Set the appropriate logging level
e. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence > Coreapplication >
f. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration, keep the Default changes and click
Apply, Restart the application.

3. Load the Repository

a. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence > Coreapplication >
b. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration, Load the desired Repository and click
c. Click Activate Changes button
d. Restart all Oracle BI Component Services from the EM Overview tab

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d. Go To File > Check Global Consistency

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

4. Create Catalog
a. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence > Coreapplication >
b. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration, Provide the Catalog name in the catalog
path as 11g_Bootcamp_Initials (put the name of catalog at the end) and click
c. Click Activate Changes button

5. Validate using Answers

a. Login to the application using the username / passwords created during the
RPD creation process
b. Go to New Analysis tab, and check which subject area you see
c. Select the subject area and create a simple request including a time, product
attributes along with the Revenue measures
d. Execute the request and review the results

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d. Restart all Oracle BI Component Services from the EM Overview tab

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Module 9: Complex Repository Modeling
1. Build Calculated metrics Average order size (Physical Column Calculation)
a. Create a new measure column called Target Unit Price in the logical fact
b. Go to logical table sources and open column mappings

d. Build calculation based on physical columns as Revenue and divide it Units

(Target Facts)
e. Drag this column into presentation table Calculated Facts

2. Build calculated metrics Target Unit Price (Logical Column Calculation)

a. Create a new measure column called Avg order size in the logical fact table
b. Check to indicate an existing logical column as a source
c. Build calculation based on Logical columns as Revenue divided by Number of
d. Drag this column into presentation table Calculated Facts
3. What is the difference between the two columns created in the previous steps
4. Explore additional advanced functions in the function builder

Module 10: Advanced Repository Modeling

1. Create a new Measure using Time Series Functions
a) Create a new Logical column as Year Ago Revenue, Select Revenue as existing
logical column source
b) Apply Ago as a Time series function on Revenue column using Expression
c) Create Chg Year Ago Revenue and %Chg Year Ago Revenue using Calculation
d) Expose all the columns in the presentation layer
e) Verify the results

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c. Look for Target Unit Price and click on expression builder

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 11: Modeling Multiple Sources
1. Product Dimension of Sample Apps Lite subject area includes all product attributes.
We assume that the Brand and Type information is stored in the normalized
structure and are sourced from separate tables. You are tasked to model the
Product dimension table with two additional data sources that contains their Product
Type and Brand information
a. Import Type and Brand tables in the RPD

c. Expand the Product logical table sources in the business model layer
d. Drag and drop Type and Brand columns OVER the Product logical table
source (Automatically creates the joins in the logical table source)
e. Verify column mapping that the Type and Brand columns are mapped to
different source tables
f. Drag these columns over to the presentation tables and make them available
for query
g. Load the repository on the server, and restart the BI component services
h. Create a simple request including Brand or Type and Product information
along with Revenue measures
i. Look at the query log and make sure that the correct tables were accessed

2. Another type of multiple source configurations involves modeling data that is

duplicated (e.g. Aggregate tables). We will cover this type in the section of
Aggregate navigation

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b. Create joins with Product dimension table

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Module 12: Creating Hierarchies and Level Based Measures
1. Explore the dimension data in SampleApps_Lite repository and identify how many
tables will support a dimensional hierarchy

3. Identify unique columns at each level and number of unique values available at that

4. Create Dimension Hierarchy

a. Create a new dimensional object in the RPD, right click on the Business
model > new object > Logical Dimension > Dimension with Level based
hierarchy, Name it as H1 Product.
b. Add grand total level in the hierarchy, check the Grand total level box for this
level of hierarchy. Name it as Total products.
c. Add child levels to Grand Total Level as, Product Brand, Product LOB,
Product Type, and Product Detail
d. Add level attributes, associate the dimensional attributes with all the defined
e. Create unique keys for each defined level, this will enable drill down from one
level to the level beneath.
f. Hierarchy H1 Product (name of the dimensional hierarchy) should look like

Total Products (Grand Total Level)

Products Brand (Child level to Total product level)

1. Brand (This attribute will be used as Brand Level key)

Products LOB (Child level to Product Brand Level)

1. LOB Key (This attribute will be used as Brand Level key)

Product Type (Child level to Product LOB level)

1. Product Type (This attribute will be used as Type Level key)

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2. Identify the hierarchy structure in the Product Dimension

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Product Detail (Child level to Product Type level, will be the detail
level of hierarchy)
1. Product number (This attribute will be used as detailed level

5. Test dimensional hierarchy

a. Create a sample request in answers including a product type column and

c. If you see a hyperlink on the Product Type column, this indicates that the
hierarchies are available at this column.
e. Now you can drill down on the column to see the details of the Product Type

6. Create a level based measure called Total Product Revenue

a. Create a new measure in the logical fact table
b. Map it to an existing logical column Revenue
c. Drag and drop this column to the Grand Total level in the Product hierarchy
(This sets the content level for this column at the total dollar level
d. This gives a measure which will always show total Revenue against the
product irrespective of the level of granularity in the report
e. Drag this column into the presentation layer and test is using answers

7. Create a Share measure named Shared Products Revenue in the repository

8. Create a rank measure named Rank ( Shared Revenue) in the repository

9. Drag all the columns in the presentation layer

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b. Display results

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10. Load the Metadata content to Presentation server

11. Verify results using a simple answers request

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12. Verify results using the log file

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Module 13: Using Variables
1. You are tasked to create a dynamic repository variable which provides the top Office
By Revenue in the current year
a. Open the repository in the online mode
b. Go to Manage > Variables and see the list of variables currently configured in
the repository

d. Right Click and create a new variable called CurrentYear

e. Go to the Initialization block button and select create New
f. Create a new initialization block named CurrentYear
g. Write an SQL to query to get the current year



h. Then Create a New variable called TopOffice, which will use the current
year variable.
i. Go to the Initialization block button and select create New

Create a new initialization block named TopOffice

k. Set the default initialize for the initialization block

l. Specify the refresh interval as 1 (One) hour
m. Write a SQL to query the Office with maximum Revenue in the current year



n. Test Initialization block

o. Test Variables

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c. Go to Dynamic Repository variables

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Module 15: Oracle BI Security

1. This lab will focus on building Authentication and Authorization based on repository
users and groups

a. Go to Administration Console >Summary of Security Realms > my realm >

Users and Groups
b. Login as Weblogic/password you provided at the time of Installation
c. Create New User
d. Create two users BCSampleUser1 and BCSampleUser2; specify the
username, password, keep the Authentication provider to Default
authenticator etc.
e. Save by clicking OK

3. Create a new user group in the Administration Console

a. Go to Administration Console >Summary of Security Realms > my realm >
Users and Groups
b. Create New Group
c. Name the first group as BCSampleGroup1
d. Select members for this group, include BCSampleUser1 to this group, along
with this add the default BI Author group to this user (Adding Users to groups,
it can be done by clicking on the Username and then select corresponding
groups from the last tab Groups in user section)
e. Name the second group as BCSampleGroup2 and include BCSampleUser2
to this group, along with this add the default BI Author group to this user

4. Create Application Roles and Policies in the Enterprise Manager FMW Control
a. Go to Oracle Enterprise Manager FMW Control > Business intelligence
instance> coreapplication > Security > Manage Application roles, Application

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2. Create a new user in the Administration Console

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b. Create New Application roles, specify role information
c. Name the first application role as BCSampleRole, Select members for this
application role, include BCSampleGroup1 to this role.
d. Name the second application role as BCSampleRole2 and include
BCSampleGroup2 to this role

f. Grant this Application policy to the Application roles BCSampleRole1 and

BCSampleRole2 we just created (For this lab purpose, use BI_AUTHOR
policy for assigning Roles)
g. Restart the BI component services

5. Create new Subject Area in the repository and assign permissions

a. Go the presentation layer of the repository and duplicate the existing Sample
Sales Lite catalog
b. Rename the second catalog as Sample Sales Lite Exec
c. Assign permissions for Sample Sales Lite catalog and include
BCSampleRole1 role for this catalog
d. Assign permission for Sample Sales Lite Exec catalog and include
BCSampleRole2 role for this catalog

6. Add Permissions and Privileges to the web catalog objects

a. Login to the application as Weblogic user
b. Create a simple analysis, place it on a dashboard
c. Assign Permissions to recently created dashboard to the application role
d. Save and log out of the application

7. Verify security model

a. Log into the application as BCSampleUser1
b. Validate that the application authenticated BCSampleUser1

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e. Create an Application Policy either by creating a new policy or copying an

existing one (select create like to use an existing application policy)

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c. What subject areas are listed for BCSampleUser1
d. Logout of the application and log back in as BCSampleUser2

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e. Do you see any change in the subject areas available for you to work on?

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Module 16: Cache Management and Performance Tuning
1. This lab will focus on enabling cache in the RPD and using that to run requests

2. Verify current query log

a. Login to the application and run the BC Request from the shared folder

c. Make a note of this

3. Enable Caching
a. By default the Cache is Enabled from Enterprise Manager, go to
manager>Business Intelligence>Capacity Management>Performance
b. Observe the Check box to enable Cache

4. Checking Cacheable tables

a. Open the RPD in the offline mode
b. Go to the physical layer and open the Facts physical table
c. Double click on this table to view the properties
d. Check the check mark on Cacheable
e. Set the cache persistence time as 1 hour
f. Click OK and save

5. Verify Results
a. Login to the application again
b. Create a Simple Analysis, Run the analysis from the saved location, Wait for
some time
c. Rerun the BC Request report again and view the querylog file, go to
Administration Tab of OBIEE Presentation application and then Manage
Sessions> then check the query for recently executed analysis.
d. Observer the difference between the previous query log and current query log

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b. View the query log and see which tables are being accessed for the data

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Module 17: Oracle BI for Microsoft Office

1. This lab will focus on inserting, editing and viewing Oracle BI requests within
Microsoft Office Applications

a. Login to Oracle BI Presentation, navigate to Home page and Look for Oracle
BI for MS Office Add-In download link.

3. Download and Install the Office Add-In

a. Navigate to the above link and download the install file and choose to run
from the existing location
b. Install the required components
c. Open MS Excel and configure the client connection settings by providing all
default connection details
d. Test connection

4. Launch and use MS office Add-In

a. Login to Oracle BI from within MS Excel and validate that OBI catalog is
visible from within MS Excel
b. Refresh catalog and navigate within OBI catalog to Shared Folders > Sample
Lite > Order Details
c. Find out when was the report created and last modified
d. Insert the Table and Chart views in Excel, Refresh data
e. Save the report on your hard drive and close the file
f. Reopen the file and refresh data

5. Repeat the above steps from within Microsoft PowerPoint

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2. Validate the Oracle BI office Add-In components are installed

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Module 2: Exploring Oracle BI Architecture
1. Define following components and identify them in the application:
a. Administration Console
b. Enterprise Manager ( FMW Control)

e. Oracle BI Server
f. NQQuery.log
g. NQSConfig.ini
h. RPD
i. DBFeatures.ini


k. Oracle BI Presentation Service

l. Oracle Scheduler

2. Explore Administration Console

3. Explore Enterprise Manager Fusion Middle ware Control and Locate Oracle BI
services in the application and control the application by starting and stopping
services, which Repository and Web Catalog is currently loaded on the server.

4. Open and explore NQServer.log file. What are the messages recorded in the log

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d. Managed Service Components

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Answer Sheet - Exploring Oracle BI Architecture
1. Exploring OBIEE Architecture Components ( Please refer to OBIEE Architecture
module for detailed information)
a. Administration Console - Enables you to monitor and manage a WebLogic
Server domain ( Please refer to Module slide 9,10)

c. OPMN - To manage and monitor processes for BI Server components

(Please refer to Module slide 13)
d. Managed Service Components Please refer to notes of slide no. 5
e. Oracle BI Server - Query building engine that translates presentation server
requests into the data source specific queries (Please refer to Module slide
f. NQQuery.log Server log files are used for troubleshooting and validation of
configuration changes (Please refer to notes of slide no. 21)
g. NQSConfig.ini Server configuration Parameter file (Please refer to notes of
slide no. 19)
h. .RPD - Application metadata (Please refer to notes of slide no. 5)
i. DBFeatures.ini Database configuration Parameter file (Please refer to notes
of slide no. 20)

Cache Used to speed up Query performance (Please refer to notes of slide

no. 18)

k. Oracle BI Presentation Service - Holds the application look and feel

information in the memory from a webcat structure and translates clients
requests into logical metadata object recognizable by the Oracle BI server
(Please refer to Module slide 22,23)
l. Oracle Scheduler - Processing engine that keeps track of information delivery
(Please refer to Module slide 24)

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b. Enterprise Manager - To manage complete BI domain (Please refer to

Module slide 11,12)

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2. Explore Administration Console
a. Login to http://servername:7001/console for exploring Administration console
3. Explore Enterprise Manager
b. Login to http://servername:7001/em for exploring Enterprise Manager

d. Login to http://servername:7001/em >Business Intelligence > coreapplication

> deployment for loading RPD and Webcat on the BI server
4. Exploring Log file - Go to C:\Home\instances\instance1\diagnostics\logs
\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1 to access the log files

Module 4: Oracle BI User Interface

1. Login to the Oracle BI Presentation Application
a. Go to http://(Server Name):9704/analytics
b. Enter user credentials: Administrator / Administrator

2. Explore Home page

a. What are the various available features on home page
b. What are those available features used for

3. Explore SampleApps Lite default dashboard

a. What is the name of default dashboard
b. What are the pages in default dashboard

4. Explore Overview Page

a. What type of reports are available on this page

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c. Login to http://servername:7001/em >Business Intelligence > coreapplication

for performing tasks like starting and stopping the BI server

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

b. What dashboard prompts are available on this page
c. What default filters are applied on the History Overview report
d. Click on the bar chart in report and then click on Select Order details for this
particular year. See what happens and why?
e. Drag the Slider in Monthly trending report and notice the change in the report.
f. Explore Product Hierarchy Filter/Prompt

a. Check/Uncheck desired values from the Year prompt and select Company
name from the drop down and click Apply
b. What changes do you observe on the Dashboard

6. Save your selections

a. Click Page Options and list the available choices
b. Click on Apply Saved Customizations, what happens?
c. Click on Save Current Customization. What are the available options?
d. Save the selections for yourself

7. Explore Oracle Answers

a. Login to the Oracle BI Presentation Application
b. Click on the New link on the top right corner of the dashboard
c. In the subject area section, select Sample Sales Lite subject area
d. What are the objects available in the left selection pane
e. Expand Product folder, what are the available attributes for Products?
f. Explore other folders and familiarize yourself with the available information in
the subject area

8. Create a New Analysis

a. Create a new analysis to display Revenue and Billed Quantity by Product

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5. Change the dashboard prompts for year and Company

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

b. Display results
c. In the left selection pane, Click on the new view drop down and select chart
from the available options
d. Draw a chart with Revenue against Product, Exclude Billed Quantity for now
e. Include Billed Quantity and click redraw to include Billed Quantity in the chart
f. In the left selection pane, Click on the Add View button to include Chart in the
compound layout view

h. Move cursor over to the Revenue Bar for Touch Screen T5 (Product), see
what happens?
i. Click on the bar to display the details of Touch Screen T5 Product Revenue

Which one is the highest Revenue generator Office in the Product as Touch
Screen T5?

k. What were the Revenue and Billed Quantity in Montgomery Office?

9. Applying filter to the Analysis

a. Navigate to the Criteria tab of your Analysis
b. Expand Time table in the subject area
c. Apply a filter on the Per Name Year column (click on Year column to add it in
the report and then click on filters tab in the selected column pane, you can
remove this column from report later on)
d. Filter request for year 2008,2009
e. Save your filter as a shared filter in shared folders
f. Rerun the request

10. Save the request

a. Save the request in Shared Folders > Sample Lite > First 11g Bootcamp
b. Log out of the application

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g. Drag Chart view side by side to the table view in the compound layout

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Answer Sheet - Oracle BI User Interface
1. Login to the Oracle BI Presentation Application
a. Go to http://(Server Name):9704/analytics and enter provided user
credentials: as Administrator / Administrator

3. Explore SampleApps Lite default dashboard - Go to http://(Server

Name):9704/analytics > SampleApps Lite dashboard (Please refer to Module
slides: 9 to 15)
4. Explore Overview Page - (Please refer to Module slides: 9 to 15)
5. Change the dashboard prompts for year and Company (Please refer to Module
slide no. 10)
6. Save your selections - (Please refer to Module slide no. 15)
7. Explore Oracle Answers - Login to the Oracle BI Presentation Application >
http://(Server Name):9704/analytics (Please refer to slides 22 -24)
8. Create a New Analysis - Please refer to slides 25 -33
9. Applying filter to the Analysis - Please refer to slides 25 -33
10. Save the request - Please refer to slides 25 -33

Module 6: Exploring OBI Repository

1. Verify that the Repository is loaded on the server
a. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence> coreapplication >
Deployment > Repository
b. Look which repository is loaded on the server
c. If not the desired one, then browse the repository from saved location and
Click on Apply button in the right most corner
d. Click on Activate changes
e. Restart all BI Services from the Overview tab of Enterprise Manager

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2. Explore Home page - Go to http://(Server Name):9704/analytics > Home (Please

refer to Module slide no. 19)

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

2. Back up the SampleApp Lite.rpd Repository File
a. Go to Home directory
_obis1\repository and look for SampleAppLite.rpd
b. Right click on SampleAppLite.rpd and select copy
c. Right click in the folder and select Paste to create a back up copy of the RPD

a. Go to Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BIAdministration

b. Go to File > Open > Online
c. Enter Administrator/Administrator as user credentials
d. Validate that the repository is opened in the online mode

4. Set the Object Checkout

a. Set the user preference to check out the objects automatically

5. Explore the Repository file

a. How can you verify that the repository is open in the online mode?
b. How many windows appear in the Oracle BI Admin tool and what does each
of them represent

6. Explore Presentation Layer

a. Expand the objects in the presentation layer and see how many subject areas
will this repository support?
b. Right click on the Sample Sales Lite presentation folder and select properties
c. Which business model is mapped to Sample Sales Lite subject area?
d. How many measures and attribute folders are available in the Sample Sales
Lite folder?
e. Expand Time and Base Facts folders. How can you differentiate the
measures from attributes if the names are not indicative enough?

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3. Open the repository

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7. Explore Business Model Layer

a. What is the center window of the admin tool and what is the significance of
this in the metadata definition?
b. How many hierarchies are defined in the Business Model layer
c. Expand Time dimension hierarchy and explore how many levels are present
in the Time dimension hierarchy

e. Go to Year Ago Revenue column in the logical Revenue Base Measures

Table and identify the physical source mapping for this column
f. Which logical column is mapped to more than one physical columns?

8. Explore Physical layer

a. How many separate data sources are currently mapped in the RPD?
b. What is the nature of these data sources
c. Open the connection pool object for the data source
d. How does Oracle BI server connect to the data source?
e. What additional properties are specified in the connection pool?
f. Explore the physical schema and entity relationship from the physical diagram
g. Double click Product table and explore the properties of the Product table
h. Double click on Brand column and explore the properties of Brand column

9. Querying the repository

a. Select Tools > Query Repository
b. In the Type field drop down, select Presentation Column
c. Query for Brand
d. From the search results, select the Brand column
e. Click on view related objects
f. Explore Brand column and its mappings through Query Repository utility

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d. Expand Revenue Base Measures Facts table and identify how many different
physical table sources are mapped to Revenue Base Measures logical table

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

10. Explore Online Help

a. Select Help > Help Topics
b. Review the Content (This can be used as a bookshelf during configuration)

Verify that the Repository is loaded on the server - Go to Enterprise Manager >
Business Intelligence> coreapplication > Deployment > Repository ( Please refer
to Snapshot -1)
Snapshot -1

a. Look which repository is loaded on the server Please refer to above

snapshot -1
b. If not the desired one, then browse the repository from saved location and
Click on Apply button in the right most corner (Please refer to above snapshot
- 1)

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d. Restart all BI Services from the Overview tab of Enterprise Manager

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c. Click on Activate changes Click on Lock and edit button to make the
screen editable, then Activate changes button will appear, click activate
changes to apply the changes.

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

2. Back up the SampleApp Lite.rpd Repository File - Go to Home directory
coreapplication_obis1\repository and look for SampleAppLite.rpd (Please refer to
Slides 6,7)
3. Open the repository (Please refer to slide no. 6)

5. Explore the Repository file Please refer to slide no 8 -19

6. Explore Presentation Layer Consist of presentation catalog objects that provide
a customized view of a business model to users (Please refer to slide no. 8 -10)
7. Explore Business Model Layer This layer is the business view of data
8. Explore Physical layer - Physical data source structure (Please refer to slide
no.16 -19)
a. Oracle BI server connect to the data source By Using Connection Pool
b. What additional properties are specified in the connection pool? ( Please refer
to Slide no 18)
c. Explore the physical schema and entity relationship from the physical diagram

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4. Set the Object Checkout - Set the user preference to check out the objects

d. Double click Product table and explore the properties of the Product table
e. Double click on Brand column and explore the properties of Brand column

9. Querying the repository

a. Select Tools > Query Repository
b. In the Type field drop down, select Presentation Column
c. Query for Brand
d. From the search results, select the Brand column
e. Click on view related objects
f. Explore Brand column and its mappings through Query Repository utility

10. Explore Online Help

a. Select Help > Help Topics
b. Review the Content (This can be used as a bookshelf during configuration)

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Module 7: Building Basic Repository
1. Create New Repository
a. Go to Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration
b. Go to File > New
c. Enter 11g_BootCamp_<Initials> as the name of new RPD file

e. Save new repository

2. Import Physical Schema

a. Sample Apps Lite database includes a basic schema with Two Facts and Five
Dimension tables
b. Go to File > Import and select the OCI connection Interface to import from
c. Enter username/password if required
d. Import the database objects specified in the Sample data model
e. Expand the objects and identify primary and foreign keys within the tables
f. Double-click on the connection pool object automatically created during the
schema import
g. Specify required properties in the connection pool object
h. Update all row counts to verify the connectivity
i. Create Aliases for all Fact and Dimension tables

Create physical table joins (Use aliases for Joining) as required

k. Validate the joins via join manager

3. Build Business Model and Mapping layer

a. Select the business model and mapping layer
b. Right click and create a new Business Model, named SampleApp Lite
c. Drag physical tables into the newly created business model

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d. Provide Repository Password as Admin123

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

d. Verify that the logical joins are created automatically by dragging physical
e. Modify logical columns by giving them business relevant names
f. Organize the logical objects in the order and sequence
g. Specify the aggregation rule for the fact columns

4. Build Presentation Layer

a. Select the Presentation layer, right click in the layer and create a new
Presentation Catalog
b. Alternatively Drag and Drop the business Model to presentation layer, this
automatically creates a new presentation catalog
c. Remove unwanted columns from the presentation tables
d. Save the repository

Answer Sheet Building Basic Repository

1. Create New Repository Please refer to slide no 14

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h. Create an Target Revenue with aggregation rule as Average and name it as

Average Target Revenue

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

2. Import Physical Schema - Please refer to slides 15 28

3. Build Business Model and Mapping layer Please refer to slides 44 51

Module 8: Testing and Deploying OBI Repository

1. Check metadata consistency
a. Go to Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration
b. Go to File > Open
c. Open the RPD file created in the previous lab
d. Go To File > Check Global Consistency
e. See if there are any consistency warnings or errors
f. If there are warnings or errors, follow and fix the consistency errors

2. Set the logging level

a. Go to BI Administration tool, Click on Manage Identity
b. Go to Users
c. Select Weblogic and double click to view properties
d. Set the appropriate logging level
e. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence > Coreapplication >
f. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration, keep the Default changes and click
Apply, Restart the application.

3. Load the Repository

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4. Build Presentation Layer Please refer to slides 57 65

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

a. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence > Coreapplication >
b. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration, Load the desired Repository and click
c. Click Activate Changes button
d. Restart all Oracle BI Component Services from the EM Overview tab

a. Go to Enterprise Manager > Business Intelligence > Coreapplication >

b. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration, Provide the Catalog name in the catalog
path as 11g_Bootcamp_Initials and click Apply
c. Click Activate Changes button
d. Restart all Oracle BI Component Services from the EM Overview tab

5. Validate using Answers

a. Login to the application using the username / passwords created during the
RPD creation process
b. Go to New Analysis tab, and check which subject area you see
c. Select the subject area and create a simple request including a time, product
attributes along with the Revenue measures
d. Execute the request and review the results

Answer Sheet Testing and Deploying OBI Repository

1. Check metadata consistency Please refer to slides 11 12

2. Set the logging level Please refer to slides 13 14

3. Load the Repository Please refer to slides 15 16

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4. Create Catalog

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5. Validate using Answers Please refer to slides17 18

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4. Create Catalog See below screenshots

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Module 9: Complex Repository Modeling
1. Build Calculated metrics Average order size
a. Create a new measure column called Avg order size in the logical fact table
b. Go to logical table sources and open column mappings
c. Look for Average order size and click on expression builder

e. Drag this column into presentation table Calculated Facts

2. Build calculated metrics Target Unit Price

a. Create a new measure column called Target Unit Price in the logical fact
b. Check to indicate an existing logical column as a source
c. Select Logical columns Target Revenue and divide it Target Quantity
d. Drag this column into presentation table

3. What is the difference between the two columns created in the previous steps

4. Explore additional advanced functions in the function builder

Answer Sheet Complex Repository Modeling

1. Build Calculated metrics Average order size - Please refer to slides 10 - 12

2. Build calculated metrics Target Unit Price Please refer to slides 7 9

3. What is the difference between the two columns created in the previous steps

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d. Build calculation based on physical columns as Revenue divided by Number

of orders

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Using Physical Columns, the calculations are made first and then the aggregation
rule is applied, whereas Using Existing Logical Columns will apply the aggregation
rule and then the calculations are made.
4. Explore additional advanced functions in the function builder- Please refer to slide 13

Module 10: Advanced Repository Modeling

a) Create a new Logical column as Year Ago Revenue, Select Revenue as existing
logical column source
b) Apply Ago as a Time series function on Revenue column using Expression
c) Create Chg Year Ago Revenue and %Chg Year Ago Revenue using Calculation
d) Expose all the columns in the presentation layer
e) Verify the results

Answer Sheet Advanced Repository Modeling

1. Create a new Measure using Time Series Functions Please refer to slides 20 29

Module 11: Modeling Multiple Sources

1. Product Dimension of Sample Apps Lite subject area includes all product attributes.
We assume that the Brand and Type information is stored in the normalized
structure and are sourced from separate tables. You are tasked to model the
Product dimension table with two additional data sources that contains their Product
Type and Brand information
a. Import Type and Brand tables in the RPD
b. Create joins with Product dimension table

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1. Create a new Measure using Time Series Functions

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

c. Expand the Product logical table sources in the business model layer
d. Drag and drop Type and Brand columns OVER the Product logical table
source (Automatically creates the joins in the logical table source)
e. Verify column mapping that the Type and Brand columns are mapped to
different source tables
f. Drag these columns over to the presentation tables and make them available
for query

h. Create a simple request including Brand or Type and Product information

along with Revenue measures
i. Look at the query log and make sure that the correct tables were accessed

2. Another type of multiple source configurations involves modeling data that is

duplicated (e.g. Aggregate tables). We will cover this type in the section of
Aggregate navigation

Answer Sheet Modeling Multiple Sources

1. Product Dimension of Sample Apps Lite subject area includes all product attributes.
We assume that the Brand and Type information is stored in the normalized
structure and are sourced from separate tables. You are tasked to model the
Product dimension table with two additional data sources that contains their Product
Type and Brand information Please refer to slides 7 18

2. Another type of multiple source configurations involves modeling data that is

duplicated (e.g. Aggregate tables). We will cover this type in the section of
Aggregate navigation Please refer to Module 12: & Slides 31 35

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g. Load the repository on the server, and restart the BI component services

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Module 12: Creating Hierarchies and Level Based Measures
1. Explore the dimension data in SampleAppsLite repository and identify how many
tables will support a dimensional hierarchy

3. Identify unique columns at each level and number of unique values available at that

4. Create Dimension Hierarchy

a. Create a new dimensional object in the RPD
b. Add grand total level in the hierarchy
c. Add grand total level attribute
d. Add child level attribute
e. Add level parameters
f. Add existing dimension columns to the hierarchy
g. Create level unique keys

5. Test dimensional hierarchy

a. Create a sample request in answers including a product type column and
b. Display results
c. If you see a hyperlink on the Product Type column, this indicates that the
hierarchies are available at this column.
a. Now you can drill down on the column to see the details of the Product Type

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2. Identify the hierarchy structure in the Product Dimension

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

6. Create a level based measure called Total Product Revenue
a. Create a new measure in the logical fact table
b. Map it to an existing logical column Revenue
c. Drag and drop this column to the Grand Total level in the Product hierarchy
(This sets the content level for this column at the total dollar level
d. This gives a measure which will always show total Revenue against the
product irrespective of the level of granularity in the report

7. Create a Share measure named Shared Products Revenue in the repository

8. Create a rank measure named Rank ( Shared Revenue) in the repository

9. Drag all the columns in the presentation layer

10. Load the Metadata content to Presentation server

11. Verify results using a simple answers request

12. Verify results using the log file

Answer Sheet Creating Hierarchies and Level Based

1. Explore the dimension data in SampleAppsLite repository and identify how many
tables will support a dimensional hierarchy
Time Dimension Because it has Year, Half Year, Quarter, Month, Week Key
Products Dimension Because it has Type, LOB & Brand Key Columns

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e. Drag this column into the presentation layer and test is using answers

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Offices Dimension Because it has Company, Organization & Department Key

Brand > Line of Business > Type > Product Detail

3. Identify unique columns at each level and number of unique values available at that
TYPE & TYPE_KEY: 11 unique values
LOB & LOB_KEY: 6 unique values
BRAND & BRAND_KEY: 3 unique values
4. Create Dimension Hierarchy Please refer to slides 10 15

5. Test dimensional hierarchy See below screenshots

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2. Identify the hierarchy structure in the Product Dimension

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

7. Create a Share measure named Shared Products Revenue in the repository

Please refer slide 18

8. Create a rank measure named Rank ( Shared Revenue) in the repository

9. Drag all the columns in the presentation layer Please refer slide 19

10. Load the Metadata content to Presentation server Please refer Module 8 on how to
load the Repository and start the services

11. Verify results using a simple answers request Please refer slide 20

12. Verify results using the log file

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6. Create a level based measure called Total Product Revenue Please refer slide 17

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 13: Using Variables
1. You are tasked to create a dynamic repository variable which provides the top Office
By Revenue in the current year
a. Open the repository in the offline mode
b. Go to Manage > Variables and see the list of variables currently configured in
the repository

d. Right Click and create a new variable called TopOffice

e. Set the default initialize string for this
f. Go to the Initialization block button and select create New
g. Create a new initialization block named TopOffice
h. Set the default initialize for the initialization block
i. Specify the refresh interval as 1 (One) hour

Write an SQL to query the Office with maximum Revenue in the current year

k. Test Initialization block

l. Test Variable

Answer Sheet Using Variables

1. You are tasked to create a dynamic repository variable which provides the top Office
By Revenue in the current year

Create an additional dynamic variable CURRENT_YEAR which would capture current

year using initialization block Current Year as shown below:

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c. Go to Dynamic Repository variables

Create the Dynamic Repository Variable TopOffice and create a new Initialization
block Top Office as shown below:

SQL for getting the Office with Maximum Revenue for the current year:
SAMP_OFFICES_D.office_key = SAMP_REVENUE_F.office_key and
to_number(to_char(bill_day_dt, 'yyyy')) = VALUEOF(CURRENT_YEAR)

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Module 15: Oracle BI Security

1. Create a new user in the Administration Console
a. Go to Administration Console >Summary of Security Realms > my realm >
Users and Groups
b. Login as Weblogic/password you provided at the time of Installation

d. Create two users BCSampleUser1 and BCSampleUser2; specify the

username, password, keep the Authentication provider to Default
authenticator etc.
e. Save by clicking OK

2. Create a new user group in the Administration Console

a. Go to Administration Console >Summary of Security Realms > my realm >
Users and Groups
b. Create New Group
c. Name the first group as BCSampleGroup1
d. Select members for this group, include BCSampleUser1 to this group, along
with this add the default BI Author group to this user
e. Name the second group as BCSampleGroup2 and include BCSampleUser2
to this group, along with this add the default BI Author group to this user

3. Create Application Roles and Policies in the Enterprise Manager FMW Control
a. Go to Oracle Enterprise Manager FMW Control > Business intelligence
instance> coreapplication > Security > Manage Application roles, Application
b. Create New Application roles, specify role information
c. Name the first application role as BCSampleRole1
d. Select members for this application role, include BCSampleGroup1 to this

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c. Create New User

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e. Name the second application role as BCSampleRole2 and include
BCSampleGroup2 to this role
f. Create an Application Policy by copying an existing one BI Author (Create
g. Grant this Application policy to the Application roles BCSampleRole1 and
BCSampleRole2 we just created
h. Restart the BI component services

a. Go the presentation layer of the repository and duplicate the existing Sample
Sales Lite catalog
b. Rename the second catalog as Sample Sales Lite Exec
c. Assign permissions for Sample Sales Lite catalog and include
BCSampleRole1 role for this catalog
d. Assign permission for Sample Sales Lite Exec catalog and include
BCSampleRole2 role for this catalog

5. Add Permissions and Privileges to the web catalog objects

a. Login to the application as Weblogic user
b. Assign Permissions to Overview dashboard page and set it for one of the
application role
c. Save and log out of the application

6. Verify security model

a. Log into the application as BCSampleUser1
b. Validate that the application authenticated BCSampleUser1
c. What subject areas are listed for BCSampleUser1
d. Logout of the application and log back in as BCSampleUser2
e. Do you see any change in the subject areas available for you to work on?

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4. Create new Subject Area in the repository and assign permissions

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Answer Sheet Oracle BI Security

2. Create a new user group in the Administration Console Please refer slides 21 22

3. Create Application Roles and Policies in the Enterprise Manager FMW Control
Please refer slides 23 27

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1. Create a new user in the Administration Console Please refer slide 20

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

a. Go to Oracle Enterprise Manager FMW Control > Business intelligence
instance> coreapplication > Security > Manage Application roles, Application
b. Create New Application roles, specify role information
c. Name the first application role as BCSampleRole1
d. Select members for this application role, include BCSampleGroup1 to this

f. Create an Application Policy either by creating a new policy or copying an

existing one
g. Grant this Application policy to the Application roles BCSampleRole1 and
BCSampleRole2 we just created
h. Restart the BI component services

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e. Name the second application role as BCSampleRole2 and include

BCSampleGroup2 to this role

4. Create new Subject Area in the repository and assign permissions Please refer
slide 29

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6. Verify security model

a. Log into the application as BCSampleUser1
b. Validate that the application authenticated BCSampleUser1
c. What subject areas are listed for BCSampleUser1
d. Logout of the application and log back in as BCSampleUser2
e. Do you see any change in the subject areas available for you to work on?
Yes, BCSampleUser1 has access to only SampleAppExec Subject Area where as
BCSampleUser2 has access to only SampleApp Lite. See below screenshots.

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5. Add Permissions and Privileges to the web catalog objects Please refer slides 30

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Module 16: Cache Management and Performance Tuning

1. Verify current query log
a. Login to the application and run the BC Request from the shared folder
b. View the query log and see which tables are being accessed for the data

2. Enable Caching
a. By default the Cache is Enabled from Enterprise Manager, go to
manager>Business Intelligence>Capacity Management>Performance

3. Checking Cacheable tables

a. Open the RPD in the offline mode
b. Go to the physical layer and open the Facts physical table
c. Double click on this table to view the properties
d. Check the check mark on Cacheable
e. Set the cache persistence time as 1 hour
f. Click OK and save

4. Verify Results
a. Login to the application again
b. Run the BC Request from the shared folder again
c. Wait for some time
d. Rerun the BC Request report again and view the query log file
e. What is the difference between the previous query log and current query log

For use by Oracle employees and authorized partners only.

Do not distribute to third parties

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

c. Make a note of this

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Answer Sheet Cache Management and Performance Tuning
1. Verify current query log
a. Login to the application and run the BC Request from the shared folder
b. View the query log and see which tables are being accessed for the data

2. Enable Caching Please refer to slide 16

3. Checking Cacheable tables Please refer to slide 17

4. Verify Results Please refer to slides 20 22

Module 17: Oracle BI for Microsoft Office

1. Validate the Oracle BI office Add-In components are installed
a. Login to Oracle BI Presentation, navigate to Home page and Look for Oracle
BI for MS Office Add-In download link.

2. Download and Install the Office Add-In

a. Navigate to the above link and download the install file and choose to run
from the existing location
b. Install the required components
c. Open MS Excel and configure the client connection settings by providing all
default connection details
d. Test connection

3. Launch and use MS office Add-In

For use by Oracle employees and authorized partners only.

Do not distribute to third parties

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

c. Make a note of this

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

a. Login to Oracle BI from within MS Excel and validate that OBI catalog is
visible from within MS Excel
b. Refresh catalog and navigate within OBI catalog to Shared Folders > Sample
Lite > Order Details
c. Find out when was the report created and last modified
d. Insert the Table and Chart views in Excel, Refresh data
e. Save the report on your hard drive and close the file

4. Repeat the above steps from within Microsoft PowerPoint

Answer Sheet Oracle BI for Microsoft Office

1. Validate the Oracle BI office Add-In components are installed - Please refer to
slides 8 9

2. Download and Install the Office Add-In Please refer to slide 10

For use by Oracle employees and authorized partners only.

Do not distribute to third parties

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

f. Reopen the file and refresh data

OBIEE 11g Boot Camp Lab Exercises

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

3. Launch and use MS office Add-In Please refer to slides 11-14

4. Repeat the above steps from within Microsoft PowerPoint

For use by Oracle employees and authorized partners only.

Do not distribute to third parties

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