American West Exam Questions

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American West Exam questions

Explain two consequences (8 marks)

Exam style question:
1. Explain two consequences of conditions on the Plains.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

1. Explain two consequences of the Indians belief about land.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the Indians Appropriations Act 1851
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the American victory in the Mexican-American war.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the discovery of gold in California in 1848.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the discovery of gold in Colorado in 1858.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

twoa narrative
of the discovery of the Fort Laramie Treaty.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the opening of the first Transcontinental Railroad in 1869.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the discovery in 1871 in an eastern tannery of a process to
make high quality leather from buffalo hides.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the discovery of gold in the Rocky Mountains around Virginia
City in 1862.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the ending of the Civil War for African Americans.
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Exam style question:

Explain two consequences of the defeat of the Seventh Cavalry at the Battle of Little
Helping hand: One consequence wasThis was when This meant that x2

Write a narrative account (8 marks)

Exam style question:

Write a narrative account analysing the ways in which US government policy towards the Plains
Indians developed in the period 1835-51. You may use the following in your answer:

The Permanent Indian Frontier 1834

The Indians Appropriation Act 1851. You must also use information of your own. 8 marks.

Exam style question: Write a narrative account of the experience of the Mormons. You may use the
following in your answer:

The death of Joseph Smith.

The settlement at Salt Lake City. 8 marks.

Exam style question: Write a narrative account of the experience of the development of the
cattle industry. You may use the following in your answer:

The Civil War

The Goodnight Loving trail. 8 marks.

Exam style question: Write a narrative account analysing the development of the railroads in the
years 1860-75: You may use the following in your answer:

The Railroad Act 1862

The use of Chinese labour 8 marks.

Exam style question:

Write a narrative account analysing why Americans went west in the year 1836-49

The Oregon Trail from 1836

The California Gold Rush 1849 8 marks.

Exam style question: Write a narrative account analysing the ways in which homesteaders solved
the problems of farming on the Great Plains in the years 1862-76. You may use the following in your

The development of the railroads

The invention of barbed wire 8 marks.

Explain two of the following: (2 X 8 =16 marks)

Exam style question: Explain the importance of the buffalo to the Plains Indians
way of life.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of breading and training horses to
the way of life and means of survival of the Plains Indians.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of religion to the way of life of the
Plains Indians.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of the Indian Appropriations Act
1851 to the way of life of the Plains Indians.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of the rapid growth of mining
settlements for government efforts to bring law and order to the West.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of Joseph McCoy to the development
of the cattle industry.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of cowboys for the cattle industry.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of total war for the US armys
defeat of the Plains Indians.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of the winter of 1886-87 for the
cattle industry.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of the Dawes Act, 1887 for the way
of life of the Plains Indians.

Exam style question: Explain the importance of manifest destiny in the movement

Exam style question: Explain the importance of gold rush in the movement west.

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