The Trumpet Call: Our Vision

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

Our Vision
To challenge and encourage everyone in our
congregation to know and follow Christ by:
Growing as disciples through Christs
Connecting with one another in Christian
Serving Christ by serving others
Praising God as we worship Christ

Sunday Services and Studies

Traditional 8:30 am
Contemporary 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Discipleship Groups 9:45 am

November 27, 2016

Christmas Carols in Oberholtzer Hall

balcony on Sunday December 18, 9:309:40 and 10:35-10:45. Inviting all wind and
string players from grade 5 through adult.
Must have experience in a school band,
orchestra, or other ensemble. For easy music and time to
review, contact Pauline Fox at [email protected] .

Christmas Shops and Breakfast with St Nicholas,

sponsored by United Methodist Women, will be

held on December 3rd from 8AM to Noon.
There will be a bake shop with
Christmas packaged home baked goods , an
emporium with affordable gifts for everyone and
free breakfast for all ages , including a visit with
St Nicholas. Proceeds will go to our local
mission partners -Crisis Pregnancy, Women's Resources,
Pocono Plateau Camp, Salvation Army ,and projects of
Church Women United of Monroe County.

Pastors Corner
As I write this early in the week before Thanksgiving, I am reflecting on the Community Meal
our church hosted on Monday night. We had a huge amount of help from students and
administrators at ESU, and from the high school students, friends, and our own church
members who normally help out. We had a larger than usual number of guests at the meal.
At the end of the meal, Ana Price handed out bags of food which had come from Shoprite in
As I watched her handing out the bags of food so that the recipients would have a nice
Thanksgiving Day meal with their families, I thought back to a few weeks ago when those very same bags
were being packed at Shoprite. As you'll see in the photos below, in the one on the left, Debbie Wells and Pat
Braun are shown packing the bags with non-perishables
at Shoprite, and in the other photo, you see Ana handing
out the bags to guests on November 21. There is a lot of
satisfaction in knowing the people who are receiving these
bags are some of the neediest in our community.
However, most of the people who purchased groceries in
Shoprite and gave a $10 donation to purchase one of
these bags of food for the needy will never know who,
exactly, received their bag. They gave in faith that the money would be used wisely
and to feed someone who very much needed it. I am grateful for all those persons who donated the funds to
purchase the bags, and for people like Debbie and Pat who helped to pack all of the bags. I am truly thankful
for all the people who work together so well to help take care of the "last, lost, and least" of our community.
This coming Sunday, November 27, begins the season of Advent. With the beginning of the new church year
(Continued on page 2)

(Continued from page 1)

(yes, it begins with Advent, not with New Year's) comes a new sermon
series, culminating on Christmas Eve. The series is called, Advent
Conspiracy, and asks the question, "How did the Christmas story, one of
love, hope, redemption, and relationship, turn into one of stuff, stress,
and debt? How did we trade the best story in the world for the story of
what's on sale? Over the four Sundays of Advent, we're going to try to
turn those questions around and find our way back to what is most
important about the coming of Christ into our world. There are postcards
for you to pick up to give to friends and neighbors which offer "teasers"
for each of the Advent Sundays. Please pick up as many as you wish to
give out, because many people look for a spiritual home during the
Holidays. We'd love for them to find their way to our spiritual home! Have
a wonderful time with your family this Thanksgiving, and I'll see you on
Pastor Jim

Read the Bible in a Year

Pauls letters to the Thessalonians are thought

to be some of the first written epistles of the New
Testament. One of my favorite passages from this text gives us some
very positive and simple instructions urging us to: Rejoice always, pray
continually, and give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for
you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Today I would like us to focus on the central part of this scripture
concerning prayer. When Lyndon Baines Johnson was President, he had
several guests in for a meal at the family room of the White House. LBJ
had given the honor of saying grace to journalist Bill Moyers, a retired
Baptist minister. As Moyers began to softly pray, LBJ (who could not
understand what was being said) interrupted Moyers and said "Speak up
man! Without looking up and barely stopping in mid-sentence, Bill
Moyers replied, "I wasnt talking to you."
I remember my first Bible study many years ago. At the end of the
session the leader looked at me and asked me to pray. I paused in panic
and thought: Who me? Thats why Im here. I need to learn how to pray.
So I was searching for words, any words at all because I felt speechless.
But God answered my need when somebody else in the group said, Ill
pray. And so with our heads bowed and our eyes closed she led us in
prayer as I wondered how she came up with those special words to lift up
to God.
So how should we pray? When should we pray and how long should
the prayer last? Do we pray only during difficult times or can we pray
when we feel joy? And finally, and this is the big question: Does God
hear every prayer? These are questions that many of us may ask. These
are questions that deserve answers so we can continue to grow in our
Now let me share this with you: I believe we worship a living, loving
God who speaks to us and longs for us to respond. To pray continually
means to listen and watch for God at work; then to reply through our
words and our actions. This moves us into a deeper and deeper
relationship with God.
With prayer in place, with consistent Bible study and application of its
Truths, we are drawn ever more deeply into knowing the will of God and
experiencing the joy of fulfilled lives. So my friends, memorize this
scripture and be guided by it: Rejoice always, pray continually, and give
thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ
Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
So let us be encouraged as we read on.
Pastor Bob

The HOPE of Advent can be lost by

those who have suffered a loss or are
going through a difficult time. But help
is available. Our Stephen Ministers are
ready to provide confidential, one-toone Christian care. They will listen,
care, encourage, pray and support you.
If you or someone you know is hurting,
find out more about Stephen Ministry.
For more info visit our web page
Or callPeggy Strack
(570) 421-3280 Ext 1023

Please Help Us!

Pastor Jim, Sharon Gerberich,

Ana Price, Sonia Lopez, Bob
Rosenberger and Peggy Strack have
been faithfully providing daily visitation
coverage to Pocono Medical Center
for church members who have been
hospitalized. We now have a second
hospital in Monroe County as St.
Lukes has recently opened their
facility on Route 611. We will not be
able to go to both hospitals to check
their rosters. If you or a member of
your family is admitted to ANY
hospital, please notify the church
office, 570-421-3280. We are happy
to visit, if we are informed! Thank you
for your help!
Members of ESUMC who are no
longer able to attend church always
appreciate hearing from you. Cards
may be sent to:

Steve Trauger
1097 Joyce Lane
Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360-6997
Thank You!

Hearing Assistance
Devices are Here!
ESUMC now owns several hearing
assistance devices which can be worn to
improve your ability to hear our worship
services. Please contact an usher to pick
up your hearing assistance device and
return to an usher after use.
Healthcare Equipment available:
Canes, crutches, walkers, adult potty
chairs, shower stools, Depends and more!

Help Needed -For

the Christmas Shops and

Breakfast with St Nicholas
event, the UMW needs bakers
for cookies, breads, homemade
candy, pies, jelly and any other holiday treats
you make. ( no cakes) Help is needed on
Friday, December 3rd for setup and Saturday,
December 4th for takedown. Contact Linda
Drake at 570-424-6038 if you can help .
December Dollar Challenge will be hats,
gloves, scarves and socks for Community
Meal distribution in January. As usual, all may
be purchased at Dollar Tree. Thanks to all who
have made the Dollar Challenge a success
this year. Look for 2017 checklists in late

To Our ESUMC Church

Thank you for your
continuous support of the Hinkey/Visser
families during Toms declining
health. We are grateful for the many ways
you have reached out to us, but especially
through prayer. Know that your cards,
food, text messages, e-mails, visits, jokes,
prayers and gifts are all appreciated as
Tom continues to be in Hospice Care at
home. Indeed we can say that we belong
to the extra special branch of the Family of
God at ESUMC.

Blessings, Tom & Kathy

Read the Bible in a Year

327Ezekiel 43, Ezekiel 44, 1 Peter 2:4-45,
Psalm 132:1-18
328Ezekiel 45, Ezekiel 46, 1 Peter 3,
Proverbs 28:18-28
329Ezekiel 47, Ezekiel 48, 1 Peter 4,
Psalm 133:1-3
330Daniel 1, Daniel 2:1-23, 1 Peter 5,
Psalm 134:1-3
331Daniel 2:24-49: Daniel 3:1-12,
2 Peter 1, Psalm 135:1-12
332Daniel 3:13-30, Daniel 4:1-18, 2 Peter 2,
Proverbs 29:1-9
333Daniel 4:19-37, Daniel 5:1-16, 2 Peter 3,
Psalm 135:13-21
334Daniel 5:17-31, Daniel 6:1-28, 1 John 1,
1 John 2, Psalm 136:1-12
335Daniel 7, Daniel 8:1-14, 1 John 2:12-27,
Psalm 136:13-26
336Daniel 8:15-27, Daniel 9:1-19,
1 John 2:28-29, 1 John 3:1-10,
Proverbs 29:10-18
337Daniel 9:20-27, Daniel 10, Daniel 11:1,
1 John 3:11-24, 1 John 4:1-6, Psalm 137:1-9

338Daniel 11:2-35, 1 John 4:7-21,

Psalm 138:1-8
339Daniel 11:36-45, Daniel 12,
1 John 5:1-21, Psalm 139:1-10

Dear Congregation:
Thank you so much for the wonderful
overwhelming support of our United
States Military. The soldiers receiving
cards and notes of encouragement,
especially over the holiday season, will be very thankful. If you took the
list of names and are sending cards, please remember to sign them on
behalf of ESUMC M.O.M. (Military Outreach Ministry).
On Sunday, December 4th, I will have little toy soldiers, upon request,
for you to take home as a reminder to pray, especially for the soldiers
deployed, unable to get leave, or unable to get enough leave to travel
Again, thank you for your support. If you have a name/address to be
added, please contact me at [email protected], in person, or
570-476-5639; and as always, keep praying.
Randy Johns


Do you want to know more or have questions

about ESUMCs Mission outreach through
FAITH PROMISE? Next Sunday, December 4th,
you will have an opportunity to visit with some
representatives from the 13 Partners in Mission whom you support.
Team members will also be present to share how plans are made for
this support through your voluntary contributions.
Go to Fellowship Hall from 9:00 to noonand maybe share a light
lunch with representatives at noonto get a glimpse of the global
outreach and support shared in witness to Gods presence and caring
for many who face life-threatening or many difficult circumstances.
The outreach includes Brazil, Russia, YWAM in Cambodia, several
around the Philadelphia area, and organizations in Stroudsburg area.
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) takes you to many
places to assist following natural disasters in the U.S. and for Health
Initiatives globally. Try to name your 13 Partners! Not included this year
as a regular Partner, but with your faithful support, over $3,000 was
received for Pastor Jane Lahai from Sierra Leone.
Mission Teams went to NYC and WV to work on storm-damaged
homes. Sue and Emily Mertz went to a Navajo Reservation. Packing
food boxes was done at Second Harvest distribution Center and also in
Doylestown for Feed My Hungry Children.
Join in the conversations about all that is done through
next Sunday, December 4th, in Fellowship Hall.
9:00 a.m.12:30 p.m.

Thank You!

Linda Kissel

The OKs Annual Christmas Party is December 14 (snow

date Dec. 21), 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall.
Please bring a favorite Christmas dish to share. Ham will
be provided. Please call and tell me what you are bringing. You dont
want all desserts or do you?
The sharing gift is scarves and socks, which Ana needs for
Christmas gifts to the homeless members of our community. We can
support them.
For our game, bring 2 or 3 small items for prizes.
I hope to see everyone there.
Thanks, Erma 570-421-1422

Contact Us
Church Office
(570) 421-3280
[email protected]
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri
Jim Todd
[email protected]
Ext. 1014
Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
[email protected]
Ext. 1015
Maria Ragonese
[email protected]
Ext. 1010

Night in Bethlehem will be a unique opportunity for our church to reach out
to the unchurched in our community and teach them one of the most important
foundational stories of the Christian faith. We want to make this a very special
experience for ESUMC children and adults. We are creating a traditional Hebrew
marketplace and need your help. Please contact Erica Dorsch
([email protected]) or Liz Green ([email protected]) if you can donate
any of the following materials. Those with * are needed ASAP. We appreciate
your support
Donation List:
EZ Pop up canopies for Dec 9 -11th (in need of 4 more)
area rugs and matts
white globe string lights
solid colored flat sheets
raffia (15 packages)*
white Christmas lights
pool noodles*
green crepe paper (sheet not roll)*
floral wire*
clay pots, baskets and crocks
empty copy paper boxes (10)*
large sheets of cardboard (refrigerator or door boxes)*

Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
[email protected]
Ext. 1017

William Mack
[email protected]
Ext. 1018
SextonsJude Porter
[email protected]
Kenny Fenston
[email protected]

NA: Monday through Saturday 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Just for Today

Wednesday 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Womens Group)

Keep It Simple

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Student Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
[email protected]
Ext. 1013

Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
[email protected]
Ext. 1025

Recovery Meetings Available in The Community Room of Office

Building Basement

AA: Thursday & Saturday 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
[email protected]
Ext. 1023

Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
[email protected]
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
[email protected]
Joe Dorsch
[email protected]
Technology Support
Michael Corey
[email protected]
Ext. 1012

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