Anti Dummy Law

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Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines
Section 1. Penalty In all cases in which any constitutional or legal provisions requires Philippine
or any other specific citizenship as a requisite for the exercise or enjoyment of a right, franchise or
privilege, any citizen of the Philippines or of any other specific country who allows his name or
citizenship to be used for the purpose of evading such provision, and any alien or foreigner profiting
thereby, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than fifteen years, and by
a fine of not less than the value of the right franchise or privilege, which is enjoyed or acquired in
violation of the provisions hereof but in no case less than five thousand pesos.
The fact that the citizen of the Philippines or of any specific country charged with a violation of this
Act had, at the time of the acquisition of his holdings in the corporations or associations referred to in
section two of this Act, no real or personal property, credit or other assets the value of which shall at
least be equivalent to said holdings, shall be evidence of a violation of this Act. 1
Section 2. Simulation of minimum capital stock In all cases in which a constitutional or legal
provision requires that, in order that a corporation or association may exercise or enjoy a right,
franchise or privilege, not less than a certain per centum of its capital must be owned by citizens of
the Philippines or of any other specific country, it shall be unlawful to falsely simulate the existence
of such minimum stock or capital as owned by such citizens, for the purpose of evading said
provision. The president or managers and directors or trustees of corporations or associations
convicted of a violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than five nor
more than fifteen years, and by a fine not less than the value of the right, franchise or privilege,
enjoyed or acquired in violation of the provisions hereof but in no case less than five thousand
Section 2-A. Unlawful use, Exploitation or enjoyment Any person, corporation, or association
which, having in its name or under its control, a right, franchise, privilege, property or business, the
exercise or enjoyment of which is expressly reserved by the Constitution or the laws to citizens of
the Philippines or of any other specific country, or to corporations or associations at least sixty per
centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens, permits or allows the use, exploitation or
enjoyment thereof by a person, corporation or association not possessing the requisites prescribed
by a the Constitution or the laws of the Philippines; or leases, or in any other way, transfers or
conveys said right, franchise, privilege, property or business to a person, corporation or association
not otherwise qualified under the Constitution, or the provisions of the existing laws; or in any
manner permits or allows any person, not possessing the qualifications required by the Constitution,
or existing laws to acquire, use, exploit or enjoy a right, franchise, privilege, property or business, the
exercise and enjoyment of which are expressly reserved by the Constitution or existing laws to
citizens of the Philippines or of any other specific country, to intervene in the management,
operation, administration or control thereof, whether as an officer, employee or laborer therein with
or without remuneration except technical personnel whose employment may be specifically
authorized by the Secretary of Justice, and any person who knowingly aids, assists or abets in the
planning consummation or perpetration of any of the acts herein above enumerated shall be
punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than fifteen years and by a fine of not less
than the value of the right, franchise or privilege enjoyed or acquired in violation of the provisions
hereof but in no case less than five thousand pesos: Provided, however, That the president,
managers or persons in charge of corporations, associations or partnerships violating the provisions
of this section shall be criminally liable in lieu thereof: Provided, further, That any person, corporation
or association shall, in addition to the penalty imposed herein, forfeit such right, franchise, privilege,

and the property or business enjoyed or acquired in violation of the provisions of this Act: And
provided, finally, That the election of aliens as members of the board of directors or governing body
of corporations or associations engaging in partially nationalized activities shall be allowed in
proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such entities.3
Section 2-B. Any violation of the provisions of this Act by the spouse of any public official, if both live
together, shall be cause for the dismissal of such public official. 4
itc@law phil

Section 2-C. The exercise, possession or control by a Filipino citizen having a common-law
relationship with an alien of a right, privilege, property or business, the exercise or enjoyment of
which is expressly reserved by the Constitution or the laws to citizens of the Philippines, shall
constitute a prima facie evidence of violation of the provisions of Section 2-A hereof.5
Section 3. Any corporation or association violating any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon
proper court proceedings, be dissolved.
Section 3-A. Reward to informer. In case of conviction under the provisions of this Act, twentyfive per centum of any fine imposed shall accrue to the benefit of the informer who furnishes to the
Government original information leading to said conviction and who shall be ascertained and named
in the judgment of the court. If the informer is a dummy, who shall voluntarily take the initiative of
reporting to the proper authorities any violation of the provisions of this Act and assist in the
prosecution, resulting in the conviction of any person or corporation profiting thereby or involved
therein, he shall be entitled to the reward hereof in the sum equivalent to twenty-five per centum of
the fine actually paid to or received by the Government, and shall be exempted from the penal
liabilities provided for in this Act. 6
Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, October 30, 1936.

*As amended by RA 421, RA 134, RA 6084, and PD 715.

Words in bold in the text above are amendments introduced by RA 134, section 1, approved
June 14, 1947.
Statutory History of section 1:
Original text
SEC. 1. In all cases in which any constitutional or legal provision requires Philippine or
[United States] citizenship as requisite for the exercise or enjoyment of a right, franchise or
privilege, any citizen of the Philippines or [the United States] who allows his name or
citizenship to be used for the purpose of evading such provision, and any alien or foreigner
profiting thereby, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than [two] nor more than
[ten] years, and by, fine of not less than [two thousand nor more than ten thousand pesos.]

The fact that the citizen of the Philippines or of [the United States] charged with, violation of
this Act had, at the time of acquisition of his holdings in the corporations or association
referred to in section two of this Act, no real or personal property, credit or other assets the
value of which shall at least be equivalent to said holdings, shall be admissible as
circumstantial evidence of, violation of this act. (Ed. Note: Words in brackets were deleted in
RA 134, supra)

Words in bold in the text above are amendments introduced by RA 134, section 1, approved
June 14, 1947.
Statutory History of section 2:
Original text
SEC. 2. In all cases in which a constitutional or legal provisions requires that, in order that a
corporation or association may exercise or enjoy a right, franchise or privilege, not less than
a certain per centum of its capital must be owned by citizens of the Philippines or [the United
States, or both.] It shall be unlawful to falsely simulate the existence of such minimum of
stock or capital as owned by such citizens of the Philippines [or the United States or both,]
for the purpose of evading said provision. The president or managers and directors or
trustees of corporations or associations convicted of a violation of this section shall be
punished by imprisonment [for] not less than [two] nor more than [ten] years, and by a fine of
not less than [two thousand nor more than ten thousand pesos.] (Ed. Note: Words in
brackets were deleted in RA 134,supra.)

Words in bold in the text above are amendments introduced by PD 715, section 1,
promulgated May 28, 1975.
Statutory History of section 2-A:
a) Original text (inserted by CA 421)
SEC. 2-A. Any person, corporation or association which, having in its name or under its
control, a right, franchise, privilege, property or business, the exercise or enjoyment of which
is expressly reserved by the constitution or the laws [of the Philippines] to citizens of the
Philippines or of [the United States,] or to corporations or associations at least sixty per
centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens, permits or allows the use,
exploitation or enjoyment thereof by a person, corporation or association not possessing the
requisites prescribed by the Constitution or the laws of the Philippines; or leases, or in any
other way transfers or conveys said right, franchise, privilege, property or business to a
person, corporation or association not otherwise qualified under the Constitution, or the
provisions of the existing [Acts,] any person who knowingly aids, assists, or abets in the
planning, consummation or perpetuation of any of the acts herein above enumerated, shall
be punished by imprisonment for not less than [two] nor more than [ten] years, and by a fine
of not less than [two thousand nor more than ten thousand pesos:] Provided, however, That
presidents, managers, or persons in charge of corporations, associations or partnerships
violating the provisions of this section shall be criminally liable in lieu thereof. (Ed, Note:
Words in brackets were deleted in RA 134, infra.)
b) Words in bold in the next immediately following are amendments introduced by RA 134,
section 2, approved June 14, 1947.

SEC. 2-A. Any person, corporation, or association which, having in its name or under its
control, a right franchise, privilege, property or business, the exercise or enjoyment of which
is expressly reserved by the Constitution or the laws to citizens of the Philippines or of any
other specific country, or to corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of the
capital of which is owned by such citizens, permits or allows the use, exploitation or
enjoyment thereof by a person, corporation or association not possessing the requisites
prescribed by the Constitution or the laws of the Philippines; or leases, or in any other way
transfers or conveys said right, franchise, privilege, property or business to a person,
corporation or association not otherwise qualified under the constitution, or the provisions of
the existing laws; or in any manner permits or allows any person, not possessing the
qualifications required by the Constitution or existing laws to acquire, use, exploit or enjoy a
right, franchise, privilege, property or business, the exercise and enjoyment of which are
expressly reserved by the constitution or existing laws to citizens of the Philippines or of any
other specific country, to intervene in the management, operation, administration or control
thereof, whether as an officer, employee or laborer therein, with or without remuneration
except technical personnel whose employment may be specifically authorized by the
[President of the Philippines upon recommendation of the Department Head concerned, if
any,] and any person who knowingly aids, assists or abets in the planning, consummation or
perpetration of any of the acts hereinabove enumerated shall be punished by imprisonment
for not less than five nor more than fifteen years and by a fine of not less than the value of
the right, franchise, or privilege enjoyed or acquired in violation of the provisions hereof but in
no case less than five thousand pesos: Provided, however, That the president, managers, or
persons in charge of corporations, associations, or partnerships violating the provisions of
this section shall be criminally liable in Lieu thereof: Provided further, That any person,
corporation or association shall, in addition to the penalty imposed herein, forfeit such right,
franchise, privilege, and the property or business enjoyed or acquired in violation of the
provisions of this Act. (Ed. Note: Words in brackets were deleted in PD 715, supra.)

Inserted by CA 421, section 1, approved May 31, 1939.

Inserted by RA 6084, section 1, approved August 4, 1969.

. Inserted by RA 134, section 3, approved June 14, 1947.

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