Data Center Specification, Operating Parameters and Minimum Requirements
Data Center Specification, Operating Parameters and Minimum Requirements
General Specifications
Given the criticality and 24/7 nature of operational requirements, Tulix Systems
Colocation and Hosting Facility design meets high industry standards in accordance with
Uptime Institute Tier III Design Topology. The facility also meets the requirements of
PCI TPP DSE Data Security Standard 1.2.1. Operational Sustainability shall be no less
than 99.999%. All major power and LAN components are Concurrently Maintainable
from facility demarcation to Customer solution. Support services shall be available
24/7/365. All equipment components (CRAC, Generator and UPS) are maintained by
manufacturer certified maintenance technicians in accordance with manufacturers
The hosting facility is in compliance with the following requirements as minimums.
General Description
Customers Solution shall be housed in a Raised Floor environment Data Center with a
150 # Floor Load design minimum. All critical components are able to undergo
Concurrent Maintenance including full outage and be Fault Tolerant with N+1 Redundant
Capacity at minimum.
Power to Customers Cabinets shall consist of at least two true A/B Simultaneously
Active Distribution Paths each of which is diverse from the data center primary
switchgear through UPS, Transformer and Power Distribution Unit with completely
diverse paths. Data Center power distribution shall provide for Remote Monitoring over
Internet and Power Management. RPP/PDU shall have the capacity to feed 208 volt 3
phase power to Customers solution. Distribution Configuration shall be diverse path and
in a tray or wire way environment providing for short notice addition of power feeds to
Customers Cabinets if needed. Facility design shall provide for an average of 3kw per
cabinet. Facility UPS shall be N+1 in a 4X4 configuration with a separate and
independent 4X2 transformer allowing for both Internal and Full Failure External System
Bypass. Utility feeds contain an ATS to provide for Automatic Generator activation.
The facility is on the Grady power grid which is fed by three Southern Company Power
Stations. Data Center is fed by its own power feed independent of building feeds and has
its own Natural Gas full capacity generator. Circuit loads are measured and monitored
independently and power usage loads may be viewed by customer remotely at any time.
Climate Control
Data Center is cooled by a Raised Floor air Distribution system which provides for
complete distributed air flow regardless of individual CRAC failure or down time
maintenance. Center is based upon a Hot/Cold Aisle Design providing for even air
distribution with minimal eddy and hot points. Ducted solutions are not acceptable. All
Condenser and/or Chilled Water is routed below or external to the Data Center
environment preventing any possibility of water condensation or leakage affecting
computer room equipment. All CRAC units are Professionally Maintained by factory
certified personnel and are covered by a scheduled periodic preventative maintenance
program. CRAC units provide no greater than a 68 F discharge air temperature. Air flow
temperatures are constantly monitored and can be viewed by Customer externally via the
Fire Suppression
Fire suppression systems are Dry Chemical Halon, FM-200 or equivalent complying with
NFPA and UA requirements. Neither Dry Pipe nor Wet Pipe sprinklers are acceptable.
Fire suppression annunciation panel alarms are directly connected to First Responders
requiring no human action for notification. Systems are third party inspected by NFPA
certified technicians at least annually.
Facility Access and Security
The Data Center Facility provides secure access in accordance with industry
recommendations and PCI requirements. A Security Guard is on premises conducting
access control and rounds at all times. Data Center access is Biometric in nature to
control access to specified approved personnel. Biometric Access must be Electronically
Logged and Stored. Internal Data Center and External building Access Points are
equipped with Video Surveillance. Data Center Surveillance is both Video and Motion
Detection with monitoring available to Customer via Internet. Cabinets are 42U, HP
Quick Rail Compatible, ventilated on both front and back with secure, uniquely locked
The Data Center LAN and WAN connection is in compliance with the following
requirements as minimums.
General Description
Tulix Systems Data Center Network is Fiber Based, uses fully managed Edge and
Distribution Switches and is able to meet PCI Standard 1.1. Architecture is designed for
simultaneous processing over and above a fail over architecture such that traffic
continuously flows through primary and secondary paths. Data Center has the capacity to
provide fiber fed 1 Gbps port speeds to Customers Cabinets.
The Data Center is Multi-Homed with three independent, industry recognized Tier 1
providers supplied through fully Diverse Paths from Data Center to
Bandwidth Provider remote switches such that damage to one feed shall not
affect or damage the other. The Data Center has Multiple Edges each independently
receiving different provider connections so that failure by any provider or any Edge
Device shall not affect network performance.
Data Center LAN is connected to the Internet with a connection speed of 10 Gbps.
Distribution to Customers panel shall be by diverse path dual feeds at 1 Gbps via fiber.
All LAN Fiber is provided and installed in accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.1
across SMF Fiber with MMF fiber to the Cabinets. Fiber shall be tested in accordance
with TIA/TBS-140.
Single Point of Failure
Edge Routers and Switches shall be providing Simultaneous Processing within the LAN
as opposed to providing an inactive failover structure. Feeds are diverse and cross
connected in such a manner that the LAN has no single point of failure from the Internet
Cloud to the Customers Switches/Firewalls.
Network Management
LAN, WAN and VPN are Monitored 24/7 with traffic capture and logged record. The
monitoring system shall automatically notify via text or email of system failure or
degradation. Notification is to both Tulix Systems and Customer.
Route Optimization
Multi-Homed Bandwidth from Three Tier One Suppliers (Level 3, Telia-Sonera, Cogent)
using an Internap 10GX FCP. 45 mbps commit.
Tulix Systems Data Center connects to the Internet via direct connection to multiple Tier
1 providers with a latency of no greater than 2 ms Speed to Backbone. All feeds shall
Direct Connect from the Bandwidth Providers switch to the Data Center Edge without
intervening hops. Connection between Customers cabinets and Edge Router shall consist
of no more than two internal hops. Data Center shall be able to connect to the Application
Point via VPN or MPLS.
LAN and Internet Connection shall have a 99.999% Uptime guarantee and is able to
certify that performance over a five year period. Trouble Tickets shall be answered in no
less than 15 minutes.
Support Capacity
In that Customers house Application Servers and Storage Devices, the function of which
are critical, Tulix Systems provides support and assistance with Network Gear, Network
Feeds, Firewalls, Hardware, OS Software and Application Components. In that Tulix
Systems is Developer and ASP in addition to Facility Operator our technicians provide
smart support well above the standard qualifications of normal data center technicians.
Network Support
Data Center is able to manage and support Customers Switches, Firewall and Server
configurations including Firewall Settings for PCI compliance.
Software Technician
Tulix Systems is able to Troubleshoot, Maintain and Repair Customers and Operators
equipment onsite. A Spare Parts Inventory shall be maintained for standard server parts
including processors, memory, hard drives and NIC Cards.
Tulix Systems shall provide on staff Monitoring and Support on a 24/7/365 basis.
Additionally automated support systems shall monitor servers and applications using Get
Requests, Log Ins, Ping and HTTPS testing with automatic failure notices being
generated to Operator and Customer.
Systems Programming
Tulix Systems has on staff personnel familiar with E-Commerce Implementations who
can provide assistance to Application Provider. Operator should have at least five years
experience programming, managing and supporting e-commerce applications.
Service Mix
Green Initiatives
In an effort to promote environmentally sound policies in line with recent policy adopted
by the Federal Government; Tulix Systems is able to submit to Customer a Green
Initiative Performance Program for their operations. This program addresses the
recommendations of the Green Electronics Council and Standard Performance Evaluation
Corp. All servers and equipment meet requirements of the 80 Plus power guidelines.
Green Initiatives address the Seven Step program including Consolidation, Power
Management, Energy Efficiency, Power Supplies, Internal Barriers, EPA Standards and
Environmental Advocacy.