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Radium a key element in

early cancer treatment

An early example of how blue skies research by Pierre and Marie Curie led to the treatment of
previously incurable cancers.

One hundred years ago, in

1911, Marie Curie was awarded her
second Nobel prize, this time for
...in recognition of her services to the
advancement of chemistry by the
discovery of the elements radium and
polonium, by the isolation of radium and
the study of the nature and compounds of
this remarkable element.1

In short

In the early 1900s

radium was used to
reach deep-seated
cancers that x-rays
couldnt reach
Eventually better
treatments were
found, but radium was
used up until the 1980s

Radium and its decay product, radon,

were used in medicine for well over
half a century until being supplanted
by radioactive isotopes prepared in
nuclear reactors. This account
describes their early use.


In 1895, physicist Wilhelm Roentgen

was passing a high voltage through
an evacuated glass tube as part of his
research on cathode rays. He
surrounded his tube with a light-tight
layer of cardboard, but noticed that a
screen coated with barium
platinocyanide, some 2.5 metres
away, was fluorescing. Cathode rays
travel only about 10cm outside a
vacuum, so these must be some new
type of ray, which he called x-rays. He
found these rays could:
ionise air and discharge an
penetrate flesh and reveal internal
structures, such as bones, and
objects such as bullets,
give rise to deep-seated burns.
This last finding was discovered by
chance as the early researchers were
unaware of the energy of x-rays.
Repeated exposure damaged their
tissues, sometimes causing cancer.
In January 1896, Chicago
physician Emile Grubbe, having
noted the destructive effect of the

Fig 1

Radium therapy in
use an internal
radium applicator
to treat throat

56 | Education in Chemistry | March 2011

rays on his own skin, applied them

in the hope of burning out a
patients breast cancer. Although this
was unsuccessful, by November that
year x-rays were being used to cure
superficial cancers, such as skin
cancers, which were more accessible
to the radiation.
A month or two after Roentgens
discovery, Henri Becquerel was
working on the phosphorescence of
uranium salts. Becquerel had left
some potassium uranyl sulfate in
contact with photographic film that
was sealed in black paper to protect
it from light. On developing the film
he was surprised to find the film had
been fogged. He wrote:

If one places between the phosphorescent

substance and the paper a piece of money
or a metal screen pierced with a cut-out
design, one sees the image of these objects
appear on the negative One must
conclude from these experiments that the
phosphorescent substance in question
emits rays which pass through the opaque
paper and reduces silver salts.2

The effect, of course, was due to the

uranium itself, rather than any
phosphorescence. Nevertheless, it
was the worlds first report of
radioactivity. There were similarities
with Roentgens x-rays, which could
also blacken photographic film, and
both could discharge an electroscope,
indicating they caused ionisation of
the air.
When one then develops the
Marie Curie, working at the
photographic plate, one recognizes that
Sorbonne, Paris, decided that
the silhouette of the phosphorescent
substance appears in black on the negative. Becquerels radioactivity might prove


Alan Dronsfield and Pete Ellis



it could be cured by applying highpowered ultraviolet light. It was but a

short step to test the rays emanating
from radium salts on this disease.
Pierre Curie lent a sample of radium
sulfate, sheathed in rubber, to
Parisian physicians Henri Danlos and
Paul Bloch to do this, and they
reported their success in 1901.
Soon radium was being used,
curatively, on a variety of skin
cancers. Most susceptible were
rodent ulcers (basal cell
carcinomas). Dr J. H. Sequeira
recollected in 1915:

a fruitful field for investigation. She

used an electrometer (an
improvement on the electroscope,
though both depend on the ability of
the radiation to ionise air) to detect
and quantify the radioactivity.
Her first success, in 1898, was
finding that thorium, like uranium,
was radioactive. In the same paper
she reported that pitchblende, an
ore consisting mainly of UO2, was
three times as active as uranium
oxide, U2O5.
Correctly supposing that some
other, as yet unknown, species
was responsible for this
enhanced activity, Marie Curie
spent the next four years
isolating it from pitchblende.
Marie and her husband Pierre
named this mystery substance
radium in 1898.
Success came in 1902, when they
announced they had isolated 0.1g of
pure radium chloride, RaCl2, from
almost 3 tons of pitchblende. This was
powerfully radioactive; Pierre Curie
estimated that it was about a million
times more radioactive than uranium.
Although radiographs equivalent
to x-ray photographs could be
produced, exposure times remained
discouragingly long because radium
was then only available in milligram
quantities. Moreover, the more
highly energetic g-rays from the salt
penetrated bone better than x-rays,
reducing the contrast between bone
and flesh in the radiographs,
additionally discouraging further

William Roentgen,
who discovered

development for medical use.

Even before the pure salt had been
isolated, it was apparent that radium,
like x-rays, could burn skin and flesh.
In 1900 Friedrich Walkoff reported:
Furthermore, radium owns astonishing
physiologic properties. An exposure of the
arm to two 20 minute sessions has
produced an inflammation of the skin
which has now already lasted two weeks,
and exhibits the same aspect as obtained
after a long exposure to x-rays.3

Marie Curie

This result prompted both Henri

Becquerel and Pierre Curie to
carry out some confirmatory work
which they announced the
following year. (The fact that
Becquerel received his burn from
a test tube of radium-rich barium
chloride being transported in his
waistcoat pocket leads one to think
that the experiment was
serendipitous rather than
When describing this work in a
public lecture at the Royal Institution
in 1903, Pierre Curie suggested that
radiums ability to induce deep flesh
burns might have potential in cancer
therapy. Indeed, work on medical
applications of radium had already
started, albeit initially on noncancerous skin conditions.
Lupus vulgaris is a form of
tuberculosis that gives rise to painful
skin lesions, particularly on the face.
Previously untreatable, in 1896 the
Danish physician, Niels Finsen found

Small rodent ulcers, and especially those

which are freely moveable, react
remarkably well to radium. This agent has
a decided advantage over x-rays in certain
situations, because it can be more readily
applied....in the neighbourhood of the eye
or in the angle of the nose. As far back as
1902 I was using radium for rodent
ulcers.... The introduction of plates upon
which the radium salt is spread and then
covered with varnish has enabled us to
treat with greater ease a large number of
these superficial malignant growths.4

Burning out the cancer

For deeper-seated cancers,

inaccessible to x-rays, radium
treatment had obvious advantages, as
sources could be placed within body
In 1904 John MacLeod, a physician
at Charing Cross Hospital, was
devising radium applicators for
internal use. Fig 1 shows one designed
to treat throat cancer. The lower end
of a flexible metal tube contained a
glass phial of the radium salt. The
bobbin is made from rubber and the
patient bites on this to position the
radium accurately within the neck
against the tumour. The applicator
could also be used for uterine
...the cervix (had) a large mass of growth
with a large crater-like cavity. Twelve
exposures of half an hour each with a
strong tube...seemed to have a beneficial
effect in breaking down and diminishing
the malignant tissue.5

The prostate is a solid gland and is

subject to cancer. From 1911 it was
being treated by a thin catheter
applicator, similar to MacLeods, for
radium insertion via the urethra.
However from 1917 Benjamin
Barringer was using hollow needles

March 2011 | Education in Chemistry | 57


containing radium salts for direct,

temporary, implantation:

Suppositories, which purported to

make weak and discouraged men...
bubble over with joyous vitality; and
if these did not have the desired
effect, they could resort to the Scrotal
Radiendocrinator. This consisted of
sheets of blotting paper soaked in a
dilute solution of radium salts, dried
and sandwiched between plastic, and
then held in position by credit-card
sized rectangles of gold gauze. If you
felt the need for enhanced sexual
virility, you followed the
manufacturers advice to wear the
adaptor like any other athletic
support. This puts the instrument
under the scrotum as it should be.
Wear at night. Radiate as directed.
In truth, the very low quantities of
radium meant these products did
little harm, apart from taking money
off the gullible. More sinister was
Radithor. This patent medicine came
in 15cm3 bottles, each guaranteed to
contain two microcuries of radium
(one curie equates roughly to the
activity of one gram of 226Ra and
1mCi = 3.7x104 disintegrations per
second). Advertised as a cure for the
living dead, a USA industrialist Eben
Byers drank three bottles a day to
relieve pain in his arm sustained by
falling out of bed. Time Magazine
reported in 1932:

While many excellent results have been

obtained with radium in the treatment of
superficial cancers, the results in the
deeper seated neoplasms have not been
very encouraging, owing largely to the
difficulty of bringing the radium directly
into contact with the involved areas. It is
my belief that this is accomplished in
cancer of the prostate by exposing the
tumor both above and below and by
inserting multiple needles, containing
radium, in different directions, thus
bringing the radium into contact with the
most remote parts of the growth.6

One step up from this treatment

was the use of radon gas, a decay
product of radium. A radium cow or
sample of radium would continually
yield a supply of the nuclide. With a
half-life of only 3.8 days, radon
seeds (Rn gas contained in thin
walled gold tubing, crimped and cut
into units up to 1cm in length) could
be left permanently implanted in the
body. Their use in prostate
brachytherapy dates from 1926. The
technique is still used today, but the
radon has been replaced, typically, by
the radionuclide 131Cs (produced in a
nuclear reactor; half-life = 9.7 days).

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

Radium salts as medicines

The seemingly miraculous properties

of radium and its compounds
prompted investigations into other
potential medical uses, including:
hypertension (raised blood
pressure) using doses of 10-50mg,
pain associated with diabetic
rheumatism and gout (by drinking
spa-water, rich in radon);
pain, in cases of inoperable cancer
(subcutaneous injections of about
20mg of RaSO4);
tuberculosis of the lung, by
breathing in the emanations (radon
gas) from radium.
However, even by the late 1920s it
seemed unlikely that any of these
would be successful, as proved the
case. Nonetheless some experimental
work on relieving intractable pain by
radium is currently underway.7
Unsurprisingly, such sober
consideration did little to restrain the
manufacturers of health-foods,
patent medicines and surgical

appliances, who sought to exploit the

radioactive properties of radium (and
thorium) for a quick financial reward.
Doramads Radioactive Toothpaste
(Fig 2) claimed that radiation
increases the defence of teeth and
gums and Revigators (ceramic jarlike water containers contained a
minute source of radium continually
giving off radon) were advertised to
create healthful radioactive water.
Men were urged to take Vita Radium

58 | Education in Chemistry | March 2011

Radium needles
implanted to treat
breast cancer

For sexual virility,

wear as any other
athletic support

The dope eased the arm pain, braced

Byers up. He enthusiastically
recommended it to friends, sent them
cases of it, even gave some to one of his
horses. Last week Eben Byers died in
Manhattan of radium poisoning. Eighteen
months ago, after hundreds of drinks of
the radium tonic, he began having pains in
his jaw, severe headaches. Dr. Joseph
Manning Steiner, Manhattan x-ray
specialist, recognized in Byers condition
symptoms of radium poisoning. Young in
years and mentally alert, he could hardly
speak. His head was swathed in bandages.
He had undergone two successive
operations in which his whole upper jaw,
excepting two front teeth, and most of his
lower jaw had been removed. All the
remaining bone tissue of his body was
slowly disintegrating, and holes were
actually forming in his skull.9

Risks and safety

The early days of radium treatment

carried dangers for those handling
the radium, many of whom later
suffered from radiation-induced
cancers; and for patients, who
received imprecise doses, often either

and risks to staff in particular, saw it

replaced by short-lived isotopes of
gold and iridium (as flexible wires,
seeds, needles or removable tapes)
from the 1970s.
The use of radium itself died out by
the 1980s, being replaced by synthetic
radionuclides of shorter half-life,
produced in nuclear reactors.

key cancer treatment.

Her 1921 speech at Vassar College,
reviewing her discovery of radium,
makes the same plea for continued
funding for basic science that her
successors echo today, a century later.
One hopes that those funding pure
research will pay heed:

Blue skies success

Before radium, the only treatment for

cancer was surgical a limited
option when cancers were often
detected late. Chemotherapy was not
to develop until the 1940s.9 Today,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy and
surgery form the three pillars of
cancer treatment.
If it was not for Marie Curies
scientific curiosity and the support
for her blue skies research, and the
recognition of its therapeutic
potential, radiotherapy might have
taken decades longer to emerge as a

Marketed as a cure
for the living dead,
in 1932 one
customer died of
radium poisoning

We must not forget that when radium

was discovered no one knew that it would
prove useful in hospitals. The work was
one of pure science. And this is a proof that
scientific work must not be considered
from the point of view of the direct
usefulness of it. It must be done for itself,
for the beauty of science, and then there is
always the chance that a scientific
discovery may become like the radium a
benefit for humanity.10

Further reading
R. F. Mould has written an excellent book on the early

history of x-rays and radium therapy.11 Several of his

articles are available, free, on the Internet (a search for
Mould and radium will locate them).
The archives of the British Medical Journal are now
online, free, and a keyword search for radium specifying
the early years of the 20th century will yield a host of
information about its early medical applications.
Radioactive quack cures are well documented (and
illustrated) on the Internet.12

1. E W Dahlgren, Nobel prize presentation speech, 1911.
See http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/
2. H Becquerel, Comptes Rendus, 1896, 122, 420. See
3. Quoted in R F Mould, Current Oncology, 2007, 14, 74.
Available (free) at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
4. J H Sequeira, Brit. Med. Journal, Feb 15, 1915, 365.
5. J M H MacLeod, Brit. Med. Journal, June 11, 1904, 1366.
6. R H Herbst, J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1919, 72, 1610.
7. Radium-223 is being used to relieve pain in bone
cancer. See http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/
8. Medicine - radium drinks, Time Magazine, April 11,
1932. See http://www.time.com/time/magazine/
9. A T Dronsfield and P M Ellis, Educ. Chem., 2008, 45, 80.
10. M Curie, in a lecture given at Vassar College, May 14,
11. R F Mould, A Century of X-rays and Radioactivity in
Medicine. London: Taylor and Francis, 1993.
12. See, typically, http://www.boxvox.net/science/ and

We are particularly grateful to Dr Alan J Gray, retired

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

radiation oncologist, Wellington, New Zealand, for his

helpful advice on this paper.

Fig 2


Pete Ellis is professor of psychological

medicine at the School of Medicine and
Health Sciences, University of Otago,
Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
Alan Dronsfield is emeritus professor of the
history of science at the University of Derby.
March 2011 | Education in Chemistry | 59

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

insufficient to achieve cure; or

excessive, causing severe radiation
burns; or not sufficiently specifically
placed to maximize benefit.
The development of the Geiger
counter in 1928, which allowed
accurate measurements of
radioactivity, and publication of the
first international treatment
standards by the Christie Radium
Institute, Manchester in 1932 were
major advances in the early years.
The long half-life of radium, of
1602 years, meant that once
purchased, it was endlessly reusable
provided it was not lost, when it
would represent a significant very
long-term hazard. This was partially
addressed by the introduction of
radon in the 1940s, sealed into gold
tubes. Its half-life of only 3.8 days
meant these seeds could be left in
place after insertion. However, the
challenges of handling a gas that
could leak, causing contamination

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