Transabdominalultrasoundfor Bowelevaluation: Peter M. Rodgers,, Ratan Verma

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Tr a n s a b d o m i n a l U l t r a s o u n d fo r

B o w e l Ev a l u a t i o n
Peter M. Rodgers, FRCRa,*, Ratan Verma, FRCRb
 Ultrasound  Sonography  Bowel  Diverticulitis  Appendicitis  Crohns disease  Strategy

 Transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) of the bowel has the potential to play a significant role in
imaging strategies directed at managing acute and elective gastrointestinal disorders and their
 However, this potential cannot be achieved without the systematic provision of adequate numbers
of specifically trained personnel to match the clinical need. Imaging in acute and elective scenarios
is most effective when the prevalence of the suspected conditions is high.
 Provision of an appendicitis scanning service within limited hours or for a population largely expected not to have appendicitis or performed by operators who seldom identify a normal appendix,
is unlikely to perform to standards that justify continued provision of the service.
 Similarly, TAUS for Crohns disease needs to be a strategically supported part of a multimodality
imaging service within a multidisciplinary inflammatory bowel disease team to achieve results justifying clinical confidence in referring clinicians and patients.

Since the late 1970s, there have been many original

publications and review articles documenting the
transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) appearances
of a broad range of common and uncommon
gastrointestinal (GI) diseases.13 In earlier decades
these investigators presented their evidence,
experience, and commentary in the context of the
ubiquitous availability, affordability, and speed of
ultrasound (US) imaging. The context has shifted
with technological advances in imaging. CT and
MRI scanning are widely available on a 24-7, 365,
basis. Fast volume acquisition and multiplanar
reconstruction have improved accuracy and confidence in CT imaging. In contrast, the high level of
operator skills and experience required for TAUS
to compete with CT diagnostically in GI imaging

are rarely available outside office hours. US is notoriously operator-dependent, requiring not only
excellent general and specific technical training
and aptitude but also considerable experience of
a case-mix appropriate to the clinical differential
being considered.

In the authors practice, TAUS of the bowel begins
with a complete examination of the abdomen and
pelvis, including the solid and hollow extraintestinal
viscera. The complications of bowel disease often
extend to involve adjacent organs, the mesentery,
and peritoneal recesses (eg, subdiaphragmatic
and pelvic collections), or spread hematogenously,
particularly via the portal vein to the liver. Using
a lower frequency curvilinear probe, particular

Funding: Dr Rodgers, Dr Verma: Nil.

Competing Interest: Dr Rodgers, Dr Verma: Nil.
Radiology Department, Leicester Royal Infirmary, University Hospitals of Leicester, Infirmary Square, Leicester
LE1 5WW, United Kingdom; b Radiology Department, Leicester General Hospital, University Hospitals of
Leicester, Gwendolen Road, Leicester LE5 4PW, United Kingdom
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Radiol Clin N Am 51 (2013) 133148
0033-8389/13/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Rodgers & Verma

attention should be paid to those areas beyond the
reach of the higher frequency probes needed for
detailed interrogation of the bowel wall. This also
provides an opportunity to map the layout of the
large bowel, identified by its typical haustral
pattern, and the distribution and motility of the
small bowel. Fortunately, most bowel pathologic
findings displace bowel gas and feces, making
them stand out against normal bowel segments
(Fig. 1).
Focal bowel masses, segments of wall thickening, and dilated loops may be apparent even
at lower frequencies, but high-frequency probes
are essential to identify and characterize changes
in the layers of the bowel wall.

Puylaert4 introduced the term graded compression to describe the gradual progressive increase
in the pressure the operator applies to the probe
while making gentle sweeping movements. Done
carefully to avoid causing pain, this is an essential
technique in bowel scanning. Overlying soft tissues
are compressed, bringing the probe closer to the
bowel, gas is displaced from bowel loops to reveal
the posterior bowel wall, overlying bowel loops are
displaced from those beneath, and the compressibility and/or rigidity of normal and abnormal bowel
loops and mesenteric fat can be assessed.


A systematic technique is required to survey the
entire intestine within the abdominal cavity. Puylaert5 promoted the use of overlapping vertical
sweeps of a high-frequency probe up and down
the abdomen in the manner of a lawnmower. Additional operator techniques have been described to
examine difficult recesses, including posterior

Fig. 1. Low-frequency curvilinear probe sweep across

the upper abdomen immediately identifies abnormal
target signs of thickened small bowel (short white

manual compression and scanning in the left

lateral decubitus position to assess the retrocecal
It is the authors practice to commence the
focused examination of the bowel in the left iliac
fossa where the sigmoid colon easily may be identified crossing in front of the left psoas muscle and
over the iliac vessels (Fig. 2). This is an opportunity
to optimize scanning parameters so that the bowel
wall layers can be clearly identified while allowing
crisp observation of often brisk small bowel
The relationship between the terminal ileum,
caecum, appendix, and the right iliac fossa is less
constant. The terminal ileum should only be specified as such if seen in continuity with the ileocecal
valve. It is often advantageous to reexamine the
right iliac fossa with the patient in a left decubitus
position that allows movement of mobile smallbowel and caecum into a different position and
often reduces the amount of soft tissue between
probe and target loops. In adult female patients
transvaginal scanning may give excellent views of
pelvic small bowel loops.
If a suspicious bowel segment is identified, it
should be specifically examined for bowel thickening and alteration in individual bowel layers
(see later discussion). Extraintestinal abnormalities, such as thickened mesenteric fat, interloop
fluid, exudates, lymphadenopathy, and so forth,
should be sought. The vascularity of the abnormal
segment should be assessed with color and power


At higher frequencies, TAUS images the bowel
wall as five alternating bands of high and low echogenicity to produce a characteristic sonographic

Fig. 2. Normal left colon (short white arrows) compressed between rectus and psoas muscles with a high
frequency probe. Bowel wall layers clearly shown. IA,
Iliac Artery.

TAUS Bowel Evaluation

signature approximating to the concentric layered
histologic structure (Box 1).7
Visualization of the fine inner and outer bright
layers (interface echoes) is highly dependent on
the echogenicity of adjacent structures and is
most easily seen where there is fluid in the bowel
lumen or ascites between bowel loops.
Even at lower diagnostic frequencies in loops
further from the probe, at least the two most prominent layers are evident due to their relative thickness and high contrast: the bright submucosa
(third layer) and the dark muscularis propria (fourth
layer). The deep mucosa is of similar thickness but,
being of intermediate echogenicity, is more easily
lost against the luminal contents (Fig. 3).
The normal bowel wall is up to 2 to 3 mm thick,
varying with the state of contraction or relaxation
as do the composite layers. Small bowel folds
extend into the lumen. Jejunal folds are taller,
slightly thicker and more numerous than in the
ileum where folds are absent or sparse; in the
collapsed state at fasting US examination jejunal
folds fill the lumen.
Peristaltic waves pass along small bowel
segments at a frequency determined by multiple
factors, such as gastric distension. Because elective US examinations are usually performed after
a period of fasting, the intestines are generally
observed in a quiescent state, but some peristalsis
should be seen in healthy bowel segments.
Slung in the peritoneal cavity on a long mesentery, the small bowel is mobile and adjacent
loops are easily displaced by compression, as are
the mesenteric segments of colon. Healthy small
bowel and gas-filled colonic segments are easily
Doppler scanning demonstrates no signal in
normal bowel wall.8


The most common and striking feature of bowel
disease is wall thickening, which may be focal or
diffuse, or circumferential or segmental (Box 2).
Thickening may be due to the presence of edema,

Box 1
Sonographic gut signature

hemorrhage, inflammation, tumor growth, or infiltration. Any of these may result in the classic US
feature of an hypoechoic circumferential thickening around a strong echogenic center (lumen),variously referred to as the target sign, ring sign,
or pseudokidney sign (Fig. 4).


In diseased segments, the normal bowel layer
pattern may be preserved, exaggerated, distorted,
diminished, or obliterated. While there is overlap
between the changes produced by various pathologic processes, high-resolution TAUS provides
a unique opportunity to identify the specific bowel
layers affected, to characterize the lesions, and to
diagnose the underlying process.

When the bowel wall is thickened, the bowel lumen
is usually narrowed or strictured. An uncommon
exception to this is aneurysmal dilatation in which
the lumen in the diseased segment enlarges. This
is most commonly seen in intestinal lymphoma.
Dilatation of the bowel lumen is seen proximal to
an obstructing lesion, where it may initially be
accompanied by increased peristalsis. Dilatation
with no peristalsis may be due to late-stage
obstruction or paralytic ileus (most commonly
seen after abdominal surgery).


Most disease processes result in stiffening of the
affected bowel segments uniquely observed in
real-time TAUS as more rigid, less compressible,
less easily displaced loops, or segments with
reduced or absent peristalsis.


Normal bowel wall perfusion cannot be demonstrated by color or power Doppler techniques, so
the identification of flow indicates pathologic
perfusion (eg, hyperemia in actively inflamed


Layer 1: superficial mucosa (fine bright line)

Layer 2: deep mucosa including the lamina
propria (gray)
Layer 3: submucosa (bright)
Layer 4: muscularis propria (dark)
Layer 5: serosa (fine bright line)

Bowel wall disease may extend out to involve adjacent loops or solid organs, or be the result of
external disease involving the bowel loop. Identification of peri-intestinal fluid, collections or
abscesses or fistulous tracks, and altered mesenteric fat are important features to characterize
processes and assess local complications.



Rodgers & Verma

Fig. 3. Normal small bowel ultrasound. Graphic representation of a transverse US view of distal small bowel (A)
demonstrating the five layer structure (gut signature). Transverse US images of normal distal small bowel in contracted (B) and distended (C) states. Only the bright submucosa and dark muscularis propria are easily discernible.
(Adapted from Rodgers PM. Small intestine. In: Allan PL, Baxter GM, Weston MJ, eds. Clinical Ultrasound, 3rd ed.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2011; with permission.)

Lymph node size, shape (oval or round), echotexture (hyperechoic or hypoechoic, heterogeneous),
smooth or irregular surface, conglomeration or
matting, should be documented because these
may aid in narrowing the diagnosis.

Acute appendicitis is the most common indication
for urgent abdominal surgery and one of the most
common causes of acute abdominal pain. It is
more prevalent in older children and young adults.

Box 2
A useful checklist for TAUS bowel examinations
 Bowel wall thickness
 Altered gut signature
 Bowel lumen
 Bowel plasticity



 Altered blood flow

 Mesenteric and/or interloop changes


In most cases, this is the result of luminal

obstruction usually by a fecalith or appendicolith.
A variety of less common causes include lymphoid
hyperplasia, parasites, and primary and secondary
tumors. Continued secretion in the presence of
obstruction results in lumen distension, mucosal
ischemia, and necrosis. Consequences may
include bacterial invasion, transmural inflammation, full-thickness infarction, and perforation (in
about 20% of cases).
The high mortality and morbidity rate associated
with appendiceal perforation in the pre-antibiotic
era produced a policy of early surgical intervention
based on clinical assessment. The typical clinical
presentation is of vague central or epigastric
abdominal pain with anorexia progressing to
nausea and vomiting, followed by migration of the
pain to the right lower quadrant, and accompanied
by fever, leukocytosis and rebound tenderness.
Atypical presentations are not infrequent, so symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests only have
a moderate accuracy in predicting appendicitis.
This policy is still widely practiced even though
between one in five and one in three of the
removed appendices will be healthy9,10 and
despite more than 20-years evidence of the potential for diagnostic imaging to reduce the number of
unnecessary appendectomies.11,12

TAUS Bowel Evaluation


Fig. 4. Pseudokidney appearance of a right colon

cancer (white arrows) in an 80-year-old male with
abdominal pain and anemia.


Using the graded compression technique, the
appendix is identified as a thin, blind-ending tube,
with the typical gut wall sonographic signature, in
continuity with the cecal pole, rising a couple of
centimeters below the ileocecal valve (Fig. 5).
The appendix varies greatly in size (average 8 cm;
range 124 cm) and position (pelvic or descending
and retrocecal being the most common).13 US
visualization of the normal appendix is difficult
and often only partial (Fig. 6). Identification rates
for the normal appendix in a population not presenting with suspected appendicitis varies widely
and is related to numerous factors including technique, operator experience, examination time,
and patient body habitus.

Fig. 5. Long section of normal appendix; a thin, blindending tube with clear gut signature (white arrows)
compressed between rectus and psoas muscles.

In early publications, the dominant sonographic

criterion for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
was the identification of a noncompressible blindending tube with a maximum outside diameter
(MOD) greater than 6 mm. More recent studies
have shown a wide range of normal appendiceal
diameters extending above 6 mm and demonstrated lumen distension by impacted feces and/
or air, such that this threshold diameter is unreliable unless included with other sonographic signs
of appendiceal or extra-appendiceal inflammation
(Box 3, Fig. 7).14,15
Requiring at least two of these criteria to be
present together with significant clinical evidence
of acute appendicitis reduces the number of false
positive diagnoses (Fig. 8A, B and Fig. 9).
Early reports identified the presence of an appendicolith as a reliable indicator of inflammation. This
is not the authors experience; we see appendicoliths frequently in asymptomatic patients (Fig. 10).
In a minority of cases, the appendiceal inflammation will be focal and may be overlooked if the
entire appendix is not visualized.16 In focal appendicitis the appendix may not exceed the 6 mm
The performance of US in identifying the perforated appendix is reduced but may most reliably
be identified by loss of the hyperechoic appendiceal wall layer (indicating transmural inflammation)
and loculated periappendiceal or pelvic fluid
collections18 (Fig. 11).
The negative predictive value of a scan in which
the appendix is not identified differs widely across
studies but is more reliable when the operator
regularly identifies a normal or abnormal


It is still common practice in the United Kingdom
for patients presenting with typical features of
acute appendicitis to be taken directly for laparoscopic appendectomy. The only adult patients
routinely referred for preoperative imaging are
those with atypical features (ie, patients who are
less likely to have appendicitis and younger
women referred for exclusion of a gynecological
basis for their presentation because there can be
considerable cross-over of the clinical presentation of this patient group). However, an excellent
gynecological sonographer may have no training
in bowel US. This strategy provides a poor casemix for training sonographers to identify all confidently excluded appendicitis.



Rodgers & Verma

Fig. 6. Partial views of normal appendix. (A) Axial section showing normal gut signature (black arrowhead). (B)
Long oblique section showing appendix (white arrowheads) deep to an adjacent ileal loop (long white arrows).

Prospective comparative studies of the performance of CT and US in acute appendicitis favor

CT. The diagnostic value of graded compression
US has a summary sensitivity of 0.78 and
summary specificity of 0.83. The diagnostic value
of CT has a summary sensitivity of 0.91 and
summary specificity of 0.90.19
The investigators of this meta-analysis and
many others relegate US to the first-line test for
children and younger or pregnant women to avoid
ionizing radiation.20,21 However, equivocal CT
findings are a significant problem with up to onethird of these having acute appendicitis.22 TAUS
can usefully be used as an adjunct to CT in equivocal cases.23
A key difficulty with any US-based strategy is the
availability of sufficiently skilled operatives to offer
reliable results within an acceptable timeframe.
Imaging to reduce the negative appendectomy
rate should not be bought at the expense of
increasing perforation rates, which relate to the
time since onset of symptoms. A potential solution
is specific TAUS training of personnel who are not
radiologists, such as emergency department
personnel, but other studies demonstrate that
these high-performance values for US and CT are

not being matched in day-to-day use in a mixture

of clinical settings.24,25 Valid concerns are also
raised about potential delays to surgery that need
addressing in strategic planning.
Factors in underperformance issues include
training and experience, particularly of staff scanning after office hours. This problem may have
been underestimated by retrospective studies in
which out-of-office-hours cases were managed
without imaging and prospective studies in which
similar exclusions were made.
A stratified approach commencing with US
using a high-frequency probe and proceeding to
CT for inconclusive cases has been recommended.2628 Low-dose CT techniques and/or limited
scan areas have been demonstrated as effective
while reducing radiation.29

Box 3
Sonographic criteria for appendicitis
Noncompressible blind-ending tube
Lumen distension (MOD >6 mm)
Wall thickness greater than 3 mm
Loss of gut signature
Hyperemia on Doppler scanning
Hyperechoic periappendiceal fat-thickening
Local transducer tenderness

Fig. 7. Appendicitis: false positive sonography. A

53-year-old female with right iliac fossa (RIF) pain.
TAUS-identified appendix in region of pain. Maximum
outer diameter 7.8 mm. Echogenic fluid in lumen
(long arrow). Gut signature intact. No other cause for
symptoms. Appendectomy within 24 hours. Normal
appendix at histology.

TAUS Bowel Evaluation

Fig. 8. Acute appendicitis. (A) Long section distended (10 mm MOD), noncompressible appendix with tip appendicolith (long arrow). (B) Wall thinned with no gut signature indicating ischemic necrosis. Acute suppurative
appendicitis confirmed post-resection within 24 hours.

A consensus seems to be forming around

a selective, combined US, or low-dose CT
approach. Local solutions will vary but, although
the chosen imaging strategy is driven by the
primary objective of surgical removal of every inflamed appendix (to reduce the rate of perforation),
it needs to be benchmarked against performance
indicators, including the negative appendectomy
rate and the perforation rate.
A current meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials supports a paradigm shift to antibiotic treatment of uncomplicated appendicitis.30
This would shift the burden of imaging from identifying a normal appendix to identifying those cases
in which complications had already risen.


When imaging is applied to patients with suspected
acute appendicitis, identification of alternative

diagnoses is an essential outcome. The most

common differentials are acute diverticulitis, gynecological causes, and mesenteric adenitis (in children). However, prospective studies identify
a wide range of less frequent mimics (Table 1)
and their US features have been well documented.31 These include a variety of conditions,
such as epiploic appendagitis, in which surgery is
to be avoided and where the advantage of having
an US operator is that he or she may be guided to
the pathologic finding by local tenderness (Fig. 12).

Acute colonic diverticulitis is a common reason for
acute hospital admission. Clinical differentiation
from nonspecific abdominal pain and a range of
acute abdominopelvic pathologic findings is
inexact (Table 2) and imaging is used in most
cases although 85% will recover with nonoperative

Fig. 9. Acute appendicitis. (A) Long section showing appendiceal wall thickening with gut signature intact. (B)
Axial section of thickened enlarged appendix tip with loss of signature and hyperemia on power Doppler.



Rodgers & Verma

Table 1
Alternative diagnoses made by US in the
absence of acute appendicitis

Fig. 10. Appendicolith. Axial image showing the

appendix lumen distended by echogenic material
with an acoustic shadow. An incidental finding in
a man with no related symptoms.

treatment.32 Heavy reliance is placed on CT for

reasons considered previously and with less
constraint by concerns about radiation. However,
TAUS is highly sensitive and specific for uncomplicated acute diverticulitis and for the primary
complication of pericolic abscess.33

Most colonic diverticula are false diverticula
containing no muscularis propria. The diverticula
wall consists of mucosa-submucosa blown out
through defects in the muscularis propria. These
occur at weak points in the colonic wall, generally
at the site of entry of a blood vessel. Diverticula are
most commonly seen in sigmoid colon where they
are often associated with other typical features of

Fig. 11. Perforated appendix. Low-frequency sonogram showing axial sections of the appendix surrounded by loculated fluid (white arrow heads)
contained by increased hyperechoic mesenteric fat



Ovarian or paraovarian cyst

Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
Inflammatory bowel disease
Obstructing ureteric calculus
Ruptured ovarian follicle
Hip effusion
Transplant pyelonephritis
Small bowel obstruction


Data from Trout AT, Sanchez R, Ladino-Torres MF. A critical

evaluation of US for the diagnosis of pediatric acute
appendicitis in a real-life setting: how can we improve
the diagnostic value of sonography? Pediatr Radiol

Fig. 12. Epiploic appendagitis. A 24-year-old male

presenting with acute left iliac fossa (LIF) pain. Blood
normal. TAUS showed the focus of tenderness to be
a noncompressible, moderately hyperechoic 15 mm
mass (white arrows) adjacent to the left colon (arrowhead). No intervention was required.

TAUS Bowel Evaluation

raised inflammatory markers; and are less likely
to have nausea and vomiting.32

Table 2
Alternative diagnosis in 47 of 175 patients
clinically suspected of having diverticulitis
Epiploic appendagitis
Urinary tract infection
Pelvic Inflammatory disease
Ischemic colitis
Infectious enterocolitis
Perforated carcinoma
Small bowel obstruction
Ulcerative colitis
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
Musculoskeletal pain
Crohns disease
Nonspecific colitis
Small bowel infarction


Data from Hollerweger A, Macheiner P, Rettenbacher T,

et al. Colonic diverticulitis: diagnostic value and appearance of inflamed diverticula-sonographic evaluation. Eur
Radiol 2001;11:195663.

diverticular disease (eg, muscularis propria thickening, shortening, and narrowing of the lumen).
Diverticula vary in size from tiny intramural and
transient phenomena to permanent protrusions
up to several centimeters in diameter, and rarely
much greater. The prevalence of diverticula
increases with age, affecting 50% of patients
over 70 years old.
Retention of fecal matter within a diverticulum
may produce mucosal abrasion resulting in infection or inflammation of the diverticulum wall (diverticulitis). The process may produce a focal
intramural inflammatory mass or abscess, infiltrate
along the bowel wall to produce an inflammatory
bowel segment, and perforate into sigmoid mesentery where the process is usually contained.
However, perforation can cause intraperitoneal
contamination that is associated with a much higher morbidity and mortality. The incidence of diverticulitis increases with the duration of diverticulosis.

Sonographic features of diverticulosis include
 Diverticula appear as bright ears out with
the bowel wall with acoustic shadowing due
to the presence of gas or inspissated feces
 A thinned diverticular wall may be demonstrated at higher probe frequencies with
a reduced gut signature due to the absence
of muscularis propria (Fig. 13).
 The neck of a diverticulum may be identified
as an echogenic band traversing hypoechoic muscularis propria that is often


An isolated inflamed diverticulum is identified as
an enlarged echo-poor protrusion from the colon
wall, with an ill-defined margin surrounded by
echogenic noncompressible fat. The diverticulum
wall signature is lost. A central shadowing echogenicity may indicate the presence of fecalith.34
Often the inflammation will have extended into
the bowel producing asymmetrical or circumferential hypoechoic mural thickening that may
demonstrate hyperemia on Doppler scanning.
Diverticulitis may progress to an intramural or pericolic abscess indicated by an anechoic collection
that may contain pockets of air or debris (Fig. 14).

Compared with patients with nonspecific abdominal pain, those with diverticulitis are more likely
to have subacute onset of pain (>1 hr), tenderness
to palpation only in the left lower quadrant, and

Fig. 13. Sigmoid diverticula. Two thin-walled, gasfilled, reduced gut signature outpouchings (long
arrows) through the thickened muscularis propria of
the sigmoid colon (short arrow).



Rodgers & Verma

therapy but 90% of patients will require surgery
within 10 years of diagnosis.35


Fig. 14. Acute diverticulitis: pericolic abscess. Echopoor pericolic collection (short arrows) containing
central bright gas echo. Asymmetrical thickening of
muscularis propria (long arrow).


CT scanning is essential for investigating complicated diverticular disease especially where there
are diffuse signs and clinical suspicion of secondary
peritonitis. CT has advantages when the diagnosis
is wide open and patient factors, including age,
preclude serious concerns about radiation exposure. However, in most uncomplicated cases the
experienced sonographer may quickly confirm
a diagnosis guided by the clinical signs. If TAUS is
to be recommended in premenopausal women,
a place in the general strategic approach to acute
diverticulitis should be considered.

Crohns disease (CD) is a lifelong inflammatory GI
condition of uncertain cause characterized by
episodes of remission and relapse. The inflammatory process may extend through all the bowel layers
and beyond, resulting in intraperitoneal disease and
involvement of adjacent bowel loops and/or organs.
CD may involve any part of the GI tract and may
involve multiple segments at the same or different
times. Large bowel, ileocolic, and terminal ileal
disease are most common patterns with the
terminal ileum being involved in up to 75% of
cases at presentation. Proximal small bowel CD
without terminal ileal involvement is seen in only
3% of cases.
Management depends on characterizing the
behavior of lesions into the subtypes inflammatory, stenosing, fistulating, and/or penetrating.
The disease course may be modified by medical

There are about 87,000 people with CD in the

United Kingdom and most are referred to hospital
for evaluation.35 In the authors practice, the investigation of new suspected cases of inflammatory
bowel disease, known cases with complications,
or cases at critical therapeutic decision points are
decisions made and reviewed within a multidisciplinary team of gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, and clinical specialist nurses. Acute cases,
often critically ill and presenting out-of-office hours,
almost invariably undergo CT scanning. Given the
increasing concern about lifetime radiation exposure to these patients, it is the authors practice to
minimize the use of CT at all elective presentations.
The authors use focused bowel US as the primary
imaging modality in new presenters and for assessment of known cases of small bowel CD with symptomatic relapse. When there is a mismatch between
the US findings and the clinical indicators, the MR
enterography or small bowel barium studies have
a useful additional role.

Patients with CD may present at any age but most
commonly present in their late teens and early
adulthood. Diarrhea of more than 6 weeks duration, abdominal pain, and weight loss are the
most common presenting symptoms. The young
patient with right iliac fossa pain and a mass may
easily be misdiagnosed as having acute appendicitis. Blood and/or mucus in the stool generally
indicate colonic involvement. Perianal fistulas are
present in 10% of patients at presentation.


US has a well-documented role in diagnosing CD,
assessing and monitoring disease, and identifying


The primary imaging feature of CD is thickening of
the bowel wall and US has shown to identify wall
thickening in patients with suspected CD with
a sensitivity of 75% to 94% and a specificity of
67% to 100%.39
Most studies have used a 4-mm threshold for
thickening in nondistended bowel. Moving this
threshold affects the sensitivity and specificity;
however, any thickening must be interpreted in
the context of other changes.

TAUS Bowel Evaluation

Inflammatory lesions may be confined to the
mucosa, or mucosa and submucosa, resulting in
thickening of these layers alone. Thickening of
these layers may be judged in comparison with
the muscularis propria, which, in health, is the
thickest layer in all states of contraction.
Isolated thickening of the mucosa may be
accompanied by interruption of the lumeninterface echo (layer 1), due to sloughing of the
mucosal surface, and/or tiny bright echoes, due
to gas in mucosal ulcers (Fig. 15).
The dark-bright strata may be preserved,
blurred, or obliterated. The latter usually indicates
transmural inflammation and may be accompanied
by irregular mixed hypoechoic inflammatory
exudate on the serosal bowel surface. These
changes may be circumferential or focal (Fig. 16).
Inflamed and normal bowel may be identified on
the same axial circumference (skip lesion) and
strongly indicates CD (Fig. 17).
These patterns indicate the progress of the
disease through the bowel wall40; pattern 3, indicating transmural inflammation, may be accompanied by complications.38

Transmural inflammation stimulates proliferation
of mesenteric or subserosal fat, which creeps
around the inflamed bowel segment, a distinguishing characteristic of transmural CD (Fig. 18).

Fig. 15. Mucosal CD terminal ileum. A 22-year-old

female presenting with alternating bowel habit with
bright red rectal bleeding and abdominal pain.
TAUS showed thickening of the terminal ileal mucosa
and blurring of the submucosa (short arrows) with
mucosal ulceration (long arrow). The muscularis propria appears normal (arrowhead). Ileocolonoscopy
showed mild ileitis and a few small ileal ulcers.

Fig. 16. CD transmural inflammation. 26-year-old

male with known ileo-colic CD presenting with
increasing right iliac fossa pain worse on leg extension. TAUS demonstrates ileal wall thickening with
a focal segment of hypoechoic transmural inflammation (long arrow), creeping hyperechoic mesenteric
fat (short arrows) and inflammatory exudate on the
serosal surface (star).

Fat-wrapping correlates with histologic evidence

of transmural inflammation and associated
complications such as fistulation.38

Actively inflamed bowel segments have an
increased blood flow that may be demonstrated
with color Doppler or power Doppler imaging
(Fig. 19). Studies have shown this phenomenon
to be helpful in distinguishing active inflammatory
lesions from fibrotic strictures and in monitoring
response to medical therapies. The use of US
contrast media may further increase the
diagnostic confidence by quantifying this

Fig. 17. CD colon skip lesion. Young male presenting

with several months rectal bleeding and weight loss.
Axial US image of colon in LIF showing a transmural
inflammatory skip lesion (arrow heads) adjacent to
normal thin bowel wall with normal gut signature
(long arrow).



Rodgers & Verma

Fig. 18. (A and B) Ileocecal and sigmoid CD: the 24-year-old male presenting with RIF pain, blood mixed with stool
and raised inflammatory markers. (A) Transmural hypoechoic thickening of the terminal ileum with creeping fat
(arrowheads). (B) LIF axial image showing a thickened, contracted large bowel with hypoechoic disruptions of
the submucosa (short arrows). Subsequent colonoscopy was limited by Crohn stricture in the left colon.

Active intestinal CD is usually accompanied by
lymphadenopathy in the mesentery.

Transmural inflammation is a hallmark of CD,
resulting in the local complications of stricture,
abscess, and fistula. US is useful in detecting these
complications but, as with all imaging modalities,
may miss subtle enteroenteric fistulas.42

inflammatory segments (hot strictures) and in

segments where fibrosis dominates (cold strictures) (see Fig. 18B). Spasm and edema
contribute to the narrowing of active disease
segments and may rapidly respond to medical
therapy. Persistent symptomatic stricture is the
most common indication for surgery. In addition
to clinical assessment, laboratory results, and

Narrowing of the bowel lumen sufficient to
produce impaired intestinal function and obstructive symptoms may be seen both in active

Fig. 19. CD TI power Doppler: power Doppler indicates hyperemia with flow seen clearly in a vessel
running within the submucosa (short arrows).

Fig. 20. CD peri-intestinal abscess. Acute transmural

ileal inflammation with echopoor fluid and bright
gas bubbles passing through a wall defect (long
arrow) into an adjacent collection (arrow heads) contained within creeping fat.

TAUS Bowel Evaluation

Fig. 21. (A) CD enterocolic fistula: US. Angulated ileal (short arrow) and colon (long arrow) loops connected by
echo-poor fistula (arrow heads) with moving, bright, gas echoes in real-time. (B) CD enterocolic fistula: CT. Sameday CT scan confirms an inflammatory mass involving small and large bowel extending onto the posterior pelvic
brim. A tiny gas bubble marks the fistula.

Fig. 22. Non hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) jejunum. A 76-year-old male presenting with weight loss, abdominal
pain and vomiting. (A) Coronal CT image showing a greater than 10 cm segment of continuous thickening of
proximal small bowel (long arrow) with local lymphadenopathy (short arrow). Malignant or inflammatory differentials were considered and US was performed to characterize the lesion. (B) Long image from the middle of the
lesion shows low/mixed echo circumferential thickening (arrowheads) and bright gas in a deep ulcer (long
arrow). (C) Axial image showing preservation of the gut signature with mucosal and submucosal thickening
and blurring. Doppler showed vascular flow in the submucosa. At endoscopy the mixed features of raised edges
and complex ulcers left the diagnosis unclear. However, biopsy and subsequent resection showed enteropathyassociated T-cell lymphoma.



Rodgers & Verma

endoscopic findings, imaging makes a significant
contribution in distinguishing between the two.
Active inflammatory strictures are hyperemic
compared with normal bowel and with fibrotic
strictures. Color and power Doppler demonstrate
no vascular activity in healthy bowel wall but
both demonstrate the increased flow in inflamed
bowel wall and inflammatory masses.

overlap with other intestinal pathologic findings

(Fig. 22). It is strongly recommended that imaging
in inflammatory bowel disease be practiced in the
setting of a multidisciplinary team in which clinical
events, laboratory results, endoscopy, and histology can inform the selection of the appropriate
imaging modality and interpretation of the imaging




Transmural inflammation extending out to and

beyond the serosal bowel surface may be seen at
US as irregular mixed low-echo inflammatory
exudate on the serosal surface, a mixed lowecho inflammatory mass between bowel loops, or
an irregularly thick and walled collection with
a liquid center (abscess). Abscesses may form
between bowel loops or in adjacent structures
such as the abdominal wall (Fig. 20).

In up to one-third of patients, penetrating fissures
can extend to create an abnormal communication
between the lumen of the diseased bowel
segment and adjacent bowel loops or any adjacent hollow organ (eg, uterus, bladder).
The communication between adherent bowel
loops may be difficult to identify and underestimated by all imaging modalities. At US fistula are
identified as irregular tubular hypoechoic tracks
(Fig. 21) and, occasionally, may demonstrate
small hyperreflective air bubbles within.43 However, the presence of adjacent indrawn, angulated
bowel loops connected by mixed hypoechoic
inflammatory exudate is highly suspicious of

Disease Activity
Management decisions in CD depend on estimates
of disease activity. Clinical assessment and laboratory results are central and are commonly used to
monitor therapeutic responses. However, symptoms may be due to factors other than active
inflammation (eg, cold strictures, bacterial overgrowth) and US may usefully contribute to assessment of disease activity by documenting the
vascularity of lesions with color or power Doppler.
Current research suggests accuracy may be
improved by the use of intravenous contrast

Differential Diagnosis
Caution is required in interpreting any of the above
imaging findings because there is considerable

TAUS of the bowel has the potential to play

a significant role in imaging strategies directed at
managing acute and elective GI disorders and
their mimics.
However, this potential cannot be achieved
without the systematic provision of adequate
numbers of specifically trained personnel to match
the clinical need. Imaging in acute and elective
scenarios is most effective when the prevalence
of the suspected conditions is high.
Provision of an appendicitis scanning service
within limited hours or for a population largely expected not to have appendicitis or performed by
operators who seldom identify a normal appendix,
is unlikely to perform to standards that justify
continued provision of the service.
Similarly, TAUS for Crohns disease needs to be
a strategically supported part of a multimodality
imaging service within a multidisciplinary irritable
bowel disease team to achieve results justifying
clinical confidence in the referring clinicians and

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