Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

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Critical Issues in Business Success

and Failure
Program Support Notes by:
Samantha Eddy Bachelor of
Education (Social Science)
Produced by:
VEA Pty Ltd
Commissioning Editor:
Sandra Frerichs B.Ed, M.Ed.
Executive Producers:
Edwina Baden-Powell B.A, CVP.
Sandra Frerichs B.Ed, M.Ed.

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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

For Teachers
The success of a business relies on many varied and important factors. The old adage fail to plan
and you should plan to fail rings true. This program investigates and outlines the factors which are
required to ensure the success of a business and the things that businesses do wrong, which lead to
failure. The main factors that are addressed are the business plan, technology, finance and
marketing. To assist in highlighting what businesses can do to survive, business people from varied
fields share some advice on what helped them succeed.


The business plan - A map for success

Trend analysis - Why do businesses fail?
Management - Staffing and team
Balancing finances
Maintaining competitive
End program

Related Titles
Management Roles Planning, Organising, Leading, Controlling
Playing Your Part 1 Diversity in the Workplace
Playing Your Part 2 Workplace Relationships
Starting an Online Business Small Business Management Series

Recommended Resources

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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Student Worksheet
Initiate Prior Learning
1. Brainstorm and mind map the factors you think contribute to the success and failure of a business.
Write the success points in blue and the failure in red.
2. Define and discuss your understanding of a business plan and its purpose.
3. Using a local business (or perhaps a scenario invented by your teacher), research some basic
information such as: location, competitors, products, innovations, concerns. Construct a SWOT
analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). As a class, discuss why a SWOT
analysis is an important tool for businesses.
4. As a class or in a small group, work collaboratively to pinpoint a business or organisation that is
needed in your local community. Use the following steps.
Step 1: brainstorm your favourite shop outside the community they live in
Step 2: Are there any existing businesses that are similar?
Step 3: What 5 businesses can the students agree are suitable for their community?
Step 4: Students complete a short survey to hand out to their year group/ select classes/ school
which asks from the 5 listed businesses which ONE would they like to have in their community?
As a group or individually, present a business plan, including a design of the business, SWOT
analysis, financial plan, marketing plan, likely human resources requirement and what technology
would be utilised.
5. Rank the following from most important (1) to least important (6) to the success of a business.
financial planning _________
business plan _________
marketing _________
human resource management _________
technological implementation _________
research and development _________
Explain your reasoning.
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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Active Viewing Guide

The business plan a map for success
1. What is a business plan?

2. Outline the relationship between the business plan and finance.


3. Circle which type of goals a small to medium business might focus on.



4. According to Ben Skarrasbrek, when planning financial management what three things should your
aims be?

5. Identify the important role technology plays, as suggested by Alexi Terrov.

Trend analysis why do businesses fail?
6. List the top five reasons businesses fail, from most common to least common

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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

7. From your list above, select one of the common reasons for failure and suggest a way that a
business could avoid falling into that pitfall.

8. a) What is a SWOT analysis?


b) Why is a SWOT analysis a useful tool for businesses?

Management staffing and teams
9. Consider what Danielle Stephenson has to say about client relationships. From the program and
using your own knowledge distinguish between repeat customers and referral customers.

10. What is identified as the reasons why having too few staff is a problem.
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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Balancing finances
11. From the following terms and using the information in the DVD as a guide sequence the order of
what might occur when there is a cash flow issue

Not able to pay debts

loan or overdraft
overextend finance
profits dont cover costs
be in a situation where you now have to pay back a loan
cover your costs and try to make a profit
dont have working capital


12. How does a budget assist in the business plan?

13. What is the advantage of a bottom up budget?

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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Maintaining competitive advantage

14. Circle from below what is suggested as ways in which a business can remain competitive
Offer different products
Be smarter than your customers
Good robust information between all involved
One person doing all the work
Efficient service
Good use of technology
Offer customers obsolete products

15. a) What are business ethics?


b Why is it important to have ethical behaviour in business?


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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Extension Activities
1. Return to your ranking of the following, from before the program:
financial planning
business plan
human resource management
technological implementation
research and development
a) Have your ideas changed since watching the program? Why?
b) If your ideas havent changed, what parts of the program confirmed your opinions?
2. Students spend more time on the business they constructed before the task, make some
adjustments and present to the class. Students evaluate the success or address the chance of
failure might be for each presentation
3. Using ICT, research a successful business online (suggestions could include Billabong, Coke,
Starbucks, Apple). Construct a table outlining the factors that have contributed to the businesses
4. As a class, allocate 30-60 minutes of prime-time television viewing per student. If possible, cover
all the commercial channels over several days. During their allocated time, each student should list
the commercials that were aired and note whether they were familiar brands or products. At the
end of a week (or the available time period), as a class, discuss how effective is marketing in the
success of a business? Consider the type of medium (i.e. television), the target market for the
commercials, the time of day they were aired, the program they appeared during, etc.

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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Suggested Student Responses

Initiate Prior Learning
1. Brainstorm and mind map the factors you think contribute to the success and failure of a business.
Write the success points in blue and the failure in red.
2. Define and discuss your understanding of a business plan and its purpose.
Answers will vary but should include:
A blueprint providing an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business and
outlining its operations, organisation and direction for the future
3. Using a local business (or perhaps a scenario invented by your teacher), research some basic
information such as: location, competitors, products, innovations, concerns. Construct a SWOT
analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). As a class, discuss why a SWOT
analysis is an important tool for businesses.
Answers will vary but basic structure of SWOT analysis should be integrated including
4. As a class or in a small group, work collaboratively to pinpoint a business or organisation that is
needed in your local community. Use the following steps.
Step 1: brainstorm your favourite shop outside the community they live in
Step 2: Are there any existing businesses that are similar?
Step 3: What 5 businesses can the students agree are suitable for their community?
Step 4: Students complete a short survey to hand out to their year group/ select classes/ school
which asks from the 5 listed businesses which ONE would they like to have in their community?
As a group or individually, present a business plan, including a design of the business, SWOT
analysis, financial plan, marketing plan, likely human resources requirement and what technology
would be utilised.
Answers will vary; the teacher could revisit the outcome after the presentation
5. Rank the following from most important (1) to least important (6) to the success of a business.
financial planning _________
business plan _________
marketing _________
human resource management _________
technological implementation _________
research and development _________
Explain your reasoning.
Answers will vary; the teacher could revisit the outcome after the presentation

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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Active Viewing Guide

The business plan a map for success
1. What is a business plan?
A formal statement outlining a set of goals, why these goals are achievable, how they will
be achieved.
2. Outline the relationship between the business plan and finance.
The plan sets out what is the goals of the business the finances determines how and if they
are achievable
3. Circle which type of goals a small to medium business might focus on.



4. According to Ben Skarrasbrek, when planning financial management what three things should your
aims be?
Measureable, specific, achievable
5. Identify the important role technology plays, as suggested by Alexi Terrov.
Maintaining and access to all records
Trend analysis why do businesses fail?
6. List the top five reasons businesses fail, from most common to least common
Lack of management experience (most common)
Poor record keeping
Fluctuations in cost
Overuse of credit
Under-capitalisation (fifth most common)
7. From your list above, select one of the common reasons for failure and suggest a way that a
business could avoid falling into that pitfall.
Answers will vary but may include: developing a record-keeping system that all staff
understand and must follow; building some excess into estimated budgets to allow for cost
fluctuations; etc.
8. a) What is a SWOT analysis?
A SWOT analysis identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a
b) Why is a SWOT analysis a useful tool for businesses?
It can increase the businesses chance of success by helping them avoid common
mistakes and identify why each of these are important or relevant to the business.
Management staffing and teams
9. Consider what Danielle Stephenson has to say about client relationships. From the program and
using your own knowledge distinguish between repeat customers and referral customers.
A repeat customer is a customer that returns consistently, a referred customer is a
customer that has been directed to the business by a satisfied customer and adds to the
customer base.
10. What is identified as the reasons why having too few staff is a problem.
People are put under pressure and may not deliver a product properly
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Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

Balancing finances
11. From the following terms and using the information in the DVD as a guide sequence the order of
what might occur when there is a cash flow issue

Not able to pay debts

loan or overdraft
overextend finance
profits dont cover costs
be in a situation where you now have to pay back a loan
cover your costs and try to make a profit
dont have working capital
(1) Overextends finances
(2) Profits dont cover costs
(3) Not able to pay debts
(4) Not have working capital
(5) Loan or overdraft
(6) Now have to pay back a loan, cover your costs and try to make a profit

12. How does a budget assist in the business plan?

A budget keeps track of finances and allows for future investment
13. What is the advantage of a bottom up budget?
A bottom up budget involves the actual people who do the work of the business (e.g. line
managers) telling upper management what their needs are, which means that the budget is
more likely to accurately reflect the actual requirements of business.
Maintaining competitive advantage
14. Circle from below what is suggested as ways in which a business can remain competitive
Offer different products
Be smarter than your customers
Good robust information between all involved
One person doing all the work
Efficient service
Good use of technology
Offer customers obsolete products
15. a) What are business ethics?
Business ethics is doing the right thing, honest, fair and appropriate behaviour when
dealing with customers, suppliers, employees and other people who interact with the
b Why is it important to have ethical behaviour in business?
If a business lacks ethics they will quickly lose customers and word will spread in a
negative way. They could also be investigated.
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