Eng Short Stories

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From Africa


From Asia

Name: Hanis Alia Bt. Haslizul Sham

Class: 4 Ibnu Battuta

College Number: CB165206

Homeroom: 4 Ibnu Battuta 1
Date of Submission: 04/05/2016
Class Teacher: Sir Firdaus

Stories From Africa


The Rubbish Dump Steve Chimombo

The Rubbish Dump is set near an international airport
in Malawi, Joey is a small boy who loves the planes that
land and take off near his home. He spends much of
his free time at the airport watching the planes and the
passengers. There is a large rubbish dump near his
house, and Joey makes friends with Mazambezi , the
rubbish collector. This old man collects the rubbish
from the airport brings it, in an old wheelbarrow, to the
rubbish pit. Mazambezi gives Joey a broken toy plane.
Joey keeps this a secret from his mother because she
has forbidden him to go near the rubbish pit. The
friendship between Joey and Mazambezi is
strengthened as they discover that they both love the
planes and the world which they reveal, through the
rubbish the planes leaves behind.

Joey had interest in the aeroplane, he always watch
them fly against the airport balcony. One day he met
Mazambezi, the rubbish collector
Mazambezi gave Joey a toy plane with AIR RHODESIA
written on the side. He took it and ran away as he
didnt want to be friends with Mazambezi.
Joey met Mazambezi to show that he is thankful
towards him. The become friends and share the same
interest about aeroplanes
He also knew that Mazambezi is a human being after


A young boy who lives in a house near to Malawi


A curious boy, he wonders about places around the

Has interest in aeroplanes


An old man who works as a garbage collector

Has the same interests as Joey

Not liked by everyone else in the village because of

his occupation

Joeys mother

A strict person, she does not like Joey to go to the

rubbish dump
Joeys father

Likes to drink alchohol beverages a lot and will end

up drunk after drinking

Joey does not like it when he is drunk


Mother scolded Joey for playing at the rubbish dump

in fear of him getting dirty and sick
Joey had to hide the toy aeroplane in fear of him
getting scolded by his mother
Joey felt disgusted by Mazambezis appearance
when he first met him
Joey learnt more things about the aeroplane from


Seeing things with different eyes

Waste not, want not.


The airport balcony

The rubbish pit
Joeys house

Moral Values

Do not judge a book by its cover, a person's job

or appearance doesnt reflect their personality
or attitude
We must always help people who are in need
We must be friends with everyone without
judging them
We should be grateful with what we have

South Africa

Cardboard Mansions Farida Karodia

Cardboard Mansions tells the story of Dadi-Ma, who
lives with her grandson in a flimsy shanty house in
South Africa. She has had a hard life, coming to South
Africa from India as a young woman, and loosing her
husband and three of her sons to tuberculosis. She
moved to Port Elizabeth to look after her youngest son,
Sonny, and his sickly wife. The birth of Chotoo, her
grandson, brings new meaning to Dadi-Mas life, and
she becomes the centre of his world, especially after
the death of his mother. Sonny is imprisoned after a
fight, and Dadi-Ma can no longer pay the rent. She
looks back to a happier time, when she lived with a
friend near Durban, in a house with fruit trees in the
garden. Dadi-Ma decides to return to her friend in
Stanger, and give her grandson a healthy lifestyle she
wants for him. She takes Chotoo to Durban on the train

but the city has changed, and the the house where she
lived with her friend has been pulled down. The story
ends with Dadi-Ma falling ill, while Chotoo realises that
things will never be all right again.

Dadi-Ma calling Chotoo, her grandson and talk to him
about moving to Stanger. Dadi-Ma has not pay the rent
for months, so Mr. Naidoo, the owner of the building
ask them to move out if they still cannot pay rent.
Neela, Chotoos mother, died because of a disease and
Sonny, Chotoos father is in jail due to a crime he
committed. Dadi-Ma is the only family that Chotoo has
right now.
Rising Action
Throughout their journey to Stanger, Dadi-Ma
reminisced how she used to live in Stanger with her
good friend, Ratnadevi. She hopes that she could stay
with her at Stanger. She felt that moving there is the
right move for Chotoo to breathe clean air and just run

When she arrived in Stanger, everything is so different.
The market and the bus stop that she use before were
no longer there. In the bus Dadi-Ma asked a woman
direction to Ratnadevis house. She is surprised to see
that the house is no longer there and is replaced with a
big mansion.
Falling Action
Dadi-Ma sat in front of a big house that used to be
Ratnadevis house. She sat there for a while because
she is so tired. She felt some pain.
Knowing that Dadi-Ma is the only family that Chotoo
has, he is worried for Dadi-Ma and he knew then that
things would never be all right again.


A kid that doesnt like to be left behind

Obedient, dutiful child


A loving grandmother

Protective over her grandchild

Work hard to give her grandchild a normal life


An abusive father

An unresponsible son and father

A drunk


When Dadi-Ma arrives in Stanger, everything is so

Dadi-Ma is surprised to see that the house is no
longer there and is replaced with a big mansion.


The strength of family bonding

A kid who loves her grandmother very much


The little shanty home

In the bus
Under the tree
The mansion

Moral Values

We should appreciate what we have in life

We should love and respect each other
We should never be abusive and always be


Leaving M.G.Vassanji
Leaving is set in Tanzania, and tells the story of a
mother who has brought up five children alone after
the early death of her husband. She is ambitious for
her two youngest children, and sells the family store to
move to a quieter part of town, to allow them to study
more easily. An ex-teacher visiting from America
inspires Aloo, the youngest son, to apply to study
medicine at a university in America, instead of
accepting the offer from his local university to study
agriculture. Aloo wins a scholarship to an American

university, and is devastated when he realises his

mother wont allow him to accept it. But eventually,
after a discussion with one of the school officers, his
mother comes to accept the idea. The narrator, Aloos
sibling, describes a new awareness of the mother as a
person who has always put her children first. Aloos
first letter home, from his stop-over in London, ends
with the contrast between his new freedom and his
mothers sadness, not knowing whether her son will

In the short story Leaving, the main character Aloo
dreams of going to America to study. The events
leading to the realization of his dream are revealed
through the eyes and mind of Aloos older sibling, the
narrator of this tale.
After Aloos sister, Razia gets married and leaves
home, their mother sells her shop and they moved up
to Upanga, a remote part of town. She wants her two

youngest children to have a better life instead of

helping her in her store.
Rising Action
Aloo spends time with Datoo, an ex-teacher at their
local school who moved to America and returns for a
visit. Aloo starts dreaming about going to study in
America. He writes to American universities to apply
for a scholarship. A famous university offers Aloo a
Mother says that there is no money to send him to
America. She accuses Aloo of being a disloyal son for
wanting to leave her. Aloo is very sad.
Falling action
Mother goes to Mr Velji for advice. He confirms that the
scholarship is a great opportunity for Aloo. After
thinking about it, mother relents and finds the money
to send Aloo to America. Before giving in, she makes
Aloo promise not to marry a foreign wife and to stay
away from bad habits.
Aloo writes home from London where he has stopped
to visit an old schoolmate. The letter reveals his
fascination with the foreign land.


The youngest child in the family

Finishing secondary school

A smart student -achieved all As in the school exam


Became a widow at the age of thirty-three

Ran a shot business in the town
Changed with age -from a smiling and pretty woman
to one who is worried and unsmiling, deep lines on
her face, less hair, a rounder body and a voice no
longer soft


Aloos elder sibling

A university student


Aloos mother wants Aloo to stay near her in Africa

Aloo wants to decide his own future and his own
Aloo doesnt want to disappoint his mother and ruin
the great relationship he has with her
Aloos mother doesnt want to lose her son
Aloos mother doesnt want Aloo to lose his sense of
traditions and values

Leaving and letting go
The storys tittle Leaving reveals the theme of the
story. Aloo wants to pursue his dream to study
medicine in America. To realise his ambition he has to
leave his country, his home, his family and his mother.
For him, leaving is his desire, but for his mother, letting
him go is a sacrifice.
Mother has never believed in leaving her family
behind. When her husband died and left her alone with
five children, she choose to stay with her children
rather than remarry and lose them. This was her
sacrifice. She is angry that Aloo wants to leave her and
she is worried that she will lose him. He may never

In the end, her love for her child wins over her need to
keep him at her side. She finds the money and lets
Aloo go to America. She could have made Aloo stay,
but she chooses to let go because his happiness is
more important than hers.

Physical settings

Kichwele Street/ Uhuru Street -noisy, busy part of the


Central part of Dar es Salaam, the commercial

capital of Tanzania

Upanga -a very quiet place, countryside, only a few

houses, no streetlights, a lonely, frigthening place
Social Settings

Present day Tanzania, Africa.

Moral Values


Stories From Asia


Flame Ha Jin
Nimei received a letter from her ex-lover, Hsu Peng
after seventeen years telling his attention to visit her
and her family. Due to that, Nimei thought Hsu Pengs
intentions are to seek revenge because Nemei got
married to some other guy or simply because Hsu Peng
want to get together again with her. Therefore, Nimei
work hard to make her life better than the past as she
didnt want Hsu Peng to see her life now. She starts
exercising everyday and arranged her garden to
appear more presentable to Hsu Peng. At the end of
the story, Hsu didnt show up, instead he ordered two
soldiers to bring the parcel to Nimei. It broke her heart
because she was already filled with expectations.


Nimei received a letter from her ex-lover, Hsu Peng
after 17 years of getting married which stirred up
excitement in Nimeis heart.
Rising Action
She started to take care of her appearance and her
house by doing some exercises, dying her hair, putting
down a brick floor for her yard and bought two large
pot of wild roses.
Nimei achieve her target by asking Director Liao for her
husbands promotion which made her feel more
confident to meet Hsu Peng.
Falling Action
During the expected visiting day, Hsu Pend didnt show
up but instead he sent a parcel and oil container
through his subordinates.
Nimei felt disappointed and resentful because Hsu
Peng literally got his revenge by breaking up with her.


Thick and roundish body, fat face, wore glasses, grey


Bossy, obedient
Hsu Peng

High army commissioner

Nimeis ex-lover

Have a grudge against Nimei

Jiang Bing

Nimeis husband

Loves Nimei
Nimeis mother

Old school

Loves her son-in-law


During the expected visiting day, Hsu Pend didnt

show up
Hsu Peng literally got his revenge by breaking up
with her.

Loves flame
Nimeis love towards Hsu Peng was concealed since
Nimei had to marry Jiang Bing, but now the loves
flame reignites when she got Hsu Pengs letter.


Central Hospital

Peace Avenue

Nimeis house

Snake Mouth Lake

School playground

Moral Values
Be thankful for what you have
Nimei was never pleased with her husband, therefore,
she always treats him poorly. Despite having a happy
family, she still hope to reconcile with her ex-lover,
making efforts just to bring old memories back.


Tanjong Rhu Minfong Ho

Mr T.W Li is a businessman who lives in Singapore. The
day after his mother's burial Mr Li is in his modern
office, feeling tired and worried. As he looks out of the
window through a pair of binoculars to count the ships
in the harbour. He recalls some recent events. The first
is his mother's visit to his office. Ah-ma wants to visit
his office and use the binoculars to see Tanjong Rhu
where they used to live a long time ago. On the day of
the visit, Mr Li's daughter is impatient with Ah-ma for
taking her time over a ritual at the family altar, Mr Li
dutifully scolds his daughter for being rude to her
grandmother. At the office Ah-ma cannot see the
harbour properly. However, she remembers the happy
days at Tanjong Rhu when her son was a child. Mr Li
then recalls visiting Ah-ma in the hospital and how he
scolded Ying who he thought was not treating her
grandmother with proper respect. Mr Li realises that he
ought to take care of the altar now that his mother is
gone. He hurries home to the altar rooms to perform
his duty as a fillial son.

In this story, the main character Mr Li is thinking about
the past events. The flashback techniques is used to
tell us some key events that happened before his
mother's death
The day after Mr Li's mother was buried, he is in his
office feeling sad and anxious. Using the binoculars
that he bought for his mother, he looks out of the office
window and counts the ships in the harbour.
Rising action
Mr Li recalls the day that he presented the binoculars
to his mother to let her see better. She wants to use
them so see Tanjong Rhu, their old home, from his
office. She takes a long time to complete her ritual in
the altar room before leaving to go to the office. Ying,
her granddaughter is impatient with her. Mr Li scolds
her for being rude. At his office his mother cannot see
what she wanted to see. However, she remembers
their happy life at Tanjong Rhu.
Mr Li has a sudden longing to return to his roots. He
feels guilty that he has never talked to his mother
about the past. He recalls visiting her at the hospital
where she lay dying. He wants to ask her about his
childhood but she cannot answer him. He feels
frustrated and takes it out on Ying. Father and
daughter argue. They are interrupted my Ah-ma trying

to tell them about the key to the altar.

Falling Action
After Ah-mas death, it dawns on Mr Li how important
tradition is. He realises that he must now take care of
the family altar. Mr Li performs the ritual of paying
respect to his parents at the altar. He is unable to find
joss sticks to complete the ritual. He does not know
where his mother hid the key to the locked drawer.
Mr Li whispers to his mother that he remembers
Tanjong Rhu. For a moment he is overcome by
emotions, but then he feels foolish and leaves the
room quickly.

Mr T.W, Li

Also called Ah-wah by his mother and Edward by

his wife

A 63-year old Singaporean businessman

Successful and wealthy, proud of his success

Has humble beginnings -grew up in a little wooden

hut in Tanjong Rhu

Mr T.W. Lis mother

Yings grandmother, Popo

Mother of nine children, grandmother of thirty-four

and great-grandmother of seventeen

Small, thin, with grey hair and a bent back


Mr Lis daughter

Going to further her studies in New York


Mr Li scolds Ying for being rude.

Mr Li feels guilty that he has never talked to his
mother about the past.
After Ah-mas death, it dawns on Mr Li how
important tradition is.


The conflict between traditional and modern values

and beliefs
The importance of remembering ones roots

Physical settings: Singapore
Social settings: Modern day Singapore; early 20th
century Singapore

Moral Values

Being true to yourself

Respect for elders
Family love


In The Mountains Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

Ruth Prawer Jhabvala In the mountains deals with
Pritam, a woman in her thirties who has chosen to
isolate herself in the mountains. Pritam is different and
wishes to stay different. She does not try hard to look
like her mother, even if it is for a little while. Her
mother looks upon her with despair. However, she
stays with Pritam even though Pritam tells her that she
will not be comfortable.
Pritams neighbour is Dr. Sahib who does not exactly
look presentable but often spends time with Pritam.
Pritams mother finds it hard to like him and totally
disapproves of him., especially when she knows they
spent the winter together. Pritams mother tells her
that her cousin, Sarla and her husband are also
coming. This news seems to unsettle Pritam who then
says that anyone can come and stay. That night she is
unable to sleep and visits her neighbour Dr. Sahib who
talks to her about previous lives of people.

The family arrives at Pritams house and Pritam is

happy that they enjoyed her food. Her mother is
annoyed that Pritam pays attention to Bobby, the
cousins husband. She also asks why Pritam didnt invite
Dr. Sahib. This leads on to an angry scene between the
mother and daughter. She escapes from her mother to
go to her favourite haunt. Bobby joins her there and
they talk about their past. They had had common
interests and companionable days. Bobby feels that
there is no other person he can talk to like Pritam. Her
relatives then leaves for Simla. Pritam calls Dr. Sahib
over for dinner.

Pritam is still in her thirties and lives by herself on a
mountain side in India. Her mother visits her and is
saddened to find that she has stopped caring about her
appearance. The next day, the rest of her family would
be stopping for a visit before continuing their annual
trip to Simla. Pritams mother disapproves of her
daughters way of life, yet she wants to stay with her
daughter when the other members go on to Silam
Rising Action
Dr. Sahib, Pritams neighbour, drops in. Pritams
mother does not approve of him; he is small and looks
shabby. His own family has given him money just to
keep him away from them.

During the night, Pritam goes to talk to the doctor and

ends up talking the whole night. When her family
arrives the next day, her mother scolds her harshly for
not inviting the doctor to the party, causing Pritam to
run out of the house. When Bobbby, her cousins
husband, comes out, Pritam calls him. They used to
have serious talks together. They talked about the
Falling Action
When they return to the party, the others are glad to
see Pritam. Pritams mother still insist on staying with
Pritam. Pritam explains to her that she would have
none of the comforts that she used to, but still
determines to stay on, so Pritam agrees.
After the guests had left, Pritam calls the doctor friendthey will eat together as friends do.


A woman in her thirties

Does not care about her appearances, looks shabby.

Quarrels easily and rebellious as she cannot accept

anything that she doesnt like

Pretends that she is in a relationship with Dr. Sahib

Seems to have liked Bobby who married her cousin,

Sarla 8 years ago.
Pritams mother

Very middle-class in her lifestyles

Well-dressed and a contrast to her daughter

A loving mother because she stays with Pritam even

thought she wants Pritam to go back home.

Disapproves Dr. Sahib who does not meet her

Worries about public opinions and social customs

Dr. Sahib

Small, shabby and dirty.

One eye was blacked out

Stays with Pritam during winter because his roof fell


His family was ashamed of him and they gave him

some money and made him stay away from them.

No one is sure if he really is a doctor

Loves reading and is a strong believer of


Very sensitive and have a soft spot for Pritam.


Sarlas husband and has been married for 8 years

Good-looking and seems more manly to Pritam

Seems happy to see Pritam and tells her that he has

not found anyone liker her

He married Sarla and driven Pritam away from home


Priams mother scolds her harshly for not inviting the

doctor to the party
Pritams mother does not approve of Dr. Sahib
Mother tells Pritam that her cousin, Sarla and her
husband are also coming. This news seems to
unsettle Pritam


Traditional customs are important in an Indian

middle class society
Values of society are too conservative


Mountain side
Pritams house

Moral Values

Love among family members

One must reach out to other people in the society

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