Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids: Trung-Dung Dang, Arghya Narayan Banerjee, Quang-Tung Tran, Sudipta Roy

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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

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Fast degradation of dyes in water using manganese-oxide-coated

diatomite for environmental remediation
Trung-Dung Dang a,n,1, Arghya Narayan Banerjee b,n,1, Quang-Tung Tran a, Sudipta Roy c,n

School of Chemical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 1st Dai Co Viet, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam
School of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 712-749, South Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering and Processing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom

art ic l e i nf o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 2 February 2016
Received in revised form
24 April 2016
Accepted 3 June 2016
Available online 6 June 2016

By a simple wet-chemical procedure using a permanganate in the acidic medium, diatomite coated with
amorphous manganese oxide nanoparticles was synthesized. The structural, microstructural and morphological characterizations of the as-synthesized catalysts conrmed the nanostructure of MnO2 and its
stabilization on the support - diatomite. The highly efcient and rapid degradation of methylene blue and
methyl orange over synthesized MnO2 coated Diatomite has been carried out. The results revealed
considerably faster degradation of the dyes against the previously reported data. The proposed mechanism of the dye-degradation is considered to be a combinatorial effect of chemical, physicochemical
and physical processes. Therefore, the fabricated catalysts have potential application in waste water
treatment, and pollution degradation for environmental remediation.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Manganese oxide
Methylene blue
Methyl orange
Rapid degradation

1. Introduction
Dye from textile, printing industries and other commercial
activities have been a focus of environmental remediation in the
last two decades [13]. Dye-containing waste has been considered
as an important source of water pollution because dyes are highly
toxic, and colored water is undesirable. In addition, some synthetic
dyes are carcinogenic, and difcult to degrade [2].
Methylene Blue (MB) and Methyl Orange (MO) are two of the
normal and popular dyes which were used in industry. MB belongs
to the thiazine class of dyes. It has many uses in a range of different elds and used as a photosensitizer, an antioxidant, an antiseptic, a stain for xed and living tissues. It is also used as an
organic dye to color cotton, wool, acrylic bers and silk. However,
it can result in permanent burns to the eyes of human and animals,
nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, mental confusion and methemoglobinemia [4].
MO is a good representative of aromatic azo (N N), dyes,
which constitute about half of the total world dye market. Azo
dyes are also a major class of synthetic organic compounds released by many industries such as paper, plastic, leather, food,
cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Among environmental

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T.-D. Dang), [email protected],
[email protected] (A.N. Banerjee), [email protected] (S. Roy).
Equal contribution.
0022-3697/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

pollutants, azo dyes including MO make up a signicant component of organic pollutants in general. Furthermore, such compounds are recognized as potential carcinogens [1,3,5].
Due to these concerns a variety of research has been performed
in recent years to degrade MO and MB from waste waters. Some
physical methods have been tested without adding any material
but using solar irradiation, ultrasonication or generation of radio
frequency plasma in water solution [6]. But traditionally, functionalized and nanosized materials such as Na2SO3, MgO, ZnO, copper, silver doped ZnO, ferric tungsten or nanoscale zero-valent iron
particles [3,711] etc. are added for degradation or decolorization
of these dyes. The most popular catalyst for MO and MB degradation is TiO2 nanomaterial, which are used solely or with
some additives like H2O2, under solar irradiation [1,2,1216]. But
the disadvantage of TiO2 is that that the material is costly and
being a large band-gap material, its photosensitivity is limited to
the wavelengths below 400 nm, i.e. to the ultraviolet region only,
which comprises less than 5% of the overall solar energy spectrum
Therefore, attention has shifted to nd new and cost-effective
low-bandgap catalysts which function in the visible-light-driven
region, thus expanding the solar photocatalysis into the visible
portion of the solar radiation. In this respect, manganese oxide
(MnO2) and its composites are considered to be highly promising
catalysts for dye degradation, due to their low bandgap (direct
bandgap  2 eV or less [18]). MnO2 which are well known as a
strong adsorbents of metal ions, is naturally found in soils, aquifers

T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

and sediment, and therefore cost-effective. In addition, MnO2 can

be synthesized using oxidation of Mn(II) in basic solution [19],
oxidation by MnO4  [20], O2, K2S2O8, and H2O2 [21], or reduction
of MnO4  using different routes [2226].
In this study, a composite of amorphous MnO2 and diatomaceous earth, prepared via a simple wet-chemical method, is used to
catalytically degrade MB and MO at ambient conditions. Diatomaceous earth (so-called diatomite or bio-silica) is a non-metallic,
highly porous, and chemically inert mineral, composed of skeletal
remains of single-cell water plants [27]. Due to its microporous
structure and chemical properties, diatomite has been widely used
as lter [28], adsorbent [2931], insulating material [32], energy
storage [3337] catalyst support and natural insecticide [36,37].
Diatomite and diatomite coated MnO2 have been used to remove heavy metal and many colored dyes from aqueous solution
[3841]. Methylene blue, reactive black and reactive yellow were
removed by physicochemical process - adsorption by diatomite
and crystalline MnO2 (birnessite)-coated diatomite [4244]. The
mechanism for removal was either due to the insertion/intercalation of dye molecules within the inter-layer spacing of superlattice birnessite or the adsorption at the surface of manganese
oxide-coated diatomite via charge transfer process.
However, for environmental applications, the degradation of
these toxic compounds into non-toxic products is very important.
There are some reports about the degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB)
and an azo dye - acid orange (AO7) by using amorphous manganese
oxide-coated diatomite [44,45]. In our previous study, we have
presented the degradation of RhB via MnO2-bio-silica nanocomposites [44]. The mechanism for removal is based on the production of
hydroxyl radicals by the reduction of Mn(IV) to Mn(II), which can
oxidize the organic dyes efciently. In this work we have tested the
ability of MnO2/Diatomite to degrade two different types of dyes:
Methylene Blue (MB) - Methyl Orange (MO). A novel mechanism of
the degradation kinetics is proposed, which consists of a chemical,
physicochemical and physical process. Most importantly, the dye
degradation time is found to be comparatively shorter than the
previous reports [45], indicating the high efciency of the as-synthesized catalysts for organic waste management.


AdvanceBruker X-ray diffractometer with Cu-K radiation (40

KV, 30 mA) and a Lynx-eye position sensitive detector. Field
emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, JEOL JSM-7600F)
and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were utilized to
characterize the surface morphology. A high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM, JEM - 2100F) at 200 KeV eld
emission electron gun in Schottky mode was employed to determine particle size. The surface areas of the samples were
measured using a Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) ASAP 2420
(Micromeritics) system.
2.3. Conrmation of catalytic activities
The catalytic activity of the as-prepared control MnO2 and
MOCD is studied in order to evaluate their effectiveness in degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) and Methyl Orange (MO) from
aqueous solution at ambient conditions (room temperature  25 C
and atmospheric pressure). Firstly, the 0.1 mM MO and 0.06 mM MB
stock solutions are prepared by dissolving 0.033 g of MO and
0.02 g of MB in 1000 mL DI water and stirred for 30 min. Then,
10 ml of the dye stock solutions are placed in 50 mL beakers followed by addition of the solid samples (catalysts).
A series of solid samples of 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10.0 and 12.5 mg was
added to the stock solution, and then each mixture was stirred (in
normal light) for 30 min at ambient conditions (for catalysis) at a
pH value of 5 and then allowed to settle for 10 min. To get the
optimized time for catalysis, the above-mentioned degradation
experiment is conducted for different times and it was observed
that the decolorization of the dyes (MB and MO) were nished at
30 min. The mixtures were centrifuged twice at 3000 rpm for
10 min to separate the catalyst from solution, and then the centrifuged solution (supernatants) was kept in the dark before further analysis using UVvis spectrophotometer (Agilent 8453,
United State, HUST) to estimate the dye degradation performance.
A separate set of dye degradation experiments with uncoated
diatomite was not necessary because, it has been shown that bare
diatomite did not degrade the color of dyes [44].

3. Results
2. Experiments
3.1. Catalyst characterization
2.1. Synthesis of the catalyst
The catalyst was synthesized using the following steps. At rst,
a solution of 0.1 M potassium permanganate (Sigma-Aldrich, 99%),
was prepared using distilled water. A separate solution of 6.0 M
hydrochloric acid (Sigma-Aldrich) was also prepared. Secondly, 1 g
of diatomite (Sigma-Aldrich, used as received), was mixed in
10 mL potassium permanganate solution. Then 2 ml of 6.0 M HCl is
added to this mixture drop-wise. After the mixture has been
stirred at room temperature for 4 h, amorphous manganese oxide
(MnO2) is formed on the diatomite, which is then separated, washed ve times with DI water and then dried at room temperature
for 48 h. The approximate weight ratio of coating material (MnO2)
on the surface of diatomite was 1.6. A separate set of process steps
were carried out without adding any diatomite. In this case
amorphous MnO2 was precipitated from the solution. This is referred to as control MnO2, and was used to compare the performance of manganese oxide coated diatomite (MOCD). The detail of the synthesis process is furnished elsewhere [44].
2.2. Characterization
The control MnO2, uncoated- and MnO2- coated diatomite are
characterized by x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) using a D8

The SEM images of the uncoated and MOCD prepared by the

process mentioned above are shown in Fig. 1. The Fig. 1a shows the
structure of the uncoated diatomite which is high-porosity skeletal-remain of single-cell water plants. The surface morphology and
high porosity of this bio-structure can be used as the template to
cover other functional materials for diverse applications. Fig. 1b
shows the image of diatomite after the immobilization of the
amorphous MnO2. The thickness of the coated MnO2 is controlled
by changing the weight ratio of the coating material - KMnO4 and
the substrate - diatomite. The optimum ratio to get a uniform,
smooth, and stable coating layer is found to be 1.6 which was
reported previously [44]. Inset of 1(b) represent the magnied
version of a single pore of diatomite coated with MnO2. The
images 1(d)(f) in turn show elemental mapping of Si, Mn and O in
the MOCD sample which was shown in Fig. 1c. It is observed that
SiO2 (diatomite) and MnO2 are uniformity distributed. Although
the pore diameter of the hole structure of the diatomite is slightly
reduced but the porosity is sufcient to enable reactions to proceed on MOCD.
The morphology of the amorphous MnO2 needs to be compared against the composite diatomite (MOCD). Inset of Fig. 1b and
Fig. S1 (Supporting Information) reveal that the MnO2 coating
comprises of nanospheres of which form worm-like bers at the


T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

Fig. 1. SEM images of diatomite (a); MOCD under permanganate-to-diatomite weight ratio () of 1.6 (b, c) and the elemental mapping (d: Si mapping, e: Mn mapping, f: O
mapping). Inset of (b) represents the magnied image of a single diatomite pore covered with MnO2.

surface. The thickness of the worm-like bers is approximately

10 nm and the structure is highly porous mainly because of the
formation and release of the chlorine [44].
The nanostructures of the uncoated diatomite and the MOCD
are shown in TEM images of Fig. 2. The circular pores of uncoated
diatomite (Fig. 2a) are uniformly covered with amorphous MnO2
nanoparticles (Fig. 2b). The MnO2 coats the inner surface of diatomite pores whilst retaining the porous structure of the diatomite. The HRTEM images and the SAED pattern in the Fig. 2c and d
show that the MnO2 coating layer is dendritic and semicrystalline.
The Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) surface area measurements are performed and the BET-N2 adsorption-desorption
curves, pore size distributions and BET plots are presented in Fig.
S2 (Supporting data). Corresponding BET parameters are also given in Table S1 of the supporting data for comparison. The table
revealed that uncoated diatomite had an average BET surface area

of 2.60 m2/g, vs. 126.28 m2/g for amorphous MnO2 nanopowder

and 145.12 m2/g for the MOCD composite, respectively. Clearly,
MOCD samples offer the highest active surface area, which is due
to the hybrid nanostructure of MOCD that leads to lesser total BJH
pore volume against pure MnO2.
Fig. 3a represents the XRD traces of uncoated diatomite, control
MnO2, and MOCD. The XRD pattern of the diatomite agrees well
with SiO2 (JCPDS ICDD File Card # 00-001-0647) while the XRD
pattern of the control amorphous MnO2 is in agreement with the
international crystallographic data (JCPDS ICDD File Card # 00001-0649). The similar nature of the XRD patterns of the control
MnO2 and the MOCD suggest that the surface of the substrate
(diatomite) is uniformly covered. The EDX pattern (Fig. 3b) of the
uncoated diatomite reveals the presence of elemental Si and O
(Si 47.86%; O 51.55%). The EDX pattern of the MOCD (Fig. 3c)
shows Si, Mn, O and traces of K originating from the reactants

T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058


Fig. 2. TEM images of diatomite (a); and MOCD under permanganate-to-diatomite weight ratio () of 1.6 (b). HRTEM images and SAED pattern of the hairy parts of MOCD at
two different magnications (c, d).

during MnO2 formation. Ions such as K and H (present in the

solution during the MnO2 formation reaction) could have been
incorporated to balance the surface charge of the MnO6 octahedra
to stabilize the structure. These sites are considered to be very
reactive and efcient in catalyzing the degradation of color dyes
3.2. Catalyst performance
The mixing of the MB solution with MOCD at room temperature resulted in a change in color from blue - violet - pink colorless, depending on the quantity of catalyst added. The digital
images shown in the upper half of Fig. 4(a) indicates the change in
color. With the highest amount of the catalyst (0.0125 g), the solution becomes almost colorless in less than 30 min. The UVvis
spectra of the degraded dye solution also depict the decrement of
the absorption peak with increase in the catalyst amount (lower
half of Fig. 4a), indicating efcient degradation of the MB solution.
Generally, UVvis absorption spectra of the degraded dye solution
shows maximum absorption (i.e. highest absorption peak) when
the amount of dye within the solution is maximum. With increase

in the catalysts amount the dye-degradation is increasing, which

means the amount of dye within the solution is decreasing. Hence,
UVvis abortion peaks are also decreasing with the increase in the
catalyst amount.
The catalytic performances of the different added amounts of
control MnO2 and MOCD was analyzed by measuring the relative
decrease in the dye concentration at subsequent time against the
initial value by estimating the peak absorbance of the absorption
spectra of the dye solution according to the relation [47]:

% d = 1 0 100


where, % d is the percentage relative dye degradation,

and adye
are the peak absorbance of dye solution at initial concentration
and after catalysis over time , respectively. In this case, the results
were shown in Fig. 4b, where the relationship between the increment of catalyst and the decrement of the color dye - MB in the
aqueous solution can be observed in detail. Both control MnO2 and
MOCD composites indicate considerable degradation of the MB
dye solution, with MOCD having superior catalytic activity over


T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

Fig. 3. (a) XRD patterns of diatomite; control MnO2; and MOCD; EDX patterns of diatomite (b) and MOCD (c).

control MnO2 with similar Mn 4 concentration. The average difference of the catalytic performance between MOCD and control
MnO2 is 20% higher for the former. An obvious reason for this is
the porous morphology of the host diatomite matrix, which offers
much higher reactive surfaces for hydroxyl radical formation, as
clearly depicted by the BET surface area measurements furnished
above, and therefore, better degradation of the dye solution.
In this study, the catalytic ability for organic dye degradation of
MOCD is not only tested with Methylene Blue (MB) - a thiazine
class color dye but also with Methyl Orange (MO) - an azo class
color dye. The decolorization of MO by the MOCD composite is

shown in the digital images given in the upper half of Fig. 5(a),
whereas the degradation measurements in terms of UVvis absorption curves are furnished in the lower half of Fig. 5(a). For
comparison, MO solution is degraded with control MnO2 too, with
similar Mn 4 concentrations as MOCD composites.
In a similar way, the analysis of the catalytic performances of
control MnO2 and MOCD, as a function of different added amounts
of catalysts into MO solutions, was performed using Eq. 1, and the
data are furnished in Fig. 5(b), which shows better catalytic performance of MOCD composites over control MnO2, apparently
because of the higher reactive surfaces of the porous diatomite

T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

Fig. 4. (a) The digital photographs of Methylene Blue dye solution at different
amount of catalysts to show color change due to catalytic degradation of MB and
UVvis adsorption spectra of catalytically degraded MB solution treated with
MOCD. Inset shows the molecular structure of MB. (b) Material inuence on catalytic degradation of MB dye using control MnO2 and MOCD.

matrix, as described for the MB degradation case.

4. Discussions
The catalytic activity of uncoated diatomite is also tested in a
similar way, but the previous data revealed that bare diatomite
had insignicant efciency in the degradation of color dyes [44].
This is because, under the operating experimental conditions, the
natural pH of the diatomite solution is around 5 (mild acidic) and
the surface charge of diatomite is approximately zero, and hence,
there is no considerable attraction between the diatomite surface
and color dyes [41,48]. Generally, the ionic dyes are removed via a
surface adsorption mechanism, under very high (411) or very low
(o 3) pH values, through electrostatic interaction between surface
charge of the diatomite and ionized dye molecules [41,48].
Therefore, unless the diatomite solution is extremely acidic or alkaline, the dye removal would be insignicant. That is the reason
the diatomite surface is coated with MnO2 nanoparticles to produce strong oxidizing radicals within the dye solution, which


Fig. 5. (a) The digital photographs of Methyl Orange dye solution at different
amount of catalysts to show color change due to catalytic degradation of MO and
UVvis adsorption spectra of catalytically degraded MO solution treated with
MOCD. Inset shows the molecular structure of MO. (b) Material inuence on catalytic degradation of MO dye using control MnO2 and MOCD.

chemically degrade the toxic dyes into non-toxic products,

whereas, the porous structure of diatomite provides higher active
surface area for better surface reactions. Hence, dye removal
process via MOCD composite is basically a physicochemical
The proposed mechanism for this catalytic process is based on
two subsequent processes: (i) the changing in the oxidation state
of manganese in aqueous solution and corresponding generation
of strong oxidizing hydroxyl radical (OHn) at some pH less than 7.
This is because MnIV (which is the dominant oxidation state of Mn
in our amorphous oxide nanostructures) are readily converted to
Mn 2 state under pH o7 to produce hydroxyl radicals (OHn) according to the following overall reaction schemes [44,49]:
MnIVO2 (s) 2H 2e  2 Mn 2(aq.) 2OHn H2O(EO
1.23 V)


T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

(where EO is the standard reduction potential). (ii) The newly

generated hydroxyl radicals then oxidize the toxic organic dye
efciently and produce the non-toxic inorganic products via some
intermediates as follows [44]:

OH* + toxic organic dyes

organic hydroxylated intermediates CO2 + H2 O
+ degraded nontoxic inorganic products


More precisely, the formation of hydroxyl radicals (Eq. (2) can

be explained by the generation of MnIV-HOH precursor complex;
followed by the electron transfer to reduce Mn 4 to Mn 2 and
subsequently release hydroxyl radicals as follows [49]:

A) Formation of precursor complex: MnIV + 2HOH



B) Transfer of electron

) (


2OH* MnII + 2OH*


: MnIV , 2HOH MnII , 2OH* + 2H+

C) Release of hydroxyl radical

( MnII,

D) Release of reduced MnII : MnII Mn+2


A closer look into the UVvis absorption curves in Fig. 4

(a) depicts that the absorption peaks are blue-shifted with respect
to the reference curve of stock dye solution. This shift of the UV
vis absorption peaks along with the change in the color of the dye
solution are considered to be due to the degradation of the MB.
The structure of MB includes the C-S C functional group and
the OHn can attack this group (inset of Fig. 4a). Therefore, the initial step of MB degradation is ascribed to the cleavage of the bond
of the CS C functional group [15] according to the following
R S+ =R + OH* R S ( =O) R + H


After that, the sulfoxide group can be attacked by OH to form

the denitive dissociation of the two benzoic rings. Then, a series
of reactions occurs to get hydroxyhydroquinone as the last aromatic compound before the opening of the ring. After the aromatic
ring opening, the oxidation of OHn continuously occurs to get the
nal products such as CO2, H2O and non-toxic inorganic compounds. The above-mentioned series of reactions produce various
organic intermediates such as Azure A, B and C as well as semireduced MB, which have absorption maxima in the range of 625
635 nm, 648655, 608622 nm and 420 nm, respectively. The
formation of these intermediates causes the blue shifting of the
peak position (with respect to the initial MB absorption 
660 nm) as well as the changing of the color of the dye solution
The mechanism of the catalysis of MO using control MnO2 and
MOCD is similar to that shown for MB situation (Eqs. 2 and 3)
[1,14]. A closer look into the UVvis absorption curves of MO solutions (Fig. 5a) depicts that the main absorption peak of the stock
MO dye solution is blue-shifted only slightly (unlike MB degradation case) from 465 nm to 450 nm, whereas the color of the
MO dye changes naturally from dark orange to light orange and to
almost colorless with the increment of catalyst. Generally, there
are at least nine possible types of intermediates formed during the
degradation of MO via demethylation, methylation and hydroxylation processes [50,51]. Each of these intermediates has different effect on the shifting of the absorption peak. Some of these
tend to blue-shift the peak, whereas the others tend to red-shift
the absorption peak. Therefore, due to these two competing
trends, the overall peak-shift becomes very small (or near-insignicant) in the current case.

It is noteworthy that, as compared to the previous reports

[11,15,50,51], the current case reports almost two to four times
faster catalytic performance of MOCD for MB and MO degradations. Such a faster catalysis process is not only manifested by the
higher active surfaces provided by the porous diatomite matrix,
but also affected by some secondary effects, as described below.
The HRTEM images of MnO2 (Fig. 2c and d) depict the hairy
structures, which contain small regions of crystalline domains at
the edges of this catalyst. The analysis of SAED patterns of the
hairy structure in the inset of the Fig. 2d and crystallographic data
indicate that the crystal structure resembles with the birnessite
phase of crystalline MnO2. Since the percentage of these crystalline domains is much smaller than the bulk of the amourphous
MnO2, the XRD signal only depicts the amorphous nature of the
material. Therefore, these layer-structures of the superlattice birnessite MnO2 at the edges of the coating layers manifests the intercalation of dye molecules within the octahedral layers to remove the dye. Thus, there are three simultaneous processes taking
place during the dye degradation, such as, (i) conversion of Mn 4
to Mn 2 and the release of hydroxyl radicals to degrade the dye
(chemical process), (ii) adsorption of dye within the inter-layer
spacings of the small fraction of birnessite MnO2 (physicochemical
process) and (iii) higher surface reaction sites due to the porous
diatomite matrix (physical process), to provide a rapid degradation/removal of MB and MO from aqueous solution.
It has already been discussed previously that under the applied
experimental conditions with natural pH  5, pure diatomite
didn't show any adsorption of dye molecules. Since we have not
changed the pH of the solution to extremely high (4 11) or extremely low (o3) values, the dye decoloration process is primarily
based on the catalytic degradation of the dye solution via the
change in the oxidation states of Mn in MnO2, whereas a very
small amount of dye intercalation at the layer structure of birnessite MnO2 is taking place as the secondary effect, as stated
above. Therefore, diatomite is basically used as a supporting matrix to deposit MnO2 nanoparticles to provide high active surface
area through the formation of MOCD nanohybrid. Hence, to analyze the kinetics of the catalytic process, we have rstly obtained
the time efuence of the dye degradation curves for different
catalytic amounts for both MOCD and pure MnO2 and for both MB
and MO degradations. Secondly, considering low dye concentrations in the current case, the catalytic degradation is modelled by
pseudo rst-order kinetic reaction, which also covers the adsorption properties of the catalyst surface, and expressed according to
the following relation [52]:

ln i = a t


where Cdye
is the initial dye concentration and Cdye
is the same at a
degradation time t. a is the pseudo rst order rate constant. A plot
of ln i vs. t will be a straight line with the slope as a. The
above plots for the highest catalyst amount (0.0125 g) for MOCD
(which is having highest degradation rate), and for both MB and
MO degradations are given in Fig. S3 (Supporting data). The graph
is tted with a straight line with the value of a around 0.14 to
0.15 min  1. For other catalysts amounts, the graphs are similarly
well-tted with pseudo rst order kinetic model. Recently, Zhang
and co-authors [53] reported the catalytic degradation of
Fe2O3@MnO2 hybrid catalyst and showed that the degradation
kinetics follow similar pseudo rst order model with a around
0.16 min  1, which is comparable to our values.
Also to understand the relative inuence of catalysts amount
(both MOCD and MnO2) on the dye degradations of both MB and
MO, a relative %-degradation rate is obtained by considering the

T.-D. Dang et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 98 (2016) 5058

relative percentage degradation over a certain amount of time. The

data are presented in Table S2 of Supporting Information. Clearly,
0.0125 g of MOCD and MnO2 catalysts (per 10 ml of dye stock
solution) showed maximum degradation rates. Apparently, an increase in the degradation rate with the increase in the catalysts
amount is due to an increase in the number of active sites on the
catalysts available for the reaction, which in turn increases the rate
of radical formation [54]. But, with further increase in the catalysts
amount, the degradation rate is observed to be decreased (not
shown here), which is due to the agglomeration trend of the
surplus amount of catalysts that retards the absorption/desorption
equilibrium of the dye molecules on the catalysts surface and
prevents uniform suspension of the catalysts for efcient catalysis.
To further corroborate the proposed dye removal mechanism in
terms of catalytic degradation as primary process, and dye adsorption as the secondary process, the solid samples (MOCD catalysts) were collected after catalytic performance via centrifugation and separation from the dye solution (MB), and then imaged
under SEM (as shown in Fig. S4 of the Supporting Information).
The MnO2 coating is still observed on the surface of the diatomite,
indicating good stability of the catalysts. However, compared to
the image of the MOCD before dye degradation (Fig. 1b), slight
change in the morphology of the MOCD catalyst is observed after
dye degradation. The magnied image (Fig. S4b) revealed that the
porous surface of the MnO2 layer is slightly smoothed out in some
places, indicating the surface adsorption of the dye molecules.
Qualitatively, this morphological change is found to only 10%
against the entire porous surface. On the other hand, EDX analysis
of the solid samples (MOCD catalysts) before and after dye degradation depicted almost 15% decrement in the elemental Mn
within the coating layer after dye degradation process. This observation clearly indicates that the primary catalytic process is the
degradation via the conversion of solid Mn 4 into water soluble
Mn 2 during chemical catalyzation (as explained above in Eqs.
(2)(7)), whereas, dye adsorption is only the secondary process.
The stability and the regeneration ability are crucial concerns
with regard to the practical application of the catalyst. The SEM
micrographs of MOCD catalysts after the catalytic process (Fig. S4)
clearly demonstrates uniform coating of MnO2 layer on the diatomite surface, with the morphology scarcely changed, indicating
good stability of the catalysts. Additionally, a low temperature
(450 C) heat treatment of the catalysts depicted the removal of
the adsorbed organic species, without collapsing of the MOCD
structure. Further usage of the recovered catalysts in successive
catalytic cycles showed very good catalytic efciency, indicating
excellent stability, very good regeneration ability and prominent
re-usability [55].

5. Conclusions
This study has presented the rapid degradation of a thiazine
class dye - methylene blue and an azo class dye - methyl orange,
under the presence of MnO2-coated Diatomite. The MOCD composite catalyst is produced via a wet-chemical method under
ambient conditions. Both control MnO2 and MOCD show very
good catalytic activity, and with the assistance of them, the degradation rate of MB and MO was promoted considerably, shortening the degradation time to as low as 30 min or less. With respect to control MnO2, MOCD composite shows much better catalytic activity, mainly because of three simultaneous processes,
such as (a) a chemical process, where hydroxyl radicals are formed
via the reduction of Mn(IV) to Mn(II) which consequently degrade
the dye, (b) a physicochemical process, where dye molecules are
intercalated within the layered structure of birnessite MnO2 to
remove the dye from aqueous solution, and (c) a physical process,


where higher active surface sites are provided by the porous matrix of the diatomite support to manifest greater surface reactions.
Thus the material and method have potential applications in the
eld of waste water treatment, water splitting and pollution

This work is funded by Vietnam's National Foundation for
Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) (Project Nr.
103.02-2013.76). We thank for the supporting from British Council
and Newton Fund-Researcher Links Travel Grant (ID 172711746).
We also thank Professor S.W. Joo of School of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University and Professor M. A. Cheney of
University of Maryland for insightful discussions.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
the online version at

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