Stretagy of Essay Writing

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Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Mr. Aamir Khan Mahar

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

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pirate copies of this eBook. Thank you for respecting the hard work
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To my loving family, especially my father and teachers, who always
encouraged me to write and to chase my dreams. To all of my
awesome guides & friends:
Mr. Sayed Aziz (PSP, CSS-2015),
Miss. Rabel Khokhar (PCS, CSS-2015),
Mr. Muhammad Zohaib (IG, CSS-2015),
Mr. Akhtar N. Tanoli (IG, CSS-2015),
Muhammad Yaseen Mahar, Mohsin Raza, Parkash Sarangani,
Zeeshan Ali Shah, and many more, thanks for reading my work and
cheering me on. Not to mention the writing supplies! This book
would not have been possible without all of you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The present work is humble attempt to satisfy the needs of students
appearing for Competitive Examinations conducted by Federal Public
Services Commission (FPSC) and other competitive exams. My main
objective in this book has been to give clear, comprehensive, simple and
examination oriented strategy of essay writing. The work is based on my
experiences studied from my different books. The materials are organized to
develop ability to write an essay on any topic extemporely. This book
intends to create awareness among students not to be fooled by essay classes
where only different essay topics are discussed and an impression created
that one of the topic may come in the examination. The evaluation strategy
of Federal Public Services Commission is start from a point where so called
market thinking ends. What is needed is development of real ability to write
on any topic, for which there should be a strategy with practice of
brainstorming and lateral thinking.
I am thankful to my friend Mr. Kamran Mahar (Mehran University of
Engineering & Technology Jamshoro, Sindh) for his kind cooperation and
technical support to complete the work.

Aamir Ali Mahar

E Mail: [email protected]

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

CHAPTER- 1 Understanding Essay
CHAPTER- 2 Strategies of Writing Essay
CHAPTER- 3 Work Proper
CHAPTER- 4 Furnishing Essay
CHAPTER- 5 Area-wise Essay Topics
CHAPTER- 6 Essays Asked in CSS Examination
CHAPTER- 7 Model Essays
Corruption in Pakistan Mother of all ills
Pakistan Rich in Natural Resources but Poor in Their
Need for Good Governance in Pakistan
Women Empowerment In Pakistan / Status of Women
In Islam / Rights of Women
Are Four Pillars of State Responsible for what ails
Pakistan today?
Freedom of Media in Pakistan: Blessing or Bane?
War on Terrorism in Pakistan (Extremism, Fanaticism)
Sweet are the Uses of Adversity
Role of Media in the Modern World
Disaster Management In Pakistan
Population Explosion

CHAPTER- 8 Outlines
CHAPTER- 9 Essay Paper Checking Technique
CHAPTER- 10 Appendix ( Common Quotations )

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Understanding Essay

Essay writing is an art. Much importance is attached to the

essay paper on the Central Superior Service Exam conducted
by Federal Public Services Commission (FPSC) for the
recruitment of Grade 17 of the All Pakistan United Grades that
go upto Grade 22. It is the toughest competitive examination all
over the Pakistan. Every year thousands of condidates apply,
and appear in this exam to get the most prestigious job in the
country, which could lead them to the higher level of frame,
wealth and prestige. The usual aggregate for qualifying the
examination is 50 per cent. Essay paper is the compulsory
paper in this exam. Generally, 100 marks are allotted for
writing one topic within three hours. Out of total 600 marks in
compulsory papers, 100 marks can make or break ones
opportunity to get selection. Generally marks between 70- 80
considered good. Not only from getting marks but from the
point of testing personality, mental development and maturity
of the candidate it is one of most effective and surest means for
examination conducting authority.
Meaning of Essay
The word Essay comes from the French essay (an attempt) first
applied in 1580 by Montaigne to his short writing. The chief
implication in the word being tentative study.
According to the Chamber Twentieth Century
Dictionary an essay is a trial, an experiment, a writing
composition less elaborate then any treatise.

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The Oxford Dictionary defines essay as a literary
composition. It is usually prose in nature and precise on a
particular subject.
According to Random House Dictionary of the
English language an essay is a short literary composition on a
particular theme or subject usually in prose and generally
analytic, speculative or interpretive.
The word essay literally means an attempt. It is an
attempt to compose ones thought so as to present them in
logical coherent structure and sequence. It is a literary
composition usually in prose. Dealing with a particular subject
bringing out its subject matters in a well knit composition. Thus
an essay becomes a test not only of knowledge, but of thought
and imagination. Above all the essay should be interesting and
reveal the personally of the writer.
Different Types of Essay
1. Descriptive Essays require precise knowledge on the part
of writer. For example, describing an historical monument
like Eiffel Tower would need information about its
geographical location, the year of its construction, the
person who got it built, the details of its design and point
of architectural beauty or weaknesses, and most important
of all. The story or the legend behind its construction etc.
2. Narrative Essay can be presented in the form of a story .
Chronological arrangement of event is what is needed to
write in such essay. Also the narrative should be made as
interesting as possible by making use of episodes which fit
in the context of the narrative. For example. The narrative
of the First Day at College should mention some funny
3. Expository: It explains and informs; that is, it gives an
expose of a subject, setting it out for view-with definition,
classification, examples, etc.

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

4. Argumentative: it takes a point of view and supports it. It
tells why something is good or bad, why something
happened or why something should or should not happen.
5. Reflective Essays require deep thinking on the part of the
writer. These essays are abstract in nature and demand
imagination and capacity to express ideas in concrete
6. Persuasive: gets readers to change their views.
7. Interpretive: gives the writers perspective on an issue.
8. Idiomatic Essay needs elaboration of the idiom. Its
relevance in the everyday life, advantages that will accrue
if the wisdom contained in the idiom is practiced,
limitations in its application, etc. Example to illustrate the
usefulness of the idiom should be quoted. While tackling
an idiomatic essay, care should be taken to understand the
meaning of the Idiom, otherwise the whole essay will be
Different Forms of Essay
Although there is infinity of subjects. There are only limited
forms in which problem can be assigned.
1. Definition: Definition means to pin down a concept with
great exactness- saying what characters it has, and what
characteristics it lacks. The number of elements you
introduce Here its up to you. Such an approach would be
called for in the topics like what is meant by Scientific
2. Description: The simplest assignment of all is to describe
something. Here you have to concentrate on only element.
Descriptive essay are penportraits of people, scenes or
events. Description can be static or dynamic.
3. Comparison: There are two elements here. Whatever the
wording if you are asked to handle two items. Your
approach is the same: to find out (a) what links the items

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

together; (b) what distinguishes them from each other and
(c) to work from there to a conclusion.
4. Classification: Some subjects treat an endless array of
elements, and all of them need to discussed. Examples;
attitudes of teenagers towards politicians.
5. Point of view: You might be asked to argue for or against
a certain point of view. Making a case is not simply a
matter of stating your opinion, take it or leave it. You will
be expected to convince the reader. Weak or illogical
arguments will destroy your case. You must consider
arguments for the other side, how far they are valid and
how far they can be demolished. When you consider your
own point of view, it is wise to locate and consider its
weaknesses as well before playing then down, showing
that they do not destroy the main thrust of your argument.
should smoking be banned?
These essay demand that you take a stand and
argue its validity.
There is no watertight compartmentalization
between one form and another a certain amount of
description is bound to intrude in an essay in the form of
argumentation; similarly, a certain amount of comparison
and contrast. It may come into an essay basically in the
form of definition. What is to be kept in mind is that the
overall form chosen should be one
6. Investigation: Here you are requested to probe into the
roots of a problem. It takes a given situation and asks how
or why it has come about account for the growing next
today violence are examples. You are free to discuss as
many elements as you want to possibly.
Ingredients of a good essay
Subject matter: An important component of any essay is
its matter. Lack of information is one of the main causes of the
inability of many students to write satisfactory essay. Only you

Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

can rectify this error. It is essential to acquire an interest in
reading and collecting information on different subject must be
gathered form books, by observation, and by listening and
talking to men who know. It is a good plan to keep a notebook, in which you may jot down things quotations, extracts
from speeches and books, incidents you have seen nor heard of,
references to books which give useful information.
Developing the points: Another important step in the
direction of writing an impressive essay is to avoid beating
about the bush. This can be done, if the points are noted down
before the actual composition of the essay. These points should
then be developed into thoughts. To be precise and to the point
brings about clarity which is the hallmark of a good essay.
Proceeding from the points also ensures that no significant
aspect is lift out.
Substantiating the points: Example, illustrations and data
should be used to support the Arguments. If the arguments are
not substantiated, then they may appear as subjective ideas.
Furthermore, the writer of essay is expected to be aware of the
relevant information about a given topic. Therefore, if an essay
is to reflect the writers knowledge of events developments and
data in a particular field it ought to contain all the relevant facts
and figures.
Language: Use of appropriate words is criterion of a good
essay. Choosing difficult and high sounding words for their
own sake is not advisable. Exact meaning can be conveyed by
the right words. However, English not being our mother
tongue, at times the writers may not be able to think of an
appropriate word. In that case a simple substitute should be
used. Short sentences should be preferred to long ones. The
emphasis should be on conveying the point only.
Unity: Just as the sentence and the paragraph must have
unity, so the composition as a whole must have unity. While it
is necessary to introduce many topics into an essay, the main
subject should never be lost sight of. At one stage should the


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

readers attention and interest be allowed to wander far from
the subject. In other words, write about the subject, and not
about something else. One topic should lead on to another.
There should be some connection between successive
Coherence and cogency: It is necessary that there should
be a logical development of the arguments. In other words,
succeeding arguments should flow out of the preceding ones.
Each paragraph should be related to the other by logic.
Collection of unconnected paragraphs creates confusion and
marks the essay difficult to understand. A well reasoned essay
is like a clear picture which leaves an impact on the reader or
checker. Besides, it proves the analytical ability of the writer.
Style: language should be simple and clear, devoid of
slang and colloquialism. Clichs and verbosity should be
Personal Imprint: the essay must not merely be a
collection of borrowed ideas but must reflect the writers
personal touch and opinion. However, care should be taken not
to express extreme opinion. There are no hard and fast rules
about the length of an essay; rather he would be more
influenced by the pith and substance of your essay and the
manner in which you have put it on the answer book. Of
course, the essay should neither be too short nor too long.
Length of the essay is an important aspect. In my personal
view, it is quality and not the quantity that matters. The
Examiner usually sets a limit of 2500-3500 words limit to trap
the candidates. But it wouldnt bother him much if you put up a
good effort which falls short of the words limit. The examiner
will be influenced by the substance of your essay and manner in
which you have presented or expressed it. The real thing which
matters is that the essay should be systematic and concise of
course. When you are asked to write an essay within a fixed
limit of words you must adhere to it.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Handwriting: A good handwriting just like a pleasing
personality is always an asset in any written examination.
Hence the students should try to improve their handwriting
beforehand and write the essay in the examination hall quite
legible and visible and help the examiners read your essay
comfortably. It is always better that after you have finished
writing your essay, you must read it carefully at least once, so
that you are able to revise it and correct any mistakes which
you may have committed regarding spellings, punctuation, etc.
Good introduction: Every essay needs an introduction.
The introduction should be direct and to the point. If a
candidate writes a lengthy introduction then he may deviate too
much from the main topic. In the body of the essay each main
idea should be written in a well balanced and logical manner.
Conclusion: Like the introduction, the conclusion in an
essay should also be logical, convincing and natural. Without
writing a good conclusion the student can not expect to secure
good marks in the examination. The conclusion should be
natural and no abrupt. Thus the student must pay special
attention to the introduction as well as the conclusion part of
any essay. Generally they should not go against the title of the
Attitude: Before writing one must aware about attitude
towards the topic which may either be serious, enthusiastic,
light-hearted, pessimistic or optimistic; One topic may have,
reflections of more than one attitude, but the transition of
attitude has to be well planed and logical.
Good Writing Skills: Good writing comprises different aspects
Handwriting- or the mechanics of writing
Good spelling.
Correct grammatical sentences put together
Paragraphs linked together
Ideas developed clearly in paragraphs


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Arguments organized logically in paragraphs.

Sequence of outline
Matter & Mannerism
Topic Analysis
Literary Tone
To the point thoughts

To write effectively following skills should be kept into view

Developing ideas coherently.
Organization within paragraph, and between paragraphs,
using markers and connective (cohesion).
Using language focus appropriately and correctly.
Using the functions of language appropriately.
Reflection of Fundamental Questions: Before a person gets
into the writing mode, he has to ascertain four basic parameters
about writing essay:
What am I writing about?
Who I am writing for?
Why am I writing?
Style I am writing in.
These questions include the four essential components of essay
writing: topic (what?) audience (who?), purpose (why?), and
style (how?)

Write, write and write!

Practice writing as much as you can because
it is the only panacea to get through these papers.
Do prepare essay outlines and study diverse topics in detail.
Ifrah Tariq (FSP) Essay Marks: 55


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Strategies of Writing Essay
A. Approach of Writing Essay
As far the writing of an essay for a competitive
examination is concerned with what examiner wants from the
students is a clear expression of his personality and ideas in the
brief. The examiner wants to find out a consistency of approach
and the precise nature of the subject matter which is covered in
the essay. It is, therefore, advisable that a candidate should not
deviate from his topic and beat around the bush just for the sake
of the vicarious satisfaction of writing a lengthy essay, rather
his approach should be exact and to the point. The essay in the
competitive examination is quite different from an essay as is
understood in the literary sense.
In a competitive examination, the essay should be
balanced, coherent and it should reflect a unified impression
that it is a disjointed and irregular an impression of the poorly
grasped ideas regarding the subject matter given in
examination. On the other hand, the essay should invariably be
convincing and profound in ideas.
For writing a good, well balanced and scoring essay for
competitive examinations, first of all, the examiner wants that
essay should show the candidates grasp over the subject matter
and whatever material he prefers should have some relevance
with the title of the essay. The examiner wants an effectively
woven and logical piece of essay written in a concise manner.
Naturally the examiner will give a lot of credit to a candidate
who keeps close to the subject matter of the topic chosen for his


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

essay. The candidate must also arrange his ideas in an orderly
fashion and in an effective manner of expression.
The next most important thing for the candidate
appearing for the essay paper in the CSS Examination is the
selection of the topic for writing essay. The candidates are
always offered a wide choice of subjects in the essay paper.
Generally, ten topics are given in the essay paper out of which a
candidate has to select only one. These topics usually cover
some broad areas or the topics can be classified under broad
areas like international topic, national and political topic socialcultural topic, educational topic, philosophical, religion or
reflective topic and science- environmental topic etc.
Obviously a candidate can easily choose a subject of
his liking as there is a wide choice of subjects. Thus, choosing a
title for an essay presents no difficulty for the candidates. But
the candidate should select the topic of his essay very carefully
and after much thought. He should choose only that subject
over which he has a complete mastery and in which he is
confident do his best. The topic should be of a subject in which
he is absolutely at home in or the subject in which the
candidate has made a special study.
Practice makes a man perfect. The students must
practice essay writing. They can master this art by writing essay
on different topic and remembering them properly, while
writing an essay the students writing on using very different
topic and remembering them properly, while writing an essay
the students must not beat about the bush. They should keep
quite close to the subject. The essay should be written in a
systematic and logical manner.
The best and effective style of writing a good Essay is
the use of simple words. There is no need of using very difficult
words. The language used should be simple and idiomatic. The
students should write small sentences.
In these small sentences there will be less possibility of
committing any grammatical mistakes. There is no need of


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

filling an essay with a large number of unnecessary quotations.
It shows only the lack of expression on the part of the students.
It is better if the students can say something original but their
own language.
The students should write brief and small but
meaningful sentences. In these small sentences naturally there
is less possibility of committing any grammatical mistake. Of
course, the language should be forceful and convincing. There
is absolutely no necessity of filling an essay with a large number
of unnecessary and redundant quotations, rather you should go
for a natural but a forceful walk with an idea in your essay
which should get the attention and admiration of the examiner.
Instead of burdening the essay with many quotations from all
sorts of writers, it is better if you say something original in your
own language and style. Too much dependence on quotations
in an essay connotes a lack of expression and originality on the
part of the candidate.
In such competitve examinations, the examiner is
mainly interested to see the general level of awareness of the
things by the students and the ability of the student to express
themselves in a lucid and effective manner. The examiner
expects the students to put down their ideas and facts in a
logical and orderly manner. Credit is always given for keeping
close to the subject matter of the topic chosen, for arrangement
of ideas in an orderly fashion and for effective and concise
expression. For this purpose, the want to discuss in the essay in
a very systematic manner and in a coherent and logical
Dos and donts for writing an Essay
Use the time well by planning ahead carefully; there will
be no time for rewriting and very little for proof reading:
Consider the title carefully- what it means and what its scope
is it asking you to generalize, establish a particular view. Or
take your own stand?


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

If you do not agree with what a title states categorically do not
attempt the essay
Do not go against title generally.
The introduction should be direct and relevant. Do not beat
around the bush deviate from the title too much. Assist the
reader by using transitions.
Select a perspective and a pattern for developing your thesis.
Jot down your points sight of your perspective.
Arrange these points in a systematic order so that it makes a
coherent and logical composition.
Put each main idea in a separate paragraph.
Get right to the point with clearly stated ideas supported by
specific evidence.
Think about the subject and set down on paper all the facts or
ideas. And arrange these facts according to topic and so
construct an outline for the composition.
Use words effectively this does not mean using difficult words
or flowery language. What it the development or explanation
of the ideas it implies is that each word should contribute of is
best to avoid archaic and obsolete usage; foreign words, unless
they have achieved currency in English, had better be left out.
Also to be avoided is slang. Even what is known as journalese,
i.e. words coined by journalists and newspaper for effect. A
recent edition of a standard dictionary will help you to identify
such slang expressions. Effective use of words also requires you
to know which word to use and where.
Make your essay a well balanced and well-knit literary
Avoid the use of big and high sounding words. Also avoid the
use of those words about which you are not sure.
Adopt an analytical and logical approach.
Always remember that the beginning and the ending of an
essay are very important, so give the maximum attention.
Check your writing for unnecessary repetition. Some
avoidable repetitions;


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Stay clear of clichs or time-worn idioms.
Avoid the use of slang and colloquial terms and try to develop
a graceful, dignified and literary style.
An essay is certainly bound to reflect the personality and
views of the writer. However, it would be pragmatic, from the
point of view of an examination. To keep extreme opinions to
oneself and not express idiosyncrasies.
Be clear, lucid and simple and you cannot go far wrong.
The essay should be simple. Sentences should be terse and
Let the tone of the essay be informal and suggestive.
Check your writing for correctness. There is no place for
ungrammatical sentences in an essay. And do not risk using
words, phrases, expressions about whose meaning or
correctness you are not sure. Avoid long and rambling sentence
in which you as well as the examiner may get lost.
Never give a categorical or one- sided conclusion the
conclusion should always be a balanced one.
There is no hard and fast rule regarding the length. The essay
should neither be too short nor too lengthy. Desirably it should
be in between 2500-3500 words.
If you have good memory, you may be tempted to strew your
essay with quotation to emphasise your point of view. Resist
the temptation firmly quotations become dangerous props
indicating by their presence the righters lack of ideas or
inability to express what he or she and feely if you have to use
quotations. Use them rarely and only in context where they
give depth to an idea.
Write in a beautiful and legible handwriting a pleasing
handwriting is always an asset.
You must revise your essay after completion to correct the
mistakes, if any.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Work Proper

A. Pre-writing Strategy: Before writing an essay the following

need to be considered.
1. Choice of subject: You have tens topics out of which you
must choose one on which to write. In such cases it is all
always advisable to select the subject on which you have
most information. This will save some of the time which
would have to be spent in racking your brain if you
selected a subject which did not know so well. Choose
the title with which you are perfectly at home. With the
choice of a title half the battle is won or lost. Never
choose a title merely because you read it in some book or
have listened to in class. You must define the scope of the
subject too. The point of view from which the topic is to
be trusted has also to be grasped.
2. Collection of idea: When you have got a clear idea of
your subject (what exactly it is, and, equally important,
what it is not), set about collecting materials for the essay.
Often it is worthwhile to ask what? When? Where? How?
Why? of a subject. Do not attempt to writ the essay before
you have given some time to thinking what you can say
on the subject. As you think about it, ideas, facts,
illustrations will pass though your mind. Jot these fleeting
thought down on paper just as then occur to you, without
troubling yourself at this stage about their order or
suitability.To bring content to write in the essay you can
practice brainstorming and concept mapping which can
generate content autometically.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

a) Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a technique which helps to elicit many
thoughts and ideas on a given topic. However, instead of
putting whole sentences or phrases to paper, this prewriting
technique involves creating a list. It might contain various
individual thoughts or ideas that make sense in a particular
order, and/or ideas that are linked together by association with
previous ideas. Unlike reewriting, brainstorming works well in
a limited amount of time.
Out of alloted three hours it is worthwhile to spend around 40
minutes for jotting down your ideas before beginning to write.
Putting your ideas on paper will be especially helpful where
your goal is to establish a point of view on a topic and support
your position.
How to brainstorm?
If you are not already being timed, set a timer for at least
30 minutes to bring more and better ideas in rough page
List every word or phrase that comes to mind about your
topic spontaneously.
As with freewriting, do not edit or censor any ideas, and
ignore the rules of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
When you are finished, look over the list carefully. Cross
out useless information and organize what is left.
Categorize similar items.
Try to interconnect different areas with one another.
Before examination make list about the relevant areas
about which you have to deliberate in the brainstorming
time or areas which have universal applicability. It will
save your time and energy and help you to bring good
and powerful ideas within limited time period.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Check Chapter No. 6 Area-wise Essay Topics. Along with this
you can interrelate your topic with different aspects like
philosophy, religion, constitution, UN Charter, different laws,
acts, use, misuse, disuse, challenges and oppertunities in
different areas, genesis of different issues (past, present and
future), different stages of life, How-Why-When-Where-What
aspects, prediction about any issue, hypothesis formulation
(if......then....), alternative perspectives of any situation,
modification proposal of the present, meaning, nature, type,
scope, principles, limitations, prons and cons, different aspects
like physical- social- intellectual moral- spiritual-emotionalaesthetic, giving diagramme, models, subdivision, criticise,
discrimination, different areas viz. social, political, economic,
education, anthropological, geographical, psychology, cultural,
administrative, scientific, technological, etc. These points will
help you to quickly develop a great deal of information about
your subject. Every point wont apply to every essay, and the
prompts that follow every point are meant to be taken as
suggestions. Be flexible and use the format as it best fits your
b) Concept mapping:
Mapping and webbing are graphic (visual) organizers that
facilitate you to investigate the relationships between a
number of diverse ideas. Concept mapping is a simple
technique best used for exploring topics that are complex. To
make one, draw a circle, and add spokes radiating from it.
Put your central idea or subject in the middle, and add
subtopics or related ideas around it in any order. Or, draw a
box with your subject written in it, and continue adding
boxes, connected to each other by arrows, showing the
development of your idea. Write down any and every
thought you have on your subject. As with other writing
techniques, do not judge yourself during this process.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Sample Concept:
Creating a web takes more time, but may result in a more
useful product. It works well when exploring a complex subject.
To develop a web, write your topic in a circle. After that write
subtopics in secondary circles, each connected to the center by
a line. From each of the secondary circles, draw smaller bubbles
in which you brainstorm subtopics. Each subtopic is connected
to the corresponding secondary bubble by a line. Both maps
and webs should be revised and reworked a number of times.
When your ideas are on paper in one of these graphic
organizers, it is convenient to see how better to prioritize and
organize them. Use maps and webs as flexible frameworks in
which information may be moved around until it is in the
appropriate place.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

3. Selection: When you think you have collected enough
material for the essay, read over the notes you have made
to select the points most suitable for your purpose. You
may find some that are not very relevant to the subject;
cross them out. Some may be found to be mere
repetitions of others; and yet other may be simply
illustrations to be brought under main heads. This process
of selection will probably suggest to you in a general way
the line of thought you may follow in the essay.
4. Organisation Method/Arrangement: With the exception
of concept mapping and webbing, prewriting notes need
organization before the writing your essay. In other
words to make a satisfactory essay, it is very necessary to
arrange your thought according to some orderly plan.
Without it your essay will be badly arranged, rambling,
disproportioned, and full of irrelevancies and repetitions.
So you must at this point decide on the line of thought to
be following in the essay, a logical order in which you can
arrange the thoughts you have selected. So bearing of the
main heads under which you will arrange your various
thought, in a natural, logical and convincing order-from a
brief introduction to an effective conclusion.
Having thus mapped out the main points with you is going
to deal, arrange the ideas you have selected each under its
proper main head. You would now have a full outline which
is to be a guide to you in writing the essay.
There are many effective ways to organize your material
before you start writing your essay, so dont get hung up
trying to find the one right way. Some students like outlines,
both creating them and working from them. Others find
them ineffective and should look at different techniques for
imposing a scheme onto their prewriting notes.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

1. Outline Creating: An outline begins with a reading of
your prewriting notes. First, group related ideas together,
looking for major topics (which can be headings) and minor
ones (which can be subheadings, examples, or details).
Define your major points, and rearrange them until they
make sense and follow a logical progression. You will be
able to see the relationships between your ideas as you
outline them, and determine their importance (major point,
minor point, example, and detail). If you need more
supporting details or facts subcategoriesyou can add
them now. As you outline your information, use one-word
topics, short phrases, or write out full sentences for each
point on your outline.
Once you have completed an outline, revise and refine it by
following these steps:
1. Write down your overall goal (message you want to
convey through the topic) for your essay. What are you
trying to say to examiner?
2. Go over your outline and circle, underline, or highlight
your major points or images. Do they all support your goal?
3. Brainstorm words and phrases that will accurately and
concisely express those points. Jot down them in the margin
of your outline, or use a separate sheet of paper.
4. Use this list and your outline to guide your writing. Do
not allow yourself to stray from your goal or your major
points. Irrelevant writing has negative impact on the
2. Pyramid Charts: As you reread your prewriting notes,
answer the following:
What is the purpose of my essay as a whole?
What are the major parts of the whole, and how can
they be categorized?


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

What are the minor parts of the whole, and how do
they relate to the major parts?
What details can I use to illuminate both major and
minor parts? i.e. how in my writing major and minor
parts reflected to the examiner?
The answer to the first question is your thesis. Place it at
the top of the pyramid. Below it, write the major parts
and join them to the thesis with lines. Next, write the
minor parts below the major ones, connecting them with
lines. Finally, your details should be added under the
parts to which they correspond.
3. Listing: If you are having trouble with the highly
structured outline try to organize your notes into a list based
on one of the following strategies:
1. Chronological: organize your ideas in the order in which
they did happen or will happen.
2. Order of Importance: rank supporting ideas from most
important to least important, or vice versa.
3. List: create a roster of items of equal importance.
4. General to Specific: state supporting details, then the
main point, or vice versa.
B.Writing the Essay
An essay at the simplest level has three parts-the beginning, the
middle (or the body) and the conclusion.
1. Introduction: An essay should let the examiner know at
the outset or early enough what it is about. It is not
enough for the title to say it you must spell out the topic
enough to catch the examiners attention.
An introduction may consist of a general
statement, an illustration of the subject, or an explanation.
An essay may also begin with a quotation or a reference to
an accepted opinion or ever by definition.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The important point to be kept in mind is that
the opining or introduction should be striking, and
relevant to the subject, it is wrong to being far away from
the subject in hand. The introduction should lead on to
the subject without unnecessary delay and without
There are several ways of opening an essay.
By quotation: But the quotation should be relevant and
naturally lead on to a discussion of the topic.
By definition: Hear the essay starts by exposing the
meaning of the topic.
By General to particular: Here you could give a general
statement of the topic from which you cold then proceed
to the particular aspects.
By question: A beginning could be in the form of a
rhetorical question which does not require an answer but
is simple a trick for sweeping the examiner off their feet.
By Eye Catcher: Here at first an attention getting Issue is
discussed in short, then the issue is connected to the main
body of the Essay through transitional paragraph.
For example any topic on women empowerment can be
introduced by giving introduction about women
participating in Pakistan Movement, then we connect this
to the major issue.The Eye catcher you use is up to you,
but here are some ideas
Startling information
This information must be true and verifiable, and it doesn't
need to be totally new to your readers. It could simply be a
pertinent fact that explicitly illustrates the point you wish to
make.If you use a piece of startling information, follow it with a
sentence or two of elaboration.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

An anecdote is a story that illustrates a point. Be sure your
anecdote is short, to the point, and relevant to your topic. This
can be a very effective opener for your essay, but use it
An appropriate dialogue does not have to identify the speakers,
but the reader must understand the point you are trying to
convey. Use only two or three exchanges between speakers to
make your point. Follow dialogue with a sentence or two of
When composing beginning, candidates who
inexperienced writers are likely a err at either of two extremes:
doing too little or doing too much in doing too little they slight
the opening jumping too suddenly into the subject and piling
ideas and information in front of the examiner before he or has
time to settle back and see what all this is about.
In doing too much they make the beginning a precise
of the essay and anticipate everything they will cover. The
function of an opening is to introduction an essay, not to be a
miniature version of it. To make it so is to act as the master of
ceremonies at banquet who introduces the main speaker by
anticipating everything he or she is going to say.
The effective beginning stays between those extremes. It
lets the examiner know what to expect, but it leaves them with
something to expect.
2. The Middle Body the Essay: The beginning or
introduction should lead on naturally and logical to the
main body of the essay. The introduction should
proportionate; that if should be short and in keeping with
the size of the whole essay the middle, or body is the
logical and most important part of the essay. It should
contain the necessary facts, idea, and illustrations. Here
all the preparation up to this point comes to fruition. The


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

topic you have chosen must now be explained, described,
or argued.
Each main idea that you wrote down in your
diagram or outline will become one of the body paragraphs.
If you had three or four main ideas, you will have three or
four body paragraphs.
Start by writing down one of your main ideas, in
sentence form. Next, write down each of your supporting
points for that main idea, but leave four or five lines in
between each point.
In the space under each point, write down some
elaboration for that point. Elaboration can be further
description or explanation or discussion.
If you wish, include a summary sentence for each paragraph.
It is not necessary to exhaust the subject; in the course of an
essay of ordinary length, it is impossible to say all the might
possibly be said on a subject. A few outstanding topic should
be allotted to each topic according to its relative importance.
In a descriptive essay the aim is to give a picture of the scene
or object described the description must be imaginative must
penetrate beneath the excretory and see with minds eye.
Narration and description: often go together; in fact it is
difficult to have pure narratives, in narrative essay it is good
to stage the circumstances under which the events happen,
and narrate the e-vents in the order in which they take place.
An incident may be told from the point of view of one of the
person participating in it, or from the point of an onlooker.
Essay requiring exposition, our chief aim is to make clear
the meaning or significance of a statement or idea. We make
an idea clear by saying it in other words, by stating the
opposite of it for the sake of contrast, and by giving specific
instances and illustrations.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

When argument is required in an essay, it is well to begin
with a statement of what we want to prove, so that there may
be no doubt in the readers mind as to our intention. Then
we should put forward our arguments. The arguments may
be arranged in the order of their importance, so that the most
weight comes last as a finishing stroke. Some subject may
require both exposition and argument.
Good Paragraphing:
The sentences of a good paragraph reflect a clear, rational
analysis of the topic.
Examining whether the sentences of a paragraph correspond
with its ideas is a good test of the coherence of the
paragraph. The correspondence need not be as exact
paragraph (and usually will not be). But if you cannot outline
a generally clear relationship, the paragraph is probably
confused and confusing.
Adjust sentences to thought intuitively, without
constantly thinking about when to begin a new sentence.
Those with less experience must remain more conscious of
the problem. Working up paragraph from outlines provides
good practice. But whether it is consciously thought out or
intuitive, a well made paragraph uses sentences to analyse
the subjects.
Having said that, the question that faces us is how do
we go about it? That is to say, how should a: body
paragraph be build so that it uses sentences to analyze the
subject. To answer this question, asks yourself another one.
Once you have focused.
On a topic sentence, ask yourself how much
evidence, and what kind of evidence is required to support
the topic sentence. Most commonly, it is sufficient to simply
details in support of your topic sentence.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Anther way to fill out your paragraph would be to
give a few well chosen examples that would sufficiently your
main point.
Sometimes, depending on your purpose, you can get
by with slim paragraph. But if your topic sentence is a major
point in your whole essay, you will want to develop it with
considerable detail. If the paragraph starts to look too long,
you can break it at some convenient point without writing a
topic sentence for the new paragraph.
Shaping Paragraph:
The basic overall shape of a paragraph is quite simple: topic
sentence plus supporting sentence. The most simple
structured paragraph are those in which every sentence
directly supports the topic sentence.
Writer will want do develop some of the supporting
sentence in a paragraph as if they were mini-topic sentence.
In such a paragraph, some sentence will support to the topic
sentence directly, and other will support it only indirectly.
Are writing to prove a point, you will be surprised
how other you can pour paragraph into one of these two
But dont expect every paragraph you write to fit one
of these models exactly. In reality there are hundreds of
possible paragraph shapes. The ones that will work for you
in a particular writing situation will be those which arrange
your material clearly; which illustrate your point logically,
and which accomplish your purpose of communication with
your reader.
The paragraph usually contains information or
argumentation that go well beyond this opening statement.
Finally, on completing the paragraph the reader know how it
fits overall structure of the essay; clarifying the point of a
paragraph is called pointing. These three requirements can


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

be breached for a good many reasons. But, taken as they
stand, they offer a classic three-part paragraph:
1. What the paragraph is about- topic sentence.
2. What the paragraph has to say about the subject
information or argument.
3. How the paragraph fits in-pointing.
The paragraph in an essay must be crafted. Without
pointing, you may create a string of paragraph. The structure
of a paragraph call for unity, with the sentence in it
contributing towards explaining or supporting the put
forward by the topic sentence. And this should be done
logical, sequentially.
Linking of Paragraph:
How can these paragraphs be linked together?
In other words, how can they be organized within an essay?
It can be done in two ways, which are often used together.
One is by signposts words, phrases, sentence (occasionally
ever a short paragraph) which tells reader what you have
done, are doing will do next. The other way is by
interparagraph transitions that is words and phrases that tic
the beginning of new paragraph to what precedes it.
Each paragraph is linked to the other by the unity of
idea. However, unification among the paragraph is also to be
achieved structurally. Though transitional words and
These words or phrases help to show the progress of
the essay a list of such words and phrases is given here:
Addition of continuation: next, beside, further,
again, moreover, likewise, in addition.
Comparison: Similarly, somewhat similar, in a like
manner likewise.
Contrast: However, but on the contrary, after all,
nevertheless, still, and yet, notwithstanding, at the same


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Concession: Although, after all natural, it may be
admitted, be course.
Exemplification: for example, for instance, in
particular, specifically, in fact incidentally, in other words.
Result, consequence: thus, as a result/ consequence,
in short, hence, therefore, accordingly, then.
Passage of time: of late, since, until thereafter, soon
meanwhile, while, shortly, immediately, at length, from this
Summarization: to conclude, to sum up on the
whole, in a nutshell, in brief.
Miscellaneous: without doubt, the questions which
arises, so far so good, in spite of paradoxically, at the outset,
as a matter of fact the paragraph combines to build up the
thesis of the essay neither the sentence nor the paragraph
can be thought of as independent units. An essay is an
organic whole in which each part is fused into another.
Inter-paragraph Transition:
Transitions like a paragraph to what has immediately preceded
it. They occur at near the beginning of the new paragraph
because it represents a turn of thought, needing to be liked to
what has gone before. Transition act like rail road switches,
smoothing and easing the transition from one line to another.
The Repetitive Transition:
The simplest type of transition repeats a key word.
A repeated word makes a strong and simple connection. Tie
works well when the key term leading into the new paragraph
occurs naturally at the end of the preceding one. But it is
awkward and artificial when the term is forced into the final
sentence merely to set up the transition.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The Question- and Answer Transition: A second way of
linking paragraph is to ask and answer a rhetorical question.
Usually the question is placed at the end of the preceding
paragraph and the answer at the beginning of the following one.
For example, why do they do it? The answer is that
Less often the question appears at the opening of
the new paragraph. For example; why what went wrong? The
answer is
The question- and answer transition makes a very strong
tie, but as with the rhetorical question generally, it is too
obvious a strategy to be called upon very often.
The Summarizing Transition:
This link begins with a phrase of clause that sums up the
preceding paragraph and then moves to the main clause, which
introduction the new topic.
Long summarizing transition tends to be formal in
tone. On informal occasion it may be better to avoid a full if or
while clause and state the summary more briefly.
A summarizing transition may take even briefer from,
using pronouns, like this, that, these, those, or such to sum up
the preceding topic. For example: these are grave handicaps,
but Rajasthan has many resources in compensation.
Logical Transitions:
Finally you may link paragraph by words showing logical
relationship: therefore however but consequently, thus and
even so, on the other hand, for instance, nonetheless, and
many, many more.
Logical connection seldom provide the link between
paragraphs actually, they work in conjunction with word
repetition, summaries, and pronouns. In fact, all the various
transitional strategies we have looked at commonly occur in
some combination. But whatever its from, and inter- paragraph


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

transition should be clear and unobtrusive, shifting readers
easily from topic to the next.
Connecting Sentence together: All fluent writing depends on
the connection between sentences. Connecting sentence is more
a matter of presenting your thought in the right order then a
matter of grammar. But it will help you to make easy transition
from one thought to the next if you study the various
Conjunction and linking phrases which are usually treated
under heading of grammar.
The grammatical means of transition include;
2. Conjunction such as and, but, although, for.
2. Adverbs and adverbial phrases such as however,
moreover, for example, since this is so, as we shall see,
neverthless, yet, therefore etc.
2. Pronouns and articles- when you being a sentence with
he or the it refers back to a person or thing already
2. Repetition of parts of the previous sentence.
2. Conjunction such as and or but).come first in the
sentence. (incidentally there is no rule against beginning
sentence with and or but.) the adverbs can be placed
Anywhere in the sentence even at the end. It is said that
however should not come at the beginning or at the end of the
sentence. Even this rule may be broken, however.
You should take care when you use but therefore or
any other connective word that the sense of the sentence dose
require the connective to be used. Therefore, for example,
means consequently for that reason but, as a conjunction,
always introduces a contrast or a reason to the contrary. It is
never a synonym for and adds something like what has gone
before, but adds something different.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Connectives can be classified along these lines:
Adversativebut, on the other hand, nevertheless
Causalfor (cause for preceding conclusion)
Explanatorythat is
Inferentialtherefore, as a result, it follows that
Illustrativefor example
No definite rule can be laid down as to how closely
sentence should be liked together; a rambling string of sentence
is as irritating as ii rambling incoherent speech. But linking can
be overdone. For Instance, in this passage:
Writing is something advised to very sentence length with
in the paragraph. A long sentence followed by a shorter
sentence is often effective, where the shorter sentence
summarizes the points which have been amplified in the long
one. Certainly an unbroken sequence of long sentence is
tiresome, and a sequence of short once disrupts the flow of
ideas. Usually the length of your sentence will be varied
without conscious effort on your part.
Ingredients of good language: The three basic requisites
of a good sentence are clarity, consistency and economy.
Clarity of language: All sentences should clearly state the
writers thoughts without any possibility of ambiguity. The
three said clarity are adequate punctuation, clear pronoun
reference and correct word order.
Consistency of Pattern and Grammar: All sentences follow
some pattern. The write is free to choose his pattern, but once
he makes a choice, he must follow his chosen pattern
throughout the sentence. After choosing his style, the write
must be careful about his diction. He must make sure that the
words he uses belong to the correct register and have the correct
connotations. Grammatical consistency is absolutely necessary


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

for effective sentence. The writer should keep his tenses
consistent, make subjects and verbs agree in number and
person, and make pronouns agree with their antecedents in
gender, number and person.
Economy of words: To achiever economy in communicating
one viewpoint the writer should avoid long-winded sentence.
Unless repetition is deliberately introduced, it should be
avoided at all costs.
Redundancy is a major flaw in writing, which again, should be
avoided. Anything, however important that distract the readers
attention from the main point should be left out.
To achieve this, the writer should
1. Avoid misguided attempts at a literary style which can
become pretentious;
2. Prune away useless words; and
3. Avoid the use of long-winded sentence or phrases, by
applying the principle of reduction, wherever necessary. The
principle of reduction means reducing a sentence to a clause,
a clause a phrase, or phrases to a word, wherever possible.
Signposts: The most common signpost is an initial sentence
that indicates both the topic and the general plan of treating it.
For instance, a five paragraph section of a long essay on
computer can be organized as; computers are useful in
everyday life in at least live different ways:
In the fist place.
However number words like first, second, third, must be
handled cautiously, overused, they confuse reader, losing them
in a labyrinth of (1) s and (2) s and (a) s and (b) s.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Rather than using numbers it is possible, to set up an
analysis by employing key terms. These identify the major
points and can be repeated at the beginning of the appropriate
paragraph or section.
3. Closing the Essay or Conclusion:
The conclusion the discussion started in the body of the
essay is rounded up. The concluding paragraph caps the
discussion with a conclusive statement which is the result of
well-reasoned arguments put forward in the body. The
conclusion can also be the summary of the whole essay. But
ones own comments, supporting or rejecting a particular
argument, appreciating or criticizing a stance, reveals to the
examiner the critical ability of the writer and is, therefore, to
be preferred.
The conclusion of an essay should carry the natural
climax of the subject. It must grow out of the body of the
essay and not be abrupt or seem imposed or forced. It should
either put the point of the essay in a fresh light or embody
the thesis that has developed through the essay. It is best not
to be categorical, but the conclusion should give a sense of
finality to the composition.
A common way of ending an essay is to summaries
the main points raised the body of the essay or to repeat
emphatically the chief argument the essay. The purpose of
the conclusion, or to remove doubts, or to enlist the
sympathy of the examiner. The conclusion, that last sentence
or the last paragraph should, if possible, be so worded that it
will strike the examiner in a special way and he/she will
award you good marks. The simplest way to conclude is to
employ a word or phrases like kindly, lastly, in conclusion,
in closing, in the last analysis etc. Normally it is best to keep
such terminal words unobtrusive. Like the opening of an
essay the closing should also be proportional to the length
and complexity of the whole piece. Several paragraph, or


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

only one, or ever a single sentence may be sufficient. But
whatever its length, a closing must do certain things.
Add the Finishing Touches: You have now completed all of
the paragraphs of your essay. Before you can consider this a
finished product, however, you must give some thought to
the formatting of your paper.
Check the Order of your Paragraphs:
Look at your paragraphs. Which one is the strongest? You
might want to start with the strongest paragraph, end with
the second strongest, and put the weakest in the middle.
Whatever order you decide on, be sure it makes sense. If
your paper is describing a process, you will probably need to
stick to the order in which the steps must be completed.
Check the Instructions for the Assignment:
When you prepare a final draft, you must be sure to follow
all of the instructions you have been given.
Are your margins correct?
Is the question number correct?
Have you write the title of the essay?
What other information must you include?
Check your Writing:
Nothing can substitute for revision of your work. By
reviewing what you have done, you can improve weak
points that otherwise would be missed. Read and reread your
Does it make logical sense?
Have you check the spelling and grammar? Do the sentences
flow smoothly from one another? If not, try to add some
words and phrases to help connect them. Transition words,


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

such as "therefore" or "however," sometimes help. Also, you
might refer in one sentence to a thought in the previous
sentence. This is especially useful when you move from one
paragraph to another.

As far as the strategy of essay is concerned:

Firstly, there is a need to grasp the topic but many students are
unable to follow the topic and write irrelevant.
Secondly, students must understand the key words of an essay.
For example, if there is an essay about 'Poverty Alleviation'
here the topic is not poverty but alleviation. So, students
usually beat about the bush on irrelevant key words.
Thirdly, students don't produce linkage in their ideas. Previous
paragraph must be linked to the next paragraph.
Fourthly, there must be an impressive opening which makes an
Fifthly, outline should be outstanding covering the whole topic
by using appropriate vocabulary.
Sixthly, student ought to describe in the first paragraph
introductory paragraph what he is going to discuss in the rest
of the essay.
This is very vital and helps the examiners to understand the
essay. A general essay should consist of 2500 words that is
standard and up to the mark.
Dr. Shahid Wazir Khan
(Director CSS Programme KIPS)


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Furnishing Essay
Your essay goal is to convey information, including the fact
that you can write well. That goal wont be achieved if
examiner dont understand your first few sentences or
paragraphs or fail to grasp your message. Learning how to be
a clear and accurately write an essay will help make your
essay readable, and will guarantee that examiner will
understand exactly what you mean to say. The five
guidelines in this chapter show you how to clarify your
1. Eliminate Ambiguity: Ambiguous language can either be
words and phrases that have more than one meaning, or
word order that conveys a meaning different from the one
intended by the writer.
Example: I am visiting the river bank.
This sentence can be read two ways:
(1) I am visiting the bank of the river or
(2) I am visiting the bank named river.
This kind of confusion can happen whenever a word has
more than one possible meaning.
Example: My teacher read my essay with the white car .
Here, the word order of the sentence, not an individual
word, causes the confusion. Did the teacher read the essay
with his car? Because the phrase with the white car is in the
wrong place, the meaning of the sentence is unclear. Try
instead: My teacher with the white read my essay.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Correcting Ambigious Language
Ambiguous: When reading book, the calling bell rang.
Clear: The calling bell rang when I was reading the book.
Ambiguous: Mohsin Raza almost waited an hour for his
Clear: Mohsin Raza waited almost an hour for his friend.
2. Modifiers add precision: In essay writing clarity involves
the thoughtful use of modifiers, which make your point clear
and add originality and meaning to your essay. One way to
accomplish this is to use powerful and specific adjectives and
Consider the difference between these sets of sentences:
Sentence A: My sister put on her sweater.
Sentence B: My sister put on her cashmere sweater.
Sentence A: The cricket team practiced in the rain.
Sentence B: The cricket team practiced in the torrential
In both cases, sentence B allows you to hear the
voice and impressions of the writer, giving a more
interesting and accurate picture of the action. The first
sentences are dull, and dont give the reader much
information. The adjectives and adverbs can also get your
message across in fewer, more accurate words. This is critical
in an essay with a clear instruction of precise writing as in
the CSS Examination. You dont want to sacrifice unique
details, but sometimes one word will do the job better than a
3. Powerful, precise adjectives and adverbs: Another
technique for precise writing is pinpointing. Dont leave your
examiner guessing , when you can tell him or her exactly


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

what you mean? When you pinpoint, you replace vague
words and phrases with specific ones.
Vague and specific sentences
Here are some sentences that lack accuracy, followed by
better alternatives that use pinpointing:
Vague: Amtul needs to file her main applications soon.
Specific: Amtul needs to file her main applications by
September 15
Vague: Invention of computer has helped human beings in
many ways.
Specific: The many benefits of computer invention include
improvement in communication, administration etc.
4. Concise writing:
Clear instruction given in question papers of Essay paper of
CSS Exam that Examiners will pay special attention to the
candidates grasp of his material, its relevance to the subject
chosen and to his ability to think constructively and to
present his ideas concisely, logically and effectively. It
means you should not write waste words to get good mark in
the examination. There are two important approaches to
more concise writing: eliminating unnecessary words and
phrases, and using the active (as opposed to passive) voice
whenever possible.
Word Choices for Concise Writing
Replace with
a lot of all
many or much
of a sudden
both of these
due to the fact that
on a daily basis


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

on account of the fact that
take action
the majority of
has the ability to
in order to
in the event that
in the near future
is able to
last but not least
through the use of
with regard to
with the exception of
at the present time

except for
currently or now

4. Avoid Unnecessary Repetition:

Wordiness wastes valuable time and space. For that reasons
you should eliminate the repetition of ideas and information
in your essay. Repetition for example mathematics is a
field of study, Hence, it does not need to be modified with
the word field.
Retain only the first word:
often times
reason why
heavy in weight
period in time
round in shape
odd in appearance
mathematics field
cheap quality
honest in character
confused state
refer back
close proximity


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

large in size
modern in design
unusual in nature
extreme in degree
strange type
first and foremost
Drop the modifier -first word:
end result
final outcome
free gift
past history
totally obvious
important essentials
rarely ever
unexpected surprise past
final destination
general consensus future plans
terrible tragedy
sudden crisis
various differences
each individual
basic fundamentals
true facts
Tips for eleventh hour:
One of the best ways to accurately convey your ideas is
to choose the right words. Doing so ensures that your
audience understands the meaning you intend.
Many words are confused because they sound or look
almost identical, but have very different meanings.
Take the time to learn the denotative meanings of the
most commonly misused words to ensure proper usage.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Some words and word usages appear frequently in print
although they are not considered standard English.
Avoid them in your writing.
Choose words by keeping in mind their implied
(connotative) as well as literal meanings. Their
connotations involve emotions, cultural assumptions,
and suggestions that can be positive, negative, or
Understanding the purpose of inclusive language and
using it in your essay, will assure that your message
gets across without creating or perpetuating negative
social stereotypes.
Almost all of the most common spelling errors can be
corrected by learning and applying four basic spelling
Pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions are the
most challenging parts of speech, accounting for a
majority of usage errors. Learn the common errors to
eliminate them from your writing.
A dangling participle is a phrase or clause, using a verb
ending in - ing that does not refer to the subject of the
sentence it modifies. A misplaced modifier is a word or
phrase that describes something, but is in the wrong
place in the sentence.
Nouns and verbs must agree in number, meaning a
singular noun takes a singular verb, and a plural noun
takes a plural verb.
The active voice is not only clearer and more direct, but
it conveys your meaning more easily. Use it instead of
the passive voice whenever possible.
Avoid the two most common mistakes at the sentence
level: sentence fragments and run-on sentences. Be
certain each sentence contains one complete thought.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Be consistent with verb tenses. Do not shift from one
tense to another unless it is necessary.
The use of double negatives is unnecessary and
redundant. As with verb tense shifts, the use of two
negatives (such as I wont never give up) in a
sentence sounds incompetent and can obscure
Proper punctuation makes your essay more polished
and technically correct, and it helps to convey your
There are different occasions that require capitalization.
Using capitalization in any other way can make your
writing appear too casual, or even sloppy.
Note your reactions to the essay; ask yourself the following
questions and answer the following:
Does the content of your essay address or match the
Will your essay help you stand out? Is it memorable
and interesting?
Would any examiner understand everything you have
written, or are some points in need of clarification?
Is the introduction a good hook that draws the reader
into the essay, or could it be eliminated?
Does your writing flow? Does it follow a logical
progression, with each paragraph and point made in the
right place?
Are the points you make supported by examples and
details, and are all of the details necessary?
Does your writing strike the right balance between
formality and informality?
Does your conclusion make sense after the preceding
paragraphs? Is it strong, or just a wrap-up of what you
have already said?


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Make any necessary modifications, and be willing to
add and/or remove writing that unintentionally included
in the essay.
Do I repeat myself? Rework your point so that you say
it well the first time and remove any repetitious words and
Do I have enough details? Look through your
formating for generalities and make them more specific.
Do I reinforce each point with a concrete and/or
personal example?
Is my sentence structure varied? Sentences should not
be the same length, nor should they be repetitive in any
other way, such as all beginning with I.
Are there any clichs or other types of overused
Do I use the active voice whenever possible?
Are there too many or too few adjectives and adverbs?
Are verb tenses consistent?
Is the antecedent for every pronoun clear?

I think that the Essay paper requires creative writing. So, welldeveloped thoughts expressed in lucid language do the trick.
I used to write essay, at least, once a week with a
comprehensive brainstorming on different topics.
Mirza M. Imran
6th Position CSS 2013
Essay Marks: 55


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Area- wise Essay Topics
Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and
research based knowledge on a selected topic. Any essay
can be connected with different areas. Some points are as
Polity area where you have to think to connect with
preamble, provisions given in different Articles,
Fundamental Rights, Democracy, Secularism, Socialism,
Judiciary, Executive, Legislative, Leadership etc.
Economy: Infrastructure, Agriculture, Welfare, Resource,
Planning, Regional Balance, Finance, Foreign trade,
Industry, Banking, Housing etc.
Science-Technology: Nuclear, Space, Bio-tech,
Environment, Information and Communication Technology,
Defence etc.
International Issues: Terrorism, Global warming, Poverty,
Energy Security etc.
Culture: Art, Music, Cenema, Religion, Dance, Philosophy,
Civilization, Literature etc.
Sport: Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Sport events Olympic
game etc.
Historical: Ancient, Mediaval, Modern
Personality: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir
Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Benazir
Bhutto, Muhammad Bin Qasim, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi,
Shah Waliullah, Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, etc.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

English Essay Areas

1. Education: Policy options (National Education Policy,
educational reforms, syllabus, exam system,
Medium/language issue etc. Co-education, Critical
Evaluation, Purpose, Comparison of Pakistan with the
2. Islam: Muslim Ummah vs West, Islam and Extremism,
Islam and Peace, Muslim Ummah and OIC.
3. Socio Economic Crises:
Natural Resources and Energy Crisis
Water Crisis
Food Crisis (Origin, Energy Profile, Solution,
Reasons, effects and solution Kala Bag Dam and
other dams, Indian Dams)
Economic Crisis (World, Pakistan, Breakdown of
economic terms, Policy options, Economic
Condition of Pakistan in All perspectives: Pakistan's
economics problems, IMF, WB donations and their
terms and conditions, inflation, Poverty, Foreign
Investment & New taxes.
Corruption & Accountability (International
Scenario, Critical Evaluation of anti-corruption
organizations in Pakistan)
4. Crisis management: Disaster Management (Major
disasters in world and Pakistan, Recent natural disasters,
Strategy to mitigate effects). Disaster Recovery Plan:Flood , Earth quake, Terrorist attacks, Fire, Mob
aggressive attacks
5. Terrorism and Extremism: Reasons, Causes, Psychosocio-eco-politico effects, Solution. War against terrorism
and economic cost, Terrorism and Dialogue. From


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Global, Af-Pak and National perspectives and a
comprehensive strategy to curb it. Sectarian, Extremism
and Ethnic Violence In Pakistan, Historical Perspective,
Effects, Remedial measures.
6. Governance:
Democracy: Past, Present, Future & Failure, Suitability
of democracy for Pakistan, Comparison with dictatorial
regimes (Dictatorship vs Democracy), Way Forward
Good Governance: Ideal Model, State of governance
in Pakistan, Suggestions
National Integration: Historical perspective, Current
cleavages on various grounds, Role of pressure groups,
Way towards national integration.
7. Media: Media and State, Media and Journalism Ethics,
Media and Freedom of Speech, Media and its power,
Media Global National Role & Development, Media and
Democracy, Yellow Journalism, Consequences &
8. Environmental Issues: Global Warming and failure of
whether forecasting, drastic changes in seasonal patterns,
Monsoon and floods, tsunami, Climate Change (Heat
wave in Karachi, Role of major emitters, Treaties.
9. Pakistan
Science and Technology
UNO: Mission vs Action, Developed block and
discriminatory trends, Past, Present and Future. Morever,
Different Essay topics regarding the organization from the
past papers, Pakistan and UNO
Motivation: Discipline, Time management, success,
spirituality, mind and heart.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Essays asked in CSS Examination
Year- wise Analysis From 1971 TO 2016
It is the list of the essays which has been asked in previous
papers and intended to be the most important. By practicing
those essays you can achieve robust grip in essay. The following
essays may or may not repeat but surely play crucial role to
enlarge ideas that how a CSS Essay paper formatted. Areas of
topics are indicated for easy preparation. This indication is not
given in the paper.
2000 Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to
drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
2002 Education ahs for its object the formation of character
2002 Need for serious planning in technical education in
2005 Reforms in Examination systems
2007 The present system of Education must assume some of
responsibilities of our failure
2009 Co-education , Merits and Demerits
2012 A Critical Analysis of Education Systems in Pakistan
2013 Meaning and purpose of education
2014 There should be colleges and schools just for men/boys
and some just for women/girls
2002 Higher Science Education in the developing countries.
2007 Higher Education as an agent of change


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

2014 Privatizing higher education-generating knowledge or
making more money for the opulent.
2004 Pluralistic vision of Islam.
2005 Islam versus the West
2007 The image of Islam in the western world and
responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah
2008 Peace the essential message of our religion
1971 Art and Religion
1972 Relevance of Islam to Science
1973 Iqbal's Reinterpretation of Islam
1978 Religion and Science
1980 Islam and Democracy
1981 The Influence of Religion on Civilization
1982 Role of Zakat in Society Building
1983 Value of Faith in a Computerized World
1983 National Dynamism and Islamic Internationalism
1984 Islam as a Religion of Universal Love and Peace
1984 Pakistan and the Muslim World
1985 Example of the Holy Prophet Mohammad, Peace Be
Upon Him, As a Perfect Human Being, Soldier and
1985 Pakistan's Achievements Towards Islamisation
1987 Muslim Ummah at the Cross-Road
1987 Islam and Women
1991 Religious Toleration
1997 Muslim Perception of the West, And the Western
Perception of Islam
1991 Pakistan as Leader of the Islamic World in 21st Century
1991 Renaissance in the Muslim World: Prospects and Perils


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

2004 Pluralistic Vision of Islam
2005 Islam Versus the West
2007 The Image of Islam in the Western World and
Responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah
2008 Peace - The Essential Message of Our Religion
2009 Status of Women in Islam
2010 Religion Has Done More Harm Than Help to Human
Relations in the World
1994 Energy: A Critical Factor in Pakistan's Economic
2003 Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan.
2012 Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences.
2000 We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
2000 Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan - an
2005 Strategies for the alleviation of poverty.
2008 Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty.
2016 Water crisis and national unity.
2016 Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability?

2010 Without independent Truth finding commission,

accountability is unachievable
2011 Disaster management and government preparedness.
2002 International Crisis in Terrorism.
2007 Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary world


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

2009 Pakistan's War on terror and its impact on our psyche
and politic-socio-economic fronts.
2010 Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism.
2015 The War on terror has contributed to the growing abuse
of human rights
2009 The Future of Democracy in Pakistan. .
2012 Democracy is a culture rather than a process.
2000 Good governance and the role of the public servant.
2001 Public office is a public trust.
2016 Crisis of good governance in Pakistan: need for reforms
and institution building.
2001 National integration.
2016 The creation of new province in Pakistan: Implications
far an integrated country.
1971 The Art of Feature Films Made in Pakistan
1977 Our Movies and Our National Character
1978 Mass Media and Opinion Formation
1982 Role of Press in the Third World
1995 Press Freedom and Responsibility
1996 The Press and the Nation Rise and Fall Together
2009 Power of Media in the Modern World
2011 Truth Is a Rare Commodity Despite the Freedom
Enjoyed by the Print and Electronic Media


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

2011 Without good communication skills, life becomes
impossible in the modern world.
2012 The Emerging Power of Public Opinion
2013 Modern Day Communication Via Social Networks Puts
an End of True and Sincere Relationships
2013 Free speech should have limitations.
2015 I disapprove what you say, but I defend to death your
right to say
2007 Globalization and electronic media
2016 World as a global village: learning to live together
2006 Global Warming
2007 The future of mankind in a global warming perspective.
2008 Global Warming, fact or fiction?
1978 The Nuclear Power Programme in Pakistan
1994 Pakistan's Nuclear Program: Alternative Scenarios
2001 Devolution of power in Pakistan.
2002 World scenario in 21st century and Pakistan's Role in it.
2002 Austerity as a solution of all our economic problems.
2005 Socio-Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan.
2005 Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan.
2009 The food crisis: problems, challenges and opportunities
for Pakistan.
2009 English as the Medium of Education in Pakistan.
2010 Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in their
2010 Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan?
2011 What Are the Hurdles in Our Way to Becoming a Truly
Independent State?


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

2011 In this country reason does not apply to anything.
2016 The place of Urdu in Pakistan and supreme courts ruling
on making Urdu the official language of the country.
2016 Promotion of Tax culture in Pakistan: prespective,
prospects and challenges.
2016 Gender equality is a myth.
1973 Solar Energy
1974 The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
1975 The Uses of Computers
1980 Impact of Science on Society
1983 Industrial Development and Environmental Pollution
1985 Past and Future Perspective of the Nuclear Disarmament
1986 Nuclear Contamination - Is the Threat Real or
1986 We have entered the Computer Age. What are the
dimensions and prospects of this modern technology?
1988 Machines and Emotions
1990 Science Without Conscience Is the Ruin of a People
1995 Universe Is the Light of Modern Scientific Discoveries
1997 Expanding Information Technology; A Curse Or
1998 Danger of a Nuclear War in the Years to Come
1999 The Role of Science in the Next Century
1999 Is the World Ready for the Gene Age?
2000 Advancement in Science and Technology Is the Gateway
to the Economic Prosperity of a Country
2006 Nuclear Weapon Are Not Only a Great Peril, But Also a
Great Hope
2012 The Suffering Soul in the Scientific Age


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

2015 Luxury predecessors becomes the necessity of successors
2015 The introduction of new digital technologies has radically
altered identities
2015 Govt Should eliminate subsidies and incentives for
manufacturers and consumers of electric cars as they are costly
and do not do enough to protect environment
2015 Labor saving devices are more troublesome than they
2009 The future of UNO, hopes and hurdles
2010 The UNO has failed to measure up the demands of its
2012 The United Nations in the 21st century: Obligations and
2008 Time management is a key note of success.
2008 Lack of discipline-a national disaster.
2008 Materialism is the death of spirituality.
2008 Dreams for future rely on the work of today.
2011 without good communication skills, life becomes
impossible in the modern world.
2012 Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated.
2013 Let me take care of today, tomorrow shall take care of
2015 When life throws you lemons make lemonade.
2015 Punctuality is virtue of bored.
2015 Anticipation is often greater than realization.
2016 We have to learn to be our own best friend, because we
fall top easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

To me the only key to success in Essay is:

write, write and write.
But, of course, do get your work checked by some good
teacher. Once your teacher okays your material, you may
keep on practicing the same on your own. Gone are the days
when writing 6 or 7 essays in December was sufficient.
Nowadays, if you want to be on the safe side start writing
under someone's supervision right now and
keep it on till the actual papers.
Sayyed Muhammad Abbas Shah
3rd Position in CSS-2012.
Essay Marks: 44


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Model Essays
Pakistan to the point where it haslost its identity and failed
to establish its credibility among the othernations of the world.
US Ambassador Cameron Munter
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to
corrupt absolutely. One thing must be given preference that it is not
the severity of punishment but the certainty of punishment that
Corruption is a method and a technique adopted just to
bypass the rule of law and engulfing the whole system into socioeconomic turmoil. Furthermore, corruption, being the mother of all
ills, gives birth to multifarious problems including nepotism,
favouritism and negating meritocracy, transparency and
accountability. It is an established fact that the cruelty shows its
influence as the rule of law is abrogated. Banking scams,
industrialist's monopoly tocreate baseless crises, bypassing the
constitutional supremacy, lavish living styles of the ruling class,
foreign tours under the head of national exchequer, general apathy,
neglect, carelessness and an attitude of indifference towards


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

national issues are all the outcomes of corruption which is root
cause of all evils in the motherland. The poor are sidelined, the rich
are bestowed, the needy are ignored and the affluent are delivered.
However, the story does not end here. The socio-economic situation
is much more dubious and gloomy than as expected.
Lack of accountability is an outcome of nepotism and
favouritism. How can a corrupt person be held accountable by a
corrupt authority? All in all then tire unfortunate system is prone to
the monster of corruption. In such dismal state of affairs, the
question of accountability does not arise. Only lucrative and
emotionally charged speeches and pledges can never come up to the
expectations of the people. Rule of law is the only option that can
pave way for accountability.
Moreover, the crippled and dwindling economy and ever-rising
levels of inflation are the major source of corruption. The more the
prosperous a country, the more the rule of law are followed. But it
is quite unfortunate to mention that Pakistan is a country rated in
the third world where neither the rule of law prevails nor the
economic system is strengthened. The per capitain come is
significantly low that renders the lower strata of society more prone
towards corruption.
Incompetent judiciary in terms of not bringing the
culprits in to the gallows of law and absence of bringing the corrupt
politicians and policy makers to the books is another decisive factor
in today's sorry state of affairs. In the same manner the unnecessary
delay in deciding the cases of corruption is a clear explanation of
the adage: the justice delayed is justice denied.
In much the similar fashion, highly centralized economy, breeds
conflict amongst the poor and the rich. The growing influence of
the privileged class always uses the influential authority to snub the
poor people. In such a grim situation, the victims and the upper
both use their influence at their maximum extent to have maximum


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

benefit from the opportunity. Thus the capitalism is in the forefront
in bringing and paving ways for corruption.
Corruption evolves as a result of evasion of ethical and
religious norms. Religion always asks the believers to have a solid
strive in bringing a moderate society. It agrees in favour of
decentralized economy. Regulation of wealth according to rule of
law is the motto of Islam.
All the above mentioned factors have brought Pakistan at number
139th among the most corrupt countries of the world. According to
CPI report, Pakistan has 2.3score out of 10 which shows its position
very weak while on contrary, New Zealand showed 9.4 out of 10 in
the race and toppled the entire scenario. Pakistan on the other hand,
is lagging behind in all spheres of life. This is the outcome of
corruption that Pakistan has lost its identity and failed to establish
its credibility in the whole world.
The discussion on corruption in Pakistan would never
be complete without having a glance on National Reconciliation
Ordinance, a symbol of corruption in Pakistan. It was promulgated
by a military dictator to serve his own vested interests. It freed all
the politicians and civil servants until 1990, who were convicted on
charges of corruption. PPP and PML (N), the big political giants
remained the beneficiaries of this ordinance. Under the provisions
of NRO, the civil servants, politicians and major industrialists were
given a safe passage to escape from all the charges of corruption and
made them free of any sin. NRO, most appropriately can be termed
as the law that legitimized corruption in Pakistan.
Given the dismal state of affairs, as is evident from all
the above-explained short story, there is a stringent need of
implementing religious and ethical values, if the nation wants to get
out of the clutches of monster like corruption. The religious
counseling must be given at all levels so that ethics and values have
a strong hold on the characters and actions of the people.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Educational reforms based on morality must be given place in the
social system.
Red tapism, nepotism, favouritism must be eradicated by grooming
and nurturing a culture of accountability based on trickle down
effect that runs from top to bottom. Independence of judiciary and
rule of law can only bring in meritocracy so that talented and high
caliber people must be employed at the higher posts.
Another pragmatic solution is to increase the salaries of
the government servants. Financial satisfaction to all and sundry
can bring in a positive change in the society. It forces the workers to
follow the principles of morality and honesty.
Moreover, the laws must be made strict and their implementation
be ensured. Unfortunately, Pakistan is a land of laws which are
never implemented. One thing must be given preference that it is
not the severity of punishment but the certainty of punishment that
matters. Such practices put the things in order and in right
directions. Therefore, strict implementation of laws is the only way
forward. China after the empowerment of communist party, paved
this way for a cause of change.
Corruption is social curse that must be ditched. The
lawmakers in the parliament must take stringent efforts and evolve
practicable strategies to eradicate them ush rooming menace. Rule
of law, supremacy of the constitution and independence of judiciary
and off course a free and vibrant media being the fourth pillar of the
state, must be implemented in true letter and spirit. The accused
must be given a cold fist. Time is ripe that drastic measures be taken
to get rid of this tsunami of corruption that undoubtedly has torn
and destructed our very social and economic fabric. Enough of
apathy and negligence, the need of the hour is to join hands on all
fronts by all members and areas of society too uster this curse. If
Pakistan wants to run in the race of socio economic development,
evils like corruption do not fit in the scenario.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar



Pakistan is one of the richest countries in the world in
terms of natural resources but also one of the poorest among them
in their management. The country is abundant in the vital resources
including that of energy, agriculture, minerals, population, and
geography, but unlike the developed countries, these have not been
properly exploited due to poor management. This dismayed
situation is caused due to several, both chronic and acute, flaws
which have led to poor governance of country since its inception
except some brief spells of economic prosperity. Prevalent political
rivalry and instability, worsening law and order and rampant
corruption have catalyzed the situation to resource development
impasse. Contrary to economic potential of its natural resources,
Pakistan is a depending on foreign aid and debt, it is facing deficit
in trade, acute energy crisis to run industry, and water stress for
agriculture, to name a few challenges.
However, the daunting challenges and the mounting
public pressure caused due to awareness of civil society are
increasingly influencing the political decision making. Eventually,
there is sign of hope for devising effective strategy to exploit the
natural resource wealth of the country for its self sufficiency and
viable economic development. It is suffice to say that the proper
exploitation of this wealth would lead to the prosperity of this
Before discussing what natural resources Pakistan possesses, it is
important to understand what constitutes natural resources. These
occur naturally within environments characterised by amounts of


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

biodiversity and geodiversity existent in various ecosystems. Some
resources like water and agriculture are essential for survival of
inhabitants while others like energy and minerals are secondary in
nature but essential for economic development. However, efficient
management of these resources is vital to achieve prosperity of
nation. Natural resource management is a discipline with a
particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for
both present and future generations. It is interrelated with the
concept of sustainable development. Pakistan is blessed with huge
quantity of resources but lags in management.
Pakistan is affluent in the natural resources. It has
enormous energy surplus resource potential of both renewable and
nonrenewable, which is greater than that of oil rich countries of
Gulf. Being situated at one of the best geographic and geostrategic
locations on the map of world, Pakistan is affluent in the natural
resources. It has enormous energy surplus resource potential of both
renewable and nonrenewable, which is greater than that of oil rich
countries of Gulf. Among the world's 200 plus countries it has the
second largest salt mines, second largest coal reserves, fifth largest
copper and gold reserves, seventh largest wheat and rice production
capacity. It is the sixth most populous country in the world having
large share of young population. Had these resources been properly
managed, this country would have been one of the richest
economies of world. The detailed account of the natural wealth of
Pakistan shows how such great potential has been untapped due to
There are plenty of nonrenewable energy resources like
oil, gas and coal in Pakistan. It has more than 436.2 million barrels
of oil, according to CIA World Fact Book, and 31.3 trillion cubic
feet of proven gas reserves. The current oil production is 65,997
barrels per day while gas production is 4 billion cubic feet per day.
Though it is not enough to meet the needs, it can save considerable
outflow of currency. Moreover, there is resource potential of 27


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

billion Barrels of Oil and 282 TCF of gas reserves in the country
which has not been explored due to lack of vision and flawed
Pakistan has world's second largest coal deposits of 185 billion tons.
These are estimated to be equivalent to 618 billion barrels of crude
oil. This is more than twice if we compare it with oil reserves of
Saudi Arabia. If it is converted into oil by gasification, it will
generate 650 barrels of crude oil which at an average market rate of
eighty dollars per barrel, would generate 5.2 trillion dollars. But the
policy making elite of the country has not only been oblivious to the
potential but also indifferent to the slow pace of efforts to harness
this source for energy production and exports. The energy deficit is
badly affecting the industry in country but no any serious initiative
is taken for electricity production from coal. China imports its 65
percent of coal requirements but despite being 'all weather friend',
this giant energy importing economy does not import coal from
Besides, the geography of Pakistan enriches it with the
renewable energy resources. Wind and Solar energy are other
unused lifelines of Pakistan. 1046 km long coastal line gives
potential of 40000 MW of electricity. The vast lands of Balochistan
can be utilized for solar electricity generation. But unfortunately
these resources have barely been used due to technological
backwardness and lack of innovative policies.
The hydropower potential of the country is also enough to satisfy
the needs of energy. Only 33 percent of around 20,000 MW
generation capacity is produced from this resource which has the
potential of producing 40,000 MW. No concrete steps have been
taken to harness this resource mainly because of political differences
and distrust prevailing in the country.
The lack of vision and policy planning in utilisation of
water resource is also severely affecting agriculture. Despite having
one of the largest irrigation systems of the world, Pakistan is facing


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

water scarcity for crops. Storage capacity of water reservoirs is
quickly depleting because of annual sediment inflow and a
substantial quantum of available water is lost in seepage as the
canals have not been cemented. Out of 77 million acres cultivable
area, only 55.5 million acres have been ploughed. The country is
blessed with four seasons and variety of crops but due to lack of
research the productivity remains low.
In addition, being an agricultural country it possesses tremendous
scope of animal husbandry. Pakistan's breeds of cow like Sahiwal
cow are the best breeds of world. Due care to this area can lead to
bulk of exports in dairy products. On other hand, fishing industry
has an important role to play in national economy of Pakistan. The
coast line of 814 km provides ample opportunity to enhance this
industry, but poor performance and poor presentation of our cause
in WTO have put this industry at the verge of destruction.
The minerals are also vital natural resources available in
great quantity. Pakistan has fifth largest copper and gold reserves in
the world. The Riko deq project, copper and gold reservoir, have
been estimated to be worth of 260 billion dollars, which is ten times
the all financial aid received from USA in last sixty year. But
instead of exploiting own resources for economic independence,
country has been dependent on foreign aid. How rich Pakistan is,
and how poor Pakistanis are! There are other partially untapped
resources of rock salts, Gypsum, lime stone, iron, marble, and silica
sand in large quantities. These resources have not been exploited
due to corruption and bottlenecks in political and bureaucratic
The most important of the natural resources in this globalized world
is human resource. Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in
the world having large share of 'young population' i.e. 63 percent
below age of 25 years, according to United Nations Development
Programme. But the failed policies have caused mounting
unemployment of 15 percent. The resource which could be used to


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

enhance the economic activity is left to no use which is adding to
the increase in poverty. The lack of opportunities leading to the
brain drain of talented minds has further worsened the situation.
The above analysis reveals that Pakistan is not poor, but
poorly managed country. The factors which have caused the poor
management of natural resources include political instability,
political indecision making / divergence, lack of vision and
planning, flawed policies, bureaucratic bottlenecks and corruption,
lack of human resource development, worsened law and order
situation. These factors have led not only to the poor management
of natural resources but also to the poor governance of country.
The political instability has been the main cause of such
mayhem. Since the independence, no political group in Pakistan
has been given enough time to be mature. The military interference
in politics and rivalry among political stakeholders are the key
features of brief history of this country. This inconsistency has kept
the exploitation of natural wealth unattended. The divergence of
opinion on construction of water resources has deprived the country
of storing the surplus water for agriculture and electricity
generation. However, this could be overcome by vision and
planning, which is a scarce commodity here. Instead of
controversial big dams several small reservoirs could be constructed,
had a pragmatic approach prevailed among the decision making
Coupled with this, the flawed policies of successive
governments have caused tremendous problems despite availability
of adequate resources. The energy sector is a vivid example of such
poor management. The major chunk of the electricity is produced
through thermal generation for which almost 80 percent of oil is
imported. Whereas the second largest treasure of coal in the world
is left unexplored as it contributes only 2 percent of electricity
generation. Countries like US, China and India generate electricity
by almost 60 percent from coal due to its lower cost. This shows


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

how other countries take cost of electricity generation into serious
However, it would be unfair to put all the burden of
poor resource management on the political factors. The
bureaucratic bottlenecks and corruption have been equally
responsible for this undesirable scenario. Several hydro power
projects, Thar coal project, and oil exploration projects are in
doldrums due to bureaucratic bottlenecks. There is no headway in
solar and wind energy projects planned by Alternative Energy
Development Board. Similarly, corruption has also been extremely
detrimental. The standstill in the Riko deq project is an example of
this case. Pakistan is ranked at 34 in Corruption Perception Index
2010 by Transparency International, which is a discouraging factor
for foreign direct investment.
Pakistan has world's second largest coal deposits of 185 billion tons.
These are estimated to be equivalent to 618 billion barrels of crude
oil. In addition, the worsened law and order situation has caused
severe blow to the economy in general and natural resource
management in particular. The volatile situation in Balochistan is
harmful to the exploitation of resources. The Gawadar port, despite
being located at crucial location, has not been made fully
functional. Other projects of mineral exploration are also affected.
The terrorism in the northern areas has been harmful for the
potential tourism industry. These factors of poor management have
placed Pakistan in an undesirable situation domestically and
internationally. The socio-economic situation remains gloomy as
the GDP growth rate is one of the lowest in South Asia at 2.2
percent, trade deficit is estimated about $16 billion, inflation rate
continues to be in double digits at 15 percent, population below
poverty line is alarmingly around 35 percent, and unemployment is
at 15 percent. Also, it does not enjoy a favorable position among the
comity of nations. It is ranked 123rd out of 139 countries in Global
Competitive Index; it is at 134th among 192 in Human


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

development Index by UNDP; and it occupies the critical position
of 12th in Failed States Index 2011 issued by Foreign Policy
The country has been economically dependent on
foreign aid and debt, which has adversely affected her standing in
international community. However, despite Pakistan's crucial role
in west's geostrategic framework and war on terror, the allies end up
donating small amounts of grants which make fractions of what
could be obtained from exploiting own natural resources. The
external debts and liabilities have nearly doubled from $ 37 billion
in year 2000, to $ 59.5 billion in year 2011. Nevertheless, the worst
impact so far is the energy crises in Pakistan. There is serious
shortfall of electricity, gas and oil. Electricity demand exceeds
supply and load shedding is a common phenomenon. The
shortfall of electricity reaches at 4000-5000 MW which badly
affected industry, eventually leading to decreased exports and
diminished economic activity.
These adverse implications, of the extremely poor
management of resources, on the economy and society in the
country, warrant a serious approach and comprehensive strategy to
reverse the trend. The pragmatic approach and policy direction can
help the country to be able to rely on its own resources instead of
Pakistani leadership must focus on exploration of
natural resources and their scientific management. Properly
managed natural resources can become instrumental in national
income and its growth. Extensive geological survey is required to
discover the resource potential, planning and vision is needed to
explore the proved but untapped resources and effective strategy is
essential to fully exploit the resources under use.
In order to take maximum benefits from natural resources there is
the need of technical education of people involved in resource
exploitation and management. The technical education ensures that


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

there is minimum wastage of the resources. Hence, such education
should be made compulsory for the people in concerned areas of
On the other hand, the politicians, policy makers and all
the stake holders must adopt a rational approach not to politicize
natural resources. It should be prioritized as the vital national
interest and dealt with as such. The controversies on the
management of water and mineral resources must be resolved
pragmatically for best interest of the nation.
Last but not the least, worsened law and order situation in Pakistan,
which has led to the lack of investment, must be checked. The
private firms engaged in resource exploration must be protected by
the state. Ensuring the security, would attract investment in the
respective areas which would subsequently guarantee the inflow of
capital in the national economy and the resource potential could be
fully exploited.
It needs not to be emphasized that Pakistan is not poor
but poor management of its natural resources has made it so. The
enormous natural resources of all kinds like energy, minerals,
agriculture, and human could have made this country a wealthy
economy. Instead, there been bleak picture of economy and
undesirable image outside due to the chronic flaws in vision and
policies. Thus, the daunting challenge of poor management of
natural resources direly needs to be addressed not only to overcome
the perils caused due to it but also to achieve economic self
sufficiency and prosperity of the nation. By surpassing this
challenge, Pakistan is destined to have eminence place in the world
as a stable, growing and prosperous nation.



Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Good governance is a precondition for meeting the
challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development
and building good governance. Good governance is an
indeterminate term used in development literature to describe how
public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public
resources in order to guarantee the realization of human rights.
Furthermore, Governance describes the process of decision-making
and the process by which decisions are implemented or not
implemented. Good governance can also be termed as the effective
use of power, legislation of policies, transparent accountability,and
development of human resources and supremacy of constitution
with the absolute rule of law.
It is a matter of serious concern that for more than three decades,
the country has remained entangled in the oppressive clutches of
dictatorship. Good government does not mean autocratic
government. Good government does not mean despotic
government. Good government means, a government that is
responsible to the representative of people.
(Jinnah, the Quaid of Pakistan.)
Good governance is a continuous process that
determines the fate of nation. It is a fundamental factor that is
inevitable in taking the nation to the zenith of glory in the world
community. Good governance is quite a wider term that
encompasses within itself multiple factors that are considered
inevitable for its proper implementation that includes democracy,
rule of law, constitutional supremacy, accountability and public
participation in decision-making.
Unfortunately, the situation of good governance in
Pakistan is quite gloomy and grim due to weak leadership ever since
independence, incompetent administrative hierarchy and weak
accountability accompanied with poor law and order situation.
Democracy and good governance are interrelated to each other. In


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

case there is no democracy, there can be no good governance. It is a
matter of grave misfortune for the entire nation that ever since the
birth of Pakistan,democracy could not flourish here due to frequent
martial laws and unnecessary intervention of military dictators in
the state affairs. It is a matter of serious concern that for more than
three decades, the country has remained entangled in the oppressive
clutches of dictatorship. In 1951, the country's first PM, Liaquat Ali
Khan was assassinated and in 1958, the first military coup was
invoked. In 1971, the country went through the tragic episode of
debacle of East Pakistan and in 1977 again Zia's martial law was
imposed. The span of 1988 to 2000 saw acute political instability
through dissolution of National assembly by another martial law. In
the light of the up given picture of country's political situation, good
governance seems a cry for the moon.
Corruption is another crucial factor that can prove to be
a serious impediment in the way of good governance. Corruption
perception index 2011 by Transparency International ranks
Pakistan at 134th position out of 183 countries which is alarmingly
bad. India's ranking is much better (95th out of 183).
Goodgovernance is a distinct reality when the process of
accountability of the corruption ridden elements is either weak or
missing. National accountability Bureau was formulated in 1999
after military coup by general Musharraf, but the sad fact is that the
said body suffers from corrupt practices and lack of accountability
within itself, making it a laughing stock in the eyes of other national
institutions. Another jerk to the governance was NRO formulated
in Musharraf's era in 2007 to secure his otherwise illegal and
unconstitutional re election as the president. Pakistan today
happens to be the classic example of ingenuities for bribery and
exchange of favors. More than 7000 beneficiaries of this defunct law
had to face reopening of their cases in 2009. This was an open
violation of the principle of good governance.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Effective and in time implementation of the law is another deciding
factor in the process of good governance. Pakistan unfortunately
has become a classic example of worst law and order situation.
Every other day a substantial number of innocent citizens, who are
just silent spectators, are targeted by the law enforcement agencies.
Flourishing economy is one of the major components of
good governance as both are interrelated in one way or the other. In
Pakistan, economic governance is the victim of political instability.
Pakistan's commission for human rights stated that 208 people
committed suicide in August 2011, predominantly out of economic
Good governance is pointed out as one of the largest goals in the
Millennium development goals but in Pakistan nothing is realized
on the ground except paper work. It must be remembered that
economic prosperity and good governance are deeply
interconnected. The alarming figures of crippled economy lead us to
the prompt measures for ensuring good governance in the country.
Political stability and efficient administrative hierarchy are the
vibrant components of good governance. Both political leaders and
beaurocracy go hand in hand for bringing about cult of good
governance through effective implementation of public policies. The
tradition of nepotism, lack of democratic norms and political
recruitments on high government offices must be eliminated in
order to promote transparency, accountability and supremacy of
law at all levels.
Moreover, the government should create an investmentfriendly environment in order to boost up the economy and
industrial activity as raising the standard of living is the key
component of good governance. Law and order situation should be
made conducive and encouraging for the foreign investors so the
FDI may be enhanced for the ultimate benefit of the nation and the
country at large. Most importantly, the government must also try to
bridge the gap between the demand and supply of energy. New


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

dams and barrages must be built without putting national and
political stability at stake. Government should have control on the
hoarding mafia, particularly those involved in the hoarding of
eatable commodities. Having strict check on the inflation would
increase the standard of living of the general masses at larger scale.
Furthermore, imparting education and awareness to the common
people is necessary to have good governance as the masses have to
be the part of this process.
Media's role in the advent of true democracy and good governance
is not stressed enough. Media is recognized as the fourth pillar of
the state. Media can prove to a vibrant factor in motivating public
participation in national decision-making processes and can also
create the awareness of rights and duties among the general public.
Media can also bring government authorities under accountability
for their violations of power and bad governance.
To put in a nut shell, it may be stated that good
governance is an inevitable phenomenon for the smooth working of
any state machinery. Therefore, political stability, rule of law,
constitutional supremacy and public participation in policy making
and implementation must be ensured. The entire nation must think
and act as one nation and collectively contribute for the prosperity
of the country. Time is now ripe to come out of the false and
baseless concepts of provincialism, sectarianism and nepotism.
With all the leadership vacuum and political instability, the nation
can still step ahead to create an environment, where good
governance is not merely a dream
You will have to be alert, very alert, for the time for
relaxation is not yet there. With faith, disciplined and selfless
devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot
achieve. (Jinnah, the Quaid of Pakistan.)



Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

There is no need to confuse yourrself. I just covered this topic in every
aspect related to women. You can use this material topic wise whatever
examiner asks about women rights/status. You can skip or add any
heading, in accordance with, what examiner wants to know.
It is beyond any doubt that women play a significant role in
development of society. History bears the testimony to the greatness
of women as vibrant members of society. Even in the current
scenario women have stood shoulder to shoulder with men for the
general cause of humanity. But, it is unfortunate that their efforts
have not been given due recognition in society. In the name of
various customs, rituals and practices, women are being deprived of
the legitimate rights. Consequently, women are found in the
abysmal state. The need of hour is to give women workplaces and
business environments that support and welcome them to improve
society at a large; a mass movement that Pakistan desperately needs
to help push it out of Economic and Social quagmire in which it
finds itself today.
No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your
women are side by side with you; we are victims of evil customs. It
is crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the
four walls of house as prisoners. (Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, 1944)
In order to get achieve a better insight of the status of
women today, it is worthwhile to preview how women were treated
in previous civilizations and religions that precede Islam (Pre-610
India: During the era of the Aryan civilization (2500 B.C), women
were accorded almost the same status as men. Women were
educated, had a say in their marriage decisions and own their own


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

properties. Even prostitutes were admired for their expertise in the
art of music and dance and widows were allowed to remarry. This
trend took a nose-diving turn with the start of the Medieval era
(1500 B.C) and unfortunately resulted in practices like Satti (dying
with the husband at the funeral pyre), Jauhar (wives immolating
themselves when they realized that their husbands were going to die
in enemy hands) and child marriages.
Rome: was a typically male dominated society; so much so that in
the Roman Republic a man could legally kill his wife or daughter if
they questioned his authority. Women were also kept out of
positions of power. They were not allowed to be senators,
governors, lawyers, judges or any of the other official positions
involved in running the Roman Empire. Women were also not
allowed to vote in elections.
Athens: In the 5th century women in ancient Athenian societies
were given no legal rights and were allowed to leave the house only
for short distances with a chaperone. It was a common belief that
women were emotional creatures who were dangerous to
themselves and needed to be taken care of by men. Although
women might own some personal items and have charge of a slave
or two, they could not own property or enter into contracts.
The Pakistani society is one of the different kinds, where
on one side it places women as the centre of attention and life; it
then on the other hand considers them no more than a secondary
citizen. For years the role that a women played as a citizen, a
member of family or a home-maker has been highly undermined
and today it has turned into a tradition to degrade womens ability.
However, over the years this scenario has changed, and the
awareness of her abilities, her rights and her status has reached
almost all parts of Pakistan. This country was formed on the basis
of Two-Nation Theory, which emphasized Islamic teachings and
values, and is therefore called as Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Islam gives the best and most balanced code of life, but Pseudo-


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fundamentalists converted the teachings of Islam to read in the best
interests of men and highly unjust towards women. Despite this the
women of Pakistan has come a long way in proving herself. The
lives of Pakistani women have changed during the past thirty years
and they are more powered and emancipated then they were ever
before. More and more women are entering the workforce today as
their predecessors, who made the first time at the workplace and
also made life easier for women, lent them the encouragement to do
The U.N Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
defines Empowerment as:
Empowerment means that people-both women and men can
take control of their lives; set their own agendas, gain skills (or
have their own skills and knowledge recognized) increase self
confidence, solve problems and develop self reliance. It is both a
process and outcome.
By empowering women it is meant that women should be allowed
to participate fully in economic life across all sectors and
throughout all levels of economic activity. With the tagline of
Equality means Business the U.N has put together seven
Womens Empowerment Principles designed to bring about a
gender-equal environment in workplace and business. They include:
Establishing high level corporate leadership for gender equality
Treating all women and men fairly at work, respecting and
supporting human rights and non-discrimination
Ensuring the health, safety and well being of all women and men
Promoting education, training and professional development for
Implementing enterprise development, supply chain and
marketing practice that empower women
Promoting equality through community initiatives and advocacy


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Measuring and publicly reporting on progress to achieve gender
With the passage of time and economic development
women have attained high level of liberty in the developed
countries. Women in said countries are enjoying almost equal rights
in accordance to men. They have acquired such status due to high
literacy rate, better infrastructure, enlightenment and sincerity of the
ruling class.
Unfortunately, man has woefully militated against Gods
commandments in Pakistan. He has brought down womens social
status to the level of a third rate citizen. Three main factors have
encouraged man to do so.
Firstly, it is the physical strength and a false sense of superiority as
against womens physical weakness that makes her vulnerable to
oppression. Man has enforced the law of Jungle where the weaker
leads life at the mercy of stronger.
Secondly, it is the so-called religious scholar i.e. the illeducated pseudo-scholar who interprets the Holy Quran in the light
of his own gender prejudices against the women folk. Himself being
man he preaches absolute property rights of men over women.
Thirdly, it is the feudalistic, political, economic and
socialistic system of government that has taken charge of national
affairs ever since independence. In the political field, this autocratic
order has denied advent of democracy in the country. In some parts
of the society, she is not allowed to exercise her right to vote.
Restoration of right to vote has not much difference because she is
not free to vote as per the voice of her conscience. In the economic
sphere teeming millions are leading lives of serfdom. Denied
opportunities to improve her economic lot she has been the worst
sufferer. Dependent on man for every bit of her needs she virtually
leads slaves life. Feudalistic order has kept major part of nation
illiterate but women have been left far behind literacy, knowledge,
awareness and education. In some quarters even education is a


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

factor that tends to indulge in sinful activities. It has therefore
preferred to keep them illiterate and pious. In social matters man
has successfully managed to keep her ignorant of her human rights.
He has introduced devilish customs that victimize woman to accord
her the status of domestic animals. The practice of Vani, Swara,
honor killing, marriage of daughters with the Holy Quran,
commitment of gang rape under orders of jirga etc are some of the
examples of mans inhuman treatment of woman. Target of all
these social evils has always been woman.
Anti-women practices have adversely affected the status
of women in Pakistan. The inequality and depression of women
have negative impacts on society. The implications of anti-women
practices on society are as follows:
Firstly, women are found in an abysmal state in Pakistan.
When father is not a father and brother is not a brother, man has
taken undue advantage of vulnerability of the weaker sex. That is
the mark of his cowardice. When it comes to address womens
problems, father is not a father but only a MAN. He would hand
over his child girl in marriage to an eighty year old man just to get
out of a difficult situation in which circumstances have placed him
by chance.
Secondly, the brutal customs of honor killing (called as
Karo-Kari in Sindh), Watta Satta marriages, marriage with Holy
Quran and denial of inheritance are prevailing in society. A real
brother is not a brother but only a MAN who would kill his sister
mercilessly just because in his view, she has disgraced him and his
family. To deny inheritance, the father in collusion with sons,
would marry his daughter to the Holy Quran. To get rid of an
unwanted daughter or to get a daughter in law of his choice, he
would give her away in forcible marriage exchange. This practice is
called as Watta Satta which often ends in miseries and eventual
breakup marriage; on both sides. Husband is not a husband but only
a MAN who utters the word of divorce thrice in one breath and


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

sends the woman home. Man makes her work like an animal and
beats her up whenever he feels the urge to do so. Domestic violence
in the form of physical thrashing and mental torture with which
woman is treated is considered to be the birth right of man. Man
who is ordained to protect women by the Almighty God as per
teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah, leaves her exposed to every
kind of threat, fear, misery, misfortune, indignity, uncertainty,
unhappiness that one can imagine in this life.
Thirdly, women have been used as bargaining chips to
resolve disputes in disgraceful customs of Swara and Vani. Swara is
a custom usually practiced in tribal areas, in which woman is used
as a commodity to resolve feud between two clans. Similarly, in
Southern Punjab Vani is a custom practiced in order to settle blood
feuds. Vani could be avoided if the clan of the girl agrees to pay
money called as Deet. Otherwise, the young bride may spend her
life paying for the crimes of her male relatives.
Fourthly, women face harassment in society, especially
at their workplaces. The bosses particularly harass them. Trafficking
is a worldwide phenomenon. It is the smuggling of women for the
purpose of prostitution. Many women are abducted or blackmailed
from Pakistan to other parts of the world and intra country also.
I In the Qur'an Allah frequently addresses both the man
and the woman. In one passage Allah reveals:
"For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women,
for devout men and women, for true men and women who are
patient, for men and women who humble themselves, for men
and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast,
for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and
women who engage much in Allah's praise - For them all has
Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward." (33:35)
The Spiritual Aspect:


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The Qur'an provides clear-cut evidence that woman is completely
equated with man in the sight of God in terms of her rights and
The Qur'an states: "Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds"
(Qur'an 74:38).
It also states: ...So their Lord accepted their prayers, (saying): I will
not suffer to be lost the work of any of you whether male or female.
You proceed one from another ...(Qur'an 3: 195).
Woman according to the Qur'an is not blamed for Adam's first
Both were jointly wrong in their disobedience to God, both
repented, and both were forgiven. (Qur'an 2:36, 7:20 - 24).
In one verse in fact (20:121), Adam specifically, was blamed.
In terms of religious obligations, such as the Daily
Prayers, Fasting, Poor-due, and Pilgrimage, woman is no different
from man. In some cases indeed, woman has certain advantages
over man. For example, the woman is exempted from the daily
prayers and from fasting during her menstrual periods and forty
days after childbirth. If the missed fasting is required, during the
month of Ramadan, (Ramadan is a month of strict fasting and
prayers, one of the Islamic sacraments) she can make up for the
missed days whenever she can. She does not have to make up for
the prayers missed for any of the above reasons. Although women
can and did go into the mosque during the days of the prophet and
thereafter attendance at the Friday congregational prayers is
optional for them while it is compulsory for men (on Friday).
The Social Aspect:
As a child and an adolescent
Despite the social acceptance of female death among some Arabian
tribes, the Qur'an forbade this custom, and considered it a crime like
any other murder.
"And when the female (infant) buried alive - is questioned, for what
crime she was killed." (Qur'an 81:8-9).


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Criticizing the attitudes of such parents who reject their female
children, the Qur'an states: When news is brought to one of them,
of (the Birth of) a female (child), his face darkens and he is filled
with inward grief! With shame does he hide himself from his people
because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain her on
(sufferance) and contempt, or bury her in the dust? Ah! What an
evil (choice) they decide on? (Qur'an 16: 58-59).
Far from saving the girl's life so that she may later suffer injustice
and inequality, Islam requires kind and just treatment for her.
As a wife: The Qur'an clearly indicates that marriage is sharing
between the two halves of the society, and that its objectives,
besides creating human life, are emotional well being and spiritual
harmony. Its bases are love and mercy.
According to Islamic Law, women cannot be forced to marry
anyone without their consent.
Ibn Abbas (prophet) reported that a girl came to the Messenger of
God, Muhammad (P.), and she reported that her father had forced
her to marry without her consent. The Messenger of
God gave her the choice . . . (between accepting the marriage or
invalidating it). The rules for married life in Islam are clear. Both
have equal rights and claims on one another, except for one
responsibility, that of leadership. This is a matter which is natural in
any collective life and which is consistent with the nature of man.
The Qur'an thus states: "And they (women) have rights
similar to those (of men) over them, and men are a degree above
them." (Qur'an 2:228).
Such degree is Quiwama (maintenance and protection). This refers
to that natural difference between the sexes, which entitles the
weaker sex to protection. It implies no superiority or advantage
before the law. Yet, man's role of leadership in relation to his family
does not mean he is boss over his wife. Islam emphasizes the
importance of taking counsel and mutual agreement in family
decisions. The Qur'an gives us an example:


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

"...If they (husband wife) desire to wean the child by mutual
consent and (after) consultation, there is no blame on them..."
(Qur'an 2: 233).
As a mother Islam considered kindness to parents next to the
worship of God. "And we have enjoined upon man (to be good) to
his parents: His mother bears him in weakness upon weakness..."
(Qur'an 31:14)
Also, the Qur'an has a special recommendation for the good
treatment of mothers: "Your Lord has decreed that you worship
none save Him, and that you be kind to your parents . . ." (Qur'an
The Economic Aspect: Islam ordered a right of which woman was
ruined both before Islam and after it (even as late as this century),
the right of independent ownership. According to Islamic Law,
woman's right to her money, real estate, or other properties is fully
acknowledged. This right undergoes no change whether she is
single or married. She retains her full rights to buy, sell, mortgage or
lease any or all her properties. It is nowhere suggested in the Law
that a woman is a lesser simply because she is a female. It should
also be taken into consideration that such right applies to her
properties before and after marriage.
With regard to the woman's right to seek
employment it should be stated first that Islam regards her role in
society as a mother and a wife as the most sacred and essential one.
Such a noble and vital role, which largely shapes the future of
nations, cannot be regarded as "doing nothing". However, there is
no decree in Islam that forbids woman from seeking employment
whenever there is a necessity for it, especially in positions which fit
her nature and in which society needs her most. Examples of these
professions are nursing, teaching (especially for children), and
medicine. Also, there is no restriction on benefiting from woman's
talent in any field Man in Islam is fully responsible for the
maintenance of his wife, his children, and in some cases of his


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

needy relatives, especially the females. This responsibility is neither
waived nor reduced because of his wife's wealth or because of her
access to any personal income gained from work, rent, profit, or
any other legal means. Women on the other hand are far more
secure financially and are far less burdened with any claims on her
possessions. Her possessions before marriage do not transfer to her
husband and she even keeps her maiden name and she has no
obligation to spend on her family. If she is divorced, she may get
alimony from her ex-husband. An examination of the inheritance
law within the Islamic Law reveals not only justice but also an
abundance of compassion for woman.
The Political Aspect: Any fair investigation of the teachings of
Islam into the history of the Islamic civilization will surely find a
clear evidence of woman'sequality with man in ^political rights^.
This includes the right of election as well as woman's right to
participate in public affairs. Both in the Qur'an and in Islamic
history we find examples of women who participated in serious
discussions and argued even with the Prophet himself. During the
era of Omar, a woman argued with him in the mosque, proved her
point, and caused him to declare in the presence of people: ^A
woman is right and Omar is wrong.^
Mentioned in the Qur'an, it states that women are
ineligible for the position of head of state. It is roughly translated. A
people will not prosper if they let a woman be their leader. Muslims
believe that this limitation, however, has nothing to do with the
dignity of woman or with her rights. It is rather, related to the
natural differences in the biological and psychological make-up of
men and women. According to Islam, the head of the state is no
mere figurehead. He leads people in the prayers, especially on
Fridays and festivities; he is continuously engaged in the process of
decision-making and the well being of his people. In agreement with
the Muslims it is a medical fact that during their monthly periods
and during their pregnancies, women undergo various physiological


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

and psychological changes. Muslims believe that such changes may
occur during an emergency situation, thus affecting her decision,
without considering the excessive strain, which is produced.
Even in modern times, and in the most developed
countries, it is rare to find a woman in the position of a head of state
acting as more than a figurehead, a woman commander of the
armed services, or even a equal number of women representatives
in parliaments.
To correct the despicable scenario, the law men sitting in the
Assemblies have off and on enacted various laws to wipe the
rampant social vices and customary practices that distort the fair
image of women.
The passage of Domestic Violence (Prevention and protection), Act
2012 and establishment of Women Rights Commission with
financial and administrative powers aimed at promoting social,
social, economic, political and legal rights of women in Pakistan,
who constitute half of its population is laudable. But, our history
bears the testimony that commissions to uplift the status of women
was made and they were not successful because they were not
independent. It has remained a custom to put good laws on paper
but a little effort in history has been made to implement them.
The Prevention of Anti-women Practices (Criminal Law
Amendment) Act 2011 is a milestone to empower and enlighten
women. The struggle of women for emancipation and against
discrimination has a long history throughout the world. Even in
Pakistan, it is the high time to introduce a legal redress to ensure
basic rights of women in society and to protect them against
discriminatory traditions. The aim of this bill is to reduce injustice
against women by discouraging several practices and customs in
vogue in the country which are not only against human dignity, but
also in contrast to Islamic injunctions. It is therefore, necessary that
such inhumane practices and customs are done away forthwith and


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

those who are found guilty should be dealt severely by providing
penal and financial liabilities.
The Protection against Harassment of Women at
Workplace, Act 2010 is also an important legislation done to
protect women against harassment at workplaces. The objective of
this Act was to create a safe working environment for women,
which is free from harassment, abuse and intimidation with a view
to fulfilling their right to work with dignity. Harassment is one of
the biggest hurdles faced by the working women preventing others
who want to bring themselves and their families out of poverty.
This Act builds on the principles of equal opportunity to women
and their right to earn livelihood without any fear of discrimination
as stipulated in the constitution. This Act complies with the
governments commitment to high international labor standards
and empowerment of women. It also adheres to Human Rights
Declaration, the United Nations Convention for Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination against Women and ILOs Convention 100
and 111 on workers rights. It adheres to the principles of Islam and
all other religions which assure womens dignity. This Act requires
all public and private organizations to adopt an internal code of
conduct and complain/appeals mechanism aimed at establishing a
safe working environment for all working women.
The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, 2008 was
passed unanimously by the National Assembly, but, the bill lapsed
after the Senate failed to pass it within three months period required
under the constitution. The domestic violence bill seeks to prevent
violence against women and children with a network of protection
committees and protection officers and prompt trials of suspected
abusers. The bill includes protection in public places such as
markets, public transport, streets or parks and more private places
such as workplaces, private gatherings and homes. The Protection
of Women (Criminal Laws Amendments) Act 2006 was enacted to


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

provide relief and protection against misuse and abuse of law and to
prevent their exploitation.
The status of women in Islam has been described as purely
given in the Quran and revealed by the Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H). However, the role of women has not only been shaped
by Islamic text but also by the history and culture of the Muslim
world. Moreover, the issue of women in Islam has been viewed as
highly controversial through the centuries. While it is believed that
these revelations on womens liberation in the Quran made major
improvements in the oppressed status of women in pre-Arab
societies, the deterioration of this status took place soon after the
death of the Prophet (P.B.U.H).
With the growth of the Womens Liberation Movement in
the West, many feminist writers came to view the practice of
wearing the veil as a symbol of womens oppression and
subservience to men. The hijaab in Islam is given as a way for
women to conceal their attractiveness and appear dignified so that
attention is drawn more to their character than physical beauty.
Islam enjoins modest dress for both men and women, and in a
Muslim society, the men as well as the women typically dress
conservatively. The Qur'an tells them to dress modestly and cover
their hair in all public situations, others insist that their whole body
including hands and face are to be covered, yet others understand
the guidance to mean a more general attitude of modesty both in
dress and attitude. Many Muslim women freely choose to dress
modestly in order to avoid the public scrutiny, judgments, and
social dynamics associated with physical appearance. By dressing in
way that does not draw attention.
Additionally, polygamy is seen as a sign of inequality
amongst men and women. This concept is clarified stating that
polygamy was introduced as a means to protect women and
children who may otherwise be taken advantage of. Moreover,
there are strict conditions placed on men to provide equal time and


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

money to all their wives. The rights of divorce are also open to the
wife if she is unfairly treated. The Prophet Muhammad was married
to his first wife, Khadijah, for 25 years, and he did not take other
wives until after her death. His marriages to several widows and
divorcees in later years were primarily contracted for political and
humanitarian reasons, as was expected of a man in his position. His
home life was characterized by love, consideration, kindness and
Despite all these teachings in Islam it is no secret that
some brutal traditions are still prevalent in many Muslim societies.
In many parts of Pakistan, female infanticide is still on the rise.
Domestic violence against women is almost a norm in many
societies where women dont come forward to claim their rights.
In the nutshell it can be said that God in his infinite wisdom
created women to play her role in the advancement of human
affairs in her own way, and man was ordained to provide her
protection so that she may perform her assigned duties with
honor and respect. But man has subjected women to all kinds of
exploitations i.e. social, economic and political. She became the
worst victim of gender discrimination. The result is that half of
the population that women constituted is put aside as good for
nothing. The religious prejudices further made her life miserable.
To be in her true self contributing to the advancement of the
society in her assigned manner, she needs to be empowered in
every walk of life. It is a globally accepted fact that when women
have full agency and participation in business, economies are
strengthened, societies become more stable and just,
internationally agreed goals for development, sustainability and
human rights are achieved, the quality of life improves not just for
women, but for men, families and communities, the entire
businesses operations and goals are pushed forward to success.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

There is a common but technical saying that for a strong
and stable building, make its pillars strong. Same applies for the
pillars of state. There were three pillars of state when media had not
gained currency. With its rise, the result was four pillars namely
Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Media. Each pillar has a
specific role to play. This role, if played properly, may elevate
country's level of stability and development. Most underdeveloped
and developing countries have been in a dilemma over role of
pillars. In particular, Pakistan had been caught in the cross-hairs of
problems. From the independence of Pakistan to date, state organs
have played a devastating role. These organs, rather than
neutralizing the problems, have intensified them. Moreover, they
kept trying to influence other institutions. Concept of separation of
powers was negated in practice. Since, the concept suggests that
state pillars need to function independently and without compelling
influence from other pillars. This, in benefit, guarantees
accountability. In addition, each state pillar, from legislature to
media, has contributed in greater capacity towards the turmoil in
Pakistan. Impetuous, immature and ineffective role of pillars have
led Pakistan towards disorder and problematic place. By realistic
learning from lessons and truly goal-oriented policies, state will get
its dose of good performance. Good performance is a clear-cut way
to get the country enrolled in the list of first developing and then
developed countries. To put it in other words, good performance is
directly related to true and effective role of state pillars. Thus, role
of state institutions is always the focal point while deciding
development or decline of a country. Hence, in case of Pakistan,
proper good performance by state pillars is the need of the hour.
In a constitutional democracy, state's function begins
with its backbone that is legislature. Legislature is a forum where
legislators deliberate, discuss and pass laws. The role of legislature


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

can be well described in words of John Stuart Mill, In a
representative democracy, the legislature acts as the eyes, ears and
voice of the people. More importantly, it has to watch and control
the government and not the other way round. The executive is an
authority as well as an essential pillar of a state. Its duty is to
administer laws made by legislature. The executive has a strong
administrative hand over all sectors and departments of
government. The role of executives and legislatures can be
hypothetically depicted to drivers and automobile manufacturers.
Where manufacturers portray legislature and drivers portray
executive. Thus, in parliamentary or presidential system, it has to
administer all departments of the government.
To ensure justice and fundamental rights, there comes
the jurisdiction of judiciary. It is a pillar of state whose job is to
administer justice. In judiciary, judges are employed to make lawful
decisions even if they contradict the government. The judiciary has
the power to review public laws so that they may not violate
country's constitution. Thus, judiciary is an institution who has to
serve immediate justice to people anywhere from lower courts to
apex courts.
The role of media is to impart information about national and
international affairs. Media, apart from informing, plays public
accountability role. That is, it compels other state pillars to keep
away from performing wrong. Media can influence the thinking of
the youth and adults. For instance, it can bring together scattered
people of society. Hence, the clear and effective role by state
institutions is a way towards prosperity, stability and development.
Otherwise, there is a long list of problems faced by countries who
ridicule their basic duty.
The True responsibility of a state pillar is judged by its
effectiveness. Role can be performed in one of two ways:
responsibly or irresponsibly. Realistically, Pakistan has got more of
an irresponsible role by state organs than a responsible one. The


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

contribution by legislature lies in its lack to understand dynamics of
major and serious issues. The inefficiency and lack of understanding
by legislature has intensified the problems like corruption and
energy crisis. Thus, the reluctance of legislature to efficiently solve
these problems has put Pakistan in turmoil, weakened the
democracy and invoked martial laws.
The executive's role is critical one if today's Pakistan and
its history are taken into account. The blunder by executive was
assuming itself as an absolute power. This, in result, discarded the
very concept of democracy. Its performance has remained
questionable. The irony is executive at many issues have taken and
is still taking immature steps. These steps while trying to neutralize
one problem intensify other problems. For example, executive tries
to produce more electricity by infusing expensive furnace oil to
power plants. This leads to huge damage to Pakistan's economy.
Thus, the lack of proper administration has deteriorated the
situation in this already disturbed country.
People of Pakistan worry about collective problems on one hand
but are more inclined towards their own individual problems. The
top priority problem for an individual is injustice. This is where
judiciary's role defines itself. The role of Pakistan's judiciary has lost
some dignity. For instance, people often try to avoid filing a case
because of partiality of justice system. The inefficiency of judiciary
has resulted in many pending cases. Moreover, it has resulted in
loss of faith and hope among people. Thus, these outcomes have
driven Pakistan to misfortune and hardship.
Media's biased role is that when it forgets its true duty. For instance,
it plays negative role while portraying negative aspects of Pakistan.
It has even functioned as catalyst in weakening other state organs.
Media has created such a tense environment that life has become a
risky business. Live and repeated airing of violent incidents,
terrorism and inappropriate content have made the situation worse.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Hence, the pillars of state have, individually and collectively, put
Pakistan in a state of turbulence.
In today's globalised world, almost nothing remains undisclosed.
Similarly, implications of immature and impetuous role of state
pillars are rarely a secret. The adverse effects of devastating role of
state institutions are problems like corruption, weak economy,
illiteracy, energy crisis and terrorism. The first three problems can
be called all-time problems. The reason is they have been issues
from the time of independence to date. 66 years have passed since
Pakistan's independence but still these problems are not neutralized
to ensure stability. Corruption is first major problem which has
spread in most departments of Pakistan. Government's inefficiency
has further intensified the problem. The consequences of this
problem are quite obvious like unemployment, inflation, lack of
completion of development works and injustice. Second problem is
that of weak economy. Despite having a large number of resources,
still Pakistan's economy is declining. This trouble has been
continuing due to lack of utilization of resources. As a result,
problems like inflation, increasing energy crisis and downsizing
surrounded the country. Illiteracy is the third all-time problem.
Lack of literacy has serious repercussions. These are increasing
poverty, bringing human rights cases, and in some cases may even
result in terrorism.
Energy crisis and Terrorism are the problems which
make headlines today. The ineffectual role of pillars is main reason
for continuous increase in these problems. Lack of proper energy
supply to industries and factories has made them less productive.
These results are price hikes and economical instability. While
terrorism, apart from creating terror among the public, has
adversely affected economy and security situation of Pakistan.
Thus, the problems caused by state pillars have serious
repercussions on the country. These effects are traumatic, terrible


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

and troubling. Hence, devising a solution for one problem may
result in another problem as a byproduct.
There is no hard and fast rule for a country to learn lessons. But it is
always recommended that lessons should be learned before
situation worsens. Any country's system of government develops
from its historical, political and social conditions. Following blindly
another country's system, without proper modification, rarely
works. The case of Nigeria is of interest here. When it tried to adopt
U.S Presidential System some years ago, it failed. Consequently,
revolts in the form of military coups started. Since then, Nigeria has
had no sustained stability. That is why it is suggested that a country
needs not to adopt but adapt structures and rules such that they fit
their own cultures and circumstances. This, in result, ensures
A true lesson on how state pillars need to work lies in a fable The
Bundle of Sticks (Aesop for Children 1919). A farmer had sons
who kept quarreling among themselves. To teach them a lesson, he
asked them to try to break bundle of sticks and then one stick at a
time. The former they could not accomplish but the latter they did
easily. The farmer then told his sons that if they work together in
harmony, nothing can break them. Otherwise alone, they are as
weak as one stick. To put it succinctly, it has a moral of unity is
strength. Likewise, all institutions of state from legislature to media
need to work in unity and in harmony. Thus, the use of one
institution's influence for personal gains is like that of quarrel.
Hence, this influence needs to be avoided in practice.
Pakistan's history contains many devastating failures and
lapses. For instance, issuance of grandiose manifestoes by political
parties but not implementing them was a failure. A Judiciary needs
to learn from its past that it should not divert from its main
responsibility. Moreover, the extensive involvement of free media
with state institutions is a threat to its impartiality and freedom.
Studying the factors behind failures is beneficial for future decisions.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

In fact, history is not written to tell story of past but to teach aspects
of past. Above all, Quaid-e-Azam's words are worth mentioning
here. He said on 11 August 1947 that the first duty of government
was to maintain law and order and second to control corruption
and bribery. This tells the fact that the founder of Pakistan was
himself conscious of solution to these problems. Hence, learning
from historical failures of Pakistan are essential tools to have
sustained stability in Pakistan.
In Greek myth, Hydra was a monster with nine heads;
each of the head when struck off was replaced by two new ones. To
illustrate, problems like terrorism, corruption and energy crisis are
often invoked by ineffective, inappropriate or immature solutions.
This leads to creating two more problems or intensifying the
existing ones. Thus, there are a lot of lessons, morals, warnings and
examples which need to be learned by state pillars. Hence, learning
lessons and then making effective policies are the key factors for
Whenever there are problems in a country, there are solutions.
Likewise, there are many solutions, recommendations and realistic
viewpoints for the problematic state of Pakistan. Few
recommendations to pillars of state need to be focused here.
First of all, the government needs to create a new
research wing. It may consist of senior impartial analysts with
proper staff and resources. The purpose of this wing should be
providing finalized proper solution to a problem. It may work in
collaboration with think tanks of Pakistan and the world. In
addition, it may welcome any suggestions and strategic solutions
from experienced thinkers and independent analysts around
Pakistan and the world.
Two; Pakistan's legislature needs to revise policy in order
to protect its threatened sovereignty. For instance, a proper law
needs to be passed for stopping Drone strikes which are violation of


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

international law and Pakistan's sovereignty. As no law to stop
them has lead to increase in terrorism.
Three; Legislature needs to be the supreme power of the
country in actual. For this, legislature needs to amend constitution
to make parliament supreme, authoritative and independent. But it
should be binding on mutual accountability such that it may not use
power for personal benefits. This in turn would ensure self and
other institutions' accountability.
Four; Legislature needs to make an effective education
policy. In addition, legislature should monitor the progress of the
policy. The reason to emphasize monitoring lies in power of
education. That is, proper education is instrumental in leading
country towards prosperity and stability.
Five; with the consultation of each of the pillars of state,
National Accountability Bureau needs to be reinvented. To
illustrate, the development of a country depends on collective efforts
by all the state pillars and not only legislature and executive.
Sixth; the Supreme Court of Pakistan needs to strengthen
the lower courts. That is, not just apex court but lower courts
should ensure immediate and affordable justice.
Lastly; state pillars need to keep check on the progress
and effectiveness of the policies and laws. This would ensure
accountability, prosperity and development.
To sum up, the pillars of state should be ideally and
practically effective and mature. Proper, sensible, realistic and
authoritative policies need to be devised by legislature. This is turn
may lead Pakistan towards stability. The executive needs to perform
its duties effectively. Judiciary should perform its duty impartially
so that its role should not be questionable. It is judiciary which
ensures peace. Martin Luther King's words echo when peace and
justice are talked. He said that true peace is not the absence of
tension but it is presence of justice. It shows that justice is
mandatory to bring peace. On the other hand, aim of media should


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

be to strengthen the weak and vulnerable segments of society. It
should stabilize national institutions and strengthen national socioeconomic, political and administrative structure. More importantly,
the separation of powers concept needs to be followed in proper. It
will guarantee accountability of each of the state pillars. The more
stable and accountable are the state pillars, the better will be
country's condition. Collectively, when lessons are learned,
mistakes are realized, effective policies with maturity are devised
and role is responsibly performed, Pakistan will tend towards
development. Moreover, it would be an example for
underdeveloped and unstable nations. Last but not the least, there is
a need of initiative in the right direction to bring Pakistan on the
path of stability. Very rightly a Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu said:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Free media is a double-edged sword which has its
benefits and vices; however, its advantages overweigh the
disadvantages. It ensures the right to freedom of speech. Media is
said to be free when the media organisations enjoy freedom to
disseminate information without facing any barriers from the
government or any other powerful actors of the society. Earlier in
Pakistan, media had to go through severe censorship and rigid
regulations. However, the laws were enacted in the last decade to
lift curbs on its freedom. This resulted in unprecedented freedom of
expression and provision of information. Free media comes with a
package of advantages such as educating people, increasing the
level of awareness, developing the public opinion and, most
importantly, supporting the democratic system. However, it carries


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

a bundle of disadvantages as well including disseminating
disinformation, advocating a specific propaganda and prioritizing
commercialism. It helps enrich one's culture as well as risks
invasion by others' cultures. It facilitates socialisation by making the
world a global village yet it isolates individuals from their families
and friends as excessive time is being wasted on social media.
Interestingly, media is a watchdog over the governments, but lacks
accountability within. Nevertheless, the overall role of the free
media in national development cannot be undermined.
Media is free when it can provide information without
any kind of censorship. However, complete freedom does require
freedom of right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas.
Constitution of Pakistan and the universally-accepted principles
guarantee everyone the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
In Pakistan, media has long faced the censorship. However, an
appreciable level of freedom has been achieved recently. Pakistani
media is hugely influenced by various state and non-state actors.
Military regimes in Pakistan had a special interest in controlling the
media. The first step in this direction was taken by a military ruler
who promulgated the Press and Publication Ordinance (PPO) in
1960. The law empowered the authorities to confiscate newspapers,
clamp down on newspaper providers, and arrest journalists. Even
civil governments were no less eager to influence and control
media. It was not until 2002 that media faced a decisive
development when new laws broke the state's monopoly on
electronic media. TV broadcasting and FM radio licenses were
issued to private media outlets. These new laws opened up a new
arena for free media with less regulations and limited censorship.
Owing to its advantages, the free media brings, can be
rightly termed as a blessing. Firstly; it educates and informs masses.
It easily disseminates important information across the globe.
Access to uncensored information helps educate the masses
regarding important societal issues. In Pakistan, media, especially


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

TV channels, have effectively used freedom of expression to educate
people on essential elements of society and citizenship. Programmes
broadcast on these channels educate people on social, cultural and
political issues and create civic sense and responsibility among the
masses. TV plays films and documentaries are good examples in
this context.
Secondly; free media stirs a rise in awareness level. This
raised level improves ability to make decisions rationally. Compare
Pakistan's current generation with their predecessors and you see
that when media faced huge censorship and was not 'free', people
knew a little about the societal issues. Previous generations lived
with low awareness owing to inaccessibility to information and,
hence, vulnerable to manipulation. The current state of affairs
harbingers a bright future as the masses have great knowledge about
the issues faced by the country. The role of media in restoration and
independence of judiciary needs not be overemphasised.
Thirdly; free media shapes public opinion. Internet, TV
and radio channels, and newspapers are effective tools to serve the
national interests if geared in the right direction. After Mumbai
attacks, Pakistani media broadcast and printed reports and
documentaries on the country's defence and military strength in a
bid to boost the peoples' morale against anticipated Indian threat of
attack on Pakistan. Numerous articles were published to prove that
Pakistan had nothing to do with the Mumbai attacks. This helped
appease the international concerns. Peoples of Pakistan and India
regard Kashmir as an integral part of their respective countries.
Media can play its role to soften the stance to reach an agreeable
Last but not least; media promotes and strengthens and
champions democracy. Precisely, democracy is the best system in
which both people and media get freedom of speech. Media helps
democracy thrive by arousing the citizens' interest in country's
politics. Recent developments show a gradual but promising shift in


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Pakistan's political system towards true democracy. Where media
played an important role in the ouster of the military ruler Pervez
Musharraf, it also highlighted flaws and lacunae in governance
during previous democratic regime. This caused the annihilation of
'coalition partners' of that regime in May 2013 elections.
Elsewhere, the United States and India are good
examples where media due to its freedom has played and is playing
significant role in strengthening the democratic norms.
The unprecedented freedom of media has, as well, harmed the
society. First of all; there are some instances where media outlets
spread disinformation and created confusion among the masses.
The 'informing people' function of media is not complete until it
guarantees true and unbiased information. Absence of a
consolidated accountability system has let certain elements in media
to exploit feelings of the audiences just to get some 'rating'.
Nevertheless, this disinformation damages significant elements of
society. For example, some segments in Pakistani media often
resorted to create false impression about the government, even they
started predicting its departure. These rumours forced the investors
keep at bay which harmed the country's economy.
Second; freedom without responsibility leads to creation
of sensationalism. Media is a powerful opinion-maker and if not
dealt carefully, it could be negatively used to form opinions which
favour certain organizations or groups. Pakistan is combating the
monster of terrorism but the uncensored and live telecast of the
scenes of bomb blasts and of the bleeding people has caused severe
psychological impacts on the people of Pakistan. Most areas of
Pakistan are, undoubtedly, peaceful but these repeated telecasts
create a negative perception of the country which causes decline in
foreign investment and damages the tourism industry.
This has inadvertently helped the cause of the terrorists.
Third; the absolute freedom, like absolute power, leads to
corruption. Unbridled freedom of expression has led media


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

organisations to interfere in state matters. In countries where legal
system is weak but media is free, media often gets involved in
corrupt practices. Lack of strict vigilance and regulation allows
journalists to negatively use the media power to extort rather than
Last but not least; huge profits in the media sector have
given rise to commercialisation. Media outlets nowadays work only
for more and more profits. Influence of wealthy entrepreneurs has
made media drift away from its real objective of informing,
educating and supporting public. Regardless of what is good for
masses, media covers content and issues which increases their
ratings a tool to grab huge profits. Certain issues are selfcensored only because they would damage the profits of media
outlets. Newspapers, for example, often censor or skip reports
relating to wrongdoings of the government institutions as doing so
may result in cuts on their public advertisements.
Today, when the world has become a global village, free
media enriches and spreads a nation's culture around the world, yet,
simultaneously, the channels also allow invasion of other cultures.
For instance, today's free Pakistani media is able to reach out
Pakistani diaspora across the globe. This has helped introduce and
spread Pakistani culture in the world. Nevertheless, it has
influenced natives' culture with the foreign ones. Television
programmes these days are replete with Indian and Turkish plays,
soaps and shows. Western influence, though to some extent, is also
obvious. Resultantly, our new generation is hugely influenced by
Justin Bieber, Amir Khan and other celebrities but not our native
heroes like Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, Rashid Minhas Shaheed, and
other valiant sons of the soil.
Expansion of media is also responsible for providing the
people with up-to-date communication facilities. Internet has
revolutionized the way people socialise and interact. Friends,
relatives and even unknown people are able to interact irrespective


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

of territorial distances. Facebook, Skype and other social media
help people socialise in modern ways. However, the very same
media have become a cause of social isolation as well. This has
created generation gaps as well, as social-media-obsessed
youngsters stay at a distance from their elders.
Moreover; free media is a watchdog over the government
and state institutions. Media keeps a vigilant eye on their doings
and wrongdoings. Every good is praised, and every wrong is
criticised. Never in Pakistan was corruption exposed to such an
extent. After the enactment of liberal laws, new corruption scandals
are exposed every day. But this freedom has also exposed the state
to new dangers. There is no proper framework for accountability in
the media sector itself. Hardly has any government taken an action
against a corrupt journalist or a media organisation. Nor has media
its own strict accountability mechanism. This indicates the
vulnerability of free media to become a carefree giant, if not
properly regulated.
Terror means very great fear. Terrorism is the systematic and
organized use of violence and intimidation to force a government or
community to act in a certain way or accept certain demands. This
is one of the greatest problems of modern age faced by mankind.
Throughout the world, some sort o violence is going on. People
belonging to different communities and sects are killing each other.
Terrorism is second to none amongst the threats faced by
Pakistan. The cost it has incurred overweighs the losses bore in any
other turmoil in history of the country. The complexity of this
multifaceted menace lies in the fact that it is caused by multitude of
factors ranging from internal situation to external developments. It


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

has been damaging not only the economy, political stability, social
sector and social fabric of the country but also national security and
integrity. The country's image abroad and its foreign relations are
severely affected, as well. Moreover, the risk of being termed as a
failed state was born out of the implications of no other problem but
terrorism. Nevertheless, the increasing realization and resolve of the
political, civil and military leadership to combat this threat with
iron hands harbingers a strong action to eradicate terrorism.
However, this problem will not go away easily given the isolated
responses from state institutions. A comprehensive and integrated
counter-extremism and counter-terrorism strategy is need of the
hour. The emerging clarity among institutions and political
consensus among major stakeholders is a positive sign in this
The origin of terrorism in Pakistan can be traced back to two
important events that brought obscurantism, intolerance and
resultantly terrorism in Pakistan. Before 1980s, religion has never
been a controversial issue in Pakistan. The sectarian militants
emerged in Pakistan after the 1979 Iran Revolution which
transformed the nature and magnitude of sectarian violence in
Pakistan. There are three goals to terrorism. First, to show that
government cannot protect you. Second, to create reaction and
hence more terrorism. Third, to glamorize such acts.For these
activity, there must be a signiicant target such as the twin towers of
Besides, Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was the most critical
event leading to the spread of militancy. A fundamental change that
altered the very character of society in Pakistan occurred after the
outbreak of Soviet-Afghan war. However, the real damage was
exposed only after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, when
there emerged weaponization and violence in Pakistan. Lately, in
the wake of US attack on Afghanistan, and Pakistan's entry into
War on Terror as an ally, the extremism and terrorism soared.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

With its multifarious nature, the magnitude of terrorism has
become greater. Ethnic, sectarian; nationalist, separatist; and jihadi
terrorism are some forms of it.
Ethnicity has been haunting Pakistan since its emergence
as an independent state. This was the ethnicity factor that led to
dismemberment of the country in 1971. Arson, bombings, assaults,
vandalism and even murder have been some aspects of this
nuisance. Separatist terrorism is another threat to Pakistan. The
Balochistan province has been facing the intermittent guerilla wars.
The tribal militants, allegedly patronized by foreign powers
especially India, carry out heinous acts of terrorism and even resort
to target killings to advance their separatist agenda.
The so-called jihad is another form of terrorism that is
most widespread nowadays. This type of terrorism emerged with
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970s. After the Soviet
withdrawal, this armed struggle transformed into a sort of civil war,
and later Afghanistan became a breeding ground for terrorists.
Furthermore, after 9/11 attacks, when Pakistan entered in war
against terrorism, some of these sham Jihadi groups turned their
guns against Pakistan.
This violent phenomenon has become complex in nature
due to multitude of the causes. The situation in Pakistan is more
complicated due to its underdevelopment, strategic location, diverse
cultures and religious orientation of society. The first and foremost
cause is widespread illiteracy in Pakistan. Pakistan ranks 113th
among the 120 nations in the literacy rate index. Since, people lack
the knowledge of the true teachings of Islam; they are easily carried
away by the emotional and sentimental speeches of religious
Secondly; injustice or lack of justice is also one of the core
causes of terrorism. People are suffering from many social injustices
including, but not limited to, unequal resource distribution,
restricted access to quality education, the elite's hegemony in


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

political system, lack of basic health facilities, and non-availability
of necessary commodities to major portion of the population. There
is plethora of examples in history when deprived and marginalized
people rebelled and even resorted to violence to gain their rights. In
Pakistan, the underprivileged and depressed class is prone to be
exploited by the terrorists.
Thirdly; poverty is also a major cause of terrorism.
According to a study conducted by the Sustainable Development
Policy Institute, every third Pakistani is living below the poverty
line i.e. 58.7 million out of 180 million are living in abject poverty.
A survey conducted by Benazir Income Support Program (BISP)
revealed that around 45.7% population of Pakistan is poor. These
people, caught in the vicious cycle of poverty, join terrorists for
monetary benefits.
Fourthly; derailing of democracy by military dictators also
contributed to the spread of terrorism in Pakistan. History of the
country manifests that these were the decisions of military rulers
that put Pakistan in this quandary. It was Zia's decision to involve
Pakistan in war against Soviets in Afghanistan. Again, it was Gen
Pervez Musharraf's decision to become a frontline US-ally in war
against terrorism.
Fifthly; the ever-growing religious intolerance in Pakistan
also fosters terrorism. In recent past, more than 100 Shiites were
killed in Quetta in one attack. In addition, many Sunni/Shia
processions were attacked and churches were set ablaze.
Sixthly; Pakistan's participation in Afghan War has also
plagued the country with terrorism. Pakistan still ails from the
disease it acquired during Soviet-Afghan war. Now, those militias
have become so unbridled that they even challenge the writ of the
government in various parts of the country.
Seventhly; the crippling economy also gives rise to
terrorism. The faltering economy has increased inflation, poverty
and unemployment. Almost 50% of the Pakistani workforce is


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

unemployed, reveals the survey released by the Pakistan Economy
Watch (PEW). Miseries compel people to find additional sources of
income and the terrorists lure these marginalized people. Thus,
economic frailty makes recruitment for terrorists easier.
Terrorism is the biggest threat to a viable state. The first
and foremost threat, it poses, is to democratic system of the
country. Pakistan has had only a wobbling democracy. Proper
democratic transition is taking place for the first time in the
country's history. However, the elections were marred by terrorist
attacks on election campaigns. If the environment of insecurity
prevails, democracy would never flourish and people will lose trust
in the democratic process. Terrorism also threatens the sovereignty
of Pakistan. The presence of terrorists invites drone attacks which is
a serious challenge to the country's sovereignty. One of the major
reasons behind the crippled economy of Pakistan is terrorism. The
terrorist activities in Pakistan have led to flight of capital and
investors. The investors are reluctant to invest here due to law and
order situation. The estimated losses are around $70bn. Moreover,
tourism industry of Pakistan is also in a dying state. Furthermore,
the threat of terrorism also compels the government to divert
resources to security spending.
Terrorism also hampers the prospects of good
governance. The government finds itself hapless to improve the law
and order situation in the country. The schools are bombed and
demolished which deprives people of the light of knowledge. The
proponents of education are attacked; the case of Malala Yousafzai
is an example in this regard.
Terrorism thwarts the progress of the country as well.
Pakistan couldn't make any progress in the last decade rather all the
economic and human development indices show a considerable fall.
Pakistan ranks 145th on the Human Development Index. The
country has spent more than $20 billion on war against terror and is
compelled to increase its defence budget. Resultantly, the spending


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

on the social development has seen new lows. Hence, terrorism
causes underdevelopment which leads to increase in miseries of the
masses. Terrorism endangers the national security as well. A
fleeting look at the current situation reveals that the country is
suffering from worst security crisis. Terrorists carried out,
successfully, attacks even on most secure and strategically
important places. The attacks on GHQ, Mehran Naval Base and
Kamra Air Base are testimony to this fact. The magnitude of losses
can be gleaned from the fact that only one Saab-2000 aircraft fitted
with an Airborne Early Warning & Control System (AWACS)
destroyed at Kamra was worth $250 million.
Terrorism, lastly, is a great threat to national integrity. It is
threatening the very roots and fabric of the society. Pakistanis are
being divided into small sub-nations fighting to assert their existence
and separate identity. Despite the above-mentioned facts, Pakistan
has all the capacity and potential to eradicate terrorism. All it
requires is a comprehensive and coordinated strategy.
First of all, religious leaders and scholars can play a vital
role in this regard. They should use speeches and writings to preach
the message of peace.
Two; the civil society also needs to come forward and
play its role in sorting out the problems face by the nation.
Moreover, a huge campaign is required to defeat the ideologies of
terrorists. This campaign or mass movement can be used very
effectively with collaborative efforts.
Three; uniform system of education can play a viable role
in eradicating terrorism. The curriculum should be free of all the
biases, religious bigotry and fanaticism. It shall include religious
and modern education in equal proportions. The minds of younger
generation need to be washed of all the rigidness; then only peace
will prevail in society.
Four; media can be the most effective tool in eliminating
terrorism. Media can be used to educate people and bring them on


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

board about challenges faced by the country. Soft corner for
militancy in the general public can only be eradicated by wellorganized media effort.
Five; peace in Afghanistan is one of the prerequisites for curbing
terrorism in Pakistan. Presence of Nato and Allied Forces in
Afghanistan is a major cause of instability in the region.
Sixth; an effective strategy to counter militant and
extremist groups hinges in the capability to gain timely and accurate
intelligence. The local intelligence needs to be strengthened in terms
of organization, equipment, training and coordination. The
intelligence agencies should be made completely free of political
Seventh; a coherent strategy on using force as last resort
should be evolved. The foreigners cannot live among the locals
unless they are sufficiently motivated to support these militants. The
local tribesmen should be taken into confidence and must be
encouraged to stand up against the foreign elements.
Eighth; economic and social disparity leads to increase in
recruitment of terrorists. Economic recovery should be given the top
priority, especially in the underdeveloped areas. Comprehensive
plans to ensure revival of industry to generate economic activity and
jobs should be devised.
Lastly, there is, undoubtedly, a need for providing speedy
and affordable justice to poor masses. As 'Justice delayed is justice
denied', the people feel themselves alienated from society. The
performance of lower judiciary has resulted in loss of trust of
general public in courts and thus the Taliban-type speedy justice
system attracts public support in certain areas. Therefore, justice
system should be reviewed to ensure that people get speedy and
affordable justice. Moreover, the prosecution needs to be made
effective in order to curtail the large acquittal ratio of terrorists.
There is no denying the fact that Pakistan is facing great
threat of terrorism. It's a country which is plagued with


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

multifarious terrorism caused by several intricate problems. It
poses threat to essential ingredients of the state, from democracy
to national security and integrity of the country. However,
combating terrorism is not an insurmountable task for this
resilient nation. The enormity of the challenge has led to the
momentum that is underway with regard to building of consensus
on the policy to combat terrorism. This would lead to a
conclusive strategy to eliminate this menace. The policy
accompanied with political resolve is bound to win this war and
achieve the stability and prosperity in the country.
"Adversity is a great teacher." J.J Rousseau
Adversity can be defined as misery, affliction,
tragedy, hardship, difficulty, and any unfavorable or havoc situation
of life. Adversity by nature is a great teacher. He who faces it and
enhances real experience of life he gets its zesty taste. There is
mystery in misery which hides real lessons behind its thick curtains.
A ship of life which sails smoothly in hardships, reaches the shore
of success. He gets rubies who dives into depth of sea. Indeed, one
who is difficult for difficulties gets its unlimited uses and everlasting
Difficulties never come to overwhelm but they appear to
make conscious. They try to subjugate and crave to pull one's legs
but he who stands like a strong mountain for him nothing is
tempestuous winds. Even, one who falls, he knows his strength and
he takes all hurdles as a challenge for his being. He stands again and
wins like king Bruce. History is full with magnanimous and upright
human beings who dared against difficulties and got saccharine uses
of adversities.


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If we peep into pages of history, we find great warriors,
strong discoverers and outstanding inventors. For warriors warships
were worship, for discoverers discoveries were dedication and for
inventors inventions were ardor. Those who faced and used
difficulties optimistically they became history makers. Thomas
Edison and Isaac Newton are one of thousands.
Thomas Edison was a newspaper seller and he was afraid of
dark. He wanted to invent a bulb for his night phobia and for world.
He tried almost one thousand times to invent a light bulb but he
remained unsuccessful. He did not give up and surrender; his all
tries were unsuccessful except one. Each try gave him strength and
eager unto success. His labor bore fruit; his struggle made him
succeeded and took him towards peaks. When he was asked about
his failures, he replied "I didn't fail 1,000 times. I found 1,000 ways
how not to create a light bulb" Indeed, Thomas Edison got sweet
uses of adversity and got success.
Isaac Newton a great scientist was from a poor family. He
was a posthumous child. He was clever and intelligent since his
childhood but was not engrossed in school life and his mother used
to say that he will grow to be a farmer. He faced many difficulties in
his school life. When he had stepped in university, he dedicated his
being for Mathematics and science. He had burnt candles of nights
and changed the world of science and technology. His laws gave a
new soul to mechanics, physics and astrology. Almost three
centuries are passed but Isaac Newton is known all over the world.
Indeed, it was his passion and ardor against hardships which raised
him like a sun and enlightened entire world.
According to a verse of Holy Quraan which says life is an
examination. Allah examines human-kinds through various ways.
He sends difficulties and hurdles in his follower's life and he
observes how his follower passes these hurdles. He looks that does
his follower complains or surrenders his will. He who crosses life
with faith, optimism and smashes each adversity like a thrasher he


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

gets his goal. And, so are the Countries which face difficulties and
utilize their sweet uses they are developed.
Half century ago China was not a developed country, they
were home of mishaps and adversities. Their peoples had been
idles in nature but a single revolutionary personality Mao Tse-tung
stood firm like rock, commanded a long-march and brought a pace
in China. He started new world of dedication and labour. Every
person of china worked hard from dawn to dusk, they burnt candles
of night and moved heavens into earth with everlasting passion and
spirited enthusiasm. Now, China has become most powerful
country of world. Indeed, they learnt a lot of difficulties.
There is a proverb Prosperity makes friends; adversity tries
them. Undoubtedly, life is a season of gala and rainy days.
Sometimes black clouds hover over and sometimes white clouds
take wing over. Friends walk hand to hand when there is
prosperous segment but when rainy days appear then they run away
and hide. In misfortune and mishap one can know and experience
who true friend of him is. As Hazrat Ali R.A says "Don't observe
him who shelters you in mishaps but him who leaves you."
Adversities make one mature and experienced. He who has
perceived and faced immense troubles in life he is most experienced
man. He knows how to get one from deep and dark ditch as he is
well-known. There are many ingredients of experience in life and
adversity is most essential of them. Through afflictions, person does
not only be aware but he becomes well known. A person who has
seen difficulties and felt mysterious darkness, sympathetic feelings
are born within him.
A person who has observed difficulties in his life, he
possesses affectionateness in his heart for others. He tries to work
for those who are in miseries of life. He feels their sorrows and
soulful sighs on account of only he can feel pain that has been with
that phase of life. Adversities bestows candle to him and he kindles
others candles. This is the way adversities teach at every curve of


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

life. There are many people who are afraid of difficulties and they
try to hide themselves.
One should not hide and run away from difficulties. Man
should be passionate and enthusiastic. Difficulties are part of life
which are to be faced but not avoided. If difficulty is avoided, next
time it comes stronger than before. Fear is a sign of coward and for
this Tipu Sultan beautifully says. One day's life of a lion is
preferable to hundred years' of a jackal
I conclude with quotation of Winston Churchill: "A
pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees
the opportunity in every difficulty."
Undoubtedly, difficulties teach us that things which none can teach
in this world. They make us aware, experienced, passionate, strong
and humanitarian. Life is a process of learning and one learns a lot
from hardships.
Freedom of conscience, of education, of speech, of assembly, is
among the very fundamentals of democracy and all of them will be
nullified if the freedom of press be successfully challenged.
(US president, Roosevelt)
Media is regarded as the most powerful weapon of 21st
century. It is as lethal a weapon as a nuke. It has the capability to
convert day into night and night into day, a hero into a villain and a
villain into hero. Media has brought revolutions in the world and
has transformed the globe into a global village. It has virtually
erased the geographical boundaries, removed the barriers of social,
political and cultural differences and as a result this diversified
world has been reduced to remote control. Medias role in
education, awareness, opinion formation and entertainment is so
diversified in its horizon and domain that one thing is clear and


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

decided that the tides of media cannot be reversed, however, they
may be altered in nature and composition.
The status of freedom of press in Pakistan, ever since independence
has remained semi independent, despite adequate safeguards and
provisions promised by the constitution.
There shall be freedom of press. It shall however, be subjected
to any reasonable restrictions imposed by the law, in the interest of
glory of Islam, of the integrity, security and defense of Pakistan or
any part of it, friendly relations with foreign states, public order,
decency and morality or in relation to contempt of court or
commission or incitement to an offence. (Article 19 of the
constitution, 1973)
Freedom of press literally means the freedom of expression i.e.
speech, writing and thinking .it also ensures the liberty to think and
act without any restrictions and pressures.
A free press and electronic media is an essential attribute of
democratic polity as both work hand and glove with each other. If
democracy is the government of the people, media is the voice of
the people. But it is a matter of grave misfortune for Pakistan that
due to one factor or the other, ever since independence, media
could not breathe independently and one of the factor that could be
held responsible for this sorry state of affairs is the obstructed and
failed democratic form of government. The fundamental ingredient
making democracy possible is the flow of information. Media is the
only force that can ensure the flow of information. If restricted,
hindered or obstructed in any way, masses remain ignorant,
ignorant of their rights, their duties to the state, their needs and the
role that they can play for the betterment of the society, they live in
and the country on the whole.
Medias role in imparting education to the masses cannot be
stressed enough. Online lectures and speeches of the professors,
scholars and intellectuals of the profound universities are playing a


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

significant role in imparting formal and technical education to the
masses. Medias role in creating awareness among the masses
regarding the political, social and economic scenario cannot be
overemphasized. Due to the mushroom growth of TV channels and
news papers, people today are more aware and educated about the
surroundings and the steps taken by the government. This is
promoting public participation in the decision making of the state
machinery. the skilled and bold personalities of the anchor persons
raises peoples voice analysis, governments actions and gets the
expert opinion. Media has also played a significant role in bringing
the world at the door step, produces and introduces different life
styles in the world, changes moods and behavior, bold topics
through dramas and talk shows, new households styles, guides the
youth for new opportunities and creates civic sense.
Religiously media helps in providing ethnic information by
the competent scholars, solutions of queries of public problems,
highlights religious events and promotes sectarian harmony. In the
historical perspective, one can safely state that , unfortunately
democracy could not flourish here in the right sense of the world.
Consequently, Pakistan has not been able to evolve a full fledged
free news media. Moreover, as the political process itself has
remained stunted, therefore, its logical undergrowth is that media in
Pakistan too has not received the nourishment needed for its full
flowering. However, the electronic media assumed a new birth
since 2001 after the autocratic regime of president Musharraf as it
promulgated PEMRA. the authority has been made responsible for
facilitating and regulating the establishment and operations of the
broadcast media and distribution services in Pakistan . The mandate
of the PEMRA is to ensure accountability and transparency by
optimizing the free flow of information. This law is on the face to
the article 19 of the constitution, which guarantees freedom of
speech, expression and press..
Despite frequent martial laws, other factors that stand


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

responsible for the poor growth of independent press could be
illiteracy, poverty, unawareness, attitude of indifference towards the
political decisions, lack of interest in state affairs, political instability
and political pressures and problems.
Illiteracy has proved to be major obstacles in the improper growth
of press and electronic media. Due to lack of education, people
have been rendered unaware regarding their rights, duties and off
course responsibilities to the state. This dilemma of illiteracy gave
birth to poverty and consequently, the poor masses that could not
afford two meals in a day, could never realize the importance of
news papers and freedom of press. This sorry state of affairs has
created an attitude of indifference on the part of the common
masses. Consequently, the apathy shown by the government and
the people gave birth to an orthodox and stereotyped thinking and
nationalist approach.
There are certain ethics and dos and donts of media channels and
press to shape the discipline of journalism so that they seek truth,
convey information, ideas and opinions with transparency and
accuracy. These ethics suggest the media personals to report and
interpret honestly, striking for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of
all essential facts and urge the fair correction of errors.
21st century has turned out to be a century of media war, as
it has turned out to be the most lethal weapon of the contemporary
age. Drastic, cultural, political and social changes can now be seen
as a result of revolutions brought about by media. Media is bursting
forth like a meteor and breaking new frontiers. In this age of cosmic
revolution and technology and means of communication, those
archaic barriers blocking any peoples access to independent source
of information and are dismantling rapidly to the utter discomfort of
the obscurantist still intent on keeping them intact. This is an era of
satellite television, internet connectivity and mobile telephones. US
cution categorically forbids that: Congress shall make no law
abridging the freedom of speech or of press.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Pakistan is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world.
Generally divided into natural and man-made, all disasters are
managed by a systematic process of disaster management that aims
at minimising the damage and restoration of people to their normal
state. Pakistan is well familiar with disasters which have caused a
heavy toll in terms of men and material.
However, due to its inadequate preparedness to
manage disasters, it has failed to effectively cope with them.
Though, after earthquake-2005, a systematic effort was geared up to
develop a viable structure of disaster management evolving into
establishment of NDMA, it has yet to achieve the required
standards. The heavy floods of 2010 exposed its unpreparedness
and frail management resulting in unprecedented proportion of
losses and damages. Since, the magnitude of implications is too
heavy to bear; the efficient disaster management comes, on the
priority, second to none of other needs. Therefore, it is necessary to
formulate an organised disaster management system to cope with
disasters that may break out in future.
Disaster is defined as "a catastrophic event that brings
about great damage, destruction and devastation to life and
property." The damage caused by disasters varies depending upon
geographical location, climate severity and above all, the types of
disasters. Disasters have been classified into two categories - natural
disasters and man-made disasters. Cyclones, tsunami, floods,
droughts, earthquakes and volcanoes are a few examples of natural
disasters; and wars and nuclear accidents fall in the category of the
man-made disasters. All these calamities and catastrophes incur
heavy toll on man and his habitat. However, the disasters can be
mitigated and losses can be minimised with efficient preparedness
and management.
Disaster management is the mechanism of
coordinating and utilising available resources to deal emergencies


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

effectively, thereby saving lives, avoiding injuries and minimising
losses. This also deals with strategic and organisational
management processes used to protect vital assets from hazard risks
in such emergencies. As mentioned earlier, disaster management is
a systematic process, consisting ostensibly of four main phases:
response, recovery, relief and rehabilitation. However, it remains
incomplete without mitigation and preparedness, which are
basically pre-disaster management phases. All these phases are
crucially important in managing disasters.
Mitigation, the very first phase of disaster
management, is a sustained action that reduces both short-term and
long-term risks to people and property from the hazards and their
effects. It involves activities like scientific hazard analysis,
vulnerability analysis, risk assessment, avoiding construction in
high risk zones, launching awareness campaigns, training and
capacity building of responders and managers, etc. Mitigation,
therefore, is a persistence effort to lessen the impact that disasters
may incur.
Preparedness, the second phase of disaster
management, is defined by Global Development Research Center
as "a set of steps that enhance the ability of communities and
government to respond to a disaster." The steps included in this
phase are the maintenance of resource inventory, stockpiling,
logistic planning, evacuation planning, communication planning,
and needs assessment. The key to effective disaster management is
readiness to provide a rapid emergency response. It entails everyone
to be prepared to respond to extreme situations. Response, the next
phase of disaster management, includes the action of responding to
an emergency. It aims to provide immediate emergency support to a
community to maintain health, safety and morale until a permanent
solution can be put in place. The steps involved in response phase
are situation analysis, crisis maps, information communication,
evacuation and shelters, dispatching of resources and early damage


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assessment. Besides, trained and equipped personnel are required to
deal with an emerging crisis.
Recovery, finally, is the process of returning to normal.
Recovery phase may be short-term as well as long-term, and it
begins after the disaster commences. Reco-very phase is overlapped
by reconstruction, rehabilitation; spatial planning, infrastructure
building, housing, livelihood, social security, transport, clean
drinking water, communication and agriculture.
Previously, Pakistan has fallen victim to disasters many a time. The
earthquake-2005, Hunza landslides and Floods 2010 are some of
the incidents. The available data suggests that Pakistan suffered
heavily at the hands of these disasters owing to the lack of efficient
disaster management.
Recently, the spate of floods that began late in July of
2010 dealt a serious blow to Pakistan. The floods with such a
magnitude had never been witnessed in the history of Pakistan.
Torrential monsoon rains in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh,
Balochistan and Punjab were primarily responsible for the floods.
The heavy rains also affected Indus river basin. Almost one/fifth of
Pakistan submerged in water. Moreover, almost 20 million people
were directly affected by the destruction of property, livelihood and
infrastructure. And the death toll rose to about 2,000 people. Had
there been no institute to deal with this natural calamity, the
damage caused by floods would have been much more.
However, despite establishment of National Disaster
Management Authority (NDMA) the response was too slow to
meet the magnitude of challenge. The purpose behind its
establishment was to change national response to emergency
situations from reactionary model to an active mitigation,
preparedness, response and recovery model. NDMA is the
executive arm of the National Disaster Management Commission
(NDMC) headed by Prime Minister. Also, NDMA supervises


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Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMA) and District
Disaster Management Authorities (DDMA).
The National Disaster Management Authority has
been assigned the task of coordinating the disaster risk management
at the national level, implementing disaster risk management
strategies, mapping the hazards, developing guidelines, ensuring the
establishment of disaster management authorities and Emergency
Operation Centres (EOCs) at provincial, district and municipal
levels, providing technical assistance to concerned departments,
organising training to personnel, serving as a lead agency for NGOs
and international cooperation, coordinating with the federal
government through National Emergency Operation Centre
(NEOC) and requiring any government department or agency to
make available needed resources and personnel.
Despite establishment of this organisation assigned
with apparently multifarious tasks, disasters in Pakistan are hardly
managed effectively. Its preparedness and response during recent
floods were found inadequate. For 10 days, the flooding was only
in this province. But we didn't hear from the NDMA and nor did
we see any NDMA official. No one even contacted us, said
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Iftikhar Hussain.
Disaster management, particularly preparedness in
Pakistan has largely remained unsatisfactory. The underlying
factors responsible for its inefficiency, besides insufficient resources,
are lack of proactive approach and transparency. Moreover, this
agency has yet to prove its credibility, strategy and efficiency of
infrastructure which lie at the very heart of these critical situations.
Another factor that hampers the smooth functioning of disaster
management process is duplication of efforts which arise due to the
lack of integration between various agencies and organisations
involved in the process. Consequently, these multiple factors render
management process weak and, therefore, people bear the brunt on
their shoulders.


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Weaker disaster management, nevertheless, accounts
for the damages caused by floods uptill now; as International
Monetary Fund (IMF) puts it, "Floods which have devastated
Pakistan will present a massive economic and political challenge to
its government and people." Apart from economic and social losses,
looming food crisis, ravaged infrastructure, multiple health related
problems and increased chances of proliferation of extremism are
but a few adverse impacts of weak disaster management. Speaking
of the food crisis, almost 17 million acres of agricultural land
submerged under water. According to Daily Finance, "A major
concern was that the farmers would be unable to meet the fall
deadline for planting new seeds in 2010 which implied a loss of
food production in 2011 and potential long-term food shortages."
Additionally, seven lac acres cotton crops, two lac acres sugarcane,
two lac acres rice, five lac tonnes of stocked wheat, three lac acres
of animal fodder and stores of grain were lost besides two lac
In addition to food crisis, outbreak of various
diseases further aggravates the situations. Scores of people have
been affected by the fatal diseases like gastroenteritis and diarrhea
due to the non-availability of clean drinking water and proper
sanitation facilities. Also, the eruption of cholera and multiple skin
diseases along with malaria has added to their suffering. Apart from
these diseases, there is a sheer dearth of maternity care for
thousands of pregnant women. Thus, these victims need medical
attention on war footings to save invaluable human lives. The
authorities were not prepared to deal with such situation. Even
though, the floods were moving gradually ahead, they could not
take precautionary measures in the prone areas.
There has been a huge loss to infrastructure.
According to Ball State University Center estimate, around 3916
km highway and about 5646 km railway track has been damaged.
Their repair costs are expected to be at least $158 million and $131


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million, respectively. On the other hand, public damage accounting
to almost $1 billion resulted in response to floods. The sorry state of
affairs was revealed when authorities were unable to rather
incapable of restoring the cut off routes and breaches in river banks.
Resultantly, country received a serious economic jolt. In this regard,
International Labour Organisation (ILO) said that almost 5.3
million people became jobless. Therefore, "productive and labour
intensive job creation programmes are urgently needed to lift
millions of people out of poverty that has been aggravated by flood
damage." Furthermore GDP would decline from overall 4 per cent
to -2 to -5 per cent. Crop losses have stubborn impact on textile
industry: the largest manufacturing industry of Pakistan.
Besides, the implications include growth in militancy
and crime. 'As soon as Pakistan Army diverted from fighting
militant insurgents in the north-west to help in relief efforts, Taliban
militants were given a reprieve to regroup', observed the Associated
Press. Over and above, the jobless, desperate and dejected
youngsters from the affected areas are an easy prey to militant
recruitment and criminal activities. It may aggravate the security
situation given the inefficiency of the government to address the
problems of the victims.
If observed politically, public may perceive the
government inefficient thus giving rise to an episode of political
unrest. Not only people, the outside donors have also become
skeptic. More than that, migration of internally displaced people
(IDP) to urban areas incited urban sectarian discord which further
hindered the process of management of disaster. In the light of
above facts, it is evident that Pakistan is in dire need of an organised
disaster management programme to face the emergency situations
and their implications. So far, disorganised and ad hoc methods had
been in practice in disaster management system. It is because of this
that the country suffered more. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the
Government of Pakistan to strengthen its policies of disaster


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

management. In other words, disaster management should be
amongst the top priorities of government. NDMA can be
strengthened by proper allocation of funds, research, equipment,
training and maintenance of transparency. In this regard, effective
communication between concerned agencies and with people is a
must. Embankment of rivers, disaster proof housing and
infrastructure, early warnings, rapid evacuation, nomination of
danger zones prior to disaster, establishment of rescue centres and
creating public awareness about disasters and safety techniques with
their inclusion in curriculum will surely pay dividends.
Disasters often come without early warnings, recent
floods in Pakistan, however, took a gradual course. But lack of
sound disaster management and unpreparedness policies and their
implementation has resulted in grave damages to Pakistan in all the
previous disasters. Therefore, the onus lies upon the Government of
Pakistan to revisit its policies and strengthen institutions to not only
tackle such situations but making them to our best use. It is high
time that the government as well as every citizen of Pakistan plays
its own respective role to bring about a positive change.

Dancing around the fire is not the solution to any problem. One
should try to see beneath the surface in order to grasp an idea about
the basic issue. Despite a steam of strong words and Family
Planning Programmed introduced by the governments of many
countries of the world, population is still increasing at an alarming
especially in the third world countries.
Pakistan is also facing the dragon of over population.
This problem has given rise to multidimensional problems in our
country. At present we are scarce in resources and it has become
difficult for the government to meet the rapidly growing needs of
the huge population with its scarce resources. The growth rate of
Pakistan is very high and is among the highest in the world. Since


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

partition in 1947, the population of Pakistan has become more than
tripled. Every year almost four million people are added to already
over burdened economy. This yearly increase in our population is
equal to the total populations of any countries. This rapidly growing
population has really created an obstacle in the way of our
economic progress. The massively increasing population has almost
outstripped the resources in production, in facilities and in job
It is estimated that if the present growth rate prevails,
then the population of Pakistan will be double by the year 2020.
This is, in fact, an alarming situation; Even today at the population
of 140million it has become difficult for us to provide basic
necessities of life to the majority of the population. A great number
of people have no access to the health services. The safe drinking
water is also not available at many places, many people do not have
the sanitation facilities, a lot of children are not provided the
primary education and illiteracy rate is very high among the adults.
According to a report issued by United Nations about four million
people are living below the poverty line.
The genesis of the situation reflects some obvious
reasons. A major reason is the tradition of having joint family
system. This system puts less burden of bringing up of children on
the parents. As the parents have minimum expenditure so they tend
to produce more children. Another important factor is that majority
of the population of our country lives in the rural areas. In these
regions agriculture is the only profession and in agricultural
processes, children are considered very helpful for the parents. This
factor encourages the parents to have more children.
Then there is the question of male child in our society.
The male baby is welcomed more warmly rather than a baby girl.
This creates a desire for having a male baby at least; This factor acts
an incentive for more and more children till suitable number of
male babies is achieved.
In addition to these the early age marriages in the rural
areas, prove potential large size family makers. It has been observed
that such marriages produce at least seven children.Then it comes
to the Islamic laws. According to these the widows are allowed to
marry again and thus continue to act as procreation agents. Along


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

with this the polygamy is also allowed and is practiced in Islam.
This gives rise to an obvious result of multiple issues.
The Islamic viewpoint of the people is also one of the
major causes for the over population. It is a matter of faith with the
Muslims that Almighty God provides the needs of every child and
the parents are having no obligation in this regard. The Muslims are
staunch believer in fate and so they do not follow family planning
programmes. These programmers are considered against the spirit
of Islam. At many places most of the elders in the rural areas
categorize it as an instrument of vagrancy and waywardness. They
are of the view that such programmes give rise to immorality
among the young boys and girls.
Another reason can be considered is the hot and pleasant climatic
conditions of Pakistan. The environment of our country helps the
early maturity of boys and girls and they become capable of raising
a family at an early stage. Along with this the recreational facilities
are almost non-existent. Conjugal recreation is the only alternative
for married people. The rapidly growing population is having a lot
of adverse effects on our country. All over the country poverty as
increased and people do not have the basic necessities of life.
There is a shortfall in educational institutions and class
rooms are over crowded. It has become very difficult to get the child
admitted I government schools. Due to this fact high fee charging
intuition spring up. These intuitions implement their own syllabus
which is completely different from the course of government
schools. This creates a clear distinction between the students of
government and private schools. This also gives rise to tow
educational systems working simultaneously in the county.
Due to high growth rate of population the health care
facilities have become inadequate. Child and maturity centers are
also lacking. The standards of food have been fallen and due to this
the number of patients has increased.
Another problem which results from over population is
that ever increasing population creates housing and settlement
problems. It becomes very difficult for the individual and the society
to overcome them.The great number of people is responsible for
making the parks and gardens ugly spots. The reactions facilities are
decreasing in this way. The unemployment increase. It becomes


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

very difficult for the employer to provide social fringe benefits to the
employees. These employees are often deprived off from their rights
like pensions, medical facilities childrens education etc.
The high growth rate of population makes our society a
consumption oriented society. This is because more natural
resources are to be consumed for more people. These resources
once used, cannot be renewed. So we have to import these terms at
the cost of foreign exchange which increases our import bill thus
widens the gap between imports and exports.
The increase in population means an increase in the
crime rate. When the people do not get the jobs, when they do not
get the proper facilities, they get frustrated and become revengeful
against the society. Due to this factor the crime rate increases. The
rise in crimes makes an atmosphere of fear. The people are
oscillating between uncertainty and fear.
Dens traffic on roads cause a lot of accidents in which
many precious lives are being lost. Due to high growth rate of
population the unlawful settlements are formed. These type of
settlements give rise to many problems. As no health facilities are
available the are, so many disease are caused.
In late 1990s the government of Pakistan started two
programmes to control the over population. These were names as
primary health care and population planning. These were
implemented through the Ministry of Health and Ministry of
Population Welfare respectively. These are planned to proveddoor
to door services especially in the rural areas. Many lady workers
have been given jobs for this purpose. These women have been
provided sufficient trainings. The aim of these programmes is to
create awareness about the family planning programmes. For this
purpose about ten thousands persons have already been inducted by
population welfare departments.
As the dragon of over population is digesting our
already scarce resources at a massive speed. So our government
should go for the remedial measures. In this regard the following
suggestions may prove very fruitful and result oriented.
Late age marriages should be encouraged and the early
age marriages should be condemned very seriously. This will


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

become very useful because the early age marriages usually give rise
to large families.
The services of ulemas should be utilized in order to
convince the people that family planning programmes are not
contrary to the Islamic values. In rural areas the people are highly
under influence of the religious leaders so their words spoken in the
favor of family planning may yield the desire results.
As the girls today are to become mothers in future so
the high literacy rate in females may become very important. An
educated female will be aware of the consequences of over
population. In this regard the sex-education should be provided to
all the graduates so that the problem of over population can be
countered in a comprehensive manner. Conferences another
programmes to creates awareness in the general public should be
held at all levels. These programmes will become very helpful in
explaining the adverse effects of over population to the people. This
might make the brain wash of the people. The electronic media
should also be utilized. The advertisements through television
might convey the message very easily. Along with this nongovernment organizations should do some activities which may
become helpful in conveying the message to the general public.
A day should be celebrated at National level with the
name of National Population Day. This should be done on the
pattern of the World Population Day which is being celebrated
on the 11th of July each year. These types of activities play an
important role in creating awareness about the subject matter.
So, conclude in this way that the dragon of population
has become a serious threat for the prosperity of our country. Now
the time has come that if we want to make Pakistan a State where
integrity, solidarity and prosperity will be all around, then we
should not leave any stone unturned in reducing the population
growth rate. This reduction in population will lead the country
towards a stage where it will be able to provide all basic necessities
of life to everyone.



Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar


1. Global Zero: World without Nuclear Weapons

2. Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan
3. World Order: Unipolar to Multipolar
4. Failure of Governance in Pakistan
5. Country life is better than city life
6. Corruption in Pakistan
7. Global warming
8. Global Energy Crisis
9. Disaster Management in Pakistan
10. Pakistan Rich in Natural Resources But Poor in
their Management
11. Education in Pakistan: Problems and its Solutions
12. The New Great Game and Pakistans Foreign Policy
13. The Internal Threat is more dangerous than External
Threat to Pakistan
14. Terrorism in Pakistan
15. Sectarianism and Extremism have put the Peace of
Pakistan at Stake
16. Power of Media in Modern World
17. Critical Analysis of the Education System of Pakistan
18. Meaning and Purpose of Education
19. Role of Media
20. Image of Islam in West


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

By Irshad Ali Sodhar (FSP)
1. Introduction
2. Brief history of nuclear weapons
3. Perils of nuclear weapons
4. Need to eliminate nuclear weapons
5. Global zero initiative
6. Is this goal achievable? Yes:
a. Historical support
b. Political will
c. Strong public support
d. New leadership
7. How to achieve it? Procedure/Strategy:
a. Ratification of NPT/CTBT
b. Reduction by the US and Russia
c. Elimination by all nuclear states
d. Follow up: control mechanism
8. Creation of International Nuclear Fuel-Bank
9. Advantages of nuclear zero
10. Conclusion


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By Dr. Quratul Ain Malik (ITG)
Good governance is a prerequisite for social harmony, public
order, political stability, economic prosperity and certainty
about future. It delivers the fruit of progress and development
evenly to all and sundry. Good governance is required at all
levels of society and state.
Essentials of good governance
1. Promotion of national cohesion
2. National integration
3. Institutional supremacy
4. Independent judiciary
5. Constitutional supremacy
6. Rule of law
7. Political stability
8. Educational opportunities
9. Socio-economic development
10. Equal distribution of resources
11. Welfare state with provision of social securities
12. Strong writ of the government on all fronts
Situation of governance in Pakistan
1. Forces of disintegration -- stronger than forces of cohesion
2. Weak writ of the government
3. Absence of independent judiciary
4. No rule of law
5. Political instability
6. Interprovincial conflicts
7. Unequal distribution of resources
8. Pakistan presenting a picture of extreme bad governance
on all national fronts
Political causes
1. Parliament, a toothless tiger
2. Political instability due to constant military interference


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3. Issue of provincialism on revenue, resources and demand
of provincial autonomy
Administrative causes
1. Bureaucratic hold on all institutions
2. Political interference on bureaucracy
3. Corruption, mother of all evils
4. Absence of culture of accountability
5. Mismanagement of resources
6. Pakistan, a soft state because of inability of
implementation of policies due to lack of consensus
Economic causes
1. Fragile economy - FDI shrinking on account of terrorism
and political instability
2. Crisis of energy, food, water
3. Corruption from top to bottom creating burden on the
government exchequer
Social causes
1. Poverty 40 per cent population living below the poverty
line (UN reports)
2. Over population -16.6 crore (Economic Survey of Pakistan
3. Illiteracy leading to socio-economic backwardness
1. Pakistan is in dire need of truly capable leadership
2. Strong anti-corruption campaigns strengthening National
Accountability Bureau
3. Strict accountability of all government servants in
particular and common masses in general
4. Investment in socio-economic development
5. Allocation of seven per cent GDP for education
6. Three per cent for population control
7. Three per cent for poverty alleviation
8. Generation of new employment opportunities
9. Equal distribution of resources
10. Ensuring freedom of press


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1. Introduction
2. Brief history of World Order
3. United States Uni-polar Status
4. Determinants of World Order
a) Economic strength
b) Military power
c) International political clout
d) Ideology appeal
5. The Paradigm shift
6. Catalyst factors:
a) Energy resources
b) Iraq war
c) Financial crisis
d) Globalisation
7. Future scenario- Multipolar World
8. Would the multipolarity be beneficial to world?
9. Conclusion


1. Introduction
2. Prerequisites of Good Governance:
2.1 Rule of law
2.2 Accountability
2.3 Equal Distribution of Resources and Opportunities
2.4 Service delivery
3. Evidences of failure of Governance in Pakistan
3.1 Absence of Rule of Law


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3.2 State Organs and National Institutions are contradicting
and overriding each other
3.3 Rampant Extremism, Terrorism and Security issues
3.4 Insurmountable domestic and international Political
3.5 Nepotism, Favoritism and Corruption have become
inherent features of institutions
3.6 Consistently deploring economic condition and rising
unemployment, poverty and inflation
3.7 Rupturing social infrastructure, degrading social institutions
and widespread social unrest
4. In-depth Analysis of current state of Governance in
5. Solutions to ensure Good Governance in Pakistan
5.1 Strong and Independent Parliament
5.2 Rule of Law and no institutional activism
5.3 Drastic measures to curb Terrorism
5.3 De-politicization of Administration
5.4 Strict enforcement of Law and Accountability
5.5 Ensuring Service Delivery through Public Private
Partnership, higher GDP allocations and by attracting FDI
5.6 Building Human Resource and enhancing job base to utilize
Human Resource
5.7 Optimum utilization of Indigenous Resources to reduce
fiscal and trade deficits and economic uplift
5.8 Planned Urbanization, Controlled Population Growth and
infusing high moral
6. Conclusion


1. Introduction
2. Advent of Urbanization; need for it


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3. Features of Urban life and its significance
4. Features of Country Life
4.1 Restricted, controlled and simplified Functions
4.2 Cultural, Social ties and Family system exist
4.3 Green environment
4.4 No water and noise pollution
4.5 Steady and constant life
5. Why Country Life is better than City Life
5.1 Impacts of Global Warming are making cities vulnerable
5.2 City life has tormented social and cultural ties
5.3 Traffic problems in cities have jammed lives
5.4 Unavailability of clean drinking water and unhygienic
environment have made cities unwanted
5.5 Urban Poverty and other challenges of law and order
5.6 Modern techniques of agriculture have revolutionized
5.7 Technology has diluted physical distances
6. Equation for LDCs and MDCs; a comparison drawn
7. City life and country life in Pakistan
8. Conclusion

Definition of corruption
(a) Types of Corruption
(b) Various forms of corruption
(c) Incidence of corruption
Scenario of corruption in Pakistan
(a) Transparency International ranking
(b) Transparency International Pakistan report


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

(c) Corruption in Islamic teaching
(d) Quaid-i-Azam on corruption
Causes of corruption
(a) Dismal performance of Institutions
(b) Poor governance
(c) Absence of political will
(d) Lack of effective accountability
(e) Lack of Transparency
(f) Meagre income
Impact of corruption
(a) Deteriorate the quality of governance
(b) Moral degeneration
(c) Shamble the economy
(d) Retards economics growth
(e) inflation
(f) Unemployment
(g) increase poverty
(h) Injustice to people
(i) Widening the gap between rich and poor
Remedial Measures
(a) Rule of law
(b) Effective accountability
(c) Role of transparency agencies
(d) Mass awareness
(e) Adherence to Islamic principles

1. Introduction
2. What is global warming?


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3. Green house effect
4. Evidences of global warming/climate change
a) Temperature,
b) Precipitation,
c) Rise in sea level.
5. Causes of global warming-emissions
6. Sources of emissions
7. Who are responsible for green house emissions?
8. Possible impacts of global warming:
a) Most affected would be marginalised communities,
b) Coastal areas,
c) Frequent and strong storms and floods,
d) Health problems,
e) Ecosystem destruction,
f) Agricultural loss (Food insecurity).
9. Unpredictable surprises
10. Threshold level
11. Strategies to mitigate global warming:
a) Transforming to renewable sources of energy,
b) Energy conservation and efficiency,
c) Individual efforts.
12. Conclusion


1. Introduction
2. What is energy crisis?
3. Share of energy resources in energy supply
a) Non-renewable
b) Renewable
4. World consumption distribution


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5. World production distribution
6. Causes of crises
a) Surge in demand
b) Resource nationalism tighter supply
c) Political uncertainty
d) Lack of diversity
7. Impact of crises
a) Economy
b) Politics
c) Development
8. Environmental concerns
9. Way out: Renewable energy
10. Conclusion


1. Introduction
2. Disaster: definition and types
3. Disaster management
4. Phases of disaster management;
a. Mitigation
b. Preparedness
c. Response
d. Recovery
5. History of disasters in Pakistan
6. Disaster in the wake of recent floods
7. Structure of disaster management in Pakistan
8. Role of National Disaster Management Authority


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9. Abysmal state of disaster preparedness and management in
10. Impacts of weak disaster management
i) Food crisis
ii) Health hazards
iii) Ravaged infrastructure
iv) Unemployment and economic loss
v) Militancy and crime
vi) Political upset
11. An organised disaster management is the need of the
12. Measures to improve disaster management in Pakistan
13. Conclusion


1- Introduction
2- Natural Resources and their management
3- Richness / abundance of natural resources in Pakistan
4- Pakistan's natural resources and their mismanagement
a) Energy resources
i- Nonrenewable energy resources
a. Oil and Gas reserves
b. Coal reserves
ii- Renewable energy resources
a. Wind and solar power
b. Hydropower
b) Agricultural resources
i- Irrigation Network
ii- Fertile Land


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iii- Variety of Crops
iv- Animal Husbandry
v- Fishing
c) Mineral Ore Resources
i. Copper and gold resources.
ii. Salt mines and other minerals
d) Human resources
i. Sixth Largest Population in the World
ii. Youth comprising major chuck
5- Factors leading to poor management / Governance
a) Political instability/ rivalry,
b) Lack of vision and planning,
c) Flawed policies,
d) Bureaucratic bottlenecks and corruption,
e) Worsened Law and order situation,
6- Implications of mismanagement of natural resources
7- Way forward
8- Conclusion

Education the basic need
Object of Education
Importance of Education
Background of Pakistans Educational System
Educational System in Pakistan
Key Performance Indicators for Education Systems
1. Medium of Education:
2. Disparity of System at Provincial Level:


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3. Gender Discrimination:
4. Lack of Technical Education::
5. Low allocation of funds:
6. Inefficient Teachers:
7. Poverty:
8. Corruption:
9. Social imbalance:
10. Mismanagement of System:
11. Infrastructure Problems:
12. Private school system:
13. Lack of educational policies:
14. Increase in population:
15. Lack of attention of the authorities:
16. Lack of uniform educational system:
17. Medium of Instruction:
18. Education as a business:
19. Delay in renewal of policies and syllabus
20. Political Interference:
1. English should be medium of Instruction:
2. Talented and qualified Staff
3. Fulfill the lack of teachers
4. Primary education should be made compulsory
5. Increase in teachers incentives
6. Translation of foreign research to local language
7. Check on distinctive education
8. Scholarships and financial support to students
9. Special Financial packages
10. Betterment of education policies and teachers workshop
11. Infused Technical Education
12. Promotion of primary education


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1. Introduction
Need of oil and gas
Concept of regionalism
Importance for Muslim countries
Breakdown of the Soviet Union
Caspian region
2. Monopoly of the OPEC
3. US's interests in the Region
Oil dependency
Countering influence of China
Application for SCO membership
4. Chinese Interests
Enormous need for oil
Xinjiang under the threat of terrorism
5. Pakistan's Interests
Need of oil and gas
Pakistan's dire need of SCO membership
Turkmenistan- Afghanistan- Pakistan- India gas pipeline
6. Conclusion


1. Introduction
2. Internal Threats to Pakistan
Political Instability
Weak Judiciary


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Extremism, Terrorism and Target Killings
Energy Crisis
Water Shortage
3. External Threats to Pakistan
4. Critical Analysis
5. Suggestions
6. Conclusion


History of Terrorism in Pakistan: An Overview
Pakistan Faces Various Forms of Terrorism
Ethnic / Sectarian
Nationalist / Separatist
Jihadi / Islamist
Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan
Augmenting Illiteracy
Increasing Social Injustice


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Swelling Poverty
Derailing Democracy
Heightening Religious Intolerance
Unending Afghan War
Crippling Economy
Is Terrorism a Great Threat to Pakistan: YES
To democracy
To sovereignty
To economy
To governance
To progress
To national security
To national integrity
Using the Influence of Religious Leaders
Utilizing Civil Society
Employing Media Effectively
Revamping Education System
Achieving Peace in Afghanistan
Ensuring Competent Intelligence
Dealing Effectively with Militants
Economic Recovery & Poverty Alleviation
Ensuring Speedy & Affordable Justice


a. What is Sectarianism?
b. What is meant by Extremism?
c. What do we mean by Peace of Pakistan?
History of Sectarianism and Extremism in Pakistan


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Internal Factors
a. Constitutional amendment 1974
b. Zias Islamization Policy and conflicts between sunni and
shia based Sharia laws
c. Formation of religious parties: Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Sipah
sahaba, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan etc
d. The contents of teaching syllabus in schools
e. Fanatic behavior of orthodox Ulema
External Factors
a. Islamic revolution in Iran
b. Funding by Saudi Arabia and Iran
c. Soviet union , USA and Afghanistan
How Sectarianism and Radicalism have overpowered
Politico-religious differences
a. Conflicts between Non-Muslims and Muslims
b. Sunni-Shia Conflicts
c. Conflicts between Sub Branches of Sunni i.e. Bralevi,
Deoband Etc
Role of Taliban and Al-Qaeda (Main Actors)
Role of Madrassahs
Extremism is becoming social behavior
Are these the real threats to Peace of Pakistan?
How Peace is destroyed by Extremism and radicalism?
a. Extremism is the Root of all Evils in Society
b. Lack of Tolerance Among Citizens
c. Social Unrest
d. Killing of Innocent People
e. Socio-Economic Crisis
f. Fears of Civil War
g. Fear of Country Division on Sectarian Basis
h. National Disintegration


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i. Uncertainty Among People
j. Loss of Trust (Deterioration of Moral values)
k. Poorest Law and Order Situation (Anarchy)
l. Fragile Economy
m.Political Chaos
How peace can be brought back into society?
a. Good Governance
b. Excellent Security policy and its strict implementation
(Anti terrorism Laws)
c. Education for all
d. Productive Role of Media
e. Free, Impartial and Immediate Justice
f. Reforms in Madrassahas Curriculum and Working
g. Flawed laws and legal loopholes should be removed
h. Foreign Aid to Extremist group should be eradicated
Sectarianism free Pakistan and Prosperity


a) Power of media in 21st century
b) Most powerful weapon of the contemporary world
c) Media...backbone of tremendous social, political and
cultural changes
d) Freedom of expression...a basic human right
e) Interrelationship between media and democracy
f) Thesis statement leading to conclusion
Constitutional provisions and guarantees
a) Article 19 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of
Pakistan 1973
Constituents of freedom of press


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a) Freedom of thinking, speech, expression
b) Freedom from all government pressures
Functions of media
a) Education for the masses
b) Awareness about world scenario and fundamental rights
and duties
c) Opinion formation related to social, political, economic &
religious issues Ensures public participation in
government's policies.
Freedom of press in Pakistan
a) Semi-independent press owing to punctuated democracy
b) Role of military regimes from Ayub Khan to Zia Ul Haq
Current scenario in Pakistan over the last decade
a) PEMRA 2001...martial law regime 2001
b) Mushroom growth of private TV channels
c) Role of media in promulgation of emergency... 3rd
November 2007
d) PRO, under emergency
Challenges / hurdles before Pakistan's media
a) Illiterate population... Lack of interest/ awareness
b) Political instability
c) Indifferent attitude of the masses towards the policies of
the government
d) Shortage of funds/ resources
e) Political interference
Obligations of media / the way forward
a) Ethics of journalism/ press to be followed
b) Strive for national integration
c) Impartial / unbiased analysis
d) Avoid exaggeration
e) Avoid obscenity / vulgarity
f) Depiction of Pakistan's true culture and history


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g) Promotion of social, ethical and moral values
h) Projection of softer image of government's policies
i) Maintenance of public confidence
j) Promotion of Quaid's vision and ideology of Pakistan


1. Quaid's View On Education
2. Concept of Education: Meaning And Definition
3. Significance of Education: As Pillar of Success
4. Education: An Agent of Socioeconomic Reforms
5. Spinal Cord of the Nation
6. Thesis Statement leading to Conclusion
Pakistan's Education System as per 1973 Constitution
1. Educational And Economic Reforms in Backward Areas
2. Removing Illiteracy
3. Promotion of Technical Education: Basic Concern
4. Education: Access To All
5. Women Participation, Etc.
Factors Leading to Catastrophe
1. Indecisive Medium of Education: English? / Urdu?
2. Co-Education: A Social Dilemma
3. Lack Of Uniform Academic Syllabus
4. Women Education: Concept in Doldrums
5. Lack Of Creative Education Methods: Cramming Culture
6. Political Interference In Education Institutions: Student/
Teacher Unions
7. Political Pressures/ Influences
8. Teacher Absenteeism
9. Ghost Schools
10. Less Than 2% GDP, For Education
11. Crippled Economy, etc.


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Education Policy 2009
1. Budget for education.. increased by 7%
2. All primary schools upgraded to middle standard schools
3. Higher education percentage to be increased from 4.7% to
15% by 2015
4. Emphasis on technical education
5. Establishment of residential colonies for the teachers
6. Special incentives for teachers willing to work in remote
areas, etc.
Critical Analysis of Education Policy 2009
1. Incremental Policy
2. Uniformity In Education System: Globalization
3. Social Cohesion
4. Bridging Public Private Gap
5. Overcoming Structural Divides
6. Improving Management And Planning Capacity:
Establishing a National Standards and Certification Agency
for Education Management and Information System EMIS
for monitoring and evaluation
7. Involvement Of Communities
8. Islamic Education
9. Early Childhood Education
10. Elementary Education
11. Secondary And Higher Education
12. Literacy And Formal Education
13. Emergency Education
14. Improving Quality Of Education
1. Individual Level
2. Decentralised system/ local government Level
a) Village
b) Council
c) Tehsil
d) District
3. Provincial Level


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4. Federal Government Level
a. At least 7% budget for education sector
b. Accountability and transparency in education department at
all levels
c. Public-private partnership
d. Madrassa reforms
e. Registration of madaris
f. Introduction of English and technical subjects
Education Sector Reforms
1. Primary Education For All
2. Making Civil Society Vibrant
3. Female Education: A Keystone
4. Promotion of Technical Education
5. Incentives For The Teachers: Increase In Salaries
6. Revised And Updated Curriculum
7. PTC/CT Replaced By Diploma In Education
8. Enhancing The Role Of Higher Education Commission
9. Expansion in Universities
10. Virtual Universities, Etc.
11. Investment in IT


Meaning of Education in different context
a. Religious Meaning
b. Social Meaning- included another quotation.
c. Political Meaning
d. Economic Meaning.
Purpose of Education
Religious Purpose
a) To follow respective religion
b) To act on the fundamentals of religion.


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c) Benefits in the world.
Social Purpose
a) Awareness of the society.
b) Development of society.
c) Humanistic approach towards society.
Political Purpose
a) knowledge of politics
b) Awareness about one's rights
c) Knowledge of Do's and Donts ( write about law and order)
d) Awareness of voting Rights (Quotation)
Economic Purpose
a) Knowledge of economics.
b) Awareness about economic concepts
c) Economic development


a) Islam is a complete code of life
b) Islam is a religion of peace
Current image of Islam
a) Islam being portrait a religion of terrorism in west
b) Muslim as extremists/fundamentalists
c) Islam being a religion against emancipation and liberation
of women
d) Sectarianism
Causes of poor image
a) Negative behavior of Muslims
b) Misinterpretation of Islam
c) Waywardness from true teaching of Islam
d) Lack of unity among Muslims


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e) Lack of positive propagation of Islam
f) Lagging behind in science and technology
g) Lack of effective Muslim organizations
h) Western media propagation
a) Effective propagation of Islamic true principles
b) Positive behavior
c) Bridging gap between theory and practice of Islam
d) Effective role of religious scholars
e) Unity among Muslims
f) Interfaith dialogues
g) Effective Muslim organizations
h) Promotion of science and technology


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I look at the outline first and foremost. There are three possible
types of outlines:
1) Relevant, to the point
2) Twisted, convoluted and confusing
3) Incomprehensible due to poor English
The last two outline-producing varieties of candidates are halffailed in my mind when I reach the end of their outlines.
Then I look for the thesis statements and again there can be
three types of them
1) Coherent and relevant
2) Irrelevant
3) Incomprehensible
For the third variety, their thesis statement marks the end of
their stories. I skim through the pages of their sheets in next few
seconds just to find out more blunders and finally award them
marks in 0-20 range.
For the second type of thesis statements, if the outline is
irrelevant too, I give a read to their introductory and concluding
paragraphs, and just a fleeting glance to the material they've
written in the body. If they used correct English, I award them
marks just for doing that.
If the thesis is irrelevant but the outline was relevant, I give
them a fighting chance. I read the introductory paragraph, if it


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

conveys some sense as a whole, I continue. If the essay is
coherent and strong till the end, and my eyes don't find
mistakes while turning the pages, this type of candidate can
make through.
For the candidates who have relevant outlines and thesis
statements, they are already half-passed when I reach the end of
their introductory paragraphs. I skim through their essays just
to check if they have written the same stuff as their outline
inside or if they have digressed and gone beyond the scope of
the title. If they haven't done that to an unforgiving extent, they
are clear.
Some candidates produce very good outlines and introductory
paragraphs. Once I have decided to pass them, I read whole of
their essays just to decide how much they deserve above 40. But
this is a very rare variety.
I have quoted a person who used to be an examiner for FPSC.
They don't need to read the whole essay just to ascertain this. He could
know whether a candidate knew proper English just by reading five to
six sentences.

I think the most important thing is the selection of

right topic on which one has sufficient command and
has enough material available to write on.
One should be to the point and substantiate his opinion with
supporting arguments, examples, facts and figures etc.
Muhammad Usman Khalid (PAS)
22nd CSS-2011
Essay Marks: 45


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

(Common Quotations)

To penetrate and dissipate these clouds of darkness, the general mind
must be strengthened by education. (Thomas Jefferson)
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned
in school. (Albert Einstein)
Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up
a sound education. (Nelson Mandela)
We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our
students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the
grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best
education possible. (Barack Obama)
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to
think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true
education. (George Washington)
Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a
cleverer devil. (C. S. Lewis)
Genius without education is like silver in the mine.
(Benjamin Franklin)
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to
time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. (Oscar Wilde)
In large states public education will always be mediocre, for the same
reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad. (Eleanor
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those
who prepare for it today. (Aristotle)
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the
dissemination of truth. (John F. Kennedy)
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in
education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. (John F.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and
thought. (John Dewey)
Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its
virtue. (Plato)
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your
temper or your self-confidence. (Robert Frost)
Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and
ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense
to anybody. (Nancy Pelosi)
Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory
and virtue than education without natural ability. (Epictetus)
The education of a man is never completed until he dies. (Robert E.
The most valuable of all education is the ability to make yourself do the
thing you have to do, when it has to be done, whether you like it or not.
(Aldous Huxley)
Education must provide the opportunities for self-fulfillment; it can at
best provide a rich and challenging environment for the individual to
explore, in his own way. (Noam Chomsky)
There is no need to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an
examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the
moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
(Rabindranath Tagore)
An unschooled man who knows how to meditate upon the Lord has
learned far more than the man with the highest education who does not
know how to meditate. (Charles Stanley)
I respect faith, but doubt is what gives you an education. (Wilson
No one can get an education, for of necessity education is a continuing
process. (Louis L'Amour)
Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is
keep us out of war. (Maria Montessori)
We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does,
but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the
human being. (Maria Montessori)
We cannot create observers by saying 'observe,' but by giving them the
power and the means for this observation and these means are procured
through education of the senses.
(Maria Montessori)


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become
conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being
educated. (James A. Baldwin)
Education is indoctrination if you're white - subjugation if you're black.
(James A. Baldwin)
The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts but
learning how to make facts live. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.
(Bertrand Russell)
Education is the cheap defense of nations. (Edmund Burke)
The aim of a college education is to teach you to know a good man
when you see one. (William James)
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. (John

Globalisation has made us more vulnerable. It creates a world without
borders, and makes us painfully aware of the limitations of our present
instruments, and of politics, to meet its challenges. (Anna Lindh)
Globalisation makes it clear that social responsibility is required not only
of governments, but of companies and individuals. All sources must
interact in order to reach the MDGs. (Anna Lindh)
Globalisation will make our societies more creative and prosperous, but
also more vulnerable. (Lord Robertson)
One of the fundamental questions of today's world is undoubtedly the
question of equitable globalisation. (Janez Drnovsek)
Globalization and free trade do spur economic growth, and they lead to
lower prices on many goods. (Robert Reich)
Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing...
you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you
are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people
of the world. (Jimmy Carter)
If it is, in reality, capitalism that is the motor force behind the destructive
forms of globalization, then it must be in their capacity to neutralize or
transform this particular mode of exploitation that one can best test these
various forms of resistance to the West. (Fredric Jameson)


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

In its current form, globalization cannot be sustained. Democratic
societies will not support it. Authoritarian leaders will fear to impose it.
(John J. Sweeney)

Born in iniquity and conceived in sin, the spirit of nationalism has never
ceased to bend human institutions to the service of dissension and
distress. (Thorstein Veblen)
Every major question in history is a religious question. It has more effect
in molding life than nationalism or a common language. (Hilaire
I do not believe that the values which the Western democracies consider
essential to civilization can survive in a world rent by the international
anarchy of nationalism and the economic anarchy of competitive
enterprise. (Arthur Henderson)
I have been thinking about the notion of perfect love as being without
fear, and what that means for us in a world that's becoming increasingly
xenophobic, tortured by fundamentalism and nationalism. (Bell Hooks)
If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no
official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics,
nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to
confess by word or act.
(Robert Jackson)
Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are subject to ruin. (Muammar

We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men
and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and
where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.
(Muhammad Ali Jinnah)
No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no
culture comparable to that of the garden. (Thomas Jefferson)
If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free
to follow his vision wherever it takes him. (John F. Kennedy)


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The tendency to aggression is an innate, independent, instinctual
disposition in man... it constitutes the powerful obstacle to culture.
(Sigmund Freud)
Debate and divergence of views can only enrich our history and culture.
(Ibrahim Babangida)
The system of domination is founded on depriving nations of their true
identity. It seeks to deprive nations of their culture, identity, self
confidence and in this way dominate them. (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)
Culture is to know the best that has been said and thought in the world.
(Matthew Arnold)
Culture is the arts elevated to a set of beliefs. (Tom Wolfe)
Women are the victims of this patriarchal culture, but they are also its
carriers. Let us keep in mind that every oppressive man was raised in the
confines of his mother's home. (Shirin Ebadi)
The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative
notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty,
progress, change - into crimes. -(Salman Rushdie)
Culture is a way of coping with the world by defining it in detail.
(Malcolm Bradbury)

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations
which we can perform without thinking of them. (Alfred North
Do you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watching TV by
candlelight? (Al Boliska)
Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their
common sense. (Gertrude Stein)
For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public
relations, for Nature cannot be fooled. (Richard P. Feynman)
Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
(R. Buckminster Fuller)
I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is
extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced
than ours. (John F. Kennedy)
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our
humanity. (Albert Einstein)


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful
they are. (Clive James)
It is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have
lightened the day's toil of any human being. (John Stuart Mill)
Men have become the tools of their tools. (Henry David Thoreau)
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient
means for going backwards. (Aldous Huxley)
Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest
of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.
(Freeman Dyson)
The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but
plunges him more deeply into them. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
The march of science and technology does not imply growing
intellectual complexity in the lives of most people. It often means the
opposite. (Thomas Sowell)
The most important and urgent problems of the technology of today are
no longer the satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes,
but the reparation of the evils and damages by the technology of
yesterday. (Dennis Gabor)
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
(B. F. Skinner)

Democracy is necessary to peace and to undermining the forces of
terrorism. (Benazir Bhutto)
When we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to
come to mind are nuclear proliferation, rogue states and global
terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores, one from
nature, not humans - an avian flu pandemic. (Barack Obama)
This was not an act of terrorism, but it was an act of war. (George W.
Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy
way: stop participating in it. (Noam Chomsky)
Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at
gunpoint. (Christopher Hitchens)
In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. (Abdul


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

When a person is humiliated, when his rights are being violated, and he
does not have the proper education, naturally he gravitates toward
terrorism. (Shirin Ebadi)
While there's been much progress on terrorism, there's still much work to
do and it is very important that the countries work together in order to
address this threat together. -Gloria (Macapagal Arroyo)
The uncertainty of the danger belongs to the essence of terrorism.
(Jurgen Habermas)
One might have thought the world would stop ascribing moral
equivalence between acts of terrorism and acts of punishing terrorism. It
has not happened that way. (Theodore Bikel)
Fighting a war on terrorism is like fighting against crime. We can never
hope to eradicate crime, so we shouldn't bother fighting it. Craig Bruce
Today, we talk a lot about terrorism, but we rarely talk about state
terrorism. (Bianca Jagger)
The original PATRIOT Act greatly increased our nation's ability to
share intelligence information, made better use of technology, and
provided terrorism investigators tools that have long been available in
cases involving illegal drugs and organized crime. (Michael K. Simpson)
Much has been accomplished during the last year in the campaign
against terrorism. This struggle will require vigilance, perseverance and
sacrifice for many years to come. (Paul Cellucci)
Terrorism can never be accepted. We must fight it together, with
methods that do not compromise our respect for the rule of law and
human rights, or are used as an excuse for others to do so. (Anna Lindh)
Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and
change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in
society. (Patrick J. Kennedy)
The war against terrorism is a war against those who engage in torture.
(Ed Markey)

The duty of youth is to challenge corruption. (Kurt Cobian)
corruption is like a ball of snow, once it is set a rolling it must increase.
(Charles Caleb Colton)
In a state where corruption abounds laws must be very numerous.
corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst. (David Hume)
corruption, the infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

(Edward Gibbon)
corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency. (Unknown)
Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. (Lord
I see corruption as a mortal enemy of young democracies. (Tsakhiagin

Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering an image of death. -Buddha
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which
chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good
health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. Thomas Jefferson
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink
what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. -Mark Twain
The first wealth is health. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so
long as we can see far enough. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Attention to health is life greatest hindrance. -Plato
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is
lost; when character is lost, all is lost. -Billy Graham
The best activities for your health are pumping and humping. Arnold
If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue.
Edmund Burke
You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And
reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and
access to legal, safe abortion. -Hillary Clinton
The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of
happiness. Arthur Schopenhauer
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human
blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his
illnesses. Hippocrates
The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is
such a thing as physical morality. -Herbert Spencer
The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their
happiness and all their powers as a state depend. -Benjamin Disraeli


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.
Thomas Carlyle
Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade
and are tasteless without it. -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you
wish. Mother Teresa
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think
that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person
who has nothing to eat. -Mother Teresa
The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.
Mother Teresa
Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will
we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better
because of them. Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars
of poverty are fought to map change. -Muhammad Ali
In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.
The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and
aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble
deeds. Aristotle
Poverty is the mother of crime. -Marcus Aurelius
You can't get rid of poverty by giving people money. -P. J. O'Rourke
Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely
expensive it is to be poor. -James A. Baldwin
Affluence creates
poverty. -Marshall McLuhan
The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations. Adam
Poverty makes you sad as well as wise. -Bertolt Brecht
Poverty makes you wise but it's a curse. -Bertolt Brecht
There's only one thing money won't buy, and that is poverty. -Joe E.

The minute you alter your perception of yourself and your future, both
you and your future begin to change.
(Marilee Zdenek)


Strategy of Essay Writing by Aamir Mahar

The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how
our world sees us and how we see ourselves successfully acknowledged
by the world. (Arlene Rankin)
What is the appropriate behavior for a man or a woman in the midst of
this world, where each person is clinging to his piece of debris? What's
the proper salutation between people as they pass each other in this
flood? (Buddha)
Behind all their personal vanity, women themselves always have an
impersonal contempt for woman. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put
her in hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better show more affection than
she feels. (Aristotle)
A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another
woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. -(Robert Frost)
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but
never remembers her age. (Robert Frost)
How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she
wants, rather than to create it herself. (Anais Nin)
The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not
yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the
feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?" (Sigmund Freud)
If a woman can only succeed by emulating men, I think it is a great loss
and not a success. The aim is not only for a woman to succeed, but to
keep her womanhood and let her womanhood influence society.
(Suzanne Brogger)
Women have to harness their power - it's absolutely true. It's just
learning not to take the first no. And if you can't go straight ahead, you
go around the corner. (Cher)
A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and
transform. (Diane Mariechild)
The test for whether or not you can hold a job should not be the
arrangement of your chromosomes. (Bella Abzug)
Women's empowerment is intertwined with respect for human rights.
(Mahnaz Afkhami)



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