Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Iterative Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Performance Evaluation

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International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Iterative Fast Fourier Transform

Algorithm and Performance Evaluation
Sandhya Tarar and Ela Kumar
School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University
Greater Noida, India
[email protected], [email protected]
Fingerprint Identification System performance largely depends on the quality of input
fingerprint images. High quality input fingerprint images are prerequisite for high
performance systems. In this paper, we have proposed an algorithm of fingerprint image
enhancement by using Iterative Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT). Iterative image
reconstruction algorithms play an important role in fingerprint identification systems in order
to achieve higher degree of efficiency. With the fast increase of the sizes of the fingerprint
data, design of the reconstruction algorithms is of great importance in order to improve the
performance. Fourier-based frequency orientation methods have the potential to considerably
reduce the computation time in iterative reconstruction. We also have designed an approach
for removing the false minutia generated during the fingerprint processing and a method to
reduce the false minutia to increase the efficacy of identification system. We have used
fingerprint Verification Competition 2006 (FVC 2006) as a database for implementation of
proposed algorithm to verify the degree of efficiency of proposed algorithm. Experimental
result shows that the proposed enhancement algorithm is better than existing Fast Fourier
Transform algorithm.
Keywords: Iterative Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT), Fingerprint Identification System
(FIS), Image Enhancement, False Minutia, Broken Ridges, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

1. Introduction
Biometric provides automated method to identify a person based on physiological or
behavioural characteristics. The unique features measured are face, fingerprints, hand
geometry, handwriting, iris, retina, vein, and voice. Biometric technologies are playing vital
role to provide highly secure identification and personal verification methods. As the level of
security breaches and transaction fraud increases, the role of highly secure identification is
becoming apparent. Every biometric method uses some aspect of an individual's physical or
behavioural attributes as a means of authenticating the individual's identity. According to the
Chikkerur, today, the most pervasive biometric in use is fingerprint, a physical biometric [4].
Cole had given the concept that fingerprints have a unique pattern of ridges and furrows [6].
Fingerprint readers use this uniqueness to generate a pattern based on areas as line print, lines
merge, fork or loop like the round whorl, etc. One can find that the finger prints rarely use
the full print for identification. This pattern is stored in a database either in a remote
computer or in the device itself. When a person scans a print, this device compares the pattern
generated by the print with one in the database to make a positive identification.
A. K. Jain discussed that there are various phases of fingerprint identification as image
loading, image enhancement, normalization, thinning, minutia marking and minutia
extraction [13]. Fingerprint image quality is a vital issue to measure the performance of


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

fingerprint identification system. So quality assessment of fingerprint data leads to identify

the fingerprints in a better way. The main purpose of such procedure is to enhance the image
by improving the clarity of ridge structure or increasing the consistence of the ridge
orientation. In noisy regions, it is difficult to define a common orientation of the ridges. The
process of enhancing the image before the feature extraction is also called pre-processing.
According to Hong, for identification purpose generally two methods are used [9]. First is
normalization, this is a method to improve the image quality by eliminating noise and
correcting the deformations of the image intensity caused by non-uniform finger pressure
during the image capture. The idea of normalization consists of changing the intensity of each
pixel. The normalizaton preserves the clarity and contrast of the ridges, however it is not able
to connect broken ridges or improve the separation of the parallel ridges. Second is
transformation. In particular, for detection of high or low frequencies. As the ridges has
structure of repeated and parallel lines, it is possible to determine the frequency and the ridge
orientation using transformation. Thinning is to eliminate the redundant pixels of ridges till
the ridges are just one pixel wide. After the fingerprint ridge thinning, marking minutia points
is relatively easy [4]. In general, for each 3x3 window, if the central pixel is 1 and has exactly
3 one-value neighbors, then the central pixel is a ridge branch. If the central pixel is 1 and has
only 1 one-value neighbor, then the central pixel is a ridge ending.

2. Previous Work
This section summarizes the literature on fingerprint, palm and iris identification,
elaborated with various normalization and enhancement techniques used for quality
improvement of identification system. Roger Clarke identified need of identification and
various factors required for human identification [5]. According to this paper various
identification measures as names, codes, knowledge-based, token-based and biometrics had
taken into account. Hong emphasizes that Gabor filter has optimal joint resolution in both
spatial and frequency domains [9]. Kansaei used the concept of statistics to calculate the
Dominant Ridge Direction (DRD) for each 16*16 block. After deriving the DRD, they rotate
the block image according to the dominant orientation for image projection to enhance the
local ridge veins [21]. Miao proposed the method of minutiae extraction by tracing ridges on
gray image [23]. Hong used Gabor filters as band pass filters to remove the noise and prevent
true ridge/valley structures because the filter has both frequency selective and orientation
selective properties [9]. They used the fact that a fingerprint is made of white followed by
black lines of bounded number of pixels in time domain. They use the genetic algorithm to
generate black and white lines of different widths, and then translate the enhancement
technique into the optimization problem while getting the best match with the original
fingerprint. Hong introduced the method of Gabor filtering for fingerprint image [10]. N.K.
Ratha presented data hiding concept using wavelet transformation and WSQ compression
techniques including the use of filters, with the assumption of secure image capture device.
They demonstrated the coherence enhancing diffusion filtering method and shown the
implementation of Min Avg. Co-relation Energy (MACE) filters for authentication while
convolution (random no. generation and add it to the training images) provide irrevocability.
Yang-Han Pang proposed the concept of cancelable palmprint authentication system [35].
This work is designed to transform palmprint image into a lower dimensional compact feature
representation. Cancelable verification key is generated with the help of random number
generation. To generate the key wavelet based palmprint features are hashed with a set of
pseudo random data. Eric Kukula dealt with the various factors i.e. technical as well as
environmental (operational), current system characteristics of Hand Geometry software


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

installing in the Purdue University [22]. A performance analysis in terms of False Rejection
Rate (FRR) and False Acceptance Rate (FAR) had shown in order to measure the efficiency
of fingerprint identification system. As a result they got the fact that 93% people liked it, 98%
interested to use it because of easiness and 87% preferred it than existing card-based. They
demonstrated that core and Delta points are global features, represent intrinsic points of
reference that can be used to align two prints and reduce computation complexity of the
matcher. They provided an approach which reduces complexity from O (n3) or O (n2) to O
(n). Where n represent number of minutia. They used Fast Fourier Transformation for image
enhancement. For singular point detection various steps are as image pre processing, complex
filtering, and post-processing. They demonstrated that biometrics is a method of enhancing
the security and privacy of biometric authentication. Instead of using your real finger
transformation used. Transformation means mapping the original finger into some different
parameters and it can be done by various techniques as Cartesian Transformation, Radial
Transformation, and Functional Transformation. Eric Kukula presented various factors i.e.
technical as well as environmental (operational), current system characteristics of hand
geometry software installing in the Purdue University and had done a performance analysis in
terms of FRR and FAR [22]. As a result they got the fact that 93% people are linked it, 98%
interested to use it because of easiness and 87% preferred it than existing card-based. Salil
Prabhakar and fellow researchers reviewed various applications in the area of biometrics [26].
They proposed the technique to generate an irrevocable cryptographic key. This technique
used bifurcation points and ending points for feature extraction. Vince Thomas and fellow
researchers represented iris texture feature for gender identification. Various steps as data
acquisition, segmentation, feature extraction, geometric features, texture features were
included [32]. They had been proposed iris coding method based on Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT). This work demonstrated the use of novel patch encoding methods in
capturing iris texture information. To model for matching and non- matching probability
statistical analysis used in order to predict worst case equal error rates. In this paper authors
proposed the concept that in case of iris pattern stolen or any other activity which force to
compromise with the security of the iris identification system, cancellable iris biometric has
been used. It can be achieved by the transformation of original iris pattern. They presented
four techniques as gray-combo, bin-combo, gray-salt and bin-salt and proposed an on-line
biometric authentication based on signature and for this purpose non-invertible transformation
has been generated and convolution transformation has been used [8].
Jinyu Zuo and friends described that in case of Iris pattern stolen or any other activity
which force to compromise with the security of the iris identification system, cancelable iris
biometric has been used. It can be achieved by the transformation of original iris pattern and
four techniques as gray-combo, bin-combo and gray salt, bin-salt [39]. They had given the
approach in which hand is divided into different parts as parts related with fingers and
confidence of each finger has analyzed by support vector data description. After the
measurement of confidence of each finger consider the finger which has highest confidence
and if this value is higher than threshold value then raise the confidence of other fingers also.

3. Proposed Algorithm
Proposed fingerprint enhancement algorithm is based on Iterative Fast Fourier
transformation and used to enhance the intensity of pixels of the fingerprint images with
maintaining its frequency and orientation selective properties. Various steps of this algorithm
are shown as follows-


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

Step1: Read the image

Step2: Calculate the size of image and save in a variable, i.e., size.
size= imsize ( length*width)
Step3: Define the blur operator, i.e., blur
Step4: Adjust the blur operator with variance of pixels in image
Step5: Normalize the image with calculating the mean and variance with the
following formula referred from (L. Hong et al., 1998)
Ms + (Vs*(I(x, y) M) 2)/ V if I(x, y) >M,
N(x, y) =
Ms - (Vs*(I(x, y) M) 2)/ V
Where Ms and Vs depict standard mean and variance correspondingly
while M and V represent actual mean and variance respectively. I(x,y)
shows intensity at pixel with coordinates x and y.
Step6: Binarize the image with the value assignment as
Ridge=1 and Furrow=0
Step7: B = zeros (size of image)
*/ Number of zeros can be calculated with
the help of vanishing moments*/
Step8: x= blur x-size
y= blur y-size
Step9: To calculate the circular center, B
B ((middle-y): (middle+y), (middle-x), (middle+x))= 1;
Step10: B= fftshift (B);
Step11: B= B/sum (sum (B))
Step12: y= fftshift (ifft(fft(B)*fft(x)));
Step13: Enhanced image with iterative fast fourier transform
Proposed Algorithm for Fingerprint Image Enhancement

4. Broken Ridges/False Minutia Detection

If we match minutia based on matching points it may generate some extra minutia (false
minutia) and erroneous matching points which can decrease the false rejection rate. So, it is
necessary to remove false minutia as well as false matching points. Generally, fingerprint
geometric variations are limited as rotations and translations. With the consideration of this
fact set the kth minutia as origin and align its direction to zero (along x) and then
accommodate all other minutia points in the fingerprint to the new origin The difference
between minutia as origin and all other minutia origin direction is reflected as the orientation
of each minutia and it is adjusted with the origin minutia. Minutia position value toward
bottom right are positive while angle value are anti-clockwise from bottom to the top of the x
axis on the right within [0,pi] and are clockwise from bottom to top of the x axis on the left
within [0,-pi]. Based on this observation, we select a value of majority orientation, length and
keep the matching pairs that have the majority orientation and length. This reduces the
number of false minutia and matching points. As earlier discussed in the previous section,
proposed technique can improve the quality of poor fingerprint images especially for
light/dark fingerprint impressions by using the statistics of the global texture unit information.
Sometimes for such situation, just using the texture filtering cannot give the satisfactory
results. This may cause the erroneous false minutia in the minutia extraction process. As


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

discussed above if we apply the orientation property of fingerprint the problem can be
alleviated largely.

5. Minutia Matching Method

Given two set of minutia of two fingerprint images, the minutia match algorithm
determines whether the two minutia sets are from the same finger or not. An alignment-based
match algorithm is used in our work. It includes two consecutive stages. First is alignment
stage and second is match stage. In alignment stage two fingerprint images to be matched,
choose any one minutia from each image, calculate the similarity of the two ridges associated
with the two referenced minutia points. If the similarity is larger than a threshold (we have
considered 90% in this paper), transform each set of minutia to a new coordination system
whose origin is at the referenced point and whose x-axis is coincident with the direction of the
referenced point. At the matching stage, approach is to elastically match minutia which is
achieved by placing a bounding box around each template minutia. If the minutia to be
matched is within the rectangle box and the direction discrepancy between them is very small,
then the two minutia are regarded as a matched minutia pair. Each minutia in the template
image either has no matched minutia or has only one corresponding minutia.

6. Experimental Results and Discussion

We have considered Fingerprint Verification Competition (FVC 2006) as a database for
our work. This is an online database and consists of four datasets, i.e., Database1, Database2,
Database3 and Database4. These sets are prepared with the help of different sensors. This
database consists of 1800 fingerprint images those have been used in this research. In
FVC2006, data collection is done with introducing difficulties as wet/dry impressions, rotated
fingerprint, light/dark fingerprint impression, etc.

Figure 1. Fingerprint Images before Iterative Fast Fourier Enhancement


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

Figure 2. Fingerprint Images after Iterative Fast Fourier Enhancement

The performance of the proposed fingerprint enhancement algorithm has been evaluated on
FVC2006 DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4 public domain fingerprint databases. Results of proposed
enhancement algorithm are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

7. Evaluation Indexes for Fingerprint Recognition

The performance of the enhancement algorithm is assessed based on the two parameters,
i.e., False Rejection Rate (FRR) and the other is False Acceptance Rate (FAR). For an image
database, each sample is matched against the remaining samples of the same finger to
compute the False Rejection Rate. If the matching g against h is performed, the symmetric
one (i.e., h against g) is not executed to avoid correlation. All the scores for such matches are
composed into a series of Correct Score. Also the first sample of each finger in the database is
matched against the first sample of the remaining fingers to compute the False Acceptance
Rate. If the matching g against h is performed, the symmetric one (i.e., h against g) is not
executed to avoid correlation. All the scores from such matches are composed into a series of
Incorrect Score. Performance graph shown in Figure 3 represents comparative analysis
between Fast Fourier and Iterative Fast Fourier Transformation algorithm with respect to FRR
and FAR and these values have been calculated in terms of g and h. Our algorithm tests all the
images without any modification or fine tuning for the database. Proposed algorithm can
better differentiate imposturous minutia pairs from genuine minutia pairs in a certain
confidence level.


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

FFT Algorithm

Figure 3. Performance Evaluation of IFFT and FFT Enhancement Algorithm

Table 1. Performance Evaluation Based on Goodness Index and Matching


Goodness Index(Without

Goodness Index(With Enhancement)


Goodness Index(GI) is used to measure the performance of proposed algorithm. The goodness Index
can be calculated with the following formula given by N. Ratha

Where p represents paired minutiae. Minutia fa and fb are called as paired minutiae if fa is located in a
tolerance box centered around fb. a depicts the missing minutiae that is not captured by minutiae extraction
algorithm. b represents spurious minutiae that is detected by minutiae extraction algorithm but not come
within the boundary of tolerance box of any minutiae. qi represents quality factor of the ith window and ti
depicts the number of true minutiae in the ith window. GI considers both missing and spurious minutiae
and calculate performance on the basis of ratio of these minutiae with true minutiae. The greater the value
of GI, better the minutiae extraction algorithm. The maximum value of GI may be 1 that means no
missing or spurious minutia and this is an ideal situation. Table 1 show that the value of GI is increasing
after applying the proposed enhancement algorithm. That derives the improved accuracy of algorithm.


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

8. Conclusion
We have designed a fingerprint enhancement algorithm which can increase the degree of clarity of
ridges and valleys. Since high quality fingerprint image acquired by using an adaptive fingerprint image
enhancement method is critical to the quality of any fingerprint identification system, a fingerprint
enhancement method based on iterative Fast Fourier Transformation has been designed in this paper and
comparative analysis with the existing method, i.e., Fast Fourier Transformation has been shown with the
help of graph. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using the goodness index of minutia
extraction process. Experiments on a public domain fingerprint database (i.e., FVC 2006) demonstrates
that the use of minutia descriptors leads to an order of magnitude reduction in the false accept rate without
significantly affecting the genuine accept rate. Based on the observation of good quality rolled images,
the ridge and valleys intervals of each image are considered in order to select the Region of Interest (ROI)
for effective enhancement. Experimental results show that our algorithm improved the goodness index as
well as matching performance of the FIS. The algorithm also dealt with the broken ridges/false minutia
problem and removes them from further processing. If these issues cannot entertain, these can reduce the
performance of minutia extraction process.

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International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

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Dr. Ela Kumar obtained her B.E. in Electronics and communication from IIT
Roorkee in 1988 and M.Tech in Computer Science and Technology in 1990 from IIT
Roorkee. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in the area of Natural Language Processing
from Delhi University in 2003. She is actively engaged in Technical teaching and
research since last 23 years. She has published almost 58 research papers in
international journals, national journals, international conferences and national
conferences. She has authored four books and many course materials related to
computer science. She has supervised four doctoral research candidates. She is on the
reviewer panel of many international journals. She has been conferred Rashtriya
Gaurav Award and her bibliography was included in Asian Admirable achiever 2011.
Presently she is working as Professor and Dean, School of Information and
Communication Technology, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, UP, India.


International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4, July, 2013

Er. Sandhya Tarar obtained her B.Tech degree from UPTU, Lucknow in
Computer Science and Engineering in 2005 and M.Tech from Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh in Computer Science and Engineering. She is pursuing Ph.D.
from Guatam Buddha University, Greater Noida since 2010. Her area of research is
Biometrics and Pattern Recognition. She has six years of teaching and research
experience in reputed institutions. She has 13 publications in various International
journals, International conferences and national conferences. She is on the review
panel of many International Conferences and Journals. She is the member of different
professional organizations as International Association of Computer Science and
Information Technology, International Association of Engineering, Computer society
of India and Indian Society of Technical Education. Currently working as

Faculty/Research Associate at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida,



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