C, C++ Programming Tips: Vishal Patil Summer 2003

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C, C++ programming tips

Vishal Patil
Summer 2003

1 Introduction

2 Managing multi-file C/C++ project

2.1 Good software engineering practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3 Using Automake and Autoconf

3.1 Project directory structure . . . .
3.2 Enabling Portablity . . . . . . . .
3.3 Configuration files in brief . . . . .
3.4 A brief example . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Understanding the configure.ac file
3.6 Understanding the Makefile.am file
3.6.1 For each program . . . . . .
3.6.2 For each library . . . . . . .

















4 Generating build scripts


5 Build options


6 Avoiding common errors in C and C++

6.1 Identifier clashes between source files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.2 Multiply defined symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.3 Redefinitions, redelarations, conflicting types . . . . . . . . . 14
7 Effective C++ programming
7.1 Put the constant on the left in a conditional . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.2 Handle errors and not bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.3 Use asserts in debug builds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Use exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Virtual functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dont ignore API function return values . . .
Be consistent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Make your code const correct . . . . . . . . .
7.8.1 The many faces of const . . . . . . . .
7.8.2 Understanding the const cast operator
7.8.3 const and data hiding . . . . . . . . .

8 References












This document gives a quick idea about the various aspects of software development using C and C++. The document is in an adhoc form and lacks
a proper structure and flow of information. However I shall be revising the
structure from time to time and as I add new information to it.

Note: I hold no responsibility for any damage or failure caused

by using this document.It is very likely that the contents of
the document might change from time to time and might even
be mistaken at some places. Use this document as per your own


Managing multi-file C/C++ project

Good software engineering practices

The key to better software engineering is to focus away from developing

monolithic applications that do only one job, and focus on developing libraries. One way to think of libraries is as a program with multiple entry
points. Every library you write becomes a legacy that you can pass on to
other developers. Just like in mathematics you develop little theorems and
use the little theorems to hide the complexity in proving bigger theorems,
in software engineering you develop libraries to take care of low-level details once and for all so that they are out of the way everytime you make a
different implementation for a variation of the problem.
On a higher level you still dont create just one application. You create
many little applications that work together. The centralized all-in-one approach in my experience is far less flexible than the decentralized approach
in which a set of applications work together as a team to accomplish the
goal. In fact this is the fundamental principle behind the design of the Unix
operating system. Of course, it is still important to glue together the various
components to do the job. This you can do either with scripting or with
actually building a suite of specialized monolithic applications derived from
the underlying tools.
The name of the game is like this: Break down the program to parts.
And the parts to smaller parts, until you get down to simple subproblems
that can be easily tested, and from which you can construct variations of the
original problem. Implement each one of these as a library, write test code
for each library and make sure that the library works. It is very important
for your library to have a complete test suite, a collection of programs that
are supposed to run silently and return normally (exit(0);) if they execute
successfully, and return abnormally (assert(false); exit(1);) if they fail. The
purpose of the test suite is to detect bugs in the library, and to convince
you, the developer, that the library works. The best time to write a test
program is as soon as it is possible! Dont be lazy. Dont just keep throwing
in code after code after code. The minute there is enough new code in there
to put together some kind of test program, just do it! I can not emphasize
that enough. When you write new code you have the illusion that you are
producing work, only to find out tomorrow that you need an entire week to
debug it. As a rule, internalize the reality that you know you have produced
new work everytime you write a working test program for the new features,
and not a minute before. Another time when you should definetly write a

test suite is when you find a bug while ordinarily using the library. Then,
before you even fix the bug, write a test program that detects the bug.
Then go fix it. This way, as you add new features to your libraries you have
insurance that they wont reawaken old bugs.
Please keep documentation up to date as you go. The best time to write
documentation is right after you get a few new test programs working. You
might feel that you are too busy to write documentation, but the truth of
the matter is that you will always be too busy. After long hours debugging
these seg faults, think of it as a celebration of triumph to fire up the editor
and document your brand-spanking new cool features.
Please make sure that computational code is completely seperated from
I/O code so that someone else can reuse your computational code without
being forced to also follow your I/O model. Then write programs that
invoke your collection of libraries to solve various problems. By dividing
and conquering the problem library by library with a test suite for each
step along the way, you can write good and robust code. Also, if you are
developing numerical software, please dont expect that other users of your
code will be getting a high while entering data for your input files. Instead
write an interactive utility that will allow users to configure input files in a
user friendly way. Granted, this is too much work in Fortran. Then again,
you do know more powerful languages, dont you?
Examples of useful libraries are things like linear algebra libraries, general ODE solvers, interpolation algorithms, and so on. As a result you end
up with two packages. A package of libraries complete with a test suite, and
a package of applications that invoke the libraries. The package of libraries
is well-tested code that can be passed down to future developers. It is code
that wont have to be rewritten if its treated with respect. The package
of applications is something that each developer will probably rewrite since
different people will probably want to solve different problems. The effect of
having a package of libraries is that C++ is elevated to a Very High Level
Language thats closer to the problems you are solving. In fact a good rule
of thumb is to make the libraries sufficiently sophisticated so that each executable that you produce can be expressed in one source file. All this may
sound like common sense, but you will be surprised at how many scientific
developers maintain just one does-everything-program that they perpetually
hack until it becomes impossible to maintain. And then you will be even
more surprised when you find that some professors dont understand why a
simple mathematical modification of someone elses code is taking you so
Every library must have its own directory and Makefile. So a library

package will have many subdirectories, each directory being one library.
And perhaps if you have too many of them, you might want to group them
even further down. Then, theres the applications. If youve done everything
right, there should be enough stuff in your libraries to enable you to have
one source file per application. Which means that all the source files can
probably go down under the same directory.
Very often you will come to a situation where theres something that
your libraries to-date cant do, so you implement it and stick it along in
your source file for the application. If you find yourself cut and pasting that
implementation to other source files, then this means that you have to put
this in a library somewhere. And if it doesnt belong to any library youve
written so far, maybe to a new library. When you are in a deadline crunch,
theres a tendency not to do this since its easier to cut and paste. The
problem is that if you dont take action right then, eventually your code will
degenerate to a hard-to-use mess. Keeping the entropy down is something
that must be done on a daily basis.

Using Automake and Autoconf

In this section I shall explain managing multi file C and C++ projects using
automake and autoconf tools. These tools enable the developer to get rid
of the tedium of writing complicated Makefiles for large projects and also
avail portability across various platforms. These tools have been specifically
designed for managing GNU projects. Software developed using automake
and autoconf needs to adhere to the GNU software engineering principles.


Project directory structure

The project directory is recommeded to have the following subdirectories

and files.
src : Contains the actual source code that gets compiled. Every library
shud have its over subdirectory. Every executable shud have its own
subdirectory as well. If the each executable needs only one or two
source files its sensible to keep all the source files in the same directory.
lib : An optional directory in which you place portablity code like
implementations of system calls that are not avaliable of certian platforms.
doc : Directory containing documentation for your package.
m4 : A directory containing m4 files that you package may need to
install. These files define new autoconf macros that you should make
available to other developers who want to use your libraries.
intl : Portability source code which allows your program to talk in
various languages.
po: Directory containing message catalogs for your software package.
Automake makes it really easy to manage multidirectory source code packages so you shudnt be shy taking advantage of it.


Enabling Portablity

Inorder to make your C/C++ project protable across different platforms

you need to add the following lines of code to all of the source files before
any include statements

#include <config.h>
The config.h file is generated by the tools (or the configure script not quite
sure!!) and the HAVE CONFIG H flag is passed along with the -D option of the
compiler by the generated scripts at the time of building the project. Use
the autoheader utility to generate the config.h file for the project.


Configuration files in brief

There are two main configuration files used by these tools.

configure.ac : Used by the autoconf tool to generate plaform specific
configure script.
Makefile.am : Used by the automake tool to generate the Makefile
for the sources present in the directory containing the Makefile.am
NOTE : There exists a single configure.ac for a project however you need to
create a distinct Makefile.am for each sub directory in the project


A brief example

I shall explain the use of these tools with the help of a small sample project.
The project will involve creation of an executable file called main (source
main.c) which will call functions from a user generated library geom (source
circle.c) and stats (source mean.c). The code for the main executable
is present in the src directorry while that for the geom and stats libraries
is present inside subdirectories geom and stats respectively ,inside the src
directory. Thus this project will cover compiling of source files, creating
static libraries and linking the libraries to create the final executable.


Understanding the configure.ac file

This file is used by the autoconf tool and used to generate the plaform
specific configure script.
The configure.ac file for the example is shown below.

In the above sample configure.ac the parameters passed to the AM INIT AUTOMAKE
function namely test and 0.1 represent the package name and version
number respectively.
The AC CONFIG FILES function needs to be passed the paths of
the various Makefiles which need to be generated for the various
subdirectories. Please note that Makefile.am must be present in each
sub directory under the project directory


Understanding the Makefile.am file

A Makefile.am is a set of assignments. These assignments imply the Makefile, a set of targets, dependencies and rules, and the Makefile implies the
execution of building. The first set of assignments look like this
INCLUDES = -I/geom -I/stats ....
LDFLAGS = -L/geom -L/stats ....
LDADD = -lgeom -lgeom ...
The INCLUDES assignment is where you insert the -I flags that you need
to pass to your compiler. If the stuff in this directory is dependent on
a library in another directory of the same package, then the -I flag
must point to that directory.
The LDFLAGS assignment is where you insert the -L flags that are
needed by the compiler when it links all the object files to an executable.

The LDADD assignment is where you list a long set of installed libraries
that you want to link in with all of your executables. Use the -l flag
only for installed libraries. You can list libraries that have been built
but not installed yet as well, but do this only be providing the full
path to these libraries.
If your package contains subdirectories with libraries and you want to link
these libraries in another subdirectory you need to put -I and -L flags in
the two variables above. To express the path to these other subdirectories,
use the $(top srcdir) variable. For example if you want to access a library
under src/libfoo you can put something like:
INCLUDES = ... -I$(top_srcdir)/src/geom ...
LDFLAGS = ... -L$(top_srcdir)/src/geom ...
on the Makefile.am of every directory level that wants access to these libraries. Also, you must make sure that the libraries are built before the
directory level is built. To guarantee that, list the library directories in
SUBDIRS before the directory levels that depend on it. One way to do
this is to put all the library directories under a lib directory and all the
executable directories under a bin directory and on the Makefile.am for
the directory level that contains lib and bin list them as:
SUBDIRS = lib bin

For each program

You need to declare the set of files that are sources of the program, the set
of libraries that must be linked with the program and (optionally) a set of
dependencies that need to be built before the program is built. These are
declared in assignments that look like this:
main_SOURCES = main.c
main_LDADD = -lgeom -lstats
main_LDFLAGS = -L$(top_srcdir)/src/geom -L$(top_srcdir)/src/stats
main_DEPENDENCIES = geom stats
main SOURCES : Here you list all the *.cc and *.h files that compose the source code of the program. The presense of a header file
here doesnt cause the file to be installed at /prefix/include but it
does cause it to be added to the distribution when you do make dist.
To cause header files to be installed you must also put them in include HEADERS.

main LADD : Here you add primarily the -l flags for linking whatever
libraries are needed by your code. You may also list object files, which
have been compiled in an exotic way, as well as paths to uninstalled
yet libraries.
main LDFLAGS : Here you add the -L flags that are needed to resolve
the libraries you passed in main LDADD. Certain flags that need to
be passed on every program can be expressed on a global basis by
assigning them at LDFLAGS.
main DEPENDENCIES : If for any reason you want certain other
targets to be built before building this program, you can list them

For each library

Theres a total of four assignments that are relevant to building libraries.

Eg for the lib geom these assignments can be specified as follows.
lib_LIBRARIES = libgeom.a
libgeom_a_SOURCES = circle.c circle.h
libgeom_a_LIBADD = circle.o
libgeom_a_DEPENDENCIES =
lib LIBRARIES : The library name
libgeom a SOURCES : Just like with programs, here you list all the
*.cc files as well as all the private header files that compose the library.
By private header file we mean a header file that is used internally by
the library and the maintainers of the library, but is not exported to
the end-user. You can list public header files also if you like, and
perhaps you should for documentation purposes, but if you mention
them in include HEADERS it is not required to repeat them a second
time here.
libgeom a LIBADD : If there are any other object files that you want
to include in the library list them here. You might be tempted to
list them as dependencies in libgeom a DEPENDENCIES, but that
will not work. If you do that, the object files will be built before the
library is built but they will not be included in the library! By listing
an object file here, you are stating that you want it to be built and
you want it to be included in the library.

libgeom a DEPENDENCIES : If there are any other targets that need

to be built before this library is built, list them here.

Generating build scripts

The following commands have to executed in order to generate the build

scripts for the project.
1. libtoolize
2. aclocal
3. autoheader
4. autoconf
5. touch README AUTHORS NEWS ChangeLog (Required for GNU
software adherence)
6. automake -a
The execution of the above four commands generates the configure in the
top directory and Makefile scripts in the top directory as well as each of
the sub directories.

Build options

You need to run the configure script before building the project using
make. After successfully running the configure script the following options
as avaliable for make
make Builds the project and creates the executables and libraries.
make clean Cleans the project i.e removes all the executables.
make install Builds and installs the project i.e the executable is
copied in the /prefix/bin,headers in /prefix/include and libraries in
/prefix/lib where prefix is usually /usr/local.
make uninstall Uninstalls the project i.e removes the files added to
/prefix/bin, /prefix/include and /prefix/lib directories.
make dist Creates a distribution of the project (<package-name><version>.tar.gz file) of the project.



Avoiding common errors in C and C++

Identifier clashes between source files

In C, variables and functions are by default public, so that any C source file
may refer to global variables and functions from another C source file. This
is true even if the file in question does not have a declaration or prototype
for the variable or function. You must, therefore, ensure that the same symbol name is not used in two different files. If you dont do this you will get
linker errors and possibly warnings during compilation.
One way of doing this is to prefix public symbols with some string which
depends on the source file they appear in. For example, all the routines in
gfx.c might begin with the prefix gfx . If you are careful with the way you
split up your program, use sensible function names, and dont go overboard
with global variables, this shouldnt be a problem anyway.
To prevent a symbol from being visible from outside the source file it is
defined in, prefix its definition with the keyword static. This is useful for
small functions which are used internally by a file, and wont be needed by
any other file.


Multiply defined symbols

A header file is literally substituted into your C code in place of the #include statement. Consequently, if the header file is included in more than
one source file all the definitions in the header file will occur in both source
files. This causes them to be defined more than once, which gives a linker
error (see above).
Solution: dont define variables in header files. You only want to declare
them in the header file, and define them (once only) in the appropriate C
source file, which should #include the header file of course for type checking.
The distinction between a declaration and a definition is easy to miss for
beginners; a declaration tells the compiler that the named symbol should
exist and should have the specified type, but it does not cause the compiler
to allocate storage space for it, while a definition does allocate the space. To
make a declaration rather than a definition, put the keyword extern before
the definition.
So, if we have an integer called counter which we want to be publicly

available, we would define it in a source file (one only) as int counter; at

top level, and declare it in a header file as extern int counter;.


Redefinitions, redelarations, conflicting types

Consider what happens if a C source file includes both a.h and b.h, and also
a.h includes b.h (which is perfectly sensible; b.h might define some types
that a.h needs). Now, the C source file includes b.h twice. So every #define
in b.h occurs twice, every declaration occurs twice (not actually a problem),
every typedef occurs twice, etc. In theory, since they are exact duplicates it
shouldnt matter, but in practice it is not valid C and you will probably get
compiler errors or at least warnings.
The solution to this problem is to ensure that the body of each header
file is included only once per source file. This is generally achieved using
preprocessor directives. We will define a macro for each header file, as we
enter the header file, and only use the body of the file if the macro is not
already defined. In practice it is as simple as putting this at the start of
each header file:
#ifndef FILENAME_H
#define FILENAME_H
and then putting this at the end of it:
replacing FILENAME H with the (capitalised) filename of the header file,
using an underline instead of a dot. Some people like to put a comment
after the #endif to remind them what it is referring to, e.g.
#endif /* #ifndef FILENAME_H */
Personally I dont do that since its usually pretty obvious, but it is a matter
of style.
You only need to do this trick to header files that generate the compiler
errors, but it doesnt hurt to do it to all header files.



Effective C++ programming

Put the constant on the left in a conditional

Weve all experienced bugs like this:

while (continue = TRUE)
// ...this loops forever!
This type of problem can be solved by putting the constant on the left, so
if you leave out an = in a conditional, you will get a compiler error instead
of a program bug (because constants are non lvalues, of course):
while (TRUE = continue)
// compile error!


Handle errors and not bugs

There are lots of error conditions that happen in the normal life of a program.
For instance, file not found, out of memory, or invalid user input. You should
always handle these conditions gracefully (by re-prompting for a filename,
by freeing memory or telling the user to quit other applications, or by telling
the user there is an error in his input, respectively). However, there are other
conditions which are not real error conditions, but are the result of bugs.
For example, say you have a routine which copies a string into a buffer, and
no one is supposed to pass in a NULL pointer to the routine. You do not
want to do something like this:
void CopyString(char* szBuffer, int nBufSize)
if (NULL == szBuffer)
// quietly fail if NULL pointer
strncpy(szBuffer, "Hello", nBufSize);


Also, dont do something like this (some extremely fault-tolerant systems

may be able to justify this, but 99% of applications cant):
void CopyString(char* szBuffer, int nBufSize)
if (NULL == szBuffer)
cerr << "Error: NULL pointer passed to CopyString" << endl;
strncpy(szBuffer, "Hello", nBufSize);
Instead, do something like this:
void CopyString(char* szBuffer, int nBufSize)
// complains and aborts in debug builds
strncpy(szBuffer, "Hello", nBufSize);
In a release build, if the user passes in a NULL pointer, this will crash. But
rather than think I never want my application to crash, therefore I will
test all pointers for NULL, think I never want my applications to crash,
therefore I will put in asserts and find bugs that result in NULL pointers
being passed to routines, so I can fix them before I ship this software.


Use asserts in debug builds

Use asserts liberally in debug builds. You normally dont want to put assert
code in release builds, because you dont want the user to see your bug
messages. ANSI C (thats ISO for you purists) provides assertion functions
in assert.h - if the symbol NDEBUG is defined somewhere before assert.h
is included, then assert() will have no effect. Otherwise, it will print out
a diagnostic message and abort the program if its argument evaluates to
FALSE. Since 0 == FALSE, you can use assert() on pointers to test them
for non-NULL:
void myFunction(char* szFoo)
assert(szFoo); // same as assert(NULL != szFoo);


Use exceptions

Use the try/throw/catch mechanisms in C++ - they are very powerful.

Many people implement an exception class, which they use for general error
reporting throughout their program.
class ProgramException
// pass in a pointer to string, make sure string still exists when
// the PrintError() method is called
ProgramException(const char* const szErrorMsg = NULL)
if (NULL == szErrorMsg)
m_szMsg = "Unspecified error";
m_szMsg = szErrorMsg;
void PrintError()
cerr << m_szMsg << endl;
void OpenDataFile(const char* const szFileName)
if (NULL == fopen(szFileName, "r"))
throw ProgramException("File not found");
// ...
int main(void)
catch (ProgramException e)



Virtual functions

In C++ virtual functions are used for enabling Polymorphism. Following

two important points need to noted while using virual functions:
A function declared as virtual in the base class shud to be declared as
virtual in the derived class as well.
A class which has a member function declared as virtual needs to have
its destructor to be defined as virtual as well. This is required for
proper calls to the destructor up the class hierarchy.


Dont ignore API function return values

Most API functions will return a particular value which represents an error.
You should test for these values every time you call the API function. If you
dont want want to clutter your code with error-testing, then wrap the API
call in another function (do this when you are thinking about portability,
too) which tests the return value and either asserts, handles the problem,
or throws an exception. The above example of OpenDataFile is a primitive
way of wrapping fopen with error-checking code which throws an exception
if fopen fails.


Be consistent

Be consistent in the way you write your code. Use the same indentation and
bracketing style everywhere. If you put the constant on the left in a conditional, do it everywhere. If you assert on your pointers, do it everywhere.
Use the same kind of comment style for the same kind of comments. If you
are the type to go in for a naming convention (like Hungarian notation),
then you have to stick to it everywhere. Dont do int iCount in one place
and int nCount in another.


Make your code const correct

The many faces of const

const int x;

// constant int

x = 2;

// illegal - cant modify x

const int* pX;

// changeable pointer to constant int
*pX = 3;
// illegal - cant use pX to modify an int
pX = &someOtherIntVar;
// legal - pX can point somewhere else
int* const pY;
*pY = 4;
pY = &someOtherIntVar;

// constant pointer to changeable int

// legal - can use pY to modify an int
// illegal - cant make pY point anywhere else

const int* const pZ;

*pZ = 5;
pZ = &someOtherIntVar;

// const pointer to const int

// illegal - cant use pZ to modify an int
// illegal - cant make pZ point anywhere else

The const keyword is more involved when used with pointers. A pointer
is itself a variable which holds a memory address of another variable - it
can be used as a handle to the variable whose address it holds. Note that
there is a difference between a read-only handle to a changeable variable
and a changeable handle to a read-only variable.

Understanding the const cast operator

const int x = 4;
const int* pX = &x;

// x is const, it cant be modified

// you cant modify x through the pX pointer

cout << x << endl;

// prints "4"

int* pX2 = const_cast < int* > (pX);

*pX2 = 3;
cout << x << endl;

// explicitly cast pX as non-const

// result is undefined
// who knows what it prints?

The const cast operator is more specific than normal type-casts because
it can only be used to remove the const-ness of a variable, and trying to
change its type in other ways is a compile error. For instance, say that you
changed x in the above example to an double and changed pX to double*.
However the variable pX2 is casted as
int* pX2 = ( int* ) (pX);

// explicitly cast pX as non-const

The code would still compile, but pX2 would be treating it as an int. It might
not cause a problem (because ints and doubles are somewhat similar), but

the code would certainly be confusing. Also, if you were using user-defined
classes instead of numeric types, the code would still compile, but it would
almost certainly crash your program. If you use const cast, you can be sure
that the compiler will only let you change the const-ness of a variable, and
never its type.

const and data hiding

In C++ when a member function returns a pointer which points to its

member variable, there exists a possibility of the pointer address or the
pointer value getting modified. This problem can be overcome by using the
const keyword. An example illustrating this idea is given below
class Person
Person(char* szNewName)
// make a copy of the string
m_szName = _strdup(szNewName);
~Person() { delete[] m_szName; };
const char* const GetName() const
return m_szName;
char* m_szName;
In the above class the GetName() member function returns a pointer to the
member variable m szName. To prevent this member variable from getting
accidently modified the GetName() has been prototyped to return a constant
pointer pointing to a constant value. Also the const keyword at the end of
the function prototype states that the function does not modify any of the
member variables.




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