Personal Change Proposal Assignment - Comm 2110

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Mareta Ioane

COMM 2110-001
Personal Change Proposal
In my communication with my father, I will avoid the aggressive approach when I feel frustrated with his
non-sense during times he needs my help. The assertiveness approach seems more respectful instead of
being aggressive during different perceptions.
Sometimes when my father and I communicate, I feel disrespected when he wants me to do something
that is against my values. I would be defensive and start to communicate aggressively with increase on
my vocal intensely. I want to avoid confrontation with my father by responding assertively in any given
situation even if his wrong, so we can have a satisfying daughter and father relationship. The steps of how
to be assertive throughout our communication is a good way for us to build a healthy relationship,
understand each other, and to be respectful of our differences in standpoint.
From here on forth, I would like to better our mutual communication by avoiding conflict when feeling
frustrated. I would work on being assertive instead of being aggressive during our conversation in using
these strategies from how to be assertive on chapter 6 (p.179).
1. I will improve on how to describe when I view the situation with my father during times he calls
me for help with legal matters (Beebee, 2014, p.181).
2. I will disclose my feelings about the issue with my father without bias to clear a
misunderstanding (Beebee, 2014, p.181).
3. I will identify effects to my father so that he understands why I wont help him because of his
wrong approach of the matter (Beebee, 2014, p.182).
4. I will improve being silent right away after I describe the situation, disclose my feelings about the
issue, and after identify effects about the matter while waiting for a response (Beebee, 2014,
5. I will finally, paraphrase content and feelings after my father respond, and prepare myself to
repeat the steps if he responds negatively, also by clearly describe what his doing is not
acceptable (Beebee, 2014, p.182).
I will begin implementing my strategies when I meet my father in helping him with few legal issues,
starting September 21, 2016. During these times of interpersonal communication, I will apply these
strategies while assisting him and throughout our normal conversation. I will prepare myself to be
assertive instead of being aggressive even when I dont agree with any of his approach negatively.
Meanwhile, I should stay clam through it all, and patiently listen to get a better understanding of his
Works Cited: Beebee,Beebee, & Redmond (2014). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others. 7 th
Ed. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc

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