Assessment For Learning

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1.1 Background
Assessment is an integral part of learning good assessment takes into account learning
styles, strengths, and needs. It is flexible and reflects a student's achievement against a set
criteria, not against another student. Effective assessment takes place over time and is varied in
its approach. Assessment is not an add-on and it is not teacher-centered. Assessment is part of
learning and that means it is an ongoing part of every day. For the teacher, assessment is the
process of gathering information about student learning that informs our teaching. For the
student, assessment is the process that informs them about their learning. Most often this
feedback is done through formative assessment strategies.
Assessment for learning directly influences student learning by reinforcing the
connections between assessment and instruction. Assessment for learning occurs as a part of
everyday teaching and learning and uses information from ongoing assessment to shape
classroom teaching and learning.
Assessment for Learning is the process of identifying aspects of learning as it is
developing, using whatever informal and formal processes best help that identification, primarily
so that learning itself can be enhanced. This focuses directly on the learners developing
capabilities, while these are in the process of being developed. Assessment for learning seeks
out, analyses and reflects on information from students themselves, teachers and the learners
peers as it is expressed in dialogue, learner responses to tasks and questions, and observation.
Assessment for learning is part of everyday teaching, in everyday classrooms. A great deal of it
occurs in real time, but some of it is derived through more formal assessment events or episodes.
What is distinctive about assessment for learning is not the form of the information or the
circumstances in which it is generated, but the positive effect it has for the learner. Properly
embedded into teaching-learning contexts, assessment for learning sets learners up for wide,
lifelong learning.
Assessment for Learning is an important tool for increasing the level of learning in
mathematics classrooms. Using Assessment for Learning effectively in mathematics involves:
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Setting deep learning objectives, Asking questions or setting challenging activities, Feedback,
Involving children in the process of learning.
Of to the above, we are writing a paper, entitled "assessment for learning" that will later
be very beneficial in learning, particularly in mathematics. Until we as future teachers, especially
mathematics teachers can do for learn the exact assessment.
1.2 Problem formulation
1.2.1 What Is Assessment forLearning?
1.2.2 What The Principles of assessment for learning
1.2.3 Whatever Teachers Roles in Assessment forLearning
1.2.4 How Planning Assessment forLearning
1.2.5 An Example of Assessment for Learning
1.2.6 What everAssessment for Learning in Mathematics

1.3 Purpose
1.3.1 To know Assessment forLearning
1.3.2 To know The Principles of assessment for learning
1.3.3 To know Teachers Roles in Assessment forLearning
1.3.4 To know Planning Assessment forLearning
1.3.5 To know An Example of Assessment for Learning
1.3.6 To know Assessment forLearning in Mathematics

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2.1 What Is Assessment for Learning?

Assessment for learning (AFL) is defined as the process of finding and interpreting
evidence is there to use for students and teachers to determine the position where the students
have learned, what to do then, and how best to achieve the desired goal . According to
AgusSuprijono (2009:135) assessment is a procedure used to obtain information about the
performance or the performance of students whose results will be used for evaluation. Latta et al
(2007:2) said Assessment as an integral part of instruction, supporting and enhancing learning.
Such means of assessment assumes that learning products cannot be separated from learning
Assessment for learning which is basically defined as a formative assessment using
evidence and feedback to identify where students are in their learning, what they need to do next
and how best to achieve this. in a different sense, it can also be interpreted as the process of
seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the
learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there.
Based on such matters can be said AFL is the process of searching and interpret the
evidence is there to use for students and teachers to determine the position where the students
have learned, what to do then, and how best to achieve the desired goal.
2.2 The Principles of assessment for learning
There are 10 principles in Assessment for learning :
1) Assessment for Learning should be part of effective planning of teaching and
(A teachers planning should provide opportunities for both learner and teacher to obtain and
use information about progress towards learning goals. It also has to be flexible to respond to
initial and emerging ideas and skills. Planning should include strategies to ensure that
learners understand the goals they are pursuing and the criteria that will be applied in
assessing their work. How learners will receive feedback, how they will take part in assessing
their learning and how they will be helped to make further progress should also be planned.),

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2) Assessment for Learning should focus on how students learn

(The process of learning has to be in the minds of both learner and teacher when assessment
is planned and when the evidence is interpreted. Learners should become as aware of the
how of their learning as they are of the what.),
3) Assessment for Learning should be recognized as central to classroom practice
(Much of what teachers and learners do in classrooms can be described as assessment. That
is, tasks and questions prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and
skills. What learners say and do is then observed and interpreted, and judgements are made
about how learning can be improved. These assessment processes are an essential part of
everyday classroom practice and involve both teachers and learners in reflection, dialogue
and decision making.),
4)Assessment for Learning should be regarded as a key professional skill for teacher
(Teachers require the professional knowledge and skills to: plan for assessment; observe
learning; analyse and interpret evidence of learning; give feedback to learners and support
learners in self-assessment. Teachers should be supported in developing these skills through
initial and continuing professional development.),
5) Assessment for Learning should be sensitive and constructive because any
assessment has an emotional impact
(Teachers should be aware of the impact that comments, marks and grades can have on
learners confidence and enthusiasm and should be as constructive as possible in the
feedback that they give. Comments that focus on the work rather than the person are more
constructive for both learning and motivation),
6) Assessment for Learning should take account of the importance of learner
(Assessment that encourages learning fosters motivation by emphasising progress and
achievement rather than failure. Comparison with others who have been more successful is
unlikely to motivate learners. It can also lead to their with drawing from the learning process
in areas where they have been made to feel they are no good. Motivation can be preserved
and enhanced by assessment methods which protect the learners autonomy, provide some
choice and constructive feedback, and create opportunity for self-direction),

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7) Assessment for Learning should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared
understanding of the criteria by which they assessed
(For effective learning to take place learners need to understand what it is they are trying to
achieve - and want to achieve it. Understanding and commitment follows when learners have
some part in deciding goals and identifying criteria for assessing progress. Communicating
assessment criteria involves discussing them with learners using terms that they can
understand, providing examples of how the criteria can be met in practice and engaging
learners in peer- and self-assessment.),
8) Learner should receive constructive guidance about how to improve
(Learners need information and guidance in order to plan the next steps in their learning.
Teachers should: pinpoint the learners strengths and advise on how to develop them; be
clear and constructive about any weaknesses and how they might be addressed; provide
opportunities for learners to improve upon their work.),
9) Assessment for Learning should develops learners capacity for self-assessment so
that they can become reflective and self managing
(Independent learners have the ability to seek out and gain new skills, new knowledge and
new understandings. They are able to engage in self-reflection and to identify the next steps
in their learning. Teachers should equip learners with the desire and the capacity to take
charge of their learning through developing the skills of self-assessment), and
10) Assessment for Learning should recognize the full range of achievement of all
(Assessment for learning should be used to enhance all learners opportunities to learn in all
areas of educational activity. It should enable all learners to achieve their best and to have
their efforts recognised.).
2.3 Teachers Roles in Assessment for Learning
Assessment for learning occurs throughout the learning process. It is interactive, with teachers

aligning instruction with the targeted outcomes

identifying particular learning needs of students or groups

selecting and adapting materials and resources

creating differentiated teaching strategies and learning opportunities for

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helping individual students move forward in their learning

providing immediate feedback and direction to students

Teachers also use assessment for learning to enhance students motivation and commitment to
learning. When teachers commit to learning as the focus of assessment, they change the
classroom culture to one of student success. They make visible what students believe to be true,
and use that information to help students move forward in manageable, efficient, and respectful

2.4 Planning Assessment for Learning


Why am I assessing
Teachers use assessment for learning to uncover what students believe to be true and to learn

more about the connections students are making, their prior knowledge, preconceptions, gaps,
learning styles, and to reinforce and build on productive students learn.


What am I assessing
Teachers use the curriculum as the starting point in deciding what to assess, and teachers

create assessments that will expose students thinking and skills in relation to the intended
learning, and the common preconceptions.


What assessment Method Should I use

In assessment for learning, teachers choose the methods need to incorporate a variety of

ways for students to demonstrate their learning. Teachers also needs to think about what
information the assessment is designed to expose, and must decide which assessment approaches
are most likely to give detailed information about what each student is thinking and learning.


How can I Ensure Quality in this Assessment Process

Assessment for learning is of high quality when a teacher can use it to make decisions about

students learning with enough specificity to be able to provide descriptive feedback, and to
design the next stage of learning.

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Reliability in assessment for learning depends on the accuracy and consistency of

teachers descriptions of the learning. Teachers must get a clear picture of how the students
are thinking and what it is that they understand or find confusing. One of the best ways for
teachers to gain reliable insights into how students are thinking is to work with other

Reference Point
Learning outcomes of an individualized learning plan, are the reference points for

assessment for learning and Learning expectations that are clear and detailed, with
exemplars and criteria that differentiate the quality and the changes along the learning
continuum enable teachers to accurately consider each students work in relation to these

In assessment for learning, teachers assess the validity of the assessment process of

students by monitoring how well their assessments show students progress along the
continuum of curriculum.

Recording of assessment for learning is to document student learning in relation to

learning continuum. Record-keeping is an important part of ensuring quality in assessment

for learning. Teachers records need to be based on the curriculum learning outcomes, and
need to give detailed accounts of student accomplishments in relation to these outcomes.


How can I use the information from this assessment?

Feedback to Students
Feedback for learning is part of the teaching process; the part that comes after the initial

instruction takes place, when information is provided about the way that the student has
processed and interpreted the original material. Feedback for learning also means the vital
link between the teachers assessment of a students learning and the action following that
assessment, and identify the way forward. Feedback to students should not only be of value,
to tell whether they are right or wrong answer, or praise and criticism, but the teacher gave

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little guidance to students for moving forward, and gives recognition for achievement and
growth, and it includes clear directions for improvement in learning.

Differentiating Learning
Teachers making comparisons between the curriculum expectations, the continuum of

learning for individual students, and planning and targeting what they do to help each
student that can reduce the misunderstandings in students learning process.

Reporting in assessment for learning is open and ongoing communication between

teachers, students, and parents about students progress in learning. The reporting should
also consider the intended learning and identify strategies that support students.

Summary of Planning Assessment for Learning

Why Assess?

To enable teachers to determine next steps in advancing

student learning

Assess What?

Each students progress and learning needs in relation to the

curricular outcomes

What Methods?

A range of methods in different modes that make students

skills and understanding visible.

Ensuring Quality

Accuracy and consistency of observations and

interpretations of student learning

Clear, detailed learning expectations

Accurate, detailed notes for descriptive feedback to each


Using the Information

Provide each student with accurate descriptive feedback

to further his or her learning

Differentiate instruction by continually checking where

each student is in relation to the curricular outcomes

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Provide parents or guardians with descriptive feedback

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about student learning and ideas for support

2.5 An Example of Assessment for Learning

Karen, an experienced primary-grade teacher, reflected upon her students growth in
language arts over the term just completed. She had focused her instruction on constructing
meaning from texts, and her students were immersed in a wide variety of quality literature that
was chosen to develop students comprehension skills before, during, and after reading and
listening. She observed that there was a wide distribution along the continuum of learning among
the students in her classroom. For example, some students were noticing various authors writing
techniques, some were requiring much guidance in responding to texts, and some were showing
interest in fairy tales. With this in mind, and to challenge the proficient writers and provide
guided practice for those who were just emerging as writers, Karen decided to focus on the
process of writing. She used differentiated instruction through assessment for learning to address
the needs of all students in her classroom.


Why do the assessment

I want to determine ways to differentiate instruction in order to help each student progress in

his or her writing and make connections to his or her reading.

Karen was interested in how her students expressed their ideas in writing, and how they
made connections between the strategies that established authors use and their own writing. By
assessing their thinking and writing processes, she was able to determine what specific
instructional strategies would best advance each students learning.
The other hand, reason for the assessment is:
1. To determine the achievement of learning goals.
2. To give you an idea on students' ability to speak.
3. To determine the ability of students in a certain SK-KD.
4. To provide feedback for learning activities.
5. To provide motivation for students and teachers.

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Moreover, the objective evaluation of teaching language and literature by Kosadi et al.
(1994) is as follows. (a) Obtaining data on the level of speed and accuracy of students absorb the
information presented, (b) Obtaining data on the level of skills and language skills and compose
after the learning activities, (c) Measure the efficacy and accuracy of the implemented teaching
programs (d) Acquire feedback (feedback) which will be used as material to make changes and
improvements in the next program, (e) Obtain data to be used as guidelines for grouping students
according to ability and language skills, (f) Determine the level, talents, interests, and attention
of students towards learning Indonesian language and literature, (g) Determine the department /
program in accordance with the talents and abilities of students in language, (h) Determine
whether or not to plan and implement specific teaching / re-teaching (remedial teaching), (i)
Represents the data report to the relevant parties (eg parents) through report cards and determine
up / absence or pass / absence of students in an educational program. the next program, (e)
Obtain data to be used as guidelines for grouping students according to ability and language
skills, (f) Determine the level, talents, interests, and attention of students towards learning
language and literature, (h) Determine whether or not to plan and implement specific teaching /
re-teaching (remedial teaching).

What am I assessing?
Karen assessing students abilities to express their own ideas in writing and to appraise their

own and others writing.

Karen targeted the following curriculum outcomes to focus her instruction and assessment for
Create Original Texts (to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms)
Generate Ideas (focus a topic for oral, written, and visual texts using a variety of strategies)
Appraise Own and Others Work (share own stories and creations in various ways with peers;
give support and offer feedback to peers using pre-established criteria when responding to
own and others creations)
Appreciate Diversity (connect the insights of individuals in oral, print, and other media text to
personal experiences)

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Methods used in the assessment

Karen need an ongoing and focused observation approach during regular classroom

instruction and practice in which students share and reflect throughout the writing process,
making their thinking and skills visible.
With the goal in mind of having her students make connections between reading and
writing, Karen focused on a genre study of fairy tales and the process of writing. She gathered
information about her students learning by observing them and having conversations with them.
She used the curriculum learning outcomes as the focus for her observations and her recordkeeping. Karen used a writers workshop format so that she could balance whole-class
instruction and work in flexible groupings. In the whole-class context, she used read-aloud and
brainstorming methods to chart the strategies that established authors use to write fairy tales,
modeled the writing process, and had students share their writing and self-assessments. During
these whole-class strategies, Karen identified dynamic flexible groupings, which allowed
students to progress in various rhythms and at various rates toward independence. She
determined which students would need to be guided through interactive writing, which learning
centers would be appropriate for which students, and which students would move quickly into
independent writing and the Authors Chair. The centers included a drama centre, with puppets
and props, and a visual arts centre. The centers provided a forum in which emergent writers
could generate and focus their ideas, and the more proficient writers could hone their skills in
using imagery, description, and dialogue.
The other hand, engineering assessment methods used also must be adapted to the
characteristics of indicators , standard of basic competence and competence . Does not rule out
the possibility that the indicator can be measured with some assessment techniques, it is because
it includes cognitive domain , psychomotor and affective . There are a number of methods that
can be used for assessment in learning language, broadly classified into two types, namely test
and non test ( not test ) . One characteristic of good quality is a matter of that can distinguish
each student's ability. The higher the students' ability to understand the material being taught, the
higher the chances of correctly answering the questions asked have been taught it. Terms about
the good quality is that the question should be valid , and reliable ( riliabel ). Valid maksunya
that any measuring instrument measures only one dimension / aspect alone. Reliable means that
every measure should be able to give exact measurements , accurate , and clear . The test is a
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way to make an assessment in the form of work to be done to obtain data on student achievement
scores of students who can be compared to other students or from the standard value set (
Nurgiantoro , 201 : 58 ) . Exam form that can be used objectively, essay ( non-objektive ) or
specific tasks that should be done after hours student learning depends on the competence of
learning outcomes that will be measured . Test forms can be objectively correct tests false,
multiple choice , matching and short answer. Objective test answer is definitely dikhotomis .
There is only one possible correct answers are correct and whoever will be the same . Form of
objective test is also a tool that only low assess thinking skills , the ability to remember (
knowledge ) . Multiple-choice tool can be used to assess the ability to remember and understand .
Multiple choice has drawbacks , namely students do not develop their own answer but tend to
only guess the correct answer . This gives rise to the tendency of students do not learn to
understand the lesson but memorizing the questions and answers . This assessment tool is less
advisable because of usage does not describe the real capabilities of students . While the form of
non- objective tests such as essay tests . Essay test or also known as the test description is a form
of questions that require answers of the students in the form of descriptions . Said by Niko (1993
) that in the form of essay tests students are required to think and use what he knows with regard
to the question that must be answered . This test is also called subjective tests and assessments
for students' answers were not spared from the element of subjectivity. Essay test has
advantages, in addition to easily prepared, right to assess the thought processes that involve highlevel cognitive activities, training students to think clearly and coherently, not giving students the
opportunity to speculate, fast compilation, and cheap financing. The weakness of such an essay
test because this test can only cover a small quantity so that the levels of validity and reliability
of essay tests is low, according to Niko (1993) it is a major disadvantage. Low levels of validity
and reliability due to (i) limited samples of materials that represents the entire material which
testing, (ii) the answers given students is varied, and (iii) a very subjective assessment
performed. In the use of non-testing methods in the assessment, such as portfolio assessment
form covers, observation and interviews.

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How can I ensure the quality of the assessment to the learning process?
Karen can focus the observations on the targeted outcomes and criteria. She can observe

her students in a variety of contexts and tasks over time, and guide their portfolio choices. She
can keep accurate, effective, and manageable records that show each students learning path.
Karen knew that in order to guide her students toward the desired outcomes, she needed to
provide clear criteria for high quality work. Therefore, at the close of each workshop, she worked
with the whole class to generate, revise, and refine a set of criteria. As her students gained more
experience with the writing process and fairy tales, their reflections about and revisions of the
criteria became more focused. Based on the question, What does a quality fairy tale look and
sound like? The students decided that there are three elements in a good fairy tale:

It has an idea about wishes, magic objects, or trickery


It has a problem to be solved; (3) it makes a connection to our community.

In order to manage her anecdotal records in an efficient and focused way, Karen used a clipboard
and notepaper formatted as follows.
Targeted Outcomes

Criteria (student-generated)

Create Original

A quality fairy tale


has an idea about wishes, magic objects, trickery

Generate Ideas

has a problem to be solved

Appraise Own and

makes a connection to our community

Others Work
Appreciate Diversity
Assessment Context, Task, Product
Students Names



Interactive Centers: visual art,




drama (puppets,


props), writing

and Conversations

In other reference, there are two ways to interpret the results of the assessment results based
score processing, ie, with reference to the benchmark assessment and valuation with reference
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norm. Reference to the benchmark assessment is assessment was conducted to determine the
ability of students when compared with the graduation criteria predefined. If the reference
standard is in use, the value of 86 Indonesian students based on criteria established earlier. For
example, at 75%. That is, these students graduate. If use reference norm, the quality of a student
was found by comparing the results of their study with the results of other students in the class.
Students grouped by level of achievement, so that can know a learner's relative position
compared to her classmates. If the reference norm is used, the value of Indonesian students by 86
calculated based on the average value and deviation class default. The formula used is: (X +0.25
SD), X = the value of the class average and SD = standard deviation. For example, by about 70
points, the maximum total score is 70. After conversion, for example, there are students who
scored 86, and so on. The student values averaged searched, eg X = 60 with SD = 8 value passed
is 60 +0.25 (8) = 62. Values above or equal to 62 graduate, while under 62 fails.


How can I use the information from this assessment?

Karen can provide descriptive feedback to students and parents about students development

as writers. She can guide students in setting new and increasingly challenging goals.
The process of sharing and reflection on the part of the students provided Karen with the
opportunity to identify specific areas of need, which she then addressed through strategic
instruction to the whole class, and to flexible groups, pairs, and individuals, to ensure that all
students were experiencing success. She saw that the emergent writers experienced success as
they developed their fairy tales through visual representations and drama performances. Karen
highlighted these students strengths in art and drama to help build their confidence, and to
scaffold their writing skills while she modeled and guided them to write a group fairy tale.
Another group of students began using descriptive language to add interest to their fairy tales,
and she used the opportunity to teach a mini-lesson on using words to make language pictures.
Yet another group was experimenting with the use of dialogue in their first drafts, so she gave a
mini-lesson on the use of quotation marks.
At the end of the unit, Karen and her students reflected upon their criteria for high-quality
work and assessed the students portfolios. They noticed that, with their successes, they were
now ready to set new and more challenging learning goals. Karen and her students used the

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assessment information that she had gathered to share with parents, and to plan the next
instruction to once again meet the various needs of her students along the continuum of learning.
We also can choose them action to be taken to improve the competence of students in
learning, are:
1. Remedial
Remedial done when the indicator value is less than the value of mastery learning
criteria, which had previously been determined by the school itself to consideration of
students' academic skills, the complexity of the indicator, and the carrying capacity
(teachers and facilities). Remedial program implementation is done with face-to-face
with teachers and self-study and then assessed. The activities carried out in the remedial
process is to answer questions, make summary, do chores, or collect data on the
implementation of time or takes place outside school hours.
2. Enrichment
Enrichment made if the student gain mastery more quickly than other students. These
enrichment activities provide an excellent influence for students, which can enrich the
competencies possessed by students. Enrichment activities carried out in the form of
providing additional material, additional exercises, as well as individual tasks with
execution time during or outside school hours lasted. Results of the assessment will add
to the value of the relevant subjects.
3. Reporting
Reporting is carried out in the report card, the learning progress reports containing
information on the achievement of competence. Schools should establish its own model
of the desired report card, the terms and describe the achievement of communicative

2.6 Assessment for Learning in Mathematics

Assessment for Learning is an important tool for increasing the level of learning in
mathematics classrooms. Using Assessment for Learning effectively in mathematics involves:

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Setting deep learning objectives

Increasing learning involves setting learning objectives and success criteria that are capable
of being achieved at deep levels. Such objectives and criteria should ask children to achieve a
deep understanding and to be able to apply their learning to challenging problems.
Learning objectives and success criteria set out what is to be achieved but not the quality
of the outcome. Teachers have to discuss and exemplify the quality that the children
should be aiming for. Children can be asked to write three questions about triangles but
the quality of thinking; planning and execution of those questions should be of high
quality. Think about how to show the children what they are aiming for. It may be
possible to find a question that explores deep and challenging aspects of triangles. Think
about designing challenging success criteria and also giving exemplification, so that
children know what they are aiming for.
Learning objectives and success criteria that are shared and discussed with children begin to
give them language to discuss their learning, where they have completed the work well and
where they are stuck. This allows children to begin to take charge of their learning journeys,
to understand what they can do and to plot an appropriate course forward.

Asking questions or setting challenging activities that allow for extended thinking and
listening to the answers.
Ask questions that encourage children to explore and make connections with their previous
learning, give time for answers to be reflected on, and give children the opportunity to try out
their answers in pairs or small groups before presenting them to the rest of the class.
Children need time to think. Research evidence shows that teachers usually allow only
0.9 seconds between asking a question and expecting an answer or even answering the
question themselves. Leaving only 0.9 seconds demands that children simply react, they
do not think. However if between 3 and 5 seconds is left before allowing children to
answer this encourages them to provide more thoughtful answers and to analyse,
synthesise and evaluate.
Children need to be challenged to analyse, synthesise and evaluate but they do not always have
the language to be able to do so. See the Nutshells Not more but different (number 19) and

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Higher order thinking (number 25) for more about helping children frame, understand and
answer questions that require these skills.

Feedback is important: children need to know what they have done well and how to
improve their learning.
Children really appreciate written and oral feedback on their work. They
appreciate an explanation of where and how they have completed their work to a
high standard but they also need to know where to go next in their learning. This
can be problematic to some teachers as their children often complete their work
so well it is hard to know where to go next. This is where planning comes in.
Planning means that teachers know the next steps or that they have planned a
route that will extend, broaden or deepen current learning. This is not a route that
provides more of the same, but something different. Sometimes teachers may ask
the children to explore where they could go next and encourage their children to
negotiate a route for themselves.
Learning to make valid and appropriate choices should be part of all childrens education,
but teachers have to help their children learn to make good choices.

Involving children in the process of learning

The more children are involved in the whole process of learning the more motivated,
engaged and self-efficacious they become.
It is not enough to expect a pupil, even a highly able one, to be able to self assess and set
themselves routes for improvement. Initially the peer and self-assessment process will need to be
taught and led by the teacher, step by step, looking for evidence of each success criterion one at
a time, allowing more independence and therefore involvement over time. Children will come to
be able to determine appropriate areas for their own development and thus feel able to take
appropriate control of their own learning.
After teachers plan well learning strategies, teachers need to make an assessment / evaluation
to determine the success rate and the efficiency of learning. Mathematics learning in vocational
evaluation emphasizes the process and learning outcomes in accordance with the competencies
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to be achieved. Overview of the development of student teachers need to know in order to ensure
that students experience the process of learning properly. Some of the principles that need to be
considered in the assessment of learning mathematics is:
1. Valid
Assessment should provide accurate information about student learning outcomes , for
example when learning to use the experimental approach , the activities conducted
experiments should be one object judged .
2. Educate
Assessment should make a positive contribution to the achievement of student learning .
Assessment results must be declared and can be perceived as a reward for students who
work or as a trigger for the spirit of learning and the involvement of the less successful
students' mental attitude is more meaningful in the context of the learning.
3. Oriented competencies
Assessment should assess the achievement of competence as defined in the curriculum.
4. Fair
Assessment should be fair to all students with no background distinguishes social ,
economic , cultural , language , and gender.
5. Opens
Assessment criteria and basis for decision making should be clear and accessible to all
6. Sustainable
Assessment is done in a planned , gradual , and continuous to gain an overview of the
development of student learning.
7. Thoroughly
Assessment can be done by various methods and procedures including the collection of
evidence of learning outcomes (portfolio). Assessment of student learning outcomes
should include aspects of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes and values (affective), and
skills (psychomotor) are reflected in the habit of thinking and acting.
8. Meaningful
Assessment should be easy to understand , has a meaning , useful , and can be acted
upon by all parties .
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The conclusion that can be drawn from this paper is that the assessment for learning,
teachers use assessment as an investigative tool to find out as much as possible about what their
students know and can do, and what is confusion, prejudice, or gaps they have, and can
determine the methods that make students' skills and understanding visible, and promote student
learning. There are 10 principles of learning assessment, namely: assessment for learning should
be part of effective planning of teaching and learning, assessment for learning should focus on
how students learn, assessment for learning should be recognized as central to classroom
practice, assessment for Learning should be regarded as a key professional skill for teacher,
assessment for learning should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an
emotional impact, assessment for Learning should take account of the importance of learner
motivation, assessment for learning should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared
understanding of the criteria by which they assessed,learner should receive constructive guidance
about how to improve, assessment for learning should develops learners capacity for selfassessment so that they can become reflective and self managing, assessment for Learning
should recognize the full range of achievement of all learners. Beside that, in using Assessment
for Learning effectively in mathematics involves:Setting deep learning objectives, asking
questions or setting challenging activities, feedback, involving children in the process of
Teachers who has teach the material in the class by using appropriate strategy, must use
assessment process in evaluating their students when teaching learning process done in the class.
It is important to be done because assessment for learning can improve the motivation of
students in learning the course. Beside that it can also improve their competency in joining the
class because they can know their development of the course.

Assessment for Learning

Page 19


Apa keuntungan dan kelemahan dari acuan patokan dan acuan norma tersebut ?


Anik Ayu Dhana

Bagaimana cara mengetahui tinggi atau rendahnya tes validitas dan reabilitas ? Yang
mana lebih penting, validitas ato reabilitas ?

Karmila Putri

Apa bisa tes obyektif bisa digabungkan dengan tes essay? Isian singkat termasuk objektif
atau tidak ?

Nunik Noor

Ari Partini

Diyah Putri

Kendala-kendala dalam Assessment for Learning bagi guru di Indonesia ? Sejauh mana
penerapannya ?

Assessment for Learning

Page 20

Apakah Assessment for Learning dapat meningkatkan prestasi para siswa ??


Luh Adhi

Assessment for Learning

Page 21

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