PSSE Plotting

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The new plotting package in PSSTME version 31 allows users to interactively visualize and customize channel data from within the main graphical interface using a 'Plot Book'. It features an unlimited number of plots and channels per page as well as integration with other Microsoft applications.

Some new plotting features include displaying an unlimited number of charts on a page, seamless integration within PSSTME, ability to drag and drop channels onto charts from a tree view, automatic updating of charts on simulation runs, and export of charts and channel data to common formats.

The plotting package has been integrated seamlessly into PSSTME so channel files can be opened and studied without launching another application. Channel Plots, Slider Diagrams and Spreadsheet views can also be viewed simultaneously from within PSSTME.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Power Technology

Issue 101

PSSE Introduces Next Generation Plotting Package

Neeta Patwardhan
Senior Software Engineer
[email protected]

The ability to display numeric data effectively in a graphical form plays a critical role in
both understanding and deeper analysis of the contained information. From traditional
line graphs to three dimensional surfaces, a pictorial representation lends itself to
easier scrutiny and further investigation.
With PSSE version 31, Siemens PTI has launched a bold new charting tool enabling users to introduce
a powerful visual narrative into reports and presentations. This innovative feature allows engineers to
interactively visualize channel data from within the main graphical user interface. Charts are displayed in
a Plot Book a child window within the main application. Graphs embellished with a multitude of colors,
hidden nuances highlighted with customized annotations and trends displayed with similar line styles.
These are just a few of the possibilities that unfold from the pages of our new plotting book.
The plotting view is conceptualized as a book a multi-tabbed window with support for an unlimited
number of pages. Breaking out of traditional bounds, each page can display an infinite number of charts.
Furthermore there is no limit on the number of channels present on a chart. Editing operations can be
applied at the plot, page or book level. Popup menus for both chart and page functions help users
navigate through the interface faster.

Figure 1 - Multiple Plots on a Page

Power Technology

February 2008

The plotting package has been integrated seamlessly into PSSE so that users can now open and study
channel files without having to start another application. This makes for easier plot generation.
Furthermore, Channel Plots, Slider Diagrams and Spreadsheet views can be studied simultaneously from
within PSSE.

Figure 2 - Plotting Book and Slider Diagram in View

The design employs a fresh approach to data input. A channel file, once opened is displayed in a tree
view. Individual channels are placed on a chart with a simple drag and drop operation from tree nodes
representing the channels. Multiple channel files can be opened at the same time. Thus data from
different files can coexist on a chart enabling quicker comparisons. A new plot tab within the dynamics
interface contains the channel tree view. Once channel data has been displayed on a chart, it will be
automatically updated on successive dynamics simulation runs.
A chart editor allows easy modification of hundreds of look and feel attributes such as background color,
line display characteristics, axes titles, labels and fonts. There is no limit on the number of X, Y or Z axes.
Users have complete control over the appearance and position of axes as well as corresponding details
such as labels, grid lines, scale and tick marks. Customized annotation in a desired font can be placed
anywhere within the chart bounds. Enhancements such as headers and footers can be added in an
interactive manner. A chart is resized by dragging its corners. Users have complete flexibility in
determining the position and appearance of the legend. Channels can be turned on/off by simply using
checkboxes within the legend. The channel data values can be examined and modified to view results
immediately on the plot. Consequently, the appearance of a chart is entirely user configurable.

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Power Technology

February 2008

Figure 3 - Chart with Multiple Axes and Customized Annotation

Convenient interoperability with other Microsoft programs facilitates report generation. Charts can be
exported effortlessly to various popular graphics formats such Word Metafile, jpeg, gif or bitmap and then
inserted into a word document. Channel data can also be exported to Excel and XML formats. A handy
copy to clipboard feature can be used to copy charts from within PSSE and paste smoothly into any
other Microsoft application.
The plotting menu permits access to other PSSE functionality such as opening a saved case or
recording python scripts. Plotting actions can be recorded for later replay in batch mode. An automated
script can contain both plotting and other PSSE operations.
For those wishing to push the bounds further, some 3-D functionality is included. In addition to
conventional line graphs, a multitude of other chart types are provided that include surfaces, statistical
and financial charts.
PSSE will ship with PSSPLT to allow continued use of existing scripts and until the complete feature
set has been migrated. A future release will include the ability to save customized plot configurations as
well as other PSSE analysis functions. The plotting package has been designed with reusability in mind
and so has the potential for integration across the entire PTI product line.
Featuring a subset of PSSPLT functionality, this first version of our plotting package is only the prelude.
Subsequent releases will incorporate all of PSSPLT and more. Sit back and relax at your desktops.
Siemens PTI invites you to enjoy an interactive play. The main act is yet to follow.

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