Reported Speech
Reported Speech
Con el estilo directo, las palabras que son habladas se ponen entre
comillas. They all shouted, Hurry up
Con el estilo indirecto la forma es la siguiente: verb+ that+ clause.
Podemos utilizar say and tell como verbos. Si usamos say, no
necesitamos un objeto, cuando utilizamos tell si. She told me that
she felt ill. / He told us that hed lost his wallet./ He said that they
wanted to go home. /You said that you loved me.
Direct speech
Present simple/continuous. I
usually get up at 6am, he said./ Im
reading a great book, she said.
Past simple. We played tennis
together yesterday, she said.
Present perfect simple. Ive lived in
this area for years, Ben said.
Will. It will rain tomorrow, said the
weather forecast.
Can. I cant sing very well, he said
Reported speech
Past simple/continuous. He said he
usually got up at 6am/ she said she was
reading a great book.
Past perfect simple. She said theyd
played tennis together the day before
Past perfect simple. Ben said hed
lived in this area for years.
Would. The weather forecast said it
would rain the next day.
Could. He said he couldnt sing very
Reported questions:
Direct speech
Reported Speech
Question word+ auxiliary verb+
Question word+ subject+ verb. She
subject+ verb. What are you doing?
asked us what we were doing.
she asked
Yes/no questions
Auxiliary verb+ subject+ verb. Do you
If/whether + subject+ verb. He asked
want a sandwich? he asked.
me if I wanted a sandwich
1. Look at the sentences below and write them in reported
a. This is my latest film Anne said.
b. Ive already written my autobiography, Leonardo explained.
c. Ill start my own perfume business, said Sarah. .
Our new single sold 100000 copies last month, the band told us.
I asked her if she would come back and talk to us next month.