Brain Project Options

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Brain Choice Project

You will have a few options to choose from for this project, but all work must be:
1. Turned in on time.
2. Done independently and individually.
3. Your own work.
4. Neatly done, of high quality, and explained thoroughly.-Lined paper will not be accepted.

Please indicate which brain project you have decided to complete:

Brain Super Heroes:__________

Random Brain Project:___________

(Please do not purchase extra things for this, it not about spending money but using things you already own.)

Zombie Restaurant Menu:_________

You will give a short 5-6 minute presentation on your project. Part of your grade will come from your
peers evaluation of your project and the other part will come from my evaluation. In your presentation
you should include details about the function of the parts of the brain. Do not plan on reading directly
from your project. This should be entertaining for your classmates; reading a board is not entertainingthey know how to read. We will use a scale of 1-10. Here is what you will be graded on:
Does your project accurately provide information about the brain?
Were people able to understand you project and make connections to their knowledge of
the brain?
Did you think of interesting ways to convey the information?
Presentation Quality
Does your final product have a professional quality feel? Is there mistakes and do they
detract from your work?
Overall Ranking
Looking at the project as a whole, in class presentation included, how does your work

Option 1: Brain Super Heroes

What is the task?
You are to make up a superhero, villain, or sidekick for the following 16 areas of the human brain. What
would that character have as their special power and or special weakness if that part of their brain was
super. By the end you should have 16 separate characters.


7. Amygdala
8. Occipital Lobe
9. Temporal Lobe
10. Parietal Lobe
11. Frontal Lobe
12. Primary Motor Cortex

13. Somatosensory Cortex

14. Brocas Area
15. Wernickes Area
16. Corpus Callosum

What will my finished product look like?

You will need the following:

Character name
Picture/Drawing of that character in his/her full costume
A summary of what this character is all about and what their part of the brain is responsible.
You are on-task and working on the day given to you to work in class.
The summary and drawing should be hand-done on card stock or appropriate paper. No computer
images/typed projects will be accepted.
o Characters should be submitted in full-color, neatly constructed, and of the highest
o You will not be judged on your artistic talent, but rather the quality of your thought
o Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.

Pons Man Pons man has extreme relaxation abilities. Whenever he feels stress, all he has to do is think
of relaxing and hes chill. This is really helpful in extreme situations where his nemesis, Dr. Amygdala is
after him. The pons is responsible for relaxation and relaying information from the two sides of the body.
This project adapted from Justin Galusha, found at

Option 2: The Random Brain Project

Your assignment is to use objects that you already have (i.e. cannot go out and buy) and no longer need
(more-or-less) to create a brain that represents the functionality of the brain.
The rules are listed below.
1. Each brain part listed below must be represented.
2. All objects must be things you have already and dont need anymoreyou may not buy
3. The object used to represent each part of the brain must have a similar function as the part of the
brain it represents, for example:
The Reticular Formation is linked to arousal. Like an AA battery is linked to
energizing something.
4. All pieces must be connected and displayed together in a 3-D fashion, either free-standing or
suspendable from the ceiling of my classroom. (So it cannot be 100 pounds.)
5. You must include a key to your brain that labels each item in the brain, what it represents, and the
connection between the two in terms of function. Your key must be typed.
6. Work is to be done in class on the class Brain Project work day.


7. Amygdala
8. Occipital Lobe
9. Temporal Lobe
10. Parietal Lobe
11. Frontal Lobe
12. Motor Cortex

Picture credit: @dariaschaffeld

13. Somatosensory Cortex

14. Bocas Area
15. Wernickes Area
16. Corpus Callosum

Option 3: Zombie Menu

For this option you will need to design a menu for a restaurant for zombies. As you know, zombies are
fond of eating brains, and your goal is to create mouth-watering brain dishes for them to enjoy. Your
menu must be in printed form when it is submitted, but you can either design it digitally or by hand.
The name of your restaurant should be prominent on the menu page and the name of the restaurant must
be creative think of a name that would be attractive to zombies.
Each of your dishes must reflect a different part of the brain and be creatively named.
Be sure the name matches the function of the brain part as well. Each of the dishes must include
something about the function of that part, and will need to be described in an attractive way so that a
zombie will look forward to the dish that is, dont just mention that you are serving pituitary lobe, but
perhaps grilled pituitary that grows in your plate over a bed of sauted jasmine rice. The following parts
must be featured on your menu. Include pictures of at least 3 brain dishes.


7. Amygdala
8. Occipital Lobe
9. Temporal Lobe
10. Parietal Lobe
11. Frontal Lobe
12. Motor Cortex

13. Somatosensory Cortex

14. Brocas Area
15. Wernickes Area
16. Corpus Callosum

This project adapted, with permission, from Steve Jones, City of Medicine Academy. Steve can be
contacted at @highschoolpscyh or through his Teaching High School Psychology blog.

Option 4: Brain CD Assignment

One of the goals in teaching you Psychology this semester is that learning (and remembering what you
have learned) is an active process, and learning is best retained when you make it MEANINGFUL to you.
In order to successfully learn all the parts of the brain, you need to actively process what that brain part
does, its role in behavior, and how it relates to you. What better way than through the power of music?
For each of the following brain parts, you are to pick a song that adequately describes the function of that
brain part and tell me why this is a good song to help you remember that brain part. I have done one
example for you.
Brain Part:

Its Function:
Feeding, Fleeing,
Fighting, Sex Drive,
Homeostasis, and
body temperature

Hot and Cold by
Katy Perry

This song is about
love & lust (the sex
drive) and it also
mentions a person
being hot and cold
so it reminded me of
the hypothalamus,
which controls body

The following brain parts are required to complete this assignment:



7. Amygdala
8. Occipital Lobe
9. Temporal Lobe
10. Parietal Lobe
11. Frontal Lobe
12. Motor Cortex

13. Somatosensory Cortex

14. Brocas Area
15. Wernickes Area
16. Corpus Callosum

You need not actually make a CD, though you can if you want to. You may type this up, but hand writing
it is perfectly acceptable, too. Be neat if you choose that route, though.

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