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Lab 2 Networking Devices

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Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

Lab 2.1 Understanding Various Device Functions

It is important to understand how all devices operate on a network. These
devices include repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, brouters, routers, and
gateways. The purpose of this lab is to make sure you understand the
characteristics of all network devices.
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
Identify characteristics of repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, brouters,
routers, and gateways

Fill in the Device(s) column of Table 2-1 with the device being described. You
can fill in the table with repeater, hub, bridge, switch, brouter, router, or
gateway. Note that more than one device might match a specific



1. Operates at upper layers to translate

between different protocol suites
2. Filters traffic based on MAC address
3. Introduces the most latency on a network
4. Boosts the signal but does not segment the
5. Operates differently depending on whether
non-routable or routable protocols are in use
6. Creates broadcast domains

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

7. Creates a virtual circuit between sender and

8. Forwards broadcast traffic
9. Filters traffic based on logical address

Associated with the term micro-


Creates subnetworks


Connects computers in a physical star and

uses shared bandwidth


Creates collision domains


Operates at layer 1 of the OSI model


Operates at layer 2 of the OSI model


Operates at layer 3 of the OSI model

Table 2-1 Network device characteristics

Lab 2.2 Understanding Wireless Parameters and Terminology

Wireless is the fastest growing area of networking. You need to understand
how wireless devices operate, the associated standards and organizations,
wireless security measures, and wireless troubleshooting tips. In this lab, you
will match the correct wireless term with a definition.
After completing this lab, you will be able to:

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

Describe how wireless works

Explain the various 802.11 standards and the associated organizations
Understand wireless security and troubleshooting methods

Match each term in the following bulleted list with a definition in the
numbered list. Each bulleted term is used only once. Use the Internet and
Web sites such as www.whatis.com and www.webopedia.com if you
need to search for a definition.
Wi-Fi Alliance
Ad hoc mode
Infrastructure mode



1. Organization that developed the 802.11 specifications

2. Wireless security standard that replaced WEP and uses the TKIP algorithm
3. The latest and fastest 802.11 standard
4. This mode specifies that the client device associates with an access point
5. The wireless network name that is often broadcast so that clients can
associate using it
6. The IEEE port-blocking specification
7. The network access method used by 802.11 devices
8. The IEEE security standard based on WPA2
9. The IEEE standard that specifies 54 Mbps in the 5 GHz range
10. This mode specifies that the client device communicate directly with other

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

client devices and that no access point is used

11. A single access point in infrastructure mode
12. The original security standard for 802.11
13. The IEEE standard that specifies 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz range
14. Multiple access points connected in infrastructure mode
15. The IEEE standard that specifies 54 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz range
16. Organization developed to promote 802.11 usage

Lab 2.3: Performing Switch Startup and Initial Configuration



Addressing Table








Task 1: Establishing a console session with Tera Term
Task 2: Initializing and Reloading a Switch
Task 3: Verify the default switch setting
Task 4: Manage the MAC address table
Task 5: Configure an IP address on PC1 and PC2

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

In this lab, you will examine and configure a standalone LAN switch
connected with two PCs. Although a switch performs basic functions in its
default out-of-the-box condition, there are a number of parameters that a
network administrator should modify to ensure a secure and optimized LAN.
This lab introduces you to the basics of switch configuration.

Required Resources
1 Cisco Catalyst Switch 2960
2 PCs (Windows 7, Vista, or XP with terminal emulation program, such as
Tera Term)
Console cable to configure the Cisco IOS devices via the console ports
Ethernet cables to connect the PCs to the switch

Task 1: Establishing a Console Session with Tera Term

Step 1: Cable a network
Cable a network that is similar to the one in the topology diagram. You can use
any current switch in your lab as long as it has the required interfaces shown in
the topology.
Step 2: Create a console connection to the switch by Connecting a Cisco switch
and computer using a rollover console cable.
a. Connect the rollover console cable to the RJ-45 console port of the switch.
b. Connect the other cable end to the serial COM port on the computer.
Note: Serial COM ports are no longer available on most computers today. A
USB-to-DB9 adapter can be used with the rollover console cable for console
connection between the computer and a Cisco device.
Note: If using a USB-to-DB9 adapter to connect to the COM port, you may be
required to install a driver for the adapter provided by the manufacturer on your
computer. The correct COM port number is required to connect to the Cisco IOS
device using a terminal emulator.
To determine the COM port used by the adapter. If you are using a Microsoft
Windows 7 PC, you may need to perform the following steps to enable the COM
1. Click the Windows Start icon to access the Control Panel.
2. Open the Device Manager.
3. Click the Ports (COM & LPT) tree link to expand it. The Cisco Virtual Comm
Port00 icon displays with a yellow exclamation point attached.

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

c. Power up the Cisco switch and computer if these devices are not already on.
Step 3: Configure Tera Term to establish a console session with the switch.
Tera Term is a terminal emulation program. This program allows you to access the
terminal output of the switch. It also allows you to configure the switch.
a. Start Tera Term by clicking the Windows Start button located in the task bar.
Locate Tera Term under All Programs.
Note: If the program is not installed on the system, Tera Term can be
downloaded from the following link by selecting Tera Term:

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

b. In the New Connection dialog box, click the Serial radio button. Verify that the
correct COM port is selected and click OK to continue.
c. From the Tera Term Setup menu, choose the Serial port to verify the serial
settings. The default parameters for the console port are 9600 bauds, 8 data bits,
no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. The Tera Term default settings match the
console port settings for communications with the Cisco IOS switch.

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

d. When you can see the terminal output, you are ready to configure a Cisco switch.
The following console example displays the terminal output of the switch while it
is loading.

Task 2: Initializing and Reloading a Switch

In this task, you will use the erase startup-config command to ensure that the switch
has no prior configuration in the startup-config file. You will then reload the switch
software and observe the output that is generated during the reload. Finally, you will
investigate the properties of the switch.
Step 1: Enter privileged mode
Console into the switch and enter privileged EXEC mode The privileged EXEC
command set includes those commands contained in user EXEC mode, as well as the
configure command through which access to the remaining command modes are
gained. Enter privileged EXEC mode by entering the enable command.
Notice that the prompt changed in the configuration to reflect privileged
EXEC mode.
Step 2: Determine if there have been any virtual local-area networks (VLANs)
created. Use the show flash or dir flash: command to determine if any VLANs have
been created on the switch.
Switch#show flash
See if the vlan.dat file was found in flash
Which files or directories are found? ------------------------------------Step 3: Delete the VLAN file.

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

a) If the vlan.dat file was found in flash, then delete this file.
Switch# delete flash:vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]?
You will be prompted to verify the file name. At this point, you can change the file
name or just press Enter if you have entered the name correctly.
b) When you are prompted to delete this file, press Enter to confirm the deletion.
(Pressing any other key will abort the deletion.)

Delete flash:/vlan.dat? [confirm]

Step 4: Erase the startup configuration file.
Use the erase startupconfig command to erase the startup configuration file from
NVRAM. When you are prompted to remove the configuration file, press Enter to
confirm the erase. (Pressing any other key will abort the operation.)
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files!
Continue? [confirm] [OK]Erase of nvram: complete
Step 5: Reload the switch.
Reload the switch to remove any old configuration information from memory. When you
are prompted to reload the switch, press Enter to proceed with the reload. (Pressing any
other key will abort the reload.)
Switch# reloadProceed with reload? [confirm]
Note: You may receive a prompt to save the running configuration prior to reloading the
switch. Type no and press Enter.
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
After the switch reloads, you should see a prompt to enter the initial configuration
dialog. Type no at the prompt and press Enter to bypass the initial configuration dialog.
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?
[yes/no]: no
How do you know that the startup configuration has been erased? --------------

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

Task 3: Verify the default switch setting

Examine the current contents of NVRAM:
Switch# show startup-config
startup-config is not present
Why does this message appear? _______________________
Examine the current running configuration file.
Switch#show running-config
How many Fast Ethernet interfaces does the switch have? _______________________
How many Gigabit Ethernet interfaces does the switch have? _____________________
What is the range of values shown for the vty lines? ____________________________
Examine the Fast Ethernet interfaces. Examine the default properties of the Fast
Ethernet interface used by PC1 & PC2
Switch#show interface fastethernet 0/1
Switch#show interface fastethernet 0/4
Are the interfaces up or down? ______________________________________
What event would make an interfaces go up? _________________________
What is the MAC address of the interfaces? __________________________
What is the speed and duplex setting of the interfaces? _________________
Examine the following version information that the switch reports. Using the appropriate
show command, investigate the switch model number, software version, and amount of
RAM and flash memory.
Switch# show version
What is the Cisco IOS version that the switch is running? ________________________
What is the system image filename?_________________________________________
What is the base MAC address of this switch? _________________________________
What is the amount of RAM and flash memory?________________________________
What is the switch model?_________________________________________________


Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

Task 4: Managing the MAC Address Table

Step 1: Record the MAC addresses of the hosts.
Determine and record the Layer 2 (physical) addresses of the PC network interface
cards using the following commands:
Start > Run > cmd > ipconfig /all
PC1: _______________________________________
PC2: _______________________________________
Step 2: Determine the MAC addresses that the switch has learned.
Display the MAC addresses using the show mac-address-table command in privileged
EXEC mode.
S1#show mac-address-table
How many dynamic addresses are there? _______________________________
How many MAC addresses are there in total? ____________________________
Do the dynamic MAC addresses match the host MAC addresses? ____________
Step 3: List the show mac-address-table options.
S1#show mac-address-table?
How many options are available for the show mac-address-table command?
Show only the MAC addresses from the table that were learned dynamically.
S1#show mac-address-table address dynamic
How many dynamic addresses are there? _________________
Step 4: Clear the MAC address table.
To remove the existing MAC addresses, use the clear mac-address-table command
from privileged EXEC mode.
S1#clear mac-address-table dynamic
Step 5: Verify the results.
Verify that the MAC address table was cleared.
S1#show mac-address-table
How many static MAC addresses are there? ________________________
How many dynamic addresses are there? __________________________


Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154

Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

Step 6: Examine the MAC table again.

More than likely, an application running on your PC1 has already sent a frame out the
NIC to S1. Look at the MAC address table again in privileged EXEC mode to see if S1
has relearned the MAC address for PC1
S1#show mac-address-table
How many dynamic addresses are there? ________________________________
Why did this change from the last display?____________________________________
If S1 has not yet relearned the MAC address for PC1, ping the PC2 from PC1 and then
repeat Step 6.

Task 5: Configure an IP address on PC1 and PC2

Step 1: Configure the IP addresses and default gateway for PC1 and PC2 as
shown in table.
On a PC, click Start and choose Control Panel. Click Change Adapter Settings and
then right-click Local Area Network. Choose Properties. When you are presented with
the Local Area Connection Properties dialog, click Internet Protocol version 4
(TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties. In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Properties window, click the Use the Following IP Address radio button and enter the
appropriate IP address, subnet mask.

Step 2: Verify connectivity.

To verify the hosts and switch are correctly configured, ping the IP address of PC2 and
switch from PC1.
Was the ping successful? ________________________
If not, troubleshoot the switch and host configuration. Note that this may
take a couple of tries for the pings to succeed.

Georg Brown College

Fall 2016

Course: COMP1154


Date: Tuesday, Sep 20

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