PART THREE Decision Making
PART THREE Decision Making
PART THREE Decision Making
Decision Making:
The Essence of the Managers Job
Management 10e, Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
Managers make decisions. And they want those decisions to be good decisions. In
this chapter, were going to study the steps in the decision-making process. Well
also look at the various things that influence a manager as he or she makes
decisions. Focus on the following learning outcomes as you read and study this
Learning Outcomes
6.1 Describe the eight steps in
the decision-making process.
6.2 Explain the three ways managers make decisions.
6.3 Classify decisions and decision-making conditions.
6.4 Describe different decision-making styles and discuss how biases affect decision
6.5 Identify effective decision-making techniques.
Everyone in an organization makes decisions, but decision making is particularly
important in a
managers job. Decision making is such an important part of all four managerial
functions that
decision making is said to be synonymous with managing. The complexity of
managerial decision making ranges from routine choices to highly complicated
issues. In Chapter 6, students learn about the Decision-Making process and study
models and guidelines for making effective programmed and non-programmed
The opening situation in A Managers Dilemma tells of Michael Barretts challenge
as a CEO
of GE Money China. Facing a problem common to Chinese financial institutions, Mr.
C. Step 3: Allocating weights to the criteria. The criteria identified in Step 2 of the
decision-making process
do not have equal importance, so the decision maker must assign a weight to each
of the items in order to give each item accurate priority in the decision. Exhibit 6-2
lists the criteria and weights for Joans franchise purchase decision.
D. Step 4: Developing alternatives. The decision maker must now identify viable
alternatives that could resolve the problem.
E. Step 5: Analyzing alternatives. Each of the alternatives must now be critically
analyzed by evaluating it against the criteria established in steps 2 and 3. Exhibit 63 shows the values that Amanda assigned to each of Her alternative for a new
computer. Exhibit 6-4Reflects the weighting for each alternative, as illustrated in
Exhibits 6-2 and 6-3.
F. Step 6: Selecting an alternative. This step to select the best alternative from
among those identified and assessed is critical. If criteria weights have been used,
the decision maker simply selects the alternative that received the highest score in
Step 5.
G. Step 7: Implementing the alternative. The selected alternative must be
implemented by effectively communicating the decision to the individuals who will
be affected by it and winning their commitment to the decision.
H. Step 8: Evaluating decision effectiveness. This last step in the decision-making
process assesses the result of the decision to determine whether or not the problem
has been resolved.
At this point in the study of Chapter 6, students will learn about the manager as a
decision maker and how decisions are actually made in organizations. In this
section, students examine how decisions are made, the types of problems and
decisions faced by real-life managers, the conditions under which managers make
decisions, and decision making styles.
A. Making Decisions: Rationality.
Managerial decision making is assumed to be rationalthat is, making choices that
are Consistent and value maximizing within specified constraints.
If a manager could be perfectly rational, he or she would be completely logical and
1.Rational decision making
assumes that the manager is making decisions in the best interests of the
organization, not in his or her own interests.
2.The assumptions of rationality
can be met if the manager is faced with a simple problem in which (1) goals
are clear and alternatives limited, (2) time pressures are minimal and the cost
of finding and evaluating alternatives is low, (3) the organizational culture
supports innovation and risk taking, and (4) outcomes are concrete and
people? As future managers in the business world, your students should consider
the value added through diversity in decision making.
B. Decision-Making Biases and Errors
Managers use different styles and rules of thumb (heuristics) to simplify their
decision making.
1.Overconfidence bias
occurs when decision makers tend to think that they know more than they do or
hold unrealistically positive views of themselves and their performance.
2.Immediate gratification bias
describes decision makers who tend to want immediate rewards and avoid
immediate costs.
3.The anchoring effect
describes when decision makers fixate on initial information as a starting point and
then, once set,
fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.
4.Selective perception bias occurs
when decision makers selectively organize, and interpret events based on their
biased perceptions.
5.Confirmation bias occurs
when decision makers seek out information that reaffirms their past choices and
discount information that contradicts their past judgments.
6.Framing bias occurs
when decision makers select, and highlight certain aspects of a situation while
excluding others.
7.Availability bias is seen
when decision makers tend to remember events that are the most recent and vivid
in their memory.
8.Decision makers who show representation bias
assess the likelihood of an event based on how closely it resembles other events or
sets of events.
9.Randomness bias
describes the effect when decision makers try to create meaning out of random
10.The sunk costs error is
when a decision maker forgets that current choices cannot correct the past. Instead
of ignoring sunk costs, the decision maker cannot forget them. In assessing
choices, the individual fixates on past expenditures rather than on future
11.Self-serving bias
is exhibited by decision makers who are quick to take credit for their successes and
blame failure on outside factors.
12.Hindsight bias
is the tendency for decision makers to falsely believe, once the outcome is known,
that they would have accurately predicted the outcome?
C. Summing Up Managerial Decision Making
1.Exhibit 6-12 provides an overview of managerial decision making.
Managers want to make good decisions because doing so is in their best
2.Regardless of the decision, it has been shaped by a number of factors,
which have been discussed in Chapter Six.
Todays business world revolves around making decisions, which are often risky
ones made with
incomplete or inadequate information and under intense time pressure. How can
make effective decisions under these conditions?
A. Understand cultural differences.
B. Know when it is time to call it quits.
C. Use an effective decision-making process.
D. Build highly reliable organizations (HROs) that practice five habits:
7.Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good
managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How can managers
improve their decision-making skills?
Time pressures, incomplete information, and higher levels of uncertainty in
todays business environment may lead to ineffective decision making. Managers
can improve their decision-making skills by focusing on six characteristics of
effective decision making, including focusing on important criteria, logic and
consistency; blending subjective and objective thinking with analysis; requiring the
information necessary to resolve a particular dilemma; gathering relevant and
informed opinions; and remaining flexible